Cinema 4D - Discover New Ways To Use Cinema 4D Dynamics

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back tweet Oh Bruno how would you achieve these effects sounds like a multi-part one which is dangerous dududu oh goodness well there's a lot going on here lots of cool stuff there definitely very neat so this was made by director Jael agency Jael design no don't play stop go back how do I replay it refresh so there's a lot of different things going on here now first of all you get this cool little cracking and these tendrils coming out and then you have this kind of wiggling and touching and we've talked about some of that recently I don't remember exactly what was but I know we talked about like breaking up some geometry so we could break it apart like that so that's like one effect but then we also have these tentacles traveling out and they don't seem to intersect each other but they are also changing over time like they're growing and bulging but also moving forward and that's where that turns into a big old question where I don't I don't know how to do that because uh the furthest I can get is like those collision avoidance the collision avoidance tutorial that I made and that would make those tendrils for you really well where they're not intersecting but they're not live they couldn't keep going and traveling that path the way they are well having said that I wonder if we could all the hairs have to I have a thought on that which is I think it'll just be fun to tinker around with so why don't we do it so that's all saved open the new file so here's my thought if we were to take a helix we've been doing a lot of stuff with kind of strings these days I'm not sure what it is about strings but let's let's try and do this and we'll keep it well well is probably kind of complicated so I won't say let's keep it simple so we've got this helix string I don't think we need this many so I'm gonna say 50 points and we're probably going to need to make it editable maybe because we probably need to lock it down every time I try and do that I break it I don't know why uh-oh okay you guys can just see me fail a little bit here we'll just start experimenting branches we're gonna try make some fancy branches here so we've got our helix I make a duplicate of it make it editable and I do want these to be stuck in space so firstly I'm going to tell this to be none no intermediate points no smoothing not busy a it's linear grab this point actually we need to make it dynamic so I'll right-click and say simulation tags a soft body so now this should be a dynamic cell body if I play it should just fall out seen so now we need to lock it down so we need to lock it down by linking it via spring tags so I'm going to go to simulate dynamic spring and I need something to link it to so I'm gonna make a little sphere scoot it down actually would make this one first so we got a little sphere we need to make it dynamic so I'm gonna say simulation call a lighter body spring should link that sphere to this helix but it shouldn't be the center of the helix it should be a polygon point and it shouldn't be the bottom point it should be the top one which means we set the index to a negative 190 see this are linked I'm gonna say set rest lengths so now it wants three that distance here's where things always go sideways for me when I hit play it's pregnant explode no it didn't huzzah all right cool so step one we've got that so let's copy and paste the spring and the sphere so now I need to move the sphere down to the bottom and I want this to indeed be linked to point 0 set rest length hit play um ok not too bad it's not it's not freaking out ok cool so that's working fairly well um I'm gonna save it as branches - we're gonna be making a lot of iterations here Oh delete that helix I was like guess we don't want to need it so um let's create a null and drop all this into the null hit play make sure that's still working it is oh now I'm going to throw this into a cloner and here's where things get a complicated radial radial based on that orientation and now I'm gonna hit play and what I'm mostly curious about is are they going to be doing their things individually or are they identical and it's really really hard to tell so what we're going to do is create some turbulence so I'm going to add in a simulate particle turbulence give it a strength of 55 and I scale that's relatively small I think those will be automatically included it is but it's exploding it into space so maybe this is where things get messed up a little bit turbulence they seem to be it's really really hard to tell okay there's no way to be able to tell this unless we take it a step further I copy and paste the sphere hit T for scale make it bigger and now I'm going to it's already a Collider sphere so I'm just gonna say record the position fast-forward record the position now we can see if those are oh they are individually being affected neat so those are being individual affected good to know good to know so what we want to do is tangle these up a bit and how should we do that not a simple task so we've got let's turn off the cloner and have it just be one of these again I'm going to yeah I'll create a circle change the orientation to b-flat I'm gonna move it up here to be about where that circle is shrink it down offset it like that and now I'm going to tell this sphere which is actually the upper ones and move it up above here I want to tell it to be some 4d tags I'll line the spline this point will be the circle circle was not in the spot I want it to be something I move it over there and I am going to tell that spring that that is the initial rest length so cool so now we've got that now I want to animate this tag we could use signal but I'm not going to because the signal has to be baked before mograph will acknowledge it record the position actually I want this to all be linear so I'm going to hit D command D control the go to key interpolation and say linear so now it's not gonna be soft splines because I want these all to be nice and flat okay back to position rerecord that fast-forward to the end to set it to 360 record that so now hopefully it doesn't explode and this can travel around in a nice little circle neat so now it's traveling around a circle we put our circle also in that no because we want that all to be cloned and those should all travel in their own little circle our orientation isn't quite right so I'm going to grab our transform here and spin these all insulates are intersecting and now they should all travel around a little circle no turbulence you have a nice little circle and oh goodness they're still exploding outward no oh no this is I got rid of the sphere mmm I don't think it's there's no shape here so that shouldn't matter these Springs are really finicky I really don't like the springs but this soft body soft body splines are the only way to get interest be like splines that don't pass through each other so that's where this is challenging I mean there's no I can't think of any way around using the springs to keep those linked