Classic VW BuGs How to Install Volks Multi-Piece Beetle Headliner Pt.2 of 6

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okay so basically where to put the new padding here on the doorpost area now you might still have some of your old remnants there too if you want to keep that you know that's fine but like I said I always take off the old stuff and then clean up the surface make sure it's nice and clean so when you glue it you don't want old glue working with new glue it just kind of doesn't marry well together so we're just gonna get some new stuff get your 90 glue I usually put it on low for this so I don't want it splattering anywhere I don't want the glue going outside the car and getting on top of the body and you just got more cleaning up to do so now this type of glue works like dry on dry in a way so you glue the surface glue the material let it tack up a little bit let it get dry and then you put it on there alright so basically if you want to punch up a little closer here see what I'm doing the way your respirator now you know this stuff can be kind of evil basically I glue to the bottom here I know if you could see that too right around there that's what this materials gonna end okay working your way down I'd like to kind of marry it real close to the grippers just because you want the material to be posh you know it's got a nice you know surface to it go on the grippers a little bit that's okay it's actually probably be a little better for you because you don't want the grippers to show through the material so just kind of Pat it up there it's all good that's it so that's one now just do the other side so we're gonna put the padding in the back window area here before I get here I'm gonna have my dad just put a bag around the back window just because we don't want to spray I'm gonna be spraying some glue here I don't want the glue going out the window and getting on the body of the car of course so I got myself a new blade and I'm gonna be putting this square piece right over here don't worry about the opening we'll get to that but I just want to start putting this material on the back window this VW had the material all back here they patted all their back window areas you know with all-new much with padding so you know just again to make the headliner look more like a pillow in a way you know make it look posh and comfortable looking so all right so we're just gonna spray this back headliner back window area just make sure you your nozzles clean sometimes the glue gets all gunked up in there you want to clean that out with your fingers you know just get that out of there so it's for the start spraying get up into the gripper areas - you just want to surround this with a good amount of glue try to get it here - and the where the lip is where the seal would sit Mike right up in here - you know so I got enough glue on there I don't have to go on the material itself I'm just going to start putting it up there it's perfect okay just start shaping it around just massage it in in essence is the way you're going to be kind of put in the back headliner piece in but not this easy give yourself a little room on the end over here where these grippers are you might not want to don't go all the way in the grippers cuz we noticed last time when we did this and then we glued the headliner in the headliner kind of bunched up on the padding so you gotta be careful just kind of give it you know good maybe half inch from the grippers and i think you should be alright all right so we'll just go outside the car now just a couple spots that couldn't get I got I'll come out here and fix but you can see here the materials got to get a little bit tighter to this lip here and then down in here if you want to take a peek over here see the materials not just reaching the lip yet you want the material to end at the bottom of this Ridge so we're just going to spray that and then go back on the inside of the car and start pushing it this stuff will stretch good so I'm like the headliner that's what we use our hair dryer a bit to kind of soften it if it doesn't stick just right away it's okay we're gonna cut this window and then we can go is go back and fix it a little more switch your thumb you know fingers just kind of press it up into place so you know where to cut it so I'm gonna get my razor now make sure you got a new blade so what cuts good find your Ridge or the wool with the the window opening is that lip that sticks down look look at that I missed ya see mistakes happen no big deal there we go like I want to cut straight past it's all good okay just pull your circle out and that's it you just go back get the padding and straight and we look okay just fix this line here that's a gun this was good about this felt material it's very forgiving you do make a cut in here you make a mistake you can kind of smooth it over and kind of hide the the line where you cut so the headliner doesn't show it but that's it I got the back window and at least the padding for now I'm gonna cut this piece right here too we don't need that it's a little extra [Music] [Music] I think it already here and knock on it it doesn't have that tinny sound it's got a nice thunk to it so it's a good dinner and that's what you want because the motor is right back here so I also want to point out to you know we if you still have if you if you're doing a survivor car and you still have some of the