Chris Harris on Cars - 1000mph! Inside Bloodhound SSC

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[Music] somewhere just outside of Bristol on an industrial estate is a shed that shed it's actually just behind bar used to go go-carting as a kid its nondescript but in that shed a bunch of genius Wally's are trying to make a car there's going to do a thousand miles an hour and it's called bloodhound so let's pop inside and see the build in progress then we'll let Andy green show us the forces from battling inside the Bloodhound cockpit in his stomach so we're here with Mark who is the senior design engineer for the Bloodhound project I don't know about you but I just like pouring over the detail of this remarkable structure and having him bamboozle me with amazing numbers so we're gonna do some bamboozling he's gonna tell me about stuff first of all can you tell me your overall design description of the project that is wonderful well the car is basically is a cross between a racing car a train and a lorry what does it weigh it's gonna weigh just under eight tonnes for here one somewhere closer to seven and a half a year - okay so it's gonna weigh eight tonnes when they go out and make it roll first time and yet within that is this enormous carbon fiber structure imagine seeing an f1 tub made for a driver who is 13 feet tall and that's what it looks like it just feels oversized doesn't it and when you see a carbon fiber tub like this you simply have to walk up to it and give it the knuckle not because it just feels so so what's the spec of this and this this is essentially as a larger fun car so it's got the same that's all the same construction Sigma pulp is probably similar we've got the same type of bulkheads around cockpit to stiffen the cockpit aperture so everywhere we cut a hole we always have to reinforce it the carbon fiber is the same sort of carbon fiber you'd use in a race car honeycomb is the same except this is twice the thickness it's intro than the traditional Amalfi 20 cone it's now a living honeycomb and it weighs only about just over twice the weight of an f1 car tub something for something this size it's a pretty impressive piece of structure who made it it was made by URT involvement in Bogner I love that Bognor Regis and had they done anything this big before it's massive they look like big enough arms of this yes they do some fairly large military work as well as of the armored vehicles and things so this wasn't this wasn't really enlarged and they've done that have you ever done a racing car part this large before it's just honestly its vast just absolutely huge now slightly interpretation I presume you don't need the same amount as an f1 car do you don't we do have sodium for protection but if it's for entirely different reasons obviously we're not going to have another supersonic car T bonus like you were doing in a racing car three guns over over this area we have what we call ballistic protection so sits behind the tank it's about inch thick and it's a narrow me it's composite the exact structure is a secret to the guys that making it but it will basically stop it will stop a cop 45 rounds at point that range we've sized it appropriately that if the car lost a chunk of wheel which wouldn't cause loss of the car it can hit this ballistic protection and not break out through the back face of the monocoque so it protects and you've also got water squad could absorb the energy so the base deprotection we've got the water sakes so we test the ballistic protection assuming water tanks on there but we then got a little bit extra head room because we have ballistic protection because of course a stone well I got hit in the forehead by a wasp on my motorcycle and it really hurt thinking about 25 miles so what does a stone do it a thousand mile it's gonna hurt it's gonna smart isn't it let's go back here a bit mark again made a lovely description about the sort of modular nature of this because it just looks like it was made not only in foreign countries but in to the four different areas of engineering so we've gone from high-tech carbon here and that was just a little ribbit this seal this thing that's more like for Forth Road Bridge yeah this is the view Gracey assumed isambard kingdom brunel Freddy's mr. Indian background to come and make me it's a function of the natural processes we have available we make great use of of partners that do stuff either reduce price or for free yeah so we we make sure we utilize them as well as we can and if somebody says all what kind of a company that manufactures sheet metal bars I'm willing to do is work for free Hill which parts the car can we make the sheet metal wood from so all these all these parts were laser-cut cnc folded by Amada traditionally do sheet metal cabinetry there again next week doing a load of titanium stringers for the detailing for that and then the last machinings at the rear of the car the large machines were made by the Research Center in Sheffield where that after assembly and they may have some new machines with show commissioning and they wanted to showcase their new machines so they said can we make some parts of carefully again that was that was free not wanted to mean the effort to come with made this section if you could have made that the carbon would you like to probably not to be honest a certain areas where you do have carbon there's certain areas your dome parts of the primary structure where we were attempting that the body worked Oh we'd probably have kept