Christmas Giveaway Drawing! 🎉- Golf Course Lawn

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well happy Friday happy early New Year's Eve welcome to another live long here Q&A tonight's a special one tonight we are going to be answering your live your long care questions as always but tonight we're also doing the drawing for this year's giveaway so if you guys are living under a rock last week I announced what some of the prizes are going to be for uh the giveaway that we're doing tonight so for any of you guys that are tuning in should be a fun evening of launch care laughter giving each other a hard time you know just closing out 2023 with uh with fun as as always for those you that don't know my name is Ron Henry and I here to help answer your lawn care questions way this works is really simple on your screen you're going to see a chat box on that chat box you answer your question concern comment of the day and I work through them in the order that they come in now sometimes I have the answer sometimes I do not but either way we have an awesome time talking about lawn care and sometimes like life topics so guys gals everyone that's tuning in on the inbs this evening uh we're coming to you guys live on YouTube Facebook Instagram and Twitter to enter the giveaway uh which was announced earlier this week you have to be on YouTube or you have to at least leave a comment on YouTube because that's where I'm going to be doing the drawing and also we're also going be seeing if the person that won is present so the way this works is you got to be present to win so if we announce say that hey you know LG is the winner which you know he would he would love that and um you know we announce it we show it and then you have like 10 minutes or so we're going to give you five to 10 minutes to be able to say hey I'm here and then I'll put your name down and at which point you can email me out for the show and you can tell you how to how to claim uh claim your prize I need like address information and that kind of stuff so we know where to send it and uh and yeah so you must be present to win so if your name is called 10 minutes goes by you're not here we're going to draw again and move on to the next person so stay tuned in I'm G to work through it as quickly as possible so I mean I know you know it's it's the end of the year while you guys do love hanging out and talking about Turf I know that most of you are here primarily for the giveaway so I'm going to try and you know kind of move through the live stream a little bit quicker than uh than usual all right so Instagram feel free to be part of the live stream as well if you guys have any questions uh feel free to drop them in here and I I'll bounce back and forth between YouTube and the gram for anyone that has not entered and you still want a chance and I'm sure everyone that already has like saying no don't do that they should have been watching they should have been a die hard but if you want if you want a chance to still um get entered you can for the next few minutes anyway so this is the live stream from last week that I'm posting into the chat now this a YouTube video from actually it's YouTube video from Tuesday I keep seeing last week but it really was Tuesday just a couple days ago so you need to go there where I just posted um in the chat on Facebook and also on on YouTube and leave a comment the question that I asked asked was what was the name of the mole that was destroying my lawn a few weeks ago if you don't know I mean while it does hurt my feelings that you don't watch all the content if you simply look through the existing comments you can find the answer so be sure to do that leave um leave a comment so you have a chance to win and we should have a good time we've got six prizes that we've got uh figured out to to give away this evening so we will uh we'll get through that so let's first of all go through run through this uh see any questions that people might have and then we'll get into the giveaway here soon we'll start all right so uh first up is a question that I um first is Joseph a saying to hit that like button and definitely do that guys gals if you guys would not um mind the like button really is important it shows engagement helps drive more people to come watch the the content the algorithm loves it if you guys do that so hit the like button it's a free way to support the channel means a lot so before we get into that let me first get this super chat from Archie Amos starting it off it is the season for giving and I really do appreciate this LG so we'll put him up thank you so much LG for that super re he says come on LG let's uh Archie says come on LG let's uh cleans out uh the Heat Big all right I'll take it so because you are first sir Archie we will put you up as the show sponsor Mr Archie Amos your name in lights for whatever that means to you there you go you're up Archie appreciate it sir all right next up we have J bear uh saying have an excellent stream brother and happy New Year thank you so much uh Jackie bear I really do appreciate it and then Max saying Hey Ron Julian Happy New Year hope all is well it is it is my lawn is mole free it's Weed Free there's not weeds in it which means my pre-emergence working well just waiting for uh you know for February is or so to get my pre-emergent down my spring pre-emergent and get get on with the season yeah all things considered cannot complain Matthew wion's up next he says can't wait should be a good time and next is Brian Tanner and here's the thing guys as far as what I I noticed I already ran the um the comment picker to see how many entries we have the LA at last check we're at 99 and there's six prizes at this point so you know you have decent odds I mean not not not great but they're decent and you got to figure that some of these people are not going to show up so you never know just we're sticking around all right Brian Tanner's up next he says good evening Ron looking forward to another great night of long here with the stripe action gang I appreciate that Brian thank you for taking some time out of your New Year's Eve weekend to hang out Chris Styles 405 saying yo what's up Chris the Terminator 1000 saying happy Friday appreciate you and then Mr Putt says evening happy holidays you know that's an actually easier way of saying it because I used to say oh well you know you just say Merry Christmas but there's people that celebrate you know huk people cele Quanza and versus saying happy merry christma Hana Quanza just saying happy holidays is I guess a way to kind of catch everybody so makes sense I get it all right next up is Dem marculus Thompson he's in the house and he says greetings Ron and stripe action crew only a short amount of weeks before go time that's I'm telling you guys man it's we are not that far away we're not that far away you know it's at least if you're in the Southeast it's January here about to be January and mid you know six weeks from now thereabouts it's going to be pre-emergent time here in Northeast Georgia and before you know it we'll be out there scalping your Turf raking getting the Lawns ready and then you'll have to mow so enjoy this downtime while you have it it's not going to be around too much longer uh next up we have Papa Mo Low's in the house says happy Friday Ron happy Friday Papa Mo loow thanks for coming to hang out Mark Luna says good evening Ron and everybody happy New Year 2024 is going to be real low and green yeah man yep most definitely you know sounds like a lot of you guys have done the work over this past year to uh to set yourselves up for a great season next year so it only gets better right as long as you're consistent it only gets better and better over time speaking of great Lawns and new equipment and getting yourself ready for the next year we got Mr Tom hoffen camp in the live stream this evening saying Happy New Year in advance y'all best wishes for a great 2024 now Tom sent me some pictures of his new acquisition so he got a John Deere 220e I think is what he went with and it's a 220e golf course launch stripe action Edition so he put like not one but two stickers on it and I got to tell you this is a clean mower I'm not sure where you got this Tom but it's a that is a clean clean looking mower you know there's some people that put you know they have like a sports car in the garage and they keep that all waxed and clean you know in in this circle we keep our mowers that way right so look at his mower this that's uh that's looking good man very clean he's got the the the black stripe action sticker and then the Chrome The elusive Chrome one that these we don't these don't get sent out too often these you have to you have to get um those only certain products that that that the the psych delic sticker goes out with but uh but Tom has both so he's representing with style so I really do appreciate that sir like uh these guys here like these stickers um if you like if you like Chrome if you like bling if you order a um the Celsius certainty herbicide kit or let me think or spectacle flow or the cool season herbicide kit these go in there so these are these aren't as many of these in the wild as for example uh these ones like these are more common but the the Psychedelic if you like bling if you're some of these people that like to like to Sparkle then there's only a couple of ways to get those all right so next up we have uh hit Tomo saying happy Friday Ron and early happy New Year for 2024 yeah man 2024 is going to be a good year looking forward to it thank you for the well wishes appreciate it the next up we got Gary Freeman in the house saying Hey Ron strap action gang and ahead of time happy New Year yeah because this is going to be the last live stream at least I'm planning anyway of 2023 you know we're almost done so yeah this is going to be it so next one will be next Friday and we'll be into 2024 Falcon pilot happy Friday Floyd Sloan saying hello Ron thanks for all the help coming from F from fet Ville Georgia you are very welcome I really do appreciate it um Floyd you know that's that's with the senent overall I mean it's been really cool I'm getting the emails and feedback and and um messages on on the various social media platforms are saying that the the content has been useful to help you guys get your La a little bit better help you be that guy or gal on your street on your block and that that means a lot it means a lot because it it really shows the process works and you know that it's it is not just me it's easy for like if you have a sample of one it shows you can get results but when when other people from various skill levels that that you know some that might be more experienced with lawn care and some that are just brand new like get getting their first lawn can still follow the process and still get great results that is um that's pretty awesome so glad to to hear that you are you're doing well Floyd we got another Super Chat here this one is from Mr christyle 405 we will drop that up now thank you so much Chris Super Chat received his question is I bought a California trimmer and I've been using it since August should I get it serviced and sharpened since I used it for half of the growing season I would Chris I mean depends on you know if if if the mower is still sharp if it's still cutting paper all the way across then you don't necessarily have to go out and get it sharpened maybe a backlap is all you're going to need you know really really you want to like minimize how often you have to grind on reels because every time you do that you're taking away You're reducing the life of the Reel if you if you backlap it and then it's still not cutting paper that's when you need to take it in for a grind or if you like you hit a stone or something and you get you Nick The Reel that's another reason why you have to take it in for a grind but if you um if the mower still cutting paper all the way across and still in good shape a backlap is all I would say to do and just call it good and uh and that way you just preserving the life of your mower I would still change the oil you do all that type of Maintenance but if if it's still cutting paper all the way across then there's no need to uh to go in and and grind uh grind The Reel so uh you will know the answer to that Chris based on how the mow is doing congrats on the new California trim by the way I didn't I didn't give you a some DB for that I appreciate the Super Chat it's a good question should you um you know should you should you sharpen your mower should you grind your mower every single year I mean I tend to um but it's not um you know again if in your case where you just got you just got it for the most part and you got it in August so you really mowe in August September maybe a little bit in October then you shut it down so it should be fairly fresh as long as you didn't get into dirt and you scalping and doing this kind of you know any kind of practices are a bit more aggressive uh but if you if you didn't do any of that that stuff then it should be good to go like I said a backlap should be all you need to keep it uh to keep it in good shape so great question thank you for the Super Chat I really do appreciate it means a whole lot and then some okay so let me find out where I left off it's always the hardest part whenever I scroll down for Super Chat all right got it next up is Gino mkl saying thanks for all the help is here you are very welcome Gino thank you for watching the content and for all of the uh all the support all right so we have a question now on from the from Instagram says Hey Ron from Blaze uh man goona he says Hey Ron I live in western Washington and my yard is starting to get red thread infestation should I wait till spring to treat or start now I would start now uh temps have been in the high 50s and the lowish 38s I would I would I would start I would start now blae um there's I mean you could give it time and see if it clears this clears up over time but I mean if it were me I would get a a funder side down I wouldn't I really wouldn't play with that now as far as funder sides go there's a couple different options um that you can go with uh we we carry a granular and a liquid fungicide if you prefer granular products then Headway G is a great choice it's got two fungicides in the bag so you've got propac conazol and a oxy strobin uh so that would be an excellent choice if you granulars are your preference if you like liquids then you go with um with pillar SC the nice thing about pillar that's kind of cool is that there's only one rate it's one ounce per thousand square feet doesn't matter if you're using it as a preventative or or in your case as a Curative it's a single rate so it's easy to mix it it's a and it's going to work a little bit faster than the granular will so as far as where you can find that if you go to the golf course lawn store you go to shop and then go to fungicide insector side and on the top shelf you will find both pillar SC and Headway G so either one of of those are what I would use to uh to Target the the problem so yes I wouldn't wait um you know disease issues I mean think of one outside of say mild Dollar spot um I would I would apply a fungicide like dollar spot uh you know if you if you have a lawn that's been um that's been nitrogen deficient and if you you put a little bit of n in it like say for in Bermuda um like that will help the lawn grow through it um but for more serious INF St if you even dollar spot I would I would apply F side I would apply propic conazol so so the answer your question yes I would not wait because you got to figure you're in Washington weather is kind of warmish now spring for you is a good three months away I would not I would not wait I would not wait so you're going to do a funer side app um let's say if you could Thanos St and get your your funder side you would do one say today and then you would do another one uh 3 weeks from now even if it looks better even if the issu is cleared up I would still do a follow-up application 3 weeks later to ensure that it's uh that it's gone that you're you're in good shape going forward so I posted the link there in the chat where you can look at the funder size the two that I mentioned again are Headway or pillar SC and sorry you're dealing with with that but at least you know You' got the tools now to take care of it if you so desire great stuff okay um moving back over to YouTube we got Ray Skinner tell you what all the folks that I haven't heard from in a while all you got all you got to do is just talk about free stuff and folks just show up come out of the the woodwork we got Ray Skinner saying Hey Ron what's going on uh Ray and guys what's going to happen here is at um here in the next few minutes we'll do the first drawing we'll draw the first uh the first item and it's going to be a t-shirt the first thing we're going to be giving away is a t-shirt um so we're we have three of these that we're giving away tonight uh from Miramichi green cursy Miramichi green it is a greatness from the ground up t-shirt so you have a chance of winning three of these or three people can win one of these and we're also giving away a a couple of soil test kits courtesy of the nice Folks at my soil and then we're also going to give away a golf course Salon carbon kit golfer carbon kit courtesy of the golf course lawn store so we're going to get going here soon the first thing is going to be we're going to go t-shirt Soul test kit t-shirt Soul test K we're going to go back and forth and then we'll move on to the carbon kit right okay so moving on next up we got Mr Jared George saying I've decided I want to do a split app of pring in the spring so you've done the research you've prayed on it you thought about it you spoken it over with the lawn and a split app is the way you want to go got it he says at what point would I aate won't that break the barrier also why can't I use it again come fall great question uh Jared so uh the first as your first question um will irration disturb the barrier for pre-immersion yes yes it absolutely will having said that I will tell you that I for years for years I pre I've um applied pre-emergent um in my case typically only once in February and then I air in April time frame if I do top dressing in May or so I'll air eight again and I don't have a lot of issues with weed with breakthrough in my lawn now granted I use pre-emergent in the fall and I also use preer in the spring I'm really diligent about my mowing practices so overall my line is not one that is um conducive or the environment isn't one that that makes it easy for weeds to take root but I have not seen personally from my experience that as long as you get your pre-emergent um app out um in time meaning you get it out before so attempts from the mid-50s and um you know and you if you still go and do irration uh a month or two later on could it is it going to cause or or are you reducing the effectiveness of the pre-emergent yes but again in my case I've not I've not experienced like you know a mass weed um outbreak due to air rating and that's not just me I I've done done that um Alex and then the other lawn that's next to ours that we also help out with so we have like a sample of three and then and there's other people as well like people in the academy report the same thing that um that they don't have a bunch of problems with with we in their lawn um if they aate after applying pre-emergent so that's thing one yes it will but as long as you get your pre-immersion out early it's it's not going to make a material difference as far as um as you're going to have a big problem as far as weeds showed up in your lawn the next question is why can't I use it again in the fall there's nothing says you can't the the thing you have to keep in mind Jared is that when it comes to pamine there is an annual limit of how much of the active ingredient you should be putting into the soil so in the case of Bermuda grass the annual limit for Pine is .83 oun so I'm talking here if you're using the water dispersible granule so 83 ounces per 12 months right so if you do a split app in the spring and say you did I this would be low for Bermuda say you did like 0.20 in February and then another 0.20 in April that still leaves you like 0 43 for the fall if you wanted to do that what most people do though is they take the annual limit and they do half of that say in February like late February early March and they'll do the other half say so 0 40 in the first app and another 0 4 in the second app say April time frame and what that does is it does give you better control better prevention but you've used up your annual limit for pamine so you need will then need to switch to something else in the fall so what I would say is there nothing says you can't do it but if it were me I would use I would use if if you want to use pine in the fall I would use like di I would use diare