Cinematic Skeins Podcast - Episode 3: So Many Minis

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hello hello tammy's cinematic schemes episode three sorry i'm trying to get comfortable on my day bed here it has like a little bounce to it it's kind of weird um but anyway yes episode three or three um remember in glorious bastards where he's like i knew you were american because you said three instead of three anyway hello how are you um i am kind of coming down off my vacation high like i ended up not doing anything uh because i know i was supposed to be in new york and it occurs to me now that if i'd have kept my new york trip i could have gone to rhinebeck but i don't think i'm quite ready for rhinebeck so maybe next year i'm gonna plan for it for next year uh the issue i have with going to rhinebeck would be with my introversion crowds are a bit of a thing like the yarn crawl was okay because i took that yarn crawl bus and it was a small group of people and we kind of like introduced ourselves like before the bus came so i kind of knew people um so it was comfortable going places because i was like oh i have that person i know that person like but if i was going to like rhyme back like yeah i would see people that i seen on like you know blogs or things like that but i wouldn't know anybody and i feel like if i go to something like rhinebeck i need to know somebody or go with like a small group or another person or something in order to be comfortable and not overwhelmed if that makes sense i'd also considered going or driving down to austin because they had their yarn crawl which was the best little yarn crawl in texas i think it's called um but again crowds don't know anybody i would have been uncomfortable plus as we all know i did not need any more yarn um however i have bought some more yarn i can't help myself i swear i'm on a yarn diet though i'm gonna pull back a little bit because i've been going a little crazy lately and i'm just gonna like focus and work on some projects and get some stuff done because i'm i'm doing too much right now and i need to like pull it back um plus like with the fall i tend to actually go outside a little bit more because i it's like my favorite season and i like to be outdoors when it's like chilly and i explore and go for drives and all that stuff so yeah maybe i won't like stop in a yarn shop while i'm doing that but we shall see um i do have a little bit more vacation time left i think i have it scheduled for november uh so we'll see what happens i will try not to buy any more yarn though i'm not making any promises um but anyway i'm trying to keep this under an hour at least under 45 minutes the goal is 30 minutes i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it because rambling but i'm going to try and i got a new camera which will hopefully have a clearer picture and better sound and we'll see how that goes that's also another reason i need to be on a yarn diet because my camera was not cheap so i forgot how expensive cameras were but my camera was a canon g9 from like 2008 so it was definitely time to upgrade um basically like the pixels or the megapixels or whatever they're called i don't know anything about cameras uh on my camera was basically not as good as on my phone and i was like i'm gonna need to upgrade because i want my camera to be better than my phone camera because sometimes i actually do like going out and taking pictures with a real camera and not my phone um i do miss film cameras like even though i wasn't that great at cameras ever film cameras were cool because you never knew if the film that you dropped off to be developed was actually going to come back with anything or just black i had a lot of instances where i just came back with black film because i over exposed it but it was like fun because like will i get pictures will i not get pictures will the pictures turn out like i don't even know and now it's like i can see exactly what i'm filming or taking a picture of and even then sometimes it doesn't look like it looks to my eye like taking pictures of sunsets is like oh this is beautiful and then like look at my camera and i'm like eh you know anyway i'm rambling see i'm doing it already let's get into it let's get into it um oh my god i forgot my finished object hang on um finished object i made socks for the spooky socks make along i believe it's called hosted by moonglo yarn company cave crazy sock lady and knitty natty i think that's just three i think it's just three um but i made beetlejuice socks and i made these with yarn i dyed um you guys if you've seen me on instagram you've seen them already but it's this is my beetlejuice colorway this is never trust the living this is gravel tire by west 7th wool so i didn't dye this one and this is sister to the fates uh it's got stelina in it um but it was my yarn that i was dying for the movie legend and i never i can't get darkness right because i'm having issues with red because red dye is just don't like it and this is uh it's showtime and so yeah i made stripey socks and i absolutely love them um and someone on my instagram is like oh my god i love that yarn thank you i have more left if you want it because i don't really see myself like i'm not a big neon fan i don't really see myself making a lot of this um i've given some away to some ladies at on the lamb