Cisco ISE Implementation (Authentication and Authorization) - 3

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I love us welcome to the top part of my video on Cisco identity services engine implementation so drill these videos have someone take you through implement ultimate authentication using dot 1x so and this is topology are going to be considering leads in Windows 7 domain PC Windows 7 on two main pieces that were connected to the switch is going to be the network access device and this huge-ass connection to the identity services engine which I have installed on my VM workstation so fine that being said combat twice during the last session we had of integrated eyes to the active directory so let's confirm that well still operational has connected into my controller so and i pood group ok administrators domain users so right now our counter policy policy sets i want to create policy sets and let me just give it it let me give it a name okay let me leave our new policy said i can't think of any name is su on what conditions we use our policy sets can say vista to onyx if it's wired to to the 1x okay before I do that let me hide my natural device our counter demonstration okay a low social network device Network device group under the group let me create some croupier I can say let me see HQ switch and the parent group is going to be okay before I do that let me create switch I'm just graze switch and the parent group is gonna be all device types we'll see okay I can create another one and see HQ switch and the parent group is gonna be this and well click on save now to network device I'm gonna click on add so the IP address is going to be one night to the one sixty eight dot 2201 does IP address on this switch switch I'm gonna be using IP interface brief okay so these IP address oh okay the IP address should be here so about that and I'm going to name it audio c8q switch so let me even in my sweetheart in the mid where doesn't matter but there's no harm in doing that was named its cue switch that's fine I'm gonna screw down location I lived in look around the weights race have no criteria any group regarding the body a I have Twitter groups name switch and around on each Chris each so I will get that for reduce authentication for our readers on TV I'm going to use Cisco celeb flick on show that's it I'm going to leave the rest are defaults the serial port 17 on red dust in your hot rod show not fine like I said leave the rest at default and now click on submit now I've added my network access device which is the switch twice so she needs to be hard to eye so that eyes can't respond to the radius authentication coming from the switch so I'll go back to policy policy sets I'm gonna click on add new okay the policy says click on this plus sign and I can say ok if it is wired into the One X I'll drag it I'll drop down I can see and hear each word you to do an X that is one X and we'll click on this can say Network or dictionaries which device I can see device type okay fine if device type equals HQ switch so that means an specifically configuring our policy sets for any switches that is added to this group HQ switch and you can choose device type you can specify device IP address depending on how you want it the very flexible teen it remember while I was configuring my network as a device I added it to the virus okay open for a new job killers gonna take awhile so after doing that I'm going to dial our protocol zombie defer network access so does dong-yup disease remember allows adi needs i specify device type that's already to the group HQ sweet sue and ours a group also referenced year so any endpoint that is running daughter onyx and that is coming from this particular div or whatever device that is added to this group is going to eat this policy says so on the allah brokers will be the default so that stone i will click on local m just named islamist electronics that's 1x and i'm really conceive that's done I'm going to click on this arrow to expand it and now authentication policy dedication rule let me just name it onyx I'm going to have this and I can save it is okay Cassie is valued onyx I mean no use it again can use it cause the policy run honey eat run away if usual next you can eat this policy set in the first in first place so user is going to use I mean use is going to use tech wise ad that's Marty directory ductility which and it also gives Ronnie which was a 1x authenticates the user using tech wise Edie option we're gonna leave all this at default so but for this one mercy denying used 9 so if these are donate to the 1x use tech wise active directory to allen key the user but if not if these are does know if the endpoint does not meet this require condition then sees the default which is an access our goods or transition policy configure SCIM for transition rule them just let me go to next and I can see okay see let me see admin access so I can say okay admin access let me click on add attributes and identity group name that is not what I want you C to quite sit here this my domain controller will change clear to eyes the Quad City you can confirm it from yay administration external identity sauce make any changes honestly cookie because it is the name turquoise underscore ad his name of Marty very nice so that's I can see I now click on external you these other where I want to use X if the external group ecocide ministry to so anybody dies if the login name for that person it belongs to this group of administrator so depressingly this policy should I'll be fine and I'm gonna see okay that's it so profile I'm just gonna sit permit access and I'll be