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can you borrow me yeah okay I'll take batteries you got it [Music] I don't know first attempt to get my keys all summer it is August like seventh or something it's so summer that I don't even know what the date is somewhere around August seventh so I haven't been back in like two months but I have some things I wanted to bring into my classroom and just some stuff I wanted to do so I'm gonna go into the office try and get those keys see if I can get in today and do some work okay okay this is pretty typical this is usually what it's like when I come back let's have to remember like where to begin I don't even really know where to start what my force look very very nice I must say the floors look beautiful the walls look beautiful they did a very good job of cleaning several things that have fallen off but that was kind of like the risk that I took by leaving them up nothing I can't redo but uh yeah alright I got a little work to do okay I have two bags of stuff that I brought in that I wanted to show you guys partly because I need to go through exciter what was in there and then this stuff I guess I ordered at the end of last school year we have to go through this and see what that is so these are the things we need to move but I guess since they are away from the wall I could choose different places to put them this one also oh did I ever like not have anything in here pretty sure I did I just moved it out okay [Music] [Music] okay I got some of the big pieces moved I still have a lot to do as far as like organizing them but I think all of this stuff right here is what I need to do next because I can't really like move around the room right now so I'm just gonna put my desks and well just tables I just have tables and chairs for the beginning of the year I'm just gonna arrange these again in the way that I always do I just have like these three long groups of tables and like within those long tables that are groups of four and then like smaller groups of two my room is a bit of a weird shape it's like longer this way than this way which is probably normal I guess actually but to fit thirty-six butts in here that is the best way that I've found to do it throughout the year you know I kind of change it up every so often but this is the best way to start so I'm gonna start moving tables and chairs [Music] okay this is not perfect but it is much more organized now this is the table that always scares me a little bit I got to make sure that none of these wires getting crossed or anything but I actually always flip this table so that it's right up against this one so like this is my after-school desk and then this is my like during school desk where I like teach from because it has the document camera and everything at the end of the year this was broken so I don't know if it's been fixed or not I don't know if I should bother to rehook it up or not oh I need to figure out where to put my phone again so actually a lot of the stuff on here doesn't even go here but yeah we already have things laid out a little bit better that is a mess I need to fix everything over there I have lots over here to redo about a bunch of things up there I need to take down and dig through some stuff back there but we're off to a good start [Music] okay I thought we'd go through these two bags of stuff next a lot of the things in this bag were sent to me so I will tell you anything that I actually bought and then anything that was given to me some stuff I'll have like discount codes for and things like that so I've just been filling these bags over the past two months like since the beginning of summer so I hope I can remember where everything is from that sounds so spoiled I'm so grateful any time that a company sends me stuff for my classroom because the majority of this stuff I wouldn't have been able to buy for my students so anyway let's just start going through some of these things so okay I got a lot of books some of them were from Simon & Schuster and I will link the video where I like went through all of those books and kind of did like a initial review I'll just show them to you since they seem like new releases and something you might want to know about so here is one and these two I remember were from Simon and Schuster and I'm excited to add these to my library [Music] those looks so fun and then this stuff is from my friend Stacy donut Levin teacher this is the perfect combination of the two of us because it has donuts and boba and coffee on it she's moving back down here near me again so I'm so excited so she got me all these just cute little things Jensen opened them up it was like so cute so thank you Stacy for those we have a lot more books this one actually seemed really interesting for my class I'll have to see if I can use it for our Egypt unit this is one that I read over the summer I personally didn't like it I didn't think it was very well written but the reading level is fairly low and it's not a very complex look at World War two so I mean it's not terrible for students but for adults No so that one I did buy but I think all of these ones were also given to me and another copy of this one which is good because a lot of my students are really into hidden figures and Catherine Johnson and that will be a hot ticket item okay the next step is so much fun this was sent to me by scribble stuff and I will leave all of their information down below this was so nice of them these are things that my students are gonna absolutely love and this