Chute Procedure - Just Rodeoin 3

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welcome back to just rodeo and i'm dale brisby and i'm teaching you how to put your bull rope on your bull now there's a lot of ways to skin this cat there's a lot of guys that'll show you a lot of different techniques this is what i do and it's for a couple of reasons helps me mentally and helps me stay safe now don't try this at home be sure if you are trying it you've got a professional around someone almost as good as me and you should be able to get through this with little to no injuries brisby 511 let's go it's a rope on [Music] so [Music] everything i do i've got a reason for it even the way i hold my rope i'm going to grab it on the block and i'm going to i'm going to coil it up right here my first the first place i grab it after the block is the end of the wear strip the second place i'm going to reach way down here towards the end of my tail and that's going to be or i guess the third place i grab it that way where i've got my rosin that's protected it's not my hand's not really touching it i'm not gripping it all the time in case i had some popcorn you know i want to protect my rosin right there so uh i'm right i ride left-handed so i'm going to drop the body of my rope it's an american rope on the right side of my bull so i've got my my man hooking me he's going to be on the left side over there okay my uh bull rope knot it which you learned how to tie an episode one is somewhat loose right now because i'm going to be adjusting it now i don't have my bull rope my bull rod and glove on quite yet so now there's two ways to put this rope on your board some guys will do it from right here outside um if my if my bull is in the chute sometimes i like to go ahead and get on him and uh now how i get on him i'm gonna run through real quick i'm letting him know i don't have a lot of weight on my boot right here okay it's mainly on my hands now i'm gonna bring hold on cheech i'm gonna bring my second one i'm letting him know i'm coming and i slide all the way down now you'll notice i didn't use these rungs as a ladder okay i went all the way down onto my bull the reason for that i'm going to show you the wrong way to do it just to for illustration's sake if i were to stand up right here if i were to be standing right here that bull could kick like so because so chiefs was running that hook and i wasn't asking him to so if i'm standing like this and he puts that hook and it touches the bottom side of his belly if this is a if this bull is a bronc um if he's if he's a young bull ready to kick and he were to kick up right now let's say he kicks my foot out and then he kicks again that's gonna break my leg that's pretty easy to see how how easily this leg could be broken so that's why i'm either all the way in or all the way out he kicks right here i'm free he kicks right here then i'm still i'm in trouble but i'm not gonna break my leg so i'm either all the way in or all the way off so i come down and then i'm gonna put my pinky toe on the bottom rung you see that that way i use my pinky toe because that means my spurs are gonna be north and south not east and west cheech can you give me a hook i'm gonna crowd my flank man crowd my flank man drop my body down he's grabbing i'm now i'm holding my wear strip all right i've got it cheech thank you i'm gonna feed myself this rope feed myself drop i drop my nails to the front now i'm gonna run my rope through the body might run my tail through the body of my rope now i'm going to check it roll it around his body and i'm gonna pull up on it and see if when i pull this rope my rosin's gonna be way away from my hand so what i need to do is i need my rope to be longer so i need to make the body of my rope smaller put these bells right up here in the middle so i'm gonna make the body of my rope smaller which is gonna make my rope longer because this bull is fat he'd been all over that total feeds okay now let's measure it again keep that sucker straight now it looks like we're getting into our wear strip now see that this is your wear strip that's where your wear strip ends and then your tail begins so i'm gonna wheel it around and just make double sure oh man now we're getting we're getting into the money zone right there almost called it the moony zone that's on a t-shirt coming soon to okay so i'm going to run my the tail of my rope right across the body to make sure that that rosin stays protected sometimes those bulls may have something on their back like it might just be dirty or it may they may have some pour on on their back been to a rodeo where they put pour on on the bulls before the bull riding um i'm gonna just sneak it through the body of my rope now i'm gonna climb out and get my my my glove on glove is on bro taped on now we're getting on the bull cheech if you would could you climb up and pull this bowler up for me you can now i got my man so i'm gonna hand i'm gonna take charge in here okay i'm gonna take charge cheech if you would go ahead and pull on that now when i go to heat up my rope i'm gonna pull up first up in case he's out looking at his girlfriend this one will catch his attention if he's not gripping this if he if he's got a real loose grip and you pull down sometimes you'll yank it out of his hand if he ain't paying attention so i like to pull up first that lets him know