Classic Battleship Powerhouse - Montana

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hey guys welcome back to World of Warships today we're taking a look at the Montana as I was playing a lot of American battleships last week trying to figure out the Wisconsin get some better games and I think I succeeded in doing that but I also managed to get myself some very very nice Montana games so I had to share a few of them with you since this is such a classic Battleship one of my favorites in the entire game as far as Wisconsin versus Monty goes they're probably very similar in power levels kind of my conclusion Wisconsin might even be better for a lot of you for me though I think there's just some sort of Montana Nostalgia that keeps me liking the ship just a little bit more it's nothing rational or objective about the ship it's just down to winning all those kings of the Seas all those years ago I was playing Montana in almost all of those so I have a little more attachment to this ship shall we say but I like it man Montana is just such a classic 406s you get 12 of them in of just nine on the Wisconsin and even though they are worse dispersion just that volume of fire can certainly make up for the lack of battle cruiser dispersion slightly worse Sigma this ship is also tankier the funny button on Wisconsin is certainly very nice especially that it's not only a Reload booster but the consumable reload as well so you can get away with using a heal and then quickly getting back to another heal where Monty doesn't get that very vanilla in this case but that vanilla is very good anyway the tall here is so much better even though we Citadel that other Montana you got to be a little worried when you go broadside if you can keep this thing angled the super structure is much smaller the extra HP you get straight up is very nice and it still retains that nice boosted heal not a super heal not a fast cooldown heal but a slightly improved heal which is nice to see when those 12 guns hit they can hit very very very hard obviously you're going to get trolled into verion in any battleship but 12 406s here out of Montana certainly can do a lot of damage and in this case we're just playing the flank since we always are looking for broadsides anytime we're playing a ship that doesn't have as much overmatch Monty certainly will fit into that case schlein might be pushing us here but we do have some teammates around and really I'm just looking to get some flanking shots here whether not the Monty goes broadside or the schen decides to turn out here that's really what I was hoping for we don't have to wor too much um angled in like this anytime there' be more of a destroyer presence certainly a submarine or Carrier over here yeah that's going to be a bad idea to be caught at a bowi in angle like this we would be forced to turn away but even against SCH and secondaries well the smaller ones aren't going to pen our upper belt or deck armor so if we angle like this we're not taking as much damage and we can do some pretty decent damage into his super structure as well back to him with Team help I'm okay with taking this tra TR uh it certainly wouldn't be good one-on-one against a schen this close um but anytime you're fighting a schen you have to consider the armor values that you have 32 mil bow is going to get full panned by all those secondaries Assuming he's got fhe so taking this angle is actually a little bit better um broadside Monty again round two this time maybe we can do just a little bit better dispersion looks fine too bad actually but we get two citadels this time 42,000 damage that's certainly what we like to see so 150k already feeling pretty good jumping forward a bit um not a whole lot happened shot a little bit at the isumo but crucially the Midway shows up and this this is where we want the extra shell volume something like the main also having even more guns into such a giant Target like a carrier it's going to be very nice and fortunately for us we get some very nice dispersion as well not quite the one shot I was hoping for but three Citadel 60,000 damage in one shot feels pretty darn good 230,000 damage just like that and a decent way towards winning this game our team does finish off the Monty so I can move my shot over to say this aumo for example for the most part whenever I'm playing a Montana or something with 406s like this I am still trying to play at closer ranges even though we don't have the secondary gimmicks or Hydro or anything anything like that this is still more of a close-range battleship just in my opinion since the shell can do less damage at longer ranges we don't quite have the pen or overmatch like we would see on some of the other battleships at this tier where we can play at longer ranges and still do quite well Monty can snipe it's fine but really we want to be within 15 km from a lot of people that way we can guarantee big hits like that into Super structures it's very very powerful even against angled ships at Super structures close range and then of course into Cruisers and even Battleship broadsides at these closer ranges we can guarantee better salvos just because well it's hard to hit people at longer ranges Wisconsin does have a nice shell speed improvement over Monty at longer ranges it doesn't have as much drag I think because the initial velocity is basically the same I think so something about the shell drag in the air makes Wisconsin shells a little quicker at longer ranges so with Monty we do have to lead a lot more very nice first game but I have another one where the game wasn't going so hot for our team uh certainly didn't have the best start myself less than 100K here and we're already 8 minutes into this match nearly 9 Minutes in so not as potent early on as that first match but something about Montana also is really important that this ship just kind of survives uh anytime you're in a bad situation the ship is very very difficult to take down it's very tanky and anytime you can play the flank or you get pushed away sure the enemy team takes the Caps if you can stay alive and hold that flank or at least provide some Crossfire this ship can win a lot of games like that and Wisconsin as well a lot of battleships can but that's kind of the Special Sauce of Montana I guess we could say even though it is quite vanilla it just is very very difficult to take down in this case Columbo sap uh conqueror H is pretty difficult to deal with to be honest with you uh we would certainly go down rather quickly if the friendly carrier didn't spot this Destroyer for us but this allows us to actually go dark here so don't actually have to stay spotted this whole time and now is when I want to just heal up a little