Classic War Drama I Steel Tempest (2000) I Retrospective

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] our forces continue to build up for the final push and you heavy Panthers join the build up for the great attack one last great effort will see the final try the full power of the VM Act is about to be Unleashed said Dietrich commander of the SS Panzer Corps comes to personally overseas A build-up to the attack more reinforcements arrive you can tell from the determined Expressions that our soldiers are confident the anglo-american forces will soon be pushed back over the channel the what's word for our troops is on to Victory did you get that good [Music] what's up [Music] okay yes and make sure you get that off track of the over here [Music] Dylan Wanna Be shorts how much ammunition have you got well you'll need it excellent thank you stay alert and new orders will be issued at twelve hundred dollars nearly ready that's ready ever be do you want to get yourself hanged no hairstyle we have been in difficult and dangerous situations before and that's the situation now we must have absolute faith in the final Victory one glimmer of defeatism from you and it spreads like wildfire understood how strong Banfield you've been a good and brave comrade clever don't let it slip now good let's say no more of it where are the panzers this morning they were about 16 kilometers away but they still have no fuel what is being done well what can be done if the fuel turns up the Allies have the skies nothing can move until night then we shall go in without them without the Panthers the attack must be called off why did we need tanks at rostov did we need them at Kiev yeah situation is slightly different we attack we win tanks or no tanks understood understood good get them ready can I find it's the second episode I'm Brown where's your discipline excuse me Rebecca reporting Becca is the liaison officer from the Hitler Youth up Thailand his men were supposed to bring up the extra supplies excellent we need men we need ammunition they said boys say fight like men sir we'll see where are they there were some problems see how they're trying to get here on foot the whole Battalion no just my company the others were ordered not we were promised a battalion those are my orders judge of that he keeps his base too far behind the lines for my liking trying to save his own miserable skin let's see what Maya has to say for himself foreign what's the problem let me guess please uh can I have some more I must have more ammo than this why we want to check on the whole American Army do you is that it you know we are short piece off so how are we doing horse how do you think we are all going to die you can't die the black market will collapse give me a situation report oh well see sir the Russians there about half of me so the Americans may as well have the other half a proper report Maya yes sir yesterday I lost 18 trucks full of ammunition sir last week I lost 24 trucks full of supplies sir when I have issued this lot there is nothing left sir and then my orders are to drive to the Railhead and load up yarbos everywhere dangerous trip I might not make it then will be me flying around in the sky with my own Wings enough have you been onto division oh you know me I'll do my best for my comrades trying to get what's available and uh a bit of something that isn't available you should try and put some pressure on division yourselves you know the old man your family and his go back way way back don't they I've helped him a time or two myself we'll draw that remark yes withdrawn well we uh we could do with your help with the old man sir I'll see what I can do we'll have a drink daddy Franks okay oh you're a thief Maya all right I'll see you later foreign [Music] casualties have been high there are more new recruits than I'd care for but we can still give a good account of ourselves had a good teacher it's got to be decision schnapps thank you I won't I'm here on an important matter we are experiencing critical difficulties with Supply you and every other officer in the division for half an hour let's forget all that and have a dream As You Wish Alba pure I do you know Brown there have been few opportunities for celebrations but for me this is a good day I trust it will be for you too please report that there is some good news I am authorized to inform you that you've been awarded the knight's cross [Music] with all my heart I can say you deserve it [Applause] you are not here I accept this Honor on behalf of your old abtailung who've asked me to convey their best wishes to their former Commander thank you boys I will all of you come with me [Music] you've always been lucky brown but you've got to need all that you can get your new Mission could be more difficult than anything we saw in Russia I cannot exaggerate the difficulties I have argued with the old man and he's spoken to Berlin but the fuhrer is adamant that we must attack now impossible as a friend I can agree with you but as a soldier there's no alternative we are ordered to attack and attack we must as a soldier sir we've had no ammunition we supply for five days there is no fuel anywhere we've lost most of our vehicles yarbos are in the sky every five minutes it's not possible to attack both teachers and I are well aware of the circumstances believe me we are not blind we've made your case at Great Lengths we've both been on to Berlin but it's no use the odd is for the division to attack it will not be received before you suggest it no it is