Chronology of the Apocalypse - Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] okay I'm going to give a little treat it's going to be mostly for people online that it's going to be a blessing because I notice they get a lot messed up with different end times of men a lot of them are asking me about that so what I'll be doing is that this whole teach an hour I'm going to give you a chart on the sequence of the endtime events so it's going to be basic it's gonna be basic and simple so all of you should be able to understand and hopefully it'll be a blessing let's start with Luke chapter 21 please Luke 21 and we will also look at 1st Thessalonians 5 1st Thessalonians 5 hmm and we'll also look at Luke chapter 21 so this will be in just a simple Bible study on end times events so there are many people who get messed up in doctrine one group thinks that they will go through the tribulation and after that they will be raptured after that other people believe that the tribulation is already starting right now and that there is no rapture and that they also believe there's another group that believes that we will bring our own Kingdom on earth that we're fighting right now against the tribulation Antichrist system right now and we're the ones responsible for bringing in God's perfect Kingdom on earth other people believe there's going to be a rapture before the tribulation and then after the tribulation then God will have to bring his perfect Kingdom himself down on earth then there are other groups of people who believe there's going to be a rapture before the tribulation we're going to go through the tribulation and then there's another rapture sometime at the end of the tribulation and then we're going to have God's perfect Kingdom on earth there are people who believe that when we die then God's going to have a resurrection and in this resurrection we're going to immediately go to God's judgment then there are other people who believe that there's a judgment in the middle of the tribulation a judgment before the Millenium and another judgment after millennium so that there's a lot of different teachings on this so we want to know the sequence how it works right about end times so let's start off with the first thing we're going to start off with the rapture so the rapture is before the tribulation whether you believe it or not it doesn't matter what you did that's what your Bible says so the Bible says at some time we will be raptured after the trivial excuse me before the tribulation there will be a rapture after the tribulation as well but we will discuss that later so we will experience a rapture sometime before the tribulation so let's put today's age right here we are today right here and another thing about today is that the church we are the church right so obviously the church is here today so notice that in your Bible in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and chapter 5 Paul is speaking to the church so today the church we're at this timeline what does he say to today the church let's start off with first Thessalonians chapter 5 and then we'll look at verse 9 for God have not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ so notice verse 9 God hath not appointed so meaning a timeline in a timeline God did not put us to wrath in the timeline he put us to obtain salvation but what is this salvation you'll notice it's the rapture verse 10 who died for us that whether we notice wake or sleep whether we're alive or dead we should what live together with him be up in heaven with Jesus this is really clear at first us alone Ian's for look at chapter 4 chapter 4 and we will read verse 15 verse 15 for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep okay that's the same context as first Thessalonians 5:9 right remember in five nine it says wake or sleep so this is the same context here you'll notice whether we're alive or whether we're asleep so it's the same idea whether you're alive or you're dead that's the idea keep reading what happens to those who are alive and those who are dead notice right here verse 16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first notice the dead are resurrected then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds so notice we get caught up together with those who die and we get caught together with them notice to meet the Lord in the air so notice you go up in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord so notice right there you get raptured up to heaven people argue there is no such word as rapture in the Bible true but guess what there is no such word as Bible in the Bible either that doesn't mean there's no Bible just because rapture is not in there that doesn't mean there is no rapture the word rapture it comes from a left where we get our English word rapture is actually from Latin the phrase where it's referring to snatched or caught snatched up or caught up that's why you get the idea about Raptor Raptors where they talk about some dinosaurs like Raptors because they're what catching up their preys snatching up so that's the phrase now did the Bible said this yes it did for solonius for COD what we are caught up together with them so guess what rapture is in the Bible so the word rapture is in the Bible so this seems accurate because Paul is speaking to who the church right he's speaking to you today right he says we we we so meaning us today so sometime us for us today we're going to experience a rapture so far we get that now here's the idea in first Thessalonians 5:9 it says the appointment is not for wrath so whether so this time period that we're going to be in when we get raptured remember verse 9 and 10 says we're going to be raptured we're not going to be appointed to