Christmas Spectacular: Dinner Party Tonight

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[Music] dogs and their moms all kinds of things happy times welcome to the dinner party tonight Christmas Spectacular Christmas time the greatest time of year and I'm gonna tell you why number one people think of Christmas or winter time as being a dead time the leaves fall off the trees they look like skeleton hands you know all the flowers die the fields are fat are fallow you know okay but you know what's happening under the surface of the earth is all the seeds are sitting in the soil like this thinking about what amazing plants they're gonna be and pulling energy from the soil down because they don't have anything sticking up anymore so it's a time of conserving and growing energy and really distilling yourself down to that seed that's gonna grow so winter is really a time of the greatest life this is how I think about the wintertime and and in the winter there's a great festival called in the West in the Christian world Christmastime but you know the Christians took that from a pagan ceremony they picked a day in order to make the pagans celebrate Christmas so that's why it's on the 25th FYI so I know a lot of people know that but it's a wonderful time of year because most of the Western world has at least some days off at this time so this is the time of year when you can say do you want to come over for dinner and the person's gonna go yeah sure you want to have a drink at 1:30 in the afternoon yeah it's that time of year right right right right right this entire concept is encapsulated in a song called joy by tracy thorne so the reason I bring up this song is being a note that those are my workmen coming in is it's a work day here at my house the reason I bring up her song is for friends of mine who think I don't want to celebrate holidays because there's too much suffering and I had a bad year and I'm depressed and lonely and in the song she says it's because of the dark we see the beauty in the spark that's why the Carol's make you cry because we are acknowledging that there is sorrow but in the face of sorrow we throw our joy just for one day and it's it's it's an affirmation that you will try to erase sorrow in the new year think about it that way and suddenly it's not so bad to have Christmas dinner I'm going to take you through my holiday day what we're gonna do is from the prep day to Christmas breakfast to Christmas dinner I'm going to take you through the whole thing and you can pick and choose things that you'd like to take from my day or you can just drink wine and watch the episode today is December 23rd I'm going to take you through what is the first prep day there's really two prep days 23 24 and these are the menus that we're going to be making Christmas breakfast and for Christmas dinner we have to do to do to do to do to do to that's a lot okay now you're making a lot of stuff you're cooking a lot of things that's why I say 23 24 if it's after work have a coffee if you do have the day it's but you can do this on the tune on two nights I've done it so today we're gonna be making sashay away sachets lavender sachets with lavender from my garden and we're going to make sauces and ice creams for your holiday listen this seems fussy and weird but it's so cute and I've been doing it now for several years because David planted all these lavenders and they're not super gorgeous but they do produce lavender smelling leaves and flowers so we've been cutting them and drying them and then I make little sachets now in when they come for Christmas breakfast which is Nicholas and David only on their plate is the sachet for that year listen is it cutesy or cute I don't know it's in between it's super sweet and people put it in their sock drawer and they it smells great where you put it in your with your napkins or whatever you like all right so you can buy lavender or you can make any scent that you'd like and you can use cedar you can use really any potpourri thing that you choose even if it's plain old herbs you can do it this is lavender from my house leaves actually leaves and flowers even though you can't really see the leaves they're kind of pulverized these are from Amazon they're literally I think they're ten cents each which tells you that might be made in it in humane way but there you go they're ten cents each take lavender Oh first of all do the trick it bumps it up a little bit it's very strong so I'm gonna put a few drops in here not not too much put my glasses on like that's about seven drops shake it they said boys what does that smell that boy is like they said boys like lavender and pumpkin or something remember when that came out like if you want a guy to stay over I that you should make your house smell like lavender or pumpkins I forget what it is don't get one that has a open linen with the spaces in between get one that's pretty tight because otherwise the lavender will fall out here's your lavender you can do this at that close of day if you want tie this in the double knot unless yours are different and you can also tie a ribbon around it but you'll see when I show you the Christmas breakfast setup it's so cute on the plate look how sweet I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream all right we're gonna make two ice creams one of them is butter pecan and one of them is hot chocolate cherry we did ice cream base which is the custard base that we did on another app zone I'm just gonna go through this quickly just to you know and then I'll show you the flavorings which is the most important thing this is not the time of year to skimp on your ice cream base Gordon Ramsay puts 16 yolks in a pint of ice cream I put eight at Christmas and four to six normally I mean that's a lot of egg yolks so basically we're gonna crack an egg you know the drill I'm gonna open it pass it through your hands like this egg yolk and for now you're making two ice creams I recommend even though the base is vanilla in both cases don't make two bases in one pot and then split them don't do that I'm just gonna whisk these so they're very smooth not only did four but honestly you shouldn't do under eight for Christmas this is a rich ice cream you're gonna put two cups of cream this is the same recipe as any regular custard so you don't want this to be too low or it's gonna take forever to melt the sugar this is 3/4 of a cup now I'm using unsweetened cocoa okay if you use actual hot chocolate mix which is what I have to use one year because I didn't have any cocoa be aware that they're sweetened so you want to reduce the amount of sugar or not add sugar I use very very high quality hot chocolate don't use Swiss Miss it doesn't belong in an ice cream okay you can use Ghiradelli or something like that I'm using Scharffen Berger unsweetened cocoa but anyway this is three quarters of a cup of sugar I'm just gonna stir that and I'm gonna let it dissolve here's a little funny trick but put your your whisk over the handle and then you can pick up the whisk it's not boiling hot this is melting it's getting nice and hot actually perhaps a little too hot and we're gonna add our magic vanilla bean paste which is vanilla essence with the seeds you can see the little seeds in there add a lot it's Christmas these are straight-up vanilla beans these are from williams-sonoma what we're making is essentially a super vanilla base okay and if you really want to be fancy you also add a little Tahitian vanilla which is the most floral than all like this essentially you cannot do that for the chocolate but it makes the chocolate better all right so here we go whoo it's hot if you can't keep your hand on the bottom be careful with it okay now we've cracked for Christmas time 8 to 12 eggs yolks in here but we have to teach the eggs remember it's called tempering I'm gonna put a little teeny bit Easter a little bit stir this is so they don't make scrambled eggs and stir they're learning they're learning a good lesson and then you could dump them in I just made a massive mess now you're gonna turn it down the most notorious mess maker in any kitchen is cocoa powder it doesn't matter how careful you are where you put it how you handle it it will make a freakin disastrous mess try to get a small container because your fantasy is that this will assist you in not making a mess it's a lot of chocolate and you're gonna do it by taste because you're a dinner party err you don't have to measure it or anything you're making hot chocolate ice cream make this taste like hot chocolate it's a lot oh shoot I mean see that that's why cocoa powder sucks all right good luck doing this without making a mess start there don't despair all of those little lumps and stuff will dissolve now in my opinion that's not chocolaty enough even though there are still lumps I'm gonna put more hurt your summer hair it ah so it's thickening you want to keep this stirred it's already has a little bit more consistency now I'm gonna taste it to make sure it's chocolaty enough mm-hmm oh well that's so good but don't forget you're gonna put it into a cup of cream that wasn't involved okay so when I put that in here is it still gonna be chocolaty enough I'm liking the way this looks it's very thick so I'm gonna do the test to test custard you want to use a rough um finish spoon not a shiny spoon and I'm going to go like this now you see how the line holds it doesn't run down into the other line I'll show you again the line stays open okay I'm now going to strain it some of the eggs will have cooked slightly and you don't want that in your ice cream this is the perfect little strainer I've discovered wow this is thick ice cream it's called real time cooking okay here's your ice cream you're gonna mix this together so it's a beautiful hot chocolate tone now I like to clean it even though nobody sees it in this state because I don't like to come and get it the next day and have it be messy that's why this needs to come to room temperature before you put it in the refrigerator it's really better if you in fact I would demand that you rest your ice cream overnight I don't know why because it's not butter so I don't know why it makes the ice cream thicker now we're gonna make the butter pecans for the better pecan ice cream you will see shadows outside those are my workmen so we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way all right this is an ice Smasher that Mike and I use for when we prepare or Easter now this bag is gonna break I'm just telling you because it's before Christmas and everything is gonna go wrong but here you go put your pecans into the bag and these are whole pecans don't buy them chopped just either chop them quickly in the food processor or do this let the hammer do the work feel them flip them think of butter pecan ice cream it's okay if some of them are whole so you're gonna put them in around two tablespoons of butter doesn't have to be clarified does it pour out of the bag you ask not really but we'll try ahh coat the pecans with butter this is actually David liebe ovitzes butter pecan people consistently say this is their favorite ice cream some people call it popcorn ice cream because it kind of tastes like popcorn then you're gonna take a pre-cut baking sheet by the pre-cut sheet oh my god so convenient and you're gonna put your pecans on there if there's loose butter don't pour the loose butter okay heat your oven to 350 spread them out in a thin layer and now you are going to liberally salt it that's what makes the butter pecan really special is the salt because that's what makes kind of the popcorn flavor use your good salt do it liberally cuz a lot of its gonna fall off don't take your eyes off this in the oven I have destroyed so many trays of pecans by taking my eyes away for three minutes they go from perfect to burnt in like 90 seconds so keep your eye on them when you put it in your mouth from the oven it should make a like a pop rocks sound that's how hot they should be don't worry if it's still soft it'll harden then you must put these in the freezer what I do and I'll show you is I put a little paper towel to soak up the butter and I put some in a bowl then I put another piece of paper towel I put the pecans put another piece of paper so that they're draining and freezing at the same time I'll show you what they look like when they're frozen so they look the same but they're frozen solid oh my god they're so good 