hey we're heating this sucker up leather against your leather with the rosin against that rope the heat is what's gonna make that rosin sticky kind of ignite that rosin give it a couple taps hey buddy loosen off loosen off a little more loose him way off cheech loose him way off cheech see i gotta talk to him he's a rodeo announcer so now i get enough slack loosen off a little more cheeks i get enough slack where i can pick up my handle look at that when you pick up right behind your block it opens up your handle now you can get that sucker warm now you're ready to go flag girls are running out your gunner so i've got a hold of the the body of my rope use your arm like grab a hold of it that's something we got to tell everybody it comes through here to hold on to this run my hand through i'm right to the left of that backbone i got long arms so i'm i'm just a smidge off of it go ahead cheeks give me a little little little pull now watch my hand go straight down on his back look at how where it stayed right in position now hold on cheech get that skin all that loose skin out of there go back to holding on give me a little more cheech all right that's good i'm gonna take it from him let me show you something let me show you something real quick if you don't hold on to that body loosen weight off when your guy pulling is tightening up your rope you want to hold this body of your rope like firm like you mean it because if you don't go ahead and pull without me watch how my hand just travels right across his backbone now it's in the middle of his back okay loosen off cheeks we'll do it one more time hold on to this thing like you mean it grab a hold with your hand like you're about to ride bulls okay this isn't a tennis match all right go ahead cheats there's a lot of good tennis players out there that could probably ride bulls really good hold on cheech i'm not holding my bull rope go ahead but there is a difference okay that's good see how now since i held on to the body of my rope my hand is right to the left of that that spine now i'm a long-armed bull rider i'm a tall drink of water so that's why i don't mind about an inch off of the spine all right here we go right over the top of my handle and close my hand go behind my hand now i'm going to come back through my hand i'm going to grab it grab a hold with my thumb and my forefinger so this rope ain't moving then i'll let go with these three fingers i run it right on top you've got rope on rope on handle really sticky or right here just depends on where you're at you're bull riding i'm turning my i turned my i've turned my hand over from this position to this position you know that way whenever you're get trying to get out over them you can use your your knuckles you don't want to leave it down like this okay all right bring that thumb across just like when you punch somebody you don't want to punch like this you'll jam your thumb same thing when you're riding bulls you want to ride bulls like this not like this see the difference jam your thumb not jamie's thumb so pull that thumb across it's like that's like the last thing like lock it in there lock it in there old son okay all right now you can put your tail up there on his hump like that that's fine some of those bulls go to like shaking because they feel the flies and it'll fall off just don't get to where you have to have it up there and all of a sudden he shakes it off and 47 times you're redoing it now all of a sudden you've lost all your momentum because you have to have this right here maybe one or two if he shakes it off a third time leave it i don't like to put it up there at all because i got tired of like re-situating my tail because it's gonna fall off first jump anyway so i just pull it right over my right leg i'm gonna reach way up i got my heels lined up on my bull rope i'm gonna reach way up bring my old my old gooch to my pinky slide and ride drop my feet down okay boys i drop my elbow right there that way when it comes out i'm leaving with him just like this okay i'm riding on my end seams if you get back here you can see my pockets aren't on him i'm ready to ride you got to move forward these bulls are going to go from zero to a hundred real fast so you gotta do that too going mentally so line your heels up it's go time right here i'm already riding him okay boys i like to give a little bit of verbal command to the gate man just that way he knows if he can't see me but don't yell okay boys see the bullets flinch you see them right there when i yelled they know what's up just do it kind of like okay boys okay gate man then you're riding bulls and punching fools unless you buck off yeah my name's not donny it's dale brisby
Channel: Dale Brisby
Views: 56,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodeo time, bull riding, cowboy, dale brisby, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, ranching, wrangler national finals rodeo, professional cowboys rodeo association, Professional bull riders, ranch horse, horses, horseback riding, Horse training, colt breaking, barrel racing, team roping, tie down roping, horse, cow calf operation, feedlot operation, sale barn, rodeo, trucks, cows, farming, JB Mauney, ProRodeo, bull fighting, freestyle bull fighting, rodeo clown, steer roping
Id: BAIiE0RNchk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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