Cinema 4D Tutorial - Intro to the Correction Deformer

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hey everybody its EJ from Isis I'm calm and today I have a workflow related tutorial for you all about the correction of former and how it can improve your workflow in cinema 4d so the correction of former is kind of like the Swiss Army knife of cinema 4d where it is a very simple object but it is so versatile and powerful a lot of use cases and I'm gonna be covering a lot of those use cases in this video today so let's go on and improve your workflow get enhanced and learn all about the correction to former let's do it alright so let's learn about the very useful correction to former which you can find in the vast to former menu here and the correction the former looks like a pickle with like motion tracker balls on it but basically what the corrections form allows you to do is if you make it a child of an object you can see that we actually now have access to the polygons edges and points of an object we can actually you know manipulate the object as well so we can manipulate and move all these polygons in points and edges to our hearts content here so this is like base level of what it allows you to do now hopefully you understand how kind of crucial this is because typically the only way you can have access to points polygons or edges is by making a parametric object editable but with the corruption of former you can still maintain all the parametric options like in our sphere object here we can still adjust the radius if I go into my garage shading lines mode we can up the segment's and all those edits that we made will basically just be subdivided which is really awesome we can also you know adjust the type of sphere we have going on here so this is super super useful so base level it allows you to manipulate points and edges and polygons we can adjust the strength of all those edits that made with the correction to former and we also have a fall-off to you know actually control how the correction to former is passed along here so we can know just the position offset here so if we go an offset and that the WA and the Z here you can see that that's actually just kind of controlling or deformation there whoop like that but we'll just leave this at infinite so base level that's what it allows you to do now what we can do with the correction of former on top of this or utilizing this newfound access we have to all of our parametric objects is all up to your imagination and just kind of playing around and some of the very the most useful applications of using the correction reformer is something as simple as you know let's just grab a new correction to former here and again we have access to polygons so I can do is do like a loop selection by hitting you and then L and we'll just do a couple loop selections here and now what we can do is go to our select menu and say set selection and we'll then you know apply like this yellow material to our sphere and then use that polygon selection that we just made but actually that didn't work you can you you're not seeing any yellow material on our sphere well the thing we need to do is actually move this polygon selection tag onto the object we want to affect and now we have our nice yellow material here I'm using a pro render here in the new version of our 19 and you can see that's kind of doing its thing here but I'll just get out of that but you can basically see that alright we have if I turn off the lines and all that stuff we have our polygon selection with the correction to former so again typically the only way you could that and make polygon selections to an object and apply new materials to it is by making that parametric object editable not with the correction form the correction to former kind of allows you to work parametrically and still have that live sphere objects the same thing with a generator object like our sweep object here the big thing with the sweep object is we need to make sure and this goes with extrudes as well we make sure that this create single object is on because what that basically does is it mergers our melds the caps with the other parts of the geometry here if we had this turned off the caps would be its own object so very important create single object and now what we could do is so one way to have a de former act upon an object is making it the child of that object or we can group this object and for pyramid for generators there we go that's the word we can have the deform ER as the same level of hierarchy underneath a parent object and it'll act upon it as well so I'll just grab another correction to former drag it in the same level of hierarchy here and I'll actually you can see that we have a little spinning wheel here just because the the correction to former needs to calculate all the points and all that stuff we're gonna have the polygon we're gonna have the sweep object first the correction to former second just so our order of operations is correct and now what we can do is we can go into our polygon mode and we have access to all the polygons edges and points of the geometry created with our sweep object which is really really huge because we'd also have to make this whole sweep object editable which would totally keep us from being able to edit things like the radius of the circle and you know the scale of our sweep to former all this stuff we can keep all that live and active and say if we want to make a loop selection on our little to be object here to maybe apply a yellow material to that we can go say set selection and again we're going to need to move this to the actual object that we want to apply the material to and then maybe get this teal object or this teal material just go and drag-and-drop that polygon selection and you'll see boom we now have our material our green material applied to that selection that we had access to via our correction to former so really really huge stuff that you can do that really helps improve my workflow because I hate making things editable because typically what you'd have to do is you know make a copy of that object make it editable and then have access to all this stuff and if you're like at maybe actually wanted this a little bit thicker over here what you need to