350 keep an eye on it butter pecan your friends are gonna love it it's December 24th your ice cream is chilled look how pretty it looks because we cleaned the side of the class and you've preached illed your machine don't turn it on and pour the ice cream and it should be on for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you turn and then you're going to pour your ice cream in and simply turn it for whatever your machine tells you this ice cream for me and the big Cuisinart is about 30 minutes and then what you're gonna do is take these beautiful a marina and morena no no no come on now you're gonna take some memory too cherries they're in syrup now the cool thing about syrup is that it's not water if you use real cherries sometimes the water in the cherries will crystallize in the ice cream the fact that these are in syrup is very helpful when your ice cream is complete and your decanting it you're gonna put in some ice cream scatter cherries put in ice cream scatter cherries put in ice cream scatter cherries do not put the cherries in the machine don't do that mix it in the container your container should be frozen before you decant with your butter pecan which you froze in your Begins it's the same process pecans on the bottom ice cream pecans on the bottom ice cream and then you have beautiful distribution if you put it in here it's gonna overflow trust me it's going to overflow and also its it's not as good then you can if it's loose enough you can even mix it quickly clean the sides top on freezer and it has one day to set up because it's the 24th these are superb ice creams your friends are gonna plotz so now I'm just gonna put the ice cream in the mixer and mix it for about 30 minutes turning is complete you put your ice Cream's into the pre frozen containers don't use warm containers the most critical moment of your ice cream is the transition from the churner to the freezer very quick otherwise you like ice crystals will form so we're just gonna throw these in the freezer then who knows the works that nobody it's Christmas Day your ice creams are ready why not give them a little tasty poo um here is your butter pecan ice cream oh I normally wouldn't disturb the surface of it because it's for Christmas dinner but I am gonna give it a little taste and the consistency which is perfection that's no joke this is the cherry hot chocolate I'm gonna take a cherry wood they set up beautifully guys Wow sorry we're working with Zohar today height I was busy what do you think about that it's a little too cold it should be slightly softer but the flavor is very good right ice creams done [Music] now you are going to serve oysters for your holiday cocktail our moister czar I mean I love oysters you can serve them simply with a squeeze squeeze of lemon there they're fabulous but if you'd like to make them a little fancier you can serve them with a traditional sauce called mignonette now mignon has a meaning mignonette means a smaller version but basically it's a kind of pepper sort of a kind of pepper blend all right but it's also a lot of other things it's really good if you make this at least one or up to two days in advance slice the shallot this way and then let's make little hairs like it has long hair and then you're just gonna go like this fill a ramekin with finely chopped shallots now this might seem like a strange sauce but it's a it's actually the traditional sauce now variations you can make this with little pieces of chopped apple without the skin it's beautiful then you're gonna put your mignonette pepper which is basically just white pepper black pepper cumin I think and allspice what's the turn what it is put a little bit in there then what you're gonna do is fill this with red wine vinegar until it's floating like that oh it's Regina what happens overnight is that the peppercorns and the shallots swell with the vinegar and it becomes this very lovely and beautiful sort of piquant sauce that goes with them on top of the oysters you'll see I mean it gets really thick and it you just put a little bit up on top of your oyster and it makes it mm-hmm mix up back here mouth water so it's so yummy so you can serve mignonette at room temperature or straight out of the fridge but it does have to soak overnight at least and it will keep really for five days maybe even seven days so a mignonette traditional and easy just like me so you guys know we're making a smoked goose from shilts farms smoked goose is your sort of your success buyer there's nothing you can do to it that's gonna mess it up it's precooked essentially it's gorgeous but there is a way that you can enhance it and that's with a beautiful sauce that is worthy of the gooses life that the goose gave for you to have it on Christmas that night okay dig it it's true so we're gonna make a beautiful beautiful sauce that goes with smoked goose what could that be well fruit sort of a piquant fruit sauce goes beautifully with duck and with goose and with any sort of really gamy taste that lovely piquant flavor so we're gonna make a cherry sauce sounds traditional but it's lovely we're gonna make essentially a gastrique but it's a little bit different we're gonna start with a that's right this pan is very hot a little bit of olive oil shallots okay I'm gonna sweat off some shallots you don't want to miss around the low heat you want to sweat these off and get it going now any cherries that you buy now are out of season it's December you really shouldn't use fresh cherries because they're probably from one of the countries to which we sell illegal insecticides I use organic cherries frozen and are from the United States how much liquid does it have always check does it have a lot of liquid no they're still kind of frozen which is gonna mess this up slightly then here we go second bag Reggie will eat this Sun bread right Reggie Reggie loves us stir it up and well then we're gonna put what will appear to be an unconscionable amount of sugar in it now you should have on hand because it's the holidays a bottle of condensed cherry juice you will use it for everything it is expensive it's like $30 a bottle I happen to not have one right now which is hilarious but I do have cherry juice the condensed juice is convenient because it's already thick this is just regular cherry juice but it is sour cherry which is good I'm gonna add the sugar you can add up to three cups cuz you're gonna add a ton of vinegar alright need some liquid oh here we go a little sour cherry juice and the most important ingredient of all vinegar we're gonna use this Regina now you're gonna reduce the crap out of this thing so it's okay if it's loose right now now I'm gonna taste it and see where we're at oh it's very tart believe it or not it needs more sugar which seems crazy you just get the syrup it's already made the ingredients are cane sugar put a little sugar in so what you're making is a piquant sauce what do I want to taste with the goose smoked goose whoa you want something not too sweet not too sour right a little bit of salt and put it flat first of all the first time you make it you're probably gonna over reduce it because it's really really hard to know when it's over reduced basically when you draw your big spoon through the sauce for one second you see the pan and then it closes back over it because always remember which we've told you before on DPT the consistency when cold is radically different than the consistency when hot so if you over reduce it big deal put it back in with a little water in vinegar and just loosen it up if you keep take your eye off it'll go from perfect to over-reduced in the space of a blink and I blink but watching it is like watching paint dry until that crucial minute so it's kind of like just don't leave the room basically so I make this in advance for a couple of reasons number one it takes time off your big prep day and number two it gets a little better you know it's like when you sit with something and think about it overnight it's usually better the next day same thing with food um you can also add frozen blackberries if you'd like or fresh if you're making this in the summer and any kind of dark fruit is really yummy I'm gonna put a little squirt of lemon in this will be absolutely perfection in about 20 minutes all right so guys here's the moment when I draw my spoon through for a moment you see the bottom of the pan that's what you're looking for so this has to come off in heat you wait till this cools it's absolutely nuclear do not touch it okay until it's room temperature and then spoon it into a deli and put it in the fridge this will keep two weeks take it out of the refrigerator at least two to three hours before you want to serve it you can heat it or not I serve at room temperature cherry sauce for the goose [Music] some other things you might be thinking about on the 23rd your house presentation sent music I usually like to set up the music list the couple days before so I'm not like on the computer of the day when people are just walking in I usually start with holiday music you can pick somebody that you really like who made a holiday record or you can use traditional holiday music instrumental is fine then you move into like a peppier person doing holiday music and then just that person like you might start with traditional music for cocktails moving into Sharon Jones for instance has a great Christmas record and then you might play Tracy Thorne's record which is called tinsel and lights which is a great Christmas record or anybody you know person that you think is a great singer I guarantee you they have a Christmas record Dolly Parton's is absolutely fabulous and then when that's over you can just play your regular dinner music whatever that may be for you the other thing you have to think about is smell so people eat with their eyes first they and they see your house with their nose their experience begins when they walk through the door and in a home that first experience is the smell of your house so in the holidays you want your house to be beautifully scented always keeping in mind that you're serving food I like this kind of incense Norden this is my least favorite one which is Ojai they have another one called Idlewild that is absolutely stunning it just looks like regular incense but it don't smell like regular incense another brand that is easier to find is incense of the West this stuff is really good do not burn regular incense it reeks do not burn regular incense and also it interferes with the food this smells sort of like a scented fire faint okay same thing with Ojai but Idlewild is better um you don't want vanilla patchouli or mm-hmm in your home you don't want that if you want to go traditional I know we talked about candles being wildly expensive and they they are there's some really good natural scented candles now you have to kind of look for them but there's some really good ones actually but if you want to go super traditional I'm gonna key into something from my deep childhood it's called a rego the candle is a rego RI Ga UD when I was a child this was the only scented candle I ever saw alright it has a very very very particular beautiful smell for the entire winter season it's not really pine but it's not that far away from pine it is ninety dollars it's expensive but if you want to smell one just go to the good really good drugstores will have them like fancy-pants drugstores or a good scent shop will have them think of your home as a play you're inviting the your audience your your guests to a play you don't want there to be a hole in the play you want the play to be a Kohi of unit so they should never be let out of the enchantment of your dinner so one more tip look Christmas dinner is a big massive cleanup if you know any kid who has Christmas lunch instead of Christmas dinner or something and needs 150 bucks call them because you'll you will be very grateful that they're there this is not a dinner that you can clean up as you go it's a it's a lot look around you can even put up a sign and say would you like to wash dishes on Christmas night for 150 dollars cash love person okay I mean it'll work that about wraps it up for the 23rd of December stay with us because we're gonna take you right through to the last Carol good morning it is Christmas Eve what's it's a nice sound right so what do you need to get done today you need to get your desserts and your appetizers those are my workmen