Christmas Lectures 2018: What Makes Me, Me? - Alice Roberts and Aoife McLysaght

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[SWOOSHING] We're all human. And yet we all look different. Now, a lot about the way we look is down to our DNA, as we can see so brilliantly with these identical twins. From eye colour to hair colour to dimples to height, each pair of twins looks very similar. But look a little more closely, and you'll see that each person here is unique. In this lecture, we'll explore how much of the differences between us are down to genes and how much is due to everything else. We'll be looking at what makes you unique. [BUBBLING] [GROANING] [CRINKLING] [APPLAUSE] I am Professor Alice Roberts. Welcome to the third of this year's Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. And this lecture is all about us as a species. It's all about human diversity. But first, let's start off with a different species which is very diverse indeed. You stand here. So we've got an amazing range of different dogs here. And the astonishing thing about this is that they are all dogs. They all belong to the same species. And yet they look so incredibly different from each other. We've got to we've got a Great Dane, got a little Shih Tzu, and a tiny little miniature dachshund. Now, isn't it amazing that there's all that variation in one species? Humans first started domesticating dogs about 30,000 years ago, when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. And then over thousands of years, we've somehow moulded all of these changes. So we've bred dogs that are really good at going down burrows and chasing animals, like the dachshund. And this is all down to us interacting with this other species. Now, to explore this diversity and how it comes about in more detail, I need to introduce one more species and, my friend, geneticist Professor Aoife McLysaght. [APPLAUSE] It wasn't entirely clear if you were referring to me as the additional species or this beautiful chihuahua in my arms. But this Chihuahua, of course, was bred as a companion dog. And you can see, he's very, very cute. And dogs are especially interesting in terms of genetics because this huge diversity that we can see in front of us is actually down to quite a small amount of genetic diversity. They are, after all, just one species. And that makes it much easier to be able to figure out how the genes contribute to the changes that we can actually see on the outside. And so for example, this little Chihuahua, and other miniature dogs like this, the size variation is largely down to just changes in just one gene. Now, we are actually able to understand the genetic basis of some of this? Yeah. So many of the origins of these traits has been traced genetically. So we can get a real handle on how variation in our genes contributes to the kind of variance that we can see. So let's have a think about how all of this variation comes about. But for now, let's say "thank you very much" to our brilliant dog lineup. [APPLAUSE] Here we go. So all those differences have been bred into different breeds of dogs by breeders choosing dogs of particular traits and then breeding them on to the next generation. That's something called selective breeding. It's what Charles Darwin called artificial selection. And he imagined how he could continue thinking about this to see, well, does this happen in nature, as well? How do we get natural selection? And to really explain this, we're going to play a game with this demo. And we need two volunteers. OK. Let's see. Yes? You there in the lovely jumper. Lovely Christmas jumper. Come on down. And also put one down there, as well. Great. [APPLAUSE] So are you excited? Freddy. Freddy. Lovely to meet you, Freddy. And what's your name? Rebecca. Rebecca. So what you see beside you here are two habitats. And you can see very quickly that this is mainly orange habitat. The floor is orange. And it's filled with these balloons, which are mostly what we're calling "orange pebbles." And over there, we've got a grey habitat with grey floor and grey pebbles. But in amongst the pebbles, there is something else. So here we have a mouse. And there's orange and grey mice in each of these habitats. And so we're going to put these in there. And Freddy, what we didn't tell you is that your job is to actually be a predator. You need to catch some mice. And you need to catch some mice, as well. So you're going to have to go in there. And I want you to catch mice but not pebbles. So you can go around the back. And just the ones with faces, all right? Yeah. So only the ones with faces we're interested in. If you go around the back, they'll let you in. Yeah. So don't start catching mice yet because that's far too easy, actually. Yeah. Let's make make them more energetic. Yeah. We need to make something a bit more difficult for you. [ROARING] So on our marks at-- well, we'll count down. 3-- (ALL) 2, 1. Go. [WHIMSICAL MUSIC] (TOGETHER) 3, 2, 1. Stop. [APPLAUSE] OK. You can come out. OK. You can come back out. Come around and see how you did. [APPLAUSE] How was that? OK. Let's have a look. Well, that's a mouse. These are pebbles. So we'll put those back. And if you've gotten your rocks-- We've managed to catch four orange mice and just one grey mouse. Well, Freddy managed to catch one of each. So what did you think, Freddy? What did you think of trying to catch the mice in there? What was it like? Hard. Was it hard? Were either colour easier? Not really, no. What about you over there? Oh, it was easy. It was easier to see the orange on the grey background. Yeah, you were going after the orange ones, weren't you? Yeah. And this is kind of what we expect. We see that naturally. In parts of the world where we have kind of black rocks, you tend to find more black mice. And in parts of the world where you have these golden, sandy rocks, we tend to find these yellow, sandy-coloured mice because what we expect, especially in the grey habitat over there, the orange mice were picked off quite easily by this fierce predator. And the grey mice actually have survived to live another day and to pass on their genes. But we did ask you to be a predator. We did. You haven't quite finished the job, have you? No. Could you stomp on those balloons for me, please? Go on. Have a stomp. [POUNDING] Yes! Yeah! [APPLAUSE] Thank you so much. So artificial selection has created all the dog breeds that we see today. Natural selection picks off some orange mice in that demonstration. And natural selection has also acted on us humans, as well. So our species originated in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. But then we spread out of Africa and colonised the globe, so we encountered all sorts of different environments as we went. And there are lots of ways that humans can fit into different environments. We're quite clever, so we can create