Classic literature book haul : a mixed bag of classic lit to try out

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hey what's up welcome to here today we have a classic lit book haul it's about to get classically lit in here i'm just gonna jump right in okay let's start with the collected tales of gogol so so happy to have this this was a gift from a subscriber thank you so much i read um google's overcoat the overcoat his short story in january and i definitely definitely want to get to the rest of his work so i'm so happy to have his collective tales these are marvelous stories that combine wide-eyed credulous imagination of the peasant with the sardonic social criticism of the city dweller and that's definitely what the overcoat like focused on because it was this man who just wanted to get a new overcoat but it leads him into um some tough situations so we have like st john's eve the nose um the diary of a madman which is one i really really want to read so super duper excited and there's even one the first one the first or the second one here is called the night before christmas so maybe i'll even pick that up like sooner than i think so this is google if you know where i should start with him like if i should just start here or somewhere else please let me know but i was super impressed with the overcoat and i just want a better foundation of russian literature um he was born in ukraine in 1828 by the way but he did pave the way for dostoevsky and people like kafka as well so very excited all right then we have one i've never read from this author before and that's ford maddox ford like i feel like you don't really hear a lot about this guy um but this is the good soldier and this was a gift from linda another subscriber so thank you so much um this one sounds really interesting it's a tale about deceit and it's a lot of criticism on like the soldier um kind of being upheld in society as like kind of an ideal man you know he's supposed to be a really good guy supposed to defend the honor of both you know his people and his nation and stuff like that but in this one we follow a married couple and the husband is friends with the soldier what is the soldier's name captain edward ashburnum who is handsome wealthy and a veteran of service in india and so the husband in this marriage is like best friends with captain ashburnum and his wife actually starts to slide into an affair with the soldier as well so it's like this critique on kind of deception and the whole soldierly life which is actually a big topic in another one of these classics that i'm currently in the middle of which is tolstoy's take on it it tells of his struggle to accept a world without honor order or performance this is just gonna be a tale of deceit and intrigue and probably tragedy in the end so this cover is really nice as well i love this painting and then he's just kind of shadily standing on the back so um that is the good soldier not very good though okay then we have an agatha christie this is they came to baghdad and this one like i have not read any of her books that haven't been hair kill poirot and they came to baghdad is um not poirot it is victoria jones um who's a young woman with a yearning for adventure i don't know what order i really have no concept of agatha christie's other series or even her standalones um so i don't know if victoria jones is like a running series or not but regardless i am i'm so interested to read anything and everything agatha christie wright so as you can imagine this one is set in baghdad which is holding a secret super power summer summit but the word is out and an underground organization is plotting to sabotage the talks so she comes onto the scene victoria jones and has to basically save the situation so super duper excited i did just put out a video where i tried to solve and i get the christie murder mystery wasn't able to do it but maybe with this one or the next one i pick we will finally get there i also wanted to thank ritual for sponsoring today's video because i have been taking their vitamins and good i was already taking every single day vitamin d vitamin b12 like a b complex as well as vitamin k but with the vitamins that they sent me like all that is in one so i no longer have to take like four or five individual pills it's just all in this really nice multivitamin if you've never heard of ritual they are the obsessively researched multivitamin they are two easy to take capsules that provide nine high quality nutrients there's no additives no fillers or colorants and they are really really good at letting you know what exactly is going into your body and the transparency of every single ingredient their packaging materials uses 100 recycled materials and they even use plant-based ink it's perfectly gentle and nice on an empty stomach you don't need to take this with food if you don't want to i honestly thought that i could chew mine the first time because it was just so alluringly minty and such a cool way to market your vitamin by keeping a mint tab in every bottle after i have the 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feared it approved offensive i really want to like do a side-by-side reading of the two and like compare what was taken out and maybe do a video on it and like discuss something so super duper excited i read when did i read this this is one of my favorite books of last year so i'm definitely due for a reread if you haven't gotten to this i highly recommend if you're just getting into classics if you have always wanted to read it i feel like this is your sign like it it made me cry because the writing was so beautiful okay so for the one with the soldier this is