Chuggaaconroy Highlights - MOTHER 3

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what do you get in yeah I want to go play on my pajamas change my clothes no and you can stay inside in your pajamas for the rest of your life and now oh you are awesome to run you want to hold on the B button when your character takes that pose let go the B button and they will run in that direction you don't even have to hold the control pad look until you're running in that direction tell you until you press another direction on the control pad but if you run into the back of her now it's chair in the beginning oh I surrender I surrender and you get a nut bread very nice yeah I'll play whatever programming in the driver class Lucas doesn't know how to ram into things yet I just rammed into Hanauma Becker that sounds gross game he almost stepped on a frog you almost destroyed a valuable save points you lose your care I'm such a nerd like I mean it like seriously here if you're just getting into watching my videos with this series everything you will learn that I'm such a nerd yeah same is tamas think your pitch blank evidence it tell me something I haven't heard times already but you're alright and what do you got to say move it move it [ __ ] so I'm gonna cut this right here boney what do you got to say to us where's the wisdom right well said when we get home this evening I'll start cooking some of your favorite almost right away with love your dearest Hinata wait what she's not home yet that means no omelets for me what a [ __ ] I'm a slight handicap but I'll do my best you're singing with you yeah I think I kind of guessed you had a handicap based on how you run the stir join your party duster is awesome he proves the being handicapped you know I don't know what that proves actually I'm gonna cut it until I do that though because I really want to get that back sprite trust me it is very much so work but well just if you're anything any secrets [Music] Jesus Christ Jesus Christ [Music] I was so close [Music] yeah baby [ __ ] there we go I finally got that damn back spread it was going nuts please let this one have an antidote go seriously if it doesn't have an antidote that it drops nothing I'm totally screwed Hot Springs really annoying please have an antidote crap see yes just a moment that's it but but but but it's but but let me eat you from the back anything up back I'm running thank you [Music] come on let me attack you from the back that see it's annoying in the beginning you don't have anything to turn enemies around with to see their backs praise Jesus closed [Music] I might get this please don't make me cut it I don't like cutting it a lot Jesus I think Jesus law jeez I really gotta break that actually I don't really care come on [Music] why can't I uh attack from top back have you heard me slow my keyboard right there but I actually did come on for the love of Hilary Duff on a stick can I attack you from the back what ha ha ha ight I was probably the weirdest most random thing I've ever said oh that was brilliant your burger got you attack from the bag and it's got a really the dorky look on its face now it's dead haha you're dead huh yeah what are you gonna do about that now that you're dead huh she's the camp blows Oh for the love of hillford so honest I don't remember that one come on run I really hate having to do this seriously I really just wish I could use an item that turns an enemy around which you will get later in the game trust me it becomes a lot easier to see all the enemy sprites later in the game yeah that's what I'm talking about wow he's a but he drew a butthole on him wow he's taking a bath there's a lot of disturbing inside material in this game trust me hey check it out a pretty lady why can't I do combo attacks on you oh my god did you see that the one damage from Alec kill the crack I guess really is all it mean special yeah so don't press asleep spray digestive fluids tell me I actually you know that animation like when it's braised digestive fluids on you I was talking to one of my friends do today I'm sucking all my frenzy of the day and they were all saying the like when the spray editor from this game comes out I should make a Phil Cosby enemy and like have them have an attack called pique jell-o pudding flop and like have the animation be like would it sprays the bullet on you they say what is this what is it with that well I'm so sexy and why do I think she's gonna become my favorite character is the only time in the game where you're actually able to control kumatora by herself but I just like now actually if you died if you were to hack the game and put monsters right here or if you were to hack the game make them it's over like your main playable character like in a time like this you actually would cause it to you would get a weird game over screen like can we get a shot of that [Music] yep Ninh let's go get you he kicked us in there the nerve he kicked