CJ Dropshipping Full Tutorial (๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ณ๐˜† & ๐—˜๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐˜†)

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hello everyone my name is sarwa odin thank you very much for joining me on this video today i'm going to be showing you guys how to source from cj drop shipping and not only will we be looking at sourcing from cj drop shipping make sure you stay all the way through to the end because later on in the video most people when they source from cj drop shipping they're only sourcing from suppliers like aliexpress but i'm going to show you how to skip aliexpress and show you the benefits of going directly through to manufacturers and wholesalers in china you know reaching out to the chinese market who actually deal with people from china people in china so i'm going to show you you know exactly how to do that as well so make sure you stay tuned because all that's going to be shown on top of that i'm going to you know go into a little bit of detail to explain to you how cj dropshipping work because you know i've made a few videos about cj dropshipping in the past and i know some people are still a little bit you know unclear of exactly how it works so i'm gonna explain that in this video so make sure you watch all the way through to the end because you are going to be picking up some fantastic valuable information for those of you wondering what all this overlay is about this is actually a live stream and i am live streaming right now on twitch.tv forward slash ecom grinds the benefit of joining me on a live stream is that you can go ahead and ask me any questions and i will answer them as we go along so make sure to come out and join me on the live streams if you want to go out and join then i'll leave a link to the the twitch.tv channel in the description of this video so what we're going to do now is i'm going to go over to my computer screen over there and we are going to go out i'm going to go and share my screen with you guys this is the cj drop shipping website let me explain to you a little bit about how it works so you get more of an understanding of exactly what what to expect from cj drop shipping there's two types of products you're gonna get from cg drop shipping there's products that they hold themselves probably got a vast supply of you know a certain type of product but then there's lots of products that they don't have one thing about cj drop shipping is there's gonna be a lot of products that you don't actually see on their website for these type of products you can get them sourced in cj drop shipping will source them in for you i'm gonna answer one question now because i know many people will have this question in the future when you are sourcing a product in is there a minimum order quantity and the answer is no there's no minimum code quantity so you can source in one product at a time or each time as you make a sale you can you know you can process the order on cd drop shipping if you do actually order a minimum of like 100 products or you know 150 products or 200 or you know how much ever that you want to obviously the more that you do order you are going to get a better price gizlin says is cj dropshipping like aliexpress it's very similar to aliexpress in in many people's opinion they would say it's better one of the main benefits of cj drop shipping is that they got a faster dispatch time often than aliexpress and they actually deliver the items faster so let me share a paint screen with you right so you guys uh and and i'm going to kind of explain something over here so how does the sourcing work that's that's you know a lot of people want to understand that so say for example here's cj drop shipping all right now for example if you go out there and you find a product on aliexpress let's just assume it's uh i'm going to put ali ali as aliexpress so let's just assume that you find a product on aliexpress right let's just say you know you find some headphones okay and then you go over to cj drop shipping you look for these headphones but you don't find them the cj drop shipping do not have these uh headphones in in you know you looked all over their website they don't have it so what do you do how do you source it in so what actually happens is you provide details about this product to cj drop shipping and don't worry about how that works because i will show you you provide details about this product drop shipping and then cj drop shipping will take a couple of days sometimes you know within a few hours sometimes a few days and they'll try to get this product in so do they buy the product no they don't buy the product what they do is they can't contact the supplier that you provided them with they contact the supplier and they try to negotiate a price and then once they negotiate a price then right they make that available so i'm gonna put you know this is you okay they make that price available to you okay so now once they've negotiated a price you can now purchase these products through cj drop shipping so you can place the order on cj drop shipping right and what will happen is once you place an order on cj drop shipping cj drop shipping will then go out and purchase the product from aliexpress from the supplier they'll bring it into their own warehouse right first thing they'll do is they'll bring it onto the warehouse into their own warehouse and then they'll ship it out to your customer all right so that's how it works so they don't hold the stock now they've got lot they've got suppliers in uh sorry they've got warehouses in china they've got warehouses in united states in thailand and a few other places across the world so what you can actually do right is you can purchase products in bulk and have them stored in one of their local warehouses and if you have them stored in their warehouses you cut out this little time frame in between where they have to bring their own bring the product into their own warehouse to ship it out to the customer right so what is the benefit of using cj drop shipping well one of the benefits is that they have a you know when they're dispatching the product they they often dispatch it faster than aliexpress right aliexpress if you've ever dropship from aliexpress you know that sometimes they could potentially take up to two weeks to dispatch an item so they dispatch it faster and you know sometimes if you use aliexpress right sometimes they use some