CLASSIC Car Photography. 1978 Porsche 924!

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this is my camera and this is a 1978 Porsche 924 a beauty of a car and you guessed it today we're going to photograph [Music] it this is Hanan how's it going hey very nice to see you nice to see how you doing he owns this beauty how did you buy it how did you get it and do you like it well definitely was a good experience getting this car because I didn't know anything about forche I didn't have anything about this particular model I saw it on on Marketplace here in ston actually uh and then I started looking for the references to look what is what is going on what where when and where was built all the history behind and it was really amazing I got it from one guy that is living in the civan yeah good price good uh element to to have so couple things to to get done still but it's like a classic right so I love it I just rod in it it's the first time that I rode in a Porsche and I got to say the feeling is just awesome I want to ask you were you were you looking for a Porsche in particular or was any classic car that that's actually what I was looking for I was checking and actually I saw like a two or three bands uh the 50 I don't remember exactly the the model but it was that was what I was looking for so something uh convertible uh like on that wrench like bands is like a I I'm more or less new at that time yeah but then this one came across and I was like this is fantastic the color the wheels everything was fantastic first model that I saw this year so I was like in love with the car so absolutely yeah I got to say I love the color like this is this is awesome this fantastic it is we're going to photograph this baby today and uh I'm going to walk you through it how to photograph a car in this case yes a classic car but that's what going to do today let's [Music] go so this is our first location hopefully we're going to get another location done today this is more urban looking we have the buildings in the back this is basically a dead end Road hopefully nobody will come and do a photo shoot today and then hopefully we can get to the other location where it's more naturey it's next to the airport so we're going to spend about an hour here and then we're going to switch locations to the other side so let's start shooting the first tip I want to give you when you're shooting cars when you're directing the driver to position the car to have the photos taken make sure you ask him to turn the wheels left or right because that looks much much better than having the wheels straight forward as always I have my d500 body with the 70 to 300 zoom lens because I can back it up and zoom in to compress the image and that will look even much better but for now I'm at 70 mm and I'm going to start shooting like [Music] this Hanan was telling me I should turn the wheels a little bit more that's exactly what I was about to ask him he knows looks like he knows he knows what's up awesome perfect yeah the wheels are now turned a bit more to the left and I have this barrier here I jumped over it because I want to get it as a foreground element so let's see how that looks let's switch locations let's go shoot a couple from behind and later on in the other location I'm going to use a flash as well is is she a beauty I love it and the engine sounds awesome perfect [Music] I can incorporate a plane in the photo as well because the the flight path is right there in front of the car so when a plane passes I can get it in the sh so uh I'm just going to continue shooting and when a big plane comes that would be an interesting shot so right now I'm going to go a bit further away so I can zoom in all the way to 300 that's going to look nice [Music] ni now he's going to move the car so that I have the back towards the camera I'm shooting from here that way with the zoom length so uh that's the plan because the sun I have it from there so I need the light to uh illuminate the back cuz I don't want to use flashes just yet but when we're going to the other location at the air airport well we're at the airport but to the other location closer to the airport uh that's where I'm going to use flashes because I'm going to have the sun behind the car and then from the other side I'm going to use a flash you know what I like specifically about the car I like the that bronze looking uh in size of the Rings yes in contrast with the green yes correct very cool looking yeah yeah yeah it is awesome now I'm going to switch to a wider angle lens and I'm going to close in on the car a bit [Music] more another tip that I can give you when you're shooting cars is uh go down squat down and shoot it from a low angle because low angles emphasize the importance of the subject it's called a hero shot that's going to make the car look more important and More Beautiful was that a plate from another car in Colombia that's actually no my brother just gave it to me like 20 years ago from one of the cars that he had before so brought it in and just put it on the car shows and it's like showing all people is just asking where is that is that car from Colombia and things like that right just Jing looks awesome man so right now we're not in Canada we're in [Music] Colombia or there's a big plane coming so let's try to do this I have the car in the frame and by the time the plane gets there I can get a frame with the plane in the [Music] shot yes got it nice typical angles for car photography obviously from the front from the back from