Christopher Cross -Sailling
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Channel: Prontent
Views: 25,557,283
Rating: 4.8994598 out of 5
Keywords: pop, christopher, Cross, sailling
Id: VzgQoGvSKA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 12 2008
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Heard that song a million times when I was a kid.
And Iβm not sure what I expected Christopher Cross to look like but that ainβt it! Looked like heβs be in a country or classic rock band but had such a smooth mellow voice.
Great morning song
First time I heard (and danced) to this song was at my junior high prom. Had a crush on the gal I was dancing with, thankful this was a nice and slow tune!
I'm still perplexed even over twenty years later that *NSYNC did a cover of this song on the very same album that they also did a cover of "Everything I Own" by Bread.
What unusual times the 1990s were in regards to the content of boy bands.
Brings back memories! Thanks for sharing!
I love Christopher Cross so much.
I love how no one is talking about how this guy is just belting out this song with his regular looking band, silky voice...and heβs shredding a smooth yacht rock jam on a double neck guitar.
Chris has been struggling with regaining his career after coming down with the coronavirus, then experiencing complications after. He temporarily lost the use of his legs, but he is rehabbing back. This syndrome never took his hands, so he should get to resume playing if he can tour again. Prayers for him.
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Beep Boop... I am a bot. I tried finding this song on other streaming platforms. Here is what I found
[Apple Music]: Christopher Cross - Sailing
[Deezer]: Christopher Cross - Sailing
[Soundcloud]: Christopher Cross - Sailing
[Spotify]: Christopher Cross - Sailing
[YouTube Music]: Christopher Cross - Sailing
[Links to search result pages]: Amazon || Apple Music || Bandcamp || Deezer || Soundcloud || Spotify || Tidal || YouTube Music
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