culture. And that can help us. So if we move into a cold place, we might make ourselves warm clothes to put on. There's also a physiological adaptation. And that means that your body can get used to an environment over your lifetime. But you don't pass those kind of changes on to your children. So natural selection is when there is a genetic difference generation by generation. And we can see some great examples of that in us humans. And one really good example comes through the variation that we can see in skin colour. And it tends to map onto geography. Now, most of us tend to have a fairly consistent skin colour that we've inherited from our parents and from earlier ancestors. So over most of your body, your skin colour is fairly similar. But I want to introduce you to somebody now who's got very striking differences in skin colour across his body. And he is fashion model Bashir Aziz. [APPLAUSE] Bashir, hello. Much respect. Fantastic. Bashir, you've got a really striking look. You've got two completely different colours of skin and hair, as well. So how long have you had that? Were you born like it? Yeah, all my life. So that's what I've known. So across your body, you've got areas-- and obviously, we can see on your face, you've got areas quite pale skin and then dark skin, as well. I mean, look at your arm there. Yeah. So you've got a real mixture. Yeah. So we can actually have a look and see how much skin pigment you've got in different areas. So we can use this instrument here. So yeah. Have look at the back of your hand there. And there we go. So that says you've got 70% skin pigment on that area. Let's have a look at areas of your skin that's pale, then. Can I try it on that area there? If I just pop it on there, it should just work. Yeah. See, look at a different there. That's astonishing. So where you've got pale skin, there's only, what, about 9%-- 9%. --pigment. So really, really big difference. So Bashir, we've got slides here of pale skin-- rather like the pale areas you've got-- and then dark skin, as well. And you can see that they're very different when you first look at them. And this difference is all to do with the skin pigment melanin. And there are very few granules of melanin in this skin. But you can see, in this section here, all of those cells completely packed full of lots and lots of melanin granules. I'm going to try on me, as well. Go on. Go on. And let's see what-- let's see what I've got. There's a little bit of melanin in there. 19. 19. There you are. Well it is my hand, though, so it is exposed to the sun quite a bit. That's all right. So do you notice any difference between your dark skin and your light skin? What, as in like naturally? When you're exposed to the sun, do you notice any difference? Do I see any difference? I don't feel a difference. I don't notice a difference. I just walk the walk and talk the talk. I would like, say, put a little sunscreen if it was very, very, very sunny. So-- So it's interesting because the difference in pigment and the kind of pigment that's there to begin with anyway gives us a clue as to why we've got this colour in our skin. And it is to do with sun protection. So in fact, your dark skin is giving you some pretty significant sun protection here. And Bashir's dark skin is coming out as about factor 20 sunscreen. Naturally. So you've got your own natural sunscreen there. Oh, perfect. Lovely. And if you have got very pale skin, of course, you have to put sunscreen on if you go out into bright sunshine because you could burn your skin. And every single episode of sunburn means that you have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. That's the seriousness of it a bit later on. Bashir, thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] See, that connection between skin colour and sun protection gives us a clue as to how this evolved in humans, as well. So our ancestors who expanded out of Africa would have all had dark skin. So the first Asians, the first Europeans would all have had dark skin. And in fact, it's not until much later that some mutations started to pop up in genomes so that skin started to get a bit paler, particularly in very, very northern areas where the sun just isn't as bright as it is in the tropics and around the Equator. And in fact, we still see these patterns of skin colour today. So we still see that people whose ancestry is predominantly from those sunnier places of the world tend to have darker skin. And people who've got more ancestry in the far north tend to have paler skin, as well. Well, next we're going to look at another adaptation, another way that natural selection has acted on humans. But this time, it isn't to do with interacting with the environment as we find it. It's about interacting with an environment that we've actually changed. And it's about the beginning of farming. I'd like you to gently give a round of applause for Jade the cow and her calf, Hazel, who are going to come on now. Aw, she's lovely. Hello, Jade. (SOFTLY) Hello. So Jade is a Dexter cow, isn't she? And this is her little calf. Yes. Yeah. So obviously, calves drink their mother's milk. And when our ancestors started farming and they started domesticating cattle, they could keep cattle for their meat, of course, but also for their milk. Now, we want to demonstrate some milk here. So I want a volunteer from the audience who's going to come down and milk Jade. Let's see. Who shall we have? Another fantastic Christmas jumper, I think. Just there, yes. Come down. [APPLAUSE] Yeah. And what's your name? Nam. Nam. Do you want to come and have a go at milking, then? Yes. I think Felicity will help you. We've got a milking stool here. So you can either sit on the stool, or you can lean down. And you gently squeeze and pull, like that. OK. So this is what our ancient farming ancestors had to learn to do, just what Nam's doing right now. There's a bit of a problem here because it isn't so easy to drink milk. And there's a clue to that in genetics. Yes, there is. So the main sugar that we find in milk is called lactose. You see this lactose here. And that's actually quite a hard sugar to digest. It's a very big sugar. And in order to be able to digest that, it needs to be broken down. And that gets broken down by an enzyme. And I need a volunteer to help me demonstrate what's going on. So let's see. Yes. You at the back with a beautiful jumper. You have the red stripe on it. Come on down. [APPLAUSE] Catherine. Lovely to meet you. So Catherine, you are not going to be an enzyme, because we have enzymes which break down these things that we eat. So you're going to wear this, please. And if you could come around here, what the enzyme does-- come over here. What the enzyme does is it breaks the lactose into smaller sugars. So you can do that by turning this. Yeah. So that's the way it works. But stop for a second