the sides but also try diagonals because diagonals work very nice they emphasize the line of the car from the front and back and uh if you have a ladder hop on the ladder and shoot top Downs this is such a good angle here not only because I'm low but check this out I have this skid mark that goes all the way into the foreground over there and it's a perfect composition [Music] ju I have an idea I'm going to photograph the car from a lower angle like I did until now and you're going to stand kind of like this hands in the pockets go like that and just look into the into that side okay try to get you get get you to model a little bit okay okay so let's try this turn a little bit that way that's it and go like this that's it perfect keep that so that's the pose from Hanan nice and dandy and I'm going to get back a little bit more and uh squat down and get that shot I'm going to go to F 16 because I need a deeper focus and let's say 100 of a second I don't know if that works but we'll give it a test and we'll take it from there two and three let's do hands in the pockets and look at the car awesome keep that we're going to try more poses later on you can like sit in the car and maybe put the window down and have your elbow out the window that's ni so we can do that later on okay let's shoot for 10 more minutes 5 to 10 more minutes here and then we go to the other location so we can set up the lights as well okay awesome we open the doors I'm going to try a frame like that uh to see I don't know how it would look like in the photo I think it's going to look okay so uh the only way to find out is just to shoot a couple of frames and then uh go from there but I'm liking this angle from here from where I'm sitting right now this angle here I like it so let's try that what I want to do I want to show you the pose I want to close this door here and then the pose is this one hand on the top one hand on the on the door here and looking that way okay and kind of like drop your body on one foot kind of like the pose you had before with the feet crossed and then just go like this okay got it all right [Music] awesome good stuff man so I'm thinking let's go to the other location sounds good right on we're going to set up lights over there and then we're going to continue with location number dos there the sound is awesome yeah it looks good yeah [Music] boy yeah perfect okay so this is our second location as you can see the sunset is going to happen on that side over there behind us and uh I'm going to set up my light here so the main light is going to be the Sun and I will have the flash as a fill on the car I think it's going to look okay right so this is my setup right here I have this diffuser with the speed light inside it's the sb700 from ncon right now the speed light is at half power uh as soon as the sun will go down maybe we can drop the speed light power also we'll see we'll uh we'll take a this shot and take it from there can you believe it one I haven't shot cars with speed lights before yeah so it's going to be a good exercise but I shot a lot of people with speed lights the only difference is this is a bit bigger than a person well so but I do have enough flash power to cover the car well let's see and I have a diffuser on it so uh that will spread out the light nice and correct that's great so that's cool we just have to wait about 10 15 minutes for the sun to drop a bit lower and then we can can uh have some [Music] fun okay so we started shooting the sun is not in the ideal location but nevertheless I'm going to start shooting who one is posing again I have the nice bright sun behind the car and my flash is doing its thing so uh check this out I think I have some pretty cool frames here also when you're working with models it's important to uh reestablish the connection like keep that pose you're doing good back straight you know like pose them walk them to the pose awesome keep that hand in the pocket just a little bit left one awesome keep that ready two and [Music] three ah super nice that sun in the background is just beautiful [Music] what I'm going to ask him to do is face the car this way towards me with the back towards the Sun and pop out the headlights and turn on the lights did you hear yeah exactly and then um pop up the lights and turn them on thank you go go go go go okay [Music] perfect that was fun got some shots the sun is done for today and so are we did you enjoy it absolutely it was amazing yeah me to experience it was awesome it was awesome especially the last 20 minutes half an hour with the sun going down it was awesome we can do this again for sure yeah let's come up with yeah come up with another concept maybe do shots from a moving car with you driving behind that would be interesting that would be nice for sure and uh that's it for today hope you like the video thank you Juan for coming out and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Adrian Caleanu
Views: 292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography vlog, photography video, classic car photography, porsche photoshoot, porsche 924, 1978 porsche 924 photoshoot, 1978 porsche 924, automotive photography, car photography, on location photography, flash photography, german car, porsche, sports car photography, car vlog, sunset car photography, sunset shoot, nikon d500, porsche vlog, how to photography, how to shoot a car, how to photograph a car
Id: b6O33rwfuuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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