Christian ASMR ✨The Hairs Of Your Head Are All Numbered✨ {soothing hair sounds}

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hello my friends and today's video I'm going to be making sounds with my hair brushing it and giving myself a scalp massage the whole reason I wanted to do a video using my hair as the trigger is because of a Bible verse that always stood out to me concerning hair in Luke 12: 6 through S Jesus tells his disciples are not five sparrows sold for two pennies and not one of them is forgotten before God why even the hairs of your head are all numbered fear not you are of more value than many sparrows today I'm going to be talking about the beauty of this verse I'll go over its context and its application and I'll also read a few other scriptures about being known by God I truly hope that this video bless is you and that the visuals and the sounds help you to meditate further on what this verse means and if you do feel that this video blesses you make sure to hit the like button that would be greatly greatly appreciated but with that said I'm going to read that passage again this time in its context but from The Gospel according to Matthew let me set the stage for some of you who might not be familiar with this passage in Matthew chapter 10 Jesus names the 12 apostles he gives them authority to cast out demons and to heal every disease and infirmity and he commissions them to go out and preach the kingdom of God to all the house of Israel he foretells of persecution that will come to them on account of his name but in the passage that I'm about to read he exhorts them that they must not be afraid and this is interestingly where he reveals that all the hairs on our heads are all numbered by God I'll be reading from Matthew chap 10 vers 26 through 33 he says so have no fear them for nothing is covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known what I tell you in the dark say in the light and what you hear whispered Proclaim on the house stop and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a penny and not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father but even the veryy hairs of your head are all numbered fear not therefore you are of more value than many sparrows so everyone who acknowledges me before men I also will acknowledge before my father who is in heaven but whoever denies me before men I also will deny before my father who is in heaven and quote there's a few things going on in this passage Jesus knows the disciples are fearful of being sent out to preach the go gospel to Israel but he declares to them that the one they should fear the most is not the Pharisees it's not the Sadducees the scribes the lawyers or any other enemy the one they should fear the most is the one who is able to destroy both body and soul in Hell meaning we ought to be more concerned with God and his plans and his will than with the opinions or attacks of people who do not know God but Jesus doesn't stop here and verse 29 he gives an amazing reason to not only fear God but to trust him Christ reveals that a proper relationship with God does not rest solely on fearing his majesty and power it also Springs from confidence in God's tender loving care for his children the Lord illustrates this by describing God's care for the lowly Sparrow and in Israel at this time one could buy Two Sparrows for a penny or as Luke records in his gospel you could get a discount for five sparrows for two pennies the poorest of Israelites ate sparrows for they were the cheapest option available and that was also the cheapest option for the temple sacrifice they had very little value in the culture but even so not a single Sparrow dies with God knowing without God knowing he has made every creature on the earth and whether it's big or small or teeny teeny tiny he is ever and always aware of everything he has created and surely nothing of his beloved creation will fall to the ground without the father knowing and caring the point Jesus is making is that if God cares about sparrows how much more does the father care about his own people aim idea is expressed just a few chapters earlier in Matthew chapter 6 vers 26 and 27 Jesus says look at the birds of the air they neither seow nor reap nor gather into Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they I'll let you think about that for a second I don't know about you but the idea of God loving his Birds warms my heart I recently became very fond of the birds in my backyard unfortunately something very sad happened to the one that I was most attached to this tiny little Carolina made a nest in one of my outdoor plants and on Easter funny enough she laid her eggs I would check on her as she sat there warming them and I would tell her hi and tell her she was doing a good job almost every day but tragically she got stuck in a glue trap that was in my garage and I was able to get her off using some vegetable oil but long story short she ended up not making it and of course neither did her babies since she wasn't there to incubate and keep them warm and I didn't know I was so attached to the bird but I cried a lot I was so so sad I was sad for The Unborn chicks too but as I prepare for today's video and I read these verses that I just read to you over and over God comforted me through these scriptures I learned that God cared just as much as I did about that that tiny Carolina Ren and not only that he cared about me as well he cared about the sorrow that I felt for that bird how do I know that he cared for my sorrow and my hurt well let's read again the scripture from Matthew chap 10 vers 29 and 30 and let's consider the next claim that Jesus makes after the whole talk about The Sparrows he says are not Two Sparrows sold for a penny and not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father and here's the next claim that inspired this whole video he says but even the hairs of your head are all numbered fear not therefore you are of more value than many sparrows think about this God not only counts but numbers all the hairs on your head this one's 1,000 this one's 101 and so on and so on something so seemingly unimportant and trivial God knows and cares about but what exactly is the point of Jesus revealing this to us how would this