CHS Fall Play: The Crucible

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good evening and welcome to tonight's performance  of the crucible before we begin the performance we   ask that you please turn off all cell phones  and electronic devices and remind you that   photography video recording and any other sort  of advanced witchcraft are strictly prohibited   oh that do not abide shall hang there will  be a 15-minute intermission between acts   1 & 2 and now we take you back in time to  1692 ladies and gentlemen welcome to Salem [Music] [Music] [Laughter] out of here I bet you're not going down  how does my site how does my god help me   hey child do your child will you wake will  you open up your eyes Betty little one Uncle   Susanna Walcott's here from dr. Griggs Oh  the doctor let her come let her come what   is the doctor say child dr. Griggs he bade  me come and tell you Reverend sir that he   could not discover no medicine for it in his  books then he must search on I sir you have   been searching his books since he left you sir  but he bid me tell you that you might look to   unnatural things no no there be no one natural  causes here tell him I've sent for Reverend   Hale of Beverly mr. Hale will surely confirm  that Laden look to medicine and put it all   thought of a natural causes here there be none go  directly home and speak nothing of natural causes uncle the rumor of witchcraft is all about I  think you'd best go down denied yourself the   parlors packed with people sir I'll sit with her  and what should I say to them that my daughter and   my niece I discovered yet Singh like heathen in  the forest uncle we did dance let you tell them   I confessed it they're speaking of witchcraft  Betty's not witched Abigail I cannot go before   the congregation when I know you have not opened  with me what did you do there in the forest we did   dance uncle and when you leapt out of the bush so  suddenly Betty was frightened and then she fainted   and there's the whole of it child sit you down I  would never hurt Betty I love her dearly I would   look you child I have no desire to punish you  that will come in its time but if you traffic   the spirits in the forest I must note for surely  my enemies will now ruin me with it but we never   conjured spirit then why could you not move  herself since midnight this child is desperate   to Abigail must come out my enemies will bring  it out let me know what you have done there do   you understand that I have many enemies there is a  faction that I sworn to drive me for my puppets do   you understand that I think so now then in the  midst of such destruction my own household is   discovered to be the very center of some obscene  practice abominations are done in the forth if   we're only sport uncle I such did you were waving  her arms over the fire when it came upon you why   was she doing that in Hearne and I heard his  screeching in gibberish coming from her mouth   she always sings her Barbados songs and we danced  I cannot blink what I saw Abigail for my enemies   will not blink it saw dress lying in the grass  a dress I a dress and I thought I saw a someone   naked running through the tree no one was naked  you mistake yourself oh I saw it no tell me true   Abigail now my ministry is at stake my ministry  and perhaps her cousins like whatever abomination   you have done there give me all of it now for  I dare not be taking underwear when I go before   them down there there's nothing more I swear it  uncle Abigail I have fought here for three long   years too many SIF next people to me and now us  now and there must be some good respect for me in   the parish you compromised my very character  I have given you a home child I propose upon   your back now give me an upright answer your name  in the town it's entirely white is it not why I'm   sure it is Sir there'd be no blush about my name  not again is there any other cause other than you   have told me for goody Proctor discharge me it  has troubled me that you are now seven month out   of her house and in all that time no other family  has ever called upon your service they want slaves   not such as I let them send to Barbados for  that will not black my face for any no no I   cannot have any oh my good you put them come in  it is immoral it is surely a stroke of hell upon   you know how did she fly she never quite sure she  did mr. Collins saw her going over Ingalls barn   and come down light as a bird he says she never  Oh morning it's a Providence the thing is out   now a Providence what's up sir what's white her  eyes is closed look you an that's strange ours   is open you little ruthless sick call it sick the  devil's touch is heavier than sick it's definite   step driving it to them forked in ho try not  why how does your child bail she also she must   she never waits this morning but her eyes open  and she walks here's Nazis not cannot eat her so   this taken shortly they save Central Reverend Hale  Beverly and precaution only he has much experience   in all demonic arts and I she has indeed and found  a witch in Beverly last year and that you remember   that no good en they only thought the world which  no element of witchcraft you know witchcraft now   look you Donna stumps I pray you lead not to  witchcraft I know that you you least of all   Thomas would ever wish such a disastrous charge  laid upon me we cannot leap to witchcraft they   will help me out of sound to such corruption  to my house look you mr. Parris I have taken   your part no contention here and I would continue  but I cannot if you're back in this their hurtful   vengeful spirits laying hands on these children  but Thomas you cannot end tell mr. Parris what   you have done I have laid seven babies unbaptized  in the earth believe me sir you never saw more   Hardy babies born and yet each one whether in  my arms the very night of their birth you spoke   nothing but my heart is clamoring invitations and  this year my roof my only I see you're turning   strange secret Shiloh Chios become this year and  shrivels is of a sucking mouth they're pulling on   her life too and so I thought just send her to  your - chiba-chiba what market last night ever   so close to their little spirits I know it sir for  hella so she struck down now except some power of   darkness would stop her mouth here's a marvelous  sign mr. Paris don't you understand it sir there's   a murdering witch among us bound to keep herself  in the dark then you work Hodgins you are not   undone much you take hold here wait for no one to  charge you declare it yourself you have discovered   witchcraft in my house in my house promise they  will topple me with this they'll make you better   aren't you home who's been through her grandma  come she's improved a little I think she gave   a powerful sneeze before life I'd fear no more  goody Putnam they where grande sneeze another like   it will shake her wits together I'm sure whether  you leave me now Thomas I must pray awhile alone look you sir out against the devil in the  village will bless you for it go down with   them play with them speak with them there's  thirsting for your word mister you'll pray   with them I have no stomach for dispute ation  this morning I will lead them in song but let   you say nothing of witchcraft yet I will  not discuss it because it's yet known I've   had enough contention since I came and I want  no more mercy you go home to Ruth do you hear   if she starts for the window crossing me at once  yes there was a terrible power in her arm today   it's weirdish I know not she seems to walk like  a dead one since last night has she waked No wake up Betty wake up right now sit up now have  you tried beating her yeah Peter I gave Ruth a   good one and it seemed to wake her for a minute  here let me have no he'll be coming up I told him   as much already and what more you saw you naked  naked Jesus the whole village is out what do we   do I just come from the farm the whole country's  talking witchcraft they'll be calling us witches   that they'll be calling us witches Abbey she means  to tell I know it Abbey we've got to tell which   arena hanging error a hanging like they've done  in Boston two year ago you only will be whipped   I've never done I only look oh you're a good  one for looking aren't you Mary Warren funny   nobody do wake up now it's Abigail I'll beat you  Betty my semen proving I talked to your Papa and   I told him everything there's nothing we danced  and Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam stead sisters   and that is all and to mark this let any of you  breathe a word or the edge of a word about the   other things that will come to you in the black  of some terrible night now there bring a pointy   reckoning that will shudder you and you know I  can do it I saw Indians smash my dear parents   heads on the pillow next to mine I've seen some  reddish work I can make you wish you would never   see the Sun go down I'm just going home mister  doctor do you foolish Mary warned you death I   forbid you leave the house did I not why shall I  pay I am looking for you more often than my cows   I'll show you a great do one on the arse one these  days now get you home my wife is waiting with your   work we'd best be off I have my roof to watch good  morning mr. Proctor she's only gone so she flies   a what are her wings the road past my house is a  pilgrimage to Salem all morning sounds mumbling   witchcraft Oh Tosh we were dancing in the woods  last night and my uncle Oh dancing by moonlight   you'll be collecting the stalks before you 20  give me a words on a soft word oh happy if not   come for that you come five mile to see a silly  girl fly I know you better I come to see what   mischief your uncle's proven now I'm waiting for  you every night Abby I'll not be coming for you   more you'll put it out of mind you're surely  sportingly you know me better I know how you   clutched my back behind your house and sweated  like a stallion whenever I come here I saw your   face when she put me out and you loved me that  and you do now Abby that's a wild thing to say   a wild thing may say wild things I have seen you  since she put me out I have seen you nights I've   hardly slept off my farm to seven months I have a  sense for heat yours has drawn me to my window do   you tell me you've never looked up at my window  perhaps I have I know you I know you I cannot   sleep for dreaming I cannot dream but I wake and  walk about the houses though I'd find you coming   through some doors have you call me Charlie I  may think of you softly from time time but I'll   cut off my hand before I reach for you again put  it out of mind we never touched we did I did not   why Marvel I was such a strong man may let such a  sickly boy speak she is blackening my name in the   village she's telling lies about me she's a cold  sniveling woman and you bend to her let her turn   you like beautiful women I look for John Proctor  that put knowledge in my heart I never knew what   pretense Salem was I never knew the lying lessons  I was taught by all these Christian women and   their cognitive men and now you bid me tear the  light out of my eyes I will not I cannot you loved   me John Proctor and whatever sin it is you love  me yet John pity me pity me what are you doing screaming the song the song she cannot bear to  hear the Lord's name no God forbid market for a   sign market as a notorious sign of witchcraft  for a