cuz we need that we need it to be soft body they have to be if they're gonna be soft body the only way to stop them from falling is a spring literally the only way but they fly away which is really frustrating because this would be so straightforward if that just worked like if these didn't fly away for no good reason I don't know why they would fly away like these aren't intersecting these circles aren't dynamic the only thing this dynamic is themselves and the other circles so there's no reason those would just suddenly whip away nothing that I can think of now we can go into our dynamic settings go to expert and like really crank up the number of sub frames but I doubt that's gonna do anything no sort of didn't they're still there and I crank that up even higher okay well they're holding on now so at least you know something you try turning on the turbulence again and seeing if that maintains it as well so it didn't explode yet the strength might be down though it is down so 555 all right all right not horrible we're getting a little something going on here so I think I want this to spin around twice is that even an option can you spin around twice go a cloner no you know what do once that's a little frustrating why don't we just use signal it's easy enough to fake it so I'm gonna grab this top circle and I'm going to add a signal tag grayscale gorilla signal tang throw on the current position on the sphere I want to add some random noise on top of that so the random noise will be and I'm not quite sure of our scales look at a cube pretty big so that means we can probably safely set this to about 100 speeds gonna be a little high so I know I already know that I said that on the 0.5 let's just hit play and now you can see it's wiggling around I want more bias let's push this out towards the edges 45 a little bit twitchy I guess that's what a high bias will do for you maybe crank this number up a little bit more go further we interesting well not not not horrible um need to do same thing on the bottom figure but probably will help to get a little chaos on both of them dozen of course shoot this bottom sphere up to the where the current one is but that's pretty straightforward I like to do is go back to the base and tell it to actually live down lower and now they're already at these chaotic positions based on just the noise in fact it's probably give this noise a different random seed and it would probably be a good idea to go to their base tab and kind of train line it up a little bit with their initial points Laura to tilt with this perspective close enough grab that mom go down a little little closer closer okay they don't have to be perfect because now we just have to go back to those Springs and set rest lengths and now they are relinked at the current distances which is gonna be fine and I should be wiggling around all crazy give that a save it play wiggling wiggling wiggling cool and we also have the turbulence going so now we have a bunch of independent strings all wiggling around still connected so hopefully with them twisting around like this they're gonna start intersecting and interacting a little bit which they are not doing much of but we might be able to fix that by going to our transform changing their rotation yeah there we go - getting a little bit tangled now well and even here like okay now the questing into a harder harder questions here so we've got a series of strings that will not intersect each other like they will get twisted up in loop and whatnot so it what starts happening and it could be a little bit weird and I wonder if we can even do this I guess it could still be within their individual systems but then we still need to get them out of their system because these aren't just splines so II something isn't there well see well let me explain what the concept here is anyway we're gonna go back to this original helix I didn't delete for a reason and let's turn off the cloner for a second and we'll just deal with one so we've got our actual Wiggly helix okay now we can't really do anything with that it's just going to be doing its dynamic thing and wiggling around but we know it won't intersect the other lines or geometry for that matter so that's where the advantage there is so now if we were to take this helix and create a spine wrap using a lot of those these days drop that on our new helix set it to y plus and what do we want that to go on to well you want to go on to the spline so now we're hiding our other spine so now all we've got is our spline but you'll see that our spine is twisting around that is this one being deformed to match it but that means we can actually animate this one and I will do that with signal signal signal is going to animate to so we're gonna grab our two parameter drop that on here and we're gonna start at zero we're gonna end up 100 so now you'll see what's happening is we've got this one line twisting and then drawing itself on over the course of 90 frames so I don't know if it will work but I guess we get throw that in here and I'll clone a bunch of them no see okay that's not gonna work because those because once you combine helixes with cloners it's just it just isn't happy so so we can do one obviously this isn't very branch like behavior right now but there's a lot of settings we could do to start making it behave a little bit more like it but what this ends up starting to happen is we started having to do this a lot more manually just like okay we've got this nice rig here and I'll throw this in along with that rig but now what we have to start doing is is manually copy and pasting and that's always a little bit of a frustrating and/or dangerous thing the frustrating part comes in that we're gonna have to do it over and over and over again whenever we make any change and we'll obviously be making a lot of changes so time is zero move that null over a little bit so now we have two of those lines Center have two different ones and two of these different guys getting drawn on so now you see we actually have a branch growing and it's happening very quickly so I'd love to give ourselves some more keyframes why don't we do that so we have two of these branches coming on but now of course now every change I have to grab both parameters and then I've to say match time line so let's up 280 some of these are gonna trace out and Gail Wiggly but they won't pass through each other and they are slowly growing so we actually have some dynamic branches now of course our dynamics on this helix are abysmal like it's all super crazy and fluid a lot of that might be happening because of our turbulence like if I rewind and turn off our turbulence is it going to be well it's obviously different maybe not better but still very fluid at least they do tangle up with each other which is fun and we actually didn't add any thickness on to it which we totally should so we can go to our is it margin I would know I keep mixing up size increment in margin because I keep using both of them I said 210 which is probably too much of it explodes it was too much I think