yarn shop and i think i might have one more skein of the beetlejuice colorway left um and i dyed the beetlejuice colorway on 50 gram skeins and then all the other ones are minis that i dyed um and then the beetlejuice one is a four ply and so is it showtime because i dyed them to go together and then the never trust the living is actually a two-ply because i was dyeing it for a halloween set i was trying to make and then i realized it would go good with the beetlejuice colorway even though it's a different ply yarn but yeah you'll do socks i think that might be my only finished object so let's move on to works in progress um i know i showed you guys the sock i was working on last time so uh this is with the manistel uruguay yarn and the madeleine tosh um cloak yarn i'm not done yet i just started the second sock last night and i'm not done because i decided to do the beetlejuice socks so that's still a work in progress i'm actually working on these i think this could be my knitting for today and then we have my glenn glenn barrel sweater glenn barrow i don't know how to pronounce it i'm sure it's irish or something because i think the lady i think carol feller's irish because a lot of her like her she's an accent and then a lot of her uh design names sound irish i don't know um i thought i was making good progress on this sweater like i have to like give a little background on it um i feel like i've made good progress i started on the sleeves on thursday friday what day is it being on vacation just messes me all up um plus working from home i never know what day it is i think it was thursday um and i started a sleeve and i got three quarters of the way down with the sleeve and then i tried it on and i realized my sleeves are massive so i ripped it all back and started over again and i started doing like the decreases like every other round to try to shrink the sleeves a bit um and then like once i get to a certain point i'll like lengthen out the decreases so it doesn't look all crazy but i don't know what i'm doing we'll see what happens but last time you guys saw it it was to the stitch the progress keeper there i have gotten past that i've done the the border at the end i've bound that off and like i said i've started on this or restarted this sleeve so it's getting there it's almost done i swear it's almost done um i got frustrated with the whole sleeve thing which is why i didn't work on it i didn't do any knitting at all um except starting that sock last night so i didn't touch this yesterday because i was angry with it i also started another project uh i knew i mentioned that i was going to make the bright axis tee with west 7th wool soundbite and the mad stash yarn and space whales and i have started it um this will be my first bottom-up sweater uh so i'm a little i don't i don't know if this is i feel like it's too small but i might just it's probably just bound up um but i've started it i just did the bottom ribbing and now i'm just doing the body which i feel like this is a giant sock because it's mostly sorry it's all tangled up it's like stockinette stitch like all the way up until you get to like the underarm which i feel like is gonna be like my replacement for sock knitting during those conference calls i don't really care about keep saying it don't i um but yeah you can see the oh my god really this is difficult the speckles which i think are really they're not like too much i was worried they would be too much but i actually really like them but i feel like this is too small i don't know i know it's bunched up and you know yarn stretches when you block it and we'll see um it's something to do and with it just being stockinette i feel like i won't be so upset if i have to rip it back i don't know we'll see what happens i don't know like with bottom up you can't really try it on like you can the top down i guess i could like shimmy it up but i don't know where it's supposed to lay i don't know i'm a little nervous about it um so that's my other work in progress and that is all my works in progress and now let's move on to acquisitions superwash versus non-superwash i'm nervous about non-superwash like i know like that kingston company yarn i bought to make the owl sweater is non-superwash and i'm freaking out about it because i had ordered some non-superwash yarn by mistake for dying and i completely felted it like it was just a mess and i i didn't think i changed the temperature or messed with it that much but it felted like crazy um so i'm really nervous about it and i was told like you know you're knitting with it you're not dyeing it so it won't be that bad but i'm still like freaking out about it a bit like what if i make something i love and then i forget that it's non-superwash and i wash it and ruin it and i don't have like kids around to give stuff to you so i'm nervous about it however i could not resist buying this yarn it is uh garnet coven by huck and ray fiber studio hand-dyed yarn they're on etsy but look at that color so rich i love it i'm jealous um but yeah and that's this is a 100 peruvian highland wool 459 yards 4 ply it's beautiful it's beautiful and i'm nervous about it and then i went to west 7th wool and i bought more non-superwash yarn but i bought it by accident like i bought it because they posted about it um i saw it on my facebook like the link came up on