in steel it's easier to modify if we need to modify as far easier to modify a metallic structure then it is a carbon fiber structure so when you're when you're sitting there being clever because he's really clever I'm only now in front of your laptop how do you deal with there's sort of different torsional qualities of fat which is basically large billets which would be taken out in the most beautiful way for this which looks a bit flexi yeah yeah I mean everything has a it needs to be strong in a different direction for example the car because it's so long the distance between the wheeled is massive what's the SAG in the middle so we have to try and tie in this bulkhead here to the back of the monocoque to stop it sagging so you do that you're putting this steel lattice work which gives you increase the stiffness it's very stiff in the plane it needs active yeah but it's as you say it's quite flexible in the direction won't normally take though the loads this way are quite low there are loads as really loads it'll ever see and the parts of the ring I seen different gnomes they'll see suspension those so there'll be some torsion going in there'll be some pump and this part literally is a way of transferring the load that comes in from the back of the car through into the monocoque divide for whatever reason did some CAD drawings and decided I wanted these maybe one coffee table yeah coffee table you're probably looking for hundred to five hundred thousand pounds in material and machining time did you get them that's nearly half a million quick just that just that there let's go forward look at the front of engine because that's really instruction manuals rough ocean just exploded get those look at those but that's some sort of John Hunter oh yeah this with here is where the F star we have a compressed air cart okay actually compresses the air we plug in here blows air in through there this will be somewhere around there you have level feed into the a mat yeah which spins up a turbo and within the air mat it's got small gearbox and output shaft goes into the engine so that helped the chef Stirling but that is what we start the engine with so that's if you like the a mad thing is huge and it's part of this job is to be the starter noticing engines so it starts on compressed air yeah an air pump this front suspension assembly is actually pornographic for anyone that likes racing cars or any kind of engineering which because it's beautiful I want to start here and discuss what the spring rate might be on these enormous some coiled black mambas but I'm afraid your eyes are drawn to these wiggle carriers which are just I mean they're absurd yes I mean that the the they are absurd they are so large that we actually ran out the wheel sits about here we've run out of space to put the brakes so where you'd normally have an upright a wheel and brake somewhere in here there's no space so we've had to flip it we've mounted the brakes on the inside here inboard disparate makes a return 570s f1 and the problem we still got is like a packaging space so we've had to integrally mount the Pistons so these went off to AP racing and they machined half a caliper into the front upright so we've got an integrated what 1/2 the caliper is integrated into the front upright it's all due to the fact that we have to make we have to make certain decisions very early on in the project where the wheels going to be and then we try and fill the gap with the metalwork and occasionally you go I'll crap what we're gonna do with that because you just ran outta space completely I gather brake discs choice either is a some Eric confirmation moment because no one's run a ceramic rotors yeah well we want for the runway because with the rubber tires we can generate more longitudinal G on the runway we are using carbon carbon brakes but on the desert we can't use carbon carbon because we switch spin tested car brakes and mortal Notley explode and you get close to 10,000 rpm so we're actually using traditional steel brake we've done spin testing we've done full energy stop on a brake test rig AP on the steel no it's not some 10,000 roller speed look for hydration so we've effectively the same amount of energy going to the system I know lots of flames and sparks and all spectacular but the discs are ok we don't have this check on the surface in this it appears to be fine we've now got to Reese pin the disc after having put it through a complete heat soak we've got to repin the disc again to check it doesn't burst to to any effect that heat treatment is effectively received we then have to cut it up and hardness check the section so we've got to cut it into sections that go through where it stopped adjacent to the pan because we will know if there's been any carbon migration between the metallic disc and the pad because that would have an effect on harvest I get up a work every day and I haven't look for words there's a reasonably or at 6:00 a.m. the morning it's good angel job yeah it is it's really really even the even the difficult days are still fantastic you learn something every day yeah talk me through the braking phases again so from from a thousand yet we'll go from a thousand miles an hour and just backs off and we decelerate around three G just through drags yeah and then as we approach 800 miles an hour and we can deploy the air brakes yeah assuming they work he then Coast down to 200 miles an hour sorry assuming they were they will work he coasts down to 200 miles an hour I know he can use the