because the enzyme doesn't just come from nowhere. The enzyme is produced by a gene. That's me. And the enzyme is only produced when the gene is switched on. So when you're a baby, this gene is switched on. And in this baby calf, this gene is switched on. So the enzyme can go ahead. Yeah, keep-- so now the enzyme is working, working, working. And it's breaking down this lactose into smaller, simpler sugars that we can actually digest without any problem. So this is what this lovely little calf has. And it's what all baby mammals have. But then at a certain point, what happens is the gene switches off, and the enzyme switches off. Very good. And so this is what normally happens. But is there anybody in this room who can drink milk and it's not a problem? Lots of you. Lots of you, and including some adults, as well. But that's because, in many humans, there's an adaptation to dairy culture, which means that the gene stays on, and the enzyme keeps going, and you're still able to break down this lactose sugar well into adulthood-- in fact, for the rest of your life. And when we look at what parts of the world this happened in, it happens in parts of the world where we have dairy culture. It happened in dairy cultures in Africa and in Europe. So thank you so much. I'll switch off the gene now so you can have a rest. [MOO] Thank you so much. You're a wonderful volunteer. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Nam. [APPLAUSE] Oh my goodness. It's wonderful. Nam did an absolutely brilliant job. Thank you very much, Nam. Well done. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] I have never milked a cow. Have you ever milked a cow? I don't think I have. Well done. Nam just did. That's impressive. Thank you. Thank you very much, Jade and Hazel, as well. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] So this adaptation to drinking milk that appeared in our farming ancestors then spread so that most of us in Europe can now drink fresh milk. And the way that that gene spread is through people moving through migrations. And what we know is that, throughout history, there have been big migrations of people, and people have just kept moving. And that has spread different characteristics around the world. And that spreading keeps on going. It's interesting that the ethnic groups that we can spot today-- and we can sort of say, one population looks a bit different from another population, but it's just a snapshot in the "here and now." And those ethnic groupings are different from what they were a few thousand years ago. And they'll keep changing because we humans keep moving, and we keep mixing ourselves around. So we've got an illustration here of just some of the global connectedness of everyone in this theatre tonight. When you got your tickets, we asked you where your parents and your grandparents came from. And we've mapped those connections here. So the centre of it all is, of course, this lecture theatre in the Royal Institution in London. This is just a snapshot of where you are this evening. But here are all your family connections around the world-- to North America, to South America, to West Africa, over here to Southeast Asia and East Asia, and down to Australia, as well. So what a wonderful image of global connectedness. Thank you very much. [APPLAUSE] We've looked at some variation in humans that we can explain through adaptation and that we can experience ourselves. We can look at our own skin colour. We can see differences in skin colour around us. But there's another adaptation or another gene variant that we want to introduce to you now, which is a bit more hidden. And we'll need some volunteers to help us show it, as well. Yes. So this is something that is very much hidden. So let's see-- we'll pick somebody. Yes. You. Very enthusiastic there. Yep, boy with the lovely Christmas jumper. Yeah. How many do you want, Aoife? We need six. So you pick three. I'll get three. I've got two. Good. Yeah. You all get close together, into a line, shoulder to-- yeah. What a lovely group of volunteers. [APPLAUSE] Alice, I'd like-- Alice, I'd like you to join in this one, as well. You can be our seventh volunteer. Yeah, yeah. I owe you one. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to ask you to taste something, OK? So you're going to get a piece of paper. If you just stick out your hand, you're going to get a piece of paper. Just hold it in your hand for a moment. And then I'm going to ask you to just place it on your tongue. You're not to chew it, or swallow it, or anything. There's going to be a mix of flavours. So some of you are going to taste something, and some of you are not going to taste something. OK. Let's see. (EXCITED) There's a nasty reaction over there. Oh my god. What do you think? You can take it out of your mouth again. That was disgusting. Yeah. So who else thought it tasted disgusting? [GROAN] Did you get any taste? Yeah. You got a taste? What did it taste like to you? I don't know, like broccoli. Like broccoli, interesting. What did you think? I didn't taste anything. No taste. But you thought it tasted horrible. I thought it tasted like soap. It's like soap. So this is interesting because we actually have genetic variation in one of our taste receptor genes. You all got the same piece of paper. But some of you could taste it, and some of you couldn't taste it. And that's because we have different versions of a gene that allows us to taste this bitter flavour or not. But you seem to think it was particularly horrible, did you? So I mean, maybe there's something I can show you here that might cause you some dread. [LAUGHTER] What do you think? Do you like sprouts? (TOGETHER) No. Because you can taste the bitterness in them. But thank you very much. Wonderful volunteers. [APPLAUSE] Yeah. So we've seen, now, a few examples of genetic variation. Geneticists, in particular, are totally obsessed with variation. We want to understand how the differences that we see between us are related to differences in our genes. This works quite differently in different cases. So for example, for height, the height that you will grow to as an adult is really strongly determined by your genes. It's really a strong effect. Of course, what you eat and how much you eat is going to contribute to that. But if I wanted to guess your height as an adult, I would look at your parents. And that would be a fairly good guess. But there are other things which, even though there's a genetic influence, it's really not that strong. There's something else comes in, as well. So can you please raise your right hand if you are right-handed? OK. That's really a lot of people. Can you please raise your left hand if you are left-handed? There's a few. OK. So when did you decide to be left-handed? You never decided. It's a trick question, of course. So it's a strange one because, even though