CLEAN DECLUTTER & ORGANIZE 2024 / Extreme Motivation / Organizing & Decluttering Ideas / Realistic!

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[Music] I dance like no one's going to see and I love nobody HT me you might think I'm a little strange but I'm not going to change oh no welcome back to my channel for some cleaning and decluttering motivation honestly the house wasn't looking too bad from a tidiness standpoint but the exciting part about that is that we can spend less time tidying and more time doing some deeper cleaning projects that we don't always get to I figured that in today's voiceovers I would talk about some of the ways that decluttering has really changed and improved Our Lives as a family so clean with me declutter with me and let's talk about all the good that has come from my Throwing It All Out Journey this year can you say hi hi say I'm s in [Music] I'm the first room that we're working on today is the living room so we live in a 1100t home and we have two kids we have a basement that we finished a portion of to create a playroom for them but the majority of the time we are upstairs as a family the kids bedrooms are not big enough to house their toys so we have toys in our living space and something that has really helped to keep the toy clutter down is doing a toy rotation system and of course regularly going going through what they have and donating what they aren't using anymore toy clutter used to absolutely take over our living room it was so stressful for me and for all of us and I have found the kids play so much better having less toys available to them and rotating them out so it always feels like they have something new it is so much easier to keep our living area clean now and it literally is like a 5 to 10 minute tidy up at the end of the night on most nights which is so freeing I feel like I've gained back so much time I was missing a couple of toys so I wanted to see if they were in the couch but while I took it apart I also noticed that it was filthy in there so we're going to vacuum out the [Music] couch there's this little pocket on the side of the couch that every once in a while Things fall down in here usually this is where we find our remote if we lose it but it's really hard to reach in and I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of cars down [Music] there first of all do you see all of this that I pulled out of the couch it's crazy but second I actually cut myself doing this so maybe don't try this at [Music] home with heavy eyes while I shiver inside with a heavy heart I know what I've done something about decluttering that I don't hear a ton of people talk about is time I've started to really judge whether or not I need something based on my time like is it worth my time to keep this item or is it worth my time to buy this item I used to spend so much time just tidying up my house and I'd turn around and it would be messy again now we have two kids we're busy there will always be messes to clean but when you have an overabundance of things it's so much harder to maintain a tidy space and therefore you're going to spend so much time just trying to clean it up and I don't know about you guys but a messy space triggers anxious feelings for me it was a constant cycle of feeling anxious looking at the mess and not even knowing where to begin to clean it tidying up only for it to be messy again so if there is any motivation for you to get your house decluttered think of all the time that you could earn back in your day-to-day life it's truly life-changing and I am just loving the fact that now that I'm not spending so much of my time tidying up putting things back shoving things into drawers I can do some of the other cleaning projects that were neglected so like cleaning vents cleaning walls cleaning under my stove cleaning under my dishwasher I have been just loving this new era of having less stuff and being able to do more of a deep dive into other areas of my [Music] life you know sat and drank so much water the night before that he peed through his overnight diaper which like has never happened in his entire life so I had to strip his bed and wash all of that this morning and then I was putting his bed back together and hopes that he would take a nap but while I was doing this I happened to notice that underneath and behind his crib was looking really yucky there was just some stuff that had fallen back there but it was also very dusty I feel like the camera barely picks it up but there was just a lot of stuff back there so I wanted to get that cleaned out while I was thinking about [Music] it I hit my arm on the door I just kept getting hurt on this day so um I said ow and Sutton ran and grabbed me a Band-Aid and I thought that was so cute and I thought he was going to put it on my arm but he put it on my hand instead he didn't quite understand what happened but it was just really sweet that he did that but now we're going to get my Robot vacuum going and then while that's running I'm going to start decluttering underneath our bathroom vanity I cannot imagine at this point what it would be like to have more than one bathroom this is it for us so we have to be strategic about what we store in here and that's another thing about decluttering you have to live within