CIT - Install MS Access on Mac

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everybody my name is ria waller and i teach at fresno city college and you're watching this video most likely because you're taking cit 15 computer concepts and your instructor has said that you're going to need to run ms access and you're like well i'm on a mac how can i do that and if you don't know let me just help you is that you cannot run ms access on a mac natively and you can run the rest of the microsoft office suite i believe almost everything else except microsoft access so when you come to the lab test which you will have for this class you'll need to by the time you get to the msx s1 ms access one you will need to have done this if you're running on a mac and this is my little funny here is mac now supports windows okay so i'm on a mac right now it's what i use all the time just to be clear if i go up here i'm running on os catalina 10 15 6. this what i'm about to show you should work for most operating system versions maybe if you're more than three or four years old you have to kind of be a little cautious but in the most part and it will tell you if it won't work so you should be okay but i show you this just to show you i am using a mac so what you're going to do and i'm going to show you what's going to happen when you get this done and then i'll just walk you through the steps to do it so on my computer if i come down i have a piece of software called virtualbox so virtualization is running uh different operating systems um on top of other operating systems and a lot more than that but in this case if i just click into this icon what you can see is that on my mac i can run windows 10 and that's how you end up getting access on your mac is first you run windows and then inside of your virtual windows you run you install ms access okay so just get that try to kind of understand that but as we move through uh that's what you're gonna do okay so i'm gonna go ahead and close this because you're gonna see this when we actually do it so in this case the first step you probably want to do and you could just do these simultaneously is the first thing you can do is just search for download windows 10 free and what you want to make sure here is that you're downloading this from a microsoft site okay i went in here today and i looked at this and you do have to give it some information what edition do you want as of this recording this is probably the latest one i will get i did actually already do this and then you confirm and then it asks you if you want 32 or 64. now in general if you're not sure using a 32-bit version is probably fine of windows but if you know for sure that you're running on a more current one you could get the 64-bit of windows so let me show you what that looks like i'm going to confirm right and then it's going to say choose one i'm going to choose english right and then confirm that and that's where now you get that link okay so again i for my setting i'm going to do is 64-bit windows um so you can do a 32-bit totally fine for what we need as well so once you do that then you're going to go through and download it now what you download on your system and let me just show you this because i've already done this step because you don't want to wait because it is quite it's like a four gig download so it will take a little bit of time right so just know that that's true so for me once i downloaded that piece and maybe what i'll do is show you the next one before we look at the actual files you need that and you need to download virtualbox so virtualbox is from oracle and if you go and i just went to google and i type download virtualbox again making sure you're downloading from the proper sites here so i'm going to go download virtualbox and then what you can see here is os now this is really small so you have to look really carefully so you have different operating systems that you can load other operating systems on and in this case we're gonna load the virtual box for os x host okay so once you click there again i'm downloading it i actually need to get rid of it because i already have it it's not as big of a download so it will not take as much time okay so you want to have and you'll notice here it might be a little hard so let me just do it i'm going to show all and these are the two things i've downloaded so let me just and show in finder so the it's let me increase just a little bit so you can see this there's a lot of going on on the screen here um i accidentally downloaded it again so i'm just going to move that one to the trash and what you can see here is these two files so this is the and this is a native install like a file that's native to mac says md dmg file and you can just run this just run the install take the defaults and you should be should be no problem there so step one after you do these two downloads of windows and virtualbox run the install for virtualbox first so you have to run that install first now once you get that in once you get that installed then you get this icon that i was showing at the bottom okay and it is important before i launch into this is to know where in case you have your download set to somewhere else where that iso file and that is the windows file is actually located okay because you want to know that because you're gonna you're about to get asked where it's at and you wanna know its location so now once you get the icon for virtualbox again just install it take the defaults shouldn't be any issue there i haven't found any doing the installations and you will get this new icon now for me i've already set up windows on my mac but i'm actually going to walk you through how you would do this and you have to make just a couple decisions for the most part this software is going to make most of the decisions for you there are a couple things you might want to think about like how much ram how much hard drive space because this will take up a little bit depending on how much you've set up of your hard drive space okay so again you should have nothing listed here so what you would do is click new and when you do this you can give it a name right so i'm going to give it a windows 10 demo for me i'm going to be running windows 10. this is the location where it's going to build this virtualized environment for me it's actually not even knows happens to be right now that it knows what version it's assuming so i'm going to hit hit continue now this is where it's going to say how much ram do you want the thing in general is most of these defaults should work fine if you find that it's laggy right again this could depend this is something i'm trying to remember if you can change this after maybe it's not something you can change but it is fairly easy to delete these virtual ins installations and recreate them if you find but again i generally take the defaults here so two megabytes um i'm sorry 2 000 megabytes right so uh is pretty good that should be fine so i could increase it by dragging it i'll just continue now what again i'm taking the defaults here so what it's asking me is going to create a hard drive that windows is going to understand but it's going to do that by taking a piece of my local my local systems hard drive so you have to hear and it's recommended 50 gig that's not a bad recommendation at all you could change that if you wanted uh right there is places to do that i generally take the default here