CLASS A BUNKHOUSE TOUR! Fleetwood Discovery LXE 44B Motorhome RV

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hey guys Brian and Aaron here from five to go we got a brand new RV about a month ago and you guys have been asking for a tour so this is the tour we got a 2019 Fleetwood Discovery LXE 44b and this thing is such a huge upgrade for us yeah it's about 44 feet 42 000 pounds it's a diesel pusher it's got a nice heavy tile and all sorts of fun things so it's big it's beautiful we're gonna go up front and we're going to show you the whole thing front to back this was one of my main areas of concern when we went from a gas motorhome to a diesel pusher in diesel pushers almost every single floor plan has a front entry door that's a door that comes in right in front of this passenger seat and the reason that was a concern for me is because in the boundary I had my desk on a little pedestal table right here between these two seats and the door was kind of where you guys are right now so this whole area was kind of my office and Tara's little workspace in this rig that was not possible because if you put a desk here you can't get in and out out of the door so we found a little portable desk a little pop-up desk it's actually quite sturdy it fits my laptop just fine and during the week when I'm working my work laptop also fits on the same surface on travel days the chair goes all the way over this way and then I'm driving a diesel pusher it's a little bit different than a gas motorhome it's got air brakes air suspension the controls are different the transmission is all button controlled there's no gear selector so it's been a little bit of a learning curve but I've got a couple thousand miles under my belt now and uh it drives really well and honestly it drives way better than the gas coach did storage wise up here there's just a bunch of random little things up in here we've got controls for the awning and slide controls up in here that actually is one of my future projects that is our networking cabinet and in a couple months when I am back together with Ben from the previous few videos where he does all the techie stuff he's going to help me build that out into a proper networking cabinet because right now it's just a bunch of wires hanging out so future video up in there so stay tuned for that I think that's about it up here so let's go ahead and move into the living room and the kitchen and Beyond welcome to the passenger side of the living room this is where we have the reclining couch so both of these pop up we have this nice kind of shelf back here that has cup holders it's a good place to hold things that don't move or controllers so they don't get lost in the bowels of the sofa up above me here is where we can keep all of the school stuff and books and all of those sorts of things we have quite a bit more space than we did in the other RV so we can keep everything up there the dinette is a lot bigger too because it's kind of this u-shape and we can throw the littles in the back and Brian and I can sit on the edges Tara can sit out here and it just is a better fit for them doing school work where they can spread out a little bit more to get everything done with all their paperwork we keep kind of dry food up here in this Pantry I don't know if food will stay here but it's that's where it is right now um it's just an easy place for it to be kept so let's check out the other side of the living room this is a pull out couch and it comes out into a queen-size bed that's actually really comfortable and this is Tara's space she gets this entire room in the evening all to herself she has lots of storage all the way around she keeps her electronics and her books and her school stuff all in these spaces and there's also a hidden television here on a televator that we like to watch in the evening we keep it down during the day so we can see out the window now Brian wants to show off his fancy new kitchen guys check out this kitchen I love this kitchen not only does it have way more counter space than we had before but it has a couple things that are built in that I really really love before we get to the a number one thing which I think you already know I am absolutely in love with let's talk about everything else there's a nice big sink over here and uh it actually has two different sized sides to it I initially didn't think I would like this but because of the presence of something else we've actually been using this little half side here for a lot more stuff so I actually kind of like the two different sides we have the air fryer out permanently in the corner here we have our little crack with utensils and then we have the coffee pot this is uh the Keurig that sits here all the time and then in the previous rig we had a portable Ikea induction cooktop and we liked using that over the gasp burners we actually never turned the gas burners on a single time and that RV had two and a half years we like the induction because it doesn't put a bunch of heat out into the RV while you're cooking and we spent a lot of time in Florida and adding heat to the inside is bad because there's a ton of heat on the outside so what's even better than one portable Ikea induction cooktop is um one huge two burner induction cooktop in the countertops now this has been really nice having two because there were a couple times when we would be wanting to cook something that required two burners but we only had the one so this is a nice big huge upgrade we also still have an induction microwave oven so this is the oven because there is not an oven down here there is a way more useful Appliance right there and this is also where we keep the printer because there's not a better place for it but talking about counter space all I have to do is push a little button there and this entire thing slides out and I have way more prep room we did uh something the internet I remember what it was but we had uh it was kind of like this was your where you come over and you build your own food like this is It's look look at all that look at all that this is