Christopher Hitchens Destroys Angry Conservatives, Theists & Liberals (1/2)

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as a Sufi Muslim I am very ruffled by the title of your book of all the titles that you likely had at your disposal did you have to settle for the literal negation of Allahu Akbar yes as I've said I think that all religions are wrong in the same way in that they privileged faith over over reason but they're not all equally bad in the same way all the time I mean if I've been writing in the 1930s I would certainly have said that the Roman Catholic Church was the most dangerous religion in the world because of its open alliance with fascism and anti-semitism which damage from that our culture has never recovered from and never will but at the moment it's very clear to me that the most toxic form that religion takes is the Islamic form doesn't remember is not makes one special claim for itself all religions claim to be revealed truth that they were all founded by divine revelation but Islam but dangerously says ours is the last and final one if you remember Dick Gregory the older comrades here will great black comedian and civil rights activist when he came to write his memoir he called it nigger right upset a lot of people including his old mum who called him and said why doing this he says mama every time you hear that word again they're selling my book every every Allahu Akbar reminds people that were in a very serious struggle we were very depraved religion do you believe that that God if he's provided everything for you has rights on your life no because why should he well Guzman is right because he owns you he's created everything for you he's killed I just want to be a I don't want to be honored I don't recognize anyone's right to hurt me so ownership is a Man Thing Oh people yes okay it would be widely consider I know the Bible does call for slavery it as it calls for genocide but that doesn't make it right Kristopher of you have you ever prayed once for hard Peter DeVries is very good on this he says people used to be pagans and polytheists and believe in multiple gods and then they started believing in one God and they're getting nearer the true figure all the time this is progress so when I say is the subject of my book that I think religion poisons everything I'm not just doing what publishers like and coming up with the provocative subtitle I mean to say it infects us in the you know our most basic integrity it says we can't be moral without Big Brother without a totalitarian permission means we can't be good to one another without this we must be afraid we must also be forced to love someone who we fear the essence of sadomasochism not scorning the the three delightful children who result who are everything to me and who are my only chance of it even a glimpse of the second life let alone an immortal one and I'll tell you something if I was told to sacrifice them to prove my devotion to God and I was told to do what all monotheists are told to do and admire the man who said yes I'll got my kid to show my love of God I'd say no you what you made the worst concession already you've already said you're a slave so well absolutely I think that after that mere obedient to orders is a full affair I readily admit that I'm a slave I'm a slave of the Lord Jesus Christ out of your chain yeah well yeah absolutely fried for you but you must leave me out of it I don't want to be told that I have to obey these laws too or that my children have to be taught this in school or that North has to be written to gratify the bizarre beliefs of account like yours so what if God actually exists sir would he not have been good to you know uh he wouldn't because if that were true it would mean I had an eternal supervising parent who would never die and let me get on with my life never let me grow up keep me under surveillance but you have some supervision every every minute of my diversity oz and constantly asked me to be thanking and praising him yeah I think it was in part living in North Korea I better give you a horrible outcome well not sure that the God is Kim but what if what I said is Kim jong-il he has a different opinion how sure am i of my own views don't take refuge in the full security of consensus and the feeling that whatever you think you're bound to be okay because you're in the safely moral majority I actually just had one small question which is Christopher how are you feeling thank you for asking what I'm dying but but so you if someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings I say what's the waiting to hear what your point is all right I've very depressed how in this country you can be told that's offensive as if those to stick those two words constitute an argument or comment not to me they do and I'm not running for anything so I didn't have to pretend to like people that when I don't write well I want to make it clear in our closing moments here Christopher I don't consider you an enemy I don't consider you but I'm very sorry to hear that well I know because you want me to be your enemy your no you consider you all mad at me well but you're not my enemy I thank you how you can figure that no because I don't feel a need to have to silence Christopher Hitchens but well you don't have a chance of doing that I don't mean that at all but I mean your your your preachments are evil and they're direct threat to the survival of civilization so you if you don't consider me an enemy you don't know an enemy when you see or hear one it's it's probably the stupidest thing the human race does is to look for patterns in this way and say when baby falls out of a high-rise building and bounces on the grass below that must be God and when the millions of children die every day for the lack of pure drinking water and just die of diarrhea in a banal manner that's because God moves in a mysterious way or isn't involved at all so I think we're off to a racing starlings so many times you've brought up women in Islam I just like the correct that I read the Quran and all Muslim scholars would agree with me that Islam gives women a lot of rights I am a young