wrath so when we get this rapture we're not going to go through a time period appointed we're not going to go through a time period of wrath that's why we believe we're going to be before the tribulation why because the tribulation is known to be wrath now they will deny this they will deny some people to teach the wrath is occurring sometime in the middle or after the tribulation it's not the whole tribulation time period that's what they will argue but look at Luke chapter 21 please Luke chapter 21 I'm going to look at Luke chapter 21 and then go to Matthew 24 as well Matthew 24 is one of the most important passages about tribulation so you want to bookmark that one because we're gonna look at that quite often so we've seen our rapture verses it's going to be first Thessalonians 4 and first estonians 5 the tribulation we're gonna based it off of Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and then we'll go to another verse later on let's look at the Book of Luke chapter 21 and then also Matthew chapter 24 now we're going to start with Matthew 24 so that we can start with the context and the idea shall we so let's start that way Matthew chapter 24 let's start off with verse 3 and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the what end of the world so the disciples are asking too what's gonna happen at the end and Jesus is going to explain what's going to happen at the end times the apocalyptic events the tribulation event so verse four jesus answered and said boom from verse four you'll notice Jesus goes non-stop talking answering that question of what happens in the tribulation that's why Matthew 24 is going to be an important passage to tell you what's going to happen on the tribulation now do we know that this is a tribulation yes it's going to be pretty obvious because look at verse 21 for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be so you notice that tribulation it says you'll notice verse 29 immediately after the tribulation so there's no doubt that b-24 is talking about the tribulation now what's going to happen at the tribulation you'll notice a couple things going on first of all we're going to look at verse 16 then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains so notice that the Jews right here they're running away so Jews will be concentrated right here and notice that they're running away for their lives there's something going on here let's keep reading right here you'll notice verse 19 and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days so the notice the Bible says right here that man if you're pregnant during this day woe unto you it's not going to be a good time to be pregnant so this is a day of horrible this will be a day of horrible days you notice right here verse 20 but pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day so you notice the Sabbath why because he's speaking to Jews right here so there's no doubt the tribulation event will be focused on Jews during this time and the Jews are running away from something here let's also keep reading right here you'll notice verse 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders wonders and so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect so you'll notice right here that during this timeline of the tribulation that there's going to be some kind a false Christ or Anti Christ that's where you hear the idea about the Antichrist who will rule the world because you're going to get that so not only is there a false Christ Antichrist you also have the false prophet that is going to show you great signs and wonders you notice that verse is scary it says the deception is so great that if it were if if it were possible they could deceive the very elect so you notice right here this deception has to be really great so Satan's not going to fool you coming out with a pitchfork and a pentagram on his forehead and saying I'm the I'm the Antichrist stay away from me he's not going to do that what he's gonna do is that he's gonna come down very deceptive like Jesus Christ like a genuine prophet and he will come to you teaching the things of God and Christianity that'll be so deceptive you would think that this was the real Jesus Christ so we see these things happening now let's keep reading right here notice verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the power of the heavens shall be shaken so notice right here that these days okay notice immediately after the tribulation of those days right so these remember this these are called days and it says of tribulation yes yes so these days are referring to the tribulation when we wonder if it's referring to wrath as well you'll notice the Sun gets darkened moon turning to blood there's chaos in the heavens right so we also see chaos in the heavens so we notice that in the verse correct we saw that in the Bible okay so we notice that will notice right here the Sun darken moon shall not give her a light stars shall fall from heaven and notice verse 30 then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory notice this is verse 29 said after the days of the tribulation after the days of the tribulation where are you going to have you're gonna have the coming of the Son of Man from heaven so you'll notice right here that's why we call this the second Advent so you'll notice right here the coming of Christ also known as the second Advent he's coming down so is that correct so far the timeline yes we got tribulation second Advent no question there is no question today the church is going to experience the rapture now the issue is this the issue is should there be a dividing line right here is it does it make sense that the rapture has to be before the tribulation the church is before the tribulation