price did you sign told me that when he   cannot bear to hear the name of Rebecca will  you come to her we're lost she's son of that   kind of bear to hear the Lord's name there was  a hard sickness here Giles Corey so pleased to   keep the quiet I've not said a word knowing  your contesta five said a word she gonna fly   again I hear she flies man be quiet what have  you done I have 11 children and I'm 26 times   a grandma I've seen them all to their silly  seasons and when it come on them they will   run the devil bowlegged keeping up with their  mischief I think she'll wake when she tires of   it a child spirit is like a child you can never  catch it by running after it you must stand still I that's the truth this is no silly season Rebecca  my girth is bewildered Rebecca she cannot heat   perhaps she is not hungry yet mr. Paris I hope you  were not decided to go in search of loose spirits   wide opinions running in the parish that the devil  may be among us and I would satisfy them that they   are wrong and let you come out called are you a  minister a mr. Hale did you consult the wardens   of this church before you called this minister  in to look for Devils he's not coming to look   for death what's he coming there are children  dying in the village mr. I seen undying rage on   become mr. Parris I think you'd best send Reverend  Hale back as soon as he come this will set us all   to argument again in the society I think we ought  rely on dr. Briggs now in good Becca the doctors   baffled so he is then let us go to God for the  cause of it there is prodigious danger in the   seeking of loose spirits I fear it how may we  blame ourselves I am one of nine sons the Putnam   seed has people this province and I have one child  shrivels God's work that you should never lose a   child nor a grandchild either an ivory ah but  what when Reverend Hale comes your procedural   course I'm woodcraft I do not recall you so  concerned on the society mr. Proctor in fact   I do not think I've seen you at Sabbath meeting  since no five miles to hear him preach only a   Hellfire and bloody damnation there are many  others that stay away from church these days   because why not too drastic charge it's so there  are many that Crale to bring their children I will   not preach to children Rebecca it's not children  who are on my for their obligation toward this   ministry where is my would my contract provides  I'd be supplied with all my firewood and I'm   waiting since Ann Weber first stick and even in  November I had to show my frostbitten hands like   some London beggar you are allowed six pounds  a year for your wood mr. Paris I paid a little   expense six pound on firewood salaries sixty-six  pounds I am NOT some preaching farmer with a book   under my arm I'm a graduate of Harvard College  I am well instructed in mathematics mr. Kouri   you look far a man of my kind of sixty pound a  year I'm not used to this part I left a thrifty   business in the Barbados to serve the Lord you're  not fat iment why am i persecuted here I cannot   offer one proposition but to be howling riot of  argument I have often wondered the devil may be   in it somewhere I cannot understand you people  otherwise mr. Paris you are the first minister   ever to demand the deed to this house I'm your  third preacher in seven years I do not wish to be   total like the cat whenever some majority feels  the women you people seem not to comprehend not   administers the Lord's madam parish administers  not to be so lightly crushed and contradicted   right there's either obedience or the church will  burn like Alice burning in hell I am sick of hell   it's not for you to say what is good for you to  hear me speak my heart I think one of Quakers we   are not Quakers here yet mr. Proctor and may you  tell that to your fathers my followers there was   a party in this church I am NOT blind there is  a faction in a party against you against him and   all authority why I must find it enjoy it he does  not mean I mean it sullenly Rebecca I like not the   smell of this Authority I have a crop to sell and  lumber to drag home what say you Giles let's find   that party he says there was a party I've changed  my opinion of this man mr. Parris I beg your   pardon I never knew you had so much iron in you  Thank You Giles suggests the mind which are will   be among us all these years think on it wherefore  everyone is suing everybody else I have six times   it's been in court this year is it the devil's  fault a man may not say you good morning that she   clapping for defamation your old Shawn Proctor I  have only last month collected four pound damages   from you claiming I burned the roof off your house  and I never said no such thing but I paid you for   it so I hope I can call you death without charge  come along Josie nobody tried my lumber home great   someone take these mr. Helme oh and it's good to  see you again my they're heavy they must be there   waited with authority well you do come prepared  we shall need a hard study if it comes down to   tracking the old boy you cannot be Rebecca nurse  I am sir do you know me it's strange telling me   but I suppose you look at such a good soul [ __ ]  we've all heard of your great charities endeavor   do you know this gentleman mr. Thomas Putnam and  it's Good Wife and Putnam I had not expected to   see such a distinguished company sir does not seem  to help us today mr. Hale look for you to come to   our house and save our child your child ails - OH  her soul her soul seems flown away she sleeps and   yet she walked I cannot eat cannot eat do you  men also have afflicted children no these are   farm drawn Proctor he don't believe in witches I  never spoke one way or the other on witches will   you come now Jules no no John I think not I have  some few queer questions my owns as to this fellow   mr. Hale how'd you be a sensible man I hope you'll  leave soon will you look at my daughter sir she's   tried to leap out the window we discovered her  this morning waving her arms standing on the high   road as though she fly tries to fly I cannot bear  to hear the Lord's name mr. Hale that's a sure   sign of witchcraft afoot no no no let me instruct  you we cannot look to superstition in this the   devil is precise and the marks of his presence are  definite as stone and we must only look for his   proper signs and judge nothing before hand I must  tell you that I shall not proceed unless you were   prepared to believe me if I should find no trace  of Hell in this it is great sir it is agreed we   will abide by your judgement good then no sir were  your first warnings of this strangeness why sir I   discovered her in my niece Abigail and 10 12 other  girls dancing in the force last night you permit   dancing no no we're secret just repairs the sniper  knowledge of conjuring sir we could not be sure   of that could en I know sir I sent my child she  should learn teach about who murdered her sisters   and you sent a child to conjure up the dead but  God blame me not to not to Rebecca let's have you   judging me anymore mr. hands and a natural work  to lose seven children before they live a - seven   dead of childbirth I what book is this sir what's  there sir here is all the invisible world thought   defined and calculated in these books the devil  stands defective all of his brute disguises your   all your familiar spirits your incubi and succubi  and witches that go by land by air by see your   Wizards of the night and of the day have no fear  now we shall find him out if he has come among us   I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his  face I cannot tell if she is truly in the devil   script we may have to rip and tear to get her free  I'm too old for this why Rebecca remember we may   open up the boiler fall for our troubles today  I hope you do not mean that we go to Satan here come mr. Hale let's get on with it mr. Hale I've  always wanted to ask a learned man what signifies   the strange books books I cannot tell she hides  them justice Martha my wife I've often to walk   in at night to find her in a corner reading of a  strange book now what do you make of it discount   it's me Marcus last night I tried and tried he  could not say my prayers and then she closed your   book walk out of the house and suddenly mark this  I can drag the stoppage of prayer that is strange   I'd like to speak further on that with you I'm not  saying she's touched by the devil now but I'd like   to know what book she reads in why she reads them  should I dance music all right we'll discuss it   now mark me if the devil is in her we may witness  some frightful wonders in this room so please keep   your wits about you mr. Putnam staying close  in case she flies no Betty dear will you sit up can you hear me I am John Hale minister Beverly  I've come to help you dear do you remember my two   little girls in Beverly how can it be the devil  why would he choose my house to strike why what   a victory the devil would have to win a soul  already had and it's the best the devil once   knew better than the minister that's Steve mr.  Hale deep does someone afflict you child it need   not be woman mind you or man perhaps some bird  invisible to others comes to you perhaps a pig   where any be settle is there some figure bids  you fly no mean they don't mean Sabaoth sweet   Polly eat that in fairness Abigail what sort of  dancing were you doing with her in the force why   common dancing I think I ought to say that I I saw  kettle in the grass where they were dancing that   were only soup soup what sort of soup were in this  kettle Abigail why true beans and lentils I think   mr. parish you did not notice did you any sort  of living thing in the kettle a mouse perhaps a   spider a frog that frog jumped in we never put  it in a frog a bee we never put it in a began   it may be your cousin his dying did you call the  devil last night I never called him Tituba calls   him she called the devil I'd like to speak with  Tituba goody Ann will you bring her up how did   she call him I know not she spoke Barbados did  you notice any strangeness when she called him   a sudden cold wind perhaps a trembling below the  ground I didn't see no devil wake up Betty Betty   you cannot evade me Abigail did your cousin drink  any of the brew in that kettle she never drank   it's did you drink it no sorry the teacher but  asked you to drink it she tried but I refused   why are you concealing have you sold yourself  to Lucifer I never sold myself I'm a good girl   I think the kid she made me do it she made me do  it happy she makes me drink blood one my baby's   blind no a chicken but I guess she chicken  glad woman have you enlisted these children   with the devil I don't trumpet lead ever say  why can she not wait are you silencing this   child left me Betty you have a century spirit  upon this child have you not are you gathering   souls for the devil she sent her spirit on me  at church she makes me laugh at prayer she have   often left the prayer she comes to me every night  to go and drink blood you make me to conjure a VC   like Phoenix arm something she comes to me about  like sleep she's always making me dream corruption   heavy sometimes I wake and find myself standing  in an open doorway and not a stitch on my body I   always hear her laughing in my mister would you  awake the show tomorrow this child sir you must   certainly do and you will loose her from it  now when did you compact