Cigarettes After Sex - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

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you've got a tune to 90.3 FM KEXP here in seattle and streaming all over the world @k exp dot o-r-g my name is morgan very glad to be down in the live room with the ban cigarettes after sex one of my favorite albums of the year so far very glad to have them in studio welcome thanks a lot thanks for having us love to hear a couple songs from you shrim take you away [Music] first he was said and strong waiting for that show [Music] with stress [Music] shy stereo [Music] and it's sad it dancing with me take pictures of you flowers are think of a Kim Basinger stand black yeah just with me [Music] top of you [Music] hold [Music] till you fall asleep and test just of school ha [Music] stay with me don't want you to [Music] cigarettes after sex live on KEXP the song called sunsets [Music] since we want to do for it streams at this [Music] see sir [Music] sunsets I wanna hear [Music] but it could destroy [Music] [Music] sir [Music] I still see son [Music] Stinson son [Music] you [Music] cigarettes after sex live on KEXP the new self-titled album came out this past June and playing tonight at the crocodile tomorrow at the Doug Fir both sold-out shows that's awesome and yeah you started this project back in heard cigarettes after sex back in 2008 and the first EP I came out in 2012 and so there's five years until the the full-length album came out can you talk about what was happening in the meantime and how what the process of putting this full-length album out was sure what happened was a the EP in 2012 was almost kind of an accident it was something we just kind of tried one night in his stairway and the University that Philip and I went to back in El Paso and it came out really good and then after that everything that we did after just didn't seem good enough and so we're kind of just putting things on the Shelf and trying things out that can go anywhere and then Philip and I moved to New York and we met Jake we met Randy and the been kind of reformed and that took a while as well just kind of relocating in those kind of things we also tried another record at that point didn't work we scrapped it and then finally we did a song called affection and everything just kind of gelled together we used that as a template for the LP ozone it was a lot of just kind of the that EP was so good that we couldn't really equal it just took a little while to kind of find our way after that well I'm glad you took a while to make a perfect record cuz it's so good and I feel like this record is so unique in that it's very simplistic in the song structure and the the beats and everything like that but it's it's so unique because it's so cohesive in that every song has a similar vibe but fits really well as an album together and yet the songs can stand alone as singles is that something that you're going for when you were making this album exactly honestly I just found like the records I liked the most for the ones that just kind of gave you one sound and went really deep into it and I wasn't really at in these kind of eclectic records that all right let's do this let's do that and kind of moved all over the place I just wanted to go into one mood and go really deep into that mood and they thought that was the most powerful kind of thing we could do the most powerful thing that I was hearing in music you're like a record like kind of blue or something like that and it's just one wait for the whole time and there's nothing really like a pathologist gonna do something like that and that'll be the strongest thing what are your musical influences who do you love the most who do you listen to the most it's strange I mostly sometimes like the biggest influences are the ones you don't really listen to that much because I kind of made such an impact you kind of have it like you kind of go to it at a certain time but the biggest ones for me were France was Hardy her record la cuestión it was like a huge influence on the sound of cigarettes just like that kind of going back to case of Records like just a great record throughout that kept this one kind of vibe that nothing else sounds like and then we used um you know Mazzy Star was a big thing that we kind of took some ideas from Red House Painters Cocteau twins but even the music of like Erik sati was a big influence the hominin bullet is or like early group girl groups like the pair of sisters I think we took a lot from as well so it's kind of all over the place yeah that's really cool and I feel like the lyrics in the record are very unique and cohesive in that way as well and they strike me as almost cinematic because obviously the overarching theme of the vote of the lyrics is love it's a sort of an album about love and time periods of time and love but there also feels like repetition in ideas and like you mentioned helicopters crashing a couple of different times and it feels very cinematic and like there are places in each song but also you're like remembering and it's voyeuristic in a way is that something you were thinking about when you were writing the lyrics yeah I thought like this record like Nebraska by Springsteen were like he kind of repeats like the same kind of words look I thought it like made the record sound like really like as one piece and so I thought you know as a writer you kind of get hooked on certain words and I think some artists will be like I don't wanna use that word you know again or something but I thought no that's what's cool about it like you kind of put these words together and he creates this kind of worldview or like this kind of vision that the record kind of takes on you got these kind of repeating objects and like repeating things like that and so that was a something that was really in mind for man mm-hmm yeah are you big fan of film and TV do you watch a lot of stuff yeah Bashan and film was like a big influence on