Cisco IOS XR Basics 001 - The Initial Configuration Steps!

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[Music] how's it going everybody in this video I wanted to shoot a quick video on the platform known as iOS XR some of you might be familiar with the platform some of you most of you probably will not be because it is not a common operating system that the average Joe will see inside of the enterprise network space more of a service provider type of operating system but nonetheless I wanted to shoot a quick video on it because it is something that I'm going to be incorporating quite a bit into a lot of my upcoming training that will be coming out of here very very soon considering all the new exams that are coming out I'm trying to find the best way to optimize my time so I figured adding in all the operating systems that I think you guys might need to know about or would have any interested in learning about incorporating that with some of the training is definitely to be well worth the time so with that being said ladies and gents go ahead and take a look at the configuration the initial setup of an eye of a six on a router so configuration is gonna be very similar to the previous video that I shot on the initial configuration dialog walked through on an iOS router a little bit of a different syntax a little bit of a different operation and things like that I'm not gonna go in through all the technical specifics and you know the difference between iOS and XR there's quite a few of them but I'm going to walk you through the initial set up because that's what you really need to understand and know now I'm not gonna dive into how you upload operating systems and things like that because that's woloson at the scope of this video I might do something in the future on that but we'll see what happens if you have something specific you would like to see done on the X or our platform in case you happen to work with the platform leave me a mentioned in the comments below and I will do my best to try to facilitate that if I can support it on the software routers that I'm running I don't actually have any physical iowa's Excel routers to play with ASR 9000 is so with that being said some things you might ask for like secure domain router or sdrs aren't really supported so what I'll have to do is see if I can't find something to make that happen but as far as I'm concerned and the first I'm aware there's no way for me to play with that other than with a physical router so without any further ado let's go ahead and dive into the actual setup of an XOR router so the setup is actually relatively simple we're gonna go over here to go ahead and pull the command line real quick and here I have X r12 which is a brand new router it has not been configured yet and here we have the initial setup right we have the command line we have the administrative user dialog says no root system user name is configured need to configure root system username I mean it's very obvious that they want me to configure it so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna type in the username of Rob and then Abel secret of Cisco and Cisco again pretty standard stuff and there we go so this is gonna you you will have to use a username and password every time you log into the XOR platform unlike iOS the delicious's drop in XR is more lockdown let's have been robbed and Cisco and voila here we go now the one major thing that I want to point out to everyone that's playing with XR is that when you're working with the XR platform we do a show version a lot of the same syntactical commands you're gonna be familiar with on iOS will work on XR there's a one majorly different man very different configuration specific operation here that's different on XR than it is in iOS and that is the two stage commit process what do I mean by that well here on CSR 10 when I want to go change the host name on CSR 10 for example when I typed in the host name of CSR 10 Y typed in this command I hit the enter key in the command immediately took effect right index R that is not the case so let me give you an example of what I mean I first want to come in here and type in the hostname of X r12 okay nothing happened that's the expected behavior of X R it does not by default a to command until you use what they call the commit option if it's comm I T now there's plenty of options for this we'll talk about those here in just a minute some of those specific ones but the commit command is needed in order for this to take effect what do I mean by that I've been commit and hit the enter key now you can see that the hostname itself has changed now did only this portion change someone from iOS to X R 12 basic basically what that means is in order for us to make modifications to the X our platform the commit command has to be used to apply whatever configuration you want to apply now one thing I want to be clear on here is it's a two-stage commit process so you have your commit configuring herbs are your candidate configuration which is what I just typed in with the host name of XR 12 if I was a type in host name of XR v12 and do a show configuration you would see what they call a candidate configuration it shows me the out level of the operating system as well as what it is that I'm going to be trying to apply and that's it that's going to be the this is a little script if you will that's going to be applied so I have the candidate configuration once I type in the commit command then it applies XR v12 so it definitely does work and that's basically the the initial setup that you need to go through now this portion right here has happens to do deal with the supervisor that comes into play when it comes to the XOR platform so I'm not going to get into all the details of the route processor and all of the the slot or the line car the slot the the port the CPU things like that I'm not going to get into all those specific details but that's basically how this comes into play so it's fairly straightforward if you're familiar with the platform but I don't really want to dive into the the architecture on that right now because that's a little obstacle out of scope what we need to really understand is the commit process so for example when it comes down it comes to configuring the router for example if I wanted to configure XR 12 to be ready to to be ready to work with csr 10 + XR 13 there's a couple things that I would have to do in order to make that happen so let's go ahead and type in those commands right now so the next are 12 if I wanted to do anything on the router I need to go to the interface level configuration and type in the IP addressing now if I type in interface question mark I have a lot of options available to me in order to make this work I actually have to type in big zero zero zero zero zero it's a lot of zeros right well I have two interfaces gig 0 0 0 0 0 and gig 0 0 0 0 1 so I'm at the enter key and now I have to type in the IP address in this case here's gonna be IP address and it's going to be notice how it says a name invalid output or input I should say I have this dressed about I could be 4 and then the address in this case here