what i was talking about because i'm in the middle of resurrection by leo tolstoy i'm currently 172 pages through this and i i'm not going to lie i'm not enjoying this this is currently our book for the dickens versus tolstoy debates and book club for november we'll be reading all of resurrection and then our live show for this will be in the first week of december or thereabouts but essentially this is the last of tolstoy's major works and we've already read all of his other ones so childhood boyhood youth warm peace and anna karenina and resurrection is kind of like his last attempt i think he wrote this shortly before he died um and it tells the story of a man named nekoladov who is also a soldier but when he is young he falls in love with this woman named maslova um he leaves he goes into the army he becomes a soldier and he basically descends into this world of debauchery and loses sight of himself and his morals and everything that tolstoy doesn't agree with that happens in society and when he comes back to visit maslova again um he essentially seduces her and ruins her prospects and then we follow maslova descending into a world of absolute tragedy and eventually she works her way into um into a brothel and works as a prostitute and then when this novel begins she is standing trial for a crime she did not commit because she was essentially in the wrong place at the wrong time and nakhladov is one of the jury men so he sees her and he just instantly gets like transported back to his past and he essentially wakes up and sees everything around him sees what he's done and from then on he vows to resurrect himself restore her life rejuvenate herself and atone for his crimes i'm really not liking it i'm not gonna lie um i think my main problem so far is that it's just i'm finding it really boring i'm not gonna lie i'm finding it really really dry like i'm already almost 200 pages through and all we've had so far is like the trial a very dry in-depth look at the justice system like the particular rules and stuff like that to stand trial to get someone out of trial the process of transporting prisoners um in this case from you know a prison house to siberia which is essentially where she's going to get sent to work in siberia for a couple i think four years to atone for the crime she didn't even commit so so far i'm just really not enjoying it it's a little too on the nose for me nekludov is just way too reminiscent of like every central male tolstoy character slash figure for me and i'm just really not enjoying it unfortunately maybe it'll change because like i said we're still just getting into the story but i just think this topic matter in the subject and like what i'm thinking is gonna be the direction that he takes this in it's just not gonna be my sort of thing so yeah okay this is one that i know pretty much nothing about so if anyone in the comments has read this now is your time to convince me to pick it up sooner rather than later and that is a play by henrik ibsen i do have what have i read by him i read the dollhouse in high school also by henrik ibsen which is another play didn't really love it but this is of course a completely different one had a gabbler if i'm saying that right had a gabler um he's a norwegian playwright super duper famous i have really never heard about this and i didn't even know this existed until it came into my po box so thank you so much and this one he says that what he wants to do principally is to depict human beings human emotions and human destinies upon the groundwork of certain of the social conditions and principles of the present day um so it looks like this is i don't know if it's a satire or not or something like that but at least in the dollhouse like he really examined society especially a woman's place in society and a whole bunch of conventions that are set up and all that stuff and it goes pretty in depth into that so i'm thinking this one might do the same but like i said if you know anything spill the beans this is an absolutely beautiful little greek reader um full it's really old it's so beautiful this is the viking portable library and it's actually edited by the one and only w.h auden which is really exciting um i love auden well what i read so far but this has stuff from like plato to ishklis to homer and then plato again and aristotle euclid and thucydides and aristophanes so wow it just oh she could smell this smells like old churches anyway i just want to show this as well because this is so cute it has like you know those red edges so that is the greek reader then we have a thomas hardy book and this is sent from gabby thomas hardy is my favorite author i thought you might like this one as it's quite atmospheric with an almost supernatural element to it so this is the return of the native and what i've heard about this one first of all it's just like i think an ode to the natural world it's all about um it's like all set on the moors and all that stuff i've only read far from the madden crowd again in high school but i loved it like i really really loved it so this one i don't i don't really know we follow eustacia great name um who's eager to experience life to the full in her quest for music poetry passion war she marries a man who is a native of the heath but his idealism frustrates her romantic ambitions and her discontent draws others into a tangled web of deceit and unhappiness i don't know when i'm gonna get to this there there was another hardy i picked up judy obscure because that one was on a syllabus but then we never got around to it or something so um i never got to read that for uni so i don't know if i should go with this or do the obscure or maybe