Christian vs SATAN's GUIDE TO THE BIBLE (feat Brady Goodwin)

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I may have bit off more than I could chew today I I think I did actually that's not a very confident start Mike I guess I've been a dummy dumb dumb and now I'm going to become a skeptic like you and we can we can we can take over the Internet with our atheism or something like that this is an unexpected turn of events let's look at it more detail without cartoon images without cartoons that's a burn on you Paul on me take a look at yourself Brady well I guess there but by the grace of God went I and I decided to do it as a first question today which may have been a mistake probably was a mistake definitely was a mistake all [Music] right welcome to apia where a former Christian takes a look at the claims of Christians or today two former Christians taking a look at the complaints of a Christian about the claims of Satan because today I'm joined by founding member of the Grammy nominated Christian rap group The Cross movement in a garden where Hearts got Harden we fell into a deep sleep and just kept falling some know him as fanatic but I know him is Brady Goodwin fellow X Christian and Facebook counter apologist extraordinaire welcome Brady glad to be with you Paul I'll confess I rarely watch counter Christian videos because all my time is taken watching Christian videos but every once in a while one breaks through and I just have to watch even more rarely there's a video that I wish I had made and I'm telling you my heart breaks that I didn't make Satan's Guide to the Bible but I'll let YouTube Pastor Mike Winger describe it to you there is a dangerous video gaining popularity called Satan's Guide to the Bible that illustrates a pretend children's Sunday school class learning from Satan as their substitute teacher I like it already he claims that pastors keep secrets from their congregants but that that he will reveal those secrets and tell them the truth I'm here to reveal peacefully hidden Bible Secrets Bible Secrets none of us will believe your secrets there are of course other witnesses to these Bible Secrets One of the witnesses everyone here trusts who your pastor Pastor Mark knows these Bible secrets too he does like lots of pastors he learned a bunch of Bible Secrets at Seminary and he won't share them with us he's keeping secrets this is great because this Satan character is doing the very thing the serpent did in the Garden of Eden accusing the presumed good guy of keeping secrets but what they go on to point out is that the serpent and Satan don't get conflated into the same character until much later in the evolution of the Bible's twisting narrative it's like they're preparing you to think critically from the jump so he's they're keeping them from you but guess what don't worry Scholars Scholars these these objective you know really smart people who are only ever interested in truth unlike every other human being who has a bunch of mixed motives and everything they do um they're going to tell you the real truth every human being has mixed motives even Mike good to know the anti-intellectualism from evangelicals never ceases to be depressing can you please analyze this video and refute its false claims about the Bible it's interesting that this person is not asking if the claims are true but whether or not Mike can take time to refute the claims that the questioner already knows are false I guess if you're going to be hopelessly biased you might as well announce it at the start they'll tell us what Pastor Mark learned in seminary they will the biblical Scholars will tell you the Bible Secrets surprisingly none of this is new to me that's true there that this is this is known stuff this is not new but this is very much a a storytelling type of thing that's happening the documentary doesn't claim that these things are new the claim is that these things aren't shared with the average Christian at least not until they're are already so invested that it's almost too late to turn back that narrative was very much part of my journey and why this video rings so powerfully for me and others when I started learning about all these nuances and background facts that make the Bible seemed more like a fully human book than a Divine one I ran to my pastor my professors and they casually dismissed my surprise with Mike's blaz yeah we know attitude so why didn't they tell me the responses were variations of most people can't handle it or it would cause doubt and yeah that's the point I felt betrayed by leaders who were falsely and confidently misrepresenting the strength of their position in a lot of areas of life the coverup is more damaging than the crime that intellectual betrayal is a major reason I feel the responsibility to do what I currently do on this channel AM to all of that they're using like Hector Avalos and Bart Erman who are basically atheists and agnostics effectively atheists in their beliefs about God and others who would not be considered Christians by Christianity by like you know Orthodox Christian values about believing in the death and resurrection of Christ um about believing basically in God sorry Dale Allison Mike Winger just revoked your invite to the Christian cookout and so it's standard stuff and really we're just hiding it from the congre pastors people like myself were were hiding it from you guys I'm sorry to keep chiming in but this guy is just unbelievable he's trying to make it seem like this depiction of how Christian leaders function is not believable but just like you Paul I lived it my experience was I learned most of these Bible Secrets after Seminary and when I contacted one of my former professors he informed me of how many other Seminary graduates come back to him with the same story and and then he essentially told meow that you know these things Brady if you can find a way to still believe then you'll be a mature Christian it was like he was welcoming me into a secret society that I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of they're