is stuff that I can just you know provide in my classroom and students can just have access to whenever they want so they have these really really cute gel pens in all colors so these ones have glitter neon and metallic I already know my students are just gonna absolutely love these okay these ones are scented gel pens scented with rose petals lemon zest and coconut oil this is amazing I'm so excited okay these are like really good colors too these are just felt tip pens I always need these for any type of little project that we're doing oh these ones are like highlighters oh it's a pack of like everything so gel pens felt pens highlighters and mechanical pencils and a push up at eraser awesome so all of this stuff is just going straight to my students you know and then more fluorescent gel pens these look great and then even some pre sharpened pencils I don't like to waste a ton of time having like pencil and pen supply checkout procedures so I just have these little supply boxes all around the room that's another project that I need to start working on this week but I just put stuff in there and kids can borrow it whenever they want sometimes they remember to put it back in sometimes they don't I just refill it when it gets low and I just I don't want that to take away from any class time if a kid doesn't have a pen or pencil just take one of mine you don't need to borrow from anybody you don't need to check it out just take it dig it and continue to do your work so these will be really fun to add to that this was something that I just bought at Target just some cute thank-you cards I brought these with me to New York because I knew there would be a lot of people that I wanted to thank and so I those would be fun to keep in my classroom any time I want to jot thank-you note to anybody okay now these were some of the only things that I was tempted by at the target dollar section this summer these babies I want to say they were like fat yeah five dollars each I love the colors and I constantly have questions about charging Chromebooks so I'm just gonna put one of these like on each wall and if you need to charge your Chromebook just do it through one of these and so um I have a couple of chargers maybe like only one charger so maybe I will just like put one if I have to I guess I'll just put one in each one of these and I just don't want them moving all around the room or kids like accidentally putting them in their backpacks or whatever so that's one of the downsides to having one-to-one Chromebooks that kids just take with them all the time is that sometimes they're not charged and then they can't do whatever we have planned and it can be a little annoying so anything I can do to alleviate that because it's like honestly sometimes I forget to charge my Chromebooks and stuff too you know and they don't hold a charge well that's the only thing is like I will charge mine all the way and then like take it off the charger and just leave it for a couple of days and go back to it and it's dead so sometimes are like it was charged I know but it needs to be charged now okay I have another bag here this is totally for me I'm just gonna keep like my things in here but I love this instaglam um these are flare pins from I don't know several years ago I don't know why I brought those home but bringing them back I guess this thing I thought was really cool I like stick pictures you know I like to take pictures it's fun to take pictures of my students at the beginning of the year so I thought this thing would be kind of fun this was also sent to me and I do have a discount code for you on one of these it's very very cute ooh I love this so this is a little portable printer and this okay it has a user manual that I need to go through but it works with Apple Android and it has a lithium battery and it's like bluetooth enabled so you can send your pictures to this thing straight from your phone and then it will allow you to print oh yeah okay this is what the printer paper looks like this is super cute look how cute that is so I'm trying to do more to like celebrate reading and books this year and one of the things that I do with books is I take pictures of them and I put them on Instagram so I was thinking of having students like take more pictures of their books and just like display them around the room and so I think it would be really cute to use these and have students just print them straight from their phone so they can just like show me the picture whatever I'm sure I would approve it and then they can figure this out I'm sure so this is kind of like an alternative to a Polaroid camera just because you only get one shot with the Polaroid you know you never really know how it's gonna turn out so you could like approve the picture and then print it so I'm really excited for this as I use it I will definitely show you more I got a couple of things from Office Depot this summer and again these were things that they gave me and I just wanted to buy like a few essentials so I like having really cute binders this one with the cactus is so adorable so there's always something that I need like a little binder for like as a teacher and then I just wanted to have a new notebook for myself so I love this color it kind of goes with the binder and matches my shirt flare pins of course can never have enough flare pens and really black sharpies I already started opening these but when we do things like one-pagers or just like posters of any kind I always want my students to outline their work so I can just