the space that you have you simply cannot buy everything you want because where are you going to store it I used to have a double vanity and I had so so much stuff that I never used and I think it was simply because I had the space to store it now I have to be a lot more mindful about what I'm purchasing and what I'm keeping and that is definitely helpful for keeping clutter down but also for my finances I have enough razors for probably like a year of my life at this point I'm on a subscription with Athena club which I've been doing for years and I didn't realize I had so many so I need to pause that for a little bit because I am good for quite some time I feel like I always forget to switch them out so while I was filming this I went ahead and switched my Razor out so if you need to do that as well make sure you do that because I have to be so careful about what I'm keeping and the items in my home that means the stuff that I do have is good and it works and it's worth my time and my storage space so we are going to talk about something I won't be decluttering today and that is my dermac Clara occlusion patches and I have a special account to share with you guys as well so I wanted to come out into my kitchen where I had a little bit better lighting so that I could talk about these with you guys these were in my drawers in the bathroom and these are my dermac Clara patches I have the forehead ones I have the neck ones and then I also have the eyes and mouth and this is one of those things that I saw it I've seen other influencers talking about it I did not really understand what it was but I knew that I wanted to try it I was just really curious but I was truly not expecting for the them to work as well as they do I actually I think it was like my third day using them I had to FaceTime my friend because I was using like the forehead one and I took some before shots um the first time I used it since I knew I was going to be working with derac CLA and I actually had to show her the before shot and then myself on day three like raising my eyebrows to show her how insane the difference was I could not believe it I like needed to show somebody else immediately so I am a True Believer in these I can speak from experience I think I'm on day n today of using the forehead patch and I have noticed such a huge difference so if you've never heard of these before they are 100% medical grade silicone patches and they're clinically proven to treat things like scars stretch marks wrinkles so I will put up on the screen my before of my forehead area because you guys have to see this it's actually crazy and then I'm going to put up my after and I think I'll film that tomorrow morning so that'll be day 10 of me using these you can use these ones up to 30 times I I think some of the different patches for different areas have a different number of times you could use them but you really want to take good care of them to make sure that you get the most out of them so I have the patch prep and this really helps just to keep them in good condition so to use the patch prep you spray like one to two pumps on the adhesive side of the silicone after you use it and that just helps to clean it remove dead skin or oil or anything like that and then you rinse it under warm water you let it air dry and then when it's all dry you put it back onto the reusable backing card this is my forehead head one like I said I have been using this so this one's probably looking a little wonky at this point but it's still in really good condition it's very adhesive I haven't had any problems with it so I will absolutely not be decluttering these I love them so much and the results truly speak for themselves dermaclara silicone patches use something called occlusion technology which helps to stimulate collagen production encourage hydration and promote healing these won't just treat wrinkles and stretch marks these can actually help prevent them they also help your skincare products sink deeper into your skin making them more effective I'm so excited about these the results so far are so promising and right now using my code Catherine and my link you can get 20% off plus up to 30% off already discounted products for up to 50% off so be sure that you check that out and I just want to say a big thank you to derac Clara for partnering with me on this week's video so moving back into the bathroom I went through all of the drawers I Consolidated everything I could and now I'm going through my son's bath toys I needed to get rid of a couple of these there were like broken bath crayons and then there was a duck that was full of water and probably also full of mold so I had to get rid of that and then I will shove that back under the vanity here again this is our only bathroom so we have to be kind of creative about the way that we store things but now I'm going through all of the items that I kind of took out and just figuring out what I can keep and what I can get rid of we're also going to clean off the vanity but it ends up looking so much better in here I like I said cannot imagine what it would be like to have more than one bathroom and sometimes I think about this when I'm going through an area like this this is our one and only vanity so if we ever move and we have a bigger house and