teaching B stuff to everyone anyone who has gone at least through I would say a master's level would be well aware of every argument that bman has ever presented it's standard stuff and yet most pastors who've gone through that training don't tell their congregations what it is that they've learned so you get the idea it's standard now what's interesting is if you actually got say James White who they quote as their source for its standard stuff in seminary then he would have then told you and so are the arguments against it you see the these arguments aren't standard stuff that is uncontroversial amongst all Scholars right I have thoughts but let's let him say a bit more the arguments against these things should also be standard stuff if you're doing a robust educational environment in your Seminary then you're going to say yeah here's an argument against the Book of Daniel here's one for it here's the two sides of the coin okay this is actually a good point well kind of it's not that Evangelical fundamentalist Christians don't have answers to these challenges presented in Satan's Guide to the Bible their answers are standard too but then so are the critical responses to those answers and on and on it could go it seems like Mike won't be happy until the entire ongoing conversation is reproduced by those looking to highlight that there's more to the story than what most pastors are letting on but then why doesn't he complain that pastors are not giving both sides on Sunday morning why is he okay with their propaganda exactly Mike and the other pastors could have completely stripped this cartoon Satan of his power by using their Pulpit to acknowledge the existence of these scholarly controversies and whatever counterpoints they feel are pertinent rather than just praying that their congregation remain blissfully ignorant of potential flaws it's the historical lack of intellectual honesty in evangelicals that gave this YouTube Satan his power in the first place I made you you got to say you made me how childish yeah the Book of Daniel the authorship of the Book of Daniel is very much an issue in question amongst Scholars there's a lot of a lot of Scholars right now currently scholarly Trends right now that think the Book of Daniel was written after much of the prophecies that it says will be our future that it was written like 2 Century ad uh BC excuse me uh not you know back in the fifth 6th Century or 6 7th uh that math ain't mathing H I wonder how Daniel did it by pretending to be someone living in the distant past an author could predict the future The Book of Daniel allegedly written by the great wise man of the 6th Century BCE BC me was actually written in the Judgment of almost all critical Scholars some 400 years later what the [ __ ] liar if the Book of Daniel was written 400 years later then that would mean Daniel did not author The Book of Daniel you you IR reverence that's there like it's just throughout the video the sarcasm the mockery of Christianity of Christian values of Christian people um and and of Christian scholarship the mockery of all of those things is all there it's extremely propaganda propagandistic work 100% um the the the Chinese government would approve someone alert XI jenp ping this guy can't take a joke Mike spends far more time tone policing and clutching at pearls than putting on big boy pants and just correcting any errors and notice that Mike isn't actually pointing out any errors he's merely pointing out the Christians of have come up with excuses for why the true things that Satan is saying aren't a big deal just like in the Garden of Eden Satan is correct you are technically correct the best kind of correct I actually have my own video on the Book of Daniel and the dating of Daniel where I don't just say um all the scholars know this dummies you're all dummies because you don't know this duh Scholars know this pastors are hiding it it's obviously a massive Christian conspiracy and I actually went and watched his video on The Dating of Daniel he does exactly what I said earlier he presents the Conservative Christian response to the critical scholarship but then ends the discussion as if there is no critical response to the answers that conservatives give there is an ongoing discussion and the further you get into the details you see the image in more relief and you see how uncompelling the arguments for one side actually are and I think the side that is less compelling is that of the conservative Bible scholar he he mentioned several times that we're not presenting the whole picture you're not presenting the this and the that and you know I think when it comes to you know well we all like people already tend to believe this set over here and so we only need to present like the New Perspective there isn't enough time to honor all of these things an example in the Book of Daniel the authorship of the Book of Daniel is very much an issue in question amongst Scholars lot of a lot all right so sorry I keep laughing is is the authorship of the Book of Daniel an open question among Scholars no yes we don't know nobody knows terms of who it was that's an open question authenticity Unity nope date yeah date we we are pretty secure on that this like but this is this is really the Crux right because from what Mike means by this is if there's one right if there's one Evangelical scholar right that's the thing here it's not like it's 50% and 50% no it's like 98% and you m yeah and and there you see this in a lot of commentaries whether it's the the Pastoral Epistles or Daniel it's not impossible we have and they'll say things like we have good reason to think or it's plausible or something like that where they they just need that little tiny sliver of not impossible because they're speaking to people who are already agree with them and just want to be made to feel like it's not impossible so it's offering you a lie a distortion of reality to defeat your faith in scripture it's propaganda that's the nature of Satan's guide of the Bible here so they select you know Bart