it's only partly genetic, you are also born that way. So in terms of whether you're left-handed or right-handed, this is a really good example of where genes and chance come together to make you what you are. And we're going to represent that here with this kind of obstacle course. So this obstacle course we've got here is representing the process of development. So that's you growing in the womb. And if we imagine you'll get the start here, which is the start of development. And at the end, you either end up right-handed or left-handed. So if this one individual went through this process of development-- I have one individual-- So they might end up left-handed or right-handed. Now, we can't tell at the beginning. But let's see what happens. Let's see. And watch it go down. So we can actually predict what side it will end up on. But this one ended up on the left. So this individual ended up, let's say, left-handed. But if we have somebody else with exactly the same genetics, they might turn out differently. So this person ended up right-handed. We can do a few more. And we can do a few more. Aw, I'm going to be tipping all these balls in, we'll see what happens. [CLATTERING] Nice and easy. OK. So in this case, even though everybody here has the same genetics, it's got the same obstacle course, a lot more turned out right-handed than turned out left-handed. So on average in the population, 90% of people are right-handed. And only 10% of people are left-handed. And so the genetics works a bit like this. So your genes set up a probability. But they don't determine exactly how you're going to end out. No, they don't. You know, we might think about something as normal or something as not normal, but that's really not the way it is. Yeah. You've got two outcomes here. One of them is more probable than the other one. But you can't say that being right-handed is normal and being left-handed is abnormal. No. But there's other things that have similar genetics to this. And one of those is sexual preference. So usually, men are attracted to women, and women are attracted to men. But sometimes it's not that way. And the genetics actually is very, very similar. The percentage is very similar. And we have a similar situation that the genes determine the shape of this obstacle course. And sometimes it'll go one way. And sometimes it'll go the other way. So your genes aren't completely in control. There's a lot of room for chance, as well. Yeah. And in fact, in our own bodies, we see the way that having the same genome, for instance, on both sides of your body can produce slightly different effects. Yes. And you can see an example of that by looking in the mirror. And for this, I will need another volunteer. And I'll need somebody who is very good at staying still. Who can be very, very, very still? So here's somebody who's very nice and still. Yes. And with a beautiful jumper. Yes. You. [APPLAUSE] OK. So I'm going to ask you to do something. Come around this side of the table. So what's your name? Cam. Cam. It's lovely to meet you. So we are going to ask you to sit your head in your hands like that, right? I want you to keep your head as straight as possible and looking straight at that camera. Now, we all have quite symmetric faces, don't you think? But there are little asymmetries that we can't even notice most of the time. And those asymmetries are just that kind of chance in development that we just mentioned earlier. So if we look at this picture of Cam, we can see she looks very symmetric, like all of us do. But she probably has some small little asymmetry. So if we just take the left-hand side of Cam's face, and flip it over, and make a magic mirror image, and then we move that over to the left here of the picture. And we'll do the same thing with the right. So we take the right-hand side and flip it over. OK. So now keep looking exactly straight. And so you can see here, on the left, we have the left-hand side of Cam's face made symmetric and the right-hand side of her face made symmetric. And they look a bit different, don't they? So it almost looks like Cam is her own identical twin or something. But just look at me without moving your head-- without moving your head. And can you look at Alice without moving your head? [LAUGHTER] OK. Look back at me. And look back at Alice. OK. Thank you very much. You're wonderful, Cam. [APPLAUSE] Aoife, was an example of how a genome can play out slightly differently in one side of your face compared to the other. But sometimes we get the same genome in different individuals. --otherwise known as-- --(TOGETHER) identical twins. And we have some twins who are here this evening who have kindly agreed in advance to do some experiments with us. So if you could please come down. We have Ronnie and Ritchie, and Noah and Harris, and Rosanna and Caitlin. [APPLAUSE] OK. OK. So which one of you is Ronnie, and which one's Ritchie? I'm Ronnie. He's Ritchie. OK. Thank you. So what we're going to ask you to do is to put your hand into this bucket of ice water and to keep it there just until it feels uncomfortable, OK? So you're going to take it out as soon as it feels uncomfortable. And because we want to compare you and because we don't want you to know what's happening with the other twin, we're going to ask you to put on those ear defenders so you can't hear what's happening around. So I'm going to go behind you and I'm going to start these stopwatches. And you can see me starting the stopwatch. And that's when you're to put your hand in, OK? So put the ear defenders on. And we'll get ready. OK, ready? Go. Well, Aoife, you time the twins, seeing how long they can keep their hands in the ice, I've got Noah and Harris here, and Helen Earwaker, who's a fingerprint researcher. And so Helen, you're going to be looking at the twins' fingerprints and seeing just how similar and different they really are. Yes, I am indeed. I'm going to take prints from both of them. Should we start with one of them, then? Fantastic. Are you Noah or Harris? I'm Noah. You're Noah. OK. OK. So we're going to take Noah's right thumb. And we're going to very carefully move the thumb round all the way from one end of the fingernail all the way to the other-- To get lots of ink on it. --ink on all of the ridges of Noah's thumb. And then we're going to create a record of that thumb by popping it down on the paper and rolling all the way across. Ah. Look at that. That's a beautiful thumbprint. Excellent. And up. Perfect. Helen, I'll leave you to do the same with Harris. Thank you. And I'll move over here because we've got Omar Mahroo. He's an eye doctor. And then we put another pair of twins, Rosanna and Caitlin. Who's Rosanna? I'm Rosanna. Hi, Rose. You must be Caitlin. And Omar is going to have a look at your irises. So Rosanna, if you'd like to sit down there, we're going to have a look at the fine