facebook it's like i need that bag and the bag is only available if you buy this set so i was like i'm just gonna buy it um i'll use it you know use the yarn it's wet seventh wool i like your yarn i didn't realize when i bought it then it was not superwash but they have underwing emit kits and i also bought the pattern and i first saw this um with chevis of chevy real stuff who that's like my favorite like i have a couple favorite like fiber related podcasts like since i started knitting but i love love love love chevis like i feel like we would be best friends and i really wish i lived near them um her and dan because they're just amazing and awesome and yeah i want chevys to be my friend um and i actually bought like that's another acquisition i bought like some chevy rail uh merch i didn't buy a lot of merch but i bought a pen and uh now i have her mailing address so i have some ideas of because i like literally i discovered her blog i watched one episode was like i love this lady she's amazing and then i watched all of the episodes in like a couple of days like while i was working because i watch tv while i work because it background noise um and i love chevis and like i feel like i know her a little bit now and i know that's weird with like you know but like when you watch blogs and you watch them for a little bit even though i watched them all in like one huge span um you feel like you know these people a little and i kind of feel like i know her and like we have a lot of stuff in common like roller derby labyrinth like dogs like she's amazing um but i feel like i know her a little bit and i have some ideas for things that i want to send her um so i'm trying to figure out like i want to send her yarn and i have yarn i can send her but i want to dye something for her i just got to figure out like what colors i want to do i know she's a fan of yellow but i know she's also bought a lot of it recently so like maybe you want to dye something else i don't know i want to dye her some yarn i found like a bag like i like watching her blog led me to this bag company and i ended up buying a bag that i think she would like that i want to send her i'm so weird um like i don't know these people but i found something i want to send you like i don't know it's weird but i want to send her stuff i went on that whole tangent about chavez okay so because of the underwing myths uh because she like a blog like way way way far episodes back she had posted that like somebody had given her that pattern and she finally made them not that long ago like this month or last month i can't remember i watched too much tv um and she finally made hers and then amy with west 7th wool posted some that she had made and i was like you know i like it and then i you know they posted the picture of the kit and this bag and i was like i need that bag i will make the mittens because i don't wear mittens but i'm also looking at the pattern and thinking you know these mittens could be socks so i'm thinking of making them socks because mittens i don't know we'll see i gotta look at i've not modified anyone's pattern really before so i gotta look at the like count and all that and see if i can make it make socks i don't know but okay so i've chatted so much rambling this is the bag isn't it beautiful oh i love the bag i love it i love the bag little drawstring bag and they have it in this uh this purpley color and then they have it in like a blue denim kind of color and it comes with i have a little thing here four-ply non-superwash sustainable merino wool and you can pick black brown or purple as your main color and the contrast color is white and then you get two accent colors one orange one green and i picked the black and it's more of like a charcoaly or did i pick the brown no i picked the black but it's more of like a charcoaly kind of gray and this is the white with it and this is the green and the orange um i almost picked the purple but then i was like this is more me so and then it comes with a little stitch marker it's super cute it's super cute and like i said if i might make the mitts but i feel like i want to make them in the socks because i don't know we'll see maybe i'll make the mitts like maybe i'll make them and be like oh i do like mitts kind of like you know i do like knitting who knew all right so i got that and then i went to juju's and you guys remember that fiber natural cobblestone yarn i got and it was like a mixture of like white and like teal and i was like you know i think there's a darker version they did have it so i bought it and i'm gonna use this because it's 600 600 yards right i think i said square feet last time 612 yards so i think this with the light colored one would make like a really pretty stripy thing of something yeah i feel like it would make a pretty cardigan i haven't tried cardigans yet but i was watching bull and vine and her stephen west bubble cardigan and her stinking video and i kind of want to try speaking like i know i want to try all these things that like more experienced knitters do so maybe i should calm it down but i could do it i could do it we'll see i i might do it and then and i'm apologizing for the crinkling in advance because i haven't taken these out of the package they're very crinkly but chrysalis yarns had mini skin sets this one's dark forest and i apologize for the glare