armman who is well known at least among among certain circles that I'm in uh well known for being somebody who tends to when in when in doing popular writing and in popular settings like this interview he tends to say things in much stronger and exaggerated ways to make his claims seem more strong and even more scholarly solid than than uh we would think they really are well if somebody said so about two book are forged which was a popular book and forgery and counter forgery H it was my long very long scholarly book if anybody can find any contradiction between those two books I would love to know it nobody's ever pointed out one to me and the claims are the same Paul did not write the Pastoral Epistles Paul almost certainly did not write Ephesians Colossians and I mean I know people say this about me and it's an easy thing to say because you can take a quotation from one book and a quotation from another book say they're not saying exactly the same thing that's true one's scholarly one's not scholarly but if anybody knows a contradiction I would love to hear it the Evangelical Scholars the ones who would be defending against the claims of s Satan's Guide to the Bible here they their their Cas is never presented sometimes claims from them are presented where they just say something but their evidence or their case or their reasons for those claims are not presented so it looks as though they're making sort of Faith proclamations instead of actually providing their scholarship on an issue we've addressed this unreasonable demand for equal a time already there's a place for that I don't think that place is necessarily in videos like the one he's critiquing as Paul said the power in this video isn't some comprehensive debunking it's the sh value of alerting Christians to controversies they've never heard of oh this is the first I'm hearing of it pastors should have done a better job being open about this stuff in the first place but when you go to the skeptic when they when the Skeptics are quoted the Airman and the Avalos and these other guys they they get claims and evidence they're going to unpack their reasons and their evidence and more often than not in fact almost in almost every case they don't give any scholarly response against those claims there's no push back whatsoever ever even when those claims are in the minority of scholarship even though the video pretends they're in the majority I sympathize with him to an extent here he wants people to know both sides of the issue and how windsome his side is still I cannot help but to think just how ineffective and irresponsible it is that if the biblical narrative is true and to be believed unto salvation for whatever reason the god in charge of it whom I affectionately called Bible God has left Believers and unbelievers in this precarious situation where we must hear competing sides of arguments and then decide which is more compelling to us personally and that is what our Salvation will be based upon convincing arguments and claims even if Mike turns out to be right in his defense of the Bible this whole process is still very off-putting to me but it's fitting that Satan's educating children in this video because that's effectively what they're doing to Their audience is treating them as children who just have to be told facts and not any details uh just trust me Matthew 18:3 and he said truly I tell you unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven I don't know how he missed that one my God is not cool with killing innocent children for divine favors in battle that may be but the god the Bible is in the 11th chapter of the Book of Judges jeepa the leader of the Israelites who are at war with the ammonites more IES from Canaan wanting to secure victory for the Israelites jeepa makes a promise to God if you give the ammonites into my hands whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in Triumph from the ammonites will be the Lords and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering the leader of the Israelites promises God he will set fire to whoever greets him first when he returns home from Battle he will devote to the Lord first thing he sees but of course it it turns out to be his his daughter his only child and is that really what happened the question is is this a moral flaw in the Bible as in is the Bible the way that these amazing totally objective totally objective Scholars who totally represent things your pastors all know sorry it's just it's ridiculous um they present it as though God is cool quote cool with killing innocent children for divine favors in battle I wondered if he was being a bit deceptive here he's making the point that God is not cool with killing innocent children for divine favors in battle see it's the reason the children are being sacrificed that he's arguing against not child sacrifice or overall he's worded it in such a way that if you press him with other scriptures where Bible God does seem to be okay with child sacrifices Mike can always say oh no it was the reason jeepa sacrificed his daughter that I was saying God wasn't cool with but then Mike makes it clear he doesn't think God is okay with child sacrifice at all is that true the god of the Bible is cool with that uh no because Jeff the BW it that's the thing they they show no text in scripture anywhere that suggests that God was favorable towards this wanted jeffa to do this that it was okay in any way let me give you guys a number of reasons for this because I know there's probably people watching right now who just think I'm the one offering propaganda he's going to read a bunch of passages that make it seem like God is against human sacrifice but he's going to skip over the ones that show God demanding it exactly the charge isn't that the the Christian Bible is consistently affirming of rape or genocide or slavery or child sacrifice the charges of the Bible is inconsistent on these things it seems that a perfect book from a perfect God would be perfectly consistent and unambiguous on the basics it's interesting when