ridiculously slow shipping times right ridiculously slow shipping company logistics right and it takes quite a lot of time not all the time but often they do it all right not all the time but often they do it so what actually cj drop shipping does is they dispatch the type item faster they usually dispatch the item within three to five days some often most of the time they do it faster but they usually dispatch the item within three to five days of you placing the order so within those three to five days that includes them contacting the supplier bringing the product into their own warehouse and then shipping it out right that's dispatch and then they use they offer a lot more faster shipping services so you know what they they often deliver the time faster now i've made videos on my youtube channel in the past showing you exact comparisons of delivery times of products i've ordered to myself comparing aliexpress and cd drop shipping and most of the time cd drop shipping actually every single time i used it cd drop shipping worked out to be faster that's one of the benefits now whether you drop ship using shopify or whether you drop shipped through ebay this is you know this is this is a fantastic opportunity because with shopify they have direct integration into shopify stores so you can integrate cj drop shipping into shopify and almost automate your business and then with ebay because they are an actual wholesale and drop shipping supplier they are very compliant when it comes to ebay's drop shipping policies so you know what whether you drop ship using the ebay ebay platform or whether you drop ship using shopify then you know what cj dropshipping are pretty much the right business for you so first of all danish iqbal danish thank you very much for the follow there on twitch the next thing i want to talk about is if we go back and uh look at cj dropshipping how do you source in items so to sourcing items is completely simple first thing that you want to do is you guys want to go ahead and register to cj drop shipping if you are watching this on youtube i'll leave a link to join cj drop shipping in the description of this video i do want to mention that please note that the link is an affiliate link you're not going to pay anything by joining through my link nor will you pay anything less but you will be supporting me as a content creator by joining through my link and to register and use cj drop shipping it is absolutely free so just click on the link in the description of this video on youtube or if you are watching on twitch type in exclamation marks either drop shipping or one word and it will take you to this screen and then what you want to do is just enter your email you know create a password enter your password and then take this box and click next and then you want to go ahead and sign up to cj drop shipping as i mentioned it's completely free you might just need to verify your account they'll probably send you an email to verify your account once you've verified you'll get access to this and this is where you will be i'm going to first of all show you how to source items from aliexpress and then i'm going to show you how to source items bypass aliexpress and i'm going to show you how to source items directly from chinese suppliers you know suppliers that really are made to sell to the chinese market not to the western market and you're going to be able to get you know lower prices so we're going to use aliexpress to start off with so once you've registered with cj drop shipping you may be asked to download their google chrome extension and you can do that quite simply thank you very much for the follow on twitch p r kumar zero two two appreciate all you guys uh who have been hitting the follow button whilst we are live streaming so let's just assume that we want to go out and um uh sourcing this product over here right well let's just say this this this little rfid wallet uh or maybe these banks right okay we found this product so this is the product that i want to source from cj drop shipping right now all you do is all you do is go to cj drop shipping right once you've registered ready to use it see where it says sourcing go ahead and click on sourcing right now once you click on sourcing it's going to take you to another page on the top right hand corner of the screen where it says post sourcing request we're going to go ahead and click post sourcing request and then it's going to give you an option to source items in so i'm just going to keep it zoomed in now select sourcing type what you want to do is click individual product you're going to go ahead and click individual product you don't need to upload an image product tag you know what type of product is it so this is like a a bag it's like a fashion item so we're going to scroll down see jewelry watches health beauty hair women's clothing home garden uh let's just put bags and shoes there you go perfect bags and shoes product name what is the product name all you want to do is just go ahead and copy the title from aliexpress and then paste it in here right then it says the target price so this price product on aliexpress is 9.69 free shipping so it's asking you you know roughly what do you want them to get the price at so let's just say you know don't say ridiculous something ridiculous like one dollar or something like that they're saying it's 9.69 so what you want to do is maybe put something like 8.49 destination country let's just assume that if you want to sell it to the united states so i'm going to put the united states of america then it's going to say purchasing type now purchasing type it's not bulk purchase it's drop shipping so you're going to go ahead and click on drop shipping then it's going to ask you here for the sourcing url so you just going to provide the url of the product so this is the aliexpress url of the product you're going to go ahead and paste it in there and then click submit and what it will tell you is the maximum sourcing request per day are five you have five remaining this is my test account and you know what when she starts processing more orders with ali with cj drop shipping they eventually start increasing your limits for you all right then you can go ahead and click on confirm now if you find that a product is selling really really well for you or you you know what you want a better price then you can you get actually a an agent assigned to your account you can speak to your agent through the live