my ass literally come on salsa let's go to our room she'll be all right I'm running for my life no I'm not but I've good news for you I just saved the put some money on my car insurance by switching to Geico I finished delivering them to everyone who wanted them it according to my timer in the video right now he took us seven minutes at 22 seconds to do it even though I would knock speed metal abortion settlements wait a second I am looking at the timer right now so let's go back to facade and get our reward come on turn around actually I think I'm gonna cut to when I turn it around actually no I'm not what's through Thunder bomb that was really bad timing less turn fire it's a cannon but it jammed for woods old tank you work I am getting who are you friend of the thieves no violence no violence Fox only final destination die Bernie you don't belong in this world get back here oh yeah damn bird huh oh uh you want my friend code okay I don't see why not I can't add everybody though but there's my friend code I guess oh you want me to do the next month or three video because I didn't do one yesterday because I wasn't feeling so great um okay sure cue the awesome intro bless it facade they don't mix they're like water and oil like Kmart in the stock market I can't keep vert burdening Lisa forever but I do have a happy bucks and nice body girls like Nana to Linda to keep me coming so I'm pretty happy at my own way yeah I'm sorry Mike but that's called sexual harassment these days hello ah but this is a hard world we live in now how disappointing poor guy actually you know I'm gonna fight this Luther head first I'm gonna give the rambling usher of chance to attack come on come on jeez I have never seen an enemy fail so hard in my life [Music] you know what defend defend now we don't run away [Music] would you just hit us with your spores [Music] for the love of trippin balls would you just make us trip out quit attacking use the spores apparently it doesn't want to [Music] I'll be right back took him long enough god I was like a whole nother minute of just guarding after that laughs boy no it's this pony are you doing oh my god somebody's they get somewhere just endure this for a living just endure it for a little bit oh my god what is he doing don't struggle just do it for a little bit yeesh God first brother get Smith just a little more ah okay his head's under the water oh my god and I thought Lucas had a traumatic life already with his mom time around turn around every now and then I did my scene okay IATI I just realized like how the week am right now no crap good this could be a tough battle he can sow seeds around itself [Music] beef jerky on Lucas come on it's stealing our peepee no oh it's just pool thank God pepper sure it was gonna sprout it another one scattered some pollen around got it back on [Music] use another Thunder bomb or actually no I'm wasting time folks just attack thank God that was not a third one this is an epic battle against some flower pig thing thank God Oh God die aren't I you know what I'm just gonna use pique love like yeah I didn't threaten her I'd have died that was an embarrassing battle jeez what's your name skinhead racism very nice I'm just gonna skip it I'm fighting those enemies cuz they're tough some way or another I went up was in this fancy room anyways go shower you too there's even a hot spring in there that's more your thing we can talk afterwards no you're all exhausted dirtying you shower freshening right up I don't want it no I like saying no so I'm gonna keep saying it I know you want a hurry nomicon you guys breathe just go take a shower no how about you dougie y'all oh great double whammy two enemies here we have the beats and drum haha get it beating Pete and Rome mm-hmm I'm kiddin I am being very very weird I say use thunder bombs on these so when putting me together I guess it doesn't do much though but the thunder bomb isn't very strong it's not oh no no no phony no sixteen beat attack yeah the drums are one of the few enemies in the game they can actually changed the background music and it actually makes it easier for you get 16 hit combos so yeah if you're not good at the combo system uh frickin hell me did no wow I got a game over this is the first time I've ever gotten a game over and a let's play video damn oh god that's one for the scrapbook seriously everyone's a critic I guess speaking of critic slurred passion you suck and a missile for top what a loser really quick I just wanted to show that um we head back to the factory and everything you actually can come back and you can work again it's actually a if you need more money this is a nice way you can earn 200 bells again 200 tells him playing way too much Animal Crossing 200 DP wow I think it's really huge anyway over here there's a item it's just as usual hey Tai Po Tai Po Tai Po lets us fro give me sir not for give me sir ha I got you tomato I gotcha I gotcha man I'm kidding