I could type in 100 10.12 dot 12 watch 24 I have some options it says ipv4 address and the slash prefix or ipv4 address and mask so you can take you can do the slash 24 or you can do a I'm gonna do that I'm also gonna type in know shut you'll notice that the output there's nothing showing up right if we do a show configuration you'll see that I have my candidate configuration I have not applied they can figure if I do show IP interface brief you'll notice that gig zero zero zero zero is not has not been configured yet now if I hit the up arrow a couple of times I go to gigs zero zero zero one hit the up arrow a couple times and then I come down here to this portion right here it is turns into a twelve and this turns into a thirteen I hit the enter key let them know shut do a show configuration I have two interfaces not configured for iOS X R so now I can just type in the commit command and you can see that everything pops up like it should now one thing that I like to do personally as I'm labbing things up and playing around with the operating system and things like that I like to go and use the logging console debug command which whenever something's happening on the router I will get notifications if I enable logging a lot of times the processes on Cisco IOS X are are not enabled for logging so you'll have to manually enable things like that like iOS PF and bgp and a lot of the writing protocols they don't have logging enabled so you have to be cognizant and aware that logging is not turned on by default so you have to type in the log neighbor or log adjacency or log this or log or whatever the command is in order to get to logging to show up so you can see when processes are actually happening so I'm just going to go ahead and once I've been commit here as well and what you're gonna get is you're gonna get this config output right here and it shows you the commit changes right which is nice because then you can you'll know if you scroll back and forth as you're playing around with it you'll notice what those outputs look like and you'll know this commit number so we were to jump out of global config and doing show commit show configuration commit changes very short list it'll show us what how many commits there were now what's nice about this is if at any point in time you want to see what was computed in a particular command and what specifically was typed in you could do a changes and then you could list the commit ID so if you want to look at one that is was a hundred million and three do you think the inter cane is going to show you what specific what that commit option had so it's nice to know what that looks like now this doesn't really give you any indication as to what's actually happening right it just shows you an ID now there is an option we have the ability of doing so I could type in interface interface blue bag zero IP address let's say 100 dot 12.12.2012 pack I hit the enter key and what its gonna do is it gives me a commit ID but if I look in here and I do the list notice how it says loopback right so the loopback shows me that it's loopback if I hit the up arrow and I go to this and I type in look back I hit the enter key it's gonna show me what was actually typed in so you can label your commits as you're committing them so you can say you know what this commit is me doing a BGP update I can enabling OSPF on a particular interface or enabling MPLS or some other value that comes in it comes into play now if I wanted to reverse our configuration so if let's say show IP interface brief I have my loopback address right I want to do a configuration I'm sorry it's going to be the commit the there's also roll back roll back configuration and I want to say - 1004 let's say I want to remove the loop back I can type this command in here and I can go ahead and hit the enter key and I can say label I can say and then remove remove the loop back right remove and loop back and rolling back changes there it is so now it's been updated if I do a show configuration changes commits list now I have another one in there and you can see it's a roll back I do a show IP interface brief notice at the loop back is now gone and if I look at the big commit changes for removed loop back I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna type in no logging console debugging no interface loop back so I was able to remove those commands and even though I didn't intend on doing this one here but now it's cool because now I know what was what was done so it gives me you know if I wanted to do a show figuration changes all it's gonna show me each one of them what it is that I did so it's kind of cool in that respect because then it gives me a lot of output and helps me understand what it is that I did and how I did it so what I can do is I can go do a show configuration changes loop back and I can grab this command right here I can go back to global config copy and paste it in mix it out no law or logging console debug commit and I'll say label and I'll give the label of loopback and logging there it is now it's 1007 I do a show configuration commit list I can see loopback and logging and I can look at the changes or commit changes for this and it will show me I can look at the actual lines of syntax that we used in order to enable those commands so it gives me some flexibility in terms of how I'm handling the configuration this can be done for pretty much everything that you're working on in terms of the operations of the device now there are a number of operations that can be done and you'll find in later operations when we talk about how to enable writing protocols and static routing and other start enabling more and more processes on the on the XRF platform you'll see how everything is very process centric so unlike iOS regular like for example an AI GRP for example or OSPF on an iOS router some commands are done at the global level some commands are done at the interface level iowa's X are everything is done at the process level so you would go underneath say router OSPF one and then area zero and then you would specify what interfaces are going to be in area zero and then underneath the specific interface you might enable authentication or that you want that particular interface to be a member of a stub connectivity or something along those lines so you would have a lot of flexibility in terms of how the configuration is built and operated so you'll be seeing that more and more as we dive into follow-on training but that's basically what it is that I wanted to go through and walk you guys through so you have a least general understanding of what's going on with a platform and things like that so if you have any questions or always like to see something specifically covered leave a note in the comment section below and I will do my best to cover whatever that topic is and stuff like that so I'm telling you some guys thanks so much for stopping by and take it easy [Music]
Channel: Rob Riker's Tech Channel
Views: 6,856
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Id: NtyGbq36y8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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