people suggest that the Abraham and Isaac story is proof that God likes Human Sacrifice when God refuses to let it go through and says no no here's a replacement instead and then he tells all the Israelites instead of having your your son or your firstborn you're going to offer an animal I don't want human sacrifices then explicitly says in scripture No you're not allowed to do that I hate that sort of thing um in 2 Kings we have uh 216 we have Kings and this happens in multiple multiple cases who rebuked because leaders of Israel offered their children as sacrifices except Leviticus 27 has God telling the Israelites through Moses that there are some kinds of sacrificial vows that you make to God that can be redeemed but there are other kinds that cannot be redeemed in other words if you vow to sacrifice a person to the Lord you can change your mind and exchange that person for a price and offer the price of that person to the Lord instead there is a price for people as old as 60 years of age and a different lesser price for people as young as 5 years old however the kind of vow that cannot be redeemed is the devoted offering verses 28 and 29 say but no devoted thing that a man devotes to the Lord of anything that he has whether man or beast or of his inherited field shall be sold or redeemed every devoted thing is most holy to the Lord no one devoted who is to be devoted for Destruction from mankind shall be ransomed he shall surely be put to death now guess what kind of vow jeepa made this is why he could not reig and had to sacrifice his daughter because he had made the kind of devoted offering vow of a human sacrifice that Bible God would not let him out of without my book there are no morals is it going to be the word or is it going to be the world you just watch I might pull my book back take it away from all of you animals then where will you be 24-hour rape and Anarchy is where you'll be there are no morals no comprehension Zeus of right and wrong without the Bible the Bible is the ruler by which goodness is measured without the Bible there is no right or wrong crossing my fingers and hoping he means the New Testament and not the old then again at least in the Old Testament I could think about adultery and not be put to death but according to Jesus in the new if I even think it I'm done for the the Christian position is presented as morality equals the Bible which is a silly and nonsensical statement the um the two different issues that are more real that Christians do bring up and should bring up and a right to bring up is that without God number one without not the Bible but without God there is no objective real moral values and duties I think that's 100% true um how do we know what God's morality is if not for the Bible I think that God is the best explanation for moral values and duties and many many atheists even philosopher atheists right even Scholars the scholars that that that probably some Scholars that that this the person who made this video would look up to would agree that if there is no God there simply is no objective moral values and duties I think I've heard you say this before Paul and if I'm right I like you would agree with Mike that without God there are no no objective moral values and duties but also there are none with God I mean well there may be moral duties with God but God does not get us to objective moral values the moral sentiments are still subjective we've just switched the subject to God instead of us the only way to have objective moral standards is if goodness exists on its own out there even outside of God exactly now there's plenty of people who would say no no no even without God I still believe in morals but yeah of course you do I'm glad you do and and almost nobody lives that way because morals are sort of ingrained in us I Believe by God ingrained in Us by God this sounds like Paul in Romans two where God's laws are written on the hearts of mankind and because of that we know and do what's right and also know when we're doing wrong but I wonder when other social animal species species do what they consider to be right in their communities does that mean that God's law is also written on their hearts and when they do what their communities consider to be wrong are they sinning did Jesus die for them too but without the Bible we wouldn't have our current culture carrying the same moral values and duties and some call this stealing from God where they say well you know skeptic is stealing from God when they're going to use their moral values to judge say the Bible or something else when really their moral values arose from scripture and and it's there's a truth in that in that their their societal awareness their cultural sense of right and wrong is impacted hugely by scripture an interesting book uh on this is a book called Dominion by the historian Tom Holland who talks about this I've been dealing with this claim from Christians for a while and Paul if you'll permit me I think this is a good place to plug the YouTuber Mr deity who's been doing an excellent Series in response to Tom Holland's book his series is called dumb Minion stop the steal and it's great did the Christians of the late 4th Century bring us a world anything like we'd expect to see from an institution pregnant from its birth with the values of the Enlightenment is that what happened not even slightly that would take another 13 centuries during which Christian Europe became the absolute opposite of anything even remotely enlightened free speech freedom of expression and free inquiry were as missing in action as a Christian practicing nonviolence and turning the other cheek Mr deity often makes videos that I wish I had made Dr Allison could you show us Bible verses where Jesus makes failed apocalyptic prophecies well one is Mark 9:1 which says there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the King ofon has come with power there be some of them that stand stand here standing where standing here Z it Satan keep it down okay what about us some of you shall not taste of