Civ 6 Basics Guide & First Turn Tips || Civilization VI Concepts & Tricks Tutorial for Beginners

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good everyone and welcome back today i'm going to take you through the basics to civilization 6. now i have a lot of other sub videos on the channel so if you're looking for more specific content check them out but this video is designed for new players to save sex or players returning to civ 6 because i found that the game is often given out for free the base game that is anyway is often given out for free so i'm going to go single player create a game i'm going to start this one with standard rules that's just the base game but if you have dlc you should play on gathering storm but i'm gonna run up just off uh the base game and i'm just gonna do prince difficulty uh if you're new you might wanna choose uh chieftain warlord even settler if you're entirely new to the franchise but i'm going to play on prince which is standard uh for game speed i would recommend quick or online if you're after a game that will only take a few hours like literally the quickest speeds will take a few hours so um yeah i would recommend quick or online i'm gonna go online for the purpose of this video and then you can change the map type the map size and enable some extra game modes but basically the key here is just choose your leader choose who you want to be i'm gonna be cleopatra for no reason other than the mouse was over her at the time and then start game and it's as simple as that i thought i would just take you through that just in case because this video is designed uh to be the very basics the very sort of fundamental stuff of sex that being said uh i will sort of weave in some more advanced tactics as well where appropriate but um anyway let's go through i'm gonna introduce you to the basic concepts of the game and how the first turn plays out basically that's the scope of this video um so let's just crack straight into it because this loading screen is a great place to start on the loading screen you will see your civilization's unique ability its unique unit and its unique building or improvement now if you don't understand those concepts at the moment you don't need to but just bear in mind maybe take a picture write it down have a tab open on another screen or on your phone or whatever just just take a note at what your sieve does well um even if you don't fully understand the concepts of like gold or food or plus production or what a tile improvement is that's fine this is what the game looks like when you spawn in uh and just a a tip in the options menu if you've got options audio you can adjust music and sound effects and all sorts i have mine very low because i'm recording but um yeah each to their own right so this is how you spawn in and in a normal game you will spawn in with a settler and a warrior the warrior is a military unit and the settler will create a city this essentially found your empire just quickly before we do that though there are a couple of other options you might want to consider in the game options i have quick combat enabled and quick movement enabled um there are other ones here that you can mess with as well but quick combat and quick movement i find speeds up the game a lot um because if you notice so here's my warrior i'm just going to move it one tile by right clicking clicking and holding and you can see that um it just sort of quickly moves right it just sort of jumps there if you don't have those options enabled it'll sort of slowly walk it's more of an animation it's quite pretty but not practical so i'm going to send my warrior which is my military unit out to start exploring the map and you can see as i move this warrior more of the map becomes available that's because the fog of war is lifting as i'm exploring the area the other unit that we start with is of course the settler now the settler has an option down the bottom right here whenever you lift click a unit you'll get their options down the bottom right the settler can found a city and you'll see that the game is giving me some tool tips and if i hover over it i can see you know this is a great spot for a city because it has access to fresh water which is great new resources that i don't have obviously etc etc so on and so forth generally for new players and even more advanced players where you spawn where the settler begins is often a pretty good spot to settle it may not be perfect but it's usually pretty good the game thinks about this when it spawns you in so i'm going to go down the bottom right and found my city and boom my settler has turned into a city if my map looks a little bit different to yours i would invite you to come down to the top left uh sorry the bottom left of the screen where you can see a whole lot of different lenses and map options now some of these are more advanced and we'll cover them in future videos but the second left here map options it just has three really simple tips if you have the dlc there are more but three really simple tips you can show grid you can show resource icons and you can show yield icons for the purpose of this video i'm going to have um show resource like that tick was so glitchy show resource icons on and the show the grid on as well so you yeah and i recommend you do this the same the grid is good because you can see like this warrior has two movements per turn unless it's crossing a river or something difficult like mountains so i can just sort of move it along the tiles and and sort of you know gauge how far i've moved and the resource icons that is these little these little things here as you can see stone coffee bananas these are things that if we build a city on them and then send a worker out to improve them we can collect these resources and get whatever bonuses they offer bananas maybe food stone is production so on and so forth now i'd like to move to the fundamental mechanics of the game up the top left you can see science per term culture per turn faith per turn and gold per turn also envoys we'll leave those for now these