Cinema 4D Tutorial: create dynamic creature tentacles with splines, bones and IK

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hey guys what's up I wanted to show you a quick tutorial about some sort of spline dynamics with bones yeah it's I think it's very simple and it's an animation we've had great friends so here you can see this creature I don't know what it is maybe it's a jellyfish social and I can just grab this body and move the feller around and this tentacles will just follow along I can rotate it and move it and it will just yeah like I said follow along so I'll show you real quick how to create this it's really simple here we go let's start a new file new scene that's where make it editable and make the shape a little more interesting something like this and then it's a few let's create a spline as a base for the tentacle enable snap it's little bit easier and draw a few points like here no one here yeah let's do one more like here it escaped and the spline is done yes and now let's add a circle as a guide circle make it a bit smaller like 25 centimeters and at I sweep nerve add a circle make it a child of the sweep at the spline here we go our object to make it a little more interesting and look like a tentacle got those freak nerves and find this skill setting and what you can do is make the endpoint smaller something like this and I think the circles still a little bit too big make it smaller yeah it's looking pretty good okay um to make this finger dynamic what we can do is add bones so go to the top view again go to the character minute and hit the joint tool hold ctrl and click to add a bone and let's use the same points as a spline one here and the end point here so what we have now is a sort of bone system and I made a little mistake I was still on my circle so it's a child of the circle now so let's drag it just out that's fine and if we grab this joint we can let's go out of point mode go to object mode and we can just move this around they're all parented and in order to make this tentacle move along with our bones what we can do is bind it to bind bones to your mess mesh does not work with a sweep object so grab the whole thing hit right click and say connect objects and delete now select the first join hold shift select the whole thing hold control also select the tentacle then go to character commands hit bind what this will do is to add a skin object to our tentacle our mesh and bind it to the joints so if we move to join now it will come along they measure Bend it looks a bit stiff or low-poly so what you can do about that is others subdivision service and you sleep put sweepnurbs make a child of it of the subdivision surface you know it's it's a bit better okay so what we can do to make this thing dynamic is first make is an eye kitchen and then I key chain will bind the root of term bone spline to the end of it let's so let's grab our joint right-click go to character tags and add AI K Tech go to the tag and in the end field just set the end bone in the end field this will draw a line it's not visible yet but there's a line between this point and the end point so it's connected now and to make this demand dynamic got the dynamic step and just enable it nothing seems to happen but if we had play it's dynamic so you can grab our our joint point move it around and then it will just it's dynamic it will follow along yeah so now we have just one tentacle and we want to have more so it's super easy we can just add a cloner in the mo craft menu cloner and make mmm let's let's grab tentacle and they hit alt G to group it let's call it tentacle they make the tentacle shelves the cloner and here we are what we can do to make it a circle let's go to the mode and let's say radio and the plane should be things he y know XZ yes it doesn't look like it's aligned that's true because there's a radius here so if you set it to 0 it'll be just in the center and that's exactly what we want I also wanted to be a bit lower so we can just move the cloner down so there there that's it's a play button again and all it's still it's a cloner but they all are still dynamic and what we can do is make the cloner child of the square so if you move to swear it will follow and for visual let's just create a simple new material let's add a nice color I don't know maybe like the example just blue and it to the sphere no fingers blue we also like to do is these bones are a bit big and what we can you say is go to the bones and display set none we don't need them anymore so now it's a bit more clear and since this is a cloner we see now five tentacles but we can just say let's do eight or ten or 38 it doesn't matter it will still work but that's it for now and also think they point a little bit too much outwards so in the transform tool go to the rotation and just do is you prefer maybe maybe just looks like like maybe jellyfish or octopus I know this is play and try out his looks it looks pretty good I think it's the tentacles are a bit stiff so what we can do is go to this high tech high tech go to dynamics and change the track like a little bit more like it's underwater let's change it to 17 it moves a little bit more slower and to make this a bit more interesting and let it move out of itself you can add a vibrate tag to the square so let's go to cinema 4d tanks so your vibrate enable position change the values to something like 250 250 250 and the frequency to something slow because it's in the water thanks your point oh here you go let's extend our timeline a bit and what we also can do is enable rotation to make it a bit more interesting so enable it let's say 30 degrees is fine all directions and freakin Sheen just like 0.2 hit play again and there it is and you you can just basically animate this thing and yeah use it whatever you want to you can make all sort of animals with this I think yeah just play along with these settings okay guys that's it I hope you enjoyed it how it will be useful and see you next time
Channel: Anymazed Academy
Views: 11,122
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: c4d, cinema 4d, rigging, bones, dynamic, dynamic splines, tutorial, vibrance, ik, ik spline, inverse kinematics
Id: t5S64US-JAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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