Christian Friendship | Rachel Jankovic

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since writing the book yoo-hoo one of the most common questions I've gotten is about friendships because our idea of who we are what we're for plays into what we think our friends are for what we think their role is in our life and then also women have these concerns about what if you're how do you deal with friends that are not on the same page as you etc etc so friendship has been a real theme of questions and something that we wanted that I wanted to address and then someone sent this video to me and I and it was such a blessing that I thought we would just watch it together and talk about it listen as real as I can put it I need you to get this everybody ain't your friend just because they standing next to you doesn't mean they want the best for you just because they catch deposit and just say this is true everyone that's not your friend when someone starts with something like that we all engage with like right right not everyone is my friend and so we don't realize that we're being led into a like a alternative way of viewing the world because we think we start with that beginning that everyone's not your friend and sometimes people will hurt your feelings smiling your face doesn't mean a little behind your back understand really I just got to be real everybody in your circle might not be in your corner everybody okay so the thing I have to bring up about this this idea that everyone who's who's in your circle might not be in your corner that's just catchy and in one way but the reality is in all of this what Christians should be seen is but what kind of a friend am i and if you're a definition of your whole friend circle is that everyone should actually be behind you and supporting you no matter what then you don't understand the Christian concept of what a friend is for because this idea of their in my circle but they're not in my corner it's like well are you in their corner are you as this is no call to your own faithfulness it's a call to have friends who behave in a certain way towards you just because they're your best friend doesn't mean they always want the best for you listen to me don't confuse the liquid oppression for the strength of the Christian don't the history's catchy rimy things really help us but okay that idea that they don't want what's best for you there's no definitions here without without God in this we're just looking at a woman who's feeling hurt by her friends somehow but there's no measure of who's right or who's wrong and Scripture we know it says faithful are the wounds of a friend and profuse or the kisses of an enemy we know that a godly friend is someone who will rebuke you when you're in sin and in this kind thing there's no there's no context of why do you feel your friends are betraying you and you think well if you went to your friends and you said hey I'm thinking of having an affair what does it look like to be in your corner and it looks like someone who's a faithful loyal friend to you will rebuke you will not let you get away from them without be I mean like they will be like absolutely not this is not what we're doing and that doesn't look like perfect support like there's no if there's no morality no objective truth outside of this this could cover anything like literally anything you do you could say that your friends have to support that be loyal to yourself first be bow to someone who brings you like peace not promise be going to someone who I just want to say you're not the person who brings your life peace and not problems you're actually the person who brings your problems and you're not peace to your life I think it's time you do some surgery and cut these people out your life listen I love that what do we have in Scripture that tells us that you measure people by how useful they are to you and then you remove them from your life if they are not fully supporting you making you feel happy making you feel problem-free this is just not the Christian life that we have all been called to if the people around you don't want to see the best you they don't inspire you a motivate you I hate to tell you this but it's true you ain't got a circle you got a cage just what I say for moms that's a thing that's really important to note that this is a bad bad life to think that the people around you are supposed to be inspiring you and motivating you instead of people that you're serving and that conclusion that you're not in a circle you're in a cage is how many women have come to see their own callings with people who are not inspired them everyday which is your children they're not there to inspire you every day sometimes the best way to add to your life is not to add to it but just subtract from it but like I always tell you it all starts with you it's rehab huh let's get so in you who I spend a lot of time talking about how we were made as worshipers were made to give glory to God and so if we have that primary orientation towards giving glory to God all of our friendships are just other tools we use in which we're glorifying God and hopefully our friends are also so instead of measuring your friends by how much they're giving you it's am i glorifying God in this friendship in this relationship whether I'm giving a lot or whether I'm having to extend a lot of grace and bear with someone or whether I'm receiving a lot of encouragement is this all glorifying God and that is a wonderful freedom for a Christian that we don't have to be measuring all of our friends about do they measure up in all of these other categories we are free to give freely and we're afraid to receive freely because we are oriented around God
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 9,138
Rating: 4.9878788 out of 5
Keywords: Allie B Stuckey, Friendship, Girl Stop Apologizing, Rachel, Girl Wash Your Face
Id: 9VUz0qOE9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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