Classic Cars and Country Stars - David Allan Coe - Wheels & Deals

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so what's up everybody today it's a rainy drizzly day uh in the middle of October and we are out here in Shawnee Oklahoma about three hour drive from Dallas and uh we're gonna be looking at a 1970 Chrysler 300. supposedly this has some history uh with a celebrity a singer of some sort and on top of that the guys at Red Door Mopars actually found it for me and it's not even three miles down the road from where we bought that Jaguar out of the the underground water basement so uh you know that's how things happened uh we were here and we could have got it then but now we're here we're gonna try to get it now let's go see check it out we got a lot going on I went out and picked up three different buys a lot of things happening and I'm pretty excited so uh if you like it make sure you subscribe so check this out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] absolutely [Music] so this is it 300 huh that's it that's Big Hoss yeah parking here for about 25 years 25 years right here huh AC power steering power brakes yeah but what I like about these cars is uh they had hidden headlights they're a big old Mammoth thing but they've got hidden headlights and uh they actually made a limited edition one of these things did you get that on film yeah that hurt a little bit Dash is nice it's got kind of like a buddy seat type thing there it's it's a kind of buckets kind of Knocked all right those interior is like super nice A little bit of tearsity do y'all happen to know where the headrests are I don't ever playing that was with it is is there with okay pull the Hat what's the story how to get here well my mother bought it at the classic car auction about 1989 and it's been here ever since from David Allen Coe he's a like a singer right yes what has he seen country yeah David Allan Coe have to look that up yeah that might be a generation right before me huh you guys read it in seven so not really what do you mean not really what did he sing country what kind of country what's he famous for I don't know he's an older guy for music yeah do it oh I know this song [Music] you never call me by your name you're Richard yes ma'am Richard ruins how you doing doing fine how are you I'm awesome good so uh they were just explaining to me that you bought this at uh I guess Classic Car Auction yes and it belonged to uh I guess a famous singer David Allan Coe yeah that's pretty neat all right that's right did you get to drive it around I'm not sure did you drive it around much no really I didn't drive it around any I just saw it and uh I wanted it so you just put it there I just bid on it and bought it that's awesome so it's basically just got parked right there or what oh I've driven it's some since then yeah yeah when you think the last time was I think the last time I was in a parade at uh Okmulgee it looks like it was last tagged in 2011. oh I have a I have a tag for it now oh it's probably inside I've always kept the tag up on it so other than when you parked it um it ran and drove so probably with just the normal gas and carburetor rebuild and stuff like that should fire up huh yes it should it has been sitting now for maybe 10 years okay what's it gonna take to bite who am I dealing with what do you guys think is fair I think I'd have to have at least 12. we're gonna go get out yeah and we got a clear title yeah and it's ready I know right you're ready you need more room to store stuff it looks like that's right we need more room all right man usually I try to go to 10 but I'm feeling generous today so we're gonna call it 12 000. okay awesome thank you right on now the hard part Begins for us I got to give you money which I cherish greatly and then uh then we got to figure out how to get this thing aired up all righty man there is twelve thousand dollars in cash now you make sure you still in sit down count there yeah you got to my mom said count your money even with the bank they might have had an off day or something oh my goodness and then uh we'll let you do that and we're gonna work on getting it getting it aired up and uh see if we can get the easier out of there I I gotta ask though uh what did you pay for it when you bought it really want to know yes ma'am twenty eight hundred but that was 30 some years ago yeah that was a long long time ago that was probably high dollar for it back then yeah that's really awesome it was it was uh 89 wasn't it uh yeah it was in 89 and it was the last car that went through and a lot of the people had gone had already gone yeah you got to stay you got to be the first one there and the last one to leave you're going to get any good deals that's right that's right so all right what's up with that what's up with the Lincoln Pokemon too now I know I got to start at 2 800. it's a one owner original she mother bought it brand new off the showroom floor so what year is it 19. 79 79. instead of the original like stickers and stuff all over it has really good paint on it yeah it just looks like it needs a bottle top yeah yeah it does but the paint has always been so shiny on this car how much is this one what do you think David uh eight thousand I passed on one of these the other day well about six months ago and it had 22 original miles on it and uh I didn't buy it at 20. and uh it was absolutely falsely perfect so I don't know you get this one out you clean it up you might do better on the internet than with me because it's pretty cool but final Top's gonna cost you know 1500 get her cleaned up some correct wheels are correct tires on it because those are date coded yeah and if the body and everything cleans up it's still got the cloth interior so I don't know if I didn't want to offer I'll tell you the truth let me do a little bit of searching while I'm uh all right loading this one up and think about it I'll take a look on the old map but these things are kind of almost worth more in in scrap than yeah they're cool though I mean when they run right they drive like yeah perfect look at this even this ain't no