with the devil don't   come back to the devil you'll confess yourself or  I'll take you out and whip you to death get you   God this woman was behind she must be taken and I  don't like touching but please I tell him I don't   desire to work for him who the devil now I know  that when we bind ourselves to hell it is very   hard to break with it entirely we will help you  tear yourself free it would be a good Christian   woman would you not teach you but nicer a good  Christian woman you love these little children   yes sir I don't desire to hurt little children  and you love God teachable I've got it almighty   no God's holy name listen and to his glory eternal  glory let him bless God open yourself to Chuba   open yourself in let God's holy light shine on  you Oh bless the Lord when the devil comes to you   does he come with another person perhaps another  person in the village someone you know who came   with him sure good do you see Jericho he's the  devil or Osburn was it a man a woman came with was a woman what woman a woman you said what  woman it was black dark a night you could see   him why can you not see her he was always talking  it was always running around and carrying on you   me not a felon I believe so elders must have no  fear to tell us who they are do you understand   we will protect you the devil can never overcome  a minister you know that do you not I sir I do   you have confessed yourself to witchcraft and  that speaks a wish to come to heaven side and   we will bless you Tituba god bless you mister him  you are God's instrument put in our hands to help   us discover the devil's agents among us you are  selected Tituba you are chosen to help us cleanse   our village so speak utterly Tituba speak utterly  and turn your back on man face God teach of a face   God and God will protect you God for who comes  to you with the devil two three four how many they were support whoo-hoo their names their  names how many times he bit me can't you mr.   Barrett to me he's a mr. Forrest mercykill mr.  Parris no Dudley man mr. Parris mean man and   no gentleman and he been he rides out of my bed  and cut your throat I tell him no I don't hate   that man I don't want to kill that man but he  said you work for me teachable and I make you   free I give you pretty dress to wear I put you  way high up in the air and you go and fly back   to Barbados and I say you lied to have you lie  then he come and stormy next to me he said look   I have white people belong to me and I look and  there was goody good sir my sarong goody Osburn   knew it Osborne were my wife to me three times I  begged you Thomas that I not I begged him not to   colostrum because I feared her babies always  shriveled on her hem take the courage I must   give us all their names how can you bear to  see these children suffering to chew bottles   look at them look at their god-given innocence  their souls are so tender we must protect them   like the beasts upon the flesh of the for your  help I saw in his book I kiss his hand I saw the devil what keeps you so late it's almost dark it blends  in far out to the forest edge oh we're done then   hi pharmacy boys asleep they will be soon right  now for a fish summer I are you well today I am it is a rabbit oh is it in Jonathan's truck  no she walked in the house this afternoon I   found her sitting in the corner like  she'd come for a visit that's a good   sign walking in pray God it hurt my heart to  strip her poor rabbit oh it is well seasoned   we took great care she's tender I I think  we'll see Greenfield soon it's just warm   as blood beneath the clods that's well if  the crop is good I'll buy you George Jacobs   heifer how would that please you I would I  mean to please you Elizabeth I know it John cider fine this farms our continent we could when  you get foot by foot drop and seat in it   it must be on Sunday let you come with me  and we'll walk the farm together I never   see such a load of flowers on the earth  Massachusetts is a beauty in the spring hi I think you're sad again are you you'd come home   so late I'd I thought you'd gone  to Salem's afternoon why I have no   business you did speak of going earlier  this week I thought better of it since Mary Warren's there today what anymore I couldn't  stop her just a fault there's a fault you're   the mistress here not Mary she fighting all my  strength through me that Mouse right there just   no mouse no more I forbid her go and she raises  up her chin like the daughter of a prince and   say to me I must go to see them goody Proctor  for I am an official of the court court what I   it's a proper court they have now they've sent  four judges out of Boston waiting magistrates   of the General Court and at the head said the  deputy governor of the province I would to God   she were there be fourteen people in the jail  now she says and they'll be tried and the court   of hot power to hang them to she says never would  that be the governor promised hanging if will not   confess John the town's gone wild I think Mary  Warren speaks of Abigail so she were a saint to   hear her she brings the girls into court and  where they walk the crowd with partly to see   for Israel unfocused and and Epico scream and howl  and fall to the floor the persons clapped in the   jail for but which in her I think you must go to  Salem John I think so you must tell them it is a   fraud it is surely let you go to Ezekiel Cheever  he knows you well and tell him what she said to   you in her uncle's house last week she said it  had naught to do with witchcraft did she not   she did she did god forbid you keep that from the  court Sean I think they must be told I they must   they must there's a wonder they do believe her I  would go to see them now John let you go tonight think you cannot keep this I know I cannot keep  it I save good then what you think on it I'm only   wondering how I may prove what she told me if the  girls are synched now I think it is not easy to   prove she's fraud and the town got so silly she  told it to me in a room alone I have no perfect   you were alone with her wipin is not as you told  me from moment I say the others come in soon   after - as you wish them woman your suspicions  I have almost haven't let you not earn it you   don't yet if it were not Abigail that you must go  to hurt would you falter now I think not no I see   what I see John will not judge me more Elizabeth  I have good reason to think before I charge fraud   on Abigail and I will think on it but you look to  your own improvement before you go to judge your   husband more I have forgot Abigail and I spare  me you forgive nothing and forget nothing learn   charity woman I have gone tiptoe in this house all  seven months since she is gone I have not moved   from there to there without I think to please  you and steal them an everlasting funeral marches   around your heart I cannot speak but I am doubted  every moment just for lies as though I come into a   court when I come into this house John you were  not open with me you saw her with a crowd you   said now I'll plead my arms John I am only no no  I should have brought you down when I first heard   your suspicion but I wilted and like a Christian I  confessed some dream I had must have mistaken you   for God that day but you're not you're not let's  you remember it but you look sometimes for the   good in me and judge me not I do not judge you  the magistrate sits in your heart that judges   you I never thought you but a good man John only  somewhat Oh your justice would freeze beer how   do you go to Salem and I forbid it do you mock me  I'll whip you if you dare leave this house again   mr. Proctor my insides are all shattering and one  of these proceedings here when will you proceed   to keep this house as you I paid nine pounds a  year to do and my wife's are not holy well why   thank you it's a fair profit must all love each  other now I indeed we must I'll get up early in   the morning and clean the house I must sleep now  Mary is it true there be fourteen women arrested thirty-nine now why she's weeping what ails  you talk deputy governor confessed to what   she wrote her name in his black book with  her blood and bound herself that's where   men Christians so God throws down and we  all must worship hell forevermore surely   you know what a jabiru she is did you tell them  that mr. Proctor in open court she near chopped   us all to death oh she sent her spirit  out Oh Mary Mary surely tried to kill me   many times goody Proctor why I never heard you  mention that before they never knew it before I never knew anything before she come  into court I say to myself I must not   accuse this woman where she sleeps and  ditches so then she said they're denying skin of my skull begin to creep I remember everything she'd done to me why what  did she do to you so many time mr. Proctor she'd   come to this very door begging bread and a cup of  cider and mark this whenever I turned to her why   empty she mumbled mumbled she may mumble honk but  what does she mumble oh you must remember a goody   Proctor last month a Monday I think she walked  away and I thought my guts would burst for two   days after do you remember it why I do I think and  so I told that judge Hawking and he asks herself   goody-good says he what curse do you mumble that  this girl must fall sick after turning you away while your excellence no personal I only say my  Commandments I hope I may say my Commandments   says she and that's enough right answer hi  but then judge Hawthorne say recite for us   your Commandments no the bulletins she could not  say a single one she never knew no Commandments   and they had her in a flat lie so condemned  her they must when she condemned to herself   I told you the proof it's hard proof part is  the rock the judges said you're not going to   court again Mary Warren they must tell you sir  I will be gone every day now I'm amazed you do   not see what weighty work we do what works you  do it's strange work for a Christian girls go   to hang mr. Proctor they will not hang them  if they confess Sarah could only sit in jail   sometime and here's a Marvel for you think on  this goody-good is pregnant pregnant are they   mad the woman's near 260 had dr. Kurtz examine  her and she's full to the brim it's smoking a   pipe all these years and no husband must see it  sir it's God's work we do so well I will be gone   every day for some time now I'm I am an official  of the court they say good night but that was   loose in Salem mr. Proctor we must discover where  he's hiding I am accused I never seen no sign you   never sent your spirit out to hurt no one who  accused me four judges and a Kings deputy set   to dinner with us but an hour ago I would have  you speak civilly to me from this out war mr.   