remember first Thessalonians 5 says we're not in the time period of Wrath today we're going to experience some kind of rabbit sure not only that we saw in this verse this is called days of tribulation but is it wrath now look at Luke chapter 21 Luke 21 notice Luke 21 rip now keep your hand in Matthew 24 though all right this will be our bookmark so keep your hand in Matthew 24 so go to Luke 21 now look at this it's repeating Matthew 24 it's repeating Matthew 24 verse 21 then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains remember that that's that's the same thing that's Matthew 24 right the Jews running away let them which be in Judaea flee to the mountains so it's repeating the same thing so this is the tribulation there's no doubt let's keep reading and let them we're trying the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter their into look at verse 23 but woe unto them that would that are with child and to them that give suck in those days so it's saying woe unto you if you have a child pregnant that day it's repeating Matthew 24 yes okay so there's no doubt Matthew 24 and is the same thing as Luke 21 there's no doubt about that now remember Matthew 24 called it days of tribulation right look how Luke 21 called it verse 22 for these be the days of what vengeance look at that that's why tribulation Israel now some post tribulation proponents they will try to argue well it said vengeance not wrath love tension sister same thing as wrath so that's not a really good answer but let's keep reading right here verse 23 but woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days days right what are these days for there shall be great distress in the land and what wrath upon this people okay so there's no doubt it's accurate to call tribulation breath there's no doubt about that these are the days of wrath Luke 21 Matthew 24 calls it days of tribulation not tribulation is wrath whether you like it or not but this also makes more sense because look at revelation 16 look at revelation 16 and look at revelation 6 look at revelation 16 and Revelation chapter 6 some people they're going to try to argue that when God pours out his wrath it's gonna occur some time in the middle or some time near the end of the tribulation but let's be honest I think it would make more sense to say that the whole time period collectively has wrath occurring that would make more sense why because there are so many bad things going on that you don't want to be there I mean the verse says woe unto you if you have a child during that day so you'll notice it makes more sense to rather than saying the rat the curse at the middle or sometime at the end why not just say yes to the curse at the end yes it occurs at the middle because collectively as a whole there's all kinds of wrath happening so let's look at Revelation chapter 16 there's no doubt there's more than one wrath more than one rap because look at revelation 16 verse 1 now this is Revelation 16 so remember this is well underway during the tribulation now and I've heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels go your ways and pour out the vials of what the wrath of God upon the earth notice how many different vials of Wrath verse two there's the first draft verse three of second round verse four third wrath if you go all the way to the end of the chapter there are seven different vials of Wrath why because there's so many different events of Wrath occurring now here's another thing right here go to revelation 6 Revelation chapter 6 and ice were Swan and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see now before chapter six Revelation chapter 1 through 4 chapter 1 through 4 the tribulation did not occur yet all right you're gonna see from chapter 1 through 5 it's not describing the tribulation hell on earth yet chapter 6 verse 1 he's opening the seal sonoda remember a seal is enclosed so this seal has been closed all this time and now it's opening and when it's opening notice that all of these events of the tribulation start so let's look at in Revelation chapter 6 verse 1 verse 2 and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer notice that when this first seal was open the first seal that was open a person came out in a white horse and he went forth and to conquer verse three and when he opened the second seal now here comes the second seal notice in the second seal it says verse four now does this not look like God's judgment does this look like a time of peace or God's judgment verse four and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword so notice these nations turning against each other there's war so this is not a time fair you want to be in Tennessee but notice that there's great judgment and wrath verse 5 notice there's famine in verse five verse five at the third seal and then you'll notice at verse seven the fourth seal verse seven and eight that don't look like wrath to you death came out and hell followed with him power was given unto him to go over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword ain't Wrath to you this notice right here that Revelation chapter 6 verses lonna all the way down to verse 8 you got this ever since the first seal was open God's wrath was starting so you notice right here this wrath is not something occurring at the middle or at the end of the tribulation it's ever since the first seal you'll notice that wrath is all over so it makes more sense to call the tribulation event collectively as wrath but within this days of wrath you see many different Raths occurring now look at this you got all these events of Wrath occurring and then you got a final event of Wrath this second Advent right here you'll notice is the great day of wrath but wait