death till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power ooh and what happened next as would become something of a pattern for Christian people going forward nothing happened nothing happened that's That's How It Ends so this this idea though that Jesus uh guess what this is not new this is again standard argument they're right about that I don't know what happened next they said they said nothing happened the scholar that they had says nothing happened well verse two next thing that happened after six days Jesus Took with him Peter and James and John and led them so some of those standing there and led them up on a high mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them and and his clothes became radiant intensely white as no no one on earth could have could bleach them so there's something Supernatural about his appearance so the they go up to the mountain and there and this the Transfiguration is it possible that that's what's being talked about well it should at least be considered right it's the very next thing that happens in the text of scripture them seeing Jesus transfigured is a pretty tame dare I say lame Kingdom in light of what the actual promise was and what was the Jewish expectation at best this was a foreshadowing or foretaste of the Kingdom but the promise was that the kingdom would actually come so either Jesus lied or Jesus was lied on because he never said this for we did not follow Peter talking clever cleverly devised Miz when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ remember the kingdom of power coming and the son of man coming in power what's he talking about we were eyewitnesses of his majesty right there that highlighted portion when were when were they eyewitnesses when did they see the kingdom of Christ coming in power when he received honor and Glory from God the father and the voice was born to him by the Majestic Glory this is my beloved Son with whom I well whom I am well pleased I guess this is additional testimony in commentary on Mark 9 but does this should this reinforce the interpretation that if Jesus did make that promise he actually fulfilled it then he uses this in verse 19 you see he's using this hey we saw the sample of the coming of of the kingdom and that's a confirmation of the of the later coming of the Kingdom notice how a sample of the Kingdom becomes the Fulfillment of the promise of the coming of the Kingdom all to help Jesus remain apocalyptically intact so there's there's you know a very short case not getting into all the details they could have included this in the video but it wouldn't work because then it wouldn't be Satan's mocking Guide to the Bible where you're disproving everything in Christianity because they want it to look one-sided he's essentially saying the nerve of these Skeptics to not bend over backwards breaking their necks to clean up the Bible's foibles they want it to look like there's only one argument for their cause all Scholars agree all the pastors secretly know it and then you're just the children going I guess I've been a dummy dumb dumb and now I'm going to become a skeptic like you and we can we can we can take over the Internet with our atheism or something like that we'll leave the light on for you the light of the Enlightenment but you know what's interesting Satan's Guide to the Bible presents Jesus's non-fulfillment of his promise of apocalyptic return as the biggest Bible Secret and yet Mike only deals with this one passage he doesn't address the more embarrassing promise of Jesus in Mark 13 that this generation will not pass away until all these things take place the documentary dives into this passage but Mike doesn't touch it in his reaction Satan's Guide to the Bible purports to be what all Scholars know and pastors all know it and then they do this empty Toom nonsense the majority of Scholars would disagree with the implication of this video that that the empty tomb is not historical now Bart armman thinks it's not historical a view he he took on at some point in his career later on not not not earlier on um after he was doing debates and it seems to me that the empty tomb was a powerful debate point that his enemies would bring his enemies in the debate right his his opponents in the debate would bring saying hey evidence for the Resurrection the empty tomb is an important one and then he later said I don't believe that anymore here's Mike once again poisoning the well by ascribing motive rather than taking someone at their word that upon further investigation they've changed their mind on something Mike you've changed your mind on some issues even in your time on YouTube should we talk about your motives for doing so rather than just looking at the arguments attributing motive is the least helpful thing you could be doing right now the earliest discussion we have of the Resurrection is provided by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 his argument is striking since he makes no mention of an empty tomb Paul never mentions not once the empty tomb clearly first thing you're thinking your critical thinkers you're going Paul never mentions the empty tomb next thought should I should I expect Paul to mention it to think that he believed in it it seems to me that there's a lot Paul doesn't mention about Jesus details about his birth famous quotes and teachings and details about his death and Resurrection there are two explanations for this these things were either unimportant to Paul or they were unknown to him and if they were unknown it is either because these things were never told to him or these things never happened and were only invented as part of the narrative after Paul's time of influence so Paul not mentioning the empty tomb is either a sign of its unimportance or its non-historic but the majority of Scholars go back like 40 years the majority of Scholars were totally against the empty tomb it was laughable if you tried to make a case for the empty tomb while it doesn't help my case to point this out Mike is simply wrong on this at least according to