but yeah he does say forgive me sir instead of forgive me sir that is a very good tip the wound up road hog wow these puns are getting worse by the minute hey everybody its sugar Connor welcome back from war mother3 alright and last video we explored the highway a bit and I just wanted to open up this video on showing me finding a bright smile they've got a back attack on us unfortunately as you can see there it's using a PSI counter and by the way don't ask what my party members are do our way Lucas is dead and why the rest of my parties were like really weak I kind of was hunting for this thing for like 40 minutes and I kind of got really sick of trying to find it though so I pretty much just didn't even care about my HP anymore this I just let him die use the shield snatcher on him flash dazzling smile yeah that's like PK flash that ain't good ah and we got rid of a shield nice see that shields natural thing has really helped kumatora heal boney because only a 17 HP yeah God ants using another shield great yeah it turned it around and Bonnie mr. silk you know I'm really really desperate to just kill this thing and fast so I'm just gonna go and use a bomb on it kumatora it's good news by the way she just learned freeze beta kuma Tori you are awesome nice night my damage by the way killing this thing is very much so worthwhile oh alright Kenny's thing is very much so worthwhile because it gives you she doesn't DPS boundaries that's really nice it flashed some TP yeah I guess that represents what it gives you come on ty are you ever going to die this could take a while so I'm gonna go ahead and cut to when I'm back over at the gas station alright I'll see you guys then thing what is that your mom no kidding all right after a couple of annoying fights we got a major look from those enemies as you that papers everywhere all over for you I am sitting thanks yo Yahoo Yahoo and now I'm getting on that reverencing one piece Wow can I call her what topic to mature and punch the way that was rapping how dare you I don't wanted to be on Combe it's how am I saying I am what i was playing is sick [Music] everybody's god I am being very very random in this fight and I guess I did [Music] oh but it looks pretty good on you ha ha ha what do you think duster look better is a pig and whatever alright at least we're back up to snuff in our HP alright let's grab on to it ropes Nick you're up nice you're on there you can see up cubed Torres toe it awesome thank you darling I don't know what happened I was minding my own business taking off my makeup when I suddenly was physically assaulted sexual assaulting no wonder none fabulous time to be attacked we just got this it's the greatest boat ever it's the bass playing oh my god this is reminiscent of rape memories having a only in the same hot spring as me I must get out so this kind of sucks I mean we don't have duster are the awesome no I'm just kidding these islands are protected from disaster but its power is too great for humans to to control type oh I see we know where the Chimera lab is right no huh commander your voice sounds kind of cheery today wow that's not a cheery for the commander I sure hate to hear the commander really sounds come on come on you beautiful Hedgehog Oh God I am God I wasn't really so great on last part that I record a little bit in this part oh my god I'm saying the weirdest crap oh crap speaking of speaking of crap I bet her he'll wait back for more a click I saved our life the clay guy is the matrix are you okay cute part-timer you know you call this cute let's see the next room over is the specimen room and then and then the stairs and TV first floor and then there's an elevator whatever no door feed or pitch no no no no no what did I talk to him again no Lucas I'm blaming this on you no don't repeat it die go away saltwater gun another one for a mechanical that's the ultimate chimera oh oh that was I sure yelled loudly right there Oh Cena no so Castle so what's going on take control salsa now screw you guys I'm taking off and there's no facade to shock me anymore but there is my conscious that tells me it's not nice to ditch my friends think about me sometimes okay here take this memento of me get another memento Oh our inventory was full no we don't get the memento no we don't get it cuz our inventory was full oh that sucks if there's a turn turn you don't want to do that you'll reach to the end of the mall I've made yourself proceed not straight ahead that's three days time for a song it's a twisty turny road but it's not the path I chose but don't complain just grin and bear it as you go down that twisty turny road it's not the path I chose who did choose it I wonder she could such a veto what was that thing so yeah I've been a playing a lot of Katamari lately I wish my ps2 died bail it a war-cry Lucas Dodge quickly Wow you realize what just happened right Lucas just dodged sound man nobody screws him Lucas maybe just