we have more than one bathroom and a double vanity it is going to look so empty because we just don't have very much stuff at this [Music] [Applause] [Music] point and here's everything I decluttered out of the bathroom some of it is just to declutter some of it's trash and some of it is recycling but for now I'm throwing it all into a trash bag and I will go through that later when I'm done filming it's hard to stay real in a world full of fakes it's hard to find truth when the liar are great I'm trying my best to stay of your way oh oh you talk a big but got nothing to say you hold your head high but your morals fade I know you feel cool but you bubble break oh my husband has this big first aid kit that I think he got from work and I noticed it was looking disgusting next to the vanity so I wanted to pull it out so I could clean back there and then clean off the first aid kit now I personally never use this first aid kit and if it were up to me I would declutter it but I think he would be upset because for some reason he loves this [Music] thing is at that age right now where he might nap but he also might not nap he's been in his crib for a good 45 minutes and he's still rolling around in there very much awake and he keeps saying mommy where are you so I don't have the heart to leave him in there anymore he's not like crying or anything but he's just not going to sleep so we will be filming the rest of this video with him today and I guess we'll see how that goes before I grab him though I've been kind of collecting things from around the house so that's everything I'm decluttering from the bathroom and then this is just random stuff I found as I've been cleaning so I am going to declutter this truck he loves this truck but it's broken so trash on it um the wheel is broken off and it's just not fixable so yeah I'm going to declutter this before I get him because if he sees me get rid of it he's going to be really upset who's that mun Munch oh munchkins I don't know if we have any left you want munchkins though munchkins unfortunately for Sutton we did not have any munchkins left you can see the empty box actually right there on my nightstand because he had finished them off that morning he is obsessed with Dunkin Donuts munchkins which obviously is not like the healthiest thing in the world but you guys know that we've really struggled with Sutton's eating he's just not a big eater and he absolutely loves munchkins so when we've had a couple of days where he's refused to eat anything we do get him a box of munchkins and he certainly enjoys those but anyway I wanted to quickly make my bed and then we're going to move on to the kitchen I had a box from Amazon and this was just batteries for my camera and so I'm unboxing that and then I'm getting rid of all the recycling kind of tidying up this part of the counter it was looking a little bit cluttered and then we're going to move on to doing [Music] dishes s my soul just to be someone you want to know who you like ins [Music] of the robot vacuum is going right now so it's loud but sometimes when you guys see me rinsing my dishes and then putting them in the dishwasher I get questions about why I do that and I wanted to share exactly why I do that by by removing sorry it's so dark the filter okay ready for this so I have taken this out probably one other time before and we have had this dishwasher since 2021 I believe it was like end of 2021 maybe when we got this and it's not even very dirty at all I have seen these things look like they are growing limbs it is sickening to think about my dishes being washed in something that looks disgusting so rinsing my dishes and not running them through the dishwasher with a bunch of food caked on them is the reason why it looks like this in the spirit of spring cleaning I am going to wash it off even though it barely needs it y so full of and I'm of you cuz you're always in my space apologize came a little too late so on this dining room table right now these are all the things I had just kind of collected around the house as I was cleaning up so found them under the couch or under Furniture behind Sutton's crib so I'm just going through everything and figuring out what is trash and then what are like little pieces of toys that need to get put back with the toy that they belong to and all that honestly a lot of it was trash so I was able to get rid of quite a bit if something has fallen behind the crib or it's been under the couch and it's been there for months and no one has asked for it then at that point I'm probably just going to get rid of it because nobody is missing [Music] it you see me now [Music] and one more space I wanted to quickly pick up was our entryway table if you guys watch my channel you know we tend to just like put stuff down here and walk away so I wanted to quickly get everything back wherever it belongs and then wipe down the dining room table and the [Music] island I always know I'll be the one to care a little bit way too much now I'm going to I am sure that a lot of moms can relate to this but my house is just never going to be fully picked up and I've come to accept that I've been cleaning all day but you can see there are still toys out there's still messes and that's fine with me our houses are meant to look lived in