Clean UP Put AWAY!

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first day back on the farm after harvest i was  gone for a couple days had a couple things out of   ten too but i got back and guys we've been putting  stuff away good for them there's the wagner   might be getting closer to that  thing working on it but not yet   soon so i got something to do as you can see  the versatile's gone yeah some owner has it off   to michigan somewhere so hopefully the tractor  helps out another tractor run or they fix it up   but it really wasn't in our cars to do so we were  gonna mess with it but we got some plans i've got   some plans some things we're going to be doing  there's some machinery that needs moved around   uh leg arms is putting some rot peas in the  field they're next to the bins i'm gonna go   get my hand in a second and then we've got  a bunch of old vehicles here that need moved   and we're going to put them inside storage one  being like the minneapolis moline i'd like to   get that side thing inside now we've done that  work onto it another thing are these old cars   that buick's no good that needs like a tractor  drive over it but the comet the longhorn a couple   that stuff we'd like to put inside and get it  out of the weather as now we have more room   on the farm since we built the bins we don't  have grain and buildings and we've spread our   equipment on the buildings so now we can put some  of this fun stuff that needs work done and be cool   projects down the road inside all that stuff and  then there's that thing it smells fantastic here oh here give me that shovel so fun fact we almost  filled every green bit on the farm i know we had   some in greyman's so we estimated to our best  of our knowledge looking at the crop and what we   thought the yields were out there because we don't  know until we actually harvest it and you can't   100 plan perfectly and have all the space you  need so at the time we started putting in grain   bags knowing that we'd have more wheat and peas  and what not to put in the bins with that said   this bin is empty and this bin's empty he's only  hold a little over a little under 5 thousand each   wait no that one's that one's full those  two are empty with that said we've got   ten thousand bushels of bins here that well we  didn't use that's because the chickpeas yielded   a lot less than we thought we  thought we were gonna get about 20   25 bushels in acres of chickpeas yeah more like  14. so if it would have yielded what we thought   those would add chickpeas in them didn't  turn out but that was the last crop of the   whole harvest season so there was no way  for us to really know until we harvested   so i'm gonna help shovel some stuff here this guy  he didn't give me a shovel so i ain't got my own harder to get that it looks that's neither  greenback you don't care about just suck it up and   put it somewhere but that's all right we're trying  to go to some of stuff that is rots real bad   put it away the plan that i have for this setup  here because that setup there is just so riggedy   it's got a lot of holes a lot of leaks a lot of  problems needs work done and the time it would   take to get a fixing to run the way we wanted to  and the capacity that we want it would just be way   more than just putting doors on the backside of  these bins so that's the plan is we're going to   get some doors lined up not very big door just  a door you can get a grain back in on the back   side and then we'll suck these things out from the  back with a grain back and that'll be way faster   than using this setup to unload way smoother way  less hassle we'll leave the front doors and then   this can always be a backup in case some reason we  can't get the vac in the back make sense good deal okay i'm here with chad uh the boys brought  back this uh my uh duramax 045 diesel pickup   from the mishap that happened a couple days ago  when we were roofing um i don't know if they said   much but had someone go down to get some more  shingles and there was a miscommunication and um   what happened is there was some gasoline that was  put into this diesel in fact there was a lot of   gas put in this diesel went down the road about 35  miles and decided it better not go anymore and it   started misfiring he went  off to the edge of the road   stopped turned it back on again wouldn't start we  don't know what damage has been done to the engine   of the whole fuel system right on through the  injectors injector pump but we need to get this   gas out of this vehicle um so he's chad's here to  help me um so what we're gonna do is uh we've got   a transfer pump here we're gonna suck the main  tank the big tank as much as we can out um then   i think we're going to have to drop the tank cl  drop the filter we're going to take all the lines   the diesel cooler clear up to the injector  pumps we're going to have to pull all that off   and flush it with diesel because we don't know  if it's run we don't know what damage is done   but uh first thing is is to get rid of the gas so  here we go we're gonna go ahead and start see if   this works we got a hose down in there go ahead  and turn it on we'll see if it starts to suck now there's a little bit of i see uh  hydraulic oil that's left in this pump   from uh probably pumping a big bud fuel  uh hydraulic tank out but we're seeing   if we can get it to siphon i start  to feel like it's trying to siphon yeah as it's pumping um like they said we don't  know how much damage uh i'm sure there could be   some um we'll get to that far and then we're  gonna do a little research we might actually   take it even down to we get all the system cleaned  out take it down to a diesel place in great falls   uh we'll see we might try to just start it after  we get the fuel and just kind of see if we do that   i can put my programmer on it and we can check  the injectors see if there's uh differences in the   injector pressures ejector amounts um but we'll  have to do more research but this is the basics   at least get the system cleaned out we do  have uh the diesel tank empty and the pickup   got it in this uh and now the process is  i think we're gonna put it in the shop   and uh we'll do the process of trying to see about  dropping that tank they said you should probably   drop the tank and make sure there  is no gas residue anywhere on it   um so that's probably what we're going  to need to do we just better do that   of course we got filters and and lines underneath  and we'll just kind of follow it blow them out   maybe pump a little diesel through them flush  them so we'll see what damage has been done so let's open up the kwan set take a look inside  and figure out what we need to do in there to   get stuff in there i think we're gonna put the  ditch witch in there um the blue pete's gonna   go in for sure the beer peter red pete i think  we're gonna keep that one outside just because   well it's paint paint jobs already shot trucks  frames cracking it's not worth a whole lot so   we're not too worried about that one being  outside but uh wave runners a couple odds   and ends to clean up along the sides here some  flooring stuff from the bins that wasn't used   so we'll quickly clean this all up and uh get  some vehicles in here this place ain't sweet we might be using those next