just the whole style of the group but just taking like and you know like a film that has a certain mood to it a lot of like I guess European art cinema um had the kind of moods that are and I even like dialogue and stuff that you would find like Anna and if I'm like Jules and Jim or something or double I favor and eek these kind of like philosophical European arthouse films to kind of have this kind of language to him that was second a lot for this band and and kind of used using the film kind of idea and trying to make a musical version of it mm-hmm yeah were you making music before cigarettes after sex how did when did you start playing music I've been playing since I was like ten years old started playing guitar and immediately started writing and so cigarettes was probably like my 100th band or something like that that I kind of started I had like so many you know you kind of named like any style and I probably went through it at some point I'm so this was just like another band wasn't like oh here's my band now finally after all these years were just like oh here's another bound let's see what it does and this one just stuck you know after all those years in the last nine years that you've sort of been putting out little bits and pieces of music it's sort of been blowing up on the internet and even before this full-length album out song from the epi nothing's gonna hurt you baby was featured on hands Handmaid's Tale has anything changed since the album came out or do you feel a momentum building with cigarettes after sex yeah really it was like everything went viral on YouTube in October of 2015 and affection and nothing's gonna hurt you both took off and pretty much from that lightning bolt everything that's happening now is happening but it was really that what I think was mostly that YouTube thing that really did it they had made still you know it's great to be associated with a show like that it's a great show but um that first momentum was really what kind of led to here and the record was just like let's just keep it going and keep building and it has been moving you know it's moving and everything's growing and this u.s. tour is like you know much bigger than we would have done last year and European Tour's are getting a great Asian Tour is her and getting grey were kind of going all over the world so it's just building and building and scream cool and you even did a cover of REO speedwagon's keep on loving you I can't imagine another band that would actually nail that song and somehow make it better well why did you choose that song to cover it was genuine it was a genuine love for the song I grew up listening to that song it was a kind of song here like in a supermarket and it kind of just it was like white noise to me and growing up and I didn't really care for it and then one day I'm not sure if you have this experience like we're a song he kind of always knew finally just kind of knocks you out I don't know where and how boy I thought USB tokens uh keep on loving you and it started to love that song but it done repaid all the time when I was in New York and so I thought and then what I thought was if he slowed it down when I started playing on a guitar I became a really sad song I was actually kind of a desperate song underneath it and so we just thought let's just kind of try a version like that and see what happens and we just did it in one take it worked perfectly and you're obviously a fan of the Arts I like to ask this question to people who I feel like might think about the sort of thing why do you think music matters what's important about it you know music you know the mix life with living basically and like it's it kind of gives you these good feelings and it helps you cope with the bad feelings you know so I think that's why it's important and it wasn't for music I might not be here but you know going through some really rough times so in that sense you know it definitely can say people's lives to say might someone well I'm glad you're making music love to hear a couple more songs from you shrim cool house it's called sweep with a new record watch and it touch is [Music] one where your shower whatever you know all mousers with your day but it's the way you smile does it for me it's so [Music] [Music] it's the city where you yeah [Music] launcher turn turn you know thinkest it's the perfect car but it's uh please hear us Tony it's yeah [Music] to each other [Music] it's a [Music] like [Music] good [Music] it's uh [Music] shall [Music] it's uh [Music] [Music] cigarettes after sex live on KEXP they got one more for us [Music] purchased such answered escapes [Music] film helicopters crashing the ocean from [Music] just [Music] kisses hurts love of you [Music] it's [Music] your lips my lips Parker [Music] let's talk [Music] to you [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] cigarettes after sex live on KEXP I think we have time for what nine more go ahead thank you so much for being here today was real treat to see you live and have a great rest of your tour sure thanks so much it's our pleasure thanks for having us yeah pick up the new self-titled album cigarettes after sex out now highly recommend it you will not be disappointed and if they are coming to your city definitely catch them on tour playing tonight at crocodile and Doug Fir tomorrow in Portland keep it tuned right here to the station where the Music Matters 90.3 FM KEXP Seattle discover new music get listener powered KEXP dot o-r-g
Channel: KEXP
Views: 2,668,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New York, studio performance, live performance, new hip music, Brooklyn, Cigarettes After Sex, KEXP, studio session, KEXP.ORG, live version, latest bands, livemusic, Seattle, KEXP-FM (Radio Station), find new music, in studio, music discovery, live recording, live music, Full Performance
Id: 9ve_yc7ZE9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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