we're not in a phase of Our Lives where we can have completely bare cleaned off countertops there's always going to be footballs and basketballs and cars on the floor for us to trip over and I wouldn't have it any other way I feel like these last 6 and 1/2 years of us having small kids has flown by so fast and I'm going to miss this phase of my life so immensely someday I embrace all of the mess my kids leave behind I love seeing their little toys on the floor someday I'll have a clean home all the time and I'll be sad about [Music] it I saw you acoss [Music] the I noticed that underneath our toaster oven there was a lot of crumbs and dust so I moved that over so I could clean that up and then I also wanted to clean off our Stove Top and I always use the pink stuff to do this and a sponge it works so well and my stove top always looks shiny and beautiful and brand new after I finish using this to you I know know you but I want to get to know you just to get to know I had noticed that one of my kitchen cabinets was looking a little bit cluttered and it's not because there was stuff in here that we don't need or don't use it was just because it was put back kind of improperly so I just wanted to go through it fix it up and get everything back where it [Music] belongs stay another night I don't know you just kind of like cleaning random stuff around the house but I just want to acknowledge the fact that as I've been cleaning today I've been kind of trying to just find any clutter that I could get rid of um collecting random things putting them in piles and then going through them and I really thought I would have a lot more in this trash bag right now a lot of this is just recycling you feel like the mess in your house is kind of controlling your life and it's causing anxiety for you and you're feeling like everywhere you turn there's stuff everywhere and you have nowhere to put it and you're just constantly cleaning up the same messes over and over and over again really consider decluttering because it is insane what it has done to my mindset and just how much better we all feel as a family our house used to just be a wreck and I'm sure you guys know that if you've been watching my channel for a long time all of my videos the house was a complete disaster there was stuff absolutely everywhere I would spend so much time just trying to find places to put things back and just not having a home for them my cabinets were full of clutter the closets were full of clutter and now we're at a point where I can do deeper cleaning projects because I'm not spending all of my time trying to just tidy up the house if that makes sense because there's not stuff everywhere anymore and it's been such a freeing thing for me I'm excited to do more deeper cleaning projects in my videos I really want to pull out the stove I don't think I can do it on my own but I want to clean under the stove I know it's disgusting under there and anyway my point is that I feel like decluttering has truly changed our lives in a lot of different ways and I'm just really proud of myself for that and now sattin is screaming because he's excited about the robot vacuum so with that I'm going to stop talking you'll see me struggle here for a second trying to get this drawer out and then I Googled how to do it because I wasn't sure I did try to pull the whole stove out but I just can't do that without my husband so I pulled the bottom drawer out and look at all this there was so much stuff under there and so much dust so we're going to clean this up [Music] now without I had to grab my broom to reach back and get everything cuz I was definitely not going to stick my hand back there I just live in fear that I'm going to like reach into a space and there's going to be like a mouse or a big spider or something and I'm going to touch it so the broom it is to grab everything out from under the stove and then I'll just use my vacuum to suck up all the dust and I ended up throwing away most of the stuff that I found under the [Music] stove the robot vacuum cannot get all the way under my Island here just because of the chairs it does try it will climb over the chairs a little bit but it's just not able to do the best job right up against the island so I just grabbed my vacuum and cleaned that up real quick and then I'm also vacuuming under the dishwasher and if you're wondering why we don't have like a kick plate or whatever it's called that is because when we were having our kitchen renovated somebody threw away the kick plate that goes to our dishwasher and we just never got it replaced because it was like 50 bucks or something which is crazy and It's upsetting because we already had one but somebody mistakenly threw it away and I was hoping that the person who did the renovations would like take accountability for that and they would replace it but they did not so we still just don't have one and I really should just B the bullet and buy a new one but I haven't gotten around to it yet and so stuff gets under the dishwasher unfortunately but the next area that we're going to clean is in my bedroom I noticed that behind my dresser was looking very dusty and there was a pair of boots back there that shouldn't have been an old scale so I grabbed all that I pushed the dresser out of the way