Chuck Norris jeez he dodged sound I know she'll vanished must replenish shield must not let kumatora die because I love her now Kay I'm just being weird [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's in here that present was packing some gas and indescribable smell lingers in the air the president present the present farted at us when we opened it yeah the president farted at us there are some things I want to forget some things I have forgotten me I just strobe like Oz before no I'm not depressed hey you need to say your catchphrase Happy New Year because we're only a couple days into the new year and I didn't make a new year's video you got to make up for that rope snake you got to make up for my slack give it slack rope yeah it is facade the hell what is he horny now which I was that was kind of funny um I wasn't too smart I didn't heal before this fight you definitely are gonna want to heal I believe PK thunders is weakness it's going to have gesture lowers defense but see if smoke bomb would work on him I'll try that of course you guys have the enemy by able to help you out whereas I don't I kinda just have to go off memory even though I played through this game six previous times it doesn't really help me all that much yeah bunny doesn't really have any good items on him so I guess I'll just attack come on and I didn't work all right Oh God that's this more powerful attack that's a pretty strong attack now there's no way you can actually beat this enemy and know that does not mean just die on him no you are actually going to need to get him to a certain point where you're gonna need to get him to a certain point like he okay you I'm just gonna tell you right now you're gonna lose this fight though but you got to get to a certain point in the fight to be able to get past him it's kind of a weird boss yeah I know but I'm just saying I'm just kind of warning you that right now because there's various walkers on the internet tells you you lose to this boss fight no matter what and people just think you know just die on him as fast as possible and unfortunately that it's not what you're trying to do oh no he's putting no he's put us put duster bonusing he got to go twice what do you mean he got to go twice is it fair that is so not fair that he gets to go twice actually now Kim Victoria's gonna do more damage the Salukis go ahead and use life of gamma on himself kumatora you go ahead and keep on using thunder let's trade fries and see no sure use thunder alpha I was trying to use freeze gamma but if we didn't pick up enough times [Applause] let the gamma on ourselves I guess I'll do a life of gamma and dust your next turn it's going to do that from the Torah strip frees gamma this time see how that does oh come on oh jeez no crap don't kill duster don't kill duster don't kill Lester don't kill the sir come on hurry crap damn it didn't make it that's dusters down let's go ahead and heal kumatora Lumet are you have a snack Yuma Tori you keep attacking exploding the back - thunder beta bony you got a secret herb don't you yeah it's going recover duster back alive all right back this is actually a tough boss fight I won't blame you for dying on it and it really sucks these tough focuses at the end of a really long area and yeah well if you saved it the froggie be okay just you know if you didn't save that frog you would be utterly screwed and you know I'm just saying I let's go into our putting up some shields I probably should have done that to begin with I just have a sucker for putting up shield I don't know why I didn't earlier in this fight that well that's it the giant alabone steak yeah come on let's eat some unnecessary food here Yoda remember him by come on come on come on come on no no no no no no no no no no no thank you well 185g that is a lot does a lot for us but yeah this is a really weird boss fight his name spelled all we were like any like you know a Ned Ned II God doesn't even buddy remember that show I used to love it as many that was like my favorite show when I was a kid well I had a lot of favorite shows as a kid though just that was one of the bigger ones I swear to god a stump love it and Eddy I mean ed was like I sort of guy to ed in a role for like the best characters and like any cartoon ever they were just so awesome I have to say I kind of like Rolf a bit more than Ed though but God they were just such awesome characters [Music] [Applause] come on thank you you missed thank you all right she almost dead please let him be almost dead if he is we can finally wrap this up oh geez bless this great master dinner it in a whirlpool okay this is what you need to get killed by yes there's nothing wrong with being lost Flitz why are you attacking us and why are you suddenly a gay Cyclops wearing black lipstick all of a sudden huh come on Katara shoot that awesome Fiji freeze out of your hair - its Horace hair is the root of her power like that guy on Yukio