in the spring here's why because prum by itself is not is not great at at getting at at at preventing POA as well as most people would want right so if you did like a if you're going to use pine in the fall you could do an application like say late August early September and then you could follow it up again in December with another application of pamine and that would carry you into the springtime so I I wouldn't I wouldn't try to get away with a single app of piging in the early fall because while it's going to work okay you are going to have some breakthrough with poano so the what I do and what I teach and what I've gotten good results with is to use one pre-immersion pick one and use that in the spring and then use a different one in the fall what I to be the holy Grill of pre-emergence for warm season Turf the combination that I like is to use either pamine or Diop here in the spring and then use spectacle flow in the fall so something like this in the fall it's more expensive but the nice thing about spectacle flow is that as far as control for for po anua it doesn't get really much better than this uh for warm season grass and it lasts longer so whereas pamine you you can get 3 to four months of of of resid ual of coverage out of it you know spectacle flow is like 6 months it's like it's it's it's a really good product as far as you can really apply at one time say in late August early September and that really will carry you through into the spring like last year that is what I did and I got great results this year just to play with it just to see what what the differences would be I did an application in late August early September and I did another one in early December um so the same amount of active ingredient but I just split it up between two apps just to see what the difference would be and it's pretty much the same like I don't have any Po in my lawn I didn't have any Po in my lawn last year and I don't have any poet in my lawn now either so we'll see when it comes to you know February March when it warms up a little bit uh if I have any any issues with that I don't anticipate it but uh but yeah so I hope that helps as far as help you helping you understand that strictly speaking you can use pamine in the spring and in the fall it's just not going to be as effective in my opinion because you're not going to be able to apply enough of it to get a uh a great result in the um that's as far as preventing um the weed that you're trying to control like like Po specifically in the fall it's not going to be great for that if you only do one app all right so hope that helps sir great question thank you so much hopefully you've entered as for an opportunity to win a t-shirt you know what let's get going let's let's get this going you guys are are not really here to hear me jibber jabber you're here for for the free stuff right so the way this is going to work and guys you know we are at at um 22 minutes into the live stream so if you want to you want to win you know what here's what I'm going to do I'm going to give you guys eight more minutes so it's at 30 minutes after the hour so it's 7:30 Eastern we'll start the drawing because what happens is once I start once I start it the software is going to like read all the comments and then that's going to lock it in so if you if you try and join after that um you're not going to like it's not it's not going to see your your comment right so you want to I'm gonna give you guys eight minutes if you have any friends family I mean here's the thing I here's the thing guys I'm I'm I'm a I'm a pentester I'm a hacker so I'm I'm completely fine with you trying to game this if you got like a Neighbor Next Door a friend next door and you guys are trying to increase your odds by having them enter it's on you no problem but I'm just saying that in eight seven minutes now it's going to we're going to lock it off and then whoever's entered is who's entered and then we're going to start doing our drawing so you guys can work something out saying hey if I win you know I get to wear the t-shirt on Wednesday and you get to wear the t-shirt on on the on the weekend how are you guys want to work that out all right so few more minutes and then we're going to do swi we'll switch to the uh the software and do our first drawing for the first t-shirt so uh you only got if you have any friends or anyone that you want to give the opportunity to try and win some free stuff you got six minutes and counting to tell them all right next up we have stand slanted that's a cool name saying happy Friday Ron thanks uh for coming to hang out Sans slanted I appreciate it uh thanks that's a cool name I don't remember seen your name before so if you're new welcome uh next up we have Neil White saying happy New Year happy New Year Neil and then Teran stamp saying good evening Ron where's my stuff LOL you know you've been hanging out with LG you see you notice the the feeling of entitlement like almost like you know it's olded to him that's very lgsh I have to tell you very LG is next up we got Larry saying happy last Friday of 2023 Ron and chat and then next up we got is always baked never fried saying thanks you Ron and all the inspiration by the fellow La enthusiasts still consider myself a rookie but 2024 will be a lawn game changer here's the thing man if you've been following the content watching the channel you know more about lawn care about keeping we out of your lawn about fertilizing more so than the average bear that your results should be better than the competition in your neighborhood so you you don't have to be you have to absolutely be the best you just got to be better than people you're competing against right whether you win by an inch or a mile winning is winning right said Vin Diesel winning is winning or actually say Dominic tetto winning is winning so all you have to do is know more than the other guy that's that's all it really takes Michael anger is up next just saying Riley okay and then we got no name in the house he says Hey Ron and fellow lawn Enthusiast looking forward to some great lawn chat let's hit that like button and celebrate with LG let's do that guys if youve not hit the like button we got 100 folks or so here in the live stream so far about to start the drawing hit that like button so you have um you know it's great for for you to support the channel it cost you nothing to do and I would really really most appreciate it would really appreciate it all right next up we got Mr Robert Rainey guys so on the topic of like lawn Transformations right so some of you guys may have um have asked the question you know in the fall when it comes to Bermuda grass folks like to overseed with ride try to keep the lawn green and you say you know is it really worth it is a juice really worth the squeeze like what kind of results could I get if I decided that I were going to overseed my Bermuda grass in you know August time frame with Ry try to keep it green throughout the fall and winter months well Robert did that and what's cool is because of the kind of overachiever he is he sent me a picture showing his lawn today uh last year and then uh a picture as it sits now so a picture from a year ago and a picture today so the picture from last year is with it not being overseed just dormant like how my lawn and how most bermudo grass Lawns look and then the other picture is with it being uh with the with the Ry grass overseas so I'll show you guys that now if I can find it here go all right cool so this is last year which again I see nothing wrong with that yes I know a lot of you guys in the north that have green grass all the time saying hey what's wrong with you guys you're like mowing dead grass it's not dead it's just dormant all right so like put some respect in the Bera grass's name so this is last year same time last year and this is now so same lawn a year ago no overseed and the lawn today with an overseed so if having your grass look like that in December is something that means something to you then you know August 2024 maybe consider doing a r gas overseed because Robert has shown that it produces some pretty incredible results I'm going to stay tuned and you know with Robert to see you know what what his feelings are are once he has to try and get rid of it in marchish April time frame but uh you can't argue with those results man I mean as far as the color goes that is clean green is definitely better than uh than brown thanks for sending that Robert I really do appreciate it all right next up we got uh Brian Tanner he says if sand doesn't have any nutrient value why do you use it for leveling I know you can get it with half compost and sand to build up the soil excellent question Brian so the thing with sand is sand add structure so if you if you use like top soil or compost while those are good for putting organic material and adding nutrient to the soil they break down over time whereas sand really doesn't or not nearly at the rate that um more organic materials do so using a blend of 70% sand and 30% compost allows you to use the sand aspect of it to smooth out undulations dips in the lawn and then the 30% compost helps to feed the soil so if you're trying to level you having some sand in there is beneficial because that's going to help the lawn maintain that level that you put in whereas a compost or top soil is not going to do as good of a job so that's why we use sand when leveling is the goal if you don't really care about leveling and all you're looking at is to increase the amount of organic material you can absolutely top dress with strictly compost and that will be that would be fine but it's not the best medium for leveling and having the the work that you do last over an extended period of time so hope that helps that is why we you we do it that's why golf courses uh do it another benefit to sand for leveling as well is that and it's not really a benefit of leveling but sand helps with drainage so as far as if you have a lawn that whenever it rains water stays on the surface if you start using if you introduce some sand to it when you do your top dressing it's also going to help pull water away from the surface much better than like just a compost will like I I say this time and time again it's not like a broken record at this point but one of the biggest benefits that I didn't anticipate that I got out of top dressing my lawn wasn't the fact that it looks smooth like a golf course is that when I get heavy rain it just the lawn drains so much better after being top dressed with a nice 7030 blend so hope that helps sir it's an excellent question if your goal is to level I absolutely would ensure that you have some sand in the blend 50% is okay I like a 7030 if leveling is your main goal uh but uh but yeah hope that helps answer your question and help it makes sense as to why uh why sand is an important component if leveling is what you're after all right guys gals we are at 30 after the hour let's get this party started so I'm going to move over to our random Youtube comment selector let me get you off here um Brian so let me save the let me copy this again and paste it refresh here really quick all right so this is the URL for the um the live stream for last week's oh man what did I do for last week's show and I totally messed this up so hang on I'm GNA have to I'm going have to get it get the URL again hang on one second we buil while we fly right hang on to know this got that here's the thing guys I'm give and I need this link because this this tool is very specific about the format of the URL all right cool all right so again you got like five seconds here before I hit this because once I do it's locked in so we're going to fetch include replies we're not going to allow duplicates and we have counting 106 106 folks that are vying for some free swag so the first thing we're giving away again is the greatness from the ground up t-shirt courtesy of Mara green and our winner is Jacob Madrid 4387 Jacob Jacob if you're present please come to the DJ booth uh so let me put you down here Jacob Jacob Madrid uh 4387 seven and now guys and gals don't you guys get don't let your hearts be trouble because Jacob might not be here he may have just put his name down but he didn't you know he got busy went to New Year's you know Friday night party getting ready for New Year's and he might not show up so Jacob if you are here sir we will switch back to our regularly schedule programming we're going to give you 10 minutes to say I'm here because if you're not then we'll go back and we'll draw again all right so Jacob is our first winner of the of the Miramichi green t-shirt we'll give it a few minutes to see if he'll pop back in here all right moving on we have Mr Oliver rtim is in the house Oliver's up next and he says good evening Ron thanks for your help with the yard Master backpack spare straps I received the upgraded Replacements nicer padding happy New Year awesome Oliver love to hear that um Oliver had a little issue with his um his sprayer his his one of his straps broke so you know took care of him got him some got him some new straps and they've made some revisions to make them even better more padded more comfy when you're out there spraying your pre-emergent your carbon kit or your Primo you know you want you want to make sure you're comfortable while you're doing that so there's always ways they're always looking for ways to improve the sprayer and it sounds like you got the uh the upgraded uh upgraded straps nice all right next up we have Tom hoffen Camp he says quick question do you pause using biospectrum in the winter I'm planning to use it by- weekly all winter as it doesn't freeze here in SoCal I do Tom uh primarily because like I don't typically spray the liquids on my lawn when the lawn is completely dormant you can but I I don't do it to answer your question can you use biospectrum in if you're in SoCal when it's winter yes absolutely you know if you if you're still out there mowing your grass occasionally if you're still um doing other bio stimulant or doing other inputs to the to the soil you can absolutely still use biospectrum I don't um mainly because when I apply biospectrum I mix it along with the carbon kit so I'm spraying it along with neutri kelp and release 901c uh but there's nothing wrong with using it in again in the winter time if you're somewhere where it doesn't get that cold and you know ground never freezes your lawn never fully checks out then yes you can absolutely use biospectrum and and the other liquid um bio stimulants for that matter without issue so I hope that helps it's a great great question again I don't because where we where I where I live it gets it does get cold enough for the lawn to completely check out and go dormant so I wait till like February is before I start spraying the carbon kit again that's a good it's a good question with you being uh in the state of California and south southern SoCal you are um you're good to go let me see I don't see him you guys see do you guys see uh Jacob I don't see Jacob again Jacob if you're present you must come to the DJ booth we need you we need you only got a few more minutes few more minutes before we'll have to draw again and look at you guys I I you know I can feel it I can feel you guys in the chat you're like draw draw he not here he's not dedicated he lost his chance go forget him I I can I can I know how you guys are you're ruthless little Bunch we're going to do another question here really quick and then we will uh may have to draw again because I don't see him I don't see Jacob all right next up is Jason Harrison he says evening friends leaving uh St Thomas headed for St Martin dude that's my old stopping Ground St Martin is literally 35ish miles from where I grew up says have a wonderful show and an even better weekend yeah so St Martin is part of I don't it's part of the Dutch aners anymore I think they're kind of independent now but St Martin is uh is like two countries in one it's was Dutch and then St Martin the French side you have two countries on one Island but if you get in St Martin uh Jason and you look South you'll see a big rock sticking out of the ocean that's Sab and then to the left of that big rock you you may or may not be able to make out on a clear day you'll see like a like a silhouett of volcano in the background like further from Saba and that St eaus and that's where I grew up that's the island that I H from that's where my parents still are so it's a small world yeah enjoy your enjoy your time there St Martin's is a fun place it's almost like if you could think of like Vegas in the Caribbean uh that's what s Martin or at least the Dutch side is is like it's really developed and I me it's a fun time all right next up is C pims we're going to do Colin real quick and if I don't if I don't see um if we don't see Jacob we're going to draw again all right colins up next he says what's happening Ron hope you had a good Christmas and are ready for a new year it was good it's good quiet and I am ready I'm ready for 2024 to get here so we can uh get rolling should be a fun time working in the lawn getting getting fun emails from you guys on on how your Lawns are improving so looking forward to to the growing season going all right Jacob I'm sorry man I don't know if you're here or not but I don't you know there's uh there's no let me see let me check let me check in the chat here one last time one more say Georgia sometime one more again let's see here do you guys see Jacob I oh yeah there he is Jacob Ron I'm here okay got you cool so he's like I'm here I'm here he's here I'm here I see him he made three comments oh okay okay Jacob so you're here so uh if you don't mind sir send me an an email he's like hold his brother he's like why can't he see me hackers there there something's going on all right so Jake if you don't mind send me an email where is my email address here I don't know why I have this all the way down here so here you go to Ron Golfcourse saying um Hey Ron I won send me my free shirt tell me how to get it and I'll send you an email saying go here to get your free shirt Jacob so congrats again Ron at golf course lawn Jacob send it to me and we will we will get you we'll get you taking care of all right so yeah sorry about that I was on the I was on the wrong chat that's why I didn't see your your uh your comment right away you're probably like man this is some bleep B ble bleep I'm here and I'm not going to get my shirt all right so we got you covered next up is Larry Larry says I need to order more fertilizer would you suggest a 1224 again for my 2 and a half month young Fescue uh yeah Larry so you're gonna have two options if it were me I'll show you here if it were me I would do one of two so you can either do the 1224 great option or you could use humic Max either one of these two are going to be a good result humic Max or the stress to 024 um you know I mean it's a cooler time of year if it if it were me Larry I I would do this again I would do the stress toall 0 24 again I I would roll with this and then once Springtime rolls around you can so let's say a no let's say marchish then you could go to humic Max all right so I would say go with the stress to 024 and then go to humic Max you know a month or two from now um at at that point so yeah that would be my recommendation final answer in case you need a link to get to the 1224 which I'm pretty sure you already have but if you don't if you don't have it you say hey help me out might I'm not wanting to have to type and do all this hard work there you go it's in the chat now and for you guys that are on Facebook uh there it is there's a link to getting the fertilizer that um that Larry was asking about all right uh next up is Archie Amos he says Ron I know this might be outside of your preview but any updates from real rollers on the revolution 26 added features I can't wait to get my hands on mine no here's the thing I mean you know Alex and I got to to see that we're like the first people outside of real rollers to really see and get to use the mower but that's really the extent of it I mean I know about a couple of a couple other features that are being added that you guys that no one has really seen I think you guys are going to like um but um but yeah that's the extent of it it's not really my place to say hey it's going to have you know going to have like I don't know whatever it's going it's going to come in hot pink it's not going to come in hot pink I I'm not going to if you want to know ask Lee ask Lee or ask the other the other team members at real rulers reach out to them and they'll be able to tell you any updates as far as the mower and anything that they want you guys to know about it I'm sure they're going to be releasing those details soon uh but the little that I do know I'm not at Liberty to share because they didn't ask me to so it's cool stuff though I mean it's not