wheel brakes to bring him to rest as close to the turnaround team as possible but even though it doesn't sound quite as dramatic in terms of speed numbers that last phase of braking sounds terrifying because you've got a effectively a loose surface yes this weighs a ton yeah you've got a tire what a contact patch of about a few inches it's millimeters of contact that's when you run in a high smoke coming along 760 miles now he's got to stop it yeah so it's really driving a bus yeah we're gonna stroke the pool 1g on on wheel gross it's only got front brakes in the desert it hasn't got reduced because if we lock the ridge it swaps out the bike when we deploy the air brakes the centre pressure moves really massively so the car becomes very directional stable but if if the air brakes for any reason was our systems fault and they stopped working and he has not one but two parishes as backups in thrust SSC they had multiple chute failure yeah so Andy didn't want this reason we have errors and he didn't want to rely on chutes to stop it especially given we've got a 12 mile run not when so it didn't wanna rely on ships so we have air brakes if the Eric Stockland got a shoe if that chute stops working he's got a second shoe to fall back on the chances of all three of those systems failing i'm not existent they're so low they every we do we you've decided to be as low as reasonably possible you can never leave me at risk from anything you do but we just have leave you as much as is feasible is it just coincidence that this looks be sexy this I mean it just looks good engineering excellence nicely doesn't it just it looks right you know he is ya know it's fantastic I could spend the day looking at that we've gotta move on so we're gonna have a look at the upper chassis now okay so here's the upper chassis which is a sort of sparse engineering beauty about this that's probably not missing but is that these is less evident in the more sectional bit of the lower chassis this is just a beetle pieces it's yeah it's like somebody's passed a bandsaw horizontally through a dc-3 almost so talk me through the materials we've got to look properties and why intrusion yeah we have the skin is titanium three hour two and a half three titanium it's a stressed skin the gun for that material because it is strong and it's got a load curtain sort of expensive if we went for now we would have liked to danke now and leave the skin ideally but they it goes soft when it gets hot and it does get quite hotter than hot into this car and be the expansion would have meant we had the potential to expand similar regions six to eight mil depending on exactly where the temperatures when which men trying to get the bolts out to lift it off the car in the event that we need to do a jet change or to some workers other coal we've never got the thing apart Titanium's got a half the coefficient of expansion so we'll be to get it apart again and then they're all the machinings aircraft grade 707 five now a million and then the stringers are a different grade of titanium there's something called 15-3 it's it's more readily formable we used to use it on the uprights on the f1 cars it's a more rarely formal sitting bend it easier with less risk of cracks so that was the reason for that ty purely and we would like to make the whole thing that the same material for ordering purposes have been great but this stuff doesn't Bend very easily this stuff does and we've got in the region 12,000 really it's all hand assembled we worked out I think it was about a minute ribbit so obviously you've got a market truly it take it apart deeper it put it back together final drill equity pilot 2.4 and final driller 532 and then countersink it and then take it apart and Bieber again so not really not when you do it not when you're going through and just bang bang bang because all the skins were pre we're creature that skins have the holes laser cut a two point four mil and then we use the skins as the template to drill the machine itself so you drill the machines off at the pilot hole pin them all together with skin pins and then go random and we had some three four guys working on it for a week to put the rivet in and some real artists and craftsmen have worked on it there's some bonding going on yeah the whole structure of before we final assembled it we put redick's film adhesive between the type arts and the our annealing parts the structure itself if it was just a rivet assembly he's strong enough but by having the adhesive we've added a lot of torsional stiffness so they're to the assembly it gives us a belt and braces as well as it's just strong enough you get far better stiffness with a with a bonded assembly because effectively each one of these rivets it's a hinge to the same thing kiss off swing around those in Jesus it's a it's a small very small magnets at long structure but we can bond between them and it's just increasing statement so basically it's a really popular that's a very expensive notice and Lisa what would stay where these live perfections meet some of this glue comes out they've asked whether I might want to help remove some in a kind of look I've helped in some way so I'm going to do them many of my colleagues and people to work with me in the past will know that I can actually break stuff by looking at it so so I'll probably be quite closely supervised but I'm going to go into lofted this when I stand in the floor in my plan I'm gonna sand off some glue to say I've done something so I'm gonna put this on