Proctor I am 18 and a woman however single do you  wish to sit up and sit up I understand go to bed oh the noose the noose is up she wants  me dead I knew all week he would come to   this what if tomorrow she will cry me out  until they take me she wants me dead John   you know it I say sit down Elizabeth  now we must be wise Oh indeed indeed I'll tell him she said it for all sports  sure with so many in the chair more than   is needed now I think would you favor me with  this go to Abigail one crank me this you have   a faulty understanding of young girls there is a  promise made in any bed spoke or silent a promise   is surely made and she make don't on it now I am  sure she does and thanks to kill me than to take   my place it is her dearest hope John I know it  there be a thousand names why does she call my   therapy a certain danger in calling such a name  I could he could that sleeps in ditches her hast   borne shrunken half-witted she dare not clutched  a farmer's wife lest there be monstrous profit   in it she thinks to take my place John have you  ever shown her son would have contempt she will   not pass you in church but you will blush I'm  a police I think she see another meaning in   that blush what see you what I think you'd be  somewhat ashamed for I am there and she's so   close when will you know me woman where I soon  I would have seen then go and tell her she's a   [ __ ] whatever promise she may sense break it  John break it oh how unwillingly I will crush   her hotter than the oldest cinder in hell fear  nothing but pray they grudge me not my own your   anger I only happen am I so pace do you truly  think me baby I never called you face them how   do you charge me with such a promise this promise  the stallion gives a man I gave that girl and why   do you anchor with me when I bid you break it it  speaks to seat enjoy him honest no more I see how   your spirit twists around the single error of my  life your turn free when you come to know that I   will be your only wife or no wife at all she  has an arrow in you yet John Proctor and you   know it well good evening why mr. Hale nobody not  Cyril you know tell me that we heard no horse Good   Wife hi Elizabeth P not off to bed yet no no let's  come in mr. ham well you're not used to visitors   after dark but you were welcome here but you sit  down mister hello what you said Good Wife doctor will you drink cider mister no it's uh repels my  stomach I have some further traveling it tonight   set you down sir some business with you business  of the court no no come from my own without the   courts authority no hear me I know not if you are  away but your wife's name is mentioned in court we   know it sir I'm married Warren told us entirely  amazed I'm a stranger here as you know and in my   ignorance I find it hard to draw clear opinion  of them who come accused in front of the court   so this afternoon and not tonight I go from house  to house I've just now come from Rebecca nurses   house Rebecca's charged God forbid such a one be  charged she's however someone mentioned you will   never believe I hope Rebecca trafficked with the  devil woman it is possible but surely you cannot   think it this is a strange time mister no man may  longer doubt the powers of the dark gathered and   monstrous attacks upon the village there's too  much evidence now to denied will agree sir I   have no knowledge in that line but it is hard to  think that so pious and woman will be secretly a   devil's [ __ ] after seventy years such good  prayer that was a while not tonight however   she's far from accused and I know she will not be  I thought sir put some questions to the Christian   character of this house if we have no fear of  questions sir good then now in the book of record   that mr. Parris keeps I note that you are rarely  in church on sabbath day no sir only 26 time in 17   months sir I must call that rare will you tell  me why you are so absent mr. Hale I never knew   that I must have counted that man whether I come  to church or stay home my wife was sick this one   too so I'm told you mr. why could you not come  alone I surely did come when I could and while I   could not I prayed in this house house is not a  church your theology must tell you that it does   it does it tells me that a minister may pray  to God that he have golden candlesticks upon   the altar what golden candlesticks since we built  the church there were pewter candlesticks upon the   altar French nurse made them you know one soweto  hand never touched the middle but mr. Paris came   and for 20 nothing but golden candlesticks until  he had them I laid with the earth from dawn of   day to blink of night and I tell you true sir  when I look to heaven and see money blaring at   his elbows it heard my prayers I think sometimes  the man dreams cathedrals not clapping meeting   houses yes a Christian on Sabbath day must be in  church tell me you have three children high voice   how come it is only that two are baptized I like  it not that mr. parish should lay his hand upon   my baby I see no light of garden that men I'll  not conceive it I must say it mr. Proctor that   is not for you to decide the man is or date  therefore the light of God is in him what's   your suspicion mr. no no I have no I nailed  the roof upon the church I hung the door oh   did you that's a good sign maybe but I've been  too quick to bring the man to book but surely   you cannot think we ever desired the destruction  of religion I think that's on your mind is it not   there's a softness in your record sir a soft I  think maybe we have been too hard on mr. Parris   I think so it's really we never loved the devil  here do you know your Commandments Elizabeth I   surely do there'd be no mark of blame upon my  life mr. Hill I'm a covenant Christian woman I'm sure I do let's you repeat them if you  will Commandments all right thou shalt not   kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not  covet thy neighbor's Goods nor make unto   thee any graven image thou shalt have no  other gods before me thou shalt not take   the name of the Lord in vain thou shalt aroudn  with the Sabbath day and keep it holy honor thy   father and mother shalt not bear false witness  thou shalt not make unto thee so that why Sir adultery John I you see between the two of us be  sure they do know them all I think it means small   fault theology sir it's a fortress no crack in a  fortress may be accounted small there be no love   for Satan in this house sir I prayed I prayed  to well then I bid you good night mr. Hale I do   think you are suspecting me somewhat are you not  goody Proctor I do not judge you my duty is to add   what I can to the godly wisdom of the court I wish  you both good health and good fortune nice I think   you must tell him John what's that will you tell  him I have no witness and cannot prove it except   of my word be taken but I know the children's  sickness had naught to do with witchcraft not to   do they were discovered my mr. Parris sporting  in the woods they were startled into sick who   told you this Abigail Williams Abigail Abigail  Williams said it not to do with witchcraft she   told me on the day you came sir why did you keep  this from me I never knew until tonight the world   has gone deaf to this nonsense nonsense mister  I myself have examined Tituba Sarah Goode and   numerous others who have confessed to dealing  with the devil they have confessed it why not   when they must hang for denying it there are  them and will swear to anything before they'll   hang have you never thought of that I have I  have indeed you would testified this in court   going to court if I must I will I fall to nothing  I may wonder if my story will be credited in such   a Court I do wonder it wonder on it say when  a ministers study mind as you were suspicion   such a woman that never lied a can apply the world  knows she cannot I may fall to someone sir I am no   fool doctor let you open with me but I've heard  a thing that troubles me they just said that you   hold no belief that there may even be witches in  the world is that true sir I may have said it I   have wondered if there be witches in the world  then you do not believe there are witches in the   world I have no knowledge of this the Bible  speaks of witches and I will not deny them I cannot believe cannot I cannot believe devil  may own a woman's soul mr. Hill when she's captain   upright way yes I I am a good woman I know it and  if you think I may only do good work in this world   and yet be secretly bound to Satan then I must  tell you sir I do not believe it if you think   that I am one I say there are none you surely do  not fly against the Gospels the gaussian Abigail   Williams about the gospel not myself to be a  Christian house sir a Christian house God keep   you both let the third child be quickly baptized  and go without fail each Sunday into Sabbath pray   please quite so John what's the matter it take my  wife Rebecca nurse mr. Jay John Cheever come and   take him in his wagon we've only now come from  the jail and they won't let us sit to see them   they've surely gone wild now mr. Hale Reverend  Hale can you not speak to the deputy governor I'm   sure he mistakes these people pray calm yourself  mr. nurse my wife is the very brick and mortar   of the church mr. Hale and Martha Corey there's  not a woman closer yet to God than Martha how is   Rebecca Jarvis Turner's for murder she's charged  for the marvelous and supernatural murder of goody   putnams babies what am I to do mr. Hale believe me  if Rebecca nurses to be tainted there is nothing   left to stop the whole green world from burning  let you rest upon the Justice of the court the   courts will send her home I know it you cannot  mean she'll be tried in court now make such a   woman nor the children man remember an hour before  the devil fell God thought him beautiful in heaven   I never said my wife were which mr. Hale I only  said she read in books good evening good evening   to you John Proctor why mr. Cheever good evening  good evening all good evening to you mr. Hale Court redo Proctor I I'm Clerk of the Court now  you know it's a pity an honest tailor might have   gone seven must burn in hell you'll burn for  this do you know it you know I must do as I'm   told you surely know that Giles now Proctor how  heavy the lobby all its tonnage I do carry on my   back tonight I have a warrant for your wife let's  say you said you were not charged I know nothing   of it when was she charged I'm giving 16 born  tonight sir and she is one charged by Abigail   Williams charged her on what what mr. Proctor  I've little time the cord bit me searched your   house but I like not to search a house so you  please hand me any poppets that your wife may   keep here well I spy a poppet goody Proctor oh  why this is nervous would you please to give   it to me the court discovered a text in poppets  now do you keep any others in this house tonight   what signifies a puppet why a poppet a popping  may signify that she now woman will you please   to come with me she will not fetch marry here  no no I'm forbid to leave her from my sight you   will leave her out of sight and out of mind mr.  touch Mary here Elizabeth what signifies a poppet   mr. Cheever why they say may signify that she by  this this what's there why it is a needle Willard   Willard it is a needle what signifies a needle  this go hard with her Proctor I had my doubts   Proctor I had my doubts but here's calamity you  see it sir it is a needle why what meaning hasn't   the girl the Williams girl Abigail Williams she  sat to dinner and river in Paris's house tonight   without word nor warning she falls to the floor  like a struck Beast he says and screams a scream   Oh bull would weep to hear and he goes to save her  stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly he draw   a needle out and demanded of her how she come to  be so stabbed she testified it were your wife's   familiar spirit pushed it in I hope you know she's  hard proof I find here poppet goody Proctor keeps   I have found it sir and then