it exploded sat down to 5 didn't explode ok cool now there should be a little bit of a distance between the two of them they get nice and wrapped up and tangled actually getting very nicely tangled even if it's all happening too quickly so now it turns into going into our soft body settings and really maybe stiffening this thing up a bit let's try adding a stiffness of one I don't know what that will do we definitely slowed down the chaos a little bit we can add some more structure which should very much stiffen this up yeah there's a lot more stiff now and you know I'm going to stop these bottom guys from wiggling around so our bottom spheres I'm just gonna go ahead and delete signal delete signal from the bottom sphere so they're not going anywhere so this is just gonna be static and what's cool is this is also happening live but now these should be less wheedle happening here because those are static and that's all about them just stretch up to there so they're starting to get a little bit of growth going so okay we still got a little a lot of chaos going there and I wonder mm-hmm like I want I want them wrapping around and twisting but we also want that thought to be weekly around so much so then it goes to do we want to go to the helix go to the helixes and start adding in like some dampening so let's add in let's go overboard that at 99% dampening and see what happens a lot more reasonable than I thought we'd get so that's actually it's draining a lot of energy out from the scene I gotta go ninety-nine point nine like I said those numbers always have to be incredibly high so this is just constantly sucking all the energy out but they're still being forced to go to these points unfortunately they're very stretchy so it's still getting all that little lacks bits down there in the bottom you know I think structural is what should be stopping that right now we have dampening and dampening is up relatively high we can like drain lots of energy out from all of these systems seventy-five percent of the energy from every single frame you still they're obviously still drooping a lot and the springs aren't like a one-to-one so they never quite catch up to it so we could you know keep in mind that we wouldn't actually be seeing those now having done all that it's all well and good i'm actually gonna delete one of them because i make a bunch of changes it's really easy to duplicate one why don't we actually get a little geometry on here to see if we're getting anything akin to what we're aiming for so i'm gonna create an inside we're gonna create a sweep we're going to drop the inside and the helix into the sweep of course it doesn't exist yet so let's give it ourselves some frames it is gonna be all super twisty like this which is a little frustrating we need a guide rail I'm just not going to worry about that and we can probably not worry about it by giving ourselves enough segments we're just looking around so even if it spins and twists and breaks it won't we won't really see it keep in mind I would be a problem if we were trying to texture it this sweep I'm gonna tell the end scale to be down so we get nice a little tentacley thing neat and then we can turn off caps because that will just make it run faster I'm gonna hide the spine wrap cuz no reason to be seeing it so now we can see okay we get this nice little tentacle drawing upward still wiggling around a lot at the bottom in fact you could probably help that a little bit because right now we can grab this one now and then zero it out PS our zeroes of that out pull this down just a little bit cuz I don't want them actually touching and now I can grab that spring and reset its length and I don't know if adding more stiffness on there will help or not let's add in ten times actually a hundred times as much stiffness and see it explodes it didn't explode it's still twisty but at least it's kind of locked on to this location so that's that that's something so now we actually have the geometry so we can actually see that drawing on but I still kind of want to hide that so now we just see our nice little tentacle drawing out cool so now I've got that growth happening as also happening in real time so that's kind of neat so now it turns into no cloner maybe some turbulence I don't know it's really hard to tell what turbulence let's turn it on and see what this does I'm gonna get like little more kinks going in there you know you would help a lot here turning off gravity I'm gonna go commander controlled the mmm general dynamics gravity zero so I can just float in space so now it's not gonna be old droopy neat alright there's something okay now we've done all that let's call this branch copy paste and I'm gonna take this one move it away a little bit cuz I don't want those in the identical positions and rotate it a little bit just so the random Wiggles happening little better why don't we add four so I'm gonna copy paste both of those move both of them over a little bit and it's been them 180 so now we've got four things doing slightly different things so we'll see what we end up with because all those should be individual lines that don't want to intersect now let's keep in mind those base this geometry is probably a little fatter than we're telling to calculate but they shouldn't be able to pass through each other so now we've got four vines all growing twisting around but not passing through each other oh look at this really nice twist we're getting up on that part so something I'd be pretty good to do here would be MMA is where it's gonna get complicated but now we've got all of our different spheres here so I want to grab the top sphere random signal and I want to randomize each of their individual noises so I'm gonna just type in num and now each one has their own random seed but we have to keep in mind that now we changed their initial condition so I want to make sure to grab their initial Springs you know what that's not true you know we should actually be doing I should be grabbing these signal tags and having them animate on their strengths I'd be a way better idea so I grabbed all of them and at the beginning they should be a strength of zero and now and then at the actually it doesn't take long like you know 20 frames in they should be strength of 100 and now the noise fades in and now at the initial state I can grab each of their Springs which is the topmost spring in each hierarchy set initial length and now they're all set like that so now they're each individually moving and they all start at their zero position so that there's not that much distance in the rest length so now with these each twisting around a little bit more they might be able to tangle themselves up a little bit better but let's keep in mind we're not seeing all the tangle because we're just seeing these uh tentacle arms pulling up how many Polly's are we dealing with I'm not that many it's not that bad I think that is all working great I just want to see more of them and then probably I would love to get less distance on them initially so why don't we like unhide this helix