Classical Music Performance FAILS 🍅

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as soon as you step on stage you just kind of have to accept the fact that anything can happen right from the biggest performance fails to the craziest mistakes ever it's just kind of Life as a Performing Artist so as that performing musician I'm going to go ahead and review some of the biggest wildest concert mishaps that have ever happened and explain what might have happened in the moment as well as what I would have done had I been there all right let's get started all right so first up we have uh oh Stefan Kei he a good friend of mine all right let's see what happens oh jeez wait wait wait is it like the bow snapping or is it just like the bow hair just popping up that's two very different things if the bow snaps especially at what it looked like the tip complete loss of value I mean that's like I love how my Asian mind just goes straight to money it's like oh no all the money that's been [Music] lost oh dang I think that is B actually snapped and you know he's a soloist so he's probably playing on a pretty nice bow it's a $30,000 bow oh it's a French bow maker it's by Von $30,000 I mean yeah I would also switch my bow with the con Master that's not the difficult part the difficult part is accepting that you just lost $30,000 the sentimental value of losing that much money and then being able to just like completely calmly just like go on that's a lot kudos to him for doing that that's absolutely crazy the auction record for this maker is $93,000 30,000 is just like what you know people have said the value is like anything someone's willing to pay for it Insurance definitely matters in these moments that would have just like continued I guess and then cried after all right next up oh I've seen this one I've seen this one see it never gets old though probably because it's a viola I just had to watch this again Jee I love how he's just like what he's like looking at it so sorry just he's just like checking it out right what happened I think was just his tail piece the thing that attaches the tail piece to the end button the tail loop I guess which is usually made out of plastic or more or Kevlar although Kevlar doesn't sound as good probably just snapped you know it just happens it doesn't happen very often I've never seen another situation you probably just snapped and then just pulled you know the force of the STP for a violin it's like around 50 lb of of weight distributed across four strings it's probably just pulled it snapped it in the complete opposite direction you're never going to forget this moment guess I'm just curious as to how much his Viola is worth cuz even though he didn't harm it like I mean you know there could have been some scratches and dings which are fine holy moly $284,000 is the price of which it was last sold back in 2011 probably a lot more now wow so many dollar signs woo H let's go next one [Applause] [Music] oh I think he just stopped wait I just got to keep watching this this there must be [Applause] [Music] more oh what no no no no he just stops and then the guy just like ding ding ding ding like a freaking restaurant you didn't even do that at a restaurant it says this was a clip from the 1986 chovsky competition where The Pianist tries unsuccessfully to start a shopan at two oh no that was painful to watch not at a competition but that's happened to me before one time I was doing the isai Sonata it was in a recital too I basically just skipped 2/3 of the first movement playing it and then I was just floundering around I was literally like doing this on stage I was like and then I just ended on a G minor chord and then I started the next movement you know I was just like oh my gosh but at a competition in front of the judges M while these kind of things are like uncommon there's two aspects to this I think the first aspect is like this guy wasn't used to playing in front of people so the nerves just come up to you and then you either uh fight flight or freeze it's the three FS like your basic human instinct just Rises up so you either fight that's why people are tense on stage or you kind of want to run away or else he freezes all three things happened in that video that comes from not being used to that so you're recognizing a performance situation as danger right and that's something that we as professional musicians have to constantly kind of work ourselves mentally through then there's like what happens on stage during that mishap he can't continue he feels like he shouldn't because he's in a competition but I would have just gone on I would have just been like you know what it is how it is because yeah this is why not it's hard it's it's difficult but both things you can definitely practice through and I mean for me I personally use tonic this app that I built and I've been sharing it with everyone so it's free and we can play practice in front of people so essentially what I was talking about earlier where you're nervous nervous because you're playing in front of people what's the best way to work through that is actually just to practice in front of people and practice making mistakes in front of people that's actually the most important part that's been like how I felt nowadays going on to uh the stage it's just like you know anything can happen but if it does it's just like an extended practice room try it out definitely go ahead and give it a download uh