Oklahoma beer though isn't it yes Chase is driving home what is this morning oh you want me to sign your shirt yes you just made him I can do that the beer can doesn't work until it's dry and empty because the condensation won't stick there we go excellent casting [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so in the 60s my dad was a big Chrysler guy right here ramp off the fuel line put some Go-Go juice on it power let's see what we got so you want to go down for that too we're getting a 70 Charger RT 444 speed delivered now before you get all excited that's not what it is on the numbers it's not a numbers matching car but somebody uh back in the 80s did make it a true RT clone with a 440 and a four-speed and it's supposed to be a nice car now what scares me the most is I got it out of New Hampshire and the people's idea of rust up in the Northeast as opposed to ours down here in Texas it's drastically different like in the Northeast they might say oh it's got a little rust on the back quarter uh and to us that means it's got a few pinholes and maybe the the bottom two inches is missing in the Northeast that means the quarter is missing the like the entire quarter is gone so I'm a little nervous on this because I just bought it on a few pictures super cool cat up there he's got some stuff going on there that's really really cool we'll talk about that a little bit right now I just want to see if I got a good car now it's pretty seen it off the truck yet and it came with a flat tire you know when we bought it it had four good tires and I guess we lost one on the road somehow who knows look at it we'll get it taken care of like I said it's all a day is it still filming it is is there filming in the camera yeah okay is can can you get a close-up we're getting pretty close dude all you're getting is my gray hairs and stuff this is easy it's real easy you know the company was smarter they wouldn't make it out of Bondo they would call it like titanium that way you could just say it's filled with titanium yeah you say it's Bondo and then you get scared [Music] that's like this isn't a Chrysler close enough oh two boat parts in two days there you go better that's way better it doesn't sound better to me hello what's up dude what's up man today I'm gonna buy some more Mopars what are you picking up today 70 Charger let's see let's go check it out what's up you kind of got those other two off your truck yeah that's cool 7 300 convertible triple white other than the plastic yeah well I know I come here to see a charger and I'm like oh 300. it's a real solid car interior super clean um we just picked it up it runs and drives so I'll make you two for one deal a little bit over we will have here's the charger yeah yeah it's pretty much as described on the picture it's got some mud in it and but underneath is real clean you know these things better than I do so I'll just let you decide it's a little bit pretty far to make this an RT clone because they even put like the wood grain on the dash they put a tack in it that's what I noticed too they went crazy okay I think the car was burnt orange originally looks like it looks like a paint looks like it was a cheated yeah that looks like it was burnt orange originally and then like underneath the glove box is all burnt orange so it looks like it was all burnt orange and then they painted it all which is actually that burner burn orange combo is actually pretty common with these um wow that's like the wood grain yeah but you never put it on plastic on the dab what do you look for under here a motor yes well typically just to make sure that it hasn't been smacked and there's no like crazy wrinkles or something like that um yeah it really depends on who fixed it right yeah exactly door gaps aren't terrible and stuff Center Gap so it's not it doesn't look like it's ever been hit and then obviously just these front frame rails which look nice on this car yeah coming from Back East we're just a little a little leery about the rust because oh yeah that Vermont right here yeah it's like yeah typically yeah when Richard was sending pictures I'm like man I hope this thing's solid but it looks like a jacket actually isn't a good car like it was either kept in a garage forever oh so check that out so it's got so that d right there I don't know if you can see that that d means it's a 1968 motor and then right here this HP this HP if you can see that um making it worse that right there means that it was a 440 out of a oh there you go out of a 300. no it was probably actually out of a uh like a charger or another any car that would have had a 440 that was an HP car so like a Charger RT a coordinate RT something like that um and then the VIN numbers in 68. this is a 70 model though right the car's at 70. yeah this is a 30 through two barrel car originally though how do you know that oh by the beer yeah it's an L code so so yeah the L just trying to learn how to read three two barrels so the x is is the line like the model line so that just means it's the charger and then XP just means it's a premium model which is a 500 in 1970. um uh H would have been a standard charger and then an S would have been an RT and then every charger from 68 to 70 was a 29 that's the basically the roof line so every charger had the same roof line there was no like post option or no convertibles every charger was at 29 basically kind of means it's a Fastback more or less and then that l means it's a three through two barrel and then the zero is it's a 1970 and then that g is the St Louis plant every charger built in 1970 was built at the St Louis plant wow okay so that's every step every 70 Charger you'll see will have a g there well just a little a little piece of knowledge my first car was actually a 70 Charger I bought it when I was 14. so yeah no I wish I wish well I don't really wish I had that one it was pretty rough um but uh no I learned a lot on that card but yeah but uh no this thing's got Factory HP manifolds it's got the it's got the right 70 um like air cleaner for a that a RT would have had or even a 33 four barrel car um I'm gonna