see it better and so I let them use black sharpies for that I keep them I don't just like let them wander around my classroom but they will be available to borrow and I always need whiteout as well and I like this type of whiteout this is my favorite kind to use so it was glad to stock up on a few basic things like that all right what okay these I also just bought for myself from like staples or office depot or something because they're so pretty and I love how they write I have a couple of Erin Condren things this is a little journal I'll probably use this as a giveaway item for students this is a little planner pouch I might give this one away too since I have the instaglam one Oh whenever I order from glossier you know they give you that these really cute pouches like you can totally use these for pens and school supplies and stuff so I usually just give them away to my students cuz they really like this oh yes I didn't mean for this to end up in the bag actually but this is my yearbook from eighth grade so this I don't know this could come in handy maybe I will keep it here I have a video all about what kind of a student I was in eighth grade if you are interested in that okay this is cute little washi tape from Erin Condren and then these two are really heavy I have two teacher planners and I've done full reviews of both of these honestly I don't know which one I'm going to use I don't know they're both amazing this one is from for the love of Pi and it's incredible I love it it's awesome and then this one is from Erin Condren and it's also incredible and I love it and beautiful this was some little extra stuff that I got from Erin Condren and again I have a full review so very grateful to receive both of those I know teacher planners are really expensive and I'm very very grateful for all of this stuff I'm like surrounded by stuff right now and I really didn't have to buy very much of it and I'm not bringing a whole lot into my room this year you know besides books and a few supplies just because this is my eighth year of teaching and I have a lot of what I need like I don't do a full you know remodel of my classroom I've only changed the color scheme twice I move the same exact bulletin boards to four different classrooms and then after I used them for a year in this classroom I had a little extra money from Chinese school that I needed to spend like before the year was out so I bought some of the pink bulletin board borders and the black paper some little letters and things but for the most part I just decorate with cardstock this is the type of stuff that stresses me out like what were those supposed to go to because I don't know and do I no longer have a mouse and why are there so many cords I I don't like cords I don't know where cords go I just want things to be wireless so I would like to get onto my computer by owner where the mouse is oh I mind well that's right I have a wireless mouse because I don't like wires oh yeah and this okay okay coming together [Music] it's just so difficult to keep things nice in a classroom with hundreds of people using it so like this bookshelf is pretty new you know less than two years old but it's like swaying because I don't know if you can see that back there but like the backing is coming off because when kids put away their books they shove them into the back and then so the backing comes off and then it starts to just like sway because it's not all together but it's just very difficult to keep things nice in a classroom but we're trying I just wiped it down and I don't have a great system for organizing my library because I don't have a ton of books like this this really isn't that many so for now we're just gonna do a rainbow organization it seems like that's the easy way to figure out where to put things back and as my library grows I'll probably come up with some better ways but for now we're gonna do this okay I decided it's probably best should just pull it out and fix it while I can so yeah all of these nails have just come out like these were fairly expensive bookshelves they're just you know being used for like an industrial purpose and that was not how they were built I don't think so I'm gonna bring my hammer tomorrow and just try to stabilize this again this is how we're looking at the end of the day I did remember that I have a couple more things that I ordered that haven't come yet like a map I also need to find some of my other maps I need to go through these cabinets and get rid of some stuff organize some stuff this is the time of year to do it cuz you never have another chance huh taking a break for today cuz I got that nail appointment and I've not eaten all day I just had coffee so I better go get some like pad tires I'm painting I think we did pretty good so cute Oh No the sprinklers can you run through it can you run let's do it let's go let's go through it you can do it come on do it do it do it do it [Music]
Channel: too cool for middle school
Views: 30,672
Rating: 4.9234166 out of 5
Keywords: ethical fashion, sustainable style, fair trade fashion, baby boy, multicultural, us history, virgin islands, middle school, teaching, teacher, classroom, english, history, english teacher, history teacher, sixth grade, eighth grade, junior high, high school, education, classroom organization, vlogger, mommy vlogger, teacher vlogger, bulletin boards, classroom ideas, goals, teacher goals, mom style
Id: aHyKI7HWstQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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