like is like groundbreaking that you're going to be like oh my God but it's still one of those things you're going to be you're going to say wow that's really cool they added that because it's it makes sense it's going to make things better so so yeah all right so next up is Greg lion he says I just don't understand said I'm trying to say with some frustration I just don't understand I have put preion down once again on time and I have po anual all over my yard at least it pulled put some green in my yard happy New Year okay Greg so give us some details which pre-immersion did you apply when did you apply it if you applied strictly piging then you getting a bit of breakthrough with POA is just kind of par for the course again ping is is it's a good pre-emergent um but it by itself is not awesome at keeping your lawn you know clean of poo if you really want that and you've got I'm not sure what kind of grass you have it looks kind of like could be Bermuda I'm not sure what it is but if you you have warm season Turf then really you got two options you can go with spectacle flow which is what I recommend because it's just one product easy you know it's you not buying a bunch of different things or you can use a a combination um of pamine simazine and imazaquin so in brand names it would be barricade for pamine princep for the simazine and then image for the imazaquin and you can blend those and that will make kind of like a Poor Man's you know spectacle flow that is is pretty close as far as control it doesn't last as long but as far as control for POA uh it it does a pretty good job but if you want if you don't want po Ana in your lawn and you got warm season in Grass this is what you really got to use it's just it's it just doesn't really get any better than spectacle it is it is it really is that good it's expensive but it's expensive for a reason and frankly that one bottle like this one 18 oz bottle treats like 3 acres so you've got it you got years and years worth of product and what I could what I tell people to do is if you have a friend or family or cousin or someone that you actually like uh and they also are into taking care of their lawns you can buy one of those and you guys can split it you know you can they can get half of it you can get half of it and that kind of helps absorb the cost a bit um but if if you want your to be po free spectacle that's what I would say but if you can give give me some more details we can revisit it and I can see if I can help you out some more all righty does that work all right next up is John St Stuart John Stewart's in the house and he says Hey Ron happy 2024 looking forward to the mowing season I just ordered essential G from your store received it today and will'll apply it next week I like it awesome John thank you for the support and essential gen you know that's that's one thing you can be doing this time of year some of you guys that have warm season Turf where you're not out there fertilizing you're saying Hey What Can I be doing now to help get my lawn my soil improve the quality of it you know with the upcoming season and a granular bio stimulant like essential Dre is a great option you got compost biochar humate some reclaimed coffee grounds some silica it's got all the good stuff and you can apply it now if you want to as long as you live somewhere where the ground does not freeze you can absolutely do it so great stuff John thanks uh for again for the support and uh glad to hear that the essential G made it to you in a timely manner Jean is up next he says greetings Ron I am in Central Florida and every 14 days I still been mowing lucky you I've always wondered if it's a waste of time time and money to apply iron at this time of year no it's not I mean in your case you're you're still mowing so the grass the lawn is still actively growing I'll be it a little bit slower so if it's if your lawn is growing you can feed it you can you can still feed it nitrogen you can still feed it if it needs it phosphorus pottassium you can still feed it the full the full gamut of nutrient um so to answer your question no it is not a waste of time and money to apply iron this time of year if the grass the turf is still actively growing and you're still mowing it it's not a waste at uh at all not a waste all right so um I think guys is it is it time for us to do another drawing I don't I probably we're probably getting close I don't want to keep you guys out too late I realize I'm already asking a lot you know it's like New Year's Eve wish weekend and you guys are having to be on here trying to get your free swag and I don't want to keep you guys out too late so we'll move on to the next one another drawing here in a few minutes next up is Mark Luna he says hello Ron quick question does it been it Lawns to use hydran or foreplay this time of year yes it depends on where you are Mark depends on where in the country you are so if you're in Florida you know someone like Gan where your lawn is still growing and uh you know yes you can use hydren you can use a moisture manager where they really shine in my opinion is when you're getting uh when your lawn's going to be being exposed to higher temperatures right so I don't apply a moisture manager this time of year I start in April and then I do it every 60 days every two months all throughout the uh the growing season so because the idea behind it is that you know whenever summer heat hits the the LA the the moisture manager is going to help the soil retain a bit more moisture and make that available to the plant root so as far as the lawn being more susceptible to heat stress it's going to be less so in Florida this time of year you guys well all times of year you guys get rain all the time but especially now where the high the high temperature isn't as is not anywhere near as what it's going to be in the summertime while you could use hydran or forplay it's not um it's not a time of year where I think that you're going to really see a lot of the benefit of it you know what I mean like it really shines when temperatures are higher uh and to to help prevent like localized dry spot help um just the salon resisting heat stress and you just don't really have that this time of year you know what I mean so can you do it yes is it ideal or or the best use of your money I I don't think so I don't think so so hope that helps sir it's a great question actually I haven't had that one that one before but I mean I don't you I don't want you guys to to use product or spend spend money unnecessarily so I you know I would I honestly would would hold off until like springtime and then introduce it now you didn't ask this the thing I would say about hydrate and foreplay is a mistake that people make without using that product is they wait till it's like July and then start using it I would not do it that way I as soon as you know the lawn comes out of dormy it's actively growing and you know Life's good you're starting your your Trek to dominate the neighborhood um I would introduce the the moisture manager so you know March April time frame is when you want to do it kind of like Primo right kind of like a growth regulator while growth regulator isn't from if all you care about is from is it slowing down how quickly the the the turf grows for most people like if you're in Northeast Georgia not strictly necessary to you start getting into like the junisha when it gets hot and Bermuda just really starts growing like wildfire but I still introduce it to the plant in April at lower rates and just and just keep keep it in the plant the entire season it helps um with disease resistance it helps the turf be it helps the grass be a bit more hearty and as far as preventing like say tip burn or any yellowing like you you don't have that problem if you introduce it sooner so with hydran and forplay you want the moisture manager in the soil prior to the stressful conditions um arriving so hope that helps you didn't ask that part of it but I want to you know why not you know share some information that you might find that's useful as far as those products okay next up is Robbie Patel is it too late to join the giveaway not really I mean it well I guess now it is but you if you entered you know before 7:30 then you're good to go so I told you how to do it I put the link in the chat so at this point let's move on and let's do it again let's see who is going to win our next prize which is going to be a my soil test kit guys this is literally even if you don't win this is literally the best $30 you can spend in lawn care in my opinion as far as knowing you know what's the ansers to the test as far as knowing what what fertilizer is the best fit for your particular lawn this is going to tell you that something else before we do the drawing I'll show you really quick I promise show real quick this one last thing and I'll then I will we'll move on to the drawing is something that myo recently added right so once you if you were to go with a myo test kit you get access to their portal which looks like this and something theyve recently added I was on a call with them and they showed me this and I was like guys you guys thought of everything this is pretty awesome it's kind of a nice value ad is if you look here here are all my soul tests from forever right but something theyve recently added is the ability let me move this out of the way real quick so you can see is the ability um because when when you at when you log in you put your information in here you put in your zip code and now they've added the current 5day soil the the current soil temperature 5 day average for your particular zip code which is really nice right so instead of you having to go out and Google and search and find it you I think senta has a site that does it as well too but they've added that to the portal so you want so in my case here in Georgia where doesn't get crazy cold all the time the 5day soil average is 54 degrees right now H If This Were February time frame I'd be like be panicking I want to get my my preemergent out given that I'm I've still got plenty of residual from spectacle I'm I'm good to go but as far as an easy way to figure out what the soil temp with the average 5day so temp is in your area that is something you can now find in the my soul dashboard you know freee of charge or something they just added here recently which is kind of cool so uh so yeah for those of you guys that are looking in the springtime to figure out hey is it time for me to do my pre-emergent get a so test do it now you'll get access to the to this this portal and another value ad is your get your average uh Soul attemps okay let's move on to our next drawing again this one is going to be the my soul test kit so let's move over here to our random comment selector Jacob you won congratulations again sir let me get my my notes Here get ready to enter our winner of the my soil test kit is we're picking now [Music] is Rebecca with a c _ 22 Rebecca Rebecca 22 are you present if you are please come to the DJ booth to claim your prize you got fiveish minutes or so to let me know that you're here and uh so you can win your very own courtesy of the folks at my soil your your soul test kit so let me make make a note here and put you here Rebeca with a with uh 22 Rebecca 22 we'll give you a few minutes here to say hey I'm here I'm looking here in the chat I've got it up now and if you if you're here let me know and you win a so test kit all right so let's move back to our main screen congrats on on winning Rebecca assuming that you're here we'll keep an eye out our next comment is from Mr Tom hoffen Camp Tom hoffen Camp's in the live stream and he says love that bling uh Celsius purchase netted me that fine bit of Kit the Celsius works extremely well but the iridescent sticker was the hook man I tell you man you can't you can't beat this tell you these are these are sweet and I would put these in more products that we ship but um these are more expensive like like these are they're at least they're probably they're over double but these cost so I mean bling bling costs right so I can't I can't just put this in everything but I'm glad you got you got your some uh Tom and I appreciate you representing again for the for the store and uh good stuff all right next up we have um Michael Robertson has a question he says what post emergent would you use in a newly SE heed slided lawn great question Michael it depends what kind of grass what kind of grass do you have so if you have warm season grass like uh Bermuda zoa St Augustine for broadleaf weed control I would use a herbicide called Celsius and for um for SES and panua I would use a herbicide called certainty those are both post-emergent herbicides so I'll show you really quick here if you go to the golf course lawn store you go to shop and go to weed killer so for warm season grass Celsius for broadleaf weeds certainty for sedes if you want to save yourself some time and money and get like the full monty Celsius certainty some surfactant and marker die pick up the Celsius certainty herbicide kit and that gives you everything you need to control uh weeds from a post-emergent perspective anyway in Warm season Turf most common weeds anyway if you have cool season uh Turf so Fescue uh rye grass uh Kentucky blueg grass then I would say uh tenacity and if you have sges you can go with sedgehammer another option if you have cool season Turf for Broad Leaf control is a product called Triad so this guy here Triad select is a is another good broadleaf herbicide that you can you can use as well but um but I'm more a fan of um of tenacity and sedgehammer and you can get those as well in a herbicide kit with tenacity sedgehammer marker die and surfactant so it really depends as far as what kind of grass you have again just to recap again if you have warm season Turf Celsius for broad leaves certainty for sges and um and Po anua and if you have a cool season Turf then tenacity for broad Leafs and as your your kind of a good catch all you can also use triad selector any three-way anything with two 2 4D damba in it so um so Triad select is a good option and then for SES sge control in cool season Turf go with sedgehammer as far as POA control in cool season grass there's not a lot of great options for that that aren't like really expensive so the best way to keep po out of cool and turf is to prevent it in the first place so you don't have to you have to control it after the fact so I'll send you a link here as far as where you can pick all that up depending on the kind of grass that you have and uh so you'll all be good to go so Michael Michael Robertson yep Michael Michael Robertson and um herbicide kits are here cool so good to go so you got everything you need did Rebecca show up guys you guys were like leading the charge for Jacob but I don't see any you guys saying Rebecca's here Rebecca's here Rebecca I think you have missed out I think we're going have to draw again we're have to draw again so uh let's uh let's go back let's go back to the portal let's go back to our handy dandy random selectric tool so Rebecca I'm look one last time I don't see her and I don't see any of you guys saying that she's here so we'll we'll do it again all right so again we're drawing for the my soil test kit Rebecca you're not here so we're going have to draw again and our winner is Jose a 1981 Jose a are you here please come to the DJ booth to claim your prize Jose a if you're here say I'm here and I will tell you how to claim your soil test kit so I'll make a note here Jose a maybe a birth year born in 1981 we'll give it a few minutes in the meantime we'll come back to the live stream and see any other questions or comments that folks have Jose a again Jose a I'll show you guys one more time who should be that's what I'm looking for josea if you're here let me know all right and you said I'm here I'm here my friend I see you kid cool so Jose is here good stuff let's go all right Jose so as uh as always just like I said send me an email here to Ron Golfcourse uh Ron golf send me an email right here and I will tell you with your address so um your say hey this is Jose a and I won can I please have my so test kit and here's the address of where to send it to and I will ensure that it gets sent to you send me an email please uh with your your details your direction where you are and we'll get you all taken care of congrats congrats on winning man hold on guys and gals there's still more to come there's still more to come we still have some more t-shirts some more solo test kits and we have the carbon kit to give away all right next up is K dog K dog and you know what actually I'm going to make a note of Michael's comment because that was a that was a good question we may may turn that into a short why not why not I think it was around this time think this was correct so there we go all right next up is K dog he says I use MSG Turf that kept the PO out of my yard okay K dog I'm glad to hear that work for you next up we got Mr Alexander Lee the man the myth the legend in the house guys the the person that the guy that's part of and that helped make the fix mongon series possible is Alex and uh good buddy of mine and glad that he's you know taking some time out of his Friday when he could be off doing other things and coming by to say hey all right uh and then next we have Stephen Thompson in the house he says happy Friday Ron looking forward to a good stream and hopefully winning something well fingers crossed hopefully you you uh you did hopefully you win something we got shaa here on Instagram saying did I miss it did I win you did not win shaa you did not miss it I think you've already entered so you got to come over to YouTube to let me know that you're here and uh we'll keep drawing we've only done a T-shirt and a solo test kit so there's still a chance for you to win another t-shirt a um another t-shirt a solo test kit another t-shirt and then a carbon kit that's six things we may have to do one more because I kind of like you know kind of like prime numbers and we have to end up with seven we have to do may have to add one more thing till we get to Seven um items being given away instead of just the six cuz right now I just got the six we've done two of we've done two of the ones that I plan to do so all right moving on is Mark Romano he says uh never mind me shipping blows what do you mean oh you never know man I mean if you if you win you win if you win we'll get it out to you we'll get you taken care of Don't You Worry let not your heart be trouble we'll make sure you get get your swag next up we got uh Chris Napoli saying happy Friday what's going on uh Chris thanks for coming hang out the live stream Morgan Woodson saying Hey Ron what's going on Morgan and then Cooper asked the question of Robert Robert's going to have to answer this he says how often does Robert have to mow his beautiful ride grass in the winter what height Robert inquiring minds want to know how often are you out there Mowing and um you know what hide you keeping it at if you can also throw in a prism gauge a shot of the of no I'm just messing with you if you're here Robert and you want to answer Cooper's question that would be great I I want I if I had to guess I I want to say around 3/4 of an inch Cooper I would want I would guess 75 in and I don't know how often he's mowing it i' imagine a couple times per week but uh if he's here he will answer your question all right Mark says you guys are savages saying he's here mark saying like try putting on some glasses I I was in the wrong I have like a couple different chats going man so I was in the wrong one we got it sorted out Mark you have to be so Savage geez all right next up is Chris Napoli he says a couple weeks ago uh you advised me to plug my Bermuda lwn after tree removal what time in the season should I do that and can I still use Primo Max excellent question Chris so if you're going to do plugging of your your lawn um I would wait until the lawn is actively growing so in the March's time frame when the Bermuda is coming out of dorcy and we're starting to get some heat and temperature starting to grow you can plug the lawn uh you plug the lawn then that's going to improve the chances of of the plugs taking root and and growing out and spreading nicely and as far as can you use still use Primo Max absolutely you can still use Primo um the the thing I would say is let's say you plug the lawn in March you could just start introducing Primo late April May time frame I mean what Primo does do is it helps it it suppresses uh top growth it I mean it suppresses gilc acid synthesis which which prevents the the grass from growing tall which coupled with regular mowing is is going to promote it spreading laterally so it's going to help it's going to help with filling in so yes you can still absolutely use Primo um if you've um if you plug your your lawn um I would just give it I