CLASSROOM SETUP DAY 4! - Decorating all the walls!

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel welcome back to video four of classroom setup today is a really exciting day probably one of my favorite days in setup which is assembling all of the boards now i have talked in the past about how i hate bulletin boards and i hate setting up my walls but the reality of it is is i hate deciding on what to put on the walls but once i make the decisions and have everything created actually putting them together is pretty fun so this vlog is going to be all about dialing in bulletin boards whiteboards all of the wall space so if you want to watch me put this classroom together keep on watching [Music] all right well let's start by giving us a current overview of the room in the last vlog i finished all of the borders and paper and as you can see it is a hot mess generally so the last thing i want to do is like clean up before i leave however today we are focusing on this wall this wall this bulletin board this entire whiteboard space this board this board this entire whiteboard space and i already started over here which i will talk about as we go through so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to very quickly walk you around and tell you what each board is for and then i'm going to work on a space talk about a space work on a space then talk about a space i think that just makes the most sense for my time in here as well as your time watching this it's just the most efficient so that's what we're going to do so let me start in the back okay this right here is going to be my class jobs board so after i set that one up i will walk you through how that is going to function and then moving right on over here i already hung up all of these picture frames these are just from dollar tree and they're not the straightest right now that's okay i'm going to eventually make a sign that says like future world leaders or future world changers or i don't know something cute up there um but this is here for now my birthdays aren't gonna change this is going to be my reading bulletin board so anchor charts and things that we're learning and reading and i have drawn out this whiteboard space so i know how i'm gonna set it up i have made all of my titles already i did that at home on my cricut so they're all ready to go this section of my board is gonna be all about spelling and word work this is where i'm going to post the reading centers and rotations again i will walk through all this after it is finished this is just a spot for anchor charts magnetic shower rods best way to hang anchor shirts on white boards this is going to be my math center rotation and then my area for team points now i think this is going to be for writing and math or math or i'm sorry or writing and math i haven't decided which one's going to go where and then over here this is our calendar space where i'm going to post our schedule more anchor chart slash just blank whiteboard space and then my second graders versus mrs coates and then over here is going to be our fat fluency challenge board this is from amy grossbeck i will link this down below so once i have all this set up i will walk you through that space as well so i'm going to stop talking and i am going to start putting this classroom together quickly let me show you what i did over the weekend i cut all of the headings and titles for all of my boards and then i just put them in baggies so i know where they're gonna go and then i can just put them up this is gonna save me so much time in the classroom and i'm really glad that i did it [Music] all right so this is what the board looks like when it's all finished now i am doing classroom jobs a lot differently than i've done it in the past and i don't want to go too into depth if you want to see a full video um on it let me know so essentially right here i need to make a sign that says star student is and then our start student goes here this changes every week and the star student does most of the jobs i am doing jobs like my team teacher because i think it's genius now the star student changes every week and they do most of the jobs like teacher helper stuff like passing out papers lunch count pledge of allegiance all like the little things like that the star student does so that changes every week the other jobs there are 24 of them only change every trimester so the kids are only going to get three different jobs and they have to apply this is going to make management so much easier um so whenever they apply for their jobs and they get their jobs their student number gets velcroed underneath their job and then that stays for the whole trimester so i can quickly reference this the kids can reference this if they need to know who is who um and i think it's really going to work out well and i just used the same number labels that i used for my uh what are they called cubbies and i just made them on powerpoint okay so i just have them in numerical order right now so i just used velcro dots that way they can easily be um switched around and this is a wood cabinet so i just use double-sided sticky tape to stick everything on here because staples will not work and then another big management piece that's changing is five minutes at the end of the day is when they do their job so if you're the menu writer in those five minutes you're gonna go up to the board erase whatever we had for lunch today write up the new menu and then your job is done for the day so it's not something i constantly have to manage and monitor all day long the star student does most of that stuff five minutes at the end of the day you do your job and then we're done i'm so excited to try this out i think it's going to be okay i'm going to start getting up some of the other boards and then we will chat about those okay a quick little hack when you're hanging um bulletin titles use like little pins i don't can't you can it won't focus use little pins to poke the letters in that way you get the spacing right and then go in and staple [Music] okay so this board is finished i was originally going to hang like string and do um what are they called um clothespins like amy grossbeck does but i decided against it because one i can't find the string that i bought and two it just sounds like a hassle so i just stapled them okay so what the fact fluency challenge is is it can be done with addition subtraction multiplication or division whatever in second grade they are mastering addition and subtraction facts so each week we do a fact fluency test once they pass a specific fact family let's say they pass an adding with fours they get to come up and either initial with a whiteboard marker or write their student number on that number we celebrate them and then that gets to hang up all year long it is just a really good accountability piece i did something similar when i taught third grade for multiplication but i think this is a little more primary friendly and i am excited to give it a shot okay so now all of like the colorful boards are essentially done these are i think self-explanatory um i'm really excited to start working on these white boards because i have everything mapped out in my head and i think it's gonna look really really nice once it comes together so i'm going to just set you guys down and work for like an hour and then i will walk you through [Music] everything [Music] okay the first section of the board is finished so this awesome little pocket chart came from amazon it's actually a cell phone holder and then i got the little numbered stickers separately also off amazon um and essentially the kids are going to cut up their spelling words each week and they keep them in a baggie and then their words are going to stay in their pockets so they don't get lost i stole this idea from my team teacher and i'm obsessed so organized so easy to find things and then one of the student jobs is to organize this to make sure it doesn't look disgusting at