Christmas Lights Around Windows And Doors Looks AMAZING!

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so i never do lights around brick like this but jeremy i'm riding along with jeremy and he he likes to do that and um you can see this is a call back you did this house wind a couple weeks back a couple weeks back now it did rain and win like crazy last night or a couple days ago we got one up there that fallen off and uh and so basically i'll show you how to glue them on we use a ryobi looking thing here how much is this little gun uh i want to say the gun's like 30 bucks what's what that's what's expensive of these batteries oh really yeah the battery it don't come with it no well that's stupid don't come with it that's not very smart actually what i did was i bought the glue gun because it didn't come with anything and then you can buy two batteries for like 90 bucks or the whole work you get a kit with all the other stuff a couple drills and a big battery a small battery for a 120 bucks so it's almost worth getting right and you get the bag so that's something basically do you got to let it heat up or does it automatically you know it'll heat up there's an off button okay so it heats it up it don't take very long and then we'll watch how to glue them back on because i never did this never did one house with gluing out of the five years i've done it now do you charge same price to do this or do you charge more to do one thing eight dollars a foot so how many is on a window one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen so let's just say twenty times eight hundred sixty dollars per winning i'd probably even do more than that i wouldn't even do it front i would i would probably be 300 a window because if this is where your callbacks are going to come in right here this is where your callbacks are going to come oh one other thing we got here so we've not only did it around the houses we did it around the windows and so we did one went one two three four five around the yard six seven eight up both sides and with all of that that took right around four and a half hours so it does take quite a bit of time to be able to do all this to be able to do it around the windows and stuff so anytime i did any windows and i only did windows with the pvc side of things and i did them at um 300 a piece because at the end of the day i want to make money and i don't want to do combat so you just put the glue on it and you're just going to how long you got to hold it for pretty good there until they all fall back down yeah i might actually hold them a little bit longer this time just to make sure and you do have glue underneath of it that's the other thing you could have glue residue sometimes they're not going to come off um how they come off pulling them down or do you know every year he adds more windows but first pretty much all right gotcha pulling them down at the end of them they just come right down gotcha here do we want to try on this other window how easy how easy they show to come down so you you came out here and had to come back twice so that the the moral of the story is is charge more than eight dollars a foot charge per window so that way you don't have to come back out here because who wants to come back out here and do redos so he's got one more redo that's all the way up there and we're trying to take out this tree and don't do that because some customers are really picky are really really picky and i'm going to show you the house that is it's the next house over but jeremy does awesome customer service so if you're in the richmond area and you need lights done definitely give them a call what's it called kcp kpf kps kps kps pressure washing or what aps pressure washington holiday lighting so there you go again you're not supposed to go above the ladder above that so don't do this at your own house or your own will get the bigger ladder out um you think the glue could have been bad or this is a different type of glue from last year also you that is gorilla glue in the glue sticks okay what you had in it before uh i got you i got you and this one here is not all-purpose it's gorilla glue and how much is that stuff pretty cheap and it ain't got to be super strong it's just got to be strong enough to hold them up there so that is how to hang lights on windows again we want to be profitable at it we don't want to um we don't want to not be profitable and you know eight dollars a foot sounds good on windows but at the end of the day you know 160 dollars versus if i just charge 250 300 per window that way when you do have to come back out because this is an all-inclusive service this is one that you are going to have issues with and so not everything's going to have issues but you will you could have issues with these lights so that is the purpose of making sure that we charge so i'll see you in my next video
Channel: Christmas Lights
Views: 21,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: slxcDfV_Ebo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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