chat and just say look i'm interested in this product you've got me this price i want you to bring it down for me can you bring it down you know what's the minimum order quantity and say for example you have to purchase a hundred of them um if to get the price down so what they'll say you know and they can store them for you in their china warehouse so they'll buy a hundred for you and that store in their warehouse so it's ready for faster dispatch well you know what if you're not ready for that yet then you still can use the single uh the single item so once they source it in and they make the product available you can list it onto your shopify store or your ebay store and then as you get an order from your store you can place the order on cj drop shipping and then you can uh you know you can do single orders that way thank you very much for the follow on twitch raphael i appreciate that as you can see on the screen what i've done is i've actually sourced in five products prior to doing this stream a few days ago i put in a sourcing request for five products of these products i put them all on the fourth of march today's date is the 9th of march so all five of these products have come back with results right now two of them the sourcing has succeeded two of them the sourcing has failed and now another one of the sourcing has succeeded so we're going to look at these individually because i want you guys to see exactly you know what kind of results to expect you know what your expectations are and we'll have a look at you know is there any potential profit to be made let's have a look at some of these products so first of all we'll open up details of this product and what we're going to do is we'll also open up the ali express link and view product details so we'll we'll do a like for like comparison we'll see exactly what cj dropshipping has brought in and what the product was that i requested in from aliexpress so from aliexpress this was the exact product that i requested in from aliexpress 35 000 rpm professional nail drill equipment and if we click on china and then we go and click on the product it's 28.65 for these models right and this 19.82 so this is the product is 28.65 with free shipping delivered before june the 13th of full refund you can select different types of shipping on aliexpress right so this one's 20 to 40 days it's free shipping so usually that's the kind of shipping times with aliexpress 20 to 40 days so now if you go and click on apply you know these are the only offer in the free out of shipping options so we'll have a look at that now what have cj dropshipping been able to do so if we look at for example um these guys are they they've got it in the eu plug they've got the these and they've got the gold us plug right so they've got the gold version in the us plug the white white white pink they've got the pink of the us plug as well right the gold is 12.64 the pink is 10.98 now i want you to know that there are times where cj drop shipping will offer you a lower price total lower price than aliexpress sometimes it'll be slightly higher sometimes it'll be around about the same it's for you to work out if the item is still profitable for you all right so let's just assume look at this sorry the gold us plug is 12.64 the shipping there's different shippings the cj packet look 10 to 15 days delivery right 10 to 22 days and these are all the different types of shipping options so this is the best one to select for this product 10 15.53 10 to 15 days right so 12.64 plus 15.53 will make this product 28.17 the gold version on aliexpress is 28.65 so it's slightly cheaper if we look at the pink us version with that same shipping it'll be 26.51 on this instance right cj drop shipping has been able to beat aliexpress which is absolutely fantastic so you know it's it's still it's definitely worth looking at now just because i found a product here that has given me you know a cheaper price i'm not saying you are guaranteed to get cheaper price so let's have a look at another alternative option so ecj dropshipping in this instance have been able to beat aliexpress which is absolutely fantastic now let's look at uh the the next product right we will have a look at all five of these and you know it's important for you to understand you know you're gonna get a variation of uh different types of things that come back so this one your drop shipping have been able to bring it in so this product on aliexpress is 47.73 right if we do uh do the quick math 47.73 plus seven dollars and two cents so in total it's actually 54.75 so this product on aliexpress is 50 54.75 what have cj drop shipping been able to do product type is 19.87 right the shipping cost is 48.63 right so if we look at all the other shipping options available there's no other shipping available because if we look at the china warehouse right let's have a look uh is it slightly different so they've actually got this product right they've got this product in the u.s warehouse now that's interesting i didn't expect that but this specific product they are storing in their u.s warehouse and it's available to sell and the shipping cost uh to the united states right usb are shipping from u.s warehouse united states and it's going to cost 48.63 to ship so in total it's going to cost 68.50 but if you're selling it to you know different countries across the world then you can still use that shipping and it will cost you a total of 67.58 so in this instance right aliexpress have been able to bring us 54.75 but these guys are around about 13 more expensive right so is it worth it for you now that's for you to figure out if you are doing shopify and you've gone and done your product research and you know this specific product you saw people selling it for 150 then you know what that 10 difference it doesn't really matter does it because you're still going to make a decent profit on this item right but if you're doing ebay drop shipping so let's have a look at ebay drop shipping if you're doing it some kind of ebay drop shipping that this ebay seller was selling this product for 68.99 right now because they're selling it for 68.99 i know for a fact that this product is not going to be profitable for me on cj drop shipping right if we actually if i use senior drop shipping if you actually have a look at the first product remember this nail machine that i showed you right they're selling for 39.99 so they're making a small profit on that on ebay if i sell