it's free like I said so you can check it out from this QR code on the screen or from the link in my description below may this never happen to you when it really matters moving on this one is is a familiar face indeed yeah [Applause] [Music] okay yeah I remember that really well that was in Brussels there that was a moment I was pretty proud of that one because as you might have noticed I came in right where the next beat was and actually I managed to save myself even though this was like and then it broke right it snapped but then I immediately went on to the a string to play the same notes pretty smooth save if I may say so myself you know it took me one second there to get to that note and then managing to quickly switch with the con which is standard protocol this one was definitely a really clean save I mean in contrast there's another video out there where my Spring Breaks is in the chaikovsky violing kto and there was a moment where it was like I'm not supposed to play so I had to like fumble around a bit and just not play for like a bar or two beats and then switch with the cons Master there so that was a little more obvious these things happen what can you do when it happens you're just like you just got to do what you have to do so moving on to the next video I think I've seen this one before [Music] he looks so annoyed [Music] wow wow he made a moment out of this right it was a negative experience but he turned that negative experience into a pretty positive one I mean I'm pretty sure every single person especially now that it's on YouTube everyone's going to never forget that concert it's a memorable experience really quick thinking on his part uh that was that's pretty incredible Al he seems like really chill about it look at him I mean he's just very comfortable and he was able to even improvise on that Melody so nicely done nicely done next up next oh a friend sent this to me recently and uh with f in raping okay okay play the AAS [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh no okay okay can't I can't like listen to it anymore there's not really anything you can do at that moment how did that even happen they were together they were together was like get my sheet music out and just analyze this moment they're in time here that is the same Mo as like what they're supposed to do right [Music] [Music] so okay he's getting slower really [Music] slower wait wait wait wait wait The Soloist here doubles his speed essentially because remember there like to and then he gets slower because the the orchestra gives it to [Music] him and then he goes even slower right there even slower [Music] [Music] at the we're still together here one two but then the orchestra starts with him okay but let's say we start because that's where the wind section comes in they're [Music] fresh Orchestra just kept going slower soless speeds up to almost twice the tempo you're going in complete opposite directions you're like mathematically wise that's like at least 4X the amount of distance now he tries to save it right he's just like all right I'm just going to like hold this note it's pretty smart idea right he goes um okay they're on together they're off here by this note it should have been but instead there's like so he holds that note for a long time and then the bases come in B with that in which case he's like okay it's safe to change to the downbeat of the next phrase the bases give the down beat but the Winds Don't Follow he's smiling in this moment he's just like yeah when you don't have the beat right there they've got triplets we've got duples and it's like this it's really tough maybe they didn't rehearse before going in or maybe it was just like a brain fog moment that happens hey it's live it's live performance it can happen to all of us moving on to the last one okay what is this oh Christina there was another moment where she had a string break so maybe this is one of those oh jeez it was like a jump scare you can see her face is also like like in the moment as well it's probably like pretty similar right there to her face right now oh my gosh wait wait let's let's let's listen to this one again right there oh the light bulb exploded what can you do it isn't a concert so you just go on and play and she handled it really really well she's Strang to this as well I saw her in my recent uh Tik Tok review react video where you know her string breaks and these are all things that can happen so this is enough internet for me today I am feeling pretty still pretty shaken from that jump scare I'm going to go ahead and practice and you should be doing that too or you could go ahead and stay and watch some more videos like these ones here but if you're not going to I'll see you in your practice room on tonic or see you in the next video bye
Channel: Ray Chen
Views: 27,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twoset, Brett, eddy, violin, cello, viola, Youth, orchestra, tonic, practice, symphony, Stradivarius, twoset, brett yang, Ray Chen, music, classical, opera, education, learn, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass, learning, Hilary, Hahn, august, Augustin, Hadelich, Janine, janson, Jansen, janin, David, oistrak, oistrakh, Delgsu, del Gesu, Jasmine, Choi, Yasmin, Yasmine, flute, flutist, flautist, violins, Vivaldi, summer, Sommer, wivaldi
Id: pFW2uF_x7UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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