Cindy Williams on working with Penny Marshall - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG

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well when we first started working together was when we were riding together so she's very tough you know she's very she has a mind like a steel trap she doesn't forget anything just talking to her and she said didn't you read the email I sent you and I said no you know I don't read emails I'm computer illiterate she goes don't you do anything I go text me text me she she's a tasks mistress she will have things she'll read the script and you know be smoking a cigarette and have it down in a day and I'll hold this grip right up to dress rehearsal and and she can be impatient but along with that it would push the part of me to be better and and try to be johnny-on-the-spot and and it would be crisper because of her and but the oh it's just so difficult with thee so then the attitude of the characters were real you know when she get upset with me it would be real and it just I just you know let it roll off my back after a while and didn't get upset by it but we would always come to the same as far as rhythm went as far as that door flying open and both of us being absolutely in sync I used to say to her if there were an Olympic an Olympic event for comedy I think we take the gold I used to say that to her because we just physically we just do things you know and and we'd always make each other laugh some of the best laps of my life were with that woman I mean and if we made it back to if we made each other laugh we knew we were would make the audience laugh also if it made us laugh and so we were very very close like that I mean very you couldn't slip a playing card in between us like that but we had our differences but not when it came to hit that stage and and doing you know what we love doing and it was like instinct with her like telepathy and I I don't think I've had that with anyone else in my life and it was just one of those things see our personalities are so alike in so many ways and so different in so many ways and we're both Italian and loud and so some things would be we would play it out you know we could we could get loud and if she didn't you know like something I was upset about it you know and I maybe took the other side of it there would be squabbles but in the end you know the entire experience the entire the entire thing was such a blessing and so much fun and I couldn't have done it without her I mean there was no you know it just wouldn't have been the same and I'm sure she'd say vice versa and I have to say we're a great friend she's one of my great great friends just one of the greatest friends of my life you
Channel: FoundationINTERVIEWS
Views: 221,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Television history, tv, interviews, Emmy TV Legends, Interviews, academy, Penny Marshall, emmytvlegends, Laverne & Shirley, Cindy Williams
Id: rwhZnmjY6JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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