you're hearing remember to churn your ice cream I've forgotten several times so Christmas Eve here we go what's Leonard doing he's so sweet let me give him a hug I just love him so much he's also a Christmas nut right Leonard I know let's make a spiced bundt now in another episode I told you that bunts were really just a cake in a fancy pan you know what that's not right a bundt cake is like a pound cake in a fancy pan it's a different kind of cake it's a little bit of a denser recipe so we're gonna make this cake which I made last year and then I threw it on the Christmas table and frankly it was a huge hit now King Arthur Flour the absolutely irreplaceably genius King Arthur Flour has the recipe it's called gingerbread spice bundt and I use a Nordic Ware pan and I use this one for the spiced cake because I think it has by sea attitude it looks like something that the three kings would bring doesn't it so that's why I use it for the spice cake it's the gift of the ran dye the first thing you're gonna do is three quarters of a cup or a hundred and seventy grams of butter you're going to use your brown sugar which you've put in your King Arthur Flour brown sugar keeper so it's not as a brick mix those two things together until they are mixed most people don't mix their cake batter enough until you put the flour in it should really be incorporated most people think it's mixed there because they don't see lumps of anything you know you want to kind of keep it scraped down be carful ready even call for a that's what you gotta do with the cake now we went to buy eggs cuz I used all the eggs and they weren't room temperature and as dinner party errs you know that you must use room-temperature eggs so we put them in warm water it's like a little trick now we're gonna add two eggs fully incorporating after each one now this cake is big enough and dense enough that if you wanted to put a gold coin in it which is a Christmas tradition you could the person who gets the slice with a gold coin has a lot for the year etc make sure you put the good the coin in the dishwasher for a cycle before you put it in there okay so fully incorporate means you don't want to see trails of egg it's fully emulsified I just made this cake recently and Reggie said it was the best one I've made fully incorporate until you put the flower and you can beat the crap out of it and you should this is the flower with the spices it has nutmeg clove cinnamon which I ran out of so this one doesn't have cinnamon be very careful with ground cloves it's very strong okay and I can overpower your cake just put in whatever they say I think it's a half a teaspoon or something I don't put in the leaveners until right before I cook the cake because they react with the air it's a quarter teaspoon of baking soda which I keep in a sealed jar the one that's in your refrigerator is not gonna work because the open won't thing you can put tape over it also but it's it reacts with the air it becomes oxidizing it doesn't work which is why your cakes aren't rising by the way they're not rising should be in a container like this and after eight months or six to eight months you throw it away and you get a new one quarter teaspoon seems like very little but it works you know oh one full teaspoon of baking powder salt and we have some molasses which I'm gonna put in which is a big mess maker almost as bad as the cocoa um normally I do this trick where I pour the thing and I imagine it filling it so I don't mess this up but with molasses I'm not gonna do that because molasses can be a tiny bit bitter this is the perfect amount it's half a cup Oh molasses molasses oh that's gonna make a beautiful dark lovely color on your cake alright here we here we go okay I'm just gonna check this to see how incorporated it is it's a little loose right now don't worry this is really easy cake you can do this while you're watching below deck or South Park or 90 day fiancé now we're gonna add the flour and the spices alternating with water they want you to begin and end with flour I mean there's a reason why it's in that order if you mess it up it's it's okay now I'm putting the flour in so now we can't beat the crap out of it because it will open the gluten strands so we can't do that put in around a third of this incorporate it a little bit a little bit of water not too much mixing a third again this is all the water now but not all at once don't worry about that slight strange texture it'll go away in about three seconds now just incorporate this it says mix until just incorporated in so many recipes that's because they don't want you to wreck that strand the gluten strand now I'm gonna scrape this off and we're ready to put it in the bunt this is sprayed with Baker's joy you shouldn't be as scared of bunts as everybody is if you use these pins these Nordic Ware pans it'll just pop right out but just make sure that you got it even because wherever you didn't get it it's gonna stick you're gonna do it the way that they corn ate the Queen east south northwest I think that's the order so you're gonna do spoonful here try not to hit the side so I'm gonna put it in spoonful here here even amount it will flatten in the oven to a certain extent same thing again then look at it you know and see where it seems uneven think it needs a little more right there and you're just gonna gently press it into the shape you don't have to go to be zerk with this sort of gently coax it into the shape of your butter pad if you see there's a high amount somewhere and a low amount you can do it here I have a little bit of batter that rows up so I'm taking a little bit of spray and I'm going to just wipe away those pieces of batter this is gonna go into a 350 oven for about 50 minutes and then you're gonna see how easily it comes out or not maybe it's gonna be a disaster but if it's a disaster it's okay because you have other desserts you don't have to serve it here we go bundt its Funt the bundt cake benefits from a glaze the glaze is super simple don't be scared of the word glaze basically it's a third of a cup of liquid which can be rum or water or water and rum which is what I did so you want to put the water in here then you're gonna put this insane amount of sugar which is three-quarters of a cup and you're gonna think it's just crazy but that's got quarter teaspoon of nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon of ginger kind of the spices that were in your cake and then you're just gonna stir this until it's almost dissolved but you want to leave a little bit of sugar crystals because it makes a crunchy topping sort of a crunchy top which Reggie likes I'm listening to see if there's crunchies on the bottom and I'm gonna stop before it's fully dissolved and then you want it when you take your cake out of the pan you want to paint this with a silicone brush on the cake before the cake cools because when it cools the sort of like the pores of the cake will close I know my cake is done because I put a skewer in it and the skewer came out clean don't have to do that you can do it by eye here's my bunt bunt deeper very gently push the sides okay you should see quite a lot of movement and then just very gently around here the same thing now I'm gonna flip this don't worry about the bump I'm gonna flip it like this it may come out right away it may not kind of tap it with a knife and then you're gonna tilt it up and take a look is it coming out make sure it's coming out on all sides taking the pan off is like kind of an ordeal this is what I did before and it works [Music] come on hon look at the interior of this I mean that's a really good pan the bunt looks completely fabulous while it's hot you have your glaze with a little bit of crunchiness in it and you have your cake is over a parchment paper do not do this on your counter silicone please do not use the bristle one and we're gonna paint this you want to be gentle because it's tender little cake right now but you also want to make sure you get in all the nooks and crannies I go like this make sure you paint a little bit in here and I'm telling you this is just a really beautiful pan if you prepare your pan correctly your bundt will come out exactly like this and you should use all your glaze now about halfway through you're gonna get bored use all the glaze gently gently gently then I'm gonna go underneath just a little bit like this most of this will drop off but you want to make sure you get get the whole cake then I'm gonna go around again and just until your glaze is done so there you go perfect bundt cake let it come to room temperature then you're gonna very gently pick it up and put it on your presentation plate and you can store this under a cake dome or tin foil or gently laid cloth on it overnight spice cake give them what they want what they really really want I serve a few cakes for Christmas dinner cookies and candies and fruit jellies and all this stuff but the cakes are usually an almond cake which is very Christmassy a chocolate cake perhaps a spice cake and of course a Christmas cake now we've made a Christmas cake on the show you can refer back to Christmas cakes which we made following Fanny Cradock Svea sippy which includes bless a Chinese if you haven't made your cake please make your cake even if it's three days before Christmas because it'll still be good ok so Christmas cakes almond cakes chocolate cakes spiced cakes all kinds of cakes are great cakes too make on Christmas Big Dave candle a candle a what a way to start your day can the Larry candle a we're gonna make some kind of late today we're gonna make candle ice now they're very simple but they're a flashy last year I made Madeleine's and they didn't comment on the Maryland's let's see if they comment on the kennel ace kennel a recipe I went through a lot of YouTube and stuff and internet to find the good recipe had some failures then I found Bruno elbows who has a great Cooking Channel and his recipe is flawless and it's very simple to make but the most important factor is you must rest your candle a batter for at least 12 hours you cannot make this in the same day unless you do it at 10:00 and 10:00 p.m. it sets up and it turns into a different kind of custard and you have to do that the other thing I'll say is be brave they have to stay in the oven until they're almost black okay trust me the first thing you're gonna do is you put two cups of milk in a pan we put two cups of milk in there and two tablespoons of butter and you're gonna melt this on the stove keep don't take your eye off it too much because it will boil over because it's milk so I'm just gonna put this on the stove then we're gonna separate four egg yolks one room-temperature please four egg yolks incorporate these my butter and milk is melted I'm just gonna teach these eggs the cook word for it is temper the eggs so I'm gonna put a little bit of this in and you stir it stir it stir it stir it stir it stir it stir it a little bit stir it stir it stir it stir and then you can dump it in you're gonna cook this until it's 180 degrees I mean who does that but basically you want it to get pretty thick and then you're gonna dump in your your dry ingredients and leave it overnight if you've never made a custard you should you just use a thermometer the first time this is already thickening what do you think the temperature is there's steam coming off of it 160 it's almost there the inside of a can delay when you cut it it should be almost like it's hard to explain what it should be like it's almost like a cakey mousse thing it's like a crawler because you're making a custard you have the possibility of making scrambled eggs right so you want to keep this moving personally I know this is ready because I've made like a 2000 custards but if you don't use the thermometer I'm just gonna turn this off I'm gonna get my dry ingredients or just basically sugar and flour and salt oh you know what's delicious in this is a little bit of this this is vanilla bean paste so you want to mix some of that in before you put in your the dry and I'm just gonna put this in and mix it big messes today guys this is horrendous mess I'm gonna mix it until it looks like pancake batter looks good to me smells divine they tell you to strain it after it cools I strain it both times you might have a little bit of scrambled egg you know and then this goes in the fridge for 12 hours minimum see that's scrambled egg let it come