vacuumed behind there and then I also noticed that our return air duct that we have in our bedroom was looking very dusty so I wanted to vacuum that vent off and I also did the same trick I did in last week's video with a washcloth and a butter knife and used that to run it along all the grates I guess of the vent to just make sure I could get as much dust out of there as possible I probably should just take this off and clean it like in the sink or something but I wasn't about to do that on this day so I just did the best I could small thinking you left small minded trying to pick up my mattress and clean underneath it is so much work and our room is not big enough that I can move the whole bed to vacuum underneath it so instead I had my son go under the bed and get all the random junk that was in there out and then I just kind of moved the bed a little bit so I could vacuum behind it and then after I vacuumed all of this dust that was back here I laid on the floor and I vacuumed underneath the bed as much as I could but yeah I wasn't about to pick up the whole mattress or anything like that when my husband was not home that just did not sound fun to me so I did the best that I could and I think this is good enough for now and honestly our Robot vacuum goes under the bed and vacuums all the time so it wasn't too bad but the only reason why I needed to do this is because of the random stuff those are like obstacles for the vacuum so it's not going to vacuum around those things so there was still some dust left behind just because there was some junk under the bed that my son was able to get out for [Music] me now this was probably way harder than it needed to be because I chose to do this without taking the mattress off but I did go around my bed frame as well and just kind of vacuum it out because there was crumbs and [Music] dust the next thing that we're going to do is fold a load of laundry and this was Sutton's laundry I had just run it that day and I wanted to update you guys on my truly free laundry detergent so I recently switched over to truly free and they are a completely non-toxic laundry detergent brand they also have bathroom products and kitchen cleaning products but I have not tried those yet so I can't speak for them but as for the laundry I have been loving the new detergent it smells amazing I love that it comes with a refillable bottle so it's better for the environment and it's just worked really well our clothes come out looking super clean I haven't had any issues I also feel like I'm using less detergent than I was using before so so far I am very very happy with all of my truly free laundry products and I feel really good using them because they are completely non-toxic I have couple people in my household that have struggled with eczema and other skin issues and I've actually noticed their skin is looking better Ever Since switching our detergent so if you struggle with that maybe give truly free a try I will have them Linked In My description box down below I also did reach out to them and ask them if they would send me a discount code that I could share with you guys and so they gave me the code Catherine 30 and I believe that saves you 30% off your entire purchase I want to say but anyway if you are interested in trying them out I will have them linked and I'll have that like discount code in my description box down below not sponsored I bought this stuff myself I just asked them if I could get a discount code to share with you guys she thought she could tear us apart when she kissed your lips oh what a [Music] Twist I'm going to call today's video done set and it's been so good for me today while I've been getting stuff done but he is he's just wanting me now so he's sitting on me and having some pretzels and I figured that I would end the video face to face I wanted to remind you guys to make sure that you click the link in my description box to check out derac Clara I believe that my code gets you 20% off but there's already products that are discounted like up to 30% off so you can get up to 50% off of items on der cl's website that is all for today's video I hope that you guys enjoyed it and it gave you some motivation and if you're new to my channel make sure that you subscribe and turn your notification bells on so you don't miss any of my future uploads feel like I've said everything but I also always feel like I'm forgetting something so can you say thank you thank you say thanks for watching thanks for watching say Please Subscribe subcribe it hard to talk with pretzels in your mouth yeah yeah can you wave and say bye-bye bye-bye oh so [Music] Cru uh uh uh uh uh uh me me go now uh
Channel: Catherine Elaine
Views: 26,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning, decluttering, organizing, organization motivation, cleaning channel, motivational videos, SAHM motivation, stay at home mom cleaning, declutter entire house, decluttering tips, decluttering ideas, organizing tips, organizing ideas, small home organizing, realistic declutter, clean my entire house, extreme motivation, hoarder declutter, throwing everything out, catherine elaine, clean with me, declutter with me, organize with me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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