the belly of that  poppet anneal stuck why I tell you true Proctor   I never warranted to see such proof of health but  I bid you obstruct me not for I don't know Mary   how did this puppet come into my house not do you  have it Mary Warren a needle have been found stuck   inside this puppet try it you are certain this be  your natural memory maybe perhaps some conjures   you even now to say this me why no sir let you ask  she saw me sewing it in court begone mister your   mind is surely settled now with him out listen  Mary Warren you charge a cruel and cold murder   upon Abigail Williams murder I turned up Abigail  were found stabbed tonight Amina were found stuck   inside her belly and she charges me all right  why the cruelest murder she must be ripped out   of the world you heard that sir ripped out of the  world Willard you heard that Oh Parker you dare   not touch the warrant out with you you read the  deputy governors walk out of my house what Proctor   get she you are a broken Minister isn't why do  you never wonder if mr. Parris's innocence or   Abigail is the accuser always holy now born this  morning as clean as God's fingers I'll tell you   what's walking Salem vengeance is walking safe  we are what we always were insane now the crazy   children are jangling the keys to the kingdom and  common vengeance right to the law this warrants   vengeance and I will not give my wife to vengeance  you done I have nine men outside you cannot keep   her the law binds me John I cannot budge violets  daughter look let you wash your hands of this I think I must go with them Mary there is bread  enough for the morning you will bake it in the   afternoon help mr. Proctor as you were his  daughter you owe me that much more when the   children wake speak nothing of witchcraft people  frighten them I will bring you home Elizabeth I   will bring you so much I won't bring you soon  nothing I will fall like an ocean on that Court   tell the children I've gone to visit someone's  sick will it will it you will not change her damn   you man you will not change her off with them I  will not have it I will not have a change and yet   silent Minister it is fraud you know it is fraud  what keeps you man I will pay you village I will   surely pay you in God's name Jean I cannot help  myself I must chain them all now that you keep   inside this house climb gone man are you blind  Proctor rocks out of my son's charity doctor   sherry what I've heard in her favour I will not  fear to testify in court god help me I cannot   judge your guilty nor innocent I know not only  this consider the world goes mad and it profit   nothing you laid the cost of the Vengeance of  a little girl you coward though you be ordained   in God's own tears you are coward no doctor  I could not think God be so grandly provoked   by such a petty cost the jails are packed our  greatest judges sit and Salem now and a hanging   is promised man we must look to cost proportionate  where the murders done in Salem perhaps and never   brought to light abomination some secret blasphemy  that stinks to heaven think on Cosman and help me   discover it for there is your way believe it  there is your only way when such confusion   strikes upon this world that you counsel among  yourselves think on this village in what may   have drawn from heaven such a thundering wrath  upon you all I shall pray God open our eyes I   never heard no murder done in Salem leave me well  you think on it hey I'll come early yo no Giles you will tell the court came into my house [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] Court you will keep your seat Thomas Putnam is  reaching out for land that man Marshall you're   here lies Allah excellency evidence why would  you hear my evidence y'all need a me let me go   my way Willard I bring evidence they're hanging  my wife how dare you come going to this Court   are you going to ask Cory you are not a Boston  judge yet a thorn I'll not have you calling me   Dad who is this man Charles quorum ask the  question and I am old enough to answer it my   name is Corey Sir Giles Corey I have 600 acres in  timber and division is my wife here I condemn me   now how do you imagine to help her cause such  contemptuous right I begun your old age alone   keeps you out of jail for this the total highs  about my wife's and you take it upon yourself to   decide what this court shall believe and what  it shall set aside your excellency we mean no   disrespect it's respect indeed it is disruption  mister this is the highest court of the supreme   governments of this province do you know it I  only said she read his books and they come and   they take her out of my house who is my third  wife I've never had no work that he's so taken   with books you understand sir I thought to find  the cause of it who know which I blamed her for   her charity with the woman I have no charity with  her excellency he claims hard evidence for his   wife's defense I think that an old Justin like  I submit his evidence in proper affidavit we're   surely aware of our procedure here mr. Hale take  him out come now Giles we're desperate sir we come   here three days now and we could not be heard who  is this man Frances nurse excellency his wife's   Rebecca that were condemned this morning indeed  I'm amazed to find you in such uproar I have only   good report if your character mr. nurse I think  it was both the arrest and contempt sir let you   write your plea in due time and I will excellency  we have proof for your eyes god forbid you shut   them to it the girls so the girls are frauds  what's what we have proof of it sir they're all   deceiving you this is context our contempt he's  dead chocolate Do You Know Who I am mr. nurse I   surely do sir and I think you must be a wise  judge to be what you are and do you know that   near to 400 are in jails from Marblehead to Lin  and upon my signature I and 72 condemned to hang   by that signature excellency I never thought to  say to such a weighty judge but you're deceived   Mary Warren what are you about here she would  speak with the deputy deputy governor did you   not tell me Mary Warren we're sick in bed she  worried your honor when I go to fetch her to   the court last week she said she were sick she  has been shaving their soul all week your honor   she comes out tell the truth to you who is this  John Proctor sir Elizabeth approaches my wife   beware this man your excellency this man is mister  I think you must hear the girl sir easy what would   you tell us Mary why she never saw no spirits  ever saw no spirits never she has signed the   depositions no no I accept no depositions tell  me mr. Proctor have you given out this story in   the village we have not they've come to overthrow  this Court I praise man Parris mr. Proctor do you   know the entire state of the contention of these  trials is that the voice of heaven is speaking   through the children I know that sir and you Mary  Warren how came you to cry people out for sending   their spirits against you I cannot hear you it  for pretense she says ah so yeah the girls susana   Wolcott and the others they are also pretending  indeed now mr. Proctor before I decide whether   I shall hear your evidence where not it is my  duty to tell you this we burn a hot fire here   it melts down all concealment are you certain in  your conscience mister that the evidence you put   forth is the truth aye it is and you will surely  know it I take it you came here to declare this   revelation in the open court before the public  I thought I would I with your permission sir   what is your purpose in so doing would free my  wife sir there lurks nowhere in your heart nor   hidden in your spirit any desire to undermine  this court why no sir I tell you straight mr.   I've seen Marvel's in I have seen people choke  before my eyes by spirits I've seen them stuck   by pins and slashed by daggers I've until this  moment not the slightest reason to suspect the   children may be deceiving me do you understand my  meaning actually does not strike upon you that so   many of these women have lived so long with such  an upright reputation do you read the gospel   mr. Proctor I read the gospel I think not or you  should surely know that Cain were an upright men   and yet he did kill Abel Oh God tells us that but  who tells us Rebecca nurse murdered seven babies   by sending a spirit out of them it is the children  only and this one will swear she lied to you Hey she's the one mr. Proctor this morning your  wife sent me a claim in which she states that she   was pregnant now my wife's pregnant there'd  be no sign of it but if she Sam in her body   but if she says she is pregnant then she must  be that woman will never lie sir she will not   Never Say Never mr. Proctor I should tell you  that I will let her live another month if she   begins to show her natural signs she will be  living at another year until she is delivered   let's say you did that come down you say your  only purpose is to save your wife good then   she's saved at least this year and here is long  let's say you said it is done will he drop this   charge I think I cannot and your purpose is  somewhat larger he's come to overthrow this   court your honor these are my friends there was  not sir sit down I'm ready to hear your evidence like I'm not to hurt the court sir if you'll  forgive me sir I've known him all my life it   is a good man sir I'm sure of it Marcia and mr.  Proctor what deposition do you have for us and   I beg you be clear open as the sky and honest  urine heart need no lawyers receipt as you will will you read this first sir it's a sort of  Testament the people signing it declare their   good opinion of Rebecca and my wife and Martha  Corey their good opinion these are covenant   people lens holding farmers members of the church  if you'll notice they've all known the women many   years have never saw no sign they had dealings  with the devil how many names are here ninety   one second these people should be summoned for  questioning mr. Danforth I gave these people my   word no harm would come to them for signing this  this is the clear attack upon the court he's every   defense an attack upon the courts can no one all  innocent Christian people are happy for the courts   in Salem and these people are gloomy Forge and I  think you will want to know from each and every   one of them what discontents them with you I think  they ought to be examined sir it's not necessarily   an attack I think yeah these are all covenant did  Christian sir and I'm sure they have nothing to   fear mr. Cheever have warrants drawn for all of  these arrest them for examination now mr. Proctor   what other information do you have for us you may  sit mr. nurse I brought trouble on these people I   old man you have not hurt these people if they're  good of conscience well you must understand sir   that a person is either with this court or he must  be counted against it there being no Road between   this is a sharp time now Herr slice time we live  no longer in the dusky afternoon and which evil   mixed itself with good and befuddled the world  now by God's grace the shining Sun is up and   then that fear not flight will surely praise it  I hope you'll be one of those she's not Hardy I   see no she's not Mary remembered the angel Raphael  would he say to the boy Tobias remember it do that   which is good no harm shall come to thee amen  you wait here John my deposition give him mine this is mr. Kouri supposition Oh what lawyer drew  this Cory you know I never hired no lawyer in my   life it is very well phrase my compliments mr.  