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what is it party people so the most embarrassing thing happened to me the most embarrassing thing happened to me this this this week and i was walking and okay can you please turn your ringer off i'm trying to film an intro here stop shut up [Music] let's go make my friends super uncomfortable [Music] lexi let's see are you the reason for your and ben's breakup no it was you wasn't it it was not me it was both of us you were sleeping with other men this is not true his name was henry henry danger um okay you know what now it's ringing a bell like rivera is a cheater red river rivera are you in love with me yes wait what i wasn't ew okay no now i'm uncomfortable caleb kayla burton when was the last time you let the water run through your butt cheeks in the shower uh this morning liar when are you gonna make a move on lexi rivera uh right now actually let's go we're here not here first folks where we going where we going let's see love at first sight folks oh my god i almost just slipped and fell gotta get the juice who are you who's your most hated person in the group uh nobody you guys still have beef what what do you mean what do you mean no we don't have me me and you got these have you ever had me no do you feel uncomfortable uh yeah a little bit yeah who are you you don't know who i am no i am it's the giant forehead for me it's the nose the size of canada for me piercing your forehead is the size of pluto it's the no brain cells for me how do you fit no brain cells in that big house head it's the chipmunks face for me it's the grinch looking face for me oh really cause you didn't need that makeup done for that christmas video have you ever been to egypt because your eyebrows look like pyramids have you ever gotten your teeth because that looks like bananas okay that was terrible i am in the middle of nowhere nowhere nowhere i'm in the middle of nowhere it's a million degrees i'm a little girl from los angeles california i'm a little city girl this isn't anything that i'm used to i'm being eaten alive by bugs but you know what at least someone likes me okay i'm trying to fit in by wearing a cowboy hat and boots it's not working today my friend sarah and thompson are going to be showing me what it's like to live in a rant for 24 hours ah this is a very new experience for me so we're just gonna see how long i survive if i survive if i like it if i don't it's definitely gonna be a fun experience and i can't wait to see i just stepped in cowboy today we have a long day ahead of us what is the first thing that we're gonna be doing today today we're moving cows to better grass so they have more to eat you want to fight kevin wanted to say hi we're off to a good start this city slicker's getting on us oh yeah i'm so bad at this okay so right now we're going to look for as green of grass as we can find for our lovely cows they don't seem to really like me every time i go near them they run away just like all the other men in my life but we still gotta find them some food so let's get it also how badass do i look right now let's go from one to ten i hope you said ten so i was there my own business i gotta stop at this accident i don't know where it's coming from i think i put these cowboy boots on and it's just like ah my name is billy ray cyrus which is totally not true i was driving my quad because i have one of those now a little cactus ball flew in my boot and i was stopping and everyone else left me the forbidden gatorade i'm a hoot and a hall around these parts look at all my fans there's so many of them if you look over to your right it's all the people that are better dancers than me i'm a really good dancer let's keep on walking over here come on now if you look over here it's all the people that have better smiles than me i got a really nice smile too now come on over here pick up your boots come on and if you look over here it's all the people that have smaller butts than me all right so now i'm in the what is this called i'm in the shop and i'm about to go staple staple what pound staples to fix a fence is that wiping material or what oh my god i'm so overexposed you're so happy that i'm doing this video huh i just get to do all the dirty work around here we all like this i think i miss every time this is a pivot and it's all irrigated alfalfa hay and we have to fix one of those sprinkler nozzles that's new that's new there that's it that's it anybody want to hug a hug oh yeah bring it if i was at home right now in california i would be asking myself wow i wonder why every time i go on a plane and i look down at the crops everything's always in a circle i just found out that that is because of this little machine here called call the pivot friends fans you may know pivot anyways it goes in a circle and that's why when you look down from a plane they're in circles okay that's enough learning from pearson you'll probably never learn anything more for me ever again all right so it's been a couple hours we just ate lunch now we're gonna try wrapping right oh so not freestyling and then you throw it and then pull your slime wow she made that look really easy i'm gonna make it look even easier sorry sarah okay all right i got her so good though like [Music] mom this is for you i'm gonna count that one pick me up for lessons only 412 times late you know only three tries later and i did it all right chipotle guacamole this one's for you holy crap i did it up david life on the ranch was nothing that i had expected whatsoever you know what i may not be the best rancher but i sure do love ranch [Music]
Channel: pierson
Views: 904,738
Rating: 4.9713669 out of 5
Keywords: pierson, Pierson wodzynski, living on a ranch for 24 hours, waking her up with 50 alarm clocks, 24 hour challenge, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, Andrew davila, I lived in Paris for a week, we tried 24k gold food, I did this for the first time, last to leave the bed, kidnappers broke into our house, twins get caught cheating, tiktok, exposing my fake friends, going through each others phones, random videos I watch at 3am, extreme dares, locked the girls in prison for 24 hours, vlog
Id: T9aBKNKcuHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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