when do I know it's done it put it on [Music] they're that smooth so when it does a thousand miles an hour I'm gonna say I was a crucial member of the team that constructed this amazing vehicle there is another way that you can contribute though you go on to Bloodhound SSC comm /bin you give 15 quid and your name goes on the Finn mine and my offsprings name are going on the Finn Neil's name's going on Finn doesn't know it yet your name should go on the Finn - these things happen once in generation they really do get behind it okay so here we go this is the donkey as they call it well they call it a jet engine what's it come from how much does it cost we want numbers on this this is a it's an EJ 200 it's from a Yura fighter which is known as a typhoon it's in the region of five million pounds of shock and we're lucky enough to have a long-term loan or for three of them this this is our if you like it's not show engines we take around the shows we use it for spares if we have to we have two others which are short on flight hours so the very limits on the number of hours have got left there allow me in the air for but they're ideal for us because if it stops the car stops it doesn't fall out the sky yeah so they're perfect for us and we're very stay were very lucky to have three of them obviously it's a little beginning give me some idea of the problems wait about time it's in a region of a turn it produces around nine tons of thrust what's that in man come on twenty thousand horsepower thirty thousand well the whole car is roughly equivalent to one hundred and thirty five thousand horsepower with the rocket it's just can you imagine a bloke comes in here I just bought a evil nine got 330 horsepower and you got hundreds I mean it's just what a great name yes it's a difficult thing put a number on because Rockets Jets thrust fingers and but to go out a thousand miles now given the Dracula we've got you would need approximately what would this drive broad towns to on its own if you would use all of its performance six to 650 miles now on this icon it's telling me they're so close to a record we're not close enough and how many hours are left on the ones that you've got I believe it's no more than a couple of hours today but that's I mean we use we usually jet for maybe two minutes or run and we look like doing during the life of the vehicle both ears running around 60 runs so a couple of hours is perfect for us I don't know where they get a movie finish don't believe they're probably off to museum somewhere hopefully they leave one in the cars it'd be lovely to people are together yeah they're just stunning look I don't even know where to start they're just gorgeous things someone on Twitter just replied by saying if you spin that you're not allowed to leave you spin they're inside you actually feel air moving from the back probably carrying yeah yeah yeah there's so many slowing the compressor stops somewhere around here they work inception the engine is tiny yeah yeah you've got your low-pressure end your high pressure and your fuel goes and around here and all this about here is all the exhaust pipe and afterburner you put the afterburner halfway down the exhaust so the actual core the engine is tiny so this is the kind of the initial guts of blood town the revolutionary part is this hybrid rocket systems so effectively this gets Andy up to 300 350 it would get the car to 6:00 6:15 but we will go 3 to 400 miles an hour then the rocket will will be fired up so tell me you know not everyone quite understand this bit is hilarious this is from the inside of a mad person's head so this gets you to 350 and at that point we've got a hybrid rocket which is from it's gonna be from a launch vehicle for small satellites and things developed by a company called namo it works on the principles you inject a fluid known as high-test peroxide h2o2 into a silver nickel catalyst at the back end or the front end of the rocket sorry the cold end you still with us that decomposes that generates water and oxygen and as a result of that chemical reaction a lot of heat the oxygen helps that the heat generates a flame within the rubber that's inside the rocket so we've got rubber inside the rocket and something that's called a high we have two fuel sources so the oxygen helps the flame burn the heat keeps it burning the benefit that is that we can turn the rocket off the minute you set off the supply of oxidizing fluid it's got air stops so you can turn the rocket off it's not like a solid rocket booster where you start it up and you just wait until it runs out because that's obviously not particularly safe so we can we can turn the rocket off and on as as we deem fit so yeah the the peroxide breaks down to water and oxygen ignites the fuel that's contained within the the rocket and thrust comes out the other end you obviously need a large quantity of this oxide yeah yeah how do you pump it we use we've got a small there are some small pump as well just over 300 mil foot in diameter but that in turn is powered by a Jaguar supercharged v8 engine that you'd find in your f-type R right we've got a Jag v8 with 550 550 we have the option the engine they're building us has steel pot main Cisco still crank forged forged rods bounce pistons we can I've got a blueprint pretty much yeah building us especially with dry some jobs we need to draw a simpler system because of the huge g-forces it's been accelerated to and decelerating jag Europe there cool would that song as its try something yeah so