so you'll see that this actually isn't anywhere near the position it should be so we're gonna do this whole process again and you know a certain point it does turn into like instead of changing all at the same time just delete all of the copies go back to the original and then grab the original I want to unhide my helix I want the sphere to be I want signal to put it in the proper spot which is gonna be zero zero find the proper height which is right there now that's the correct way of doing it now I can say set initial length it is set to try and always be stuck there and now signal will slowly wheel around you see it's being very tightly stuck on to that point I could also add a lot more stiffness on to that and hopefully this keeps it very tight it gets a little now you see it immediately gets very twitchy up there so let's try ten instead of a hundred okay let's twitchy and definitely tighter so that is trying to maintain that distance now you see it's actually pulling up and stretching it tight I actually don't want it to ever stretch tight but signal is really easy to make those kind of changes in our noise on our Y it's going up and down I'm gonna say don't go up you can go down but you can't go up so we're going left and right all the way but then on Y we only ever go down so maybe they'll give us a little bit more twisty thing so now that's being stuck very well our bottom is stuck very well we get nice little tendrils going there's still a lot of energy in it and there's so many different ways we might be able to mitigate that well first of all like our turbulence is probably a throwing a lot of that in I kind of want that though in our helix we already threw in a lot a lot of linear dampening I would actually think that that would be the primary way of draining out the energy from this thing so I'm gonna try it even more and hard to tell I mean it still just has that energy I'm gonna give it a pretty strong follow rotation and position I don't know if it'll do anything let's find out a little bit but the last one I wanted to try just for curiosity's sake would be adding a simulate particle friction so this friction and I think this is all automatically being applied right I'm not crazy am I horses exclude ya it's automatically applied so now we have a friction and this friction should be constantly draining energy out from all dynamics it should be doing it to every single point here so I'm gonna crank this up insanely high and see if we're getting a clear effect and I'd say we are we are clearly seeing that this is like getting drained of energy so cool our friction is actually definitely a viable thing here so then maybe it turns into like okay now we can maybe add a stronger turbulence so there we go look at that look at these kinks we're getting in it but then we're getting our energy constantly drained back out again by our friction so now it's a little bit more vine like a little bit more structural and I look at that growth that's look starting to look really good I really am starting to like that a lot all right neat so that's working now what do we do um well we'd probably start making duplicates and see if we can get this actually twisting around so we've got our nice friction which is global so I'm going to put that in the bottom and now I can expand that is there anything worth hiding in groups man it's not too much so I'm just gonna copy paste and now we can go and like I said move that over a little bit and then we can grab both of them copy paste move them over a little bit and now because we're dealing with this global kind of noise I think we can just go and not worry about rotating them and just grab their upper area upper signal tags type in numb which is gonna take their index and apply it so like if I grab this top one you'll see you'll be set to zero and next one we set to one next one be two three four sorry get play and now we've got four these guys go on so we get four different technical lights out these are twisting around really nicely on top and hopefully getting tangled the bottoms are a little uniform for me Barry now but look look this growth is actually pretty great I am really liking the way that's looking I've never actually gotten anything like this working this well that's looking great holy cow guys this I should probably turn this into a real tutorial because this is this is working obviously starting a little bit slow but keep in mind that we did tell our global dynamics to be calculating fifty five times per frame so actually pretty impressive for what it is this is working really well I'm gonna save it and immediately save is a new one so we can always go back to that step which we know worked let's drop this down the half the amount so hopefully not 200 times you know so this might calculate twice as fast now keep in mind this is nowhere near real time this is we can't judge what we're seeing here for being accurate it looks like it did explode so we still need that to be higher because right around here they shot away so back to 55 yeah I'm totally digging that these are growing really nicely um let's see I think maybe we want to edit those curves a little bit first of all I hide the helixes all of them and now we can jump into our sweep sweep sweep sweep you know back in version 8 you couldn't select more than one object at a time and scale 100 details details scale scale down here but go thump yeah that's a little bit more what I was looking for yeah just a little bit more substance to them so we can more distinctly see them growing play now unfortunately we can't really deal with the individual thicknesses like it because it's just like oh this vine has this thickness and you see right here we're feeding it something fatter so it's actually intersecting down here right around here oh my god those twists are so cool so all this is making me think is we're getting really nice initial where we're getting eventually starting to twist up really well which just makes me want to have this more tangled quicker I can't think of like really good ways of doing that I mean we could have the helix we couldn't have the spines pre pre wrinkled which would probably be a good idea like pre twisted up a bit I'm going to see if we can just make this twice as fast which could be bad but like these guys are gonna move around twice as fast so hopefully we get twice as many knots so we can't see him but there's actually lines connected there and these are getting tangled and twisted so the initial growth is fine and then as we start getting up here we're starting to get them all twisted and tangled and it's beautiful oh my goodness I'm so happy you guys have no idea how happy I am this is why this is why I do this show cuz I get to learn things and dynamically and wiggle dynamically moving around and wiggling like oh my god like the implications of some of the stuff you can do with this is really cool because like let's go ahead and make a cube here and I'm gonna make a cube and I'm gonna rotate it to some goofy angle t4 scale scale it down a bit and let's just throw