Putnam I have here an accusation against you by   mr. Cory he states that you coldly prompted your  daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacobs that   is now in jail let's say to that it is a lie mr.  Putnam state your charges a lie let's say to that   effort on Thomas Putnam that is what I say to  that what proof used to be fear charge sir the   proof is there Jacobs hangs for which she boarded  up his property that's law there's no buts Putnam   with the coin to buy so great a piece the man  is killing his neighbors for their land proof   sir proof my proof is there heard from an honest  man you heard Putnam say it the day has started   crying out on Jacobs he said she'd given her an  honest gift of land and the name of this man what   did the man that gave you this information you  know well why not he'll in jail if I give his   name this is contempt of the court mr. Danforth  I give you no name sir I cannot I mentioned my   wife's name once now burn it how long enough for  that I stand mute in that case I have no choice   but to arrest you in contempt of this Court  do you know that how it could be no name sir   I cannot you're a foolish old man Rana he has  a story in confidence the devil lives on such   conferences without confidence is there Comino  conspiracy Your Honor I think it's broken sir   old man if your informant tells us the truth let  him come here openly like a decent man but if he   hides an anonymity I must know why now sir the  Central Church in government demand of you the   name of him who reported mr. Thomas Putnam a  common murderer excellency mr. Hale we cannot   blink it more there is a prodigious fear of this  court in the country and there's pretty just guilt   in the country are you afraid to be questioned  here I may only fear the Lord sir there is a   fear in the country nevertheless approached me  not with a fear in the country there's fear in   the country because there's a moving plot to  topple Christ in the country but it does not   follow that everyone accused as a part of it  no one corrupt man may fear this court mr. Hale   none mr. Cory you're under arrest in contempt of  this Court now spit you down and take counsel with   your throat but no gun yep I'll kill you yet no  more John he's only played you he means AG us all   the court of law mr. I'll have no effrontery here  give him sir for his old age peace child's peace remember the angel what'd he say to the boy  hold to it now there was a rock this is miss   this is Mary Warren's deposition I would ask  you to remember sir as you read it but until   two week ago she were no different than the other  children are today you saw her scream she Howard   she swore familiar spirits attacked she even  testified that Satan in the form of women now   in jail tried to win her soul away and then when  she know all this I she swears now she never saw   Satan nor any spirit vague or clear that Satan  may have sent to harm her and she declares her   friends are lying there excellency a moment I  think this goes to the heart of the matter sir   it surely does I cannot judge him an honest man  I know him little but in all justice sir a claim   so weighty cannot be argued by a farm in God's  name sir stop here send him home and let him   come again with a lawyer now look you mr. Hale  excellency I've signed 72 death warrants I'm a   minister of the Lord and I dare not think I'm life  without proof so immaculate no slightest qualms of   conscience make doubt it mr. Hale you surely do  not doubt my justice I have this morning signed   away the soul of Rebecca nurse I'll not conceal  it I tell you true sir my hand shakes as yet with   the rooms this argument that lawyers present to  you but you put your heart to rest for deposition   mr. Proctor I should like to prepare a B to be  silent sit down mr. Proctor you sit there mr.   Cheever going to the court and bring the children  here Mary oh boy how came easy this turnabout as   mr. Proctor threatened you for this deposition  has he ever threatened you has he threatened   you know so you're telling me that you sat in  my quois callously lying when you knew that   people would hang by your evidence answer me how  are you instructed in your life do you not know   that God damns our lives or is it now that you  laugh no sir I am with God you're with God now   I tell you this you're either lying now or you  were lying in court and in either case you've   committed perjury and you will go to jail for it  you cannot lightly say live Mary do you know that your friend Mary Warren has given us a deposition  in which she swears that she never saw familiar   spirits apparitions nor any manifest of the  devil she claims as well that none of you   have seen these things either now children this  is a court of law the law based upon the Bible   and the Bible writ by Almighty God forbid the  practice of witchcraft and describes death as   the penalty thereof but likewise children the  law and Bible damn all Liars and bears of false   witness now that does not escape me that this  deposition may have been devised to blind us   this may well be that Mary Warren has already  been conquered by Satan who sends her here now   to distract our sacred purpose if so her neck will  break for it but if she speak true I bid you now   drop your guile and confess your pretense for a  quick confession will go easier for you Abigail   Williams come forward is there any truth in this  choking a very our bits will now be turned into   your souls until your honesty is proved well any  of you change your position now but do you force   me to hard questioning I have not to change  sir she lies you would still go on with this   a poppet were discovered in mr. Proctor's house  stabbed by a needle Mary Warren claims that you   sat beside her in court when she made it that you  saw her make it and that you witnessed her stab   the needle into it herself for safekeeping let's  say to that it is a lie sir well you worked for   mr. Proctor did you ever see puppets in that  house no puppets sir Mary Warren confesses it   was her puppet your excellency mr. Cheever when I  go to speak with goody Proctor she said she never   kept no poppets yet she did keep poppet when she  were a girl she a girl these 15 years but I never   saw no puppets in my house nor anyone else but why  could there not have been pop it said but no one   ever saw them so might be a five like a dragon  hidden in my house but no one ever saw it we're   here your honor Perce likely to discover what no  one has ever seen mr. Danforth what prophet Mary   warned yourself about know what Michigan but hard  questioning and worse you were charging Abigail   Williams with a marvelous cool plot to murder do  you understand that I do sir I believe she means   to murder this child would murder your wife it is  not a child sir now hear me sir in the sight of   this congregation she were twice this year but out  of meeting house for laughter during prayer what's   this laughter during excellency do you deny it  mr. Parris I do believe it happened once she's   sometimes silly but she saw them now hi she is  solemn now and goes sacking people what man surely   you'd have no bearing on a question sir he charged  his contemplation of murder high but it strikes   hard upon me that she would laugh during prayer  continue mr. Proctor Mary woods your excellency   since I come to say them this man is blackening my  in a moment sir what if this dancing Abigail eats   the ghost of which your honor they have danced  naked Your Honor this mr. Parris discovered them   there in the dead of night there's the child  cheese mr. Parris can only say sir that I never   saw any of them naked but this man has covered  them dancing in the woods Abigail excellency when   I first arrived from Beverly mr. Parris told me  that do you deny it mr. Parris and her not sir but   I never saw any of the maid she danced aye sir  excellency will you permit me pray proceed you   say you never saw no spirits Larry we're never  threatened or afflicted by any manifest of the   devil or the devil's agents and yet when people  accused of witchery confronted you in courts you   would think saying the spheres come out of their  bodies and choked I cannot hear you pretense but   you did turncoat did you not I myself picked you  up many times in your skin were I see mr. dent I   saw that many times she only pretended they're  all marvelous pretenders then can't you pretend   to beit's now no why not there are no spirits  attacking her for none in this room is accused   of witchcraft let her pretend she's attack now  let her turn herself cold now let her fake they   I think prove to us how you could pay for our own  will as you plain pretended to no sense of it but   what is lacking now might it be that here we have  no afflicting spirit loose but in the court there   were some I never saw no spirits in prove to us  that you can faint by our own will as you claim I cannot do it then you will confess will unite  attacking spirits made you faint Oh see this is   the trick to blind the Colette you saw them they  did not your honor how could you think you saw   them unless you saw them shorter your Excellencies  are not taken by this simple law Abigail Williams   I bet you now search your hearts and tell me  this and be aware of a child to God every soul   is precious and his vengeance is terrible and them  that take life without costs is it possible child   that these spirits you've seen are some illusion  only some deception that may cross your mind win   like this this is a base question sir child have  you considerate I have been hurt mr. Danforth   I have seen my blood running out I've been you  two murdered every day because I've done my duty   pointing up a Devils peak and this is my reward  to be mistrusted denied Weston what right do not   mistrust you let you beware mr. Danforth I think  it would be so money that the power of hell may   not turn your waist beware of it varies what is it  child I I know not but winds a cold winters mappy   Your Honor I freeze attendant mr. Danforth  he's cold Mary do you send the shadow on me everyone do you it I say do you send your  spirit man what seat is a hole now here   here you charged mr. dancort he's lying look no  Sokka screams you approve this this will not pass I have known her sir I've known her you I'm not sure John you cannot Francis it's true she will deny it but you will believe Nisa  and then will not cast away his good name so   you know what time in what time it would place in  the proper place my beasts it is eight months she   used to serve me in my house man may think God  sleeps I know it now I beg you see her for she   is my wife My dear Good Wife this girl soon  after and put her out on the high road and forgive me sir she thinks to dance with me  on my wife's grief and you will see might   thought of her softly god help me I lusted  there was a promise in such a sweat but it   is a [ __ ] vengeance and you must see  it I set myself entirely in your hands my wife is innocent except she no [ __ ] would  she see what you deny every scrap of this if I   must answer that sir I will leave and I will not  come back again she does not deny it mr. Danforth   she does not deny it she will remain where you  are mr. Paris