bit those heals don't come back all that quickly so I am all in favor of going dark here wait until the salvos come through use our damage control and we go dark very nice to see and now we get to play that waiting game wait for the enemy ships to lose interest in US or forget we're here and go broadside onto us and that's when we want to pounce right we don't want to just fully run away and not engage but I don't want to be the center point I guess the main focus of the enemy team and as they decide to push towards the bcap since we are up on caps uh they need to go get the bcap that's when they're going to be forced broadside to me I'm always looking for those opportunities whether it's early game and people are trying to get into initial positions Island cover right any Cruisers trying to get to forward positional Islands I'm looking for Broadside opportunities on them but in the late game as well think about where the enemy team is going to be forced to go or where they should be going right in this case they have to go get the bcap somehow and uh it looks like the enemy DD or sub I guess in this case is getting the cap for them but still that conquer is nice and broadside to us enemy carrier coming in for us but he's been taken out already so we know these are his last plane so I'm just going to try and angle away from them I'm really really trying to help keep this Naple alive as well we're on low HP I don't have much healing left and we get that Citadel as soon as we get a little bit closer then suddenly we can start to Citadel that conquer which feels very nice eat a few torps not too bad but we're up to 200k now right a little bit of a slower match I'm cutting through it there's a lot of boring parts we not really doing a whole lot um but I do want to show this one as well just to show that sometimes just living and managing to retain some of that battle impact into the late game or at least your gun power even if we're on low HP we're not able to just fully tank as much sometimes it's all it takes is that Crossfire that you can set up in the late game since people might not be expecting it or they'll be forced into worse situations where they have to give broadside to you Columbo here pushing in I'm very very scared of that Z not going to lie uh so trying to finish him off with super structure hits probably should have gone with some H honestly given how angled he is and yeah look at that sap just crushing us even though we're still angled very scary but we do manage to hold on and actually win this game I didn't even have to get into the cap the important side of getting so far ahead on points and then being able to look ahead and see if your team is going to win on points I do have a mod to help me with that um but you can learn or you can kind of calculate that on your own in game but the mod certainly is very helpful uh 223 in this one a very nice second game in Monti nearly 3K base even although certainly more of a slow burn in that second game um I really like Montana man I think it's quite strong ship but so is Wisconsin and very cool to see that ship in the dockyard um being a fairly strong one and that dockyard being a pretty reasonable monetization practice I think from wargaming um unfortunately the battle pass and almost everything else in this uh update is uh very predatory but at least the dockyard is good um some of this golden week stuff is a little bit insane do not recommend engaging with that um chuma 2 whatever that golden chuma 2 stuff is heavy heavy gambling for that sort of stuff so definitely just go with a dockyard if you're interested in any monetization this update but here's the build that uh I was running for some of it I'm really experimenting with this one with Hy but um having a more normal Commander looking like this can do very very very well running fire prevention concealment extra healing just very basic Adrenaline Rush very basic stuff but it works very well that's why it's the standard I suppose the standard build I would go Grease the gears and gun Feeder first actually especially if you have one of the special commanders but maybe prevent a maintenance over it um but I really really like Grease the gears and and the improved ones here on the American side are very nice allowing us to have that 31 second turet firste really valuing that even over some of the extra range maybe um Montana and the American line doesn't have any accuracy upgrade here it's over at the six slot so we can either take tur Traverse or extra gun range uh secondary is not worth going for on Montana you should really be looking to get Ohio for something like that um but that's one of the reasons Ohio is so strong is you can take secondary range and accuracy alongside your main gun accuracy at the same time none of the other ships um other nations in this game really have that option they have to choose if they're a secondary build they're giving up accuracy upgrades where on the American side you're not which is pretty cool and of course Monty Hull is just incredibly tanky this is very very very strong and just look at how little this super structure is in comparison to the um to the Wisconsin Right Wisconsin is just so much more dense like there's just so much more here it's almost like this this deck armor here right just this bottom tier it's almost like they chop that off for uh for the Monty Hull right it's just shorter and longer a little longer but less here I don't know it's weird to it's hard to explain um it's more visual I suppose and certainly you feel the difference you certainly feel this extra difference here in the Middle where uh where Monty just has so much less especially here uh it's it's it's important um cuz then you can angle more without taking those massive hits to your super structure so that's something that does make Monty quite tanky although I survived a lot in Wisconsin 2 to be fair it's also a very strong ship Monty is just one of the tank your battleship so I got to point that out um but I hope you guys enjoyed had some fun taking a look at such a classic Battleship I always enjoy this thing so I'm very happy to uh to have some good games to show you guys thank you very much for watching and I hope you have a great rest of your day
Channel: Potato Quality
Views: 22,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carry, Pushing, How To Win, How To Carry, Pro, Unicum, Tutorial, Guide, World of Warships, Fun, Funny, Captain Skills, Changes, Build, Setup, CC, Community Contributor, Montana, Tier 10, BB, Battleship, USA, American, Devastating Strike, Tank, Push, Brawl
Id: alKWq6-PUoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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