which helps us because the sump on the Jag engine is about that deep and the drive something like that yeah so we just have to have at nd to remote oil tank and we're good to go sounds easy no it sounds terribly complicated that systems over there I mean look at that now this is where all starts to look a bit experimental and scary to me that's the tank that's gonna have the nasty hydrogen peroxide in it and and this is the hybrid well this is what will light up the hybrid rocket stage and I I it just looks a bit terrifying so here is an f-type R motor that's been dry sump and there's one that's in position there at the moment this has got a gearbox in the back of it it's gonna have a chain drive on it which will drive a pump and you're now going to see a cutaway of the new pump which is stunning but talk me through the process then talk me through how this all works well the engine we have a witness who said we have a chain drive between the output of the engine and the in the pump that's sitting over there in the gap where the road car gearbox is at the moment there's a development unit for us there will be this short very stumpy change wrong system that will transmit the 450 horsepower six 9,000 rpm from this to about ten and a half thousand rpm with the pump so you've got a reduction ratio about 1.6 separation of opposites as a result of that we we lose a little bit talk but we've still got back to talk in comparison to the old if one engine using so we can if we needed to we can start this a zero revs and drank the whole system up wet what we'll do is we'll engage the clutch I've given speed of the engine because of the amount of talk we might sell very probably bogging down or anything and that will come in the region with thousand kilos of HTTP in about 20 seconds you know a ton of it they sit there yeah but in fact the actual tank that's that's our test tank that's so the reason it's inclined normally it would be flat so this this would be horizontal in the car that's that's just the best were getting obviously 1g yeah but that that helps us just get the fuel down through this pipe out through the pump into the rocket system are you listening to this he's absolutely harebrained it's incredible what's the performance difference between this and the air foil industry really have you run them together see what's gonna loop in the back right now we've run both of them separate times the f1 engine revs far higher but was still only turning the pump at 10,000 rpm because merely reduction box okay so we're getting the same speed at the pump so we would empty the tank at the same rate the the challenging thing about fit the Jaguar engine is it's just a little bit larger than their see a 2010 Cosworth engine so that's that's not been an easy part of project for guarded women they've had some headaches they've caught it in but there's not enough room in there to work on it so how do you deal with an intake air speed at the thousand miles and that we do anniver yeah we we do have to throttle it back we're going to have a butterfly throttle I think tested this from the Ford Fiesta relief but it's it's just a way of slow in the air down we'll use this butterfly to throttle the air down to the direct speed thus heating up to about 65 degrees seen because you might have any Judith had sir so we then have to in to call back to get it down to a temperature that the engine is happy to use this engine being less sensitive than a four engine so it's not as much of a big deal but we still do have to call it down to 65 degree C I'm gonna do some really good food source product placement here because I because i say certain dragons good cars to drive that doesn't mean you should buy one the reason you should buy one is because they're involved in this and this is really cool and they finally stepped up as a common approach I should have done and I've endorsed this which is fantastic godbye Jaguar now so you've seen around the machine now it is bamboozling isn't it a thousand-mile car but one blokes got to drive it it's called Andy green you've heard of him he already has the land speed record now Andy said to give us an idea of what its gonna be like to drive the car the best thing to do would pick up in his stunt aircraft and experience the g-forces what it's gonna be like what you didn't know about me is that I'm terrified of flying so here's me going up in a stunt plane with Andy green I [Music] will occasionally ask you how you feeling that's not cuz I'm expecting you to feel bad that's actually just eliciting a response you can try lying to me if you want but I'll hear in your voice and depending on how much your head is moving I will know exactly how you're feeling so just tell me how you're feeling and we can manage the salty around that as I said before there is no point in you coming back and falling out the aeroplane because actually won't make good you use the words saucy that slightly worries me that sounds quite official as I'm going on a mission it's the way I think about it aeroplane performance itself naught to 60 in well on concrete it's about five seconds and it's a little bit more because because the grass here but it's a few seconds and at sixty miles an hour tails up and the aeroplane is lifting so it won't take very long and given we got ten miles an hour of wind down the strip - you rented it to me all through 50 because 50 miles an hour ground speed at 60 miles an hour SP wise easy we talked about the positive and negative G already to give you some idea