Christian Hymns With Lyrics - 2020 English Song Collection

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[Music] god holds her to the old nor take the usual path there's no prohibition in his working in God all is free liberated with no constraints and he brings man freedom and labor [Music] [Applause] [Music] different [Music] and I printed words in life and my freedom to me Oh [Music] he's not come straight because behold [Music] he is not coming [Music] people say oh how they perceive as you work he will still carry out his work Lumpy's he doesn't worry over men's notions or finger pointy their strong opposition does not hold him back no Sherman move [Music] can discredit disturb with his word [Music] what he does and it won't be constrained by any no hostile forces will disrupt anything never any hostile forces in no man's ever seen they are all trampled under keys good No which new stage of his work is too [Music] [Applause] without hindrance in the whole come to please God Almighty his words this mighty God in his work he has principal No because God himself away [Applause] [Music] no one apart from him can know our every thought Kim has such a grasp of our nature and substance can try to repair corruption [Music] work and speak among on behalf of God this ordinary is never Kinnelon rejected is [Music] she [Applause] [Music] we the true [Music] [Music] No [Music] has the earth floor [Music] and my signal of God and God's disposition what God ah [Music] from Oh rejected [Music] gee [Applause] [Music] [Music] none but he can bring us light and show the way [Music] that God has not sure no one apart from me can save us fumble [Music] [Applause] [Music] he represents God others the voice of God's heart his exhortations and Chartrand [Music] for kids Richard [Music] gee [Music] [Music] he has brought a new-laid the new heaven and earth he brings new hope for [Music] and in lies we led in obscurity letting us behold the path of salvation oh he has conquered our being and Kane our hearts now our minds become conscious and our sphere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the last day's work is to speak well that's great changes come to man from words and the changes are much greater in people who accept them greater than who accepted sons the age of grades that age demons were cast out with laying on of hands and prayer well that's your up shirt still remain - right should still remain while stupid and was healed forgiven of sin the work still had to be done meant to be purged of his corrupt disposition [Music] because of his brain brother sinful nature still remain it was the Internet the sins of man were preparing [Music] after that stage of work was done the work of judgment still remain is used to make men misting see enough forgiving for all of his sins of crucifixion [Music] the city there [Music] to saved [Music] Godzilla's [Music] there is believing in this stage and it is more fruitful from now the word supplies man's life it allows man to be renewed tensive stage of God's becoming flesh at last carnation sweetie and God's plan for men to be big span [Music] makes man : [Music] they expand [Music] expand [Music] the child is on his throne redemption da [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with instead [Music] we'll be fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll surely things I [Music] [Applause] well [Music] the one Shuba Oh [Music] for the secular [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Christ's upstairs is determined by his world ex pression with a heart [Music] yes sir he comes what's and Trust moonship's God in heaven and seeks his father this is all determined by you substance so to his natural revelation so-called because his expressions are [Music] limitations or from years of man cultivation of Education I fear not Oh [Music] Michelle but [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] his world this expression and Humana they may even deny his [Music] Oh humanity [Music] is true no one can deny that is here to fulfill [Music] and no one can deny the sincerity with which she seeks God the Father [Applause] series not be pleased [Music] is this Costa may not possess an Arab sensation this worker may not be mr. Thor heaven but he's indeed [Music] it's true [Music] it's because this sub this battle [Music] [Music] a truth that's hard hard to be [Music] easy in the that it's hard to be [Music] [Applause] sister [Music] [Music] [Music] you but work in the last days is done through this ordinary man he'll be so unto you he'll decide everything of you in such a man you believe so simple the not worth a mention [Music] just truth not convinced hi seeds not convincing is this path not with father lean white be so adverse to him what causes you to behave this way to shirk from him caste more because of the coming of God second incarnation God is forgiving you he's on our city these are the words that God leaves you this ordinary man who is God and Connie is a vital value to you this greatly people God has done he who expresses its he who supplies the truth he gives you the path you walk do you still not understand and you still not detect the traces of God's work [Music] all the true [Music] without the work of Jesus man cluding teaching from the cross without this day's incarnation those who come down from the cross could never be commanded by God pudding into the New Age at all because of the coming of God second incarnation God is forgiving you he's sober these are the words like God means you this ordinary who is gone [Music] you to you this great me people [Music] you would never have the chance never be to see that through counting that sure have long because of the coming of God's second incarnation goddess forgiven you he summer City you and these are the words that God leaves you with this ordinary man who is God incarnate he's a vital lie to you [Music] what is forgiving you he's sober [Music] this or here's the final value to you this great theme among people [Music] God has done new one today you may not accept in my field odd but God acts he not to show your natural the cells nothing comes of seeking true through bigger ring and fight only sleep you calmly can now come achieved for only hunger and thirst for righteousness before [Music] [Music] [Music] as new [Music] God's return to the [Music] these words perhaps you despise them stay ever the case God hopes all those who yearn for the appear friends of him to carefully consider it's best not to joke to make enclosures [Music] I should before [Music] [Music] [Music] living and the fleshes living in the human hell and without God's chastisement and judgment like Satan man's and clean as well only through chastisement and judgment my god can man awaken despise his home flesh despise the evil shiftin you should know [Music] no the gods Jan Smith is the line man salvation another God's judgment protection there is no there is no [Music] if man wishes to be cleansed and bring change to his disposition if he desires a life of meaning to fulfill his duty as God's creature he must accept God's chastisement and judgment enough left is a plenty party so he can free himself from Satan