old and I will click on safe so if you want you can see had several other conditions to this you may not want it to be this alone cut but as you need a dy attitude to the One X again because even why were added to the One X you can eat this policy 6.1 X in the first place already updated but there are several conditions you can also attach to this can be DS and and the whichever you want to so I going to leave this at that so I think or nice I'm done so let me go to my switch do shirani I didn't have any okay new Moodle so right I will configure my a Java videos we just have a one name it ice address ipv4 that we won I to the one six eight dot twenty-three one I ate when I saw there is the address of my house server authentication ports is going to be it inch off and accounting pots is gonna be eighteen thirteen as a default so key is gonna be Cisco remember while I was configuring my network assess device the key I use his Cisco will click on these addresses device we look here yeah my radios yeah the chaos was Francisco so like he's gonna be Cisco that's that I'm going to see a group or the unity see a group shooting case maybe very vile more than worried your Saba configured so where we do have modern or if you just up just one single radius of our team a kiss-off single survivor not use a group but he left like more than one in a distributed flowing a in a distributor deployment where you have what I want PSN so you have to configure Brittany on this switch maybe like two three four piercings you can also have a group so it's going to be a group the groups of our radios I'm going to name its eyes also and I will see server name so my Saba name is going to be this married your Saba yes he is yep server name should be eyes okay that's fine so the next neighborhood we authentication dot one nexus vorti tonics authentication default group now let me choose something group you can just use reduce that's if you don't have any groups uh back off you'll be select you're just going to use this which is original by my case have a group Sabich of glossy group videos AE authorization network default group IC accounting a accounting they'll be sorry accounting dot 1x and there'll be default and start stop group ice yeah ok that's all for you know Tronics out do dot 1x system would control IP device tracking so you do key demographic or dynamic authorization that's going to be needed for see of me change of authorization he doubles our radios dynamic auto on clients at last will be my eyes one six eight dot zero it's one night eats and I will have sabaki Adobe Cisco my video ski and that would be all for that radius VLC send accounting no radio server yes he send accounting video server via see st. authentication videos server attributes will be nice attributes is going to be six so you just some boots oh sorry I thought you were six on for logging on occasion yup I want that attribute for logging your Saba attributes the next I'm going to use is it's there's someone you can look up what actually can look over these commandos 25 this gonna be our says request and it's going to be include daddy start to water hotels hotels I think that's all I'm gonna there are several other commands what's for the top of this table so I'm gonna need a good ring Tuffy's it's zero one switch ports mother says it's already closed authentication boost mood multiple domain that's okay for me multiple domain case that means going to attend kids one used in that oven and I want used invoice villa in case where you have IP phone connect if you have IP phone connected to your switch ports and you have your PC connect to the back of your IP phone so you're going to allow multiple to me that means one going to allow one endpoint in that I plan and one endpoint in voice VLAN when case if you have been up connected these options are more work for you so that starts authentication order I will see dot one X and maybe map you to an excuse authentication priority my party is going to be lotronex and may be followed by map oh sorry authentication priority dot 1 X are followed by map and authentication thoughts control without his command approach we have our work order to annex to never do any dirt 1x enforcement so you need these come out thank you so notes let's go - OH - and I'm gonna see dots 1 X PI Authenticator gets him up should we put her up for my bustle and spanning-tree portfast so let me check what the heart of his 0 1 ok I think that'll be all and I feel to do something ok before I do that let me leave it here ok that's all now let me go to my host this most of it's already opened ok Madras and control deletes the z1000 control talita sky okay some control deletes and ok I will login using user one I think I hope everybody password ok ok let me do this not waste time then go to my windows let me login to maxim directory look up my user directory that computers use do this oh oh I think I know what the problem is oh I know what the problem is because this is I just added this match into the domain and users never logged into the machine decided to do means would imagine issue computer domain to verify the user identity and on this spot I have already put my daughter on eggs whatever day so it soon allow the user to get the input to get across data directory I said now so what I'll do is I'll remove this not education no take a short control - so with this this VC should be fine now okay so I haven't given me the error that I can't get in touch with Active Directory so chilla not okay this works okay fine is that to work so soon although actually I also need to do that so that I can because right now is