to room temperature before you put it in the fridge tomorrow it will be thick just drain it again it will have a slight skin on the top strain it and then you make your candle A's which we will do tomorrow we're going to make salmon roulette traditionally you actually blitz a little bit of the salmon we're not gonna do that ours is more country-style it's actually more like a rough pate sort of and we're making a couple of these delicious anxious beautiful luxurious appetizers for Christmas dinner this is better if you rested overnight it just sets in England they have a something called potted this side or the other thing potted shrimp potted salmon that's basically a pressed down roulette okay spreadable meat thing we could make this potted but we're not gonna do that so take your smoked salmon this is a lot it's Christmas and we're gonna cut this okay now what you can do is take like this much of it and put it in the processor that will become sort of a binder for the roulette or we yet we're not gonna do that today I mean I've done it it's good it makes it a little more pasty line this up cut it into thin strips sharp knife really helps cut this small make sure you're cutting it you're not just smashing it as we all know well you may not know what day were filming cuz of course it's it's a December 24th we don't know who the winner of Great British baking show is I'm team David who are you Steph was gonna win I think but I think I want David to win I want David to come from behind so the actress to the bishop um I don't think he will duh so we'll see I guess we'll know by the time this is done don't you think it kind of grew to love Noel so much right like you thought you were gonna hate him and then he was so fabulous you basically you can do this you don't even need to watch me okay you don't even need to watch the episode make a spreadable paste with salmon what would you do how do I make this spreadable on crostini first of all I'm gonna put some chives in it clean him up had your chavs look how pretty it is already I need some onions so I'm putting some chopped shallots in few capers that's already like something you would eat correct but how do I make it into a paste well this is something you do when they're not there you use mayonnaise and creme fraiche okay I'm using sour cream which is essentially creme fraiche creme fraiche is um basically sour cream and a little bit of mayonnaise don't go overboard with the mayonnaise and I'm gonna use the juice of a lemon but sparingly because I don't know how thick it's gonna be I'm gonna mix this up we need a lot more paste right and a little more this Oh it made a little fart noise I'm now gonna add cracked pepper [Applause] I mean it's festive I think it's festive looking never have a smooth top toys sort of ruck up the top a little bit so always clean this always don't ever serve something in a dirty thing it's just a sign of a cook who doesn't care you can press this like I said but you can cover this it should be rest overnight it'll kind of set up in a weird way the flavors won't will mingle and be gorgeous if you keep this tightly wrapped I don't know five days Reggie for three days yeah so I'm making this on the 24th and to be served tomorrow for cut for the cocktail hour before the dinner I wouldn't serve this directly out of the refrigerator let it come to just colder than room temperatures ideal I mean that just looks like Christmas night deliciousness to me Anna call me crazy I would like a moment of silence for my old food processor this is the only remaining part he served me well he served me goodbye and let's welcome Marcin my new toy processor we're gonna make an amazing thing called sausage spread this is part could be part of an incredible thing I saw in food and wine called a burro dinner toir which is a French thing for dinner and cocktails where it's only grazing there's no main course I think it's a wonderful wonderful idea but this is part of our Christmas cocktail hour but why not try an app erode in a doir in the holiday season I know I'm gonna do it you're gonna get a sociis on sec or a dry sausage this one was wrapped in plastic even though they tried to fool me that it was wrapped in paper and removed the casing if there is one no casing and you're just gonna chop this in processable sizes so what I would do is cut it in half cut that in half and then cut pieces like that place the sausage in your food processor and you're gonna pulse it a few times to who a Marcin is fierce okay beautiful you're gonna put a little bit of time in here try not to get the sticks the sign of a lazy cook so there's your time and then you're gonna put in two tablespoons of butter trust me you will not regret it and then I'm going to pulse this and I'm gonna put a little bit of pepper and a teeny bit of salt remember salami has salt it's a appetizer so it should be pretty flavorful now you could put hot pepper flakes in here if you want it now you're just gonna emulsify it drizzle a little olive oil into it while it's running not a lot you want to look at it when it really gets by me it's ready this is pretty close to bind II take a look does it look like paste yes it a little bit more olive oil so feel free to add whatever you want paprika dried herbs I might actually add a little dried herbs even green peppercorns actually that's a really good idea just a few bees are quite quite pungent they're like capers but different I would put some shallots in there too just to finish it up I'm gonna pulse that put this in your container you can press this down and make it potted or you can leave it just like this like a rustic spread press it with the back of the spoon like this and cover it with the plastic wrap touching it and then before you serve it ruck up the top a little bit never serve it with a flat top that's nasty and then I would serve it with these crostini things you can make your own just like this with a pretty knife in it you know it's just like a very beautiful appetizer actually I would chill it for 30 minutes if you really have to serve it right away if you don't have to serve it right away overnight would be great saucy song sex spread for your a pyro dinner toir or your Christmas dinner cocktail hour so one of the appetizers we're gonna make for our appetizers spread which is always too many appetizers but that's okay because it's Christmas we're gonna make curry shrimp cocktail what that means is we're gonna boil some shrimp for two two minutes which anybody can do and then you're gonna concoct a little curry dipping sauce now you can also serve this on sliced avocados drizzle the curry like this and put the shrimp on top and make it a plated appetizer but we're serving it as a dipping sauce so plain yogurt and don't use Greek yogurt only because it's too thick that's the base of your sauce right there frankly plain yogurt is actually a pretty good dipping sauce but we're gonna make this special so I'm using vadouvan which I think we've spoken about before which is a French Colonials curry powder meaning it has a little bit more in it than normal like garam masala or curry powder that you would bike smell it Oh think about this how much is in here what does this smell like you want it to change color right so let's put some in we're gonna taste it in a second want to put a little tiny touch of vinegar to loosen it slightly now it's not a very nice color so I'm gonna put some more curry in it this was a big hit I made this with Lobster so it's like a little spicy uplift very sort of holiday in a way salt more salt oh it's delicious by the way a little more pepper and this can keep in the fridge for days so if you want to make this on the 21st or something you can sort of do an emulsification of this with a little bit of olive oil just a little bit let me taste it for consistency mmm delicious so let's pretend we're serving it right now and it's not the debut floor always clean this bowl never bring something to the table like that it's nasty sauce shrimp these have been boiled for oh geez two minutes maybe this is just pepper that you see a little bit of star anis that was floating in the water I'm gonna give these a little hit of pepper this is it you know spicy a little bit and that's how you would serve that maybe with a tiny squeeze of lemon this is for tomorrow so we assembled it just you know to show you but really you can store this in its little container right and cover this store it in the fridge and you'll be smiling tomorrow so what are the great things you can do on the 24th is you can make a potato dish that you can put in the refrigerator overnight which is rare but the question is how do you make Duchess potatoes more special well you piped them number one number two you add a little cheese okay so basically we have rice Idaho potatoes try boiled you can refer to our recipe for Duchess potatoes they're fabulous so here this is four egg yolks you're gonna pour that in then you're going to put one and a quarter cups of cream you're gonna stir this around and then I'm gonna put a little bit of pre-ground don't tell anybody Parmesan cheese okay about two handfuls stir that in I'm gonna put a little bit of sour cream I love judges potatoes they're so retro I love them I do so you're also cooling them so you can pipe them a little bit of pepper cuz I don't want a lot of flex a little bit of salt I'm gonna taste it because I don't want it to be too salty because of the cheese NIT salt okay ooh the cheese is a great addition now we're gonna put some melted butter in seems crazy but it here we go I don't want it to get too thin guys I'm gonna try that out but the butter is what makes it possible to leave it in the fridge overnight it stops the starch molecule from messing up oh so very splashy on the floor touches potatoes that's what they're for a little more cheese why not it's Christmas this is dry thyme just a little bit it's gonna change the appearance a little bit but it's okay take any big sticks that you see out this is gonna Brown so beautifully I'm gonna pipe this now take your piping bag this is a disposable one turn the nozzle place it flat in the bottom of this thing and then curl the top over a deli I mean it's so obvious and so not thought of by me you're still gonna make a mess but you're gonna make less of a mess potatoes in leave yourself room to squeeze push this down into piping position keep your nozzle up twist this around your finger like this don't squeeze here too hard here we go now the nozzle I'm using is too small so I'm gonna fill in the gaps in a minute and I'm pressing extremely hard it's not the right nozzle but that's what happens you know in holidays but they're gonna love this no matter what it looks like because it's very delicious okay now I'm gonna fill in the holes what you don't know is that in those magical cuts about it being so beautiful I got furious with myself because as I was piping in this super attractive piping bag the cheese cooled so I'm warning you be careful about this okay the cheese cooled in the mixture and jammed the piping thing and I got very upset then we just changed piping bags and refilled it and look it looks so cute and pretty I think it's much cheaper than just the country style that we did before it's sort of more eleganza now this is pretty much room temperature as that she's informed me um if you want to be really fancy you can wet your finger and gently push down the very high peaks cuz they will feel scorch before the other pieces but this can be covered when it's perfectly room-temperature with a piece of saran wrap slid into the fridge and literally pulled out the next day and cooked or you could cook it the same day if it's not Christmas tomorrow and you heat it up for 30 minutes 20 minutes just to heat it through and then if you want you can blast it with a little boil around the top put a little more cheese on it and blast it or you can just serve it lightly browned it is unbeatable it's getting towards the end of the 24th you've been working sort of on and off during the day you don't have the day off it's a long night and I've I've had it where I was working in the day and then I had to want it to do prep you know it's a it's a push to the holiday so anyway you're almost done what you're gonna do now is make tomorrow easier for yourself and you're gonna do your meson class up to the point that you can but you're going to make sure your goose is