would wait until like late April slash early May time frame before you introduce that to the uh to the plan it's great great idea no problems with doing that at all um as far as um how I would recommend going about using the Primo Max is to do split apps so if you look at the label um senta will um advise the rates they have are for you assume that you're applying it pretty much once per month and I find you will get better results you get better results with none of the negatives by taking whatever the monthly rate is for your grass type for Bermuda it's going to be a quarter of an ounce per thousand square feet and dividing that in half so what that means is if you have the mythical 4,000 foot lawn which makes it easy because it makes it easy for me to do the math for this for you if you doing the full app rate right just once per month you would spray 1 ounce of Primo over the 4,000 ft right CU it's you know 0.25 * 4 that covers the 4,000 ft what I would say is um don't do that uh instead take the monthly rate so take that 1 ounce of Primo think I got a Bott of Primo here take that 1 oun of primo and cut that in half so instead of spraying 1 ounce all in one go you're going to spray half an ounce you can see they've got a handy measuring cup built in there you're going to spray this amount so 0.5 fluid ounces of Primo on the first of the month and then again 2 weeks later and you're just going to keep doing that every two weeks you're going to spraying the same thing point you know half an ounce over 4,000 squ feet four gallons of water you can do that every two weeks and what that's going to do is going to prevent tip burn you're going to get great regulation you get all the benefits of spraying it once per month um with really with um you you you get all the benefits with really none of the negatives the only downside if you want to consider a downside is you have to be out there twice per month spraying your lawn versus once per month month but if you're someone that's using growth regulator going out twice per month is probably not that big of a deal so uh so yes I hope that helps as far as your questions on can you use Primo after you plugged your lawn yes and gave you some guidance as far as how I would do about it go about doing it um if you want some additional tips here on the golf course lawn store under resources and under blog we have a blog post on the topic of plant growth regulator that I think is now on page three that will help that talks about how PL with regulator can help your lawn be thicker and Greener talks all about pgrs how they work why they're awesome there's videos embedded that talk about like shows me shows me mixing it how I like to do it but really section three this area down here is where a lot of the magic is and it pretty much talks about what I just explained to you about how to prevent tip burn and the technique of of dividing the monthly rate in half and spraying it every couple of weeks so that that's this section and if you go down a little bit more to make it even easier for you guys I took the monthly application rates for the most common grass Types on the label and cut those in half and pretty much gave you the rates of what you would use if you're spraying it every two weeks so it's a lot of good info in here on on Primo it's a good resource just you know just to consult if you decide to um decide to go that route so I will get this a link to this for you as well and I'll paste it in the chat so you will have that um whenever you decide to start spraying your growth uh your growth regulator so Chris Napoli there he is uh Primo or say plant growth regulator blog plant uh pgr pgr blog there you go cool all right so you're you're all covered all right let's move on to our next one next one you guys ready for another drawing should I do another question or do another drawing draw something at someone else should we get a t-shirt t- shirt or should we let's let's do one more question then we'll do a t-shirt how about that all right uh Quinn God frees up next he says good evening Ron my grass has turned dormant this past month the weeds have popped up this past week best option to get rid of weeds well I'm sorry to hear that your lawn is getting you having weeds break through uh the fact that you said your lawn is dormant I'm assuming that you have warm season craft so Bermuda zoa St Augustine something along those lines so going to answer this question is if you have warm season Turf if you have warm season grass um the there are two herbicides that I tend to recommend for controlling weeds and warm seeds in Turf and uh we'll talk about each one of those really quickly if it's broadleaf weeds so if you have like Clover um hand bit if you have uh like Clover hand bit those are common ones around this time of year you could use a broad leaf called Celsius broadleaf herbicide called Celsius this is an excellent herbicide because it controls weeds with while minimizing damage to your grass your L dormant so it's not going to happen but even when temperatures are really high so say you're in the in summertime you can still use celsius with little chance of injury to your Turf Gras which is why I recommend it so much if you have sedges um which you wouldn't have this time of year if you have poan then you can use certainty so certainty I'll show you what sges look like if we move here through the pictures if you have a weed in your lawn that looks like that so it's nice your lawn's all dormant but you got this really bright green tough of grass with like white seed heads in the middle what you have is the dreaded POA but fair not certainty will take care of that so if that's what you got I would go with this and if you have again Broad Leaf weeds then you would go with uh celsius if you want to save time and money and have the combination to be able to take care of both both now and over the summer you can get the Celsius certainty herbicide kit which saves you time and money because it contains Celsius certainty surfactant and marker die and it costs less than buying them individually so hope that helps quen as far as that goes again I answer your question is if you have warms and grass because you said your lawn's going dormant so I I think that's probably what we're dealing with here if you got uh cool season grass then tenacity or a three-way like Triad or a um for sges which you wouldn't have this time of a year you could use like a sedgehammer so Quin this is um this this what I'd recommend you can find the herbicides I was talking about and the kit there okay that was a good one let's give away some more stuff let me make a note real quick of Quinn's question Quinn gu Godfrey and was that one okay cool let's give away another t-shirt so our next drawing is for one of these the highly coveted greatness from the groundup t-shirts courtesy of the nice Folks at mirami Green so let's let's go over to our comment picker and let's see who the next winner is going to be all right so Jose a was our winner of the Sol test kit now we're doing a T-shirt and our winner for from a greatness from the groundup t-shirt is get Jose off here and pick a winner Rick B at Rick B Rick B are you present if so please come to DJ boo to claim your T-shirt come to claim your T-shirt I'm going make a note here Rick B Rick B got you covered here so Rick we're going to give you a few minutes here to chime in and say hey I'm here do not give my t-shirt away please please don't get my t-shirt away so if you're here I'm give you a few minutes and I'll go back and take some more questions and comments um be sure to pop in and just say I'm here and then I'll tell you how to get your your free swag right all right so next up we have um all you guys saying he's here Michael anger says ROM I need glasses I actually do I actually do need to I I do need glasses I actually need to wear them um um but I don't so you know what it is I I do have um um uh in my let see I'm left eye dominant my left eye vision is is great my right eye not as good uh so when I went to the my optometrist he i' I've had glass before in the past and what he told me say there's a couple things you can do he like what's going on in your right eye is so slight that some exercises you can do is you can get like a pencil like with writing on it and um hold it out at arms length and focus on the pencil and then focus on something don't move your head focus on the P read the text on the pencil and then focus on something in the distance and with some some text and read that and then Focus back to to the pencil so it's like a it's like an exercise you can do to help exercise the eye and it will it'll it'll push push off how quickly or or it'll slow down how quickly you have to you'll have to go to glasses so I don't do it do it often enough to really probably make a difference but that's why I stopped wearing glasses where I used to all the time and uh and yeah cuz my left eye is perfect I got like excellent Vision like I'm left eye Domino but uh but yeah okay moving on we got Neil White saying are you guys saying he's here he's here he's here okay I get it he's here I I'm not guys I'm not trolling you guys here's the thing I am reading comments I'm helping to moderate I got like you know Instagram over here it's just it's just me it's just me man it's just me and like a couple of moderators hanging out in the background making making sure we keep the crazy folk out and I'm doing my best so cut me a little bit of slack please can you do that it's Christmas time it's the holiday season be nice all right next up we have Dan Lynch Dan Lynch good question he says do you have a formula to calculate the amount of top dressing material required per thousand square ft and is $53 per cubic yard a decent price for a quality 7030 mix excellent question Dan so yes what I would say is one cubic yard per th000 square ft is a good formula good ratio to go with for the initial time you top dress if you're doing subsequent top dressings you can likely get by with a little bit less than that but if it's the first time having one cubic yard of material per th000 square ft is going to ensure that you have enough material to get good coverage while not going too heavy and $53 per cubic yard is a pretty good price yeah I mean I'm not sure if that if that's delivered that's really good but if you got to pick it up um that's still a decent price for a quality 7030 mix and by quality that would mean that there's not a bunch of debris Twigs you know Peanut shells bu of garbage in there that you got to get rid of so if it's a if it's a clean uh blend for $53 a cubic yard that's that's legit I would I would jump all over that assuming you have a way to get it home and you'll you'll want want to purchase it at again at a rate of 1 cubic yard per th000 square ft for your initial top dress that's going to show you have enough coverage great great great question sir great uh great question yeah man if you're getting for that price that's uh that's that's pretty good it's pretty good for for you said a Quality quality 7030 mix I mean you know what I would consider yeah so quality would mean no trash in it if you can get like a a you're probably not going to get USGA Santa for that but if you can get like a USGA um sand and then like a good compost for that price I mean that's that would be awesome but I I think that's going to be it's going to be probably a bit tough but uh but yes hopefully that helps one cubic yard per th Square F feet for your initial top dress and then when you're doing follow-ups you can back it off a little bit you can you know I want to say you can't cut it in half but you can you can reduce it a bit um for your subsequent top dressing all right next up we have Todd he said hang on is Rick B here I'm looking I don't see Rick B Jose's here I think we're going to have to draw again guys I think so I think we gave Rook be enough time right I answered a couple of questions and he hasn't popped in and um nothing so let's let's go back to let's go back here I don't think I missed him um I don't think I missed him I'm looking here I don't think I did um I don't I don't think so all right Noe no R be all right so let's go back let's draw again this time for another greatness from from the greatness from the ground up t-shirt Rick you have missed your shot we are going to draw again and our next winner is Roy B 5819 Roy B 5819 royb 5819 are you present are you here cuz if so you just want a t-shirt so so I'm going to put you uh put your name down here Roy this is not a name that I Rob ye I'm saying Roy be is is Rob ye Roby 5819 so make a note here real quick and uh I've not seen your name before so I don't know if you're a regular or if you are you just kind of lurk so we'll give you a few minutes here to say I am present and if you're not we'll draw again this happens sometimes guys you know I'm trying to give this stuff away but folks aren't here just kind of slows down the process uh he says I am here he's presid okay Robie is here cool Rob nice cool so congrats on winning the shirt the way you can let me know as to where how you can get it is send me um an email here to Ron Golfcourse Ron send me an email saying hey this is Rob ye from the live stream I won the T-shirt how do I get my free swag kind of like that and I'll say here's how you do it and you'll be good to go cool so we are halfway through through guys we got a t-shirt done a so test kit done another t-shirt done we still have more to go we have a so test kit a T-shirt and a carbon kit at least one carbon kit because again it's only six items and I kind of like prime numbers so we may have to do one more we'll see but we got at least three more things all right but first let's take out take a few more questions next one is from Todd he says I have weak spots in areas closest to the house periodic shade each day do tell think it's time to place more soil in those areas I typically sand level each April when to add top soil tiway 419 in North Carolina so here's the thing Todd yes adding organic material as far as compost is a good thing it's going to help improve the soil quality it's going to help produce a better stand on turf grass but you can't beat um like lack of sunlight you know what I mean if you didn't say what kind of grass 249 yeah Bermuda so Bermuda grass it needs like all the sunlight like all of it so if you have grass that's near the house and based on the way the Sun Passes over your house you know it gets shade like the the turf is always going to struggle there it's always going to be a bit thinner than the areas that are further away from the house that are getting plenty of direct sunlight you know what I mean so can you level sure can you introduce compost as well sure are those good things yes are they going to materially improve you know or make up for lack of sunlight not really not really you know I mean there's just not just not a way to um to compensate for lack of sunlight you know what I mean so it's sha Bermuda grass is like mayonnaise and ice cream they just don't go together you know so if it's really bad you may I don't know man you may have to you may just have to switch to a different grass type you can maybe something like zoa or something in that area that section um I mean that's probably not ideal but it depends on how bad it is if if it's just slightly weak which a little bit thinner then just live with it and just realize that's the way it's going to be as far as times to do that the time the top dress is whenever the lawn is is taking off and starting to again it's it's actively growing so late April May time frame is a good time of year to do your uh your top dressing that's when when I typically do it if it's if it's hotter we're having like a a warmer spring I'll do it like mid April but um but a late April into May and then all the way through really the first week or two of August you that's the window for doing top dressing in the uh in the Southeast gives you plenty of time for the launch to recover and um the benefit of doing it in the late spring is it's not quite as hot and we tend to get more rain in the springtime which helps you know work the material into the um into the soil profile into the canopy so it's just it's cooler and you get free water to water it in and to help it settle so that's that's the reasons to do it earlier in the season and if you decide that you're going to do multiple top dressings if you start like in late April early may you can still squeeze another one in in June you could even do a third one Late July early August if you want to so that's another reason why getting it done earlier in the season gives you time to address any problem areas that didn't quite work out as well as you might like from the initial top dress that makes sense all right uh next up we have Short Grass living is in the house Short Grass living you know what um yeah Short Grass Liv is in the house he says curious what would be a good option for a flower bed b that gives a similar appearance and the ability to mow like a Live Edge afraid of keeping up the Live Edge may be too much time okay yeah so what I did Short Grass living I too have struggled with your your dilemma um and instead of having like a actual Live Edge I went with pavers so they're like uh like a like a six or they're probably 8 in like an 8 in by 8 in P like putting those um in between the the the grass the turf and then your your flower or mulch bed I think is a great way to go like I'm really happy I did that it gives you a nice Edge a nice hard Edge to be able to run your your your edger against like your stick edger against so you can get that nice clean Edge and it does give you like a bit of a barrier to help prevent or slow down the grass getting into the mulch beds or at least you can see it happening right before it gets to out of control so I would say pav put pavers in 8 by 8 in ones are the ones that I used between the grass and the um the the mulsh bed that's going to get you a good result that is what I would go with because again I I did I did the same thing you were dealing with for years where I would just you know try and just just just put a nice Edge on the grass and the problem with doing that is that you end up it's a lot of work to maintain it and if you use mulch like what like I do you end up throwing invariably end up throwing some of the mulch into the lawn and you got to get there with a blower and clean all that up so just makes it kind of of a mess whereas if you have a p you got like say this is your P you've got this side of the p is Mulch and this side of the pap is grass so when you're edging you're you know you're not really throwing any any of the mulch like the the stick edger is not getting anywhere near the mulch so it's you get a nice clean Edge it looks nice and it's just less work to maintain that way if you uh if you decide to go that route so that's that's what I would do that's what I do that's what I did and I don't regret doing it don't regret doing it short grass living that's how I would go about it all right 0 and 119 cool all right next up next up next up next up is Mr hos ARA he's a question he says Hey Ron I want to install Irrigation in my yard but I want you to know when you thought is a good time to do it thanks now like I mean here's the thing I would not do it when or here's thing you can do it any time of year for the most part if you want to right I mean granted as long as you live somewhere where the ground isn't like a block of ice right now um doing it now has a couple of benefits if you do it now um You you get it it's finished and then you're not messing up the the lawn when when it when you want it to look nice like right now if you're if you have a Bermuda grass lawn and it's dormant and you get irrigation installed then you know you're you're it doesn't look it's not going to look that bad whereas if you decid you're going to do it like in May or June when the L you're already mowing the line it's nice and green you have to bring equipment in like to to trench the lawn and lay pipes you just you're going to make it look ugly at a time of the year when you want the lawn to look nice so you could do it now if you wanted to wait till say February that would be okay early March that would be fine I would get it done prior to when you're going to need it you know you know late spring early summer time um time frame and um yeah I was get it done earlier I I would not I really wouldn't wait um I wouldn't wait too long there's not really any reason to there's a lot of reasons to do it early and not a whole lot of reasons to do it later in the season when the when the turf is act actively growing another benefit of doing it earlier is if you plan a top dress right so you'll put when you say if they're they're trenching and they're putting the pipes in what's going to happen is even if they try and they do try and do as good a job