Classic Tailback - Barry Sanders Oklahoma St. Highlights

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40 a good game first down for Oklahoma State Gary one man to beat he does touchdown the home estate we told you that Sanders scores once every nine times he touches the ball now he is again for OSU on the right side left side they're pulling good trap locking the pull by Jason Kidder the right guard kicks out once Sanders clears and stiff arms adios Alex Morris was the only Aggie in his way and Boris got a mouth pull from that stiff arm by sander and a good job of closing by Leon Cole boys new five five yard line well Alex Morris but before the Cowboys get another first game or trying to hold OSU out again as we start the second period look back Sanders the score he's heading back at the 5-yard line little water bug Barry Sanders out of Wichita Kansas broke free and scored for OSU this game and about the 26th Gary Jones William Thomas / am 628 up the play 2nd quarter Barry Sanders big hole William Thomas saves the country 34-yard there are 16 years in the NFL what shawne's had a good start Oh Sanders look out slide Sanders left and right Mike Gundy the quarterback give the ball off to Barry Sanders overlap tackle he spends away from one tackler gets off the 20 the 25 and up to the 30 another short of the 30-yard line Barry Sanders the crowd funding toward the formation here's Gandhi option play pitches to Barry Sanders sweeping the left side he cut spins away yes the 35 in time he's knocked out about hard on the far side signal calif i Gundy Gundy here's the boat off to Sanders quicks away from two Tigers cuts up the first let's say when the foot it'll be short on the first time that put us at tailback I'm gonna ask a 43 the pitch back to Santa Sanders tried to find the hole cuts down to 40 juices went to 35 down to 34 yard line what a great hug by Pharoah Sanders the guy's a magician super play by Barry Sanders and getting up off the bottom 10 from their own 20 3 yard line trailing 40 nothing yet the very Sanders over the right tackle juices way three cuts up across the 30 gets up the 32 a great run by Barry Sanders that has this crowd booing wrong signal Down Yonder gifts to Barry Sanders over right tackle cuts up the middle 25 he's at the 30 he fights board up the 33 yard line Barry Sanders tonight wide receivers are deployed Gundy gives them all off the Sanders going on the left side he cuts up the across the 40 to the 42 yard line gain of about eight for buried a player from their own 42 and dr. Sanders up the middle of a 45 he's at the 50 couples left hand written down by the defensive end Broderick Thomas Delta Nebraska 44 yard lon great run by Barry Sanders the quarterback for Oklahoma State gunk against the ball of Sanders hit the back heel gets away pizzas way for Elmo 35 40 45 almost up the 50-yard line attacking from behind by they runs over hate time he's at the 45 left moves out of bounds by Reggie Cooper good events away hitting their tailback the gift for sander on the left tackle he's at the 5 to 1 touchdown camel Barry Sanders hooks the ball to the official and the Cowboys have mounted a touchdown according to the officials Barry Sanders scores on the leap over the top of one yard plunge his sock top 16 from the OSU 2692 Sanders on the draw play gets a block 30 goes outside trying to get away from what from Hicks gets away from him he's at the 35 he's at the 40 he's at the 45 by Barry Sanders for a grid gonna give all to Sanders Koontz outside the righthand he's at the five he's at the two he's down to the one-yard line he was hit hard by Jeff Jackson he won Gundy pitch up to Sanders over the left side Barry Sanders scores he gives the ball to the official which is one of his traditions Barry Sanders scored 63 a 228 Gandhi pitches to Sanders over the right side 2 to the 1 touchdown Cowboys all those feet Sanders who flips the ball to the official Sanders has gone sir I'm picking Oklahoma be number one in the nation through season obscure Sanders look at the spin Sanders across the 40 to the 40 to the option Oh at the search by Jerry two wide receivers foot to the nearside gandhi's got a scramble again finally hisses man Sanders Sanders still on his feet Sanders according to the 45 and thought she did it home estate at the Oklahoma 41 yard line Sanders has got the first hand still inside the 30 yard line for Heisman Trophy given green split to the nearside 216 yards over final four games at break Marcus Allen's record and one Mike Gundy forced intent and Sanders again Barry Sanders across the 35 scott-carr Kevin Thompson me servers touchdown they give it to Sanders he's got the first down inside the 30 to the Sanders Sanders has got some more Sanders to the 20-yard just shy of a first town sandurz me to midfield ramped up by 22 coming from the middle linebacker position Steve Addison Barry Sanders almost 239 over that Marco and and catching the football at the 35 is Barry Sanders first and goal for the touchdown passing through is drunk the clock is down to 15 seconds they'll stop it to Sanders on to make Geron libera is going to lead through the whole and now here's the ability with Sanders has to kind of watch his feet watch his feet the balance and now he's gone don't tackle the money upper body you can't get him down they didn't get him down there now the speed now the speed watch his feet he never commits see how he gets both feet down all the time he's got those both feet on the ground now just flat out speed for nice control play action to cinders the to Barry Sanders almost poked another one pennies out over the 35 yard Sanders wants to cut back too the story for Mr Sanders kid from Wichita and having a big night like the other two are dicing Sanders seven senior turns it into a gain of about six or seven I think for instance second and three that's you
Channel: PockyCandy
Views: 269,903
Rating: 4.8536277 out of 5
Keywords: American Football, Barry Sanders, Highlights, in game, broadcast, ultimate, college, oklahoma state, pocky candy, classical tailback, best, run, heisman
Id: OtsYNfOG2p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2016
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