so God's light you can live in you should know God's child [Music] no the gods just [Music] protection there is no there is no [Music] from the in of Satan [Music] God's presence No salvation salvation was donor [Music] Oh their judgment just us man you should know God's justice know that God's judgment this is my that's salvation [Music] protection there is no there is no except his judge [Music] [Applause] judgment such as John [Music] you [Music] - what that is of gray to corrupt man step which provides precise world clear goes to pursue any which can be seen touched which can be seen and touched [Music] just realistic work then it's time but the things best suited to instead yes so the real world saves man from de pride it's corrupt disposition Oh God [Music] can save man from his formerly crud and depraved his position [Music] jeez [Music] the importance of his word so many under [Music] Oh the import of his flesh to the very meeting Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] which men can [Music] most people have become enemies God's enemy because of this fish get money concludes all his work they'll stop being a nice no be against him no more on the contrary there become his witnesses well having been conquered by become compatible the inseparable from here [Music] God talking say man frog is formally corrupt and depraved his physician [Music] please hortence of here so many understand [Music] import of is passed to the Gina [Music] [Music] especially Oh [Music] which man cannot man [Music] God urges the people of all ethnicity [Music] all countries and even industries listen to God's voice and see his work pay attention to the fate of humanity may God the most holy and marble the highest if only object for worshipping a level you marady to live under the blessing of God just as the descendants of Abraham lived under the promise of Jehovah just as God's creations Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden God's work is like mightily surging way now I can't detain him Oh hold his feet only by listening to his word and pursue his footsteps be followed and promised receipt [Music] face Total Annihilation [Music] [Applause] we're deserving punishment urges the people of all ethnicities [Music] all countries Andy industry listen to God's voice and see his work pay attention to the faith of humanity let my pay attention to the flame mankind [Applause] [Music] corrupt man doesn't know of God or worship a creation with Adam and Eve jehovah's glory stood but man became corrupted lost the glory in testimony went on without against god and stopped today's work is together they worship God [Music] creation this yummy [Music] good car how can the work with George Minh and chastisement and curses USIP too exposing my George resistance to shoe just [Music] Fiji's shook up today today's work is to get [Music] - OH creation in this stage conquests in the [Music] because to try [Music] Oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh this in this state car Weston the [Music] the work of conquest evil ass [Music] [Applause] [Music] after years of hardships chastise and refine then finally weather-beaten glory Romans now loves he now all the stands the truth of being there and God's devotion and so he offers ah the most precious sacrifice to his god the smiling down on here and so he officer the most precious sacrifice to his god was smiling down on he launches wickedness hate the savageness in this conception and the Mane's of God he cannot reverse time change all his regrets but God's war the love now give him and so heal up was up the most precious sacrifice to his God smiling down and so he offers Allah most gracious check with eyes to his girl smiling down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] day by day man's wounds heal strength returns his dead gazes at the face of the ole night [Music] holy to discover God's always been here his smile and his love feels so beautiful and so here is aa los precios sacrifice girl smiling down and so he offers up the most precious sacrifice [Music] smiling down on his heart holds men's concert his hands warming songs as they've always been in from the beginning it's like man's return to Garden of Eden here is a serpent turns to Jehovah so he offers our most precious sacrifice to his girl smiling down on and so here love is the most precious sacrifice the smiling down Oh [Music] you if you accept the judgment and chastisement of the Word of God drop religious waivers do not use old notions to measure God's new words then you will have a future but if you couldn't do the orphans treasure them there's no way to be saved God will never notice you in God's work and word he does not refer to the old ways of history speed for if you want to be you must was right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the spear you must go [Music] this is what Kairi [Music] God is always [Music] he does not cling to his old words or follow any news as a huge you claim to pass things rigidly applying them as formulas but God is not the same [Music] shorten actions disre to the don't you feel [Music] to life go through no pain if you want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the speed you must [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] we feel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the speed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow Jesus became flesh to work among man his friend wasn't in isolation it was built jehovah's work it was fine for a new life to God and a beep page of love and with the work of Jesus always a new age will come for when your work is done God will be born when the old age passes the new weights will come for [Music] [Music] Jesus finished this is not occur on its [Music] age of race each stage of God's name [Music] Comfort when the old one is done God will be born with the old masters a new way to comfort Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] always [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God's words are the truth for changing is the simple only guide the word and meaning of his words Hardy their substance not if and accepts or recognizes them even [Music] two men on sir guys for it changing [Music] before true those who rebelled be few [Music] respect his God's on response to them he is his words are the truth though [Music] what men should possess and [Music] unchanged [Music] to those who follow god the his word [Music] through there [Applause] you can [Music] it's God's words happened [Applause] [Music] again punishment will straight [Music] gingka [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Church of Almighty God
Views: 102,036
Rating: 4.9136171 out of 5
Keywords: English Christian Songs, New English Christian Songs, English Christian Song, New English Christian Song, English Christian Songs 2020, English Christian Song 2020, Praise and Worship Hymns, 2020 Praise and Worship Hymns, Praise and Worship Hymn, Praise Hymn, Worship Hymns, Hymns With Lyrics, Praise Hymns With Lyrics, Praise and Worship Songs, Worship Songs
Id: iwC7FvKdbnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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