this on ebay i'm not going to make any profit on it using cj drop shipping so in this instance we're just going to go out and skip this item now remember cd drop shipping allow you to source up to five items every single day so you want to be going out there and using all your five sourcing requests every single day they give you an entitlement to use five uh you know to to source in five items so you definitely want to be going out there and doing that now let's have a look at these two products over here both of these right they've failed so let's actually have a look at why they failed and see if there is anything potentially that can be done about it so one of them uh i've opened up both of them yeah right one of them failed and they give you a reason why it's failed so i'll zoom in so you guys can read along with me this top message right is is always the same and then they give you a reason reason we contacted many fan manufacturers manufacturers we contacted many manufacturers unfortunately we were unable to find it if you have the contact of your own manufacturer please talk with your agent so earlier on in the video i said that you get an agent that's assigned to your account you can speak to your agent and if you know a manufacturer that is selling this product then contact them and tell them to contact that manufacturer and see what they can do this one the reason that they declined it is the weight of this product is too heavy and the shipping cost is much higher than the product value this is kind of beyond the drop shipping concept if you still insist to drop ship this product please talk to your agent so if you still want to drop ship this product you can call top contact your agent and say look i want to know exactly how much you're gonna you know how much it's gonna cost me to potentially ship this item so what was this item let's have a look it's this specific product so it is quite a large item it's quite shopped at 77.35 right this is quite a substantially large item and i know sometimes cj drop shipping they charge quite a lot for large items and if they feel that it's going to be way too expensive they'll probably just decline it if you really are adamant that you want this product right then contact your agent and say look i just want i want you to give me a quote how much it's going to cost to ship this item and the cost of the product so i can figure it out that's uh you know if you want to do now last but not least we had one more product so our list are sourced in five products so we'll go and check this one out now once what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go and list look at this item and then i'm gonna show you how to you know source through 1688 right 1688.com and you know this is the chinese website that's made for people in china and if you could start sourcing products through these guys right then you're going to give back get substantially better prices and i'll explain that to you in a minute so this one let's have a look um did cj beat the price or did they so what was this so this is some sofa leather repair tape 11.59 and the shipping cost 3.18 right so in total this product will cost us from aliexpress 11.59 plus 3.18 so 14.77 remember they're going to be sending this out via aliexpress standard shipping but if you want any other faster type of shipping then it's going to cost you way too much right premium shipping or dhl but aliexpress standard shipping if you know how that works then you'll understand you know how potentially how long potentially how long it will take so 11.59 plus 3.18 shipping so in total this product cost 14.77 so what was cj dropshipping able to do they got this product in for 2.36 right our interior leather upholstery sold for leather sticker 2.36 they've got it in the usb house and they've got it in the china warehouse right both very similar prices in the china warehouse it works out slightly cheaper so again cj drop shipping have been able to beat aliexpress on this so they can get the product in for 2.36 shipping is 7.48 right you know the cj packet ordinary right is 8 to 16 days they can deliver this item to the us right and the total cost of the product is 9.48 so again they've been able to be aliexpress we were 14 something these guys are 9.84 so often cd drop shipping when it comes to total right they do beat aliexpress sometimes they don't but then you need to figure out you know is the item still profitable for you one thing i do know that cj drop shipping 99 of the time win on is they do offer faster dispatch and they deliver the item faster those two things alone are really good for your store whether you're drop shipping on shopify or drop shipping on ebay you are going to build more confidence with your customers when you offer more faster shipping get the items dispatch faster and delivered faster and same with ebay you go to you're a lot more likely to get more positive feedback if you are drop shipping on ebay using cj drop shipping rather than aliexpress the next thing that i want to look at is cj drop shipping allow you to source items from 1688 so 1688.com first thing that you need to do is you need to go to 1688.com and you need to register now with google chrome i'm using google chrome i don't know if it's the same on a mac but on a google chrome it automatically translates the page but it translates or as much as it can how are you going to find these products that you found on aliexpress so really i would use aliexpress as you know as a marketplace because this is the biggest marketplace that has that you know the most amount of products so the first thing that you want to do is you want to go and register to cj drop sorry 1688 all right to register to 1688.com first of all you want to go to 1688.com from your mobile so i'm going to click on that and it should open up the mobile page now as you can see see where the search bar is at the top of the screen on the right hand side of that see where it says login you're going to go ahead and click on login now if your page doesn't automatically translate it it will just be this button over here so we're going to go ahead and click on that then it will take you to another page where it's going to ask you for your login credentials now see this white button where it says 1688 you want to go ahead and click on that and then it's going to ask you for some registration details some login details but what you want to do is under the big orange button you can see