the end of every day so i'm so excited i love how this turned [Music] out [Music] okay so my reading centers board is finished as well again i can make a whole video on how i'm running centers this year but essentially these are the different rotations we're gonna do reading centers four days a week and then these are the different centers so whatever the word work activity for the day is i will post here whatever the seat work is i will post here whatever my choices i will post here whatever the writing prompt is i will right here and then whatever app they're on i will put here i was just using magnets to place these to show spacers so now when these get taken off the board looks just like this [Music] okay and then our math centers board this is a little bit different we're running these differently than ela centers again i can make a whole video on this if you want this let me know essentially these aren't activities going under here these are the different activities and then these are the groups and because our math groups are forever changing i'm just going to write them on a piece of card stock and then stick their names under there and then rotate them as we rotate through centers and then down here is going to be a specific poster that i'll talk about another time so the last section over here before i get out of here for today is going to be for team points this took way longer than i thought but i love the way that it looks so far and then next time i will do this board it'll be in this vlog just not today all right so this is the last section i've talked about my team points before this year i'm doing color groups and we are doing money so if the pink group earns a quarter i will come up and write 25 cents and then at the end of the week we will total up all the money here and the winning team wins for the week so this whole board is finished let me give you a big pan [Music] through [Music] so [Music] all right it is the following day and i started on this side i got here like 805 and it's already 9 30. this little section took so long because when you're somebody like me and if something's like extremely crooked your brain won't function so the first thing i did when i got here was i did all the border around the white board and then i started on my calendar now i have done this calendar literally since my first year of teaching it's just black washi tape and i made all of these calendar numbers i think they're in my tpt store i will link them down below if they are um i just prefer this look i'm not a big pocket chart fan to be completely honest with you in my opinion it just looks a little bit messy so this is a lot cleaner um these are all just magnet tape on the back so it's super easy to swap out this i changed all of my months but i had that there just for spacing purposes so i just love the way that this looks it's super clean it's really easy for the kids to read and access so we have the date the lunch menu and then how many days we're in school i'm going to use coins i think to count days of school so then right next to it over here we are going to do our schedule another anchor chart space and then second graders versus mrs coates so my goal is to finish this board before 11 and then i have the whole rest of the morning slash afternoon to prep for my [Music] sub okay so here's the next section this is uh just our daily schedule i just put up some of the cards in an order that i think our schedule's gonna go um this i made with my cricut this is amy grossbeck font born to be mild i believe these are all from miss west's best tpt store her schedule card labels i will link those down below totally matched the theme love how clean this looks i'm gonna step back so you can see i just think it's so beautiful um so then here i'm just gonna do an anchor chart space and then i might just actually leave this whole side blank right now i don't really know but this was my morning goal and it is accomplished i actually think i'm going to step away from this board and pick up my classroom because tomorrow my sub is coming in and i'm walking her through everything so i want to have the classroom at least clean mostly dialed so i can like show her where things are um but i still have to finish my maternity leave binder so many of you constantly ask me if there's a video coming yes i do want to show you the only reason that it wouldn't be soon would be if i go to labor um so my goal today is to finish that binder so i can film that video for you guys so i'm going to put you guys down i'm going to clean up this classroom before i do i want to show you how trashed it gets during classroom setup okay because i work and i just like throw things around this is the current state of my room so that's the front here's all the aftermath from this board right here from yesterday um here's the back of my room this is just still such a hot mess my table i mean there's just stuff everywhere so i'm going to put you guys down in space by space pick up this classroom okay this is as good as it's gonna get for now it's obviously not super super clean but i'm gonna be here for like an hour or two in the morning before she gets here so i can finish up but i have to get out of here so i want to quickly show you everything i've done and then we'll end this vlog and get ready for the next one okay so as you saw fact fluency board is done i will link that down below this is the only wall that isn't like finished finished but i decided that i'm going to create some letters on my cricut so i will get that done in a different vlog these are all finished my calendar and schedule i forgot that this was in my car i just brought this in this was from our house and my husband didn't want it and i said i'll take it and i think it's perfect because i can put all of this stuff in these drawers and then i can sit right here and do morning meeting and have all the stuff i need for morning meeting i just thought it was kind of perfect and black so why not um and then of course you saw me do this entire board so this whole wall is finished in another vlog i need to figure out like all my turning bins and everything but i just can't wrap my mind around that right now because i'm fried so i'm just loving the way that all of these walls are looking i just went ahead and put out these for now um but again i don't know how my desks are fully gonna be laid out this is a whole just hot mess um and then i have my picture frame so i just need to make my title but we are really getting towards the end of this i will probably only have like one more setup vlog before i do a tour um which is crazy because that means i'm like done and out of here until january that's nuts now i know i'm going to get a lot of questions about like my reading centers my math centers my jobs my homework binders all that stuff so please know that all of those videos are going to be coming those are all things that i can film after i have the baby which is great but definitely make sure to subscribe so you don't miss those videos especially if you're a new teacher and you're looking for other ways to kind of implement things um i've taken a lot from my team feature this year and i'm excited to share with you the things that i'm changing but definitely make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss those videos if you enjoy these setup vlogs make sure you give it a thumbs up as always if you have any questions please leave them down below and other than that i love you guys so much and i will see you in the next vlog bye
Channel: Early EDventures
Views: 54,332
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: classroom setup, classroom organization, classroom decor, how to setup a classroom, first year teacher, back to school, first day of school, 2nd grade teacher, a day in the life of a teacher, teacher tips, teacher advice
Id: umgK_Ffd0Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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