as possible you are going to get some settling where the the pipes were laid so if by doing it a bit early like again now or February time frame and getting that done you're giving it time when it rains and just you know just just just nature takes this course and and the areas where they put the irrigation pipes in settles if you decide you want a top dress say in April May time frame now you're in really good shape right because now the for the most part the the irrigation piping is settled everything is is things are are where they're going to be and then you can top dress in April May and then you're in you're in great shape right June you're going to be looking lovely so earlier earlier better than later in my opinion for uh for doing that it's a good question hosway and it's I'll tell you it's one of the best things you can do as far as just con from a convenience standpoint if you decide you're going to do irrigation you had to go forward with it make sure you get one of the controllers that are Wireless they some people like the um like what's the r is it Rancho or Rio like three a lot of people like that one I just have the hydrawise from Hunter and it works great I mean there's a cell phone app mobile app works great you can you can turn irrigation on where from anywhere in the world you know as long as your your stuff is connected to the internet you are you are good to go so that is the way that is what I would do if you're um if you're going to go that route definitely spring for a wireless controller which pretty much I'm sure anything you buy now is probably going to have that feature all right good stuff let me take a sip here and what do you guys think is it time is it time to do another one I think it's time I have that feeling it is time all right so we've done a t-shirt a sold testkit a t-shirt let us do another soil test kit again courtesy of the nice folks and my soil let's go back to our comment picker we'll come to our comment picker um I see a comment here Doug says Todd just look tiway 419 is good in the shade not really I mean there's okay so that's another thing too I mean I I just saw the comment just kind of in passing I was going here uh let me let me pull up Todd's comment here real quick um so the thing is is shade tolerant Bermuda is not really a thing regardless of what the whoever makes it tells you they say oh well you know you can this particular type of Bermuda grass will do really well in Shadee no it may be it might be a little less bad than than others but it's um Bermuda Bermuda grass of all the grass types really needs a lot of direct sunlight it does not it does not do well in shade like like shade shade tolerant Bermuda is not really a thing not in the way that you that most people think about it because when you think Shay tolerant right you think I've got like a tree in my lawn in my yard and I've got Bermuda grass growing under the trees like a tree with a big canopy and the Bermuda grass is growing under the ba at the base of the tree is going to grow as well for the most part as areas that are not under the tree and that's just not the case of Bermuda I mean as in the order I'd say Bermuda is among the least shade tolerant uh St Augustine is better than Bermuda as far as shade tolerance goes um and then zoa is of the warm season grasses is probably the most shade tolerant but even zoa needs direct sunlight you know you still can't sck Zia in places that you could put like um like I say a heavily shaded lawn like like like a ton of shade you're really looking at like a fine Fescue to have that do well you know I mean even zoa won't work well in a line that's like that's you have like really big trees all over the place and there's tons of shade and Bermuda grass even though people say that you know there's this Bermuda is more shade tall than other type it's just save yourself a lot of headache and time and if you got a bunch of shade don't install Bermuda grass because it's going to be an exercise and frustration it will not grow well it's not going to be as thick as um areas that are away from the Shaded spot so tiway 49 I I have like my lawn is is a blend of tiway 419 and AR 15 and I to give you an example is for the most part I don't really have any big trees on the property I do have a shrub a fairly it's not a large it's probably four feet tall that's um in the front line right and that shrub is it's to hide like a it's like a power box or something they have there so that shrub even though it's only four feet tall right just four feet it's not really that big um for the entire season for the entire season any Bermuda grass that's within like 3 feet of it is noticeably thinner than the rest of the lawn and that's just from a shrub it's not even it's not even a big one one it's like it's 4T tall some light can get through it um but because of the way the light passes over my lawn just any grasses with a few feet of that it grows but it's it's noticeably thinner than other parts of the lawn where there is where there's nothing preventing it so that's as mild as an example if I can think of as far as like a shrub or something limiting basically the amount of sunlight that the grass is getting and even that on a tiffo 419 Ard ar5 blend in a lawn is enough to visual produce a difference where this is noticeably thinner than the rest of the lawn so don't do Bermuda and Shay just don't work full stop okay let's now give away a soil test kit let's go back to our comment picker Rob ye got his and let's look here our next winner of a my soil test kit is make a make a space here is going to be T MCD T MCD if you are present please come to the DJ booth we need to give you your soil test kit are you present T MCD we're going to give you a few minutes to chime in here and say yes I'm here there you are you know if we if you you are here let me know so we can uh we can get you your soul test kit so you can figure out your fertilization strategy for next year so if you're present say I'm here and we'll make sure that you are you're all squared away you're all taken care of all right uh next up we'll take some more questions while we wait to see if t t MCD is in the house uh let me find out where I left off happy Fuller happy Fuller is up next he says uh per my soul test I will need a fertilizer with phosphorus in the spring so I'll be going with the complete 14714 outside of the phosphorus what are the other differences compared to humic Max excellent question happy let's talk about it so what are the differences between humic Max and the 14714 um I'll let's walk through them here in a fairly quickly so the big thing between humic Max and the complete 14714 and the stress to 024 is kind of in the name whereas the complete 14714 and the stress fertilizer have 1% humic acid in them humic Max has almost 9% it's like .9% of the product of that fertilizer is humic acid so why is that important well humic acid is a bio simulant it helps with nutrient availability so as far as it being like a fertilizer and a bio stimulant in the same product humic Max fits that bill now what are the party tricks that the complete and the stress have that humic Max don't have because humic Max is it's um it's nitrogen potassium um humic acid there's not really any micronutrient like iron zinc malum any of that in humic max if you come over to the complete 14714 or the stress 12024 that is where you get 1% humic acid so you are still getting some of that you get some kelp so you get some celp as well to help again help improve soil quality and you also get micronutrients you get some um a bit of iron I think it's a bit of iron a bit of zinc and what else I'm tell you here really quick I've got the analysis here let me let me look if I can get this to load not sure what's going on okay so let's let's get you to pop in here and I've got the analysis uh here yeah so you're getting so with the 1474 you're getting 2% iron 1% magnesium and 1.5% magnesium so you don't get any of that none of that is in humic Max you see so what you're giving away in the amount of humic acid because humic Max has like 9% and this has 1% um you are getting some micronutrient you are getting some kelp meal um in both the 14714 and in the the stress 1224 so you can't really go wrong with any of these they're all excellent products but they fit different bills humic Max I use as like the the you know that's like the staple that's like there's most of the heavy lifting throughout the growing season for me um I will apply the stress toll 024 at the beginning of the season and again at the end of the season and in between its humic Max and the carbon kit and and a micronutrient as well so that's and and of course obviously my Primo but I mean this is this does this is primarily what I feed my lawn with throughout the growing season with the um with stretch 12 042 24 being like the book ends you know what I mean beginning of the season end of the season so uh so help that helps happy helps answer your question as far as the differences between them and uh the 12 the 14714 is an excellent choice I think you'll be happy with the results you get from that and uh that's the differences that's the differences between humic Max and the uh 14714 let's see is T MCD here I don't see guys I don't see him you guys see him um Rob Y is here T MCD I don't see you I don't see you I think we're going to have to do another drawing here let's go back and let's uh get to another drawing for the uh for the so test kit right that's what we're doing we're doing a so test kit draw so T MCD going once going twice not here I don't see you I don't see you sir so let's uh let's move on let's move on to the next person so T MCD no soul test kit for you the winner of their soul test kit is RSX Type zero AR don't you mean RSX Type R is supposed to be RSX Type R what's a type O RSX Type O are you present are you in are you in the live stream got to be present to win let me see if I can I'll make a note here and copy you and add you here you have just won a soul test kit so if you're present let us know we'll tell you how to to to get your uh your so test so put that up there for a few more seconds while I look for the next comment and give you a few minutes to chime in and if not we will draw again so hard so hard so difficult to give stuff away again RSX Type O you won the soul test kit but only if you're here all right hos ARA is up next he says also since I got my yard installed in September am I safe to put down pamine this spring uh yes yes uh I believe you said you had warm seasoned grass right um hosway You had like I think Bermuda um so if that's the case yes absolutely um I my lawn was installed in December and it got pre-emergent the following like in March March like 3 months later and it was been absolutely fine so if you did your sod instulation in September you're good to go as far as pring in um in the spring um if you if you want to um if you want to be be a bit conservative you could do a split app on your piging you could do one application in the um you could do one application in say like February and then do the other half of it in say April this time frame if you're trying to be conservative so uh let's hope that that works um let's see here um ol Rhythm says that's me I'm here RSX Type O okay why would you be RSX Type O and not oliv rthm okay so here we're going to have to do um um are you sure Oliver you're not messing with me because your name is Oliver why would you be RSX Type O if okay all right um kind of weird because that's not your name on on here unless you're just going by something else but um Let me let me um make a note of this um uh Oliver and send me if you don't mind you already have my email address you've been emailing it emailing back and forth it's Ron Golf Course um he says not sure why it's displaying that and not my full name okay no worries no worries so yeah so um Ron golf is my email address you already know my email address you email me but just say Hey Ron send me the you know I've won the Sol test kit send it to me por foror and I'll make sure that um one gets sent out to you so yeah cool man but if you got an RSX you know congrats those are those are kind of I mean they're cool cars they're cool cars back in the day I think they brought the tag back did they they brought the tagra back I think the Integra is is uh is back now so um so yeah all right so send me send me an email and we will um we will go from there all right next up is Mark Luna he's in Austin Texas Cedric G's in the house he says big Ron like button smashed always supporting big guy turfs up F down strap action forever thank you so much Cedric I appreciate you happy New Year hurle happy New Year anyway and then uh next you said uh Greg lion per my earlier chat I put down Prine in August I'll try spectal flow pre-emergent for now should I keep spraying the pamine the POA with certainty thanks yes yes Greg and here's the thing you you can still I mean it's a bit late but you can still um apply spectacle if you want it's not going to be as good I had you applied it you know like in August September time frame um but it's a it's a great product like I did my my second split my second um half of my split application earlier this month so beginning of December so if you get your hands on some spectacle we Carri it on the golf course lawn store you can get some we we'll get it out if you order it today we'll get I'll I'll ensure that it gets out to you tomorrow ship it out tomorrow anyway uh if you apply that now that's still going to be better than not having um that's still going to produce a better result than you trying to say apply a pamine again and as far as controlling what you've got now yes certainty is going to be the way to go make sure you're using a rate that's high enough to get good control so for panua it's 1.25 ounces per acre up to 2 ounces per acre for poo control with certainty so what that equates to is one of the large scoops you know certainty comes with a spoon that has a big end and a small end so I'll show you here really quick so you got two scoop you got two sides you got big scoop and small scoop so for poan your control you're going want to use a big scoop and then one or two of the small Scoops for a th000 over 1,000 square fet one large scoop is equivalent one of these is equivalent to the 1.25 oun per acre rate I found that by adding a little bit more so one or two of the small Scoops in addition to that per th000 square ft gets you better control with um with certainty so you want to be even though they say 1.25 ounces um will give you control it's a bit slower if you add just a little bit more of the product it really does it does a much better job injuring the the POA and killing it off so that's what I would recommend as far as going that route make sure you use surfactant along with it so these two are what you need if you're trying to control panua and yeah if you want to put some spectacle down you can absolutely still do that now it's again not going to be as good but but things will be better in February March time frame for you having applied spectacle Now versus having done nothing and waiting until then so hope that helps Greg sorry you're dealing with that but the nice thing is once you buy spectacle flow you're good you're going to have enough of the stuff for years to come and then POA in your lawn in the fall is just not really going to be a thing anymore it's not going to be nearly the the headache that it is now just by relying on pring uh you are very welcome Mark and then Jean says thank you for answering my question regarding iron this time of year this was my first ever chat on any Forum awesome Jean well thank you I'm glad it was useful we provided some value for you and uh hopefully the answer made sense good stuff glad to help out not name says did you do a split application of spectacle flow this year I did I did I did 0.10 ounces in late August early September and I did the same thing 0.10 ounces in November December so I did um I changed it up last year 2022 going into 2023 I only did one application of spectacle in September at the higher rate so the like like 020 ounces 02 fluid ounces per thousand square feet and that carried me all the way into spring I had was had great results like no breakthrough at all it was awesome so this year you know throughout the season some folks have asked well hey you know there's some guidance showing you doing like split applications have you ever tried that and I'm like nope I haven't so I'll try it so that's what I'm doing this year so I did tenth of an ounce in um August September and I did a tenth of an ounce earlier this month November December and so far there's been no poet in the lawn I don't really anticipate there being a problem so I've tried it both ways I'll be able to speak from experience on both ways what the results are like I think it's going to be pretty much the same no um no weeds which what you want all right next up we got happy Fuller happy Fuller's in the house he says Hey Ron have you seen California trimmer new mower expected in 2024 it's called The Catalyst and it's supposed to have a rare drum roller I have not I've heard of it I've not seen it myself uh but it sounds cool man I mean rare drums on real mowers is a good thing like if you want if you want a great cut great Stripes less chances of like hot spots or wear wear spots in your lawn than a rear drums you're spreading the weight over a larger area I think is the way to go that's the reason why greens mowers are all set up that way right uh so yeah sounds sounds cool so rear drum anything else or is it just um it's just that I heard about some mower that's been released it might be this one where they're doing some kind of a cartridge system as well um but I I don't know I'm not sure which one of them is um is doing that but yeah yeah I'm sure it's going to be cool I mean more mowers more entries more options are always a good thing it only helps the consumer keeps you know helps push the manufacturers to up their game and and make better and better products so uh so yeah I um I'm sure it when it goes live people will buy it and make do all kinds of cool reviews on it and we'll we'll see how it uh how it does I people that have California trimmers they uh they love them so I you know if they're doing like an evolution of this thing I'm sure it's going to be I'm sure it'll be fine all right next up is Tom hufen Camp he says the my soul portal in my opinion is a One-Stop winner it also has a great calendar feature event tab which is a great place to write down and track your applications or future apps you need to apply that's a good point I forgot to mention that Tom let's go back to to the portal real quick and I'll show that as well so oh I logged out hang on let me log back in here really quick uh okay here we go so so we're back here you're seeing all my solo test results um but yes in addition to being able to see hang on let me get these guys off here so you guys can actually see what I'm saying um nope not the show sponsor we can't do that one I want this one gone yeah so in addition to the average 5day soil temperature um Tom is talking about is the calendarevent tracker over here on the Le hand side if you click on that you can um let's see we're in December right now if we go to say February 2024 you know I can make a note here saying uh preemergent uh emergent app you know like that something like that pre-emergent and then um yeah applied pre-emergent whatever something like that and I can you can save that and say uh applied uh pamine at you know8 ounces per thousand yay for me yay for me no weeds is awesome uh okay so you could do that and save it and then it um product preer name is offer of area um um it's gonna be Ron Henry's lawn my lawn and then I think we are good right and I can submit that we say preer product name is oh sorry um I applied pamine like that and then submit so there you go boom so now you've got that reminder there in the portal right so it's kind of a kind of a cool tool you could use this as well for your fertilizer apps or anything else that you want to use so kind of kind of a Nifty kind of a Nifty um you know kind of a Nifty option for depending on what you're what you're trying to use it's another it's another like you have your soul tests your soul temperature and also your events or like you know just product applications if you want an easy way to track it you already you get the access to that for free when you you know you start using you go into the myo ecosystem you get their soul test you have a place to track your inputs all that fun Jazz so cool stuff all right so thanks for that I I forgot to mention that good stuff all right so let's see we got a super chat here one from Don Summers thank you so much uh don Super Chat rece he says thanks for answering all my questions in 2023 happy New Year everyone I appreciate that Don