but look at these colors they had like six of them but i got these two because they're more me cryptid hunter to hold them so they don't crinkle so much those colors look at this one the black and the teal so i got those and then i told you guys i was gonna try to make the shift or the night shift i'm not quite sure which i'm going to go for i kind of want to make the big one but i don't want to make it a triangle shawl because we've already had that discussion i want to make like a rectangle shawl and i have to look at the pattern to see if that's like a thing i can do but morocco had a new sesame color so i bought that i thought it was really pretty um i got that and then stuff i went to joann's to buy fabric because i showed you guys that really pretty yarn fabric with the metallics and everything and i am going to make a bag at some point once i cut fabric straight but the same [Music] place that has that fabric it's the same designer for that fabric had like another fabric uh similar to it um i'm skipping ahead i didn't buy this fabric at joanns but anyway there's a point to this so that designer of that yarn fabric that i bought which is if you guys have didn't watch that video or have forgotten what the hell i'm talking about it's this fabric but the designer of this fabric um had like a it was part of like a set and i wanted to get the like a fabric lining to it and i ordered this fabric from fat quarter shop and realized that i'm not sure if i want to use it so i went to joann's that was the whole point um but i did buy fabric at joann's and bought this it's like a african print um but i just i really like the flowers of it and i'm not really an orange person but i really like these blue flowers and i like the contrast but then they had this fabric and i feel like this needs to be a bag i'm thinking of doing like a reversible tote with both of these or like finding another fabric to go with this they had a print that goes with this and it was lots of like african ladies with like hair wraps and stuff and one of the hair wraps has the same print in it but i didn't really like that fabric that much um and i actually might have a fabric that i'll pair with this but anyway i bought these to make bags um at some point and then while i was at joann's and we've had this discussion too i decided to give kroy socks another chance because i like these colors rainbows so i'm going to make socks with this i'll probably go down a needle size and see if maybe that makes me happier with the end product and then they had pima cotton yarn and i like cotton yarn i haven't made anything that like i've made like crochet squares with cotton yarn but i haven't done anything knit wise with it but i love these colors this one is it's lion brand pima cotton patagonia but look at the color and then they had this one and then i got like a rust color ones because we all know i like rust colored and coppery things um these look good together we make socks out of cotton right but how do i get the elasticity to keep them up like i don't know i kind of want to make socks or i guess i can make a rectangular wrap with this yarn right um it's 157 yards and i guess medium is that a dk i forget i don't know but i think he's gonna make cool socks i don't know what i'm gonna make with this but i mean it's lion brand it wasn't super pricey i don't feel that guilty about breaking my yarn diet to buy this um okay and then i had the season of the witch advent from ash and bumble yarn you get 13 minis these are all my minis and what i'm going to try and do is post pictures at the end of the video with the little name descriptions because they're super awesome um like this one is a really pretty foamy green but the description of it i'll just read the one uh luna moth is the color way and it's got these little descriptions that came with each mini and they're kind of awesome and so is like the paper that came with the mini i'll like post it all at the end of the video or i'll try to i gotta play around with editing stuff but luna moth the wings body and appendages of this delicate green moth are used in a variety of concoctions typically as a powdered base while its name implies an adherence to the moon faces it retains its potency year-round so all of these have like these little bitty cards with like descriptions like that and it's super fun and i'm really glad i got this advent um my only thing like i'm not a light colored person and it came with some light colors so i guess i will put these in some stripy socks but the darker colors yes so like these these i love um but yeah i gotta figure out what i'm gonna do with this um i was thinking because i have so many minis so many minis like so many and i have a row one membership so i get minis every month and i don't know why like i die on minis i'm getting all these mini sets what am i gonna do with all this yarn but now i'm thinking blanket like a mitered blanket or something i don't know because then i was also thinking you know how you have to make swatches like when you like make sweaters and stuff i've been thinking like i should start making them all the same size and saving them and making a blanket out of them at some point i don't know because i mean i think i might have gone over how i feel about swatches but that might have been an instagram video but swatches i feel like