structure of these twins' eyes. Are you comfortable, love? And Omar, what are you doing there? So this allows us to take a detailed picture of the iris of Rosanna's left eye. And what are you interested in? Are you interested in the colour or the structure? No. Actually, the fine details of the structure, which you can't normally see with the naked eye. But with a camera like this, you can. Lovely. Oh, that's great. Oh. The ice has stopped. Yes. Well, actually, I didn't want to let them go past two minutes. And they both got that far, so they did the maximum amount of time. Wow, that's amazing. Oh my goodness. You're very strong. You can take your ear defenders off. [APPLAUSE] But I wonder if it-- was it really not uncomfortable before then? Did you just keep going, even though-- Yeah. You did? Oh, you're so bad. Yeah. But they're both very strong, obviously. And they're both the same as each other. Between twins, we see this pain resistance is quite similar between twins, but very strong. And possibly very competitive, as well. And possibly quite competitive. Now, Helen, what about Noah and Harris and their thumbprints? They're beautiful thumbprints. They are, indeed. We've managed some excellent prints here from both of them. So if we start by looking at Noah's print, then we're going to start by looking at something called first level detail, which is the type of overall pattern that we can see. So the question is, are they broadly similar, then? So we would expect to see a level of similarity, each of you, to some of the genetic ways in which those fingerprints are formed. But also, we'll expect to see some differences due to the exact conditions in which that friction ridge skin, those fingerprints are formed within different areas of the womb. OK. So what can you see? So you can see here, in Noah's print, that we have lines coming up and going round. Yeah, there's a loop. There's a loop, indeed. And we look at Harris's print, and we can see, similarly, a loop coming up and round. But if we look carefully, we can also see another loop-- That heads back up. Indeed. So Harris has something that we would call a twinned loop. And then-- But Noah doesn't have that. No. Noah has what we would an ulnar loop coming round here. Yeah. Just a single loop. That's fascinating. I mean, it's very interesting, isn't it, that you've got similar fingerprints, but you're both individuals. You've both got something special, and different, and unique about your fingerprints. Brilliant. Thank you, Helen. How are you doing over here? Great. Omar with Rosanna and Caitlin. We've got some very nice-- How's their eyes look? --very nice pictures of the iris of Roseanne and Caitlin here. And here, you can see superficially they do look very similar-- similar colours. But if you look at the fine detail, you can see that Caitlin has a couple of small depressions-- we call them crypts-- that Rosanna doesn't have in the same place. And that's highlighted here. What's really interesting is that when you look at their irises like that, I mean, they are strikingly similar in terms of colour. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. But it's this structure. It's the fine structure that's actually different. Yes. And then another difference is this ridge. It's a raised area we call the collarette. And I've just highlighted them in both twins. And you can see the shape's subtly different. And if you superimpose them, again, they're not identical at all. Yeah. They're quite different. Isn't that interesting, that when we really get into this level of detail, again, you are each unique. Thank you very much, twins. Thank you, Omar. Thank you, Helen. [APPLAUSE] So Ronnie and Ritchie have stayed around because, last week, they did something else for us, and that was this. So what they're doing there is they're taking a sample from inside their mouth, but it's not a sample of their own DNA. It's a sample of things that are living in and on all of us. We all have bacteria that are growing on our skin and inside our mouth and our intestines. And Ronnie and Ritchie very kindly agreed to give us samples so that we could have a look at us. And here to talk to us about that is Arwyn from the University of Aberystwyth. [APPLAUSE] Hi. Arwyn Edwards. It's so lovely see you. Thank you for doing this. So you have here something that has grown from inside their mouths. Yeah. So we have the bacteria from Ronnie in Ritchie's mouths that have been plated out on nutrient media. So this nice nutrient tallied up is basically bacteria food. But you can see some differences between you. Which one of you is Ronnie? Him. OK. Ronnie, I need to give you give bacteria back for a second. So you can see some differences there. But it's all kind of little spots of this and that. So it's a bit difficult to tell. And that's because only 1% of bacteria will grow on a cup. So to really get in touch with our microbiomes, what we have to do is do DNA sequencing. So this is really a small sample of what Ronnie and-- Yes. Yeah. --Ritchie are carrying around, and all of us are carrying around. Everyone's carrying around right now, everybody in this room. Yeah. So how do you then sample the rest of the diversity? Well, that's a good question. So as well as collecting those swabs, what happened was their samples of spit then had their DNA in that sample extracted. And we amplified bacterial genes in there to do a sort of DNA fingerprint of the microbes that are present. So you have something here. Ronnie and Ritchie, come over here beside. We'll have a look. So now you're loading the sample in-- I'm just preparing for a sample to just go in. OK. That's-- And this is the sample going in here, this kind of milky liquid here. OK. And how long does it take before this sequencer starts actually generating some sequence? It's already started. It's already started? Wonderful. That's incredible. So we've gone from the dark green colours here with nothing going through the machine. And now we've got the light green colour. And you can see numbers here flashing up saying that it's sequencing. But this is going to take a while. I don't think we can wait for this to finish. No. So here's one we made earlier. Yes. So it takes a-- it's very fast, but it still takes a few hours. So we did the DNA sequencing earlier. And we sequenced 2 million DNA molecules from both of you put together. And from that, we have numbers of the types of species that we have there from bacteria growing in your mouths. You're twins, obviously. So you have more in common than you have apart. So 116 species of bacteria growing in your mouth right now that you both have and you're both sharing. But then, Ronnie, you've got 18 species that are unique to you. And your twin brother doesn't have those species. And then Ritchie, you've got slightly more. You've got 25 species that are unique to you. So even though your genomes are identical and your daily habits are very, very similar, you have some bacteria that make you unique. Yeah. And so these are totally separate from the genome we've been talking about until now. So it's not your genome. It's the genome of little things living on your skin and in your mouth. Yeah. So if somebody had a pet, would that influence what's growing? Yeah. So if you have a pet dog at home, you're likely to share many, many bacterial species between you and the dog. So next time you have dogs in the audience there, give them a good pat because you're picking up friendly bacteria from them. So would somebody be more like their twin or more like their pet? That's a good question. It depends how much you like your twin brother. OK. Well, thank you so much, Arwyn. And thank you so much, Ronnie and Ritchie. You can keep those. And you've been wonderful volunteers. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. Aoife, that was incredible, I mean, I think that it's interesting to see how many different species of bacteria we've got living in our mouths. But also, the fact that the sequencing is so quick and so miniaturised now, that amazing technology. It's incredible. Yeah. So I want to test you a bit now-- Oh, yeah? --because we've been talking about various characteristics that we can map on to our genetics. But if you didn't know what somebody looked like and you didn't know who somebody was, how much could you tell about them if you had their DNA sequence? So now you're talking about basically the Holy Grail of genetics. Can you take a DNA sequence and describe the person? Well, it's quite hard because we've already talked about examples where you might have particular genes. And it gives you a chance of being one thing or another. But it doesn't totally fix the outcome. And then there's another side to it, as there's lots of stuff that we just don't know yet. There's lots of examples where we just don't know how, exactly, the genes work. But-- So I've got somebody's DNA results here. Yes, yes. So we have a mystery guest. And honestly, I don't know who this guest is, nor does Alice. But I have been looking at some of their DNA. So this mystery guest is going to come in. And don't say anything that might let us guess who it is because we have no idea who this is. And we're going to make some predictions of some of this person's traits just based on the DNA sequence analysis. So please come in, mystery guest. [APPLAUSE] OK. Mystery guest, you don't have to say anything to me because I don't even want to hear your voice. But thank you very much for coming. So the mystery guest over there has two bells. And they can use one of them for "yes" and one of them for "no." So the first thing that I'm going to talk about with regard to this guest is that this person has two X chromosomes. These are the sex chromosomes. So usually when somebody has to X chromosomes, then they're female. It's not 100%, but it's most of the time. So I'm going to go for that we have a female guest. Am I correct? [RINGING] Yes. OK. One right. OK. You're doing well, Aoife. Thank you. Now, let's see. So we also know that skin colour is highly genetic. But we don't know all the variants very well. So based on the genetic variants, I'm relatively confident that this person has skin on the darker scale, so a brown to darker brown. Am I correct? [RINGING] OK. Good. Yes. OK. I wasn't certain about that one. Perhaps you might have detached earlobes. So we have earlobes that can be-- my earlobes are detached. And Alice's are-- Mine are attached. --attached. So do you have detached earlobes, yes? [RINGING] Oh, OK. So we talked earlier about lactose tolerance, as well. And so this person does not carry the variant that we normally see in European individuals that allows them drink milk. I'll go for that this person is lactose intolerant. [RINGING] OK. There we go. And so some people-- you know the herb, coriander-- the green herb, coriander? So for me, that tastes really nice. But for about 13% of people, it tastes like soap. And this person might be one of them. I'm not confident, but I will say for soapy coriander, yes? [HONK] Oh. OK. There we go. Interesting. So finally-- and this one, I'm quite confident that this person has either dark brown or hazel eyes. [RINGING] OK. All right. Well, that's as much as I'm going to do. But what was interesting about this is you know some of these traits are better predictors than others. But it's never going to be 100%. So you might be right sort of, you know, 7, 8, 9 times out of 10. But there are some people that you're not going to guess right by knowing their genetics. OK. I think we just need to end the suspense and see who actually is our mystery guest. Do you think we should reveal it? I think we should reveal our mystery guest. Let's see. [GASPS] Hello. Hi! How are you? One for you and one for you. Thank you so much for coming. [INAUDIBLE] So it was a surprise. Were you impressed that Aoife managed to guess so much about you? Yeah. And I feel so bad that I love coriander. You love coriander? I love coriander. But your genes say that you should taste a soapy taste. That's not right, then. Tastes delicious to me. I don't know. So that one didn't work. Oh. That was amazing. Ruby, star baker, thank you very much. Aw. Thank you so much. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] So this is fascinating. We do seem to be able to make some reasonably good predictions about people based on their genetics. But that was a bit of fun. It was a lot of fun, and I got a cupcake. But there's a more serious side to this, too, because we can use genetics to predict our risk of disease. I mean, you just think really carefully about how we do that and whether we want to know this information. So to help us think through some of these issues, I'd like you to welcome my friend, bioethicist Professor Heather Widdows. Heather. [APPLAUSE] Now, Heather, first of all, what is a bioethicist? Well, my job is to think not about what we can do, but about what we should do. So I think about the implications for all the stuff you've heard. And now that we can predict risk of some diseases-- some better than others-- what are the advantages to knowing that kind of information? Well, some of it is disease specific. So if there's a treatment, for instance, then you need to know. But there are general things that people think that maybe you have a right to know, that you should know. And that will help you plan your future. So that could be things like lifestyle choices. So if you have a disposition, say, to something like a form of cancer, then you might want to plan your life a bit differently. So when you're thinking about things like when you want to have children, if you want to have children, you might want to have children earlier. You might want to maybe do your "bucket