and let's go ahead and hit create and so i'm going to do a virtualize there's different options here but i'm going to do a virtualbox disk image right that should be fairly standard you could research these if you felt like you wanted to look at some of these others i'm going to continue storage on the physics oh this actually is a new feature of virtualbox from oracle is that you can either do dynamically allocated or fixed i'm going to do dynamically that way if i ever needed to increase it i could that ran into this before where they didn't have this option and that became an issue and this is where you can say okay 50 right it was it was recommending 50 i could change it i could do a little less remember you're going to be installing microsoft office so you do need a little place and for windows to run well you need it to have a little bit of space now this kind of shows me where it's at as far as my overall disc and 50 gigs is probably fine now remember after you're done with this assignment you can totally delete this so i'm going to go ahead and hit create and boom there it goes so it set up the requirements so now i'm actually going to start that virtual system okay so again you should only see one here this says all the settings that you've set up and then you can just hit start and what this does i'm going to pull this over because it went over into my other screen and let me minimize this and this so you can clearly see the options here right so what this is is the your please select a virtual optical disk or physical drive this is where we want to find that iso file okay so what i'm going to do here what should have worked there oh there it goes i was inpatient so now i'm going to go to that virtual down so downloads and that's where i find the iso file okay so again this is what you're doing is you've set up in virtualbox the settings the kind of environmental settings and now you're actually building is selling now what do i want to install then there i'm going to install windows so i'm going to hit go ahead and hit open it shows how big it is it shows the iso so that's the important piece you've got to download the iso go ahead and hit start and this is will take a few minutes okay um depending on your system this could take a few minutes this is a reg now at this point you're actually just installing windows this is it's a normal installation of windows so if you've never installed windows this is your opportunity to do that and then you can just say yep english english english us keyboard that's good install now so just follow most of the defaults here and again you can see that i'm running a window inside of my mac operating system right and so what i'm going to do here and this actually i have not had this expire on my particular one so i just say i don't have a key now there are ways to get keys and i'm not going to cover that in this video you could talk to your instructor about that if you want but for this thing i'm just going to say i don't have a key uh window now you can even choose the version of windows you're going to do you could do home edition education edition which i'm going to do again i'm not sure again i'm not going to cover all this because you could ask your instructor questions about how to get this but i'm just going to do education version okay and then i'm going to accept the license which is good i'm going to upgrade windows oh it must it now in this case it might actually already see that i'm running windows right you could do a custom install if you want uh i actually think i'm going to do a custom install it shows me that with drive how much space it is i'm going to hit next and now i'm actually probably let's see how long this is going to take if it takes a few minutes i may pause here and come back once it's done just so you don't have to set through this part but basically this is just actually now doing the installation of windows in here so i think i will pause here for just a second okay so that finished and it just had to do a reboot uh it took a few minutes there just to do that and not too bad honestly again it depends on the speed of your internet the speed of your mac itself um how long that process could take so just be forewarned a little bit so now what you're going to do is set up your account and for windows and you can do this however you want i happen to on my standard is to set up a pen number so that i can get in i believe you can also here use your campus email which might not be a bad idea now that i'm thinking about it because you do have there's a microsoft program to give students free software and so it might not be a bad idea i haven't done it myself but the version i've been running of windows has not expired hasn't given me a message and i've been reading different things about windows being [Music] accessible free these days where it used to cost money but again do your research here to make sure because the thing is things could change at any time in the future after recording stuff like this that i wouldn't know about so just make sure you do a little bit of research there and select those but in general you saw the way i did it which is i selected the educational version and it's just doing the final setup steps here if this takes a little bit longer i'll pause again just to show you but it's just doing some setup and then you'll have to go through and set up your account so i guess i'll pause one more time here okay it looks like we had one more reboot now the one thing i will say as this is coming in is that you do need to keep windows updated even if it's running on a mac it's just like running any windows anywhere else it does need to be a cap updated so make sure you're loading the updates into windows if you don't know about that just and i'll show you where to go to check those updates because when you install this version of windows it may not have the latest and what you'll need to do is catch it up to the latest version of windows again windows is it's very important any operating system any piece of software it's very important to keep it updated with the latest software okay because they uh protect your system let's hope uh they do that's the goal is to protect your system against known uh issues so i thought this would be a little quicker but again it's just doing the final setups you can see back down here in the bottom uh some of the things that's happening it's accessing the hard drive it's building on the internet i mean it's coming it's using the internet for my mac so now i'm just going to say united states yep that sounds good it already knows so you know defaults here are good and and the other thing is while this is coming in you can also do something called full screen or scaled mode and these are options for how you look at it um as far as how it runs inside of your mac so i just say yeah us no i'm not going to add a sick key i could uh just because yeah i could but for the most part i found my standard one works fine and what that means is you could add a different layout maybe i happen to use a wireless mac keyboard but i haven't found any issues with doing that but that might be something you could research is to find out based on your particular setup what you would need there so now they're doing some important setup to do oh we have some important setup to do so these steps can take again they take a little longer i'll just pause but you you could be actually