Def facto Resurrection scholar Champion Gary habas he brags that his survey from 40 years ago had roughly 75% of Scholars of the kind he was willing to count affirming an empty tomb if it was ever laughable it wasn't because it was a minority position scholarship has moved in a very different direction nowadays where the majority of Scholars even non-believers and Skeptics and atheists and things like that do believe the empty tomb is a reality wrong again the reason Scholars like Michael aona won't Elevate empty tomb to the level of historical fact is precisely because it is not affirmed by non-believers or Skeptics by far the majority of Scholars who Grant the empty tomb are Christian Scholars um and it doesn't come up to the level even though it's a majority if it's it's around 75% that's a pretty strong majority but I like it to be 90% or more for what I'm doing here a n you know for for my criteria for accepting something as historical Bedrock so it didn't quite make a strong enough majority and it certainly not a robust hetero heterogen geneity of scholarship um that is granting it it's for the Bible tells me so since most scholars in the field work for institutions that require them to sign a statement of faith that the Bible is inherent having a modest majority is unsurprising and unimpressive it's rare to find someone who makes Gary habermass seem modest and measured but Mike has done it the there's things like tell Elan and her work um uh in Israel the the discoveries of um sorry I think I got the Scholar's name wrong not ton she did the names Palestinian names who is it that did the tomb stuff she's over at U Bart er's University too same same school anyway I have this in my empty TB video it's linked down below you can check it all out jod Magnus you're talking about Dr jod Magnus she's been a guest here on my channel you can check that out you are oft quoted yeah I I look so I just want to clarify when I say they're consistent with they are consistent with does that prove the historicity of the Gospel accounts it doesn't prove that the accounts are historical but it means that who whoever wrote those accounts was familiar with how the Jews of Jerusalem disposed of their dead in the time of Jesus 1 Corinthians 15 this is the passage that they're like hey Paul didn't didn't seem to even know about the empty Tom right never wrote about it you're putting words in Satan's mouth Mike his claim was merely that Paul didn't mention the empty tomb well this is what he did right let's just read it I delivered to you as a first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures it's silly to think that this is evidence Paul didn't know about the tomb he was he died he was buried he rose does burial require a tomb no could require just a hole in the ground but is it consistent with the tomb yet okay so once again Satan was right here and Mike has left scrambling with excuses Apostle Paul mentions burial which Mike admits does not necessarily mean they Stone cut tomb that people would have known the location of Paul doesn't say tomb and he doesn't say empty tomb Paul's account is consistent with the empty tomb narrative sure but it is equally consistent with Jesus being dumped in a forgotten hole and the empty tomb Nara of being a legend that developed after Paul died that's the point here Paul is silent on all matters tomb related we have no idea if he believed it or not normal is history you would just assume Paul's talking about the empty tomb here but skeptical you know propaganda you're going to be like no no I'm going to make it so hard for you to prove any element of your Christian faith that I will fight you tooth and nail every step of the way it's not fighting tooth and nail at every step of the way if the gospel authors would have had Jesus buried in some obscure place like Paul did with no fact checkable details it would be unremarkable but they didn't they put a Roman soldier at the guard and jined up a story about these Roman soldiers saying that they had been bribed to leave their post and that's why the body went missing so Scholars and Skeptics aren't nitpicking we're asking how plausible this all is as history versus how much it seems like fiction or revisionist history in the end the Satan's guide of the Bible is 100% a propaganda piece it's a propaganda piece it's a propaganda piece isn't one of the h Merks of propaganda the repetition of assertions it's a propaganda piece it's a propaganda piece but the Bible has been proven true many many times the prophetic statements in the scripture and their fulfillment um later on in history are a very powerful piece of evidence the unity of the scripture is a very powerful piece of evidence and hopefully your own relationship and experiences with God are also a very powerful piece of evidence at least for you even if it's hard to communicate that to somebody else it's funny because the failed prophecy the non-historic and the disunity or non-univocal character of the Bible are the very reasons why I'm not a Christian today more I could talk about but that's the that's Satan's Guide to the Bible um that's my shortest way I can answer that and it was much longer than I wanted it to be and this is much longer than I wanted this to be but here we are Brady thank you so much for joining me today was my pleasure Paul if you haven't already you must immediately go check out Brady's criminally undersubscribed YouTube channel called kapot I consider him to be an intellectual brother in Christ or against Christ I suppose if you like my content that wish it was much cooler more thoughtful and more eloquent run and check out kapot links in the description of course and also check out Satan's Guide to the Bible if you haven't already and put that in front of your favorite Sunday school student thanks for watching and until next time later
Channel: Paulogia
Views: 85,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paulogia
Id: pGj1x80xSpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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