do is delete that go back to your sweep object and do it all over again so this just opens up the possibilities of so many things allows you to keep working and not worry about key making things editable and losing the ability to change and edit all these options in your generator objects or even your you know parametric spline objects so really huge stuff so other stuff you can do with the access to edges and points and all that stuff is you know making some loop selections here some edge loop selections and say we want to use the edge to spline we can do that and you'll see that this is actually created a spline that's underneath the correction to former and say we can now you know do whatever we want with this spline so maybe we want to let's uh what there's our there's our circle so we got our circle spline maybe we want to you know be all crazy and sweep that circle on that new spline that we that we just made so we'll drag another sweep object here and we'll have this as the profile spline and we'll have that sweep along the correction spline that we have here and now we have this new piece geometry new sweep object here and we can do whatever the heck we want we can get all crazy and again you that was access with the correction to former so cool stuff there one other thing with the correction to former and you know if I restore this polygon selection here is we can go ahead and use this polygon selection to say limit what what polygons we want to say bevel so we can use this to isolate certain bits of our geometry to apply other deformers too so if I apply this bevel to former and one thing I want to say right now is that you know how you apply deformers is very dependent on the order of operations just like effects in After Effects if you have a drop shadow and then a fill where that fill is gonna fill in that drop shadow before it and typically you don't want to do that so you play you'd have your fill effect and then your drop shadow right so same thing in cinema 4d where we actually want to have access to all of our edges and polygons and points and then have the bevel to former have access to all that stuff as well so you're gonna see that that actually beveled our selection here a little bit so our polygon selection green here just kind of got beveled in but what we can do is say you know what we're going to use polygons and use this polygon selection we just made and just your bevel or in this case it's kind of extruding those option of those polygon selections right here so this is really really awesome so we can add some subdivisions here and you're gonna notice that when we start introducing subdivisions here especially if I go ahead and maybe adjust polygon points or subdivisions on you know some of these objects here so let's just go ahead and adjust this to like 30 once you change anything in your subdivision or in your parametric object or your let's just change this as well so change the angle to two so basically we're messing up the the spline and how many points there are and you're gonna see that everything just changed our polygon selection got messed up and this is because we changed how many polygons there were in our object here so it's gonna change everything including the material selection so what we need to do is since we added more points or took away points or polygons we'll need to redo all this right so I'm not gonna do that because that's just the Panther but I'll just but I'm just gonna undo and I just wanted to cover the point that if you change the points of the polygons on an object then you make a material selection that's gonna get messed up so just keep that in mind so there you go so using the beveled áformer using the polygon selections that we had created through the correction to former super super important stuff we can extrude stuff we can you do other kind of things with isolated polygons or edge selections and stuff like that one thing we can do is maybe make like a rounded cube like a different type of rounded cube by going and grabbing our correction to form or making its child of the cube going to the edge mode and doing like an edge loop selection so I'll just just selecting all of the edges of my cube here and I just want to say bevel those edges so we have a nice rounded rectangle kind of thing so we're just gonna go ahead and say set selection and then let's grab a new bevel to former and again we want to place this after the correction of former and I'll need to make sure that this is actually this edge selections applied to the object I want and now I can go and say choose this edge so edge selection and now I can offset and add subdivisions here and I have a nice smooth rounded rectangle here which is really cool because typically you'd only be able to make this by you know creating a rectangle rounding it and then extruding it but we have another way to do that now using the correction and the bevel deform so just something you can keep in mind there and again we have full options of you know adjusting this as well but again since we're introducing points or we're introducing polygons and edges that's gonna mess up the edge selection that we made when we had that previous number of edges and stuff like that so just a little gotcha I just want to pay attention to so that is using selections and stuff like that with the correction to former but we can go a little bit further with that and the polygon or the correction to former can do a lot more than that as well so the key the key thing to remember here is that we have access to points edges and polygons on our objects so here I have a J go to former and a shear to former making this bouncy a little rectangle here and having this really nice you know squash and stretch animation say I want to say cache this animation or baked all the deformer animation well we can do that by going and grabbing a correction to former and again order of operations very important we want this to bake everything before it so you want the jiggle and the shear to happen and then the correction former and against this we have access since the correction of former allows us to have access to all the points and stuff we can use something called the point cache and what this allows us to do is cache PS our animation