on one of these Collider bodies so I think initially it might make these explode outward it didn't make it completely exploded so we can't actually have the cube there in the beginning or we can we just have to have it grow so to the rescue signal sighs and I want to go from zero to that sighs yes and I want to happen quickly over like 20 frames if I haven't even slower but now it's really tiny hopefully this can now grow and now those didn't explode out because they weren't intersecting and it's shooting out in the space but now this is having to deal with this box being here so like that as a dynamic object like this is going to have to grow around the box it cannot get around it and it's not like it's growing around it it just can't intersect so this could get pulled over and I could be like whacking it with this box I mean even potentially in kind of real-time let's give ourselves a few more frames so I should be like I can't do a too quick by I should be I'll move this box around and you know have some influence over what's happening cuz this is all just really happening like these are actually getting tangled up like it's actually dynamically doing these pushes and poles which is crazy happen at a certain point like you can only twist and tangle up so much until we don't have enough points for it to compensate or it pulls it too tight and it can't work this down near the base it might be kind of cool they might split in different directions but yeah that is working really well now okay so that's not working shockingly well now all of the let's move on to like step step five here so there was like those shells happening well there was a that shell it broke there and I'm just curious if we can have this dynamic system integrate into the next dynamic system how do i how do I put that oh well let's just go and let's just do it I'm gonna make it let's make it a platonic instead of a sphere just to be a little different and let's give ourselves some subdivisions but I'm not gonna go nuts on this that might be nuts enough so we're gonna do that and now I'm going to make that a soft body cloth no I'm not soft body we're making a cloth so that's cloth so now what I'm curious about and it just it there's a really good chance this will not work but if we can grab these sweeps and add a simulation simulation cloth Collider now I we always do this but like I I think cloth colliders have to be have to have been made editable and if that's the case then this straight up won't work no okay they have a very editable and it is hitting it okay cool this continues to have potential I'm going to move this cube this cute little cube hey straight up because we don't want it messing with this okay so they weren't editable and it does seem to be colliding good now we can go to our geometry here and forces no gravity that just means it'll pull up so I just this will be weird but maybe we do want gravity but we want more iterations of stiffness so I'll do ten iterations of stiffness and we definitely want to use tearing so I'm going to do tearing at a hundred and fifty five so we can use tearing but tearing you can't see until we've used cloth ie cloth surface we throw this in the cloth surface don't subdivide yeah why not give us some thickness why not a factor of zero so it's nice and stiff no idea what will happen there is some gravity and the fact that those gravity probably means we should give it a ground in the ground I'm just gonna steal a Collider body tag so let's hit save and then hit play so let's go follow the ground it's pretty stiff as holding and now the vine is going to start hitting and a certain point this is getting creepy oh look at that so now based on our tare amount it is now torn a hole into the cloth and it's exploded outward this pore this pore shape has exploded into a tentacle monster and it's not it's not doing well actually that's amazing I can't believe that we just that these dynamic layers are all working perfectly here usually we have to like fight it every step of the way but that is straight-up working and we haven't even made anything editable oh wait I made that editable I wonder if I had to make it editable I don't know let's make another one and not make it editable although I'm pretty sure we do have to zero this one out match it drop it here steal this tag delete it and or what I do want to do is have more segments tinier holes make save it it's gonna run slower but I don't think it's gonna be like crash the computers slower so let's hit play ok it does need it does need that to be editable so I'll just make a copy of it and turn it off and I make that editable and now we can hit play let's see oh there's something wrong or is it just ok cool I just need to hit play again now because there's more polygons it's actually not quite as structural which is interesting we said we'd actually have to make it stiffer to be able to make that work they're all popping out really well they're popping up from the same hole though I kind of wanted to see them a little bit not in the same hole so why don't we hide that for a second and now we can just grab say this branch I'm gonna pull in with a little off to the right and I'm gonna grab this branch this branch nope third time's the charm pull it a little there so those are just separate it a little bit and hopefully they're still within it which they are hopefully those are far enough apart where they don't all punch through the exact same hole let me rewind hit play again cuz I think it punched a hole in right away which was just remembering the previous iteration so yeah they all kind of get pulled in there it's slightly separate holes but still not quite we could probably I mean there's a lot we could move them away where they definitely would work but now they're torn in actually you look there is a two holes here there's that one link working successfully there there's a good chance we probably throw a subdivision surface on that but every once in a while that will break a calculation you just never know and we didn't had a fawn tag which would obviously go a long way here let's just steal that Fong Tang hit play yeah okay it's Seoul's doing the calculations even with the subdivision surface working um eventually just fell away we would want to probably well and here's a problem is to make that stiffer we have to just do more iterations which I think it just means more calculation time because you can't have your stiffness go above 100% which is frustrating we go easy on the gravity some gravity is good but let's set to like half the amount a little bit of global drag 15% no wind none of that no self repulsion that makes it go crazy slow flexion I guess flexion is gonna label unable it to bend so we could pull back on that mass size will shrink or grow it tear is where it's tearing we could even make that higher let's go to 175 so it's got to push it harder before it tears let's make sure this floor is moved up to the maximum potential in fact we can grab this shape and rotate it can't we oh no cost doesn't let you rotate after it's been