particularly science culture and gold are fundamental to the game gold allows you to purchase things culture allows you to work through the cultural tree and science allows you to unlock new technologies and therefore new buildings and units and military and so on and so forth those are the sort of fundamentals if you're playing with dlc you might have more uh icons up here as well you may have one for tourism um and other things but these are the fundamental ones that every player will have so i'm just going to cover those for this video let's bounce back to our city now you can see this is the egyptian capital of course it's our only city and when i uh when i click it here and select it you can see i have some options down the bottom right and you can basically see what the city is producing so it's producing 1.3 culture per turn it's producing some food which allows it to grow uh it's pre it's producing production sounds weird but bear with me a little bit of science per turn no faith in some gold right so that's what it's doing right now of these icons one in particular that is interesting that i'll cover in a separate video and actually i covered it with civ five as well and it works exactly the same so uh you can check out my sub five specialist video and it's it's identical but basically when i click this little managed citizens uh you can see that at the moment i have two citizens in this city uh one because the literal city is here and then my one population which is what that one means there you can see one population is working this tile so the citizens are working this tile you can tell because the face is blue light blue rather than dark and so they're working that tile and they're producing three food and one production and that's adding into our totals so this tile is producing two food in one production this tile this area is producing three food in one production and that's how we get the total five food that's being produced and then if we mouse over here we can see that in three turns because we're producing a surplus of food three per turn our city will grow so in three turns this will be a size two city and we'll get one extra citizen and that citizen will be able to work another tile maybe this one to get another three food and one production that's fundamentally how it works you can reassign them but again that's a little more advanced so we'll just click that again and leave it the last thing we have to do with the city itself is choose production so a city can build something and a city will always be building something it's always using its production in this case 4.1 production to build something whether it's a unit that we can walk around the map or a building within the city that adds to its yield uh for turn one i would generally recommend that you build the monument um a scout is also not a bad idea a scout is a fast moving unit that can quickly walk around the map and reveal the map and maybe you need some military a builder can improve tiles but i would generally recommend that you build a monument first turn just to get that culture just that starting culture starting to work it up i'm going to click builder because i'd like to have a builder unit just to show you but yeah generally generally you want to um probably not do that now the next thing we have to do whoa what is this you might be thinking don't panic it's actually not as bad as it looks that was the tech tree so the next thing we have to do on our first turn is decide what technology we want to research just in the same way that a city is always building something you are always researching technology the speed in which you research it is determined by your science your science per turn and that's improved by building scientific buildings in your cities specific units so on and so forth anyway you have to choose a research open up the tech tree you can see that as we progress through the game there are more and more advanced technologies right the way through to nuclear bombs and lasers but in the beginning back here we're just sort of learning how to write and you know how to make clay pots and put animals behind a fence so on and so forth generally you're going to need to pick up these early technologies but i would encourage you to just sort of take a little look around the tech tree and think about what things you might need specific to you if you're an ocean faring civilization you might want to go for sailing first to get fishing boats maybe you have lots of fish for the purpose of this video i'm going to grab pottery pottery is one of the prerequisites for writing and writing allows us to build scientific buildings one other thing i will briefly mention but not go into in a lot of detail is you can speed up the research time for each technology by boosting it and you can see the boost requirements under each one so um if i meet another civilization i will research writing twice as fast i guess because i've learned the secrets of writing off them right that's kind of the idea um but for now i'm just going to pick one of these basic ones they have no boost you're going to need to get them sooner or later you can see the advisor will recommend you certain things based off your sieve as well so i'm just going to grab pottery it seems good but yeah study the tech tree and bear in mind that you have these boosts you have these eurekas that you could work towards so i'm going to try and meet another civilization before i research writing because i'll get it in four in five turns rather than nine and that's it for our first term you might be thinking the avid viewer will be thinking what about culture we haven't picked a cultural policy and you're right if i hit up the top left here you can see that we're already researching the code of laws if i click it i can open the civics tree and just like science culture also has a tree the civics tree which you can work through and unlock different bonuses and policies now that is something for an entirely separate video so i'm not going to delve into it purely because there is only one cultural