defrosted if it came fro zijn mine came not frozen but you might want to take the plastic wrapper off of it and sort of dab it with a paper towel and let it kind of dry out in the fridge you've checked your filet I've taken a look at it make sure that it's a you know tied correctly of course mine is because it's from Hudson and Charles and then you're gonna prep some veg what you're gonna do is your going your serving root vegetables so you're gonna take your carrots and you're gonna wash them clean them scrub them don't take the skin because the flavors in the skin and you're just gonna sort of turn the top take the black off if you can do it and leave the green it's even better then they look super rustic don't cut this because it'll make it dry out quicker so all of your carrots are ready you're gonna rinse them with water and then you're gonna you're gonna you can drop a ice cube in there and then you just go like this for the wet cloth you store those in the fridge overnight same thing with your beautiful baby turnips which we're gonna use look at those don't cut the nose because it keeps it fresh and you just clean around the base of the leaves same thing drop an ice cube and put a cap on it like that have a sip of wine you had a long day then you're gonna prep your pearl onions to be around the last thing you do you do this very simple you boil them for a few minutes and then you just pop them out of the skins now I will tell you Fresh Direct sells the pre-peeled saves you some time but you can do this watching TV it's nothing so this is how you peel these is labor-intensive if you can find them pre-peeled I would do it cut off the little nose try and squeeze it out if it doesn't work cut off the bottom and then you can always squeeze it out cut pop it out into your hand cut the little tail off if you need to those should be peeled and ready and in the deli for tomorrow and at some point during the day you cleaned your mushrooms that go around your filet these are stunning chanterelles calls you roll in England for our English viewers these are simply cleaned with a cloth you never ever wash mushrooms under the tap or in water why because they're a sponge even if they have dirt its laborious you have to take a cloth and wipe the mushroom top cut away any rotten parts and tonight what I did was I just barely cut the stem and it's gonna brown but I cut there cut stem off so it's not as brown as theirs was right and then I went through them and just wiped them okay literally they're clean they're cultivators are they're clean and then you cover these with a dry cloth like this if it's cold enough outside but not freezing you can leave these outside under your grill top animals will eat them so you can't just leave them outside or put them in your fridge make sure your fridge isn't super cold because they freeze easy you can cut some shallots if you want it'll save you a little bit of time you will end up cutting more shallots tomorrow but why not cut up two or three shallots some find some big because you'll use them real throw them in things tomorrow when you're actually firing your food but basically that's it you're gonna pop your your white pearl onions you're gonna clean and slightly trim your chanterelles or your mushrooms whatever you're using you're gonna clean and turn to use a chef's sword your turnips clean and turn your carrots you're gonna check your goose uncover it and check your filet just take a look at it you don't want to unwrap it when it's time to cook it you want to take a look at it okay and then you can have a Gibby that whining Reggie and you can have a glass of wine invite somebody over you made it through the 24th now it's time to relax with your dog you can hear the clicking of the claws of the dog as he walks around the house you can hear the clicking of the claws who is it it's the dog it's the evening of the 24th I highly recommend that you set your table tonight I know you did a huge prep day so did I set the table because it is not something you want to do tomorrow and it's there's not enough dust in your house unless you live in the Sahara Desert for it to be covered in dust in one night ok so you want to set your table the evening of the 24th you can sometimes get away with doing it on the 23rd but the 24th is good set your table so I set my table with the help of sueli Rocha we usually set the table after the prep now this year we're going for these catch words I usually do a little card with the catch words for the design sparkling glittering shimmering shining magnificent luxurious luminescent brilliant opulent bright and glorious don't try and get all these things in one fell swoop it doesn't work like that ok so what you're gonna do is buy I usually buy one new thing of significance a year ok meaning financial significance decoration and then you acquire things throughout your entire life oh there's a little thing oh there's a little these little Christmas trees that I saw oh here are these white paper flowers you know things like that these give a little bit of a looseness to the design these are Christmas ornaments with the hooks clipped that I use as basically as flowers and I put them on top of these brass things Lynne gives me these incredible paper weights that have flowers inside the Pyrex are so beautiful from a company called Hafford Grange in England these are not acquired at the same time so if you have three things that go with your color idea use those don't go out and try and buy every single thing for your table on the 22nd it's not gonna work never have your flower decoration higher than somebody's hands like this so people aren't going like this you know you can do your own floral we did it in arranging roses and arranging inexpensive flowers 5,000 years ago when we first started you can easily do this yourself these are from Angelica flowers they're absolutely stunning white roses with Ivy very simple arrangements because everything is so divine and you want to keep it like super simple don't go nuts with all these different colors okay keep it in your color scheme oh my god I wanted this thing which is called a Sur - which means on top of everything so I am on first dibs and all the stuff looking at Sur - that are like $55,000 okay look I can't buy that we're looking more in like the $50 range right so Lynne found this beautiful three-piece mirror table runner which of course doubles your decoration right on Amazon $34 I think it's fabulous even if your color scheme is red and green if you're putting stuff on the mirror come on now when you set your table this is set for four which is a small Christmas a beautiful Christmas - is beautiful and you know what even one is beautiful if you have ten or something like that or four or whatever make a an extra table setting full place setting and set it somewhere where you can grab it somebody brings a guest without asking it's not a good day to go what the hell are you doing man you say of course you can you can come of course please come in absolutely you just go like this pink Christmas crackers I grew up in England first a little bit of my childhood and Christmas crackers are an English thing they're fabulous you can get them at Robin Reed isn't opening that makes him but you can get them on Amazon you can get them if you search you can get the really good ones are from Fortnum and Mason they're quite expensive but they're they have good prizes when you pull it inside they have little red hat or a gold hat and a joke and a prize the more money you spend the more of the prizes usually it's a little magic trick or something but the joke is the killer because at the end of Christmas dinner which is when you pull them sort of during dessert telling the jokes is like a big part of Christmas dinner everybody tells the joke now we learned a new joke today what did the clock do when it was hungry it went back for seconds pick ones that go with your design these are mini crackers they we discovered earlier they do not contain a hat which is unfortunate these um I'm just gonna warn you are deadly with the glitter be careful of glitter glitter comes off and lasts in your house for about four and a half years but these do have a hat and a joke inside what I usually do is set the table what is it love or the couple of these you know on the napkin or something you know like I'll do it like like that set the crackers to the side or pull them immediately or whatever their style is I love Christmas crackers I know in Canada they use Christmas crackers and we have a lot of fans in Canada which is fabulous and so anyway I put these on so the table looks super festive it's almost like everybody has a present you know which is great and some people will try to crack them at the beginning and you're a suppose to do that and incidentally you crack them with the person to your left so you're a cracker you pick up and you turn to the person on your left not the person on your right it's not a manners thing it's a luck thing all right and usually the prize goes flying and the other thing we do is this crap everybody gets a little Tudor like a little boo boo what's it called a whistle and then you have this piece of paper that has like one six six five six seven seven you know and you have to point at the people with the whistle that has the number on it and you make them play carols it's hilarious and I buy garland from fifty flowers which is a great company it's like a wedding company but they have amazing garland and wreaths you can get at your floor at your deli your florist or you can make them it's actually not that hard to make them don't go nuts don't go broke that's not fun and if you don't want to do the exterior stuff don't do it it's not necessary this is important your table being pristine and lovely and delightful and enchanting is more important than if you have a wreath on your door which they charge you like 50 bucks for those things set your table on Christmas Eve slowly don't worry if you don't have fifty thousand things from your travels or your daily life your work forget that there's no rule there's no competition start simple and build but you know what if I think about it for a second don't forget that after your whole prep day and all this stuff it's super fun to go out on Christmas Eve and just have it drink somewhere I mean if you go to for me would be via Corona they closed early because she treats her employees beautifully or or you know just go somewhere and have a quick drink and just be in your place if it's in the country the city or the edge of the world and just enjoy the closing of the season do not I don't have to tell you this because you're all adults but don't get too blasted on Christmas Eve you want Christmas you wait all year for that so I mean cooking wise you wait all year for it it's not a party night Christmas night that's a party night so Christmas Eve you're just going out to enjoy your town and it's also taking a second to appreciate the moment like so many so much we're always like what's gonna do what am i doing what's happening next what's the thing IRA and we forget to say I did good and I have something to look forward to I mean those are such important emotions that we pass over so quickly I did good and I have some than to look forward to and to take a minute to appreciate people that are around you this is what the the rebirth season is about is saying WOW where am i drawing my energy from where is my the seed getting its energy from from my town from my friends from me also I tip every person that works with me and if you if you don't have a ton of money it can be twenty dollars with a card that says thank you for everything you did for me this year I'm talking about your deli man if you live in New York the guy who cuts your hair your butcher of course your fishmonger the garage guys you can send your doctor a piece of cake you made I mean it changes people's lives and I'm not exaggerating charities now charities you can go to Charity Navigator which is a company that rates charities and they give ratings and full disclosure about any person that's any organization that's soliciting money and they'll tell you how much of your dollar is going to the charity and how much is going to the administration now listen some of your dollar is going to administration it's okay but the less that's going to administration the better I personally love st. Jude's I don't know how you