doing this along with me maybe watching this on a tablet or a mobile device as you're doing the install just so if you have any questions hopefully we're just going to walk through them together but it looks like i might pause again okay so that finished so now this is where i was talking about before you could use your campus email to log in right if you had a domain which you probably don't at home right uh i actually use my gmail account for my other one right so here's where and i'm just going to again this is where you would use your own account for whatever you want to use but again i probably recommend you logging into your campus email at this point right oh lovely okay hold on okay sorry about that so at this point i did give it my campus email so now i have to go through and log in so this is what you need to do is to log into your campus like you were logging in to your portal okay i'm going to pause while i log into mine okay so i i'm glad i did this because it made me realize the first time i had done this i actually hadn't chose the educational version and i think it's good and i think it's good that you log in with your campus email because this should make hopefully the connection between windows and you as far as the licensing right that would be my hope there so you can decide which of these you want to do i typically don't uh do these mostly because i'm running a virtual environment and i just don't want it to take up kind of my already no i don't want any of this no no now this is me you can determine which of these you want i typically do not and this is almost to the place now where we're setting up right do you want to access devices with activity history no but again you can make a decision there if you want to do that but look at this i think we're actually there well almost we're getting everything ready you've been getting it ready for a little while but so as you can see just installing windows is a good skill to have and no matter where you're at no matter what you're doing so this process that you've gone through is a good skill to pick up in your lifetime as a user a consumer of software just having this experience is really handy so the first time you do it can feel a little daunting downloading that iso file and again you're doing this in a way that may seem counter-intuitive because you're running windows in a virtualized environment on your mac i guess i'm stretching for time trying to let this finish so let me pause one more time okay i can't believe it but after all that boom i'm in windows now okay so this is where you can change your view here again i typically don't i sometimes will do scaled mode and what that allows it went to my other window right even that mode seems a little weird you can just stretch the window out here again i don't typically do full screen you can i just sometimes find it hard to get back and forth the windows now first thing i do when i'm on a new windows operating system is download chrome but that's me you're not required to do that for what we need next but before i jump into the very last piece of this which is really installing microsoft office into here i do want to show you that you need to make sure and right now what happens is when you're installing a version a new version or over time if you haven't opened it and you come back to open it later you do have to install windows updates now the reason the system is running a little slow right now is it's actually going to and loading some updates right this could take a few minutes um and it will even give you right so it's going to actually do um it's going to want you to install some other things you can choose because i'm running it virtualized i figure it's a little bit in a sandbox i might not do all the security stuff but again these are your choices about how you set this up okay but i'm going to go ahead and it will check for updates make sure you do that later i'm going to show you the last piece of this but just in general because i actually have another video that walks you through just how to install windows install microsoft office on a windows computer okay but in general you just go here you go log into your portal so i just give you the general overview here i'd go to okay there we go okay so then in here because we're running so small i'm going to actually increase it a little bit i'd go to my portal i'd like i'd have to log into my portal at this point right so i'd sign in again i might let's see if i can get through this uh again this is your your username is gonna look different than mine so what i have to do you leave it as student i have to hit employee right and i'm not going to have them remember my passwords that's just not something i do and we're almost done with the part that i'm going to show you because the rest of it is just the install of microsoft office so when you come here to microsoft office now this is actually getting into your campus email account okay in here what you can do is you can come up here to the top and when you click this icon on the top right part it takes us just a moment to load here because again remember my windows is actually also trying to load update right now so it's going to be a little laggy so i'm going to go to all applications i go up to that top right icon those uh icon the dots at the top then i go to all apps and i'm feeling bad that this is taking a little bit longer but that's what happens and then you can see all the apps that you have access to there should be one that says install these are all the ones on my computer hang on this second let me make sure where i'm at so glad i remembered so what happened here is now that you're logged in microsoft outlook now you can just open a new tab because you're already authenticated into the microsoft system and you just type it's just the easiest way the other way i was trying to show you got me there eventually but this is just the easiest way because what this will do is it'll read that you're already authenticated into the system so when you go to this at tab now again making sure you're logged in then you will get this nice little install office okay and this is really the piece what we came here for now this will install and you can choose in this case right and we're not going to do the office other installation apps available i think it's the other installation here um and this is where you can install them into your loca yeah this is it right so you're going to install them into your local system install office and you can you can see here you can have it up to five pcs macs and tablets and smartphones which is a nice thing and again this is because you're authenticated through the campus and you have access to that at this point i'm going to stop but just know at this point you're have to this takes a few minutes to to actually finish the install but you do get the complete office and you get microsoft access which is really what just to remind us you came here for okay i know that can be it feel like a few steps there but i'm sure you got do it okay reach out to your instructor if you have any uh steps there that you want to ask questions about again now you're ready to go you do your myit ms access lab test have a good day
Channel: Rio Waller
Views: 62,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P38t7x6piWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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