a minute I thought that Luke chapter 21 remember the 21 it called it what days of wrath but then here's right here we call the great day of wrath why because it's like what I told you over and over again it makes sense to collectively call this whole event wrath and you got many different wrath occurring remember revelation 16 you got the vials of Wrath and remember it's by oles so meaning more than one so that should be evidence enough so there are so many different routes occurring right here that makes more sense so collectively why not just be honest and call it right days of Wrath I'll be honest enough and Christians are what not appointed to wrath the sea that's why we have a rapture before the tribulation that makes sense now God calls this great day of wrath how do we know it okay we got the first seal opening up which and then the second seal the third seal the fourth seal look at the last seal all right look at the last seal look at verse 12 verse 12 well actually not quite the last but we're almost there verse 12 and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth wait a minute remember Matthew 24 the Sun becomes darkened moon turn to blood Stars fall there's chaos in the heavens Matthew 24 something's occurring right here remember Matthew 24 said when the Sun gets dark and Moon turns to blood what happens Christ comes down right look at that's what's going on because keep reading Christ is coming down look at verse 14 and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places notice right here verse 16 and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from what the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand notice verse 14 the heavens depart as a scroll why because Jesus is coming out of heaven you notice that verse 16 and 17 the people on earth are scared to see Jesus they don't want to see Jesus so that's why they're crying for the rocks to fall on them and they call this the great day of wrath now let's keep reading right here so then we know that this one is occurring sometime after the tribulation and we know that the Christians will be raptured long before these events of Wrath unfold we see multiple different rites occurring and then you got the final one which is the great day of wrath which is occurring finally at the end now what's interesting look at revelation 6 verse 1 remember that's the first seal remember first seal open tribulation start tribulation start guess what in Revelation chapter see the word church mentioned in Revelation chapter 2 and 3 revelation 6 is the start of the tribulation guess what ever since you start off with revelation 6 all the way to the end remember Paul was feeding to the church right we were going to get raptured but ever since you start revelation 6 the beginning of the tribulation the word church is not mentioned one time ever since the beginning of revelation 6 why see there's something happening right here but it's also interesting keep your hand at revelation 6 and 5 it's not Church that's mentioned but what is mentioned look at Revelation chapter 7 Revelation chapter 7 verse 4 and I heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed in a hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of who the children of Israel look at that ah remember Matthew 24 they which being where today up Jews remember that Jews remember revelation 7 Jew so church is not mentioned but Jews are mentioned ah you know why because this is a time period for the Jews not for the church that's why God did not appoint the church for this time period because this is not our appointment our appointments right here but the Jews this is their appointment remember remember God have not appointed to wrath but the Jews this is their appointment you know why because God did set up a clock an appointment with them go to Daniel go to Daniel 90 now keep your hand at revelation 6 so we have to go back there God set up an appointment he set up a time clock with them look at Daniel chapter 9 now you notice right here that is that's why these people who claim to be eschatology scholars and people who believe the post tribulation rapture and all kind of stuff they think that revelation can be smooth out in chronological order 1 2 3 and you can find the event no that's not however you got to do scripture with scripture and in that way you can see which time period is going to be in remember when god gives do you think God gives everything in neat chronological order when he is prophecy look at the Book of Isaiah when he gives prophecy does he prophesy about the coming of the Messiah when he comes the first time and a chronological order when he comes the second time when he rules over the world or is it all different it's all different if you're familiar with your Bible reading about the prophecies of the Messiah it mixes up the first coming with the second coming all over so that's how prophecy is prophecy works like that but how you arrange it in order is with Scripture with Scripture and then you can see which timeline it fits in now look at Daniel chapter 9 and we will read verse 27 the Bible says right here in Daniel chapter 9 and verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week okay where does this week come from so there's this one week whatever that week is in Daniel so in Daniel 9:27 there's a one week what's this one week here let's go backwards alright let's go backwards that way we can understand in order we're going to look at verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks seven plus and threescore and two weeks seven plus 62 the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublous times okay Daniel 9:25 the Bible gives a calculation of 69 weeks this 69 weeks is what verse 