initialized which is weird but that's right now if all less it's a little stiffer um go ahead and just give that a save Oh so we can't move that down but what I was going to do is maybe grab all the branches hide that grab all the branches and pull them all down closer to the ground reset to make sure we didn't go so far that they escaped cool so now now hopefully it doesn't ever escape the bag I want them to look like they're still in there so hit play there might be initial yeah it's either that first pop and that for whatever reason that's just a weird quirky if I rewind hit play again it won't happen now there might have been some initial okay see this guy was a little bit intersecting when it when it popped in the initial geometry so I'm just going to grab this cluster and move them all over a little bit so I think every other time we hit play it's might like freak out a bit and we have to rewind and let it play again that's for the problems I thought we'd have trying to do any of this I'm not going to complain about that you see the flexion seems to making it maintain its shape a little bit more these are now very violently very violently going to tear through it and keep in mind that these tentacles are not reacting in any way to the bag the bag has to react to the tentacles but the tentacles are not reacting in any way to this because it doesn't see it back that way I'm shocked that it's looking at it at all so Oh super twisty there this one doesn't want to get twisted up at all but these are mega twisted neat I don't even know what to add to this like it's just working you know it's great though it was like I have my tutorial I need to post in like two weeks and I didn't know I was gonna make it on that now I think I'm gonna make it on this so you guys have a little preview nobody nobody post any of this on your own you post something you made but not how to do it there's mine I'm gonna make this tutorial make it big and fancy because this one's really fun I popped the bag but now I can see how thick it is neat get a look you've grown up there now we do still there are still other problems like these are just the tentacles like we talked about and there still are probably flipping and twisting all over the place so if we were to try and put some sort of dynamic texture on here not even dynamic but any kind of texture that has any kind of texture to it we'd see it flipping all over the place if we were to change this display mode to this my assumption would be that these guys are gonna be actually with the friction I'm curious I'm curious now if that would be the case so now let's find out it will be stretching as it goes which is a tough one because there's a animates up it's like we need to feed it more texture which is just a fact I'm gonna turn off this cloths and get it running a little bit faster and we can grab maybe a generic or just grab a quick instead of making the texture I'm just gonna go to grayscale guerrilla texture kit go to natural do we have any kind of bark I don't even know if we do but we probably have something that will work here hmmm that's a weird-looking one wonder who initially made this this could be people it could be Rob it is kind of a bark texture though it's using this placement I don't want that so yeah let's do that um so I'm going to go ahead and just throw it I'm gonna make sure to throw it on to an actual sweep and we're gonna say applying I guess let's let this play out so we actually see them and you should see right away that as these are stretching outward the texture is which is not spinning around although every once in a while we might see a like a sudden like foot which would be the problem but you'll see that these are growing and it's just simply stretching the textures out and that looks really nice overall but we don't want them stretching and stretching and stretching so what that means is that we need to be feeding it more tiles as it goes up now luckily well I mean this is all driven by a signal which means we know exactly the way it's growing and it's growing based on inside the sweep inside we'll start with this top one we'll do one and maybe copy it over so inside the spine wrap this is the transition of it growing and in fact it almost makes me want to speed it up in the beginning a little bit there I guess that maybe should even be a little bit more linear but I select it and let's just say linear sounds gonna be one continuous growth okay and it's 180 frames but what this means is I can actually take this and copy it over to our sweep and now instead of driving the way the spine wrap is being applied we can take that same signal tag and change it to and unfortunately I need to fast forward this a bit so we can I guess think I just do that yeah we gotta figure out which one of these parameters we need so it's okay it is indeed this parameter so it is either the tile or the length of V because those those are essentially the same parameters name two different things so all we have to do is figure out what should this look like at the end and what should it look like at the beginning now it does look like the texture is starting here at the bottom instead of the top mmm which is probably the case unless we were to invert our spline which is probably doable actually I can try just hit reverse spline it's gonna get fat on top except now always do is go here and invert that by flipping it oops by mirroring it cool so now we should have the same thing but now I think our texture will be stretching from the bottom which exactly what we want cuz the tip should never change so now we know it ends at 180 so right at this time we want it to look perfect so what looks good that looks good tiling it three times so we're just going to say actually we can do this now we can say tile V is being driven by this so at the end which is 180 we want this to be at three cool so now what we need to do is rewind it and you see as it's shrinking and I'm not surprised that pops because what I'm just dragging through I guess we can kind of guess this based on based on what it looks like when it finally pops out here I wonder if it even that is an accurate number like maybe maybe we just give it a little bit over one and let's just hit play and see how it looks as we stretch because what's doing is constantly generating new texture at the bottom so as it stretches upward it should be kind of maintaining the length seems pretty solid you see those twists right there now we can actually see those twists I was worried about or it's spinning spinning spinning we really don't want that but there's no I really wish there was like a end-all solution or it's like oh don't don't spin but you need like real splines and rails planes are such a pain um I don't know I don't know what the just automatic good solution that is now I want to copy this texture tag to our other sweeps but we do have to relink it so I'm gonna say drive that parameter copied again drive that parameter copy again drive that parameter didn't I do that right I'm driving the parameter but I linked the right