CISSP Topics: Kerberos vs SESAME

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hello everyone today we will discuss caberos and sesame protocols what are they and what is the difference between them caberos and sesame are access control authentication protocols let's start with what is access control authentication protocols access control authentication protocols are communications or cryptographic protocols made to transfer authentication data between two entities they authenticate to the connecting entity often a server as well as authenticate itself often a server or desktop by declaring the type of information needed for authentication as well as syntax it is the most important layer of protection needed for secure communication between networks now let's see what is caberos caberos is authentication protocol that uses tickets to allow nodes to communicate over a non-secure network and prove their identity to each other in a secure way caberos is based on a client server model and it provides mutual authentication for the user and the server to verify each other's identity messages are protected against eavesdropping and replay attacks caberos was built on symmetric keys and requires a trusted third party and can use pki during certain phases of authentication kiberos uses udp port 88 by default the main pros of caberos are that it is easy for end users centralized control and easy also for network administrators in other side the cons are it provides single point of failure access to everything with single password if it was broken then you have the key to kingdom let's look to sessom now so what is sesame sesame is shortcut for secure european system for applications in a multi-vendor environment often called the successor to cabreros it addresses some of the issues of caberos sesame uses pki encryption asymmetric which fixed the caberos issue in storing symmetric keys in plain text sesame uses a pas privilege attribute server which issues packs privilege attribute certificates instead of cabarrus tickets not widely used caberos is widely used since it is natively in most os's now after we took a quick idea about both protocols let's compare them caberos versus sesame first both of them provide single point of failure quick not here that organizations try to overcome this problem with using solutions like multi-factor authentications second similarity here is that both of them provide central control third point here is that kiberos uses tickets while sesame uses packs fourth comparison point here is that caberos uses symmetric encryption while sesame uses asymmetric encryption that last one is that kiberos is mostly used because it is built in in most operating systems i hope after watching this tutorial you have clear idea about caberos versus sesame thank you for watching please if you liked our video like it and subscribe to our channel thank you and goodbye
Channel: Cyber Today Academy
Views: 290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kerberos vs SESAME, What is Kerberos?, What is SESAME?, cybersecurity, cissp, authentication protocols
Id: fx17EQo0154
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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