not possible to resign your command what do they want us to do this time we need to seize the bridge at Petty Adam how I still have sample around here I can promise you an entire app tiling of the new heavy pandas King tigers they're already moving towards us they should be here tomorrow Army's permitting of course and we have managed to get a few Munitions trains through to the Railhead that might give us half a chance all I have left in the command are six half tracks and the two of Our Own we have enough fuel for 12 kilometers that will get us to the bridge [Music] but even if we can capture the bridge before the Americans blow it what happens then you push on and capture the town from the concentration of troops around there core are convinced that the armies must have established a fuel dump you capture the dump then using that fuel your app title is to support the heavier panzers and then spearheaded drive by the hall core towards the coast as it comes to this Scavenging for fuel like beggars the armies will not be expecting an attack and the old man has allocated all of the core artillery to your sector plus there's the verfas and the new heavy panzers plan is for a blitzkrieg attack a huge surprise barrage then hit them hard hit them when they least expect it and it might just work like the old days in the old days we had air cover that are the usual promises but I wouldn't count on it foreign it is not my wish but it is my duty one other thing I ask a brand new hero of the right here we need your exploits as an inspiration for generations to come you can expect a propaganda company to be along soon the reinforcements will be arriving at the Railhead tomorrow make sure you're there to meet good luck [Music] congratulations I hope I have the opportunity to achieve what you have believe me Becca you don't yes after five years there are things in here you'd rather not carry around with you sir some of the men in my platoons they said that we might negotiate peace soon armies are full of rumors they feed on rumors when they can't get to the Russian truck they eat rumors instead believe none of them they eat away at the fighting Spirit like a cancer can we still win you've been listening to the defeatists stick close to me you never know you might just come through it [Music] [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] welcome honored guests [Music] you surpassed yourself where do you get all this gear wouldn't you like to know ah see there's lots of other things I can get too yes like to clap I heard that you pick [Applause] I'm leaving I wasn't supposed to be treated like this you cannot do it yourself hold on hi Boss Next come on Maya we took my time all right there'll be enough for everybody I'll sort it after all it is nearly Christmas how about a song Wolfie always happy to oblige Maya [Music] foreign [Music] thanks boss very moving very nostalgic Pizza [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] of course who else has got an ass that pig obviously haven't met our straw Banfield [Music] West Front the build up continues as factories and workers all over the rack give their all to supply our armies with the latest tanks and weapons despite the murderous attacks of the anglo-american air criminals train after train of vital War materials rolls into stations at the front where willing hands wait to put them to good use in defense of the wreck the soldiers only request give us the tools and we'll do the job we'll extend up perimeter to the east bring up the second company move the pack front to the rear we'll have to hope foreign thank you presume correctly sir propagate the company this is Stillman Prince no you won't you will leave straight away that is an order well I'd like to oblige but uh we have direct orders from the ministry what kind of a circus is this children movies he particularly admired our last film victory in Normandy Victory it may have escaped your notice your Fiora but while you have been making your pictures we have the livestand data have been in constant action for two years Cinema is not high on our list stay out of my way clever get the men ready ammunition not from us you see what you can get from core we love star talks two days ago if we can't do ammunition then we can't fight well then you can uh you can go home or live happily ever after foreign here we are again another Merry Christmas five years since we marched into Lots five hard years fighting for the Reich I have no doubt that the mission we are about to undertake will be the toughest of all those years the Allies hold the bridge at pettyard end and we have orders to take it from them somehow I doubt they would want us to but we do have a surprise for them in precisely 20 minutes time every big gun in the core will be zeroed in on that bridge battalions arrived last night we are about to give Tommy the Christmas present from him you all know the difficulties with Supply so keep your eyes peeled for Supply dumps because gentlemen we are about to be joined by an entire Battalion of the new king tigers the castle fuel so let's grab plenty to welcome them eh I see faces here I recognize from stockmere we were in a fixed dinner that is where we should be now while German women and children are threatened by these Bolshevik rapists and murderers we should deal with the situation here swiftly so we can defend the Reich against this Bolshevik threat Germany is calling to us she needs us in her hour of Darkness I urge you all to be strong for your family for your Fatherland