Classical Composer Reacts to Octavarium (Dream Theater) | The Daily Doug (Episode 134)
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Channel: Doug Helvering
Views: 250,517
Rating: 4.9611225 out of 5
Keywords: The Daily Doug, Daily Doug, R. Douglas Helvering, Doug Helvering, Helvering, Helvering Reaction, Doug, Doug Reaction, Reaction vid, Reaction video, reaction, music analysis, music, classical composer reacts, classical composer, Dream Theater, Dream Theater Reaction, reacting to Dream Theater, Octavarium, Octavarium reaction, reacting to Octavarium, Dream Theater Octavarium, Dream Theater Octavarium Reaction, vlog
Id: z8r6T6kGZ2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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My begging worked! I've been telling Doug to react to Octavarium for like a month now
Goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, since I'm listening to it now...
Hands-down, one of their best tracks. I am so glad I got to see this live. That ending... It's a masterclass in how to end a song, album and show.
Doug is a lot of fun to listen to. He takes a technical look at songs and their chord progressions, time signatures, etc. I believe he has a PhD in music theory, or something. Octavarium blew him away.
Never forget that first time hearing it. So glad we got to see Doug listen for the first time.
That was really fun, thanks for posting this. Loved the enthusiasm, bringing back memories of the first time I heard this. I learned a few things and was really impressed with how quickly he picked out some of the musical nuances, including lots of things I never noticed over dozens and dozens of listens. Great stuff!
I see he did one for LTE's version of Rhapsody In Blue, so I'll definitely be checking that out, along with others from his channel.
Love Doug, love Octavarium. Yesterday was a good day 😊
Wow! Thanks for posting.
I was hoping for this. Thanks for sharing. <3
Can't wait to watch this, favorite song and album. Along with a guy I like seeing what he thinks.