list." You don't want to wait till you're retired to go and climb Mount Everest. Yeah. So it can kind of help with planning. Right. You could change your lifestyle and hopefully lessen your risk there. But what are the negatives when it comes to knowing your disease risk? So just like some people think you should know, other people feel very strongly that other way. They think that you should have an open future, that knowing is going to make you think that you're ill when, in fact, you're very well still. So even though you're not ill, you might start behaving as if you are. And you kind of wish your life away. So for very many other people, they think that, in fact, we really have a duty or a right not to know that's important. So we'd like to explore some of these areas with you. And at your feet, you've got voting cards. So when we ask you to vote, what I'd like you to do is hold up your answer with the answer facing us. So we're going to talk about a number of diseases and see what you think, see how you feel about it. Have a good think about whether you'd really want to know if you had a higher risk of developing such a disease. So should we have a think about early-onset Alzheimer's disease? Yeah. So Alzheimer's is one form of dementia. And usually, the tests will only tell you susceptibility and risk. And it's more about a cluster of genes in the environment. So this is something which would cause memory loss, eventually makes it difficult for you to be independent and to look after yourselves. At the moment, there's no treatment for it. So would you like to know if you had a higher risk of developing early Alzheimer's? I think there's a-- I think there's a majority of yeses, actually. But there's quite a lot of people who wouldn't like to know. So let's think about another disease. OK. So the next one we want to think about is type 2 diabetes. So this is where your body responds to sugar. It can affect your eyesight. And it can gradually get more severe. It is a disease where you can manage it very well by lifestyle changes. So obesity is a key factor in the disease. So knowing means that you really can change your lifestyle to address it. So who would like to know if they had a slightly higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes? That's really different. Even more. Yeah. So the vast, vast majority of you are saying yes. It's important to remember, with these kind of ethics questions, there is no right or wrong answer. It's what's right and wrong for you. So let's think about one final disease. And let's think about cancer. Now, there are lots of different types of cancer. Some of them are treatable. Some of them are more difficult to treat. But if you could test for a high risk of a particular cancer where there was a treatment option, what would you feel about that? Would you want to know if you were going to develop this particular type of cancer? I think it is about 2/3. Yes. And about a third "no." Yeah. I think that looks-- now, our roving reporter, Aoife, is going to come and ask you some of your opinions about this and why you voted-- Is there anybody-- --in various ways. Is there anybody who'd like to tell me what they voted and why they voted? So I'll come around to you. Oh, sorry. I fall on the stairs, as well. And what way did you vote on the Alzheimer's one? I voted no. And why did you vote no? I think you shouldn't live knowing in fear. You should make your own choices. Yeah. Very interesting. Anybody else who wants to tell me about one of their answers? Yeah? But which one? I voted yes on Alzheimer's-- Yes? --because I think it'd be nice to warn your family-- OK. Very interesting. --and to share. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see if there's somebody up here. You voted no? OK. Do you want to tell us what did you vote no to and why? I voted no to the first one because-- Alzheimer's. Yes, because I didn't want to know because then it would make me feel scared. And then I won't enjoy my life as much as I would have. I mean, it's very sophisticated opinions coming from our audience here. So give yourselves a round of applause. [APPLAUSE] Thank you very much for doing that with us. There was some really, really thoughtful answers there, I thought, Heather. Absolutely. Lots of the answers you came up with are exactly the answers that ethicists talk about. Really? One really interesting thing, of course, about DNA is that it connects us with other people. So this is something you've thought about long and hard, Heather-- that, in fact, when you have your DNA sequenced, it's not just your genes that you're looking at. Yeah. Absolutely. The two key things that make genetic information so different are that it is shared and it is identifying. So it's shared with other members of your family. And we don't really know how to balance that. So if we think about something like, you know, testing for the indicators for breast cancer-- if you are 15, and you want to be tested, and your mother is 35, 40, and doesn't want to know, and you know that there's kind of cancer in the family, if you go, and get tested, and turn out to be positive, then you will have information about your mother that she does not want. And we need to think about how we ethically manage that. It feels like we're only just catching up with the ethics of this whole area of biology. It feels that we're not really kind of grasping how to deal with that information quite yet. Yeah. No. I don't think we are at all. I think that's exactly right. You know, the science has moved on quite dramatically. This is all about unknowns in the future. Who will want your information? Will it change what you can do employment-wise? Will insurers want it? And of course, there is one particular area when a genetic test is carried out, it's actually not on your own DNA, but very much on the DNA of another individual. And that's when we test babies in the womb, when we do antenatal testing. And we're able to test for more and more things now. But again, some really difficult decision-making when parents are presented with results. Absolutely. So you know, perhaps the one that's most well known is a test for Down syndrome. That happens very routinely. So that means that nearly every pregnant woman in the UK will have that test. And they will be offered it routinely. And they may just think, oh, well, this is just part of getting ready to have the baby. And what they may not realise is that once that result comes back, if that's a positive result, then the only thing to do is either continue-- so the tests can help to prepare-- or you can end the pregnancy. And that may be something that they hadn't quite realised was happening. So very difficult decisions. I want to introduce you to somebody who did have an antenatal test for Down syndrome. and her daughter. So please, will you welcome Donna and