25 says 69 weeks is going to refer to the coming of Messiah the Prince now did the Messiah come yes he came a long time ago the Messiah came and Jesus already died on the cross a long time ago so this 69 weeks we already know is past now let's keep going backwards now when we can find out what this one week is all right let's keep going backwards now go to verse 24 now verse 24 the Bible shows right here in Daniel chapter 9 verse 24 let me flip a page right here okay seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and what prophecy notice to seal up the vision and prophecy notice verse 24 it says upon thy people now what's important remember revelation has the first seal unlocked here because God had a sealed appointment notice that he and this time period you have Jews paying attention to right Daniel 9:24 told you it's going to be upon thy people Daniel the Jews and he says this time period is what 70 weeks oh now we get it okay now we know what this one week is 69 remember I said already past right now we know what this one week is this is that's why they call this Daniels 70th week you'll hear so this is called Daniels 70th week why what is this one week now you can already guess because you're connecting all the puzzle pieces together that's how scripture works see you can probably guess what this is this has to be the tribulation event but let's compare Scripture with Scripture again now your hand is at Matthew 24 yes or it's bookmarked and then you got another one in revelation 6 right see look see Scripture with Scripture that's like look look do you think the Bible's kidding study study study to show thyself approved unto God a workman workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth does that make more sense now see that's why we believe in dispensationalism rightly dividing the word studying so that you can see all the things can connect and come into life all right now let's look at this one definitely is a tribulation because let's read right here Daniel 9:27 so let's read it right here and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and the myths of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make a desolate so notice right here there's an abomination of desolation during this one week go to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 now keep your hand at Daniel and hind though I apologize to keep your hand at Daniel 9 though all three places remember you can handle all three places do you remember now don't forget study study study so remember now what was Matthew 24 the tribulation right right we already saw that the whole chapters about the tribulation look what the Bible says I'm at twenty-four about the tribulation Matthew chapter 24 verse 15 when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet of boom-boom-boom you see that it's Scripture with Scripture makes everything come to life Daniel 9:27 says it's going to return this one-week abomination of desolation occurs and Jesus told you at Matthew 24 the abomination of desolation occurs in the tribulation as spoken of by Daniel the prophet boom so this tribulation time period we know is the abomination of desolation so look at this now all right Scripture with Scripture now that's why you will be a post tripper and on the little you list when you're lazy with Scripture notice when you study the scriptures you'll notice right here Scripture with Scripture this one week what is this one week we know it's a tribulation in the world did you get the idea because during this one week the abomination of desolation occurs Matthew 24 says abomination of desolation occurs during the tribulation there you go so now we know that this one week here is the tribulation now go back to Daniel 9 this is why Scripture with Scripture makes so much things coming to light so I'm coming to light coming to light this is an amazing book look at Daniel chapter 9 Daniel chapter 9 so notice right here we're going to look at verse 24 seventy weeks are determined upon Daniel's people Jews but some of the people will argue this is not referring to Jews you can't say tribulation time period is for Jews no you're wrong seventy weeks God made a what appointment sixty-nine pass he has an appointment for that one week it's definitely Jews it's not for Christians if you insist tribulation disappoint this tribulation is appointed to Christians and it's not appointed to Jews look how you look at verse 24 there is no way this appointment is for Christians you think this appointment of the tribulation is for Christians look at verse 24 upon thy people so that's Jewish and upon thy holy city Jewish see it's not referring to Christians we don't have a holy city on this earth unless you're a Roman Catholic then you do have a holy city on this earth that you can claim but sorry we Christians don't we believe that the our body is the holy temple the temple of God that's it so that has to be Jewish then the holy city Jerusalem but let's keep reading to finish what the transgression and to make an end of what sins seventy weeks long it's taking for this group this nation to finish its sin how many of you got saved in 70 weeks length of time there is absolutely no way all right this salvation you'll notice of sins is not individual salvation this has to be a national it's referring to as a nation why because the nation of Israel consistently rejected rejected their Messiah stone the prophets and they rejected Jesus Christ when the Apostles came out so as a nation their sins are bound and God has judged them ever since for the past 2,000 years of history right as a nation the Jews have suffered immensely because why God has stored up for them their sins are brought to remembrance remember the Jews what