thank you for all of the love and support I'm glad the content is useful to you and next up next up is it almost time to do another one is it time to do a t-shirt or do we need to give it more time let's answer one more question and then we'll do a t-shirt all right no name says there's a good amount of delay of from the broadcast to us yeah yeah I I know I'm no name it's going to be normally depending on where you are it's like 30 seconds but it could be a bit more than that but that's that's fine that's why I give you like five to 10 minutes you know to be able to um to chime in as far as um as far as hey I won don't give away my stuff because it will make me uh it will make me sad it make me sad um let's see so next up we have a question from um Larry says lxrd he says does sedgehammer control more than nut Edge uh Kinga it it controls other weeds in the sge family I don't know if there's anything else outside of that but it's what it's primarily for are sges and Kinga and again that the two are are somewhat related I can look at the label here really quick and tell you but I'm pretty sure it's just going to be it's going to be sges um yeah it's it's primarily sedes is What's um is what's on here say ground cell um ladies thumbs it has a couple other a few other weeds that are listed here but primarily it's kind of like kind of like in the name sedgehammer is for s for sges and Kinga that is what it's uh that's where it shines it's a good question Larry I'm save that one so um so yeah hope that hope that helps so again for for you you know you can't really seam is not going to do anything against POA so again if you got cool season turf grass for the love of everything holy do not neglect your pre-emergent in the fall just don't do it because it's a pain I mean you can manually remove it but it's a pain to get rid of Poa in uh in cool season lws it's a pain to get rid of it without hurting your grass in the process all right uh next up we have a Scott Hawkins he says dealing with high pH in a hybrid type of codon dactylon um applied stric acid and pelti sulfur in spring and summer anything I can be doing during dorcy so if if your so test results are still showing that your pH is high I mean you're doing the right thing Scott sulfur would be a sulfate of some sort would be the way to go there is a product let me see I can find it here there's a sulfate that I um that I like that I've been recommending to folks and they they like it um we've had good results with it let me see Elemental uh it's um Elemental sof I'm trying to find the product cuz it comes in a bag yeah it's earth science here it is I found it so this guy here is a good a good option I'm not sure what you're using as far as um for sulfur but this is a this is one that i' I've recommended to a few folks Scott and um they've um they said the product was easy to spread and and whatnot so let me see Scott Hawkins because you're on Spacebook I can't at you so Scott Hawkins uh this but yeah you're to answer your question you're doing the right things you know you're you've using citric acid you're putting down a sulfate or a sulfur um that's just it and just test just you know give it three months and check and see how the trend is going you know depending on on where the pH of your soil likes to be like where it buffers um you might see a a noticeable change you might see a slight change and all you can do is just continue making inputs and and slowly trying to influence that pH in um in the direction you want over time that's that's that's about it but it sounds like you're doing it doing the right things Shauna's up next she says I'm here on YouTube what's up shaa cool and then Robert says he's cutting every couple of days at 75 Ines that's that's what I thought Robert all right cool there very very good stuff um what do we have to do next we've done the so test kit next we have to do a t-shirt right is it T-shirt time it's it's T-shirt time Let's do let's do another t-shirt so let's go now over to the random comment picker tool and um we'll choose a winner for the greatness from the ground up t-shirt and then after that we're going to get into like the carbon kit we're going to get into some uh some of some some of the more expensive stuff right all right so our winner for a greatness from the groundup t-shirt is Mike Delta 987 Mike Delta 987 if you are present please come to the DJ booth we need your details so we can tell you how to get your T-shirt so if you're present Mike Delta 987 say I'm here um that might be you I see Mike D I'm not sure if that's you though um but yeah if you are if you're here do that let us um let me know that you're here and we will I'll tell you how to get a um to grab to grab your greatness from the ground up uh t-shirt I'll look here in the chat you said that's me cool very nice so you're here Mike good stuff um the way you can let me know where that's the wrong one of where to send it or or where to um to get you all squared away is you are going to reach out to me here Ron golf send me an email there um saying hey this is Mike D from the Beasty Boys send me my t-shirt actually obviously that can't be Mike Diamond because he's unfortunately passed away but anyway if you um you want want a shirt send me an email I'll tell you how to get it and um we'll be good to go congrats on winning we're getting into uh into the into the carbon kit next guys so stay tuned if you've not won hold on there's still hope there's still hope all right so next up let's see if we have any other comments comments here we have uh Mark Rano he says 7030 mix goes for $80 a yard here and uh that's in Hawaii so I could see that see it's a lot more expensive there than um than here State side and then Tom hoffen Camp says uh says good good reason to not move to California us wow wow USGA sand per yard delivered has been quoted to me as five $591 good Lord do they do they spread it for that price I mean that can't just be them bringing it there they should give you a backrub spread the sand you know you if she come with a therapist to talk to you for a while for an hour or two I mean that's that's steep man wow wow wow wow wow it does not here's the thing like the the superod uh level mix which is 70 70% USGA sand and 30% of their compost like delivered like if you used my coupon code is around 200 bucks a yard so you could almost buy three yards of that for the price of just the sand in California that is that's Insanity wow Tom you need to move man come to Georgia it's cool we have um you know sand doesn't cost that much here it's like you know cheaper taxes all that kind of stuff so just something to consider just a thought I mean you have to really like your lawn I mean like like in your case man getting getting Sand's got to be like a you got to like stack Christmas and birthday together you can't just decide you're just going to do sand on a whim it's going to be like you going talk it over with the wife and be like sweetheart this is going to be like Christmas and birthday um you know this is all everything all all in one is my sand for my lawn that's that's what I want for my present because that's it's not cheap that's not cheap Mark says that's me picking it up myself that's yeah 80 bucks is still pretty expensive all right um let's see here Doug uh let's see here um yeah Doug is talking about um cultivars he says there are some cultivars that does good imp partial shade I can't remember the name yeah so the one that you're thinking about from suad is called it's Tiff tff um that's that's the Super Sod hybrid blend and again even it while it is it's like marginally better than tiway 419 it's not it it's it still needs sunlight Bermuda grass needs sunlight full stop like it's does not like Bermuda and shade are like mayonnaise and ice cream they just don't go together it's going to it's going to struggle if you um if you have an appreciable amount of shade and you're trying to grow Bermuda grass Tiff tff is a great I mean great cultivar beautiful grass nice color nice I mean fine Leaf um but I would not if you have I'll put you this way if you have an area of your lawn where tiway 419 is not doing well like it's like it's kind of bare and kind of thin and not not great looking I highly doubt that going from tiway 419 to tifft is going to make an appreciable difference you'll install it and it'll look nice initially but then it's eventually going to thin out and look not that much better than the tiway 419 did so just don't install Bermuda grass in areas where you don't you have a lot of you have partial shade you don't get a lot of sunlight it's just going to be thinner uh let's see here next up is Julius this a good question Julius ellias has a question he says when should you aate and top dress so the answer to both Julius is whenever the lawn is actively growing so that it recovers faster from it so with Iration if you're in the southeast United States you could do your irration in April May the April May time frame and the same is true for top dressing so if you looking at late April early May time frame all the way through until the first week of August that that block of time you can air it during that time and you can top dress during that time I'm a fan of doing it earlier in the season because it gives the lawn more time to recover and you can enjoy the lawn and you're not out there when it's really hot either irating it yourself or spreading top dressing material but um to answer your question if you're in the southeast United States lady April early May is a good time to do it if you're somewhere else whenever your lawn is actively growing so when it's fully green you're mowing it regularly then you can feel free to aate and top dress so hope that helps uh great question if you care we have a on the topic of both irration and top dressing if you go to the golf course lawn store and you go to resources and blog uh we have some content on top dressing and on lawn AR so the top dressing blog is going to be I'm going to give you links to both of them uh I think they're both going to be on page three at this point the top dressing blog is uh I'm looking for it unless I passed it already I don't think I did no here we go yeah they're both here so the top dressing blog is here the guide on top dressing and the right next to it is the blog on on ation so how to top dress is this one how to core aate is that one so if you want like example of a discussion on what type of material to use why is it important um when to do it what blends to use what kind of tools you're going to need uh some some content around like like cutting the lawn down um talking about air rating as part of top dressing so really you just need this one I'll just send you the top dressing one because the top dressing Blog has the video on air in it so you can read this talks about like fertilizer and products to use after you're done top dressing uh when to top dress I mean all that jazz you got everything you need to be able to to be covered so I'll send you both of these I'll send you know I'll send you both why not so here is our blog on top dressing Julius and then because I I know you're a guy that wants to have all the infos I'm going to send you the also the blog on core eration so core eration Blog the guy so both those two between those two you'll be all squared away in addition to what I just said so long short is when your grass is growing actively growing get out there and top dress or air rate you are good to go at that um at that point great question sir I appreciate you taking some time out of your Friday out of your New Year's weekend to come by and and ask some good questions it's a good one because other people are going to have that are going to worry about it and wonder about it and now they'll have it answered all right Tom that's not for me that is not for me and uh next up looking for the next questions here okay we have uh Matthew witson he says I currently have common Bermuda and was wondering what would you recommend to give it a more hybrid look I've heard adding pgr can give it a more tighter look but I want to see what you recommend that's exactly it Matthew I would say if you have a common Bermuda lawn and you want it to look as good as it can look um I would say one up your mowing frequency and also use growth regulator so use growth regulator and increase your mowing frequency and that's going to that's going to to give it a Tighter and a nicer appearance the same applies if you have a hybrid lawn with some common in it if you allow like common and hybrid they grow at different rates so that the common really begins to stick out but if you use growth regulator um and you're mowing regularly so say you're mowing keeping the line at say 3/4 of an inch using pgr every couple of weeks um the the common is not going to be quite as visually apparent in a hybrid lawn if you're using growth regulator so to answer your question uh pgr is um is the order of the day what I would recommend using is primo Max and if all you have is common you're going to have to bump that rate up over what you would use in a hybrid lawn so hope that helps her as far as what rate you're going to need to use I will send you a link to the blog on growth regulator that we have that talks um all about that because in there there's a section that um yeah right here in there there's a section that has that that has the split application rate if you scroll down right here so for common Bermuda like 38 call it 04 point4 ounces every two weeks is around which you're going to want to be at for common Bermuda if you're doing uh the split application type of of approach and if you're not you're going to be doing like three4 of an ounch um but I would not recommend that I would I would recommend spraying it every two weeks so if you're interested in learning about that technique and a bit more about growth regulator in a blog that is not too long but is very well WR granted I'm biased and fun to read then I will send you this and you'll be able to you be able to to to learn to be able to know what I know about growth regulator battle tested battle tested so there you go pgr blog hope that helps Matthew let me know if you need anything else all right next up we got Timothy Burke he says happy New Year Ron and fellow Lon enthusiasts just got my Headway G hand delivered today at my house uh that is definitely a good opportunity to make it a golf course La challenge accepted awesome Timothy glad to hear that it was um you got your stuff you know fast you ordered it and you got it like same day because you're in the area so like you why ship it why ship it when you can just bring it to you directly you know what I mean get your stuff uh get your stuff quicker and and you know I think what you know little birdie told me that you got one of those um you got one of the you got one of the one of the reare stickers one of these guys you got one of the Psychedelic stickers because these these again not easy to come by not easy to come by only a few of the products actually include those pillar let me think if you order pillar like the pillar funger side you get it spectacle you get it and the herbicide kits um you get it so and maybe if you place an order and you ask really nicely in the note section I might I might tell the warehouse to put one of them in there we'll see but no promises okay and next up we have Andre Taylor he says Hey Ron happy holidays when should we start applying preemergent in the New Year great question Andre so once you get past February um when the average soil temps are in the low in the high 40s to low 50s and trending warmer so you want pre-emergent in the soil prior to soil temps being in the mid-50s because that is when um uh crab grass and other warm weather weeds warm season weeds begin to germinate so you want it in the in the uh in the soil before then so question you might be asking yourself is how pray tell Will I know when the average 5day is in the mid-50s or getting close to that so if you get your soul test if you have a my soul test kit right if you have one of these and you um you use their their portal which you get for free you get free access to that one of the the options you'll get which is kind of cool is if you um when you log in and you put your information and with your address and zip code and all that kind of stuff it will tell you what the average 5day soil temperature is in your area so you know once February rolls around you can start monitoring this and you can also look at the weather and just see like the overall pattern and that will let you know when it's time to start introducing your pre-emergent when it comes to pre-emergent a bit early is better than a bit late you know there's some people that that will literally wait until the so temperatures are in the mid-50s like 55 56 degrees and then put it down I am not a fan of doing that because really by the time that happens the weeds that you're trying to control have already started germinating and pre-emergent has limited you know it doesn't work well against weeds that are already growing you know what I mean so you want it like a week or two early is better than a week or two late so you can use that tool in the my soul portal you can also use senta's website they have I believe they also have a um a soil temperature uh average soil average soil uh 5day soil temperature tool for the United States you put your ZIP code in it'll tell you uh and use that starting like in February to start tracking you know soil temperatures and you can you can use that as a guide for uh your pre-emergent apps again in the Southeast us mid-February is a is a good that's a good time for me to get it done some people will wait till March that's also fine too but if you start you start putting out let's say in mid-February if you're in Georgia South Carolina um you know Mississippi Alabama if you're L Texas if you're if you're if you're along the South that's going to be as a general rule that's going to be pretty good you're going to be ahead of the curve a bit and that's going to be just fine so but the most correct answer is before soil temps are in the mid-50s so that helps Andre great question and uh good job man you're you're putting some thought into keeping weeds out of your lawn now which is a much smarter way to go because um you know take controlling weeds after the fact is a lot more of a pain and it's more expensive than preventing them in the first place with pre-emergence so good job all right let's see what else we got here before we draw again all right next up is always Bak number Friday says is Celsius and sedgehammer a good combo it is it will work but for warm season grass I like I prefer certainty over sedgehammer um because just it's a it's a it works better it's a it controls more um sges than sedgehammer does and it also controls po anua so if you have a warm season lawn then um I would def I would absolutely go with certainty over sedgehammer works better Works faster and it also controls po all of which sedgehammer does not do right so um so yes strictly speaking can you yes um but I I wouldn't if I had the option I'd always I would always choose certainty for a warm sewn I would only use sedgehammer so an example so where would you buy where would you use sedgehammer if you had a warms and Lawn let's say you had a lawn that's Blended right so you got like say Bermuda grass in the front you got like fescue in the back so you you know you may want to control sges in the front and also in your Fescue lawn that is where sge Hammer would make sense granted you wouldn't mix certainty with the with the sedgehammer for your spray in the Fescue right you would not do that but if you wanted sge control for both warm and cool season Turf that's where sedgehammer um would would be a fit but if all you got is warm season grass use certainties it work it's faster and again you also get the ability to control panua which sedgehammer uh doesn't give you so hope that helps btbj says Happy New Year to Ron and everyone in the chat appreciate you and then next up is um Justin Judkins he says other than the environmental concern what negative effects come from using more than the annual Max of something like pamine well one it's illegal like you're not supposed to do that like like you're not supposed to use more you're not supposed to put more of the active ingredient in the soil than the manufacturer recommends just not supposed to do that so just so don't do it and then like you started out with the environmental concerns that's not a small thing so again you really want to stick to the label the label is there for a reason um you said so if you and if you exceed the rate so let's answer you a question now if you exceed the rate of predim if you go grossly over the the what's recommended you can start having issues with root clubbing to where you can actually damage the roots of the grass so