crawl in here and see what the trans looks like it's a little uh you know you can't really tell the spline count unless you pull it out of that flat spot I don't know what years were numbers matching what years were and it's like I don't know those are a little harder this Mopars are pretty cut and dry and 68 on 334 Barrel RT or 440 and Hemi cars started to get VIN numbers on motor and trans there was anything below that I didn't get a VIN number until 1969. and then 1969 is when that like Federal mandate set in place and that's when everything got a VIN number so 318 three through two barrels three three four barrels 70 and up all got good numbers what was the last year you could actually order a car from Chrysler with the Hemi 1971 was the last year you could get a street Hemi in anything so yeah how much was an option how much more was that an option I don't know off the top of my head but it was yeah it was it was it was quite a bit man it was a it was a decent percentage like yeah some of these are uh options you look and you go wow that's cool and then you look and it was like 35 yeah thank you now I'm curious if the trans I think is a 68 trans as well it'd be crazy if they were out of the same if it was actually the motor and trans out of the same car like I said this doesn't really matter but cool to know and then 68 they actually had the stamps for the VIN number for the motor on the back of the bell housing yeah there it is right there by the oil pressure sender I don't know if you can get your camera in there and see that but you see yeah from over here two eight five nine five one or something I think I'm getting a little bit of it yeah so that's in 68 that's where they put the number stamps on them and then it's 69 there's actually a machine pad on the side of the motor where the where they put the van it's a lot easier to see that was just like stacked into the rough so it's a little hard to make out yeah yeah sometimes you can't read yeah man the car's pretty much I mean the car is exactly what Richard said there's nothing nothing surprising as far as condition or anything like that so I'm gonna make a call to the boss man and see if we can't get it done so right now he's back there talking to his boss so they can figure out how far he wants to to jiggle me down we already kind of established a price before you came out here but then he's going to come back and go well you know we were thinking and that's when I go like this hold on I'm just uh sending sending my other customer the pictures of this well what did the boss man say we'll take it we like it man she's cool but we gotta talk money so 35 is where we need to be 35 000. they cash 35 000. I remember riding these cars for 3 500. I wish I mean I'll give you that yeah right I was thinking 40 Man 35 is what we need to be that's the that's the money number I got cash oh that's done then and then and then a truck we're done as soon as I see the cash we're done boom look at that wow Deal's done see you later [Music] so look at this man we got a 1946 Chevrolet pickup truck this is all complete it looks like it's unrestored it's been set for a long time here in Texas uh I like this I like it because it's there's no rust on it it's fairly complete this thing right here is a second bumper they did this a lot back in the day here's the original bopper this guy saved all of this guy although it doesn't look good they saved the truck I like this too how much did you pay for it so I've got this truck and I got this truck for two grand a thousand a piece but I really paid probably two grand on this truck and got that one for free so these came out of Ennis Texas uh just about a month about about a an hour away from here and uh this one right here I'm not sure what we're gonna do with it right now it looks pretty cool just sitting there you know it's all I mean it could be yard art if you wanted to yeah but really stop what I've seen anyway on this side let's see if the other side looks like yeah this thing was sat in a field and uh of course the tires you know they just gotta take the toll that way but look at all this this is what you call for Tina when they say when you're looking for patina this is it buddy it's original paint just kind of flaking off and fade away dude look at this man I mean there's no rust at all in here dude this is killer I mean we could build this we could and that's the good news we do whatever we want with this guy it's a long wheelbase but hey you can have you can't pick them you know now this guy here is a 1960 Chevrolet it's a one ton flatbed uh got some Rust in it not the best here but it is a good looking calf for the most part no this one's got rust in it too not sure what we're gonna do with this guy here at both for a grand like I said really up to 80 000 for them so there you go the best laid plans uh charger's already gone some trucks showed up and uh this thing it looks like it's gonna run and drive Phipps is doing all the boring stuff right now checking the fluids checking the plugs checking the lights the blinkers the freaking uh windshield wipers and what have you but more importantly we got to get this on a test drive and we got to get it cleaned up I'm gonna try to do that this week and get you a follow-up video hopefully towards the end of the week but uh you know from what I know about a little bit of detail action this thing will clean up good look at that it's already happy oh my God [Music]
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage
Views: 543,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, Fast N' Loud, Classic car, cars, car, classic, Rich Rawlings, garage, hot rod, Ford, hot rods, fast n loud, grease monkey, deals, selling a car, buying a car, buying cars, found, Build, Gas Monkey Builds, gas monkey build, new, gas monkey garage, gas monkey, gas monkey garage full episodes, Car Auction, Selling Cars, car buying, Richard Rawling car buy, David Allen Coe, Country Stars, Wheels and deals, MOPAR, Country
Id: S8XSNv9ZOc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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