two set of chinese writing one is in orange one is in black you want to go ahead and click on the one in orange and once you go ahead and click on that it's gonna ask you for your country your region then go ahead and enter your mobile number and then swipe this across and then it should send you a verification message then what you're gonna do is just follow the on-screen instructions to go ahead and get verified and once you are verified you'll be able to log into 1688.com from your pc or your laptop i would highly recommend that you do use it from your pc or your laptop now i just want you to know that this is the easiest way to register via phone number but then once the first time you do go into your computer it may ask you for some extra additional details just fill in the details that is required it's pretty much self-explanatory just fill in as much details as you can and if it's give it whatever is required and then you will have full access to the 1688.com website what is the benefit of using 1688 now let me show you something so for example look at this product on aliexpress let's just say this one there you go right so this product on aliexpress um from china will cost 40 cents 24.40 shipping to the united states is 24.40 so we know that aliexpress you know if we get cj drop shipping to source this product in from aliexpress they're going to get us maybe some kind of similar price to this one so what you want to do is just take some kind of snippings tool where you capture a screenshot and then i'm going to screenshot this product over here right just get just capture a screenshot then click file save as save it onto your computer right and then you go back over to 1688. on 1688 what you actually do is click on this button you need to be logged in to use this you go and click on this and then you upload that image now what it's going to do is it's going to search 1688 or this product now you're going to be able to see that how much it potentially cost what you want to do is it's going to show you prices in in chinese yen right so what you want to do is just type in go to google and type in chinese us dollars right and then you're going to be able to see exactly how much you can source so this this one right if we do turnover you know filter by turnover we're going to see look at the stores that do the most turnover because they're going to have a lot more experience uh sometimes there might be quality issues with you know some of these guys who are completely cheap but there are plenty of videos out there on youtube to search you know how to do quality checks for 16.88 now we're we're not going to be purchasing directly from 1688 anyway right because these guys they're only delivered to china so what cj drop shipping do is they order the product from 1688 and get it delivered to their own warehouse cj drop shipping warehouse in china and then they distribute the product from china to wherever you're selling to so if you're selling to the us or if you're selling to the uk by the yada then you know what you can you can do that so how much does this product actually cost so if we go ahead and click on it right um you can see that this product is selling for 28 yen right so uh starting batch 3 to 19 uh 20 to 499 pieces so you know what minimum order quantity is three pieces but don't worry about that because you're not going to be purchasing minimum of three pieces you're going to be getting cj drop shipping to do negotiate a single order so how much is 28 yen right 28 yen is is four dollars and 30 cents right this product right is actually four dollars and 30 cents you can speak to the guys i mean if you know that this product is going to sell really really well you can tell the guys in cj drop shipping look i want to go ahead and purchase a good bulk order of this product uh maybe 50 of these maybe 100 of these and they're going to be able to look into doing that for you and then you're going to source it in exactly the same way so you're just going to capture the url you're going to go back to cj drop shipping and then you're gonna cook you know post a sourcing request uh individual product uh you're gonna put the the url and fill in the rest of the details and then put in a sourcing request the same way that you would have sourced generic product through aliexpress you're going to put in a sourcing request this way the way you find products on 1688 is just by downloading the image or taking a screenshot of the image from aliexpress and then you go ahead and upload that image to 1688 now if you can't use 1688 you know what this um you know what just just try to register go ahead and use google translate to register to them you can register with a phone number that's usually the easiest way to register and once you register with your phone number you're going to you're going to be putting sourcing requests through 1688 to cj drop shipping this way so there you have it guys that was like an explanation of how cj drop shipping works it's pretty easy once you get to know how i tried to go into in as much detail if you're watching this video on youtube i'll leave a link to cj drop shipping in the description of this video go ahead click on the link and register for absolutely free and start using cj drop shipping if you have any questions then by all means go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section below and if you found value in this content i'd really appreciate if you go ahead and give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel so you get notified next time i upload more videos onto youtube and of course don't forget to follow me on twitch if you ever want to catch me live link to everything will be in the description of this video thank you very much for watching i'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Sarwar Uddin
Views: 14,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cj dropshipping, cj dropshipping ebay, cj dropshipping shopify, cj dropshipping tutorial, how to use cj dropshipping, how to use cj dropshipping with shopify, how to import products from cj dropshipping to shopify, how to add products from cj dropshipping to shopify, how to use cj dropshipping with ebay, dropshipping, dropshipping 2021, ebay dropshipping, winning products, dropshipping products, dropshipping ebay, product research, dropshipping product research
Id: t_RogRcGMlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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