Classic Mini bolt-in electric conversion kit.

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hi everybody richard here from electric classic cars again and this time we're going to be talking all about bolton ev conversion kits we do quite a few kits um so fiat 500 um kit um land rover defender vw beetle classic mini and i'm talking classic mini here not the big bloated modern bmw minis um and just a word on kits so to us um a kit is something that is essentially like a bolt-in kit um and we only sell to approved um installers and there's a number of reasons around that one is liability of selling it to a member of the public that doesn't um necessarily have the right qualifications could end up killing themselves unfortunately if they grab the wrong end of a 400 volt cable um and the other is it keeps um you know we keep control over the the quality of the um the partners that are um associated with us if you like because essentially we can train them up and they can train their staff to be uh ev qualified or certified technicians if you like so the bulletin kits we're talking about here unfortunately not available to uh joe public they're just available to our approved partners so if you are a classic car dealer or specialist around the world and you have you know um some interest in ev conversion kits talk to us by the website um or call us up or email us via the um contact page on the website so i thought i'd just give you a little bit of a run-through of this classic mini kit that we got here on the floor because this is about to get shipped off to our partner gildred racing in the us or super coopers i think they're all also cold so before we cratered it all up we've obviously bench tested run it on the floor just make sure everything works fine spun the motor up reverse etc works and charging so now it's going to go into a crate and it's going to go off to the states next week so i thought before we do that let's give you a walk around so what have we got here well in essence it's a bolt in um pre-wired high voltage and low voltage loom uh with a tesla drive unit and a 31 kilowatt hour battery pack so if we start at the frontier so those that know their minis this is a a mini subframe slightly modified obviously to be able to cope with the tesla drive unit so there's a small tesla drive unit in there which gives a maximum of 300 horsepower and everybody's got 300 horsepower and a mini nuts well don't forget we can just dial that down so in road mode it's around about 100 horsepower which is pretty quick but it's not stupidly uh quick um but then you can flick it into track mode and please make sure it's on the track when you do it and then it'll transform into an absolute monster of a 300 horsepower instant electric power you know rocket ship basically so normal um road mode it's a 100 horsepower and that small tesla drive unit fits like a glove inside the mini subframe and that just bolts in and then over the top of that we have the front battery box so there's a number of batteries in here there's a radio at the front and those of you that follow us should know that electric cars still need written radiators and that's just cooling the the motor and the inverter side of things and over the other side there if you stay there or actually come around and you'll you'll see so on this side here we have a header tank and that kind of like fits around about there um into a recess inside the mini engine bay and that's essentially the header tank for the coolant system um that's your service disconnect and if you come around mid ship uh you'll see obviously if this was the car i'd be sitting kinda around about here um that's your heater so this has been converted to electric obviously so you got your high voltage feed in there for the um heater element so that kind of sits around about there in the dashboard and all the loom is all pre-done so all the connectors and all the um cables are all cut to length and the connectors are all on there so essentially that um if i remember rightly goes into the heater um that goes underneath here um you've also then got um the shifter so you still need to choose forward neutral reverse and this this is a mark three mini shifter we've also got a mark one as well and mark two obviously and essentially that's just forward for reverse neutral and uh forward for reverse did i just say that i did didn't i forward for four f forward n for neutral r for reverse and what's inside here if you come in nice and close you'll see the mechanism so essentially there is a microswitch there and another microswitch there and that puts it into forward and that puts into reverse great bit of engineering there um so that is the shifter and then the the cable um tray if you like that bolts in underneath the vehicle uh to where the exhaust pipe used to get go so all the high voltage cables are nicely protected bolts up underneath the vehicle then you've got another battery box here and also you've got the your low voltage loom the low voltage loom actually runs inside the vehicle then you've got a battery box here this is going underneath the back seat so this just bolts in there and there there and there and then on top as well so this is the middle battery box and then you've got the the main battery box in the boots here so if you come around you'll see this just goes into the boot and then just drops into the floor of the boot um giving you a total of 31 kilowatt hours um and range-wise i think it's around about 150 miles range if you just drove it normally let's say and like anything petrol or electric if you drove it like a um like you stole it the range will come down and if you drove it more sensible the range goes up and that's the same with miles per gallon of petrol as well but also at the same time around the back here what else we got so we've got a 12 volt battery and you've got your dc to dc converter and this is a lithium battery so nice and light uh small little 12-volt battery and the reason why it's so light is because essentially you don't need to crank over a starter motor so all that needs to do is basically just fire the contactors on when you turn the key so it can be nice and light and small and then over here we've obviously got the charred socket two types of charge sockets because uh this is going to the states so this will need the the type one charge socket uh and then this test loom here that we've got is for a european market which is a type 2 charge socket um not sure where the charger is it's on the bench bollocks of it so the charger normally sits in the engine bay at the front can't see it around anywhere but there's a seven kilowatt charger that goes on this as well uh and the idea is essentially this can be installed without having to cut into any of the high voltage cables because it's all already um pre-crimped uh connectors and everything on there so this just literally bolts in there's a couple of uh holes uh that you need to drill but that's it and that's what i love about the uh the kits that we do essentially it's a real light touch conversion that you don't have to weld things onto you know the body or um change things about too much on the car so it's completely reversible in that respect as well um and yeah i think that's pretty much it so any questions you have and i know you're going to ask about cost i don't know is the short answer that i should know but the sales team know that sort of information so if you're interested in costs or things just contact us through the website call us up on on the phone in the week and uh john or sophia or joe can answer your questions on that but uh any other questions from a technical point of view which is you know my field if you like let me know in the comments below and i'll try to answer for you um some i'll try to pre-empt now um the estate version the clubman version um and things like that the pickup version um so yes it should work in the clubhouse version which is the more stub-nosed like version of the mini the estate and the pickup versions i don't know is the answer to that i know the frontal work i think the rear battery packs might not work so well we haven't done one in short with the estate side of things but mark one mark two mark three minis i definitely know it um supports uh left hand drive and right hand drive um definitely supports as well um so there we go any questions let me know in comments below and i'll try to answer them [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Electric Classic Cars
Views: 246,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric car, mini, mini car, city car, tesla
Id: QZ9td0EnRpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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