Clash-A-Rama: How The Other Half Clashes (Clash of Clans)

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Hey, Jack! Get over here! Ta-da! - Oops. Jack, clean that up. - Aw, man. Ha! Victory goes to the pure of heart! And also to me. The way they're talking about me makes me think they're talking about me. What are they saying? "¿Oro en el mar?" Oh, I can never figure out the right dosage for English. "Oui, oui." "Versunkener Schatz." No, you stupid spell. Proper English! On its last journey back from the Night Island, the Night Ship was carrying such an abundance of gold, it nearly capsized. The crew had to throw one whole chest overboard. If we could only swim, that gold could be ours! But alas, we're built to steal, not swim. Useless Goblins passing up a sunken treasure because they can't swim. Wait a minute. Jaakko can swim. And I'm Jaakko! All right, my freeloading brother, I need you to distract the Night Witch so I can borrow her ship. And how am I supposed to do that? Use that "Herman charm" I hear so much about. Sure. She seems chill. Hello, I'm Herman and you are beautiful. Those lifeless eyes are captivating. They allow me to see beyond your mortal plane. Hot. So N-Dubs, how about you and I get out of here and grab a Dark Elixir or two? Well, I haven't had anything to eat or drink in ages. Jaakko at sea. A magical adventure! Magical. That gold is as good as mine! Maybe I'll buy those Goblins a round to thank them, and drink it in front of them. Wow, the ocean in all its glory. The gold! It's real! I'm rich! Now, to open the chest and have my expectations met. There was sunken treasure down there after all! The joke's on... Bon voyage! ...Jaakko. Wait a minute. I'm Jaakko! One of you ate my last coconut, and I'm not dealing another hand of gin rummy, until the thief admits to the crime. I won't be made a fool of. Me?! Why would I steal my own coconut? Crazy? Who are you calling crazy? Okay, I'm sorry we fought. Can we make up? No answer? Is this the silent treatment? No more fights, we want rights! No more fights, we want rights! No more fights, we want rights! No more... What's the meaning of all this? This village's troops are hereby on strike! We're done fighting until you meet all our demands. Demands? Strike? Hereby? That's agitator talk! What could you possibly want that you don't already have? Shorter fighting days! These sixty-star work weeks are killing us. Literally! If that's your only demand, maybe we can discuss... It's not. We also want the right to choose our HMO. - Your what? - Our Healer Medical Operator. We deserve options. We're tired of being forced to use the village provider. Oh, boy. We didn't want to do this, but you left us no choice. Strike! Strike! Strike! A strike? And after all we've done for them! Giving them jobs, constantly putting them in danger, paying them as little as we're allowed to by law. Hi, so sorry to interrupt, but I'm about to upgrade the Mortar. It's a big job. I might have to swing this two or three times. Sweet Baby Dragon! You've just given me the best idea. Don't worry, baby. She means nothing to me. All right, listen up, maggots! You're not here because you're the best. You're here because you're all we've got left. You don't have much experience fighting, but we will train you and you will learn. Do we have a choice? Absolutely not. Okay then, we'll do it! Builders and Villagers? That's who they're replacing us with? Those spineless traitors! No offense, guys. So much for working-class solidarity. Oops. Hey, we can fix this, right? If those scab Builders can do our jobs, then we can do theirs. Someone hand me a tool. What kind of tool? What, there's more than one kind of tool? - Great win! - An awesome battle! The bushes are cleared, that old Clashmas tree is finally gone, and all the traps are re-armed. The best part is I can take credit for everything. Yeah, I guess we actually have a knack for this building thing. We upgrade things faster than you boys. No offense. None taken. We just three-starred the first Village we ever attacked, which is better than you ever did. No offense. None taken. Well, it looks like we broke the strike. Our peaceful townspeople have become warriors, and our warriors have become peaceful townspeople. And the best part is there's no foreseeable downside to any of this. Well, turns out putting the wrong ammo in the Mortars, forgetting to hide the Teslas, using Archer arrows in the X-Bow, and leaving Giant-sized gaps in the walls will backfire on you. Attacking is a lot harder when the Village has walls! It's almost like we just got lucky that first time. Enough. I've had enough. We're bleeding so many trophies. They're going to knock us back down to the Bronze League! Just call off the strike, go back to your original jobs, and we'll give everyone a range of Healer options. We'll settle for it. Let's all head to Frank's Grill, gang! First round of Elixir is on me! You guys go ahead. I'm actually scheduled for a waxing. It's not going to hurt, right? Oh, yeah. Like crazy.
Channel: Clash of Clans
Views: 14,285,988
Rating: 4.8510141 out of 5
Keywords: clash of clans, COC, Clash of Clans Gameplay, Clash of Clans Strategy, Clash of Clans Animation, Clash of Clans Commercial, Clash of Clans Attacks, Clash of Clans Town Hall, Hog Rider, PEKKA, Clan Wars, clash royale, gold pekka, yt:cc=on
Id: yYeLTtQ3laM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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