go into the court and bring good   wife propped her out mr. Paris and tell her not  one word of what's been spoken here now we shall   touch the bottom of this swamp your wife you  say he's an honest woman in her life sir she   have never lied cannot sing then that cannot  weep my wife cannot lie and when she put this   girl out of your house she put her out for her  harlot I knew her for harlot she knew her for   a harlot good then and child does she tell me  it were for harlotry let God spread his mercy   on you bolt turn your back turn your back you do  likewise and let neither of you turn to face goody   Proctor no one in this room is to speak one word  or ray suggest your eye or nay enter mr. Cheever   you will appoint this testimony in all exactness  are you ready sir ready your honor come here woman you will look at me only and not as your husband  my eyes only good sir you're given to understand   that one time you dismiss your servants Abigail  Williams that is true sir for what cause did you   dismiss her you look into my eyes only and not  at your husband the answer is in your memory and   you need not help to give to me why did you  dismiss Abigail Lee's dissatisfied me and my   husband what way to satisfied you she were  only look at me where she's loving me lazy   what disturbance did she call your honor I in that  time I were sick you see and my husband is a good   and righteous man he's never drunk that's Samar  I'm wasting his time with the shovel bored but   always at his work but in my sickness you see sir  I wrote a long time sick after my last baby and I thought I saw my husband somewhat earning from me  and this girl over me hi sir I believe whatever   girl I can't just think he fancied her and  so one night I lost my wits I think and put   her out on the hybrid your husband did Dean did  he indeed turn from you husband is a goodly man   nothing he look at me to your own knowledge  as John Proctor ever committed the crime of   lechery and sir my question is your husband to  let you know remover Lizabeth to tell the truth   believe it's broken remove her I've confessed Oh  John she only thought to save my name excellency   it is a natural light to tell I beg you stop now  stop now before another's condemned I make sure   my conscience do it no more private vengeance  is working its way through this testimony from   the beginning this man has struck me as true  I believe him now by my oath Devon I believe and this man this girl is always everyone drove back your spirit  sampson have you compacted with   the devil how do you why can  I only review give me a whip [Applause] [Music] now it seems you please work and everyday the side besides say  once in Elvis book you come as a ball going   over the card he says is gone wild what are you  your combined with Antichrist are you nuts I've   seen your power mister you're not tonight this is  not witchcraft these girls are frauds you condemn   it or just matters of nothing from you mister  hell will you confess yourself befouled with   hell or do you keep that black allegiance yet  what say you I say God is dead hear it hear it   a fire fire Lucifer I see his filthy face this  is my face and yours stand forth to bring as I   have you when you know in all your black hearts  that this be fraud your terms are kinda special   and we will burn we will burn together Siva take  him and go with him to the jail I get out these   proceedings I quit this court you are pulling  Evan down and raising a ball mr. haire mr. al Sara Sara good wake up Tituba Nazi Nazi coming  coming Tituba he's here his Maxie's come go to   the north sell this place I don't look  to me like his majesty look to me like   the Martian no clear this place oh is it  you might not for care unit elbow coming   for us can I have a sip of cider for me  going away and where are you off to so we   go into Barbados soon the devil get you with  feathers and doings oh happy voyage [Music] speak to him for you if you desire to come along  my son I'd not refuse it Tituba it is the proper   day to fly into hell well we didn't know Hannah  in Barbados definitely him be pleasure man in   Barbados him be singing and dancing in Barbados  you folks you bals them up around here it'd be   too cold round here for that old boy he freezes  soul in Massachusetts but in Barbados him be just   as Sweden yes sir the tip Sarah the deputy  governors arrived no he come take me home good morning Majesty eros mr. Paris doll fetch  him marshal when did Reverend Taylor right Oh   were toward midnight I think what I see about  here no he goes with them that will hang sir   and he prays with them he's with goody nurse  now dance mr. Paris with him indeed that men   have no right to enter this place Marshall why  have you let him in why mr. Paris command me   sir I cannot deny him you drunk commercial no  there's a bitter night here and I have no fire   here that's mr. Paris die sir you just finished  in this place I have only now cleared the people   out of it for you where hard drink marshal aye  sir but you questioned Hale excellency I should   not be surprised if you're reaching an end over  lately we'll come to that speaking of an event   over Paris prays with him that's strange I think  sometimes Paris doesn't Matt look these days mad   I met him yesterday coming out of his house and  I bid him good morning and he wept and when his   way I think it is not well the village sees him  so unsteady perhaps you have some sorrow I think   it be the cow sir the cows there are so many  cows wandering the high roads now that their   masters are in the jails and much disagreement  about who they will belong to now I know mr.   Paris be arguing with farmers all yesterday  and there's great contention contention make   him weep sir for it were always a man that weep  for contention oh good morning sir thank you for   coming I beg your pardon waking is too early  good morning to everyone here had no right to   enter excellency a moment do you leave him alone  with the prisoners what is he about you excellence   they hear me there's a Providence Reverend Hale  a return to bring her back a nurse to God he bids   her confess a moment Rebecca have not given me  word this three months since you came now she   sits with him and her sister and Martha Corey  and two or three others and he pleads with them   confess their crimes and save their lives this is  indeed a Providence and they softened they soften   not yet sir not yet but I thought to summon you  sir that we may think on whether it be not wise   to there's new sir that the court court must  reckon with my niece I believe she has vanished   vanished I thought to advise him of it earlier  in the week but light how long is she gone this   be the third night sir mercy Lewis has gone to  I will send a party for them where may they be   excellency I believe they may be aboard a ship  my daughter tells me now she heard them speaking   of ships last week and tonight I discover my  my strong box is broken into she have robbed   you 31 pound is gone I am Petty to Paris you're  a brainless man excellency it profit nothing that   you should blame him I cannot think that they  would run off except they fear to keep in Salem   anymore since the news of and overhead maneuvers  remedied the court returns there on Friday and   we resume examinations I'm sure of it sir but the  rumor here speaks rebellion and and oh there is no   rebellion in Andover I tell you what I said here  sir and over have thrown up the court they say and   will have no part in witchcraft to be a faction  here feeding on that noose and I tell you true   sir I fear there'll be a riot here riot wide every  execution I've seen not but high satisfaction in   the town judge Hathorne if we're another sort that  hang till now Rebecca nurses and no Bridget that   lived three year with Richard before she married  him John Proctor's no Isaac Ward that drank his   family to ruin let Rebecca stand upon the gibbet  and send up some righteous prayer and I fear so a   conventions on you excellence you cease condemned  to wish the core traitor how do you propose that   excellency I would postpone these hangings for  a time there will be no postponements now that   mr. Hale returned there's hope I think for if  he brings even one of these to God surely dams   the others in the public eye and none made out  more than they're all linked to hell that way   unconfessed and claiming innocents Ducks are  multiplied many honest people will reap them   and our good purpose is lost in their tears she  ever give me the list it cannot be forgot sir but   when I summon the congregation for John Proctor's  excommunication hardly thirty people come to hear   it that speak a discontent I there will be no  postponement excellency now sir which of these   in your opinion may be brought to God I myself  will strive with him until dawn there is not   sufficient time I shall do my utmost which of them  do you have hope for excellency a dagger what do   you say tonight when I open the door to leave my  house a dagger cluttered to the ground you cannot   hang this sort there's danger for me I dare not  step outside at night accept my congratulations   Reverend Hale you're glad to see you return to  your good work you must pardon them they will not   budge you misunderstand sir I cannot pardon these  if 12 already hangs for the same crime it's not   just Rebecca will not confess the Sun will rise in  a few minutes excellency I must have more time now   hear me and beguile yourselves no more I will not  receive a single plea for pardon or postponement   then that will not confess will hang 12 have  already been executed and the names of these   seven are given out and the village expects to  see them die at dawn now postponement speaks of   floundering on my part reprieve or pardon they  cast doubt upon the guilt of them that died till   now but when I speak God's law I'm going to crack  it's worse with whimpering retaliation is your   fear no this I should hang ten thousand the tears  rise up against the law and an ocean of salt tears   could not melt the resolution of the statues now  dry yourselves up like men and help me as you're   abound by heaven to do have you spoken with them  all mr. Hale Albert Proctor he's in the dungeon   let's proctor his way now he sits like some great  bird sir you'd not know he lived except you we'll   take food from time to time his wife his wife miss  you one well on with the child now she is what   Thank You mr. Paris you've closed your knowledge  of this man might her presence soften him it's   possible sir he have not laid eyes on her these  three months I should summon her is he yet adamant   has he struck at you again why he cannot sir he is  chained to the wall now that's goody Proctor to me   and let you bring him up all right excellency if  you postpone a week and publish to the town that   you're striving for their confessions it speaks a  mercy on your part not faltering mr. Hale has God   have not empowered me like Joshua to stop the  Sun from rising so I cannot withhold from them   the perfection of their punishment if you think  God wills you to raise rebellion mr. Danforth you   are mistaken you've heard rebellion spoken of  in Salem excellence orphans wander from house   to house abandoned cattle bellow on the high road  the stink of rotting crop hangs everywhere and no   man knows when the harlot scribe will end his  life and yet you wonder