completing the activity today Nikita is a disaster I logged in so it has information about the user so if I don't remove the pot control tool I will have that communication shut so I agree so fine let me check my eyes to have any traction anything nothing life logs okay nothing happening for now oh yeah that's true I still need to do the services let me enable the tonics my I had Auto config I need to know services as an admin because I've already ceased empty to me honest administrator values are part of admin may be harder to config still can't see okay let me do this let me switch you so the user let me look at an admin credential why is it taking forever so come interface is authentication code control or to remove that we pass the ports so I've disabled wrote onyx on the ports okay fine because the first time this I mean is also looking into it's a nice to concur with Active Directory methods one is configuration in your boot she wants because I don't have assets yet so to services why had to config why other to config I hope we don't know traumatic so if it's on I did a small start yeah automatic here is met up with an automatic I'd went to Bill Monroe so I with an automatic when a value restart your system shortened don't wanna picks up automatically you need to come back again so I've enabled my doctrine X so now I won't come to my LAN adapter higher connection properties now you can see this evening it would not renege services you see this time but now Celia can see stop I'll see by doing various hours advocates don't read that now what am i can use my windows logon in my password that's fine so is going to be additional settings to afford education world right now I'm gonna shows this by will use either control education fine that's fine that's fine that's fine so it tough is e to one button kitchen pots control auto let me bounce the pots some time passing a potting walk for these budgeting we need to see moody the adapter then when you bleep back okay tempt you to authenticate identifying Oh fine excellent you can see the user has been authenticated you can see from my eyes let me try nice bunnies refresh every five seconds you can see tech wise this my login image admin credential actually you that's fine take wise and you can see dot one X does that in case of police I configured these your transition policy and I configured Odysseus as your results permit assess these IP address of the PC and the pieces connected to this reach connected to this switch on pots eaten a zero one so Rick we have our use authenticated so now I can have access to the network now I can ping let me do this CMD pink a campaign Marty directory you can see that now I'm gonna do something let me log off I'm going to log of this user so then we could some Active Directory how to login with an accounts that is not member with an icon that is non admin accounts so but I need to confirm that okay let me use this user too so I know the password to that member off is just remember up to me that doesn't belong to that mean count so that's fine so right now it feels about you meb okay don't worry we're gonna take care of that she was something in order for us you can see because vitamin locked off this is where I am now issues the Machine name and the username because I logged off I'm at log off or log in stitch that's who does estiga ham here so that's why we get to this can see us MGM CPC one dozen machine name because at this point is not going to shoot the username and now I'm not eating any policy so I'm eating account denied policy denied access that's why I now feel over because our meeting denied policy cuz the only policy I have ei is if you are a member of administrators group indeed to me and EF logged off I'm a member of Adams photography group anymore so that's why we have this dinner access so II and once the access is now filled over to map to MEP because it has few dots one X that's why we are having this and based on the policies are configured I will need to add a map you can see default busy coordinated as parameters where do we have this is eating the default policy let me go back here so when we are doing the deployments in a country life scenario the deities who needed thinking of his eating his policy with his default and yeah inside its policy its eating this this rule this authorization policy basic authenticated access which gives it permit asses that's what we have here so these are you also read whatever you having on your life look life loss on defaults default the Cotton Club policy is default and policies map the auto policies on a default I'm busy cottonseed gated access so you can see from here from the authentication does he it's map maybe all that one is a more disabilities I'm going disability so that defaults if we are not using it it's better loss disability I'm going to say bodies I wanna leave the default which is Tina says I'm going to disable all these disabled disabled disabled and I'm going to save so that's bent on these policy sets will not solve anybody again I mean this yeah these default policy says or goes up anybody again so I can let me see if I Brown supports toughest it's okay zero one you do is not serving anybody I see need to do something here let me open up this authorization we had an authorization here I can see duplicate above King authentication because dusty is much not in Turkish hostage so I can see if it's a member let me come here excellent his sources let me hide one more group that's with which I can achieve whatever what how to achieve now but let me do this say from Active Directory ok who I didn't see that word so they go for multi