they said when they crucified their Messiah his blood be upon us and upon our children as a nation their sins are kept keep reading right here to finish the transgression to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness come on man did it take you 70 weeks long to bring an ever in righteousness no it's as a nation they get their righteousness as a nation as a forgiveness of sins so you gotta realize this as an individual today no matter what nation you are as an individual you are forgiven say by the blood of Jesus Christ immediately on the spot and you are that church but as a nation of Israel as your if you are a Jew as a nation of Israel your nation is bound by your sins and then your nation has been suffering ever since because of the sins that your nation committed so God's going to concentrate on your nation one day at the tribulation as an individual no matter what nation you are you become the church saved by the blood of Jesus Christ's righteousness forgiveness of sins immediately on the spot if you are a Jew from a nation your nation will get its salvation one day during the tribulation as a nation forgiveness of sins not the same salvation of Jesus dying on the cross washing away your sins on the spot that is proved that there is a difference of salvation here national salvation and individual salvation if you don't believe there's a difference of salvation of an individual and national how in the world are you going to explain Daniel 9:24 then I mean this righteousness is forgiveness of sins go 70 weeks long you know why God is focusing the nation he has an appointment one day that he's going to go through the Jewish people and then he's going to use them that's why they're running away why because they're the good guys who's the guy in charge this guy so when that baba nation of desolation occurs all this chaos and hell on earth is going to happen now let's keep reading right here so you notice how scripture with scripture comes into light everything go to Roman's 11 now Romans chapter 11 Romans 11 Romans chapter 11 look at verse 25 Romans chapter 11 and verse 25 so there's absolutely no doubt that God has to use the nation of Israel once more so Daniel 9:24 and Romans 11 is absolute proof that God has to focus back on the Jews again so when people try to tell you that the Jews are forsaken people that we are the nation that replaced this nation of Israel that is heresy because God swore by his promise a long time ago he's gonna focus on that people again because he made an appointment no matter what you say or what I do you're not gonna ruin God schedule an appointment that he made already because he had he'd fulfill 69 he's got to do the 70mm Romans 11 verse 25 for I would not brethren that ye should be ignorant of this mystery lest he should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel so obviously Israel what they are so blind try to reach a Jew to salvation today trying to I mean they're one of the hardest people to reach the nation of Israel is blinded when until when until when the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and so notice what all Israel shall be saved now does it make sense that every single Jew will be saved no it makes more sense to say that's why this is talking about a national salvation all meaning as a nation the nation of Israel getting saved this makes more sense in verse 26 it's talking about a national salvation not a individual salvation like we do so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Sion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob I notice right here there there's gonna be coming Sion the deliverer Jesus Christ is gonna become Oh when does Jesus Christ come right here here he comes right here he's going to become coming down right here and when he comes down right here oh and now it makes sense look at verse the very next verse verse 27 for this is my covenant unto them he made a covenant why remember Daniel 9 he made a covenant seventy weeks when I shall what take away their sins boom Daniel 9 see look look at this he just for you there is no doubt you have to be dispensationalists rightly dividing if you deny that you're denying a wealth of evidence right here it's all connecting right here scripture with scripture is proven to you something rock-solid right here now let's look at rough now let's look at other passages we're going to go back to revelation 6 right so your hands right here ah now it makes sense everything's coming into light now so remember Church is not mentioned one time but Jews are mentioned all over revelation 6 is the first sealed correct correct notice right when the first seal of the tribulation opens up look at chapter 5 the right behind it chapter 6 verse 1 chapter 6 verse 1 notice the beginning of the tribulation first seal what's right before the beginning of the tribulation is notice verse 10 through 11 the four and twenty elders fall down before in the set that sat on the throne and worship Him that liveth for ever and ever they cast their crowns before the throne saying verse 11 worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power so notice at verse 10 through 11 there's a group they call them 24 elders whoever these guys are notice 24 elders are up in heaven and before the first seal of the tribulation opens who are these 24 elders look at scripture with scripture and they'll show everything coming until I who are the 24 elders you'll notice right here what the Word of God speaks we'll look at chapter 4 we'll look at chapter 4 Revelation chapter 4 uh wait I was quoting Revelation chapter 4 verses 10 through 11 right I apologize for that it should be chapter 5 verse 14 so let me scratch this one out so it's going to be