texture I also have to link the texture here okay cool so now each of those should be you kind of properly getting their texture grown along them and to a degree it's almost like I would I would almost think that we'd want to them to not be perfect we want them to be stretching a little bit or squishing a little bit just a little something to give it that a feeling of growth but you know I'm not complaining about this zoom up like these textures look a lot better closer up but this bump might be crazy actually it's a very mild bombo's surprisingly but those have a normal map that might be very strong so I'm gonna go easy on the bump yeah it makes it a little smoother and then you know I like it being maybe a little bit more beechwood type so we'll multiply it by that color doesn't take much ferry yellow that's better um and originally have displacement we could turn on some displacement if those have so poly displacement very mild what's the point of having tiny tiny tiny displacement you want a little more and that's kind of a thing now they will be twisting around but why don't we just first say go and wrap this up and we're already over time but I was having a laugh line so I wasn't worried about it let's turn our cloth back on because it's just neat to look at there's not really textures on it I was throw all that nothing fancy should run nice and quick um now I think we do want to make our spheres invisible and here's why I'm actually gonna do I can go and search for sphere and now they're all there and I can grab all of them I just go hide hide and now they won't render and I can clear that out and now we're back and I was able to change all of them at the same time very useful thing we're doing these kind of iterative copy and pastes things you have to do over and over again give that a quick save um and I would just be a very good idea that some lighting but I don't want to make the render take too long soft shadow and then we'll go a little bit easy on the shadow and then I'll just create an ambient light keep it simple a little bit of blue not very bright ambient and then it's kind of fun to make this one little to brighten 125 maybe you know there we go something oh why not we'll throw in a bit of a background branch background weird maybe not maybe not that but maybe make a copy of it and we will go to normal and we'll make it very pale no no no nope background yeah neat I'll even throw that on the ground it's something it's something and we're not moving the camera or anything so we'll just do that Oh actually if I set the make the plane a little bigger and we can set that projection to frontal then I guess I shadow will probably fear but we could tell this to be a compositing say composite background and now that should mm oh I put it in the wrong thing so that see that becomes invisible and the only thing that falls off is the shadow but I should be able to see for scale and scale that until it's beyond there and now we've got like an infinite floor linking to background I still flat in frontal that would not work if we were moving the camera shadows are getting a little weird I hear it I think the Phong tag just the way we're so dividing that's a little weird so I'm not gonna worry about not gonna worry about that too much actually I'm not gonna worry about it I don't know let's just save our render all frames will probably stop it before that don't worry about saving low resolutions fine I just want to see this go quick saved render no that wasn't finally finished oh it's doing the pre explode thing so we probably have to do I have to send it twice here or do we have to do a rewind proper that's a curious thing okay you see it still explodes so once again this is just kind of a weird little bug by Beff we hit play let it play through a few frames it'll explode it's actually kind of dangerous too okay see if they'd explode and now I hate rewind so now I've done that ibegin it go to the picture viewer and I bet it will work hello magical cube that's slowly sinking due to the low gravity and I think it'll collapse quite a bit before we ever see the the branches start pulling out oh I guess it's not rendering really quick so that's good pop more subdivisions we give that shape then the better those holes will look because a certain point they just cease to exist so when a tear happens it'll just like suddenly open up a space I think you guys are all moving outward a lot I guess I don't twist up until near the end it's rendering quick enough where I'm finding lighting this just runs through for a few minutes because it's looking pretty cool now like I said the only thing the thing that we didn't the problem that's here that we didn't solve and I guess if I try and make a proper tutorial out of this I will have to solve will be the textures spinning it's not the texture spinning it's the entire sweep rotating its orientation and yeah I just don't know I don't know what the solution though that's going to be we could potentially get some rail spines but I found even in rail spines sometimes do some weird things so like I see I would have loved to have made this like a complex clone set up like a bunch of cloners when you make as many of them in around as we want but it just didn't work so a certain point like to get these more dynamic rigs I've been finding that you just have to like brute force like make one of them for real and then give it its neighbors but seeing these are guys I'll twist it up and I kind of behaving as ones one thread these are out and now at their full length so they won't be growing any more but they will keep wiggling and maybe twist up a bit and I guess string is still quite stretchy so they there's going to be that bit of variation which we're just not going to be compensating for at all at a certain point like depending on our subdivisions and the number of points we have like these might just like rip through each other so you'd have to like make sure you have the proper length like these are so twisted that wouldn't be surprised this at some point like this one just went pop and then went through it top one finally it looks like it's twisting in a little bit so well clearly we stopped going at 180 and we have to keep in mind especially with that reference we were looking at like these are very long and I have no idea if this is in any way kind of what they did they're like you could probably do a very simple animation of these guys all just kind of tangled up and then sweep those along and those finest traveling along another one so kind of like the inverse of what we're doing here would probably be another viable route although I don't know I think this is actually the route but we have to make these strands a lot longer and I don't know if any of these were like ever branching out a child I don't think they were actually but I have no I think that you could branch out a child from this because these Springs don't keep anything quite tight enough so you could blink one spline to another splines point and then sweep it off at that perfect moment but I don't know