Comfort the disciples as they were in their fear did he say this merely to illustrate the extent of God's omniscience was it just that I don't think so I think this goes beyond that and points to his intimate intimate relational knowledge of us here's the reasoning if God cares about you so much that he has numbered the hairs on your head then he certainly knows and cares about everything else else in your life that you actually care about your pain your Joys your relationships your desires your needs and Provisions to be able to survive everything he cares about it all and we as Christians can gain confidence in God when we remind ourselves of this truth that nothing happens without God's knowledge forethought and care for me and all those who trust in Christ God's omniscience is not something to fear but because of our relationship with him his knowledge is a comfort and the blessing I want you to notice that Jesus refers to God In this passage as your father and this makes it clear to his Apostles that God sees them as children who are in a personal relationship with him they need not fear the wrath of their persecutors and adversaries because their father is in heaven watching promising to be with them even in death I'm going to try these out they might not make a lot of sound but let me read to you a quote from Charles Spurgeon about this passage he did a sermon on it he says and this is what I call your attention to what is the source of this numbering is it not that they are all numbered by some recording Angel who is set to do the work it may be so but that is not the thing to consider tonight this numbering is done by your father who is in heaven later on in that that sermon Spurgeon goes on to say if it be so that all things in my life are ordered of God even to the hairs of my head then let me learn submission let me bow before The Supreme will which ought to have its way though it cost me many a tear and many a pain I will never be content until I can say father thy will be done I'm going to read another quote This Time by John Piper he's talking about the same passage and he goes over the implications of our hairs being numbered by God he writes there are three things that conspire in this last argument to give us peace number one God knows us perfectly number two God governs our lives and the world minutely number three God cares for us with fatherly concern how how does this Comfort us if the sparrows still Falls and if the enemy still kills the body it doesn't unless that mind is in us which was also in Christ when we have the values of Jesus and my values I think he means us seeking the kingdom of God first if we have those values we will not need to be assured even of Life on this Earth it will be enough to know that our father in Heaven loves us deeply knows us fully and governs us completely and that therefore everything that befalls us is for our good end quote my friend God mind is in control of the biggest most frightening events of Our Lives as well as the tiniest minutia even if we suffer as his servants and die we can trust that nothing happens to us outside of God's Will and control and his plan armed with this assurance we like the apostles can go wherever wherever the Lord sends us and despite opposition we can walk confidently and God's loving care as we set out to do good works the works that he has planned for us to do to finish this off I'm going to read a few more verses from different books of the Bible that speak about God's care for us and that speak of being known by God the first one is First Corinthians 8 verse3 but if anyone loves God he is known by God Hebrews 413 and no creature is hidden from his sight but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account Psalm 56 verse 8 you have kept count of my tossings put my tears in your bottle are they not in your book first Peter 5 vers 6 through 7 humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you because he cares for you Psalm 139 verses 1 through 18 oh Lord you have searched me and known me you know when I sit down and when I Rise Up you discern my thoughts from afar you search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways even before a word is on my tongue behold oh Lord you you know it all together you H me in behind and before and lay your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high I cannot attain it where shall I go from your spirit or where shall I flee from your presence if I Ascend to Heaven you are there if I make my bed and she you are there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me if I say surely the darkness shall cover me and the light about me be night even the darkness is not too dark for you the night is bright as the sky for darkness is as light with you for you formed my my inward Parts you knitted me together in my mother's womb I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your Works my soul knows it very well my frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret intricately woven in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed substance in your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet and there were none of them how precious to me are your thoughts oh God how fast is the sum of them if I would count them they are more than the sand I awake and I am still with you lastly I'm going to read first John 3 verse one see what great love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are we are children of God he knows us intimately he loves us that is of course if you are a Christian if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for your sins God is so good so amazing and I love that he teaches us he teaches us so many things about him through life I hope that you guys were blessed by today's reading I hope that the sounds were okay I know I didn't do my absolute best on them but I tried may you guys have a lovely rest of your evening or morning or midday be blessed and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Daily Bread ASMR
Views: 57,785
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Keywords: asmr, christian asmr, bible asmr, god asmr, bible relaxation
Id: bYohJO5dXQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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