knock st. Jude's so if you don't know where to give give to st. Jude's if you don't have money they treat your kid I don't know what else you can ask for we everybody has their their personal thing Linney likes delivery fund mission canine risky Zak anybody ACLU I mean I like New York bully crew they're so fabulous and their videos are devastating there's a million things you can give to give small if you don't have it you know five bucks makes a difference seriously there's another beautiful thing you can do and I'm gonna this is last thing I'll say about charities if you have 250 dollars that you want to give but it's you don't want to give it to a charity that you can't see try this out Color Me crazy I've done this go to Kmart Walmart Burlington places where people with kids and families are have layaway and you go to the Accounts Department and there believe me they know they understand this and you say I would like to pay somebody's layaway or put money towards their layaway you don't ask anything you don't give your name you know they have your name because they took a credit card or your cash but you know so that person comes in and they get to hear this oh no your bill is taken care of I usually ask find one with a lot of like children's items on it because that you know they're like they're worried about their layaway so it's it's a simple Act and that's if you have if you had a good year and you have 250 or something that you're willing to give away it's a lot of money go down to one of these stores and try that out it's pretty it's pretty amazing when you walk out you're never gonna know that person they're never gonna know you but you know and and the you know it's it's a very very powerful act I want to tell you one more thing my theatre company axis has a children's show we've been doing for 18 years okay now we're an experimental theatre or whatever the hell that means but every year we do this kind of traditional English style pantomime called seven in one blow based on the brave little tailor and every year we do a benefit for st. Jude's and all the proceeds 100% go to st. Jude's on that night so if you're in New York and you're a child or a child at heart come and see seven to one blow it's pretty great and you might see some familiar faces like Lynne [Music] and Regina you can set your breakfast table on Christmas Eve as well if you have a little breakfast nook or a counter mine's on the counter do that on Christmas Eve too so you come down in the morning Swan downstairs to make you a Christmas breakfast twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse it's Christmas morning it's the day you've been waiting for all year when you wake up in the summertime and you go oh it's gonna be Christmas someday well today's the day it is Christmas or it's holiday day that you're gonna make your big dinner take a minute to just breathe and be present and enjoy the day there's a wonderful American tradition called the Yule Log okay so I know you guys already know this I put the Yule Log on for Christmas breakfast I've just been told by several people on our crew that Netflix has multiple forms of the Yule Log so at least you have some music that you don't have to worry about and you have the funny Yule Log which is hilarious on I just also want to remind everybody that I'm still under construction apparently for the rest of my life so you set your breakfast table last night so you don't have to worry about this okay so your breakfast table is set you have your sachets that you made and make sure that they're nice on people's plate I sometimes give a tiny present like it literally like it's some hand cream that somebody likes or something like that I don't do a lot of presents on Christmas Day the present is the meal now what is our breakfast menu well it's simple and on purpose simple we're having Hannah Lay's baked eggs also known as shirred eggs or shirred eggs some bacon and toast and things like that which you can add or subtract on your own a little bit of caviar they choose with their egg I'm gonna serve champagne I'm gonna serve fresh juice I don't squeeze my own juice sorry I live right next to the amazing mr. Li and he has fresh-squeezed juice that I just went over and buy in the morning you should basically have everything in your house yesterday because you don't want to be running out especially if you don't live near mr. Li so we're going to start with canelé Michael and I had a fight as to whether there was an excellent aigoo on the e there is it's not Cannell it's canele but who cares ok you can call it connealy if you want on they are special and superb they do take about a solid 50 minutes you have to leave some time for this the eggs are easy the canele do take about 50 minutes 40 to 50 minutes you made your base yesterday because it has to rest for 12 hours ok so now we're going to strain the canele base what you have to do and then we're going to prepare the canele moulds unfortunately guys you have to buy canele molds and it's only if you're a weirdo and you want to make canalize you cannot in the history of your life ever wash this it gets seasoned and then when you're done you just wipe them clean that's about as clean as they'll get I can't lie to him they're not cheap I had for for a long time then I just recently bought a new for get the copper ones they do have a long Amazon I'm gonna show you can ways for Christmas breakfast they probably won't even notice you made him kind of like the Madeleine's that nobody commented on [Music] first thing you're gonna do is after you've rested your canelé for 12 hours you're going to strain it because it forms a little bit of a skin see the skin you don't want that in your candlelight the first time I made them I took them out way too early so resist the urge you'll see how dark they get before you can take them out they puff up like this and then they and they they fall down and the bottom of the candle a hits the bottom if you don't do that the top of the candle a will be blonde and the bottom will be dark and it won't be as good trust me on this be brave preparing a candle a pan how do you do it well you want to butter it take the butter like this take your candle a mold you're gonna butter the inside of it generously and then you're also gonna hit it with spray and the old days they use or people still use beeswax so you're kind of making fake beeswax here and then hit it quickly with the spray okay so put your candle a in a pourable a thing with the spout now you want to pour this two three millimeters from the top as Bruno says I usually have to do this in two batches it's exciting to have eight of these so now I'm gonna put a little more in each one of these so it's really close to the top three millimeters that's perfect all right I'm gonna put these in the oven I'm gonna put them at 410 convection it's like 425 regular but you want a hot oven and it should be hot already that's why you have to get up at 7 candle a candle a what a crazy way to start the day candle a candle a father the oven magically opened candle a dude day want to do a cool cool cool trick set your set the oven 20 degrees higher than you want because when you open the oven you disrupt the temperature okay so when you open the oven to put in your meat it should be 20 degrees higher then you turn it down and guess what it's the temperature you want we're to make baked eggs these take about ten minutes in the oven keep an eye on them some people say less some people say more the internet says 17 minutes that's too long the first thing you're gonna do is fry off some pancetta and this makes the house smell great when they come in now you're also making bacon if you'd like and toast and all that stuff which also makes a beautiful smell but usually that's after they get there by the time you're doing this you should be almost gonna take the kind of layout that's your timing and also this should be set up before they get here or before they come down so you should assemble your egg and it should be sitting in the tray ready to go in the oven even before your candle air you know what I mean you should set this up they don't want to see this and if they're coming from your bedroom or they're coming from your house it's still a nice thing to do please come for breakfast it come in for breakfast at 9:00 or come for a bit whatever your timing is if you have a little kids it's a totally different story obviously because you have to do the whole freak out on Christmas morning right if you're doing Christmas you know I seasoned to this a little bit with a little bit of salt and pepper even though it's some cured so it does have salt because you just want everything to be a little bit more intense today now I'm gonna drink on my eighth sheet pen with a Jay cloth on it do you guys know that MasterChef the professionals UK has started again I won't tell you how to watch it coz I'm not sure if it's legal but it's so exciting to see Monica and those guys again you know and then I'm just gonna put some spinach in here it's just gonna wilt it for a second and this you don't have to worry about it cuz it's gonna cook in the ramekin also tiny bit of salt remember you can put salt on but you can't take salt away now we're going to assemble it I'm gonna put a little bit of this in the bottom then you're gonna put a little bit of spinach in each ramekin and it doesn't matter if it's not completely wilted because it will be after you cook it and then you simply crack an egg on top of each one I really hard not to break the yolk two eggs is fine you can put two eggs in and you're just gonna put a little pepper on top for niceness yeah and a teeny bit of salt you can put a little drier herbs on top this is time I put two eggs in for Christmas I don't have two eggs so I'm just using one egg and then this goes into a really a can away oven 400 380 for about 10-12 minutes just keep an eye on it now listen I serve caviar you don't have to serve caviar for crying out loud okay because I have it in the house for the holiday dinner I usually offer people a little bit with breakfast anyway let's talk about proper service of caviar this is the most unnecessary thing on planet Earth but if you're gonna go to the expense of buying it you should serve it correctly you serve it with finely chopped shallots cut pieces of lemon so you can put that here if you want over here and sour cream or creme fraiche and you're gonna serve it with something called blinis listen it's done but it people love it and the other thing is you can serve it with little teeny-weeny glasses of chilled vodka shake so creme fraiche or sour cream chopped shallots cut lemon Bellini which I bought these can go on a separate little square sort of tray there shouldn't be ice cold these are ice cold either put dip this they come in packs you want to dip this in hot water your you can microwave them I usually forget there's typically royal transmen Taunus US caviar gone are the days when you can get Russian or Iranian caviar the best in the world is Iran the tins are tight now the tin will last for at least a month when you open it it's two days once it's open it has to be eaten I can never do this hilarious I don't know what to do yeah it's open so this is what it looks like there's another little thing that you must remember you cannot use a metal spoon it will deeply alter the flavor of your caviar when you put it in your mouth if you cannot use a metal spoon so then you're gonna put it in the in your dish now I use this this was a cheapo like a tourist thing it was like a buck 90 it's the chicest thing to serve caviar in I think and I use what we used to call elephant snot when I was a kid like poster sticker up stuff and you make sure it's secure so that they don't flip the thing when they're digging on it anyway here we go so I'm gonna put this in here this is the small amount at Christmas we have more look at that black gold and you want to leave a service spoon in it like that the other traditional accompaniment which I don't do is chopped egg chopped hard-boiled egg I don't do that the traditional way to set this up is like this you put a dollop of sour cream a few little shallots a healthy dollop of caviar and a little squeeze of lemon and because she's my old friend this is for Lynn look at that all right well that's good hmm that's good caviar all right awesome so this is the formal setting for breakfast I just