civic to research in the beginning and it researches it by default and fundamentally this tree works the same way as the science tree but it's unlocked with culture per turn rather than science right so you sort of understand fundamentally how it works but i'm going to leave tiles and policy improvements out of this video because it's quite a wide scope but essentially you unlock these bonuses and you can equip the bonuses it's fundamentally hard works and that's it we've made it to the end of our first term you can click next turn in the bottom right and that's it you'll go straight into your next turn if you have auto unit cycle on in your options it'll throw you toward a unit i've turned it off because i don't like that but you can see i'm just going to sort of hold right click and and and sort of just start sending my warrior around i'm scouting out for any bonuses on the map for other civilizations but also i'm looking for somewhere where i might want to put my next city because in civ 6 you can expand quite quickly um so i'm also looking for opportunities and there's a barbarian on the back on the horizon as well um i'm just gonna quickly skip through these turns if you were you would probably play these a little slower um if you weren't purely recording uh how to start a surf game the basics of video but for the purpose of this i'm just going to speed through mainly because i want that builder right and i'm going to end the video uh with with two things that you're probably going to do in and around your first turns that's why i've just sort of quickly skipped ahead here firstly is fighting barbarians so around the map there will be barbarians they are not other players they are not ai city-states or civilizations they are purely absolutely reckless uh barbarian warlords and you can just run around and kill them so great early military game and a tip for you there and then finally i just want to show you how the builder works as well because it's a fundamental unit to the game um and it works differently than it does in civ 5 quite differently than we've seen it in the past so in this game you walk around a builder just like you would with any other unit so here's the builder it's spawned here i'm going to walk it to this tile now builders in this game have uh essentially three builds that they can complete certain policies and and sieves can give you more but uh by default they have three so this builder can improve three tiles and once it does that it will disappear so it's not like previous games where a builder could just stay alive forever and just constantly improve tiles and this game they can only do it three times so you have to be a little more selective what i mean by improved tile is when i select my builder and i come down to the bottom right here you can see it's special option other than just moving or skipping its turn or falling asleep the dream is to improve tiles so i've moved on to this flat grassland and you can see the game is recommending me hey build a farm i'm going to do it for the purpose of this tutorial i would recommend you that you connect these resources when you can but for now let's just build a farm so i can hover over this you can see that it's going to add one food to this tile not necessarily to the city because remember from the beginning of the video we actually need a citizen to be working the tile although now that we've skipped ahead we have a population of three but it's going to add one food to that tile and also provide housing because your population needs housing it's another metric within civ 6 that hasn't existed in civ 5 but it's basically a way to balance population growth so i'm going to click that and bam you can see boom instantly unlike in survive where you'd have to wait a few turns that's the upside it's instantly improved that tile and built a farm and now if i click back into my city and click manage citizens you can see that this tile unlike at the start of the game is now yielding three food that's fundamentally how the builders work in this game and that's the last thing that i wanted to cover for this video because i don't want it to drag on i've looked across youtube and i've seen you know there are some fantastic introduction to some videos but they go for like an hour and i don't know about you but i don't i don't want to spend necessarily an hour right there's a time and place for really long guides like that but i think if you can sort of cover it in 10 to 20 minutes that's the ideal length so i'm going to leave it here and i'm going to thank you very much for watching um if you would like more content i have loads of serve content on my channel lots of survive and i'm starting to produce um a lot more civ six as well also one thing that i would mention uh just before i go a specific video is i have a guide on the dlc for this game because um i understand that a lot of people have picked up civ6 for free which is really cool um but they are a little confused about the dlc because there's a whole load of dlc and it's like like what what one do i buy what one overrides the other it can be quite confusing so check out that video in the description and the comments maybe below if i'm clever i'm not so probably not um otherwise thanks so much for watching uh please do subscribe enjoy our rapidly growing community and otherwise i will see you next time for some more hots civ six action
Channel: JumboPixel
Views: 43,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jumbopixel, tips, 2021, civilization 6, civilization 6 gameplay, new frontier pass, civ 6, new fronteir pass, civ 6 basics explained, civ 6 basics, civ 6 basic strategy, civ 6 basic guide, what to do on your first turn in civ 6, civ 6 tutorial for completely new players, civ 6 tutorial for civ 5 players, civ 6 first turn, civ 6 first turns guide, civilization vi basics, sid meiers civilization vi basics, civ 6 concepts, civ 6 tips and tricks 2021, civ 6 beginners guide, civ vi
Id: DVB365GHSxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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