Circling the Globe in a Solar-Powered Plane

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(upbeat music) - There are so many people in life, they forget to dream, because they're afraid of going out of their comfort zone. - [Narrator] 13 years ago, two enterprising pilots shared a dream to achieve the impossible. Their goal? To build the first solar-powered plane to fly around the world, ushering in an aviation future free of fossil fuels and pollution. - Our goal is to simply demonstrate that it's feasible. - Tango, x-ray. - [Narrator] Their plan was ambitious, to cross the globe in 17 legs over the course of a year, logging 25,000 miles. Taking turns in the cockpit, co-pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg knew that they would face technical and operational challenges, - We have to go back. - [Narrator] while battling weather and the elements - It has been really a difficult moment. - [Narrator] in an unprecedented bid for adventure and glory. - When I was a child, all the people I knew were explorers, adventurers, and astronauts. - You know, when I was a boy, I read a lot of books about the pilots who opened the lines, basically discovered the world through airplanes. - [Announcer] He is determined to succeed this time. He's has spent-- - My grandfather was the first man in the stratosphere, inventing the pressurized capsule. Then my father made the deepest dive ever, touching the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest spot on Earth, and showing that the deepest trenches in the oceans had to be protected. - And I was fascinating by the people who tried something new, something different. - I thought exploration was the only way to live! I flew nonstop around the world in a balloon. We burned almost four tons of propane gas. It was pollution. I was thinking, how can I do it with no fuel, and this is how the dream of Solar Impulse started. Flying a solar-powered airplane that produces its own electricity with the sun, store the electricity in batteries, so you can fly through the night, fly to the next sunrise forever. - When I met Bertrand 13 years ago, I immediately had the impression that my life was crossing something extremely important. - I found that Andre was the missing part of me, and I was the missing part of him. He's the engineer, entrepreneur, jet fighter pilot. I'm a medical doctor, I'm an explorer, so I asked him if he would agree to partner with me to do it, and he accepted immediately. Together, we could be the complete human being. (applause) It's a very difficult airplane to fly, maybe the most difficult airplane in the world to fly, because of its huge wingspan, very lightweight, and sensitivity to turbulence. This you have to master completely. - So at the beginning, you would just overcontrol it, it's a disaster. Using the simulator, it allowed us really to get the feeling about the personality of this airplane, to know how to handle it. - I had the clearance from the tower, and I could put full throttle. No noise from the engines, and the plane taking off, and I'm just looking to stay in the air for as long as I can, no limits. (dreamy orchestral music) When we travel, it takes three days to fly where other people would fly with a jet plane in eight hours. But you know that you can stay there forever. And what is magical is to look at the sun, to look at the propellers on both side, to see them turning without noise and without pollution, and to think, I'm in the film of science fiction! It cannot be true! But it is true! (propellers hum) So as soon as Andre can put full power on the four electrical engines, the around the world will start. And I repeat, always, it's an attempt. The around the world with Solar Impulse II started in March 2015. Andre and I, we took turns in the cockpit. (tense music) Prince Albert is next to me, and he will give the official go, and then the adventure will start. - My friend, it's a great pleasure to wish you all the best for this fantastic crossing of the Pacific, so you are cleared to proceed with the take-off procedures. (applause) - As soon as I took off for Japan, one important equipment failed. Immediately, the engineers told me that I had to return to Japan to fix it. But I looked at the cockpit and it was the first time that the weather was improving over the Pacific. - I would say we have to go back, as we have the choice. - The engineers never understood that, they never understood why I was taking this risk. Some of them wanted to resign immediately, and I decided to continue on. - It's only so much we can do to support you from here, from the ground. You will be on your own. - It has been really a difficult moment, do we go, we don't go, but the weather is good, the plane flies well, it's worth trying. - [Andre] I did meditation, I couldn't sleep. Slowly at sunrise I could throw this emotion overboard, and I could go back to what I've been dreaming about, to enjoy these days I was over the Pacific Ocean. - I don't know how many records we were setting in this flight and it’s the most difficult flight of the whole journey around the world that we succeeded. (applause) - Exploration is not only when you are successful and you raise the flag of victory. (cheers) It's through all these moments where you have the impression to lose control. - The Solar Impulse II mission started in Abu Dhabi, with many stop overs. Across Asia first, over the Pacific, across the United States, over the Atlantic, across the Mediterranean Sea, and to get back here in the Middle East. - I crossed the finish line over Abu Dhabi, and I had one hour and a half in the air waiting before landing. I could be in the full emotion of the success, but still in the full emotion of the adventure. At that moment, I thought everything is possible. Everything is possible. Why don't we dream more? Why don't we try more? (cheers) A few hours ago, I had to open the door of the cockpit, I had to land, and this flight around the world became memories. (applause) - What we did here was true pioneering work, and that's the story, is understanding the potential of these technologies. In 10 years, we will use electric airplanes, maybe not solar, this will take more time, but certainly electric. - If you have an impossible goal, the people who are going to support you are pioneers.
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 1,152,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, solar power, plane, eco-friendly, no pollution, frontiers, airplane, engineering, innovation, Travel & Adventure, Biography & Profile, Tech & Science
Id: 4qbROmxxIOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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