Revelation chapter 5 I quoted revelation 4 I don't know why Revelation chapter 5 and you'll notice that verse 14 the four beasts said amen and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth for ever and ever so revelation chapter five verse fourteen four and twenty elders are up in heaven right so it doesn't change that fact that they're up in heaven but who are these four and twenty elders look at verse nine verse eight by context are saying and when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders soon he are the four and twenty elders who are these four and twenty elders verse 9 and they summoned you song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof why because the first seal of the tribulation will open so this is before they open up the tribulation these guys are up in heaven who are they for thou was slain look at this and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and has made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth those are Christians blood wash Christians we are known as kings and priests of God in the Pauline epistles in the New Testament we are blood washed by Jesus Christ and you'll notice that it can't just be 24 a number because it says out of every kindred tongue people and nation so it's all kinds of different people so you'll notice right here these are referring to Chris so notice chapter 5 verse 14 Christians are up in heaven and then the very nice verse the first seal of the tribulation stars and ever since that time churches never mentioned one time yet Jew is mentioned all over that's why what Paul said to us at church hey we're going to be raptured one day not appointed for wrath and then you'll notice chapter 5 verse 14 we are up in heaven before the first seal opens up so thus you see how these are connecting the time lines together so there is a rapture before the tribulation there's a tribulation time period dealing with the nation of Israel and Jesus Christ coming down at the advent now my goodness I'm surprised how much time has passed yes let's look at Matthew 25 so I'm going to have to wrap this up quickly so I apologize we're gonna have to wrap this up quickly I could spend more time talking about the events but I don't have time to talk about the events so you'll see right here that this is not some simple ABC in chronological order all right like all these post trips and eschatology scholars would like you would like to do you can't do that you have to know the scripture with scripture with scripture in Scripture and by the way this is just basic basic eschatology and then I didn't show you the bad stuff yet the reason why I know this is basic is because I'm not even looking at my note and look telling you everything on my head so this is all basic this is all basic so if you join Steven Anderson's crowd if you join Paul Begley's cloud if you go all with all these prophecy scholars crowds you don't know Bible and that's how bad they are you gotta be a Bible believer KJV dispensational Bible believer when you are that then guess what all of this will just be common knowledge and many common knowledge so as much as I want to tell you about the judgments there's a judgment seat of Christ up here marriage supper of the Lamb and then you down with Jesus Christ but I'm gonna skip those verses there's going to be a judgement of Nations right here I'm gonna skip that one there's going to be a millennial reign now okay so when Jesus Christ comes down right here we're gonna have one thousand years of reigning with Jesus Christ look at Matthew chapter 25 and then we'll look at Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 and then we'll look look at Matthew chapter 25 so some people think there's going to be a final judgment one day a rapture and then a final judgment no rapture way over there you're gonna find out right here that there's going to be a 1000 year reign and there's also going to be Jesus Christ judging like in Matthew chapter 25 verse 31 when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him so notice right here that the coming remembered the coming of Christ so this is what he comes down when he comes down what does he do then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory so he's going to sit upon a throne on earth and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats so notice right here Jesus Christ he's gathering all the nations now I'm not going to read this you can read it yourself go to 33 all the way through 46 there's a judgment so he comes down and when he comes down right here he sits upon a throne and on this throne he gathers all the nations why because remember in the tribulation all the nations are under the rule of who the Antichrist so here comes all these world nations coming down getting justly what they deserved and then these nations come out and they are brought to God's judgment we call this that's why we call this judgment of nations judgment of nations why because he's trying to find out which person from the nation can enter to his kingdom all Irv let's keep reading right here so you'll notice verse 34 then shall the King say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father in error and inherit the kingdom what's the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world so this is an earthly Kingdom so he's going to pick out which ones can go inside the earthly kingdom and which ones cannot go to the earthly kingdom the ones who go into the earthly kingdom thus we call it the Millennium Kingdom look at revelation 20 Revelation 20 Revelation chapter 20 now notice chapter 19 you'll notice that chapter 19 verses 11 through 21 which we won't read that's his wrath right where Jesus Christ comes down and what Chuck coming up