week  so we'll take them out here for now   they run really good it's getting a little older  like everything else and there's that beauty   classic that'll do let's put some stuff in here  ford no mercury comet first kind of a ford mercury   it's a cool old car gutless needs work guys are  getting the comet hooked up to the defender so   we'll pull the k-m defender should be good with  that this thing i think i'll start last time we   ran it a little while ago it was good should be  for all the work we did to do it so i just went   ahead and turned the fuel on and just started  draining down this would get this baby to pop he's good to go i'm gonna drain the fuel  when we get it over there no reason to have   gas did it for knew how nothing knows how long  probably all winter we'll see we got our pretty   yank of rope right here you know it's more of  a recovery rope but hey works great as a toro   those are good ropes by the way if you want to  check them out in the link in the description   below yank them ropes good ropes all right where  was i let's fire this thing up how about second there we go and i spilled some  oil down here and it is slippery mice made a mess of that car but it will drive  it's actually run just needs a lot of tlc so   what do you guys think we could definitely put 11  56 cummins in here 11 56. no no no 11 50. 11 p.m   first tile 1156 versatile in here there's no such  thing as just so you know what a five nine cummins   fit in there probably not would an ls2 engine fit  in there probably but this would be probably not   actually cut off you'd have to remove it would fit  perfectly yeah a little forward t would be okay   though according to d boss garage that engine's  not that great you're gonna take that thing all   by yourself what does that mean what do you  want to drive the four seater what is this   that's the one inch diameter yanking rope okay  chad approves he likes it so that's a longhorn   it's like a 72 they only made like 1700 of  those trucks i think somewhere around that   line it's a pretty cool pickup it's got like  a six inch extension in the bed it's got a   freshly rebuilt 350 in it but in the breaking  process something happened to the camshaft   i don't know we're not entirely sure we  got to tear it apart and look at it but   basically we parked it ran out of time to  fix it and then big brute came on the scene   you guys know it's been like since big  brood international i put this thing low better this could be the only time this tractor's  ever actually been stored inside when it's not   being used or just stored its whole life it's been  sad outside so besides when we were working on it   so it's in for a real treat this winter gets to  hang out in this place no more snow on it i'm sure   the mice will still be in here but no more rain  on it no more sun it's gonna get some use soon leg arms well that's a good feeling got  that inside a couple more things i'm going   to pull the battery out of the ditch  which here we'll leave it here for now   this old concrete mess we got to get  some big machine like big machine   the jackhammer and break that all up rip that out  of here these three bins are probably going to go   clean this all open it'll be a nice open area  all the way through so that way when we get   six more of these west steels we'll have room  for them we're not getting six more not yet   now that harvest is over it's time to clean  combines we already got the combines kind   of blown off this one needs a little bit more  except for there's a problem with this when the   back tower was actually getting low of air come to  find out the back tires got a crack in it luckily   we have a spare for it but we'll worry about  that later but i already went ahead washed up   b-spine the b-spine's ready to go in the building  building's cleaned up and ready to go and then we   also have the b-spine header which is cleaned  up and that's ready to go in the building too   we are actually chadster or what do you  want to call him he's cleaning the other   header off so we can get that all prepped  up and then he'll bring it over wash it off   and then once this one's clean we'll wash that  one off too and just keep getting stuff done and   maintenance stuff and we're gonna put  them away get it out of the weather and uh   then we can prop our feet up and spend time with  our families so anyways let's get back to work these spines in the building we got some  tires back there too that's for another   day and then of course we got the two buds the  third bud is in the other shop we got to use   it to pull around uh this grain cart and a few  other things that's going on we'll get to that   that's another day do i have a smug face it's  a smudged face oh smudge yeah yeah there we go guess what somebody's stealing our tractor  well maybe it's not our tractor but   see this red tractor right there yeah we're  gonna miss you 620 but guess what it might   be back keyword might maybe if we say  pretty please and like cherry on top   come on case ih you know you could just stay here  forever that'd be fine we got a nice home in here   we don't have any peas in the building we could  set it in there but in the meantime i guess it's   got to go somewhere else uh well do some other  work so anyways let's see this thing loaded up we're gonna miss it don't worry i'm not getting teary-eyed yet could  be later it's not right now combine number two   clifford is actually pretty clean and washed  up thanks to chadster he did all the washing   and uh yeah let's park it in this building   right about there three inches over  that way but right in that area we're this close to just getting stuff  put away cleaned up and then we can just   okay we'll get there and since the headers are all cleaned up we're  gonna go put them away in the building and   uh i think we're gonna use both side by  sides oh look at that that was meant to be it works they fit the building's just long  enough for them to fit in here and uh yeah   we still have enough room to put uh something  in the middle of this i don't know what maybe   a camper oh there's a nail take that nail away  um i don't know maybe a truck or two but uh   yeah chad stir did that single handly oh  yeah give a thumbs up at least there you go all right so yeah i did it shame on me maybe we're  gonna give them a try i don't know most developer   firearms channels and built on the backs of gopros  i about a year ago jumped to osmo action from   dji just because i got fed up with reliability  issues with these cameras but the quality from   these cameras is superior to that of the cameras  i'm using currently it's just i can't deal with   the camera that you know only works 60 of the time  so we're gonna find out mr gopro hero9 i have the   media mod coming i'm gonna hook it up get a rig  set up put it through the test if it works well   i'll slowly convert all of our cameras over  because i prefer the quality from these   than what the osmo does but the osmo is  just so reliable it just keeps working you better prove yourself worthy or i'm selling  you i am not afraid of ebay it'll go there you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 256,444
Rating: 4.9793262 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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