it's like i know it's a necessary evil and i say evil because i feel like it's a waste of yarn so if i start saving them for like a blanket project or something then they're not waist you know kind of like crochet squares you just make a bunch of crochet squares and eventually you put them all together and make a blanket but these will be knit squares and it's not like it's something i have to do right away i can just save all the swatches right i don't know anyway so fat quarter shop online the fabric i got to go with a yarn fabric is this and it's probably all blown out and try using jade it's a tattoo flash but with yarn stuff and that's so me so i got this to be the lining um for that but i'm kind of thinking i might want a dark lining which is why i went to joann's but i don't know i didn't find anything at joann's for that which i probably should have mentioned a little bit ago but i didn't find anything to be the lining of that bag so i'm thinking i might go ahead and keep this as the lining it's so cute and then they had and this was the last of it this fabric and my thing with this fabric is i have a bag with this fabric but um when i bought this bag like i bought it off of etsy and it's by area and bar can you see that hopefully you can see it it's supposed to be a fancy camera that can do all the things so hopefully you saw that um but when i bought it i didn't realize how floppy it was like because the pictures had it like you know standing up all super perfect but it's actually really floppy and i thought about taking it apart and putting in like the batting stuff that i used to make my bags super sturdy but i don't want to mess it up because i really like this bag so i have fabric and i can make another bag and since this was the last of the fabric they only had like a yard and a quarter left so i feel like i can make like a decent sized bag and then i'll have like a matching set i like things that match have you noticed and lastly i got some happy mail so i got my pen from chevy real chevy real stuff grab your drink i don't really drink that much um i'm more of a cider kind of person but this is like her thing um so i had to have it i'm gonna put it on my bag that i put my pens on and then i found they have a really cute sheet pen at twill and print and twill and print is the company that made the progress keepers that i love these ones um so they have a really cute sheet pen and then they have like um like a teacup one that says sip sip knit and i think i'm gonna order that before they sell out because i know i think they're vending or they sent a bunch of stuff to rhinebeck and i feel like people are gonna see their stuff and everything's gonna sell out so i need to buy it like today and then um with your solstice box so yeah and uh i'm gonna hide this somewhere so i'm not tempted to open it uh because you're not technically supposed to open it until december 1st uh but she shipped them out early because she was traveling this is by exploring knits and fibers and i have some of her yarn i think i showed you guys a picture of it was the drift colorway drift don't be jelly and i always forget the other one oh my god i always forget the color of the gray because it goes with a yarn that i wasn't able to get because i got card snatched um i forget the name of it it's okay it's a light gray i showed it to you i don't need to show it to you again um i forget what it's called dang it uh but that's it that's all i've got um again i'm probably not gonna do another video for two weeks because i won't have anything to show you i don't believe i have anything else coming yarn wise i have ordered some bags so next video will probably be some bags that i bought i got who did i order from let me look like a quick preview of what i've i've purchased i got bags from and here's here somewhere my phone is super slow naughty knitting sacks i finally bought a bag um there are some other bags that were supposed to be here already but they're not here yet lila styles i think those are the ones oh they're being delivered today maybe i'll do this video again later on maybe i should wait until my mail comes and redo this video maybe i'll just save it for next video i'll save it for next video because this video is probably already long enough and i always have plenty of acquisitions which again i'm going to try to slow down on we'll see um and yeah like i said i didn't dye any yarn this week hopefully i will have yarn dyed to show you um i have ordered some [Music] samples of yarn and i ordered some dk minis because i feel like i need to dye some dk minis for like color work maybe i don't know or for dk socks because i got on like a dk stock kick like i told you guys and i didn't have any dk minis to play with so i'm gonna get some dk minis so i ordered that and then i ordered some yarn samples um i haven't ordered more fingering yarn yet i need to order some dk yarn like i said last time i'm just overextended a bit i need to wait on it yeah been a little crazy lately i need to calm it down but anyway hope you're all well happy knitting and i'll see you guys in two weeks bye you
Channel: Cinematic Skeins
Views: 213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cinematicskeins, #knittingblog, #knitting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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