old padding in there that you want to keep for the luggage compartment just pull it away a little bit because the headliner you want again to glue to the metal you don't want to glue the headliner to the padding that's on this usually the 50s models they have like some form of a horsehair type of a pad and you can usually get in there with your blade here that you can just kind of pry it away and get new or just leave it the later style is the 60s they have some more jute material which is kind of similar to this padding material they'll get material we're gonna use on the roof and they usually have that on here but usually that stuff can come off with just your plastic high-impact blades you know here the putti blades or whatever you want to just get in there and and yank it out I usually put new material in anyway so but yeah I just want to make sure now sometimes I put down dead nerve like Dynamat or I have a video called for sound insulation on YouTube and I use a product called quick roof that you can get from Home Depot same as Dynamat you basically roll that stuff out it's in like aluminum sheets and underneath the sheet is a nice rubbery adhesive material and basically I've rolled that down here on the luggage area and that stops the vibration you might want to put that down now before you start putting the headliner damage you can glue the headliner to that material because it's not a felt material it's a solid material so all right so we're gonna start walking up the pillars so we're going to start with next after we did the back window weird it up proceeded here starting back here by the grippers and I'm going to work our way up this pillar here and the first strip will probably come from the grippers to about here and then we have a second strip to continue forward but what I like to do is I like to put this in here again it's a good dinner the headliner is gonna you know hug this area so you're gonna want that padding behind that's reason wife VW put that there to begin with so just good start here never take the glue off your nozzle here a little bit and just start spraying up okay again you really don't have to do dry on dry here I just kind of put it on put it into place and it'll stick pretty well what I like to do is get it on the grippers here I don't if you can see that put the felt on the grippers and now when you put this material on you want the top of the material here where you cut to go to the top of the pillar don't go beyond it don't go below it you want it to be actually even with the lip here with the ridge the edge so again you don't want imperfections to show through the headliner if you go over it's okay you can always cut it with a razor later on size it down okay they used to have a piece sticking right there so we'll get that on there we'll trim this a little bit better over here no big deal but alright so we did this one side you can then do it on the other side cool alright so we're gonna continue on from here I got this side done so I'm just gonna grab another strip and just kind of join it with this one and kind of line it up with this one you know we'll get rid of the seam but then you we're going to come over where the dome light comes in just go over it for now and we're actually gonna continue up to about here if you follow me up this way see you're gonna put the padding to this corner here of the gripper diagonally up and I'm actually going to cover the grippers as well so at least the grippers don't show through the material so the padding will actually hide the teeth marks you know so it makes it look nice [Music] where if there's any overspray anywhere I can sit on the car we'll just get some wd-40 later and get rid of it just keep working your way up okay good so I kind of joined this seam right here headline I won't show through that so I think you're alright okay I'm gonna start stretching the material a little bit down so I can cover the grippers a little too sure of that okay good that's the good thing it that's what's nice about this material it stretches and you can fit it right okay you got a section here where you went a little too high above the pillar here like I said you don't want this overlap going past the pillar line you want this to be nice and smooth so just get your razor blade and just kind of tap it off up top you want that nice and uniform so you don't see any lumps you'll see get any binding going on up there with the headliner when you start gluing around wanted to look nice and straight okay cool here's the area at the end of the right above the door we're gonna have to cut the excess off here and make it kind of pull it back so I it's kind of goes on a diagonal the headliner always goes from the gripper here kind of diagonal back you kind of see the line there see what the old glue was so basically what I'm gonna do is just kind of set it up into place there fold it back a bit take it kind of a triangular diagonal line sort of thing going and just kind of cut that off you know okay just like that okay cut the excess off here I just spray a little more cool I'm overlapping a little bit down here to pass the grippers you can see that see these grippers here the material going will past it see we have to trim that off make sure it's straight with the gripper at the bottom of the grippers so now I'm gonna just cut some of the excess that's dangling down here below the grippers you just want