Christ's second heaven he comes down squashes them like grapes judges the nation's and remember when he does that then he's gonna set up a judgment to pick which one will go and which one will go into the earthly Kingdom then you got the earthly Kingdom that goes for 1,000 years and this king that we call Millennial Kingdom Revelation chapter 20 and you'll notice Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 and I saw Thrones and they said upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ how long a thousand years now notice after the thousand years verse seven and when the thousand years are expired so after this thousand years what happens you'll notice that Satan gets loose and there's you're gog and magog alright first a dog at Magog happening so when you hear all these people panicking about Gog and Magog happening any moment well I'm gonna tell you we've had plenty of time but look after what happens with gog and magog look at verse 11 the thousand-year expired right so this is after 1,000 years not before after after 1,000 years then what and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened bla bla bla the dead were judged out of those things so knows another judgment with the great white throne this is what we call the great white throne judgment so now another judgment what is this judgment for this judgment is after the millennial reign you'll notice as you keep reading the verses he's taking up all the dead so all the dead come out of hell all the dead of all kind of Ages and he judges them and when he judges them he finds which one he is not been in the Lamb's Book of Life and casts him into the lake of fire and then after that he'll notice so I'm like I'm not sure if I went past the camera right here but after this I'll just put this right here after this is what new heaven and new earth we're at revelation 20 right now look at Revelation 21 what does is say in the first verses new heaven new earth thus we begin eternity some of the people that I talked to they don't know much Bible so they think that one some people that I talked to think that it's going to be we're in the tribulation right now and then what's gonna happen is then there's a 1 judgment and then after that an eternity this rapture will occur at this judgment look they missed a lot the opinion see that's why false that's why those heretics Ovilus post millennialist post tribulation people all these people pre rat people etc all these people are heretics because they must have so much information see they're teaching you truth they give you a verse that's true but look they missed out all the other verses there's so much information here that they missed in between and guess what even though this is a basic study I didn't give you all the verses yet so this should be a sufficient enough to show you the timeline of eschatology how it works and this is just a basic even - this is just a basic if any of you are further interested what you can do is watch our dispensationalism videos we have long parts that go 20 parts nearly an hour long or you can also look at our apocalypse videos just look at our playlists of dispensationalism and apocalypse and then they'll give you a little bit more detail from this hello this is Pastor Jean Kim a San Jose Bob Baptist Church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend is so simple to guess say you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in abaya believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a by a believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friend this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a Bible eating word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoke will be so thick I'll drop to my knees and I've ducked in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start crawling I start calm and I look down then ivory I are there and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet God holds it up and they got your sandals on it'll pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried on his speed wipe their tears with her hair in the worship and fake gardening at [Music] [Applause] I'll pick another song said once I was straying in sins dark Valley no hope within could I see they searched from heaven and found the same they stood out there my Sodom and he's go home Jesus says we might I say for God's or any preaching you know people that's ringing the bell there we go and he'd stand up and I and people welcomed they said Wow Santa Claus preaching [Music] it's a name of Jesus Christ it's left to Muhammad he did not do anything for you he's not true Buddha is not true the commandments it's only to pay in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ our universe mistakes to the student [Music] we turn on the TV you can turn the creature out [Music] [Applause] do you like it was team tournament over something on the what's going on he's about two more steps here that crowd hi how you doing hey mom hi way down there at the edge of that Street they have the Lord of said glory and bounty comes off that pole hills would come down for sitter and he comes down there well done my good and faithful the doorbell or not oh boy part going down there said forever and ever and ever and ever and ever put a brand new heart into my friend chef Emmalee funny woke up they looked around they said on my everything has been changed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 105,461
Rating: 4.8416762 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL, joseph prince, joel osteen
Id: lBGmbA9qD4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 21sec (3801 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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