Classic Car Challenge: Grosser Mercedes Vs Rolls-Royce Corniche | Top Gear

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this is what I bought it's a 1972 rolls-royce Corniche fixed head with coach work by HJ Mulliner Park ward and is everything I look for in a classic luxury car it's quiet its supremely comfortable and it's quintessentially British frankly if you have twenty five thousand pounds to spend on classic luxury and you don't buy one of these you're an imbecile see what I mean rice Marshall Goering has arrived Morgan this James as I'm sure you know is Mercedes 600 grosser which was in 1963 the most expensive car in the world overpriced then like most Mercedes raw No does your car have a hydraulically operated sunshine roof no hydraulic windows hydraulic seats no hydraulic doors no my drama queen lid know where you are no just go out then is it you just got a Ford Zephyr with a chrome nose that's all wrong this is a coach built hand-built car hand-built is just another way of saying the door will fall off what's this called rolls-royce Mulliner Park ward a shame Ellen apart Ward it just sounds like a plumber's convention can we just show you something merrily hmm see these little windows here do you know what they're for so that when you're in the back and the window is down this stops the draught messing your hair up and you've seen this as well has your car got these curtains curtains no they're going caravans are you ready for this yes okay ready that's brilliant actually I have to concede that because what I've always found really difficult is this plainly this had to be settled in the only way Top Gear knows so we headed for the test track what the grocer did was cement Mercedes's reputation for engineering integrity I think the only reason they didn't make it out of diamonds is because they're too weak and brittle and then there's the ride just completely irons out bugs James will be saying the same thing in that Ford Zephyr of his I know he will absolutely nothing is allowed to compromise the quality of the ride in fact I like to believe that if you worked at Rolls Royce in the 1970s and you ever used a word like handling or sporty you'd have been fired this was a car for heads of state dictators if I'm honest people who have a 600 almost always had access to an air force that's why everybody can't sit up partly cuz it's got the loudest horn in the world and also because I can call in an airstrike at the track our producers had laid on a series of tests the first inevitably involved Lord Stig ok surprisely as you can see the Stig is currently driving a 1.1 litre Highland iio Dennison great tank so say that's his own car and you you will attempt to beat his time in your much more elaborate and sophisticated cars here he comes it's a proud and Noble car that is with the Stig's marker laid down the rolls went first if this car had a monocle it would fall out I got all the captains it's all a dignified spectacle reversing this was ridiculous will be sick okay so that I and I did it in twenty four point four six seconds and James that's not good mate I had good reason to imagine the greengrocer would do better this is my secret weapon mm-hmm pull it down and it increases the pressure in the shock absorbers to 3,000 pounds per square inch cool yes it's it is core it'll be like an f1 racer going down there it wasn't no it's not quite as straight and level as I might have hoped but unlike the rolls it's turning circle was less than the width of the runway oh that's quite good actually you got to bear in mind if you've got a dictator in the back and terrorists come you got to get away quickly oh that's a lot faster than captain slow so with first blood to the Mercedes it was time for our next challenge they will now be a quarter-mile drag race between the two of you but it says the only thing is you aren't allowed to use your engines right it says old cars break down a lot and you should get used to pushing them out of harm's way what a quarter-mile pushing race I've put my back out just thinking about doing this you're trying to get out of it just say go are we ready they're moving I'm not and I was already ahead I got no traction on these shoes how much does yours actually weigh two point two tons mine's 2.8 hang on you're getting ahead god this is painful our names I want a heart attack I've won that yes how could I you have all you've won for I was still going because almost I've gotta Boulder mercifully the next test did involve our engines which car could achieve the highest top speed he's reached five buffeting I've got eighty the radar trap was set ninety good God the Trin was coming off but with a six and three-quarter liter v8 the final result should be impressive it wasn't children come out of the womb faster than that before James had stopped I fired up the 6.3 litre big top speed of this car in 1969 was a hundred and twenty eight and 20 kph and 30 160 there it is a hundred miles an hour 170 my brakes are on fire we can see the smoke it didn't stop and now it's on fire still stop better than me I have to say yeah your stopping distance is rubbish you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 2,801,209
Rating: 4.906436 out of 5
Keywords: classic car challenge top gear, top gear classic car challenge, top gear classic cars, classic cars top gear, top gear grosser mercedes, top gear mercedes, top gear rolls-royce corniche, top gear rolls-royce, mercedes vs rolls-royce, mercedes vs rolls royce, mercedes vs rolls-royce top gear, top gear, bbc top gear, top gear bbc, bbc, rolls royce corniche
Id: vn1JN4b41XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 01 2015
Reddit Comments

One of my favorites too. For the shoes, maybe take a couple screenshots and post to /r/findfashion?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LtVincentHanna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aren't those a green version of these?

Edit: did a quick google search it's: Tod’s Gommino Leather Moccasin Loafers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Calamity_Jane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

jeeeeezus. 500 bucks for loafers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/barnitosupreme69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
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