Muslim woman myself I sit before you I have a voice and I can speak to you and I can look you in the eye and when I go to Iran I'm actually Iranian as well so when I go to Iran I also have my I needed to be heard that the Quran the Quran Allah vanity Allah gives us our rights in the people individuals in countries and people who represent our religion may not and they may do the wrong thing to am sort of stand in front and show us religion and preachers religion but he slammed us alright we're gonna take that as a comment a very passionate okay we're not we're not gonna save is it going I can I can see your face I can see your hair and I can see you sitting in audience with young gentlemen don't you tell me you can do any of that in Iran no you can't yes yeah you cannot I can't can you wouldn't my hair outta my hair would be out because my veil would be little my hair would be a maybe covered a little bit but just like in the little playing idea of what God speaks to son illiterate merchant warlord in Arabia and he's able to write this down perfectly and it contains the answers to all human to waste my time it's but you're saying this Christopher I've got to call you down on referent referring to circumcision as genital mutilation my son cried more at his first haircut than he did it as bris statistically the the only long-term effect that it seems to have on people is it increases their chances winning a Nobel Prize I can't some I can't find the the compulsory mutilation of the genitals of children is of it for humor in that way it was to say to you just now my little girl cried more at her first haircut than when I cut off her clitoris what would you think of me if I was to say such a disgusting thing that a person as humane as yourself can sit here and be and think of that as a fit subject for humor shows what I mean religion makes morally normal people say and do disgusting and wicked things and you've just proved my point for in error to say that aids is bad as a disease very bad but not quite as bad as condoms or that or not as immoral in the same Francisco says at least a hundred thousand years we can show we've been around for that loss quite a long time I'll take I'll take a hundred never mind I don't need a quarter of a million for my point one hundred thousand years people have been our species have been around on this speck borne usually dying actually a great number of them in childbirth would have got beyond being born for the first 80 or so 90 or so thousand years nearly a hundred not living more than 25 to 30 years at the most then probably dying of their teeth if they were lucky all of the other needless mammalian things that show us that we bear the stamp as Darwin put it of our lowly origin the appendix we don't need anymore innumerable other shortcomings of our design terrible disease suffering misery malnutrition and fear where the earthquakes come from why is there an eclipse what are the shooting stars doings and war and rape and the kidnap of other peoples in the enslavement of them all of this goes on for the first ninety-seven ninety-eight thousand of this heaven watches with indifference oh there they go again people this that whole civilizations just died out well what are you going to do they're raping each other again they've they're poisoning that they think that the other tribe is poisoned the well so they're going to kill all their children well just watch all that 3,000 years ago at the most it's decided now we got to intervene now ask yourself if you really wish it was true that there was a celestial dictatorship that watched over you from the moment you were born actually the moment you were conceived all through life night and day knew your thoughts waking and sleeping could could in fact convict you of thought crime the absolute the absolute definition of a of a dictatorship can convict you for what you think of what you privately want what you're talking about yourself that admonishes you like this under permanent surveillance control and supervision and doesn't even let go of you when you're dead because that's when the real fun begins now my question is this I my question is this who wishes that that were true who wants to lead the life of a serf in a celestial North Korea and I suppose I should add that they don't threaten to follow you after you're dead you can leave North Korea you can get out of their hell on their paradise by dying out of the Christian and Muslim one you cannot I wanted to just do this sitting down but I it's the old demagogue in me I need the pulpit I need the podium and if I can't be erect at least I can be upright by the way do you know why the why the Amish girl the Amish girl the Amish girl was excommunicated - Mennonite religionists and um evangelicals say to me but you don't understand we have a mission for you you need to be saved what shall I answer them God well I be the second bit of the questions raised each one so I mean no childhood off let's look at another example there's a place called the Oasis here in Sydney it's a shelter for young homeless people was at the heart and soul of this place as a Salvation Army captain called Paul moulds and his wife now they're non judgmental as far as I can see they don't seem to be pushing their religion essentially they practice their faith by helping others so can that be poisonous no but what sends in that case is it religious you again you're saying these people are so nice they're hardly religious at all I want to live my life taking the risk all the time that I don't know anything like enough yet that I haven't understood enough that I can't know enough that I'm always hungry operating on the on the margins of a potentially great harvest of future knowledge and wisdom I take the risk of thinking for yourself much more happiness truth beauty and wisdom will come to you that way you
Channel: Young, Ideological & Politically Naive
Views: 1,072,756
Rating: 4.8433514 out of 5
Keywords: Hitch
Id: ou62KYgXu_I
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Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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