do a rereading of far from the madding crowd i don't know i haven't got a chance to like re-experience thomas hardy in like an adult life in my adult life so yeah this is also beautiful and then a subscriber as well i found these in my p.o box sent me all of the anna green gables like the three we have anne of green gables and um oh wait oh no what's the last one oh dear i think it's this one we have anna green gables anne of avonlea and anne of the island this one my mom read and she left it out in the rain so it got a little it added built some character if you know what i'm saying i did read and green gables for the first time this year and it's one of my favorite books like ever now five stars like do yourself a favor and like the okay the craft in this amazing so i am set to pick uh this one right and of avonlea i think i want to wait until the spring or summer because i feel like you have to read anna green gables in the spring or summer it was just like the best experience for me picking up this in the spring so i just cannot wait but at the same time i don't want it to be over and like i never want to stop i never want there to stop being anna gables novels and i know that ella montgomery has so many other novels out but i just want to like savor them so so much so that is um and thank you so much this one i picked up in my little library book video but i just wanted to mention it again here because it's just too beautiful not to this is the archer's edition of leaves of grass by walt whitman um i again read this in high school but this is the death bed edition it's a bit bigger than the edition i have on my shelves so i really really really want to get to this again um i would love to read this with carolyn because this is like one of her favorite favorites ever so oh my gosh this edition literally looks like no one has read it at all either so i'd love to do like a full annotation maybe a full video on this oh my gosh i'm just so excited if you've read walt whitman can you like describe him in one sentence for me i think just people who love walt whitman like their passion for him and like the kind of the way that they speak is just beautiful so that is this gorgeous gorgeous edition so yes okay over here this one came all the way from south korea so thank you so much this is also in my p.o box and this is the wizard of oz look at this edition this is by l frank baum i've never read the wizard of oz i used to watch it over and over again when i was younger i don't think i actually knew until pretty recently that it was a book at all but this is a gorgeously illustrated copy oh my gosh i think i would like to i think i'd like to do like a more in-depth study um of anne of green gables of the wizard of oz because dorothy it's about a girl named dorothy wright and she's living in kansas and uh is it a tornado right a tornado comes and um like a window or something a window casement opens and hits hits her in the head she gets struck in the head um and then she wakes up in oz which is like this fantasy world um i'm very tempted to read the wizard of oz as like someone going through a concussion but i think that's just because i've been cracked in the head and i'm still going through the concussion and i just see things in the wizard of oz that i think would make it really interesting to read right now um not that this whole thing is like some brain injury but it could be that is what i want to explore i think it could be that's all i'm saying we're getting off the we're getting off the wizard of oz rant okay and then the last book i have here is the biggest one the biggest book this might be the biggest classic i own this is almost 1100 pages and that is the count of monte cristo i wanted to read this for a long time i don't know why i'm in the mood like i'm such in the mood for big books right now i just want to pick this up and start reading it which i'm not going to but this is the really beautiful edition and then it has quotes all on it like it's just so pretty um and then the inside looks like that which is gorgeous in my high school french class we started to watch the i think it was the french movie um but we didn't it was super long it's like three hours long so we didn't get through the whole thing and then we stopped and i have never forgiven that teacher because for some reason i still don't know how the movie or the book ends like i never went and looked it up or anything um so i really really really want to read this but um again it is so so big but anyway all i really know is that this is a story of like revenge and false identity and we have this guy who's sent to prison i don't know if it's a crime he didn't commit or something but when he gets out he becomes like the richest man ever and then seeks to get revenge on those who put him in the horrible situation for years and years of his life so good time that is all the books in this little classic book haul so thank you so much for watching definitely comment um if you're in the middle of a classic yourself or what you're reading or which one i should pick up first but yeah seriously thank you so much for being here and just for supporting this channel and thank you to ritual for sponsoring today's video as well so the link is in the description and i will see you soon i hope i'll see you soon i'll see you soon yeah probably anyway ciao do we have anything with double a batteries because my mic is still recording and now i can't get it to stop [Music]
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 37,746
Rating: 4.9768867 out of 5
Id: 83c0TyJ6bRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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