how well you could spring one spring or spring one spline two point one spline point to another spines point might work might not there's almost unrendered so we'll just let that finish it looks like it might have even passed through themselves like I said they would and there's ways around that if we gave it more length probably less stiffness more more calculations per frame but uh let's so let's see what we got here creepy and that's working quite well I I wanna see I'm looking this time to see if they win and where they pass through each other because it's quite hidden they didn't seem to actually one of the twists in an interesting kind of way travels downward like see this twist that's moving down down down so I thought that the twist that I thought might have popped through actually just kind of traveled down the length and every time we randomized the seed we'll be getting a completely different animation here now I didn't render the set a high enough resolution to really see the detail these you we can see them kind of twisting a little bit they're not doing like full flips but they're definitely like doing that kind of thing and I think that is the great challenge to solve here because it's always been like weird gimbal lock and rotational and rail spline based stuff that can just be tedious and frustrating and I guess see if I can find any way around it but we this is a neat technique I have not seen this kind of thing in cinema 4d where we kind of have these nice living dynamic art directl vine spines tentacles whatever you want them to be those will just not forever up there if we let it keep going I'm just gonna stare at this for a little bit cuz it's really neat let's see well other things as things are slightly frustrating but maybe not especially if we go and look at the reference like you see these these are not they maintain a somewhat consistent thickness all the way through you see these are the thickness right there is pretty much the same thickness right there so we actually have ours getting fatter all the way along it but we made it a little bit more consistent with just the tips being a little bit thinner maybe then then this intersection happening in the lower levels where there where that's fatter than the spline allows that would be good maybe I really wish we could map the spline to be thicker and thinner as it goes up and down I guess that could be a feature request to max on but I cannot think of any way around that by any means so that's just not a thing and the fact that we were getting like until we put this bag in there we're actually getting really good view view pretty good viewport feedback as far as uh you know the dynamic considering how much is happening is at the end of day it's just a couple spines and springs but like the end result can argue of that looks good looks pretty dang good I'm just I'm just kind of basking in this technique working so many things you can do with it OSE to is like all those little spheres are traveling around up here all those spheres could be put into a null as a group so you could get that like random this happening but then also like animate the bigger group so it's like Oh lots of randomness but then a bigger smooth or randomness where they're all moving together or traveling through space let's see let's say if you wanted these to be more art directed where they're like we could probably have a big sweep like imagine a big invisible tube that can't let's say let's say we wanted this like let's say this cube wasn't here and we wanted a big tube to kind of go over here and then over here if the splines were initially inside of that space then they could mean be trapped within that space and even that could like move around and undulate a little bit so you could even art direct like how these are going where they're going I wish I'd made the resolution a little higher either the texture or like bigger on the texture or render the saddle a little bit higher because it's really hard to tell what these textures are doing yeah okay well I've started out that enough times although I will save it into the folder um images history renders right-click save as still image animation TIF QuickTime animation h.264 there might be better than that but that's just one I've using for a while um branches holy cow uh let's jump into let's okay that's saving him that animation with that finish make sure that this file is saved go back to the chat and see what you guys are talking about we're not gonna tackle any more questions cuz we're already over but uh that was fun looks like you guys have been going for a while let's see any way I can ask for a future request tutorial yeah it looks like you're new but there would be yeah it's just doing the live stream you throw it in there and I sued over Angele click on links just to hopefully get to everybody at different times um yeah just lots of good conversation going in here yeah joining the slack channel um let's see yeah those tentacles are fun there's a completely different technique although I guess in the last one and though my last one the meat tutorial or the guts rather we did use splines and Springs but I feel like this is pretty different um yeah so thanks everybody I need to go eat someone's because I'm pretty hungry let's watch it one more time and then they're gonna go oh in you know it's neat is like those wouldn't like those don't have to be branches those could be you know we could probably be cloning onto those helixes and they could be like little robot segments or and obviously we're just running this along a helix so that could actually be a pre modeled like like you know octopus tentacle or there's probably a lot of different materials and meshes that could probably be which would be pretty neat that's been she just go straight sci-fi and still have them kind of be branches but that was really fun thanks for the awesome questions guys we got to tackle a bunch of uh of really neat things I can't even remember all the ones we tackled what do we do today we oh we have an aerodynamic Whalley a bunch of branches we got the pillars of creation going like there we go that was super neat gething that for them pseudo scratch since most of that's just based off of them an image we got the scales working so yeah we had some good ones today so this is the third to last show in fact it's kind of over so there's gonna be next week and the week after and that will be the end of season two of SGS geez so that will we'll be wrapping it up for the summer trying to focus on some some other things but thanks so much everybody uh I will see you guys next week and in the slack so good bye bag
Channel: Greyscalegorilla
Views: 34,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tutorial, cinema4d, c4d, cinema 4d, cinema 4d tutorials, greyscalegorilla, tut, cinema 4d tut, dynamics, askgsg, cinema 4d tutorial, cinema 4d dynamics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 4sec (4144 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2016
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