and for the viewer [Music] let's move out give them hell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you make sure they push on to the other side thank you firing positions on the bridge foreign [Music] [Music] two three foreign foreign [Music] strength of the German Soldier proves irresistible for the anglo-americans with the vital Bridge once more again in German hands tanks and grenadiers roll forward into more action they leave behind thousands of Prisons for these men the war is over they know now who the real Masters are the Battalion falls into our heads and more prisoners are marched into captivity more and more of the defeated enemy are gathered together the defeated faces of the sub-human Colonials tells the whole story the pencils roll on [Music] foreign Battalion to headquarters second Battalion to headquarters they have taken the bridge over I knew they would do it no wonder the fury has so much fatness is there any sign of a fuel dump intelligence appears to be as wrong as ever there is no sign of a fuel pump in this city reporters yet but we can't have everything order them to press on into the town continue with the advance continue into the town tell them to report immediately as soon as they capture either a fuel or an ammunition dump there must be one second app Tyler move out we March onto the town keep your hands down [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Joy over there see if you can find the fuel pump [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] can you bring your company up in support there's a Machine Gun Nest on the second floor [Music] [Music] than over here Athletics second Battalion to headquarters we need artillery support we need artillery support [Music] bronzer he says they pushed on past the bridge but they cannot proceed without resupply I know that what does he think I am a magician they must press on into the town the ammunition is almost exhausted must have more ammunition Brown is concerned that they will not have enough an assault they must look for resupply from captured enemy stocks re-emphasized to him that there is no possibility of resupply from our own sources he knows that they must push on into the town where are the panzers he is asking where the Panthers are Uber the Panthers will be here in due course in the meantime the ab thailong is to push on into the town there is no alternative they must Advance hello hello they say we must continue our advance get onto core see if you can find out where those confounded panzers are the situation is unclear sir we'll find out man second company this way keep to the wall I keep your heads down keep your hands down first prisoners who ask for prisoners I think we know enough about our current situation say to them finished it thank you get that points [Music] I told you to stay out of the way I have a job to do disorders film everything he said unrestricted access sometimes things happen in action which you've got unreported in action yes we could let a court martial decide the difference take your squad with the grenade around the front I'll take the back and say to him Becca follow me foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] oh wow [Applause] now that's what I call a German hero why not film that for your movie that's right that's why the party will come bloody courage Germany will Triumph if only the fuhrer could have seen that I'll make sure the fury does see that friends come and get this [Applause] [Music] what do we need to do sir without heavy weapons there's not much it will take too many casualties to clear the snipers from these buildings the panzers would get here still we must try foreign it's too difficult they have snipers everywhere they're building up for an attack okay I know that you can do [Music] it you let me down clever next time no mistakes under the second company to fall back I'll tell first company rendezvous with me at the first objective go go go w ow [Music] at least one thing and then [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] the sniper still at it give me that rifle keep your head down clever [Music] pull back the flanking movement from over there don't leave anybody behind nobody at all do you understand that Becca we can't hold the position we're in at the moment so I want the slow fighting withdrawal from the tree line onto this wall here make sure the men fall back slowly watch out for third company over there don't leave any stragglers behind understood go foreign [Music] get them to fall back we'll try again tomorrow make sure we don't leave any wounded don't leave any stragglers behind we're coming from the East tomorrow catch them on the heart whatever that way [Music] foreign numbers of the anglo-americans have managed to hold out against the determined attacks of our men this time but rest assured the German Soldier does not give up easily once these Brave grenadiers have rested and gathered their strength tomorrow we'll see a different result [Music] [Music] foreign there's Time For That get yourself some rest clever you deserve it YouTube I wonder if they'll counter attack we have 24 hours let's not waste it [Music] how are the rushes fine good have we enough one more day hope we get one more day I didn't like to look at that Sky one bit we'll never get out of the arbos come so I want this job finished sharpish I want the hot tracks standing by at 1400 hours believe and we don't stop till we have the internet we have got to get out of here we can't rely on our SS comrades and