abridged Boni you killed it yes that proves you're the best party member in the entire came and you're even better than kumatora and duster combined I have advice for everyone living out there watching right now when you go date girls don't jump over and ask out their sisters they don't like that very much close hey close we've been looking for you for the past three years how's it going buddy he's saying say Lucas what you up to it looks so fun let me join you sure buddy come along Bonet don't talk to one of your previous owners like that we now have five forty members we're so happy to have clouds along Lucas Lucas I'm Klaus yes I'm the class who can't see Lucas Maggie back attacked us he's also a gay smile thing Cyclops wearing a black lipstick and he's got fleas - you seen beaver where could you have gone you hit me didn't you Wow there sure is a growing population in gay Cyclops is the wear black lipstick these days isn't there I just farted I don't know if you guys can hear that over the mic Huma Torres got a favor we better rush her to the nearest infirmary hey look it's to kuma Torres my dream has come true go to sleep in the absolute darkness don't do anything don't see anyone go to sleep it'll be oh so much fun Oh okay lady I'll go to sleep with you any day let's keep going actually no the YouTube time limit is being a prick as usual so we're gonna end this off right here pain to remind me of my dead mother please alright next time on mother 3 we'll keep trippin balls see you guys next time I must kill her now she's got another cake even in a drug-induced state I still saw no reason to post to show that hey salsa I'm just going to ignore him because he's a stupid funky my name is ice cream you want to lick me off I mean lick me up all right I like instead of you looking me off I sucked you off not all say look it's their pusher ah ah that was one hell of a trip man kids seriously don't ever do drugs man that was oh my god I wasn't me there it's like I was watching myself being stupid the whole time and I couldn't do it thing about it seriously don't ever do that where we go in though I would like to show that there is a graphical ish here as you can see those tiles aren't there on the wrong layer and they overlap your characters it's not a translation oh geez didn't have enough strength left for it haha they're at a pee-pee this is I found something soft that again did not sounds like gesture sounds like soft difficuit surahs you know we got here a striped collar for kumatora putting a collar on kumatora yeah that's not compelling either and we're second I though that's it's stripped collar hurts it is dry okay and now when we go down here we got some weight back attack please not have any more fights apparently not master this dangerous psi technique so that you can help so you can help Lucas are you prepared all right teach you to work hopefully he's not gonna teach her like he taught us I think I would have rather been taught the way that Lucas was taught how come a metal attack Roach isn't hurt much by fire I mean seriously wedding something metal on fire shouldn't like melt the metal one maybe it's like some kind of special youngsters newfangled metals and you bugs made it your newfangled lithium that you make batteries out of the power your contender wheeze and your blu-ray disc players talk about my randomness powers are at an all-time high Jesus facade has come back for more it seems he still hasn't given up yet that's one and eight is before you go ahead and keep attacking duster I guess we'll give it now I just do I think I think I think duster has a bomb in his interpreter well haven't used that and then we'll recover from his a crying on the next Jerry whoa whoa whoa Wow he became less horny now he used to be hornier than ever he scoped out a luxury banana of course he can do that that's great as usual he can recover with a luxury banana and recover obscene amounts of HP just instantly Oh God duster just reducer no duster no oh we made it oh my god I can't believe duster actually survived that it's going shot here we have the BOA transistor let's see what it can do it can die that's about it Kate very strange enemy but anyway the love Walker it drops the guy to certain 3 percent time which is the ultimate ribbon for both kumatora and Boni so if you want to get ultimate everything like I will be you want to get to wow you guys saw it on camera right there Kumud SAR has already gotten the goddess Riven that means I'm only gonna have to get one off camera jeez alright let's go through wow he's slow you know what I just have one thing to say to you move faster pokey that could not resist saying that faster faster like jaws right there for the love of God has forgetten [Music]
Channel: SuperViewer
Views: 189
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: r0eEV82NHJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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