Frankie. [APPLAUSE] [BABY COOS] Oh, she gave us a lovely wave. [BABY HUMMING] Are you excited to be here? Yeah. So Donna, you had an antenatal test. So you knew that Frankie was going to be born with Down syndrome. We had a blood test. And she came back as a high chance of having Down syndrome. We didn't know until she was born that she had Down syndrome. But we knew that there was a high chance of it. Yeah. And did it help you prepare? Yeah, definitely. I mean, I think I went through my pregnancy, in my head, thinking, baby has Down syndrome. It wasn't anything that was negative for me. I was quite happy, quite excited. I've had my first baby. It didn't matter how she came out. She was Frankie, weren't you? And she's different, but she's lovely. Yeah. You know, no child's the same. She is so unique in so many ways. But I wouldn't change a thing about her. She's perfect. Yeah. And we're all unique. Exactly. Thank you very much-- Thank you for-- --Donna, Frankie, and Heather. [APPLAUSE] So Aoife, we've been looking at what we can do with this new technology. You know, it is new. And it's getting faster, and faster, and cheaper, and cheaper. And we can read DNA, and we can make some predictions about what we're going to be. But we can actually change DNA now, as well. Yeah. And we have a really wonderful example of this. So if you could please welcome a leader in this field of gene therapy, from Great Ormond Street Hospital, Professor Bobby Gaspar. [APPLAUSE] Thank you so much for coming on. So you've been working in the area of gene therapy-- so being able to change genes to help patients-- for quite a number of years now. Yes. Well, I actually I started right at the beginning, when I was a junior doctor at Great Ormond Street Hospital about 25 years ago. And really, what we're trying to do is, in some diseases, it comes about because a gene is defective or missing. And what we want to try and do is put a working copy of the gene back into those cells so they now have the correct gene. The gene works. It makes the right signals to be able to correct that disease. So it's a very fundamental way of correcting diseases. So you're really getting to the root cause. And you helped the first ever patient to be helped with the gene therapy. First worldwide. And he's the first successfully-treated child by gene therapy. And our team at University College and Great Ormond Street helped treat him back in 2001. And he's here this evening to come and show off how strong and healthy he is. Please welcome Rhys. [APPLAUSE] Hello, Rhys. I must say you are looking very healthy. We have a picture of you from about one-year-old, I think, up there. What you can just about see, there is a plastic bubble around Rhys. So you spent a lot of time in that bubble. Well, when I was born, I had to be put into this bubble because I wasn't born with an immune system. And so any sort of bacteria or viruses in the atmosphere that I would inhale or breathe in, it would then harm me because my system wasn't very strong at all. And Professor Bobby Gaspar was your doctor. Yes. Yeah. So what did you do for Rhys? Well, Rhys, as he says, there was a single gene that was missing in his bone marrow, not working properly. He couldn't make immune cells. And so my colleague and myself, we were working on a new way of treating this condition through gene therapy. And that meant taking Rhys's own cells. So he went to the operating theatre. And we took out your bone marrow stem cells. And in the lab, we put a working copy of that gene-- that gene that was missing-- we put a working copy of that back into his bone marrow cells and then gave those gene modified cells back to Rhys. And then over a few months, his immune system starts to grow. And this was the first time we'd seen it in any child in the UK. And then after about six months, it was growing and working really well. So we were really, really delighted how well it worked. And so Rhys, this has totally changed your life. Yeah. No, I don't think I'd be alive, honestly. It's such a wonderful example of how genetics can transform medicine. And we have these new therapies. Well, now that we're able to identify all of these different genes that cause diseases, now we'll see genetic treatments for eye diseases. Certain leukemias can be treated by genetic therapies. And there'll be other conditions, as well, that will be treated by gene therapy. It's such a positive story. So thank you so much, Rhys and Bobby, for coming in and telling us that. Thank you. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Aoife, Rhys's story, it was just amazing. It's incredible. And this does feel like a new frontier in medicine, being able to fix faulty genes. And I wonder how far we go with this because fixing disease seems like a very positive thing to do. But you could make other changes. I mean, parents could be choosing, I don't know, eye colour, skin colour of their babies. And that, I think, is a very, very different issue. Definitely. I mean, I have a personal view on that, and that is that that shouldn't be done. I just don't think it's a suitable use of the technology. And it's something that should be avoided. And this science and this technology is moving really fast. So all of you will have to think about this really carefully over the course of your lives. Science is fantastic. It tells us so much about the world around us and about ourselves. And it provides us with amazing technological tools. But we have to work out how we're going to use these tools. And that's not just a question for scientists and ethicists. It's a question for everybody because this science and this technology belongs to all of us. And just because we can do something doesn't mean that we should. But one thing that we do see in all of this is that each of us is a total one-off. Even the twins were a unique parcel of talents, strengths, weaknesses, foibles, and charms. We started out wondering who we were, what makes us unique, what makes you "you." And we found an answer to that. But it's your past. It's all your ancestors who have passed down their genes to you. But it's also your own past. What happened to you in the womb and what's happened to you since you've been born combined with a lot of chance, as well, makes each one of you a unique individual. And there is no such thing as a perfect human. There is no normal human. Humanity is all of us. Everyone is different. And everyone has something special to give. Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: The Royal Institution
Views: 39,487
Rating: 4.8162727 out of 5
Keywords: Ri, Royal Institution, christmas lectures, alice roberts, aoife mclysaght, evolution, anthropology, humans, human, individuality, bioethics, science for kids, education, lecture, for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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