I have my little ways anyway best to keep them short don't let our truck disappearing with all the cargo on board ah I'll tell you France I thought I'd seen it all but this crowd is this the future during their way through life we are living in the Middle Ages here if I feel new capable of I don't think it lent his name to this we have got to get out of here foreign if a doctor sees this we shoot prisoners you'll be appalled hello hang we only need the panzers why hang around like them waiting for the Cavalry to arrive we've got those pencils be shot in Normandy no oh we just use them one tank is pretty much like another the doctor will right now our tanks look more real than as I'll ever do if the skies stay clear every Allied aircraft and can fly will be in the sky when did you last see the luftwaffa ah if those animals weren't so thick they know when the m is attacked tomorrow it's straight to Valhalla for our barbarians I'm afraid I'll tell you one thing I going with her my children need a father not a memory Studios Prince so let's get the job done get out get the shots play it safe and get out fast [Music] [Music] they're in position for all around the defense spread a bit thin I don't think anything will get through no no next division they've been pulling out most of the night so we're on our own then I guess that means no King Tigers either we'll never take this town There's no ammo what have I told you about defeatism if the armies attacked tomorrow we will hold our objective it's that simple you were at school tarike has been in a worse situation than this before animates triumphant 1763. Frederick the Great we needed a general then and I'm sure you'll agree we've never had a leader like a fuhrer is difficult the defeatist might even say hopeless our German history is a continuous thread that binds together the party and the people gives inspiration to the view it can Inspire us as well perhaps now in his time Frederick the brain faced a very similar situation to our house in fact if you look at it the parallels are quite incredible he was surrounded by enemies on three sides the French to the South the austrians and to the east the Russians but Frederick wasn't daunted he used his internal lights of communication to move his army from one front to the next he defeated his enemies one by one Germany emerged Victorious Frederick was the greatest general of his age now I know from where we are difficult to see the Strategic position but I believe that the fuhrer is an even greater General than Frederick foreign experience difficulties so our future too must experience hardships on the road to final victory but some pessimists can be found everywhere clever it's optimists like us will win this war bombs what about them believe me clever your people are quite safe and Dresden and the best way to keep them safe is for you to do your job here your family Berlin is the best defended City in the Reich it's them we're fighting for clever don't forget that we all have to make sacrifices fighting spirit will prove remember Frederick a fewer will not let us down we will hold our objective we're experiencing temporary difficulties but in the end we will emerge triumphant our newsmen were busy today awkward business with the prisoners perhaps they should have an accident foreign well it's not good what does that mean exactly they're forecasting high pressure with clear skies over the whole front the arbos will have a field day we can afford to give up the town but they must hold the bridge there are four divisions which must cross today if we lose the bridge they go straight in the back I'm not sure we could recover from that first apptile shorten the Bridgehead pull back on the Left Flank that should hold it we've been in worse situations we need to be quick intelligence are certain that the Emmys will mount a major assault against the bridge this morning they moved up two divisions overnight we also understand there's a large concentration of panthers approaching from the Northeast seems they're tightening the knot get a message to the brow I don't want to hear about his Supply problems I know everything there is to know about the Damned ammunition situation but they must hold that bridge is the last Escape Route tell him we're doing everything in our power to get the panzers through to him but they must hold out to the last round if necessary thank you well see to it there's another message yes it's his family sir I'm afraid that he has painful news well not now how bad is it a direct hit on the shelter beneath his apartment there are no bodies that we're sure that they were there seems that it happened a month ago the news has been rather slow to reach us his wife his children his parents they moved in together after they were bombed out you want me to Informer no let me think about it you sure there could be no mistake none soon foreign [Music] foreign very rare in a 42 you do lead a Charmed Life we can talk about this you Nancy boys talk too much we can do a deal what would the fuhrer say hey worms like you in his army is go with enough evidence to get us all hanged I don't think so if we were to leave it here show me the bridge what does it matter now go on go go foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you lines are down I can go that's it and the ammunition has finished this word try to get through the division [Music] second that title to headquarters enemy infantry are on the bridge I can see a heavy column of Allah fall back into the town foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] can you help me not now can you tell me the way to division if I cared enough to know I could tell you which way is it they are pulling out take my advice get out of here which way it's over You Are Young you have all of your life go home listen I'm from second at Thailand we're the ones holding the bridge right now we're all that's between you and a bullet right now that would suit me don't listen he's a defeatist are they still holding out for now stubborn bastards I'm it's a second I got hit two days ago can you tell me the way I took this vision if they haven't escaped already foreign kilometers east straight up so Lord we still have some soldiers treat him next he's got no chance he's dead already if I wasn't so short of Emma he would have your bullet if we could open up a corridor perhaps we could pull them back no you spell them would never allowed they're holding down too many enemy divisions do they know that nah not yet they're still counting on the panzers to arrive so still no fuel ah they're not fools they'll soon realize they've been abandoned and betrayed centers that died by obafura ascariot you may as well give me the silver no you're being too harsh on yourself sir you know that the luftwaffe have offered to try a relief parachute drop don't be ridiculous man when was the last time you saw one of our aircraft in the sky I'm of that fat girding at his promises at Stalingrad I was there I'm aware of that sir then there's no choice I know that but do you think that makes it easier these are my boys that's my whole command they trust me and I can't do a damn thing about it foreign [Music] thank you if you're Rebecca reporting sir from secondary Bridge we urgently require ammo and reinforcement or we can't hold on you could have saved yourself the journey this is no time to Desert your post so I was ordered to come here we need your help I'm not a magician you've done everything I can I can do now leaving us there [Music] I'll be with you so get back to your post your orders are to hold on respect sir with what makes a German soldier courage interview is over foreign [Music] are you being defeatist how can we hope to survive without of without supplies we are still a part of the finest fighting force the world has ever witnessed fight will continue not prepared to move the HQ yes Elvis Villa hi Hitler temper Maya thank God look I need more ammo for second at Thai long or it's over how is all clear by system going strong he was the last time I saw him can you help you know he's indestructible you could shoot him stab him burn him and bury him and he'd still keep going and what about the stone band fure one with the bash of his ass he's all right oh well I can't have everything but he won't be much longer if we don't get more ammo you know that was my unit tell a Russian Howitzer did for me one stinking shell left me half a man I'll be with him how would you know he was a quartermaster can't you help what Good's a man with one eye one leg and no Bulls there must be some supplies in reserve how could you sing such a thing then what's that uh-uh that's a quarter's emergency weaponry Maya give it to me I could hang for this but you could have it for kleber For Old Times tell him it really is the last and goodbye from an old friend foreign that's my transport this broken old carcass needs Wheels to get it round find your own you know damn well that's my only chance are the keys are in the ignition thank you Maya foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign they are asking for permission to withdraw then I can't do that what do you want me to say permission refused permission refused I don't care Brown is requesting to speak directly to you sir permission refused close down transmission [Music] the car is waiting yes I know I'll be down presently burn anything we can't carry Evacuate the HQ yes sir [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't hang up out straight on the fire faster bring the rest of them quickly no time to be lost hurry faster foreign get down clever what's happening there's too many we're surrounded and try and find a way out before it's not your son it's the second company trying to break through but they don't have enough ammunition they're bringing up the tanks if we had the parts of house then maybe we would have a chance to try foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so death With Honor good luck clever I hate that foreign [Music] struggle on the west front then from the Panzer forces the grenadiers and Airmen in the midst of his shaft you're in Buddha the Brave and Intrepid cameraman who made the heroic record of the victory against the odds of petite foreign [Music] to inspire us the final Victory is assured foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 512,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2 movies - topic, ww2 - topic, historic drama movie, famous 70s movie, ww2 hitler movies, hitler - topic, golden globe winner movies, classic youtube movies, retrospective movie channel, retrospective movie, retrospective classic movie, full length classic movie, old school movies, movie - topic, youtube old movies, cult classic full movies, archived movie, ww2 movies, 80s movies, historical movies, free movie 2023, war movies 2023, movie archive 2023, hitler movies
Id: 5Hgog9RZzFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 40sec (4960 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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