so point a position scale and rotation or just point position and and this will be able to store that so I'm just safe store state like that and then I'll just say calculate and I can now turn off the jiggle former and the she reformer and you're gonna see that that point cash stored all of the point movement and information that was created by all the deformers before it and stored it in this point cache tag so what this allows us to do is use all the options and our point cache namely like the scale so the scale basically slows down the deformation of or the animation applied from our deformers so you can see that just slowed down our gigolos former animation by half so I just made it 50% so this allows us to you know art direct something like did you take the jiggled áformer a little bit more so we have a scale which is like the time scale and we also have the offset so maybe want the Skippy do you go to former animation to you know start 5 frames earlier or maybe you ain't we wanted to start 5 frames later so it's a little bit more offset right so a little bit more art direct a bowl with our deformers so you can see that maybe that offset actually helps a little bit there maybe it adds a little bit more interesting looks so using the the point cache with to be able to bake deformers now again typically you'd need to make this cube editable and then go and drag that into your timeline and then go to function baked objects and again that involves making your cube or your parametric object editable with the correction the former again we can keep that live and parametric so very important so one last thing I'm going to show and that is that not only can you use the point cache to bake deformer animation but we can also do cloner animation or dynamics so here I have my little objects here and they're falling very very intense animation here I put a lot of thought into it but what we can do to bake all this is by doing just a couple steps so a cloner object is gonna need to be combined together so that when we have our correction to former it actually recognizes all the clones underneath our cloner object and to do that we're gonna go ahead and grab a connect object and with our connect object selected we're just gonna drag drag and drop that object or the cloner into our connect object so kind of like how I told you to you know make sure that when you make a sweep object to say create single objects so it just binds everything together welds everything together and makes any deform or treat it as if it's one cohesive object right so we want this cloner and all the clones to be one cohesive object so now what we can do is go and grab our correction to former and we have access to all the points underneath it now let me just show you the the wrong way to do this and again we would to have a de former act upon a cloner we need to make it group together so we can have this correction to former under the same level of hierarchy and I accidentally created an array so I'll just place this correction of former in the same level of hierarchy you're going to notice the only points we have access to is this capsule and that's because the correction the former doesn't recognize all the clones in the corner until we use a connect object and then use the correction to former so very important step there hopefully that makes sense so the connect and the correction we have access to all those points and now again we can go and grab our pod photos morph point cache and say stores state and then calculate and that rhymed and we can then you know go back and forth here and this is all cached and again we can adjust the time scale so we can have the dynamics go at 50% and then we can even keyframe that to do like a - totally art direct the timing of this thing happening right here and you know offsetting you can't keyframe that so I would just recommend you keyframe the scale so correction to former has a ton of uses I just scratched the surface but hopefully by cover the correction to former hopefully you'll be using it in your day-to-day workflow like me I use it all the time I'm very anal retentive about keeping all my objects parametric and not making things editable and keeping copies and backup copies of each object because that's a pain in the butt and I don't like a lot of clutter so correction to former super important again just the basic level of the correction to form or allowing you to have access to you know the points edges and polygons of objects is a super huge it's a simple thing but super huge when it comes to you know improving your workflow and you know if you have any more creative uses for this I'm sure you'll find find them just experimenting a little bit more with all the things you can do with the correction to former so I really encourage you to go out there and experiment with the pickle with the motion tracker balls on it aka the correction to former alright so there is your nice little overview of all the things that the correction the former can do and I've just showed I've just kind of scratched the surface of what it can do I'm sure you can figure out a lot of things if you experiment and play around with the correction to form which I really encourage you doing you have any questions about the correction to former or anything I covered in this tutorial leave them in the comment section I'll get to them as soon as I can and if you like this tutorial please hit the like button or if you like this channel subscribe I'd really appreciate that and as always I really appreciate all of you out there watching if you want to see more of these workflow related tutorials definitely let me know I'd love to see what you guys think about this tutorial and until then I'll see you guys in the next tutorial alright bye everybody
Channel: eyedesyn
Views: 68,964
Rating: 4.9750586 out of 5
Keywords: correction deformer, cinema 4d correction deformer, cinema 4d deformer, correction deformer tutorial, modeling tutorial, cinema 4d modeling, cinema 4d tutorial, c4d tutorial, c4d, cinema 4d, eyedesyn, learn cinema 4d, beginner cinema 4d, cinema 4d tut, c4d tut, maxon, motion graphics, tutorial
Id: qJB-UkMwGYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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