that like I said uniform so I can feel the edge of the gripper here cut this off and just go straight across yep okay that's fine all right so just do the same to the other side okay so VW back in the day even used to put some padding right here you can see some of the remnants of the old glue the old oval that we cut out for the back rear window I'm just going to cut this in half and use it for both sides put a piece here and put a piece on the other side and that's basically then it with this quarter-inch padding and then we'll go to the roof and put the thicker half inch padding up in there alright so let's get to that over here I'm just gonna kind of half this up as you can see it doesn't have to be pretty doesn't have to be that uniform no one's gonna see it the headliners there so I'm just gonna cut a straight line well hopefully I cut a straight line okay and normally it was just something that kind of went here I'll trim it afterwards but basically it went right there and I'll do some trimming later but let me position it and then we'll cut this over the wheel hump here that's no big deal you want the wheel hump clear because the head line is going to be gluing straight down to the wheel hump so you want to make sure this is all clear and you don't have any padding there you'll put we'll put padding on top of this hump and on the luggage area after the headliners down so just get a little more here a lot of people asked me one of these holes for in the back compartment here actually when the guys were on the assembly line they used to get their fingers in here to get to the molding that attaches to the outside of the car to put the little rubber boots on crazy Oh tidbit there okay so just pull that away that's fine and I'll probably cut it away from here just to get myself a little more stuck just do the same to the other side just trim it away just make it look nice and uniform and now you've got some good padding there all right we're gonna cut the centre square section in the in the top roof above the pillars VW usually had those cut in different sections you know like they maybe cut it we're gonna make one big long piece to fill the whole inner roof so it's about usually about 38 inches wide by what was it 50 59 inches long that's for the oval window bugs you just double-check use a tape measure go in there above the back window up to the front pillar the front header ball and then side to side just to see the width you can always trim it later on after it's glued in but we're just gonna cut this now and [Applause] okay so we're just gonna I'm just you know punching in the head the patting a little bit tighter in here and what I'm gonna do is I'm just using my high-impact plastic those blades that I was telling you about in the beginning you just get a nice and tight in there so we can cut this off and again these blades you can pick up from Harbor Freight I think that pack of five for like six seven dollars these are really valuable so just get that in there nice and tight now when we cut this I'll tell you why I'm so close to the pillars okay start back here [Music] okay the reason why I cut it so close to the pillar a lot of people ask me you know why it gets so close is when I show you the top square piece that goes in there's plastic strips that get tucked behind these these pillars here so a lot of times the new material depending on where you get the material from whether it's so fine or TMI or Wolfsburg West whatever sometimes the material gets tight and sometimes the minute the measurements aren't always exact so when I sometimes would put these in they would get so tight so when it's inside the cabin here and it's from nice lipstick but the the stripper in back here and the strip in on this side a lot of times it gets so tight that the the plastic strip that's on the headliner flips backwards it starts to come out this padding here this close will actually prevent the headliner from actually coming out from behind here so that's the reason why we go tight here normally they didn't ever had that in the in the factory they've actually cut a little bit shorter from here but I leave that here just because it'll hold that plastic strip inside this and I'll show you that later on when we're putting this and you don't understand it a little bit better but that's why we do that so I say we did it all around the perimeter here up here back window same thing usually where it pops out that strip is usually the back window area or the front because it's just so tight from front to back usually the sides are not as bad but uh but that's about it so the whole roof now is sealed you know is insulated and it's gonna really quiet your ride down you know so we do this for all our cars actually you [Music]
Channel: Chris Vallone
Views: 49,658
Rating: 4.9194632 out of 5
Keywords: VW Beetle, Classic VW Beetle, Classic Volkswagen Beetle, VW Bug, Volkswagen Bug, Vintage VW Beetle, Vintage Bug, VW Beetle Ragtop, VW Beetle Convertible, VW Beetle Restoration,, VW Beetle Sedan, Chris Vallone, VW Super Beetle, Vintage Beetle, Type 1, Kafer, Air-cooled, air cooled, aircooled, KDF-Wagen, oval window, split window, wolfsburg, kdf, super beetle, Classic Super, German, VW Restoration tip, classic vw bugs, restoration tip VW, VW resto tip
Id: Onqn7ZvzRps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Tue May 13 2014
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