awesome one little button slides right back in there's a bunch of drawers in here this is kind of the junk drawer we all have one uh and then this one we don't know what to do with this because it is Bonkers huge for a drawer and we need some kind of dividers or organization in here uh there is an absolute Cave of a cabinet down here under the sink this thing goes all the way back to the wall we have all the pots and pans and various things in there and then there's even like another one toaster fits in there there's storage everywhere in this kitchen but you could take all of that away and I'm still in love with this kitchen because there's a dishwasher and this dishwasher's name is not Brian I love having a dishwasher it's not huge but it is glamorous it does dishes for you know a day or two it's so nice having a dishwasher the kids can just put dirty stuff in there and then every once in a while I just hit the things run the button I love it so much but this is only part of the kitchen there's also more of the kitchen over here so let's go check out this little uh Pantry like we have more Pantry actually this is kind of pantry too we're still figuring this out this is we had that big huge Pantry in the Bounder we don't have that in this so it's things are kind of let's go look over here now over on this side we have a pantry and air quotes part three there's two little things here and they have little pull out this is this is the important one that's where all the hot sauces are so it has a bunch of drawers to pull out and we have all the light cups and stuff up here and we stole this from our friend Jordan we have uh the like plastic and paper plates and stuff down in this bottom one so it's kind of kind of a weird hard to use area so like we both said we're still trying to kind of figure out where all that stuff goes uh but obviously we have a nice big huge residential fridge got a big slide out freezer drawer on the bottom and uh yeah it's it's very similar to the fridge we had before but it's great you know it's a it's in a good location and before the fridge kind of made like a little bottleneck through the middle of the RV we don't have that in here there's just this one doorway over here but this is this is great so that's enough for the kitchen let's talk about this little half bath right here it's not very big but it's big enough and Tara keeps all her stuff in here so this is kind of like her own bathroom in terms of holding all of her like makeup and things that teenage girls have so Brian might be excited about the dishwasher but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that my favorite thing about this RV is the separate washer and dryer units we did a combo unit in our trailer and that was fine when the kids had tiny clothes but they are growing as we always say now having the separate washer and dryer inside our rig right next to where the laundry is and I don't have to go to a laundromat has been amazing this month we also in this beautiful bedroom have a king size bed and in addition to the king-sized bed we do not have a nice big side arms like we did on the Bounder because we had a queen in the Bounder but my CPAP does fit it fits on that little ledge and because the water goes in the back all the weight is in the back so the CPAP it it's fine uh we have a that's another cave all of these little doors up here open into one massive storage area that again we have no idea what to do with this bed does tilt it is a tilted King and we will show you that on a future travel video because we actually have to tilt this up in order to close these slides because this bed is on its own slide and then over on this side we have the TV and these cabinets this is the edge of another slide here and that one goes all the way back to the other side of the bathroom so for these two sliders to come together that bed has to tilt up out of the way speaking of these closets that one's mine it's a rack Aaron's looks way better than mine no it doesn't so she hasn't seen mine so we have one of these on either side and then there's a nice big cabinet in the middle here uh the Xbox is here because the kids play Xbox on the TV and here and then Aaron has these two drawers all my stuff fits over there and there's those couple little drawers underneath next to the washer that's show them my washer and dryer we'll show them in just a second so there's these little drawers down here we just got various things in there Aaron has this other side uh and then Aaron wants to show off the full Splendor I will get out of the way so we can do a full wide shot there's my watch there's the washer there's my dryer there's the dryer she loves them I'm so happy okay so as we get towards the back of the RV we actually have a full-size bathroom that is uh quite large go ahead and show them off I know I'm so excited I love how much light is in here like it's amazing so come on in and there's drawers everywhere and like we have a whole drawer just of like hair Bobbers so Brian doesn't have to see them all over the rig I'm so excited foreign but there's so much light coming from all areas there's like little hidden compartments you're showing off the hidden compartments I know I know I was gonna do a short seeing if people could find okay so yeah there's one there there's one there but there's another one comment down below if you know where it is yes there is one more in here it's exciting though and the this again is tons of storage under here that we need to organize and use better it's another cave it's another cave just full of stuff but this is nice this is where the littles I can show you this part well there the littles are spending the night at Papa's house this weekend which is why we can make this video for you guys but this is where they keep their toothbrushes and toothpaste so they don't have to go in any of our drawers to get the things that they need in there they can stand right here and brush their teeth before they go to bed which has quite lovely showers on this side and the shower is huge like so much space with the