Cisco Umbrella Azure Integration Demo

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hello and welcome my name is eric eddy and i'm a technical marketing engineer for cisco umbrella today we're going to integrate cisco umbrella with microsoft azure active directory for user and group provisioning the process is pretty simple but feel free to follow along with me first let's pull up the official documentation from cisco and microsoft you can find links to that documentation in the description of this video now let's get started so here we have it we have the official cisco umbrella documentation for the microsoft azure active directory integration as well as the microsoft documentation if you have any issues that we did not cover in this video be sure to refer to the official documentation to see if there's anything else that you may have missed the first step in provisioning users is we need to provision an api key in the umbrella dashboard so let's go now to the administrator dashboard for cisco umbrella on the cisco umbrella dashboard we're going to go to administration and api keys on the api's keys we're going to expand azure active directory provisioning once expanded click the generate token button you may receive a warning about simultaneous provisioning detected if you receive this warning you may have already set up umbrella and the ad connector supported by umbrella what's important to note is umbrella does not support provisioning the same users by two different provisioning methods be sure that you're provisioning a different set of users if you plan to use azure active directory provisioning and the umbrella ad connector once you've done that go ahead and click the check box and then click continue our token is now created scrolling down we can see a url that we need to copy and save as well as an api token keep both of these things safe as you will need them today and if you need to reset anything up you'll need them in the future now we can move over to the azure portal from the azure portal from the left-hand menu select azure active directory in the azure active directory page select enterprise applications on the enterprise applications page select new application at the top in the azure ad gallery search for cisco umbrella note there are several results there are two results that specifically call out cisco umbrella the first of which is admin sso we won't be covering that today but we will be covering the user provisioning app that's also shown select the umbrella user management app to continue first we need to name our application we'll go ahead and leave the defaults and click the create button your application is being provisioned and can take a few minutes once the application is provisioned you will receive a notification and we brought to the application overview page the first thing we want to do is assign users and groups to be provisioned by the cisco umbrella user management provisioning select assign users and groups to select the users and groups to be provisioned it's important to know that cisco umbrella user management with azure active directory supports a maximum of 200 groups to be provisioned let's go ahead and select some users and groups to be provisioned right now to do that click the add users and groups button at the top of the page then select the none selected button now we can search for users and groups to be added and provisioned using this application and that's it we've selected two groups to be provisioned as well as one user now click the select button now click the assign button now we can see the two groups and user that were assigned to this application now that we've assigned the users and groups let's go ahead and set up the provisioning click the provisioning button on the left hand side on the provisioning page click the get started button on the provisioning page change the provisioning mode from manual to automatic now we can input the tenant url and secret token that we've generated earlier in the cisco umbrella administrator portal after we've inputted the url and token we can hit the test connection button to test the credentials out you'll receive a notification if your credentials were successful now before we enable the provisioning let's go back to the umbrella dashboard and see what users of groups we currently have provisioned inside of cisco umbrella to see the users and groups that are currently provisioned we need to go to deployments and users and groups on their users and groups page you can see the different provisioning methods supported by umbrella specifically noting azure active directory and zero users and zero groups currently provisioned now let's move back to the azure active directory portal and begin the provisioning process on the provisioning page click the save button your settings are now being saved you should receive a notification if your settings were saved successfully using the breadcrumbs at the top of the page let's move back to the overview page of the application now back on the provisioning page click the edit provisioning button again back on the edit provisioning page you now should see provisioning status at the bottom of the page go ahead and move the provisioning status to on after setting the provisioning status to on click the save button after your settings are saved click the cisco umbrella user management breadcrumb again at the top of the page now back on the provisioning page start provisioning should be grayed out because provisioning has started now that provisioning has started let's go back to cisco umbrella and see if our groups and users have been provisioned back in umbrella let's refresh the page to see if the users and groups have been provisioned wow and look at that you just provisioned users and groups using integrations directly with microsoft azure active directory and cisco umbrella users and groups will automatically be provisioned in cisco umbrella as they're created within azure active directory this of course only applies to users and groups that were selected when we created the provisioning we can view the users and groups that we've provisioned inside of umbrella by clicking the view users and groups in the upper right hand corner of the page from this menu you can search your users in groups or view them by clicking on users or groups and if you have a lot of users and groups we offer a search at the top of the page to easily find the user or group you're looking for and that completes our setup guide to provisioning users and groups that exist within azure active directory into cisco umbrella you can now use these users and groups to create policy inside your cisco umbrella dashboard hopefully you found this video informational and thanks for watching
Channel: Cisco Umbrella
Views: 286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: threat enforcement, phishing, ransomware, Secure Internet Gateway, malware, threat network, cloud security, OpenDNS, Cisco Umbrella, Cisco, network security, cyber threats, cyber attack, Cisco cloud security, Cisco security, security solutions, IT, IT security, IT network, cloud infrastructure, cloud network, VPN, DNS, threat intelligence, cybersecurity
Id: 4CIx9MA6oew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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