popped the tin and say would you like a little on your egg you know but this is how you do it traditionally okay caviar see how dark these are that's what you want but we're gonna check one anyway okay that's tiny bit underdone these are a tiny bit blonde these are good candlelight they will firm up don't they seem very soft right now they get pretty hard the blonde dot is okay but your goal is to not have that you want it to be like that that's why you make eight to serve four all right because you some of them you're gonna serve some of them you're not gonna serve you want to cool these on a rack and they're gonna I mean that's pretty professional-looking right okay see nobody comments on them these you don't want to certain to warm the center is almost like a custard or it should be a little bit soft right so you want these they'll get quite stiff now you're going to put the baked eggs in the oven and keep an eye on them they can be here now because they're gonna see your beautiful can delays but they can be here when you're doing this part alright so in terms of your timing fifty minutes everything is set up egg wise these come out and you put the eggs in you pour champagne you make them their coffees etc you will log Christmas morning okay so now we're gonna take the baked eggs out what I'm looking for is a slight jiggle look how yummy that is and then you're gonna serve so you're gonna take your your mood temperature can delay you're gonna put them in a nice dish like this there's your canele as they're sitting you know they've taken their sachets off they're they've had some champagne they've had some maybe a canele and here your eggs are ready and be careful they're very hot you're just gonna pick it up and set it in the center of their plate what better could that be then get them out of there because you got work to do bye bye bye noon Christmas breakfast you breakfast is over they've left so now you're gonna have a little break coming up but before you take your break your goose has been unwrapped from the plastic overnight and the refrigerator to dry you're gonna remove this at around noon from the fridge and you're gonna take your fillet out of the fridge so that it can come to room temperature because we do not cook cold meat so now you have some golden hours you have until at least three o'clock you can walk your dog which is the sweetest walk ever because the kids are out usually with their new things that they got a lot of the world has at least that day off in some way and even if you don't it's just a beautiful time to take a day off if you have different seasons like in Australia or other parts of the world I'm sure it's still a festive walk to take with your dog or your friend or your dog's friend or your friend's dog because it's a holiday so you want to go walking with your dog do you want to go for a Christmas walk [Music] forty-eight chefs from across the UK are putting their reputations on the line Fuu gasps that's that fancy leaf-shaped bread you know that bread Leonard Fuu Gus pretty interesting sometimes you can spend time by yourself but sometimes you have family staying over and you don't get any time to yourself at all we are now going to make a condiment this is pretty easy it's very similar to creamed leeks it just has a different vegetable essentially the thing about creamed onions is that you don't want it to be off-white so when we are browning our veg and stuff you don't want it to get brown because that will stain the cream and you have sort of a weird brown cream which is not good so I have this on the stove already so we have a right a little bit of olive oil put some shallots in yeah so you really want to keep an eye on this you don't want it just to brown okay I'm being very careful because I did actually Brown mine last Christmas and it was delicious but it was do you remember Reggie that's enough I'm taking it off the heat the heats too hot I'm gonna deglaze with a little white wine and I put a touch of vinegar in okay a little bit of salt and I boiled and popped and peeled these last night and I'm just gonna put these in and cook them in that a little bit and then we're gonna add the cream but we're gonna make sure that there's no Brown pieces just kind of sort of wilt them yeah like that you don't want them to be uncooked before you put the cream in you can wing this I'm essentially winging this okay I'm gonna put a tiny bit of sugar in but this is not white so I'm taking a slight risk here just a little bit of sugar to sweeten it dear Theodosia when I look to you did he die now totally learn and uh I'm gonna taste one hmm those are good irons okay here we go I'm just pouring in the cream a little bit more I mean this is it's holiday okay yeah it's a cream sauce it's a it's really a what is it like a relish it's not really something that you eat a big huge bowl of it I'm just gonna reduce this down very gently so you're a dinner party or you're not afraid you're tasting and seasoning remember this is a relish so it can be a little bit intensely flavored and then you can leave this out you don't have to put it back in the fridge because you're progressing towards your dinner now the shallots are a little purple I would maybe not use shallots but anyway you can put this in the dish in which you're going to serve it at the table when it's reduced and just just put it to one side because it doesn't need to go back in the fridge and you don't need to put it in a deli and mess up another deli so you may as well just put it in its dish you're gonna prep your vegetables which are simply roasted root vegetables they're delicious I would suggest leaving a little bit of the green it's more rustic and kind of lovely you can also substitute you know root vegetable puree which we have in another episode what I'm gonna do is so I'm gonna cut the nose off and then I'm gonna cut it in half that's it throw them in your presentation dish these are turnips oh I just cut the green I wasn't thinking this is just like a nice rustic veg dish so you're gonna cut off the bottom I would leave these whole because they're quite thin cut off the nose at an angle if you can we're gonna use a miso glaze which I'm gonna show you how to make go to your store if it has a slightly offensive thing called a ethnic section and buy a little thing of me so it's usually in the fridge you should have it it's extremely helpful in your kitchen these are lovely carrots these are from Lancaster farm in Pennsylvania you're gonna put a little olive oil on them and a little salt but not too much salt because you're gonna make a miso glaze okay so you're gonna go like that with a little bit of olive oil a little bit of pepper maybe a tiny bit of salt just to kind of draw the moisture out while I'm making the glaze like we always say on dinner party tonight if it's taste good raw pretty sure it's gonna taste good cooked right oh those are delicious oh my god okay miso glaze let's make it it's super-easy I have a little bit of boiling water here I'm basically making miso soup but kind of thick that's why I'm putting in oh shoot putting in me so I'm gonna put a little more me so you want this to melt I'm using rice vinegar it's kind of sweet oh my god Reggie took me to the most incredible Chinese restaurant called Kings County Imperial if you are in New York City stop by Kings County Imperial okay now I made a mistake it has to reduce a little bit I put too much water okay what is miso miso is an incredibly versatile ingredient it's very salty okay and it's made of fermented soy beans all right I'm gonna use this as it is looks good to me now I'm just gonna pour it on the vegetables so here are my prepped veg Jackson himer the San Francisco treat now this will reduce in the oven and you cook it for about 40 minutes just checkup turnip the bigger turnip people will remember this some I'm warning you it's excellent okay here we go we're gonna make some filet and we are going to use the sous-vide which is the Joule sous-vide just Reggie gave me and I was like oh thanks and then it changed my life it makes some things like filet come out absolutely perfectly every time I purchased this fillet from Hudson and Charles the illustrious Kevin and Jay who just couple in the West Village I did choose a folded end which is fine this side is like a filet mignon looking this side it's the tail is folded under so you can see they folded it and tied it you want to tie it if your if your butcher didn't tie it tie it and of course you remembered to tip your job especially around this time of year anyway how do you prepare this for sous-vide we're gonna do something called pre searing which you don't have to do if you have sous-vide but it's kind of makes it better so we're just gonna sear it really quickly in a super hot pan and then at the end when it's perfectly cooked we're gonna sear it again so it has a recognizable my yard reaction which is what that's called on the outside the browning I'm now going to prep it I'm taking some butter in my hand not olive oil I'm gonna go like this and I'm gonna go like this completely covering it in butter pow now we're gonna salt and pepper it so I'm actually gonna pick this up and set it on here so we don't lose any salt and pepper liberally please mop up extra salt plenty of salt and I'm gonna turn on the stove so that my pan is blazing hot I'm gonna use grapeseed oil I'm going to cut some slices of butter about that thick you want approximately 4 to 6 of these these are gonna go in your sous-vide bag all right so here we go we're gonna sear our fillet just this is just a little seal wait until it moves on its own the greatest respect that you can give to this creature that gave its life for you is to cook it beautifully ok pre-sear done your filet is now ready to be sous vided take a plastic bag please make sure it doesn't have a hole in it I'm gonna put my fillet into the bag like that I'm going to do this one piece of butter there one piece of butter there any piece of better there than one piece of butter there and I'm gonna put another one on the top what herbs do you want to put in here well what's gonna happen in the sous-vide is they're gonna slightly cook in a weird way and become soft and fragrant and sense the meat so I'm gonna use a little bit of sage always be careful with sage because too much sage can be a little caught mediciney I'm gonna put in some thyme and some rosemary did I tell you guys about when I first heard parsley sage rosemary and thyme it was when it came out when it was on the radio and I used to put it put the radio here and put a pillow over my head this is way before everybody had their own private soundtrack and I was like Oh Scarlett but Italians I was like holy crap it was like my whole brain went Schiphol stayed that way permanently by the way now I'm gonna seal this you can use a food saver if you have a food saver of course the ideal thing would be a chamber vacuum sealer I don't have one this would be perfect for food saver which is the little vacuum thing that you've used to freeze food but the if it has liquid in it you can't use the food saver because it's a it draws up the liquid and squirts it out into the food saver but this would be ideal I'm not gonna go get it because it would slow everything down so what I'm gonna do is this I'm gonna roll it before I close it like this I'm trying to get the air out and then when it's like that I'm gonna squeeze the sides and then I'm gonna seal it it's a little wet on the outside so I'm gonna take the precaution using a second bag I wish sous-vide would come up with some other way of doing this it has a reusable bag but before I put it in I'm gonna get ready a little sort of bootleg sous-vide device which is a coffee cup which I'm gonna use to wait down the filler so here we go is our Christmas fillets going in so I'm not setting the timer until it's in your most important job is to make sure it's fully submerged all the way around and that's it in this case it's two and a half hours it depends on the thickness of your fillet you don't have this you just throw it in the oven you can refer to our other fillet episode this is just foolproof when it comes out we're gonna sear it and then we're gonna arrest it and want me to serve it goose now look this is cooked it's smoked okay if everything else in your entire dinner messes up you can still serve this it just has to be warm so all you're doing is heating