particularly of younger grass you can you can cause injury so there's a whole lot of reasons to do it one you are using more I mean it's bad for the environment using more of the product than the manufacturer says um and then you're also taking the risk of damaging your grass so there's a whole lot of reasons to not do it and I wouldn't recommend it so you're saying I using it in the spring and the fall more than the max I I really wouldn't do that just and what I would say is if you're if you're looking for a pre-emergent strategy that I think works better uh is use pick one and use it in the spring and then use a different one in the fall so if you want to use Prine in the fall use diiia here in the spring in the spring diir is is is nice too because it will control uh young crab grasps that's kind of a benefit of it so use py in the spring and then use Prine in the fall both of those pre-emergence are on the more affordable side of things you know what I mean so if you're trying to save a little bit of money Pam is not too expensive di is a bit more but it's still not you know as expensive as some of the more Boutique um um pre-emergence like um like pennant Magnum like spectacle flow like those are more expensive they're more expensive for a reason right so what I what I do what I personally do what I will be doing this year upcoming is I'll be using Prine in the spring and I'll be using spectacle flow in the fall for pre that's what I'm going to be doing so um so yeah that's that's what I would say I would not exceed the I would not exceed the label rates I just wouldn't wouldn't do that all right uh next up is Robert Rainey you know what Justin I'm sure other people are gonna have that question so we'll make a note of it why not and we need to get we need to uh give away the give away a carbon kit here soon right guys y'all been waiting around a while you're saying hey man you're wasting time stop Jibber jabbering let's let's get let's get a carbon kit um given away and you know what we again I've got six items I may have to do one more because again I really want I want to end the year right I want to end the year right so let me make a note here really quickly Jus for you and you know what let's move on let's go back to the drawing tool so the to the random comment picker so what we're giving away now right we're definitely stepping it up as far as cost of items and what we're giving away is a golf course Salon carbon kit so if you go to shop and then you go to lawn fertilizer or go to the mamichi green section we're going to be giving away the 5,000 ft carbon kit now you have a choice you have an option if you win you can get the release zero carbon kit which has release zero neutri kelp and biospectrum which is a good option if you have a liquid fertilizer that you like to use and you want to mix this along with it works works great or if you're someone that says you know what I don't feel like doing all that extra work and I want to have a fertilizer along with my kelp product and my my micronized carbon product and my soul microbial then you could opt for the 901c carbon kit so you can you have a choice of either this one or this one if you win all right so let's now find out who that person is going to be you know we may have to do another one because I again I want to make sure we we give away seven of these so seven seven gifts okay so the winner of a golf course lawn carbon kit is is picking now geek girl geek girl are you in the house are you present if so please come to the DJ booth we need your detail so we can send you a golf course lawn carbon kit are you here we're going to give you a few minutes we're going to give you a few minutes we're going to go back I'm going to show you uh leave this up here so you can actually see your name geek girl is here fairly often so I I think that she's probably here but if not we'll see we'll see we'll give her a few minutes and if not then we'll we'll draw again right all right Devon's up deon's in the house he says what's up Ron good luck everybody thanks Deon thanks for coming to hang out sir hopefully you're doing well hopefully the the I'm sure the course is likely shut down in Colorado Springs this time of year but gladly see that you're still hanging out a little bit over the holiday season come by to say hello hope all is going well and uh let's see who else do we have um other comments um Timothy Burke says where's a good place to get top dressing in or around Gainesville okay so Timothy here's the thing I've I've gotten top dressing from a lot of the places around here uh landscape Plus in Gainesville like their top dressing mix isn't bad you could go with that the best stuff though that I've come across really is the uh the stuff from supersad like you live here in Georgia you got access to it I would absolutely pay a little bit more and get the superpad stuff because it's going to be clean there's not going to be any debris in it it comes with a great compost product like that is what I would opt for like if I'm topdressing my lawn that's what I'm going to be using so and a way for you to save a little bit of money on it if you want is the folks at uh supersad have given me a code for to give to my viewers that saves you guys a bit on um on the cost of the uh of the product so don't don't order it now obviously you don't need it now what tends to happen is early next year like in probably late January February they tend to start running a sale and what will happen is this code this this link I'm giving you is going to give you a discount on top of what their sale their running is going to be so it's a way to save yourself a little bit more money that is the stuff that I would use I'll be completely honest that's that's what I would use in my lawn I wouldn't mess around with um with with anything else if you if you don't mind having to pick a little bit of debris out of the top dressing mix you can go with um with it's a place called landscape plus they're in Gainesville um they're not too far I you know I'm not sure where in G you know where you are in Gainesville but they're they're in Gainesville so it's not going to be you're gonna pay a ton for delivery that kind of stuff to get it brought out to you but again if you can swing it I would pay a bit more and go with the Super Side mix and then as far as the top dressing material let me do this at Timothy Burke top dressing that link right there will save you a bit of money again don't order it now wait till like late January early February they'll announce any sales or doing then and then you'll be able to save a bit of coin on top of whatever they're offering so there you go all right next up Instagram you guys are quiet all all the folks on Instagram are over on YouTube tonight because they want to they want to win a a carbon kit let's see geek girl I don't see you oh we're gonna give it give it a little bit a little bit more time here I don't see her yet I don't see her yet you guys we give we give it like a few more minutes we'll see if she chimes in and says I'm here do you guys see geek girl I'll see your yet all right well let's keep going we'll answer a couple more questions and Terren stamp says um Ron question I am still seeing clover in my lawn should I be treating it with anything or wait till spring thank you depends on how much it bothers you if it were me I would get out some Celsius Celsius inact and go after the Clover it's it's going to be a bit slower to work this time of year but this this combination will um should do a pretty good job cleaning up the clover in your lawn terance I mean again it's up to you how bad is how much it's bugging you if it's really irritating you then you can use celsius use certain use um surfactant with it and that will um that we should take care of the Clover that you're dealing with in your lawn shie Mack says t-shirts yep yep we've been doing the t-shirts tonight the um the greatness from the groundup t-shirts and let's see here uh zider says can I request songs of the DJ booth I got a limited selection man I got a limited selection I don't I don't have too many I don't have too many options that I can put in here uh and then uh Jacob Madrid says Ah the carbon kit and uh let's see here b b nin says what up Doon how to obtain a golf course lawn sticker so yeah so if the products most of the products that we order if you order any of our herbicide products if you order Primo max if you order a celon um those all not everything comes with a sticker because of where they ship from but um Primo Max uh the like Celsius certainty sge Hammer tenacity um surfactant those will come with a um with a with a sticker those will come with this one if you want the if you want the Big Pimpin sticker yes that's what I'm going call it the Big Pimpin sticker if you want the Psychedelic um you know cool goty you know if you're someone that gets everything in Gold like it's all got to be gold or it's got to be chromed out if you if that's you and you want one of these then it's going to be the I'll show you here really quick let's go let's go back here I'll I'll show you really quickly what what are the options for the super shiny sticker if you want that one oh so you go to shop and then weed killer so any of the kits so this the Celsius kit the um certain the the cool season kit the tenacity sedgehammer kit the recognition kit whenever we get recognition again it's going to be a while but that whenever it comes out that will be an option too um or if you go over to uh fungicides so um pillar SC would come with it um would come with it um and also on back on the on the herbicide route if you were to order spectacle flow this will also come with one of the fancy stickers but if you just want one like the black one just the golf for La St sticker Primo AEL print SC like most of the herbicide products that we carry will will come with one so hope that helps um bbin and if you have any other questions let me know let me know um Larry is up next he says Ron I have several small we on my lawn didn't use pre-emergent due to seating small areas which is have sprouted now it's raining here so I'll send pictures next week for advice tenacity did a number on it uh cool yeah I mean so tenacity or a three-way that's going to be what you're going to use to control weeds in um you know in a relatively in a newer lawn like you can't use pre-emergent but like you could use a post-emergent herbicide to knock those uh those back uh let's see here and shaie Max says that's insane I know right zidar says Sor has been answered but is there a place you'd recommend for getting sandil mix here in Georgia I'm an East cop yes the link I just posted in the chat for suad that is what I would say wait until like February yish time frame whenever they they announce whatever they're going to be doing as far as incentives goes uh top top dressing mix uh that one so it's posted in the chat now zidar that is the one that I would go with I've again I've used I've used I've either bought or I've had access to and tried the majority of top dressing mixes that are available in this area and by far the suiz stuff is the best by far like not even not even close it costs more but because it's worth more it's better better product um oh it's MCA that passed away Mike D so around okay I'm right I forgot which one the BC boys it was so MCA passway Mike D is still alive and well so my bad sorry about that I'm spread I'm spreading um spreading um fake news sorry about that I knew one of the BC boys was um was no longer with us all right uh shaie Max says we taking sand after Iration um we taking sand Iration to fill in the plugs and help with drainage nutrient uptake yeah so if you're doing this a good question shie so if if you're going to top dress with sand and or compost or a blend of the two I'm a fan of having or Iration be part of that process so if you want to if you want like the the the short answer as far as how Ron Henry recommends you top your salon you would aate the lawn and then you would apply a fertilizer I recommend humc Max and then a bio stimulant like a granular bio stimulant like G and then after that you would then top dress over it reason being is the granular bio stimulant and fertilizer both need to be in the soil in order to work so it makes a lot of sense that after you've opened up the soil profile by punching holes all through it and removing cores with irration that's the ideal time to put a fertilizer down and to put down a granular bio stimulant then you apply your top ding mix the nice thing about that is it's going to help the the the holes from the Iration are going to help that sand soil mix integrate better with the existing soil profile so irration if you can swing it is a really good idea to do prior to top dressing if you look at golf courses do it that's what they do when they when they do they top dress a green they just go on the green just just drop sand all over it they aate it first and then they will Top dress after ation so do what the pros do there's a good reason for it all right guys I do not see GE girl I think I don't think so I don't think so I don't see her so let us go back to the comment picker it pains my heart cuz I know she probably would have liked a carbon kit I don't see her here though all right all right so no carbon kit let's draw again let's draw again no carbon kit for gek girl our winner is of garon carbon kit is dalen Krauss 355 dalen are you present are you here dalen do not make me sad don't me have to give this to somebody else if you are present you sir are the winner of a golf course lawn carbon kit of your choosing either the release 901c or the release zero kit so I'll leave your name up here for a little while longer Dal if you're here please come to the DJ booth and I will tell you how to claim your prize all right uh next up is uh Dan Lynch he says the source of the 7030 mix some places will do it they'll blend it for you uh Dan um but the super product that I'm talking about their level mix is a 7030 it's 70% USGA and then 30% of their their proprietary compost they call it um soil cubed it's like um I think it's like zoa grass clipping I forget say it's it's three different three different um components that make it up and it's a really good product so if you you live in Georgia South Carolina Tennessee Alabama then go with that that's the one I would go with that is what I would recommend D and Crow he might be out partying he might not be here someone else may have a chance at it all right shaie Mack says um he says I'm up North Minnesota I went with twin cdcs and have never looked back straight up great cvar and I dominate awesome like it love to hear that uh he says um Rob ye says would it be better to do a soil test closer to spring for for cool season lawn you can rob the reason why I'm a fan of doing a soul test twice a year like doing one in the spring and then one in the fall is the idea behind the fall one is twofold first it allows you to measure the effectiveness of your nutrient program over the the past growing season and then second if your soil PH needs adjusting it gives you more time so let's say you wait until the spring which you could absolutely do that you could wait till like say February March time frame and do your so test and then use that data to go and drive your your program for the year which can absolutely happen but let's say you wait till March to do your soul soil test and like you're in Georgia and your pH is like 4.9 so your soil is very is is quite acidic um like it would have been better to have that information several months sooner so you could apply a lime allow that to react with the soil and help bring that ph up so you're going to get more out of your your fertilizer applications you know so the reason for the fall the fall soil test is um for me it's it's large it's two things again to measure the effectivess of your program but also to determine where the pH is you know so it's up to you you can if you did a soil test now what it comes back with as far as nutrient deficiencies will still be good data to use going into the springtime you know so it's it's really your call if you want to wait till closer to the spring the benefit of doing it now is that if your pH needs adjusting it gives you time to do that because that takes longer to see movement than say um than your Macros like if you want to boost nitrogen levels pottassium levels phos levels that happens a lot faster than moving soil PH so just something to consider all right Dal are you here I don't see you I don't I'm looking so far I don't see you man have to draw again I don't know guys all right uh let's see and then Rob ye Devon says Rob E generally for cool and then next up let's see I'm not sure what else we got going on here got D says I literally started watching tonight replay it a little at the beginning to see if the drawing was done yet and as soon as I hit the live button you did the drawing talk about timing yeah man you got good timing Mike D you were uh were good to go and then Dev uh Devon says Rob D generally for cool season Fall Turf fall is the best time for solo test yep so again I a bit earlier in the fall it gives you two fold one you can measure like what you did effective as what you did earlier in the season and then if you're pH needs adjusting he gives you time to fix that guys I don't see dalan you know I think we've given it enough time what do you guys think I mean I know you guys are savages and you're all like no he ain't here man go on next one it's his loss right so I know you guys are waiting I don't I don't see him I don't see him I don't see him I don't see him I think we have to draw again dalan I am sorry man if you watch this after the fact I tried I tried but the Savages have spoken the just have spoken let's go back and this thing it's it's the carbon kit you guys don't want a carbon kit like y'all were here for the t-shirts the soil test kits but not the carbon kit I don't get it man all right well we go again all right so dalan going once going twice all right no ding there we go the next winner of the golf course lawn carbon kit is LG what what I I just I can't I just why do it have to be LG of all people because it just I just I'm sure he's right now like throwing stuff doing cartwheels he going to throw his back or hip out doing a back flip in the living room this is um I don't get it so LG CZ 4hb I think this is LG because for some reason um it seems like some of you guys' names are getting are doing something weird whenever you guys um are commenting cuz like for example Oliver's was some thing but all right LG CZ 4hb if you're present which I think it's just LG LG if you're present please come to the DJ booth it looks like you you may have W won yourself a golf course lawn car and K look at you guys you're like oh my God no LG LG don't need it you guys know what even if you want it I think we're going to do we're going to do one more because that's only six things we've done we've done uh a t-shirt a Soul test kit another t-shirt another Soul test kit another t-shirt a carbon kit that's six we got to go to seven for Perfection right so we got to do one more so we'll do another carbon kit assuming LG's here he might not be here guys he might not be here we're going to give him a few minutes to see if he pops in we give him a few more minutes to see if he pops you know what we'll even try some of them we'll play his we'll play his Tango bolero and see if he's um see Pops in I'll have a a sip here while look for the next comment or question guys the only thing more Savage right let's just talk through this the only thing more Savage than him not winning is him winning and not being here to get it you guys going be able to talk so much trash to him next week oh it's going to be awful it's going to be awful awful awful awful we'll give it a few more minutes here and I'll answer another uh another question he's not going to be here guys I don't think he cuz he would have commented by now all right uh next next up we have Ved Navi uh Ved navi's up next he says happy holidays and in advance Happy New Year I appreciate that theed I don't think he's here guys I don't think he's gonna win it oh it's gonna be so bad it's gonna be so bad and then Los is up next he says Hey Ron I have algae on my lawn and it looks like it's spreading I did a so test and it ended up putting lime on my lawn to help it out does spring iron help get rid of algae iron is more for Moss um for Moss low the thing I would say for algae is if you have an area of the lawn where it doesn't drain well so you have some drainage issues like fix that because there are there are products you can use um like you know lime will help with it um because you're raising the so you're raising the soil PH like algae and Moss tend to like more acidic more acidic soils but um most people that have algae problems in their lawn it stems from shade