if rebellion has spoke   better you should marvel neither not burn your  profits sir he'll have you preaching and over   this month thank God they've no need for me over  and over you baffle me sir why have you returned   what's simple I've come to do the devil's work I  have come to counsel Christians they should Balai   themselves there is blood on my head can you  not see the blood on my act hush goody Proctor   I have your hearty I'm yet six month before  my time grey get ease I'm not for your life mr. Hale will you speak with the one we Proctor husband is mark to hang this morning  I have heard it no do you not that I have no   connection with the court I wish to save your  husband's life for if he is taken I count for   myself for his murder do you understand me what  do you want of me could you Proctor I've gone   these last three month like the Lord until  what Lord into the wilderness I've sought a   Christian way for damnation is doubled on a  minister who counsels meant to lie is no lie   could not speak of lie it is a lie they are  no more no more I'll hear no more of that but   you're not mistaken your duty is I mistook my  own I came to this village like a bridegroom   to his beloved bearing gifts of high religion the  very crowns of holy law I brought what I touched   with my bright confidence it died and where  I turn the eye of my great faith blood photo   you where Cody Proctor Cleaves to no faith when  faith brings blood it is mistaken law that leads   you to sacrifice life for me life is God's most  precious gift no principle however glorious may   justify the taking of it I beg you prevail upon  your husband to confess let him give his life   quail not before God's judgment in this rich well  maybe God damns a liar lest any where to throw   away his life for pride well you plead with him  I cannot think you will listen to another I think   that be the devil's argument woman before the  laws of God we are swine we cannot reduce with   I cannot dispute you sir I like learning for  it goody Proctor we're not summoned here for   disputation be there no wifely tenderness within  you he will die with the sunrise your husband do   you understand it let's say you will you contend  with him are you stone I tell you true woman and   I know they're proof of your unnatural life your  dry eyes would be sufficient evidence that you   delivered up your soul to hell a very 8 would  weep at such calamity have the devil dried up   in eats here pity in you take her out it profit  nothing to speak with you thrive with him will   you plead for his confession or will you not  I promise nothing right leave them excellency mr. Proctor you've been notified have you not come  in ICU light in the sky that you take counsel with   your wife unless God help you turn your back on  health mr. Proctor if you desire a cup of cider   I'm sure I God need you now you've been chained  my child there was no word of the boys there well   because Daniel keeps them it's not seen I have not  you were mortal they come from my life now I know   it none yet confessed there be many confessed  there'd be a hundred or more they say goody   Ballard is one I say a good kindest one there  be many Rebecca not Rebecca she was one foot in   heaven now not may hurt her more and joyous you've  not heard of it oh you're nothing why I'm kept miles is dead what were you hanged you were  not hanged he would not answer iron a to his   indictment for if he denied the charge they'd  hang him Shirley knocke she had his property   so he stand mute and died Christian under the  law and so his sons will have his farm it is   the law free cannot be condemned to wizard  without having answered the indictment iron   a how does he die fresh great stones they  lay upon his chest until he plead iron net   they say you did give but two words more weight  he says and more weight I fear cement I worry I've been thinking I would confess to them what   would you say if I would give them that  I cannot judge you John what would you   have me do as you will I would have  it I want you living John that sure enjoy his wife if she confessed she will not it  is pretence Elizabeth what is I cannot melt to   give it like a saint fraud I am NOT that man my  honesty is broke I'm no good man nothing spoiled you've not confessed till now that speak goodness   in white despite keep silent it  is hard to give a lie to dogs forgiveness Elizabeth it's not for me  to give John I am have you see some   honesty never lie to keep their souls  for me it's a pretense let's say you they've come - not that I should forgive you  will you forgive yourself it is your soul John   will may be sure of this probably know it now  whatever you will do it good man that does it   I've had my heart this three months John I have  since of my own to count it needs a cold wife   to prompt lechery better you should know me  are you playing Vice things upon you John I   take my own I track out of myself so played so  poorly made no honest love would ever come to   me suspicions kissed you and I did I never knew  I should say my love we're a cold house I can't what say you Proctor the Sun is soon up do what  you will none be your judge for there was no   higher judge under heaven than Proctor's  I never knew such goodness in the world God be praised it is the Providence he will  confess Proctor will confess why do you cry   it it is evil is it not it is evil I cannot  judge you John I cannot and who will judge   me God what is John Proctor what is John  Proctor I think it is honest I think so I   am NOT Saint let Rebecca go like a saint for  me is fraud I am NOT your judge I cannot be   would you ever give them such a lie say it  would you ever give him this you would not   if tongues of fire were singeing you  you would not it is evil and I do it praise to God men praise to God you will be  blessed in heaven for this now then that is   happens are you ready mr. Cheever well I must  have you written why for the good instruction   of the village mr. this we shall post upon  the church door where is the Marshall Willard   hurry now then please speak slowly and  directly to the point of mr. Cheevers   sake mr. Proctor have you seen the devil  in your life come in there's light in the   sky the town waits at the scaffold I would  give out this noose did you see the devil praise God when he comes to you  what wisdom and did he bid you do   his work upon the earth you did and  you bound yourself to his service ah Rebecca nurse come in come in woman you were both in hey courage man courage let her  witness your good example so she herself may come   to God now here at goody nurse say on mr. Proctor  did you bind yourself to the devil's service wait   John I did a woman you surely see it profit  nothing to keep this conspiracy any further   will you confess yourself with him take charge  I say well you can press yourself goody nurse   mr. Proctor when the devil came to you did you see  Rebecca nurse in his company come in take courage   did you ever see her with the devil no did you  ever see her sister Mary easty with the devil no   I did not did you ever see Martha Corey with the  devil did you ever see anyone with the devil not   Proctor you mistake me I'm not empowered to trade  your life for a life you have most certainly seen   some person with the devil mr. Proctor a score  of people have already testified they saw this   woman with the devil it is proved why must I see  why must you say it why you should rejoice to say   your souls perish if any love for help they think  to go like sinks I like not to spoil their names   do you think they go like Saints look you mister I  think you missed your duty here it matters nothing   what she thought she is convicted of unnatural  murder of children and you for sending your spirit   out upon Mary why your soul alone is the issue  here mister and unless you prove its like this   you cannot live in Christian country now then will  you tell me what persons conspired with you in the   devil's company so your knowledge was Rebecca  nurses ever I speak my own sins my journalism see it is enough he confessed himself let him  sign it let him sign it it is a great service   sir and his the way he named it will strike  up the village that he confessed I beg you   to let him sign it the Sun is up excellency come  then sign your testimony mr. Cheever take it to come in assignment you've all witnessed it it is enough you'll  not sign it they'll vote witness it what   more is need you spar with me you will sign  your name or there's no confession mister your second name man praise be to the Lord if you please sir no mr. Proctor I must have I've signed it  you've seen me it's done but Proctor the   village must have proved down the village  I can mr. good and God has seen my name on   this it is no no sir it is not enough you  came to save my soul did you not yeah I   have signed it it is done you have no  need for this I have confessed myself   it is and you've not confessed myself is the  no good penitence but it be public God does   not need my name nailed to the church God  sees by me God knows how black my sins are mr. Proctor you will not use me I am no Sarah good  or Tituba I am John Proctor you will not use me it   is no part of salvation that you should use me  I do not wish to use you I have three children   how may I teach them to walk like a man in the  world then I sold my friend no sword you're gonna   be naught but lacking all of them when this is  nailed to the church the day they hang for silence mr. Proctor I must have good in the  you of the High Court your word is good tell them I confessed myself say pro to prote to  his knees and wept like a woman say what you will   the same as a nut reports wait oh you signed to  it no what others say and what I sign - it's not   the same why do you mean - neither confession  when you were free I meant no nothing then tell   me mr. Proctor why are you in my name because  I cannot have another in my life because I lie   and sign myself to lies because I am not worth  the dust on the feet other than the tang how   may I live without my name I've given you my  soul leave me my name is that document a lie   it is a liar I will not accept it what to say  I will not deal in lies mister you will give   me your honest confession in my hand or I cannot  keep you from the rope which waves you go mister Marshall Proctor rocker make you will hang you  cannot very god I'd speak some good missing me   give them no to you show them a heart of stone  having them over the town whoever weeps for   these weeps for corruption take them well you go  to him goody Proctor there is that time Proctor   rock dirt woman plead with him it is bright  it is vanity be his helper what profit him to   believe shall the dust praise him shall the worms  declare his truth go to him take his shame away [Music] God did I take it from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ChathamHighSchool
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Keywords: chatham, chs, chatham high school, pulse, the pulse, chs pulse, chatham pulse, chatham video production hs video production, hs film program, high school news, Chatham news, high school news broadcast, chatham nj, chatham cougars
Id: gfQs8tQyggE
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Length: 131min 20sec (7880 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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