black tree garden check computer's cause every PC that is added to the active directory by default is no the others who domain computers so I'll click OK I will click on save and now come back here can see if let me close it and open it again if the main computer years for now use pamita's but ending in normal production in this policy you have to use it duck what we are gonna get to that before now we use asses what does know what we supposed to use and now move the ruled policy down a movie this way but actually we're supposed to permit access were supposed to created aku and adequately give access maybe to domain controller or whatever we even know demigods are may be remedy so maybe servers like antivirus Sava SCCM Sava and rest like that so that when system is up for example user looks all israel sistema the same is connected to the network you see what the systems we were able to pick a diva did you see what the same to be able to receive maybe a CCM push or whatever so at least did you want to give them a sense to hold those resources that you may want them to have access to but not to everything but for now for the sake of this video I'm just gonna leave it at this and the reason why I bring it is because I bring other on the admin assess so that for example if these are logs in these what you want them to hit notice because if they login and this is the face they will always eats this if this is on top of my technicians on top because because the machine belongs to the main computer they will always see this policy so the augusto key provision a key value created are cool and you've given limited access at this policy and this policy's the first police and us what the lowest eats the gastroc do you tell me the hub network asses so his bet I comes up after the gnome access so now what I'm going to do now is this I will just since I've done that let me come back to my religious life log and let me bounce this spot one short short although actually from experience with this virtual machine teen is me not a mini to disability ports because it is virtual machine on if I need to disable and enable report back sin that case what I can do is this let me login taking so long Wow okay let me go through this don't mind that all the things is if he's using this virtual machine you're Nev so I will just shot I'll just stop this no you can't have the same experience like I use any physical machine connected to a physical switch so you can have the same experience you know Auto Detail of scenario service it's allowed so start induced normally we come back to just glue the second domain PCM disease starts in Windows it's taking time okay okay okay it's not my scene okay fine excellent this one you see now it's at Machine logo states and you can see now instead of giving us this ready to have your data because I have created a policy for each agency these endpoints ID this is the machine name we do mean and you can see it's eating the police equity for machine authentication so that's it so now I'm going to log on sorry does all our click so San control delete I'm going to how to log on as another user user to and I'm going to lease the password if I'm right so let me log on as user to so right now I've logged on us is that swing what I'm eating defaulted in access why I'm eating the default policy said anointing the doctrine is policy set which I configure why is that because even if we look yeah I'm eating default I mean eating the foreign access and the reason because I deferred in access it pushed me back to here maybe it fell over to him you can see this user can circle a sticky from you at login stage this is it I'm good when I log in let me stop this in fresh never now I lock the year I'm at logging state marshal technician is everything fine and after now I logged in I logged in as user - I'm using the normal policy which I configured but I each denied access why did I didn't access because if you look at my policy a I say these points are supposed to reads and I said if only if a member of administrator's group and user one is not a member of admin suit or group so there's no that poly second ETA done to each deny although it's a domain computable is no longer in machine name for that occasion I was using the username so and add in past that so I've heated in access and by tendonitis I feel about you a maybe and by feeling about me maybe I don't have any policy a that allows a me become a policy say my party said in strictly why I had a to demonics so it's it's these default policy sets so enough Titans easy for policy and that's all it's Dean accident gates because does only route that is enabled a and it's configured to deny access so that's why we have in teen access that that's your seats so you can see that that's how I walked so it's very flexible and it's a very good network access control solution so now there's another thing we are going to do so now you can see windows cannot connect you to network blog Aparna let me try and pink now let me pick my Giri one succeed dots 22:01 attemping my Giri let me be mad tip directory I camping massive data because I'm not having network Asus - your seats I'm having it or casas so there's a data now sure I'm going to you but does gonna be in the next parts so I'm gonna stop this session now and just make sure you get in the next session and continue with me thank you
Channel: Ayo Kush
Views: 4,287
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high
Id: 5oLzYpYoojc
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Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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