and poor drainage so if it rains you have a lot of a lot of water it kind of sits there for a while that's going to cause an issue with algae something else to consider too right is you know some Lawns this time of year may have algae issues and they don't have them throughout the rest of the seasons because now it tends to be cool and wet and more rainfall so it might be one of those things where you you just kind of weight it out you know if if if youron happens to have algae problems just in the winter months um and in the springtime and summer there's no issue you might just wait and and just not kind of turn a blind eye to it but I mean you're doing the right things with getting the pH in check um and then the next thing I would say is look for ways to improve drainage because that is going to help reduce the um the issues with algae in your lawn all right so hope that helps her great question and I'll make a note of that because other folks I'm sure will have had the same one all right um guys as much as it pains me I I don't I don't think LG is I don't think he's here I don't think he's here so let's go back over let's go back over to the comment picker LG going once LG twice one more time calling LG Now LG this hurts me more than it hurts you we're going have to move on LG is not present all right uh and listen now guys here thing before I draw the next winner you guys need to behave next week do not give him a hard time he's going to be he's going to be irritated he's going to be upset this is not going to be taken well I'm sure all of you going to behave like the adults that I know you are and not rub him too much about it next week all right just just just saying that now all right so the winner of carbon kit one of two is assuming they're here hway arah 1177 hosway you asked a question earlier but did you stick around did you get your question answer and say no I'm good I got what I needed out of the live stream I'm going to move on go to sleep turn in early or did you stick around and be the person that was able to poach a carbon kit from LG are you still here if you're if you're present hosway come to the DJ booth we need to uh get some details from you you are here okay cool cool so H is here his carbon kit is claimed I like it so here's what we're going to do guys I have one more we're do one more carbon kit because that'll give us a seven we be giving away seven things and that'll be good right it's a good way to end end the year you know seven seven items giv away so hos if you don't mind send me an email Ron golf email me there with your address of where we need to send send the carbon kit 2 and we'll get you all scored away okay so congrats congrats on winning we got one more we got one more we're going to do another carbon kit of the same type and that will get me to seven items and then everybody will have ample chances in addition guys think about all the entertainment value not only we did we get to you know give away some cool stuff I mean I LG is not gonna guys I'm tell he's not going to take this well he's going to probably watch tomorrow and there's going to be a whole lot of cussing he's going to need to go to church on Sunday uh after after after Behavior he's going to have all right so next up we have um Justin Justin says thanks for your help Ron just to clear my name he just he's just you were you know clearing this up now I am not I repeat not using more than the annual Max now here's the thing now Justin are you really not doing it or we doing like a Bill Clinton I did not you guys you know the the the famous phrase that he he did like years and years ago when the indiscretion happened right he says I am not using more than the annual Max rate of pamine but my neighbor asked this and I wasn't sure what the answer was other than it's bad for the environment I got you Justin your name is cleared we know you would never do that and I'm glad that you asked for the neighbor and you told them that Hat's bad for the environment you can you can pass that little clip on to him as far as the answer as far as the answer goes stay tuned guys there still chance to win one more we got one more carbon kit that we're going to do and then we'll close out 2023 we'll close out the live stream on that note all right so let me see what else we got here questions bunch of um I want the carbon kit Cooper's dad he says Hey Ron for what it's worth I feel compacted so when air rating and top dressing in the spring would you avoid filling in the holes in these specific areas with top dressing in hopes of helping compaction no I would still I would still um use top dressing mix I would absolutely do that um because so if you top dress and you still use say you're using a sand sand soil blend the the fact if you've never done it before Cooper's dad once you aate a lawn if you walk on the lawn after a rating it it feels um I don't say mushy but you can literally feel the lawn kind of moving around a little bit underneath your feet so if you have a highly compacted area of your lawn just the mirror the mere fact that you air rated it that you pull those plugs out is going to allow the lawn to relax a little bit that's going to relieve some of the compaction so if you go on top dress on top of that yes it's going to be fill it's going to fill in um the plugs of those holes a little bit but just the mere fact of irating it and you're like walking on it after doing that that's going to allow that's going to relieve some of that compaction it's not like you're going to be you're not going to be undoing your work by top dressing after air rating is just what I'm trying to get to so to answer your question I absolutely would top dress after air rating if that's what your your plan is you're not going to undo your work by uh by doing that so good good question I like what you're thinking I mean I get I get where your thought process is but it's not um that's not going to be uh not going to be the case you'll be just you'll be just fine just just just fine and I again topess a rating as part of top dressing is the best way to do it in my opinion uh let's see here um BT says Hey Ron what gives I thought all the comments being selected had to give the correct name for the mole you caught destroying your yard yes but I mean yes and no I mean you just have to comment on the video because I've done them in the past where people have done that and um they've done that and I just it just creates a bunch of a bunch of headaches if you commented on last on the last video then you are then you're then you're going to be entered you're going to be just fine you're going to be good so there's still because also BT BJ there's not really a way for me to filter those people out other than just draw again like say for example let take for example um hosway right who just won he did Maris which was correct he said Maris a destroyer if it had been like whatever Vanessa the Destroyer I'd have to just kick this kick him out and draw and draw it again so it just I I to to not to make it to where just people don't have a bad experience um if you commented in with the intention of being able to be part of the drawing I'm not I I want to give everyone the opportunity to so hope that helps all right next up is Greg lion says what are you doing for New Year a whole lot of nothing man just sit around relax maybe have a bir just do nothing I'm I'm I am pretty boring no partying none of that fun stuff just sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing waiting for warm weather and uh and calling it but hopefully that makes it up to you uh btbj because I said we were going to do six items right at the beginning of the show but now we're giving a bonus we're throwing a bonus in we're throwing another carbon kit so hopefully that makes up for the fact that some people that didn't have the absolute correct answer um you know have the uh are still ERS you know we'll take a poll on this and we can we can actually set we can do that going forward we can make it to where strict if you have the wrong answer then you're just not even answer it but I'll I'll I'll take it I'll give it to you guys right while I look for the next uh look for the next question um um must uh should uh should only uh only correct answers be allowed to enter all right so yes or no so so there we go I'm going to start a poll now you guys can run it you guys can tell me what you think and we'll just we'll do that for the next one so should only going forward should only people should only the correct answers in the comment be allowed to enter or should if you if you commented on the on the video that that is the one that's for the giveaway then you're you're entered so we'll see let this run for a little bit then you guys can let me know there's 15 of you guys in here so it's some pretty good sampling and whatever you guys go with that's what we'll go with going forward but here's the thing if if we decide that that's the way it's going to be like I don't want to hear a bunch of people getting mad saying oh well I commented and I won but the the answer wasn't right or here's the thing if there's misspelling so if you if you spell it like you know whatever Maris you spell Maris wrong I that's still going to count but let's let's say someone asks a question instead of saying enter me in the giveaway or something like that then um then that would be disqualified so I'm going to put it to you guys get get your thoughts on it if it's close if it's if it's split then we may just leave it the way it is but it needs to be you guys will decide and then I don't want to hear any confusion or or or anyone being mad the next time when we when we strictly stick it stick to it that way okay next up let's see here we're going to do the other carbon kit here in a second guys hold on let your hearts not be trouble we're going to do it and then shaie Max says been watching you for a minute always enjoy how knowledgeable you are I'm in cool season besides Ryan nor who else would you recommend that I follow I don't know man for cool season folks I don't know I mean there's I mean Ryan Ryan is probably the biggest as far as Kies and grass right um I don't know there's who's I think this the Hawaiian guy Al that's funny he's hilarious to watch um lonra is fun is fun to watch I I can't I can't give you a whole lot of recommendations for cool season because um believe it or not outside of like research for the videos I don't watch a lot of um cont content on YouTube on Long here because I'm spending time researching topics for the show and work and doing other stuff so I just I just really have time so outside Ryan I don't know man um I don't know I I don't know who else to tell you um he's a good one I mean he's I mean he's as far as cool SE and grass he's probably the biggest I think I think uh for warm SE and grass I can tell you I mean you got you got me um byd uh doc um you know we all have different takes we have different opinions and different views on different things but if you want like you know different views on the same topic you can you can bounce it between like those three for warm SE and grass I'm trying to I'm I'm sure there's others but those are the big ones that I that come to mind okay uh let's see here let's go see if there's any other [Music] questions um Mark Robert Mark says um I Ron I live in Kenan I have recently overseed my bear soul in the backyard with Baron brg PG Ry how should I take care of it I have the distress blend carbon kit humic Max on hand this time of year Robert I would um I would apply at the higher potassium fertilizer I would use the stress blend if you got that so I would go with that and I would go with the carbon kit so spray stress blend and carbon kit is what I would say or sorry I'm sorry apply the the stress blend and spray the carbon kit because the stress blend is a granular product so um so yeah that is what I would do save humic Max for um like March like March time frame that is when I would um I would use that okay so let's least see if we got any more folks any more questions we got one more carbon kit to do one more I'm looking for questions here all right Jonathan camrad says I applied certainty to my POA and to my neighbors as well as in early December the plants are dying and I am setting myself up well for the spring thank you for your advice and great store and blogs you are very welcome Jonathan glad to hear that you're getting great results with certainty the fact that the PO is dying shows that you obviously sprayed it correctly Like You Ed the right amount of the product and I'm glad to hear that the content on the blogs is useful a lot of work believe it or not it's a lot of work between the pictures and the writing and editing and everything to make that happen so I'm glad that you guys are getting some value out of it it's a lot of work lot of work lot of work lot of work lot of work lot of work okay guys I think we are winding down look looking for other comments here before we go to the next carbon kit carbon kit numer 7 um higgy pop says even if I don't win LG missing is a PR see you you okay now now higgy now let's just let's just take a moment now I'm sure that felt good to say but was that nice was that nice was it I mean do do you do you feel you feel good here's the LG is not going to take this well you guys I'm telling you it's is not going to this is not going to go over this is going to be weeks of belly it over this weeks worth and y'all are just like y'all are poking and prodding this man he's sensitive I'm telling you just you know it'll probably probably have to hear the entire Christmas story he probably didn't get what he wanted for Christmas he's going to say then all I want to do was win and I won I wasn't even he here and it's going to be a thing Savage Man Savage Savage Savage it will be Hellfire and brimstone next week when LG Pops in you're not wrong you are not wrong uh well played by not finishing that Quinton cloat I don't really want you be yeah I can't I'm not going to no no no no no no no I'm not stupid man I just look like this buddy M Used friend of M used to say that all time I'm not I'm not dumb I just look like this man like yeah all right uh I don't know guys I think we are we are going we are going we're going down let me see who else we got here okay we are okay guys let's do it so there's no other questions uh let's see so Deon is here say is the season let everyone have a chance if you want a carbon kit that bad just buy one plus it helps run and this awesome Turf Chan is made for us all to enjoy I appreciate that Deon because thing is the carbon kit is really not that expensive given how awesome as it is and what you get with it so you know if you don't win tonight before we do the last drawing here if you don't win tonight then you can find the carbon kit you go to the golf course lawn store go to shop go to lawn fertilizer and then it's available right here it's available in four sizes it comes in well well two two sizes four variant or two sizes with four variants so you have a 5,000 foot kit and a 10,000 foot kit you have a kit that comes with release zero neutr kelp and biospectrum and then one that comes with release 901c which is basically release zero with fertilizer the kelp product and bios Spectrum so if you have a big lawn or if you have a smaller lawn but you just want more applications because some people do that route too you can buy the 10,000 foot kit if you have a smaller lawn than the 5,000 foot kit you can get that on the golf course lawn store okay uh next up we say here um Oliver says Ron what would the lawn have been like if you were not putting down essential G or the carbon kit it's tough to say it's tough to say I I can't go back and replay history or time so I can't say for sure but I can tell you that like the amount of I put less nutrient into the soil like it's less nitrogen into the soil than most people do for Bermuda grass um and my lawn still looks great you know and then people that are on the golf hor lawn Academy also are able to get by with putting less nutrient in um and still get a great result so what I would imagine would happen is I would have to increase the amount of n that I would have to go into the soil um I imagine like that would be um that would be a thing uh but the big thing about the carbon kit and essential G is that is efficiency so for the carbon kit if you're spraying fertilizer um it it really helps with with uh with the nutrient uptake of the fertilizer if you're spraying Primo it helps with that to work better pretty much any any product that you spray with release Zero release 901c it helps it work better you can technically spray it with herbicides if you wanted to and that's going to help improve uptake of herbicide as well too I mean we primarily use it um with fertilizers and growth Regulators but there's nothing that says you can't you can't spray sa release zero with herbicides and it's going to it's going to help the herbicide work better it's going to maximize uh the uh the uptake so I I can't say for sure cuz I can't I didn't do like a control of one lawn without one lawn without it with and without but it would um if I had to guess I would have to increase the um the amount of nutrient that I'm putting into the soil to to make it happen okay guys here we go we're going to make our drawing of the last carbon kit the last carbon kit our last giveaway for 2023 so we go back over to the random comment picker and our winner is of the second carbon kit Short Grass living Short Grass living are you present I thought you were here earlier thought you were here earlier but if you're here now please come to the DJ booth we need you to say that you're here and in which case we will send you your Golf Course Long carbon kits you were here earlier but I don't know if you're here now so short grass living you are the winner of the second uh the second kit if you're still present you may have already left you may got your question answered you may gone off somewhere and been like hey I'm done for the night whatever I'm I'm out I'm out of here and if that's the case you would have missed out so we need to know Short Grass living I'm going to put you up one more time are you present because you may you may have won or you did win if you're here the second Golf Course Line Carbon kit but if you're not then have to give it to somebody else and you too shall have the fate of LG let's see NOP he says whoop whoop I'm here all right so he is present if you don't mind Short Grass Li send me an email here to Ron Golf and I will tell you how I just know where to ship the the ship the kit to so send it there and we'll get you squared away all right he's like I'm here I'm here I'm here I promis I'm here I'm here cool all right well guys gals hopefully you guys had as much fun as I did hopefully 2023 season has been as fun for you as it was for me and you guys got some value out of Po this this live stream and uh you know the Golf Course lawn store I've worked a lot to make it as as good as I can as far as a resource for for for DIY uh lawn care and just to offer awesome products to help you guys get the best possible on I really appreciate all of you like like none of this would be possible without you the store wouldn't be where it is without you guys and the live stream would not also be here without you guys so I really do um appreciate you guys a whole ton to the winners congrats we're going to do more of these next year what I'm going to try and do is get get to do another one in the springtime so I can get um some more of show sponsors on to get to help to help with them with prizes and we'll make that happen so uh so again guys thank you all so so much it really does mean a lot that you guys spend time every Friday here uh with me to uh to talk about L care and just to you know chop it up and and in general have a have a good time so if you're going out to party this weekend be safe don't do anything I would do and uh have a happy year you know 2023 is on its way out 2024 is almost here we'll be out there applying pre-emergent and building Lawns that our neighbors will Envy before we know it thank you guys so much again for watching I'll see you guys next year have a great weekend
Channel: Ron Henry
Views: 1,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn leveling, top dressing, lawn care live stream, fall lawn care, fertilization, soil testing, grubs, army worms, army worms eating grass, mirimichi green pest control, pest control, armyworm, ron henry live stream, live stream lawn care, bermuda grass lawn, create your golf course lawn, golf course lawn, overseeding lawn, overseeding, primo maxx, pgr, pre-emergent, certainty herbicide, specticle flo
Id: LgU_dAwVZPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 4sec (10264 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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