littles this having a large shower I never thought this would be an issue I have to like get in fully clothed and like rinse their hair off because the shower thing is over there and it's just a whole thing but it's pretty comical I'm sure with them showering you know Ben's in there trying to get all the soap out of his hair and I stand Here fully clothed with the things you know what let's show how big it is okay go ahead and get in there alrighty and I'm gonna get into oh my this is not gonna get R rated whoa so yeah we're we're both in this shower and actually in the shower with the door closed that's how big this is so yeah this is a quite a big upgrade from what the boundary had yes it was so silly all right toilet the second yes is back here I have black tank sensors that actually read accurately what what because these are macerator toilets if you don't know what a macerator is just imagine that underneath the toilet There's a garbage disposal that's a good subscription yeah so everything going through go ahead and flush it so they can hear it okay it's loud so it runs some water for a second and then and then yep that's a macerator so like I said garbage disposal everything going through there gets for lack of a better word homogenized yeah right so everything coming through the tank like when I am watching the black tank empty because I like to know the things are coming out it's a very uniform consistency and I think that that helps with the sensors because there aren't clumps and chunks and papers smacked on this it's it's all very right and it macerates it right underneath the toilet here so before it even gets to the black tank it's yep all liquid yes so bunk room this is why we got it on this RV right yep welcome to the back here um we needed space for the littles that was a proper bed so Tara has the queen bed up in the front that comes out of the couch we sleep on the king bed and then Brooke sleeps up here on the top and Ben sleeps here on the bottom Brook gets the top she's the older one she's a little more agile getting up and down in the middle of the night if she needs to go so she gets the top and they have their own like heating and air conditioning vent which is very nice because they like it very cool when they sleep at night so we can stay toasty warm out there put this on AC for them and everything's golden they have huge again cave closets behind both both of their pillows here that they keep all their toys in if they organize it they keep their stuff their toys and their books are in there and for us it's out of sight animals yeah I don't have to look at it this is Brook's closet she has room to hang some things and she knows what's going on in here um Ben gets these three drawers which is perfectly fine for his clothes he's got a place for that and then Tara has this whole side all three drawers and all the space up here and it looks like a 13 year old has just put her stuff in there I promise she has enough space but they like this they can peek out the windows they have room to just lay out completely these are six feet long so I could lay on here and not have a problem um but it has worked out very nicely they're getting to bed earlier it's just been a wonderful wonderful thing to have so that's it for the inside let's take a quick look at the outside out here there is a massive awning that we can run in and out and then there are five storage Bays on this side that we've been making pretty good use of on the front Bay we have the starlink stuff for now and we store the kids bike helmets in there and the next Bay we have a nice big slide out tray which is awesome and the bay after that is a big massive pass-through Bay that goes all the way through to the other side and then we have a long skinny Bay where we keep like the outside mats and we have a flagpole now with more on that in the future and then the fifth Bay actually is really cool because that's where the fresh water tank is and instead of just having no Bay or just a useless one they put pegboard in there like that's from the factory that's really cool the rest of the bay is in the back not useful at all because again this is a diesel pusher so you have a big honk and diesel engine in the back so those last two bays on this side it's just fluids and hydraulics and electronics and it's all just engine stuff and then the other side all the batteries and all of that wet Bay on the other side not very interesting I have a couple gripes about it basically because of the camp height of this but again that'll be a future video so let's go look at the back end of this thing and see what we're doing about the bikes and towing the Jeep and then we'll wrap this up okay back here on the back side of the RV we have a very similar setup to what we had on the Bounder I have a Hollywood rack on top of a splitter here so we can carry our two two of our three e-bikes the other one is folded up in the back of the Jeep and then on the bottom we have the ready brute Elite tow system that we use to tow our Jeep Wrangler that Aaron is pulling up in right now what convenient timing so that's kind of a run through of the entire RV let's see what Aaron thinks thank you guys so much for watching and if you have questions about anything that we showed you today or if you want to see something more in depth in the new RV let us know in the comments down below and we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Five2Go
Views: 59,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery lxe 44b, class a bunkhouse, fleetwood discovery, fleetwood rv, rv bunkhouse, 5 to go, Rv motorhome, motorhome tour, family living in rv full time, rv tour family, rv home tour, bunkhouse, rv tour with kids, full time rv family tour, rv family living, rv tour, rv living, rv tour full time, rv family, rv life, rv life full time, full time rv, family living in an rv, rv home, rv living tour, fleetwood reviews, full time rv living tour, full time rv living
Id: PoV3HM3mqnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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