it through now if you have two ovens it's easy you can get everything in if you don't have two ovens you can put this in a hot oven for 30 minutes or a 350 oven until it gets warm that's all you're doing but it's room temperature because you're a dinner party ER so that's not gonna take very long now you can also crisp up the skin a little bit we're gonna paint it with a little bit of the cherry sauce that we made on the 23rd which what I did with it is I just loosened it a little bit with water this is a sweet and tart so you want to keep this handy and you're gonna paint it a couple times while it's heating and then this goes in the oven like I said just two let's heat it through but it's cooked so you can't mess it up look at that doesn't that look Christmassy okay your guests are due in a few minutes this is crunch time all right and you know you you have to go upstairs and get ready at some point also but first of all you're gonna get your apps ready we're gonna do just a little sort of tuna surprise Ritz cracker cafe a little bit of mayonnaise they don't need to see this okay look look look then we're gonna take these beautiful flaky amazing pieces of fish in my opinion I'm probably gonna cut the flakes in half put one like that like that that's a caper so it's I'm gonna put them on to everybody's in a minute now I'm gonna put just a teeny teeny drop on the top for the caper okay and I'm gonna do this caper caper caper and I'm gonna do a little pepper on top kind of way not a lot by going like this right you can put a little hot pepper on some of them you know if you want gorgeous something for everybody right Ritz cracker canopy yep your filet is cooking in the sous vide your goose is getting cooked your goose is in the oven your potatoes your veggies and your mushrooms are ready to fire what you're gonna do now is display your appetizers everything that you made before you're going to display it perfectly you're gonna light your scent you're gonna put your music on you're gonna open your wine you're going to light decorative candles and then you're going to make sure that you have somebody help you open oysters I had Mike for that this is my friend Mike that you've heard so much let's see what we got okay well if weights so another pretty easy Wellfleet oysters they're stored for everybody to know you store owners in a plate not on ice in a ventilated plate okay and you store them belly side down so you see one side is flat and one side has a curve right the cup yeah this is the top down you have to kind of scrub them because if you don't scrub dirt there's dirt on them when you open it the dirt goes into the oyster yeah you also don't you don't want to make them too wet either because it's yucky when the regular water gets inside of an oyster you want you want the liquid of the oyster and the liquor the liquid is called the liquor okay so the liquor will hold on before you open it okay so the the liquor is the best part it's like the beautiful liquid it's it's fantastic so one of the things you want to make sure of is obviously all your oysters are closed okay and when you've old and cold and when you bought them from your fishmonger what did you do you tipped him you tipped your so here we go Mike's gonna open oysters he has a lot of experience some people like to open Easter's by putting them flat down on a table because it's more stable and you can put a dishrag down and cover the other side with a dishrag it's a patella where you're putting this to this hey I was about to okay I'm putting it basically in the back hinge of the oyster and just wiggling it to the point where I can wedge the top of the shell up then I'm cutting whatever meat is there and then running underneath the oyster to dislodge it from the bottom of its shell this one is really really gorgeous and look at all that nice liquor and Randy helps me with what I like on it the sacred oyster so the other way you can do it is just holding it in one hand like holding it in one hand doing the same thing wedging under that's the way I like to do it it's faster it's slightly more risky just yeah I could go through there but if you but if you use a dish towel like this you're gonna be okay I tried it oh man we tried to Kevlar gloves we tried you know every possible way that you can do it they talked about varieties of oysters even with in Wellfleet this is important being influenced by the mineral content of the rivers and estuaries that feed the particular oyster beds and the grants that are granted to the foist er farmers so these things are super sacred for for farmers on Cape Cod there's limited amount of area and it's a it's a big deal to get an oyster grant from the government they're also big oyster conservancies and stuff on Kate on Long Island and Connecticut with these big-time people throwing oysters in their backyards and it's like a very cool thing to buy because it's totally sustainable so windows are open you display them you don't have to buy an oyster plate sometimes we put them on a bed of kosher salt sort of set them in salt the reason being is you when they're open you don't want to spill the super bowl down so it's not steady you have to put them in something that's why the salt can helps can help stabilize Avel shave rocks with yes and shave nice things like that and then you bring it out and we usually open 20 and then we have 10 outside hopefully it's well usually what happens is Spencer eats along well and then I'm standing here opening oysters and fighting everybody and I just want nothing and Randy's just I mean you can't say so and Randy's just playing with Leonard right I'm not doing anything for Christmas dinners now mom's here Wanda's little hard work Randy takes Randy stills is Thunder really no you did great my god the only thing you have to do and you can I've done this with five minutes to spare and when you have early people sometimes they come like my niece Elizabeth dr. Sharpe always comes early and I'm upstairs changing cuz it's that tight now it's time to change your clothes oh oh yes everybody's here having a wonderful time yes I did have interest in the new Helen Mirren movie no I haven't seen the Joker yes we were in Vanity Fair in November ah ha ha but just remember you have to cook the rest of your dinner isn't it incredible that my boiler broke on Christmas Day and the guys came to fix it you can see their light out there like miners so Reggie got me a new boiler for Christmas isn't that nice thanks reg everybody's having cocktails and Ritz crackers and caviar and stuff and having champagnes and everything's awesome and we are just gonna sneak into the kitchen for our pre-prepared vegetable thing and I'm gonna put it in the oven the bottom of and I do have two ovens listen I've done it with one in a galley kitchen okay you can stack them you put soup cans and you kind of build them up I've done it okay but I'm gonna throw this in the oven for about 40 minutes if all the miso goes away I'm gonna add a little water and they're basically gonna sort of brazii cookie brazii roast in this miso so here we go okay it's about 30 minutes before dinner you're gonna heat your potatoes that you took out earlier so there are room temperature and then if you have time you're gonna paint a little butter on top and just broil it for two seconds before you serve it right now we're just gonna heat them through the goose has come out it's heated through it's beautifully glazed we're now just gonna quickly broil these mushrooms now how do you prep them just put a little bit of olive oil on them it's kind of the normal prep for everything right and you're gonna put a little bit of salt this should be very high heat broil okay a little bit of pepper and then you're just gonna tip them out onto a pan kind of make sure it's one thing high right not two layers give it another little hit like that and another little hit of salt and put it under your broiler keep an eye on it this is essentially a garnish that goes around your filet so anyway you're gonna put this in under the broiler and keep an eye on it your filet is out you have finished your sous vide you're gonna do a final sear to make it look super beautiful on your Christmas table okay rip-roaring hot presentation side down um I always say handle it with your hands handle the meat with your hands so you just have a better feel for it this is perfectly cooked by the way because it was in the sous-vide and it was timed perfectly it's quite hot so I am gonna use tongs now that I've felt it okay you want to get a little skier on either end like that then I'm gonna do it presentation side down again and there's one second and I'm gonna finish it with butter presentation side down a little bit of butter gives it a beautiful brown appearance there we go now we're gonna plate so now you know people are starting to drift into the dining room and you're about to set out your buffet or put it on the table or however you do it so I'm just gonna plate this the meat I'm setting it on a bed of herbs which is optional this is essentially an inedible garnish which is verboten as Edgar and I say no inedible garnish but this is okay because it's herbs and if you were really crazy you could eat it so it's okay so I'm gonna put the fillet on the bed of herbs like that oh it's lovely and then I'm going to arrange the mushrooms around the filet and it's sort of like almost like hunter style you know and you can save a few of these separately if you have a veg friend because it's sort of like bacon fillet on the bed of herbs surrounded by fried chanterelles screams holiday to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I managed to make it through dinner without spilling anything on my shirt so now it's time to serve your beautiful desserts what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your ice cream out of the freezer a little bit before you want to serve it I'm gonna take the lids off the lids are ugly you're gonna let it sort of slightly soften you're gonna bring out your cakes beautiful ice creams your cordial tray some chocolates perhaps little chocolates you want to bring this out sort of like chocolates would anybody like some coffee put a cake down my lap pull a cracker sing a song go back in and get the other cake this is a glorious moment for you you you did it so I have fun don't spill and remember enjoy the night be present don't project try to be there be here now so you're gonna take things out sort of one by one and here's to you who's like you damn few and they're all dead [Music] we made fabulous hors d'oeuvre plates after a plate of delicious appetizing young mania food we had champagne we had red wine we had friends over our dog was here then we had a beautiful smoked goose lacquered with cherry sauce puffy cheese filled Duchess potatoes Duchess for Americans a lovely creamed onion condiment a beautiful filet perfectly sous-vide and then seared in a pan surrounded by crispy chanterelles my goodness me then we had carrots and turnips roasted in a miso glaze a lovely bright accompaniment this gorgeous meal for dessert the gift of the R and I a spice cake with spiced and rum glaze a Christmas cake so lovely and full of glass eh at ease as Fanny Cradock would say hot chocolate cherry ice cream so rich and delicious and creamy and chocolatey just like a perfect hot chocolate at Rockefeller Center and butter pecan or popcorn ice cream and as people say some chocolates some friends some family some holiday you did it you made a holiday dinner I mean whether you make one two or all of these or your own dishes or you have Chinese food but you like candles you had a holiday dinner you did it and that's what dinner party tonight is all about and I want to say thank you from everybody at dinner party tonight and we'll see you very soon goodbye thanks Raj you you
Channel: dinner party tonight
Views: 71,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christmas Dinners, Christmas Recipes, Baked Eggs Recipe, Filet with Roasted Mushrooms, Miso Root Vegetable Soup, Smoked Goose with Cherry Sauce, Oysters with Mignonette Sauce, Creamed Pearl Onions, Sausage Spread, Caviar, Curry Shrimp Cocktail, Hot Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream, Spiced Bundt Cake
Id: XV0z5T6vrQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 47sec (7307 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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