at the rate of the role and we can demo this when we're up there just to give you a feel for the airplane will do if you take an airliner 45 degrees of Bank and whack the controls hard over it will take about 12 to 15 seconds to actually roll from from one side to the other 45 degrees go to a Cessna and and you're actually looking at maybe four or five seconds to go 45 degrees this airplane in five seconds if you whack the controls hard over you will go 45 one side or 45 the other side with four aileron rolls in the middle goes round at 400 degrees a second we don't quite do that but I'll just give you a sense of what it was designed to do which is win world aerobatic champions chips so what we'll do is what we'll take off from here we'll go about 510 miles out just find a little clear area out high wycombe 10 miles down the road so we'll go out there somewhere there just front of it underneath the cloud and then we'll talk about doing the bloodhound profile which will be about two minutes long and will simulate the various stages of accelerating G and then decelerating G immediately but happen and of course with the bloodhounds of semi-reclined driving position max seller rating involves blood going from my feet towards my head yeah they're like hanging upside down in the tree as we talked about earlier but slightly more aggressive because it will take it up about 2g and they're slowing down when you close the properties on bloodhound because we're looking at you know maybe 17 tons of aerodynamic and rolling resistance total drag on the the vehicle at a thousand miles an hour the vehicle slows down at just about 3G that's 60 miles an hour per second that's a 60 to zero in one second if you could imagine doing that in a road car maybe cars you'd actually need to crash into something it's a fairly violent experience and the change from the feet first negative G to the positive G all of a sudden the blood is trying to rush from your head to feet it's very not only very uncomfortable it's actually physiologically difficult for you wanted to cope with because the negative G you watch your body adapts and with something called the bearer a set-to reflex where Bethel's dilate your blood pressure goes down when you suddenly go to that positive you will you may struggle do what to maintain full consciousness and full vision a part of the way to do that I will remind you briefly at the time if you if you can hear it over the noise its tense up your leg muscles tense up your stomach muscles and actually just brace against it just the lower half your body don't tense up the top half otherwise it counteracts it fat if you actually tend to the wrong half you can actually make it worse so it's just from your ribcage down tense the lower half your body and actually resist the gene only lasts for a few seconds even if you don't start to gray out it'll come back very very quickly and I'll notice that at that stage because your head will stop moving and if it gets really bad it goes down at which point I'll wait until it comes back up again and you wonder where you are happy absolutely questions no good genuinely not you up above it still we get to experience the g-forces of blood hand but the avoidance of doubt I find 737s terrifying [Music] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] suppose Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I didn't throw up and as you can see I'm smiling because just towards the end I stopped hating it I'm not saying I liked it but towards the end and I like the run that we did because I had a purpose of being talked through a simulation so had a purpose didn't just feel like mindless talking about in the sky which obviously scares one more but all in deeply alarming what this can do deeply alarming it's unbelievable it makes any thing you can do in a motor-car seem totally puerile and childish because it's so much more grown-up Wow and if that's what he's got to do those are the forces here and it has to be under when he's driving blood hand next year then cuz I've always had fair beta [Music] it's a great way to spend your time that is outrageous actually thank you that is it's different different game to cars because the cameras on which you can paint these living this isn't exactly performance of it they just bang you up and I did find it alarming start with but I'm at I took the breathing exercise thing on board and I took the my tense my legs I didn't grey out at all and I feel sure guys always cope with G better
Channel: Chris Harris on Cars
Views: 1,025,462
Rating: 4.9197855 out of 5
Keywords: bloodhound, ssc, 1000mph, supersonic car, supersonic, andy green, jaguar, castrol, chris harris, chris harris on cars, extra 300, stunt plane, richard noble, bristol, Bloodhound SSC (Automobile Model), typhoon, eurofighter, stp, cisco, thrust ssc
Id: g4AyytkpiB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
Reddit Comments

If anyone is at all put off by the 45 min length of the video, let this comment assure you that it is 100% worth your time. One of the most interesting videos I've watched in a long time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fozzy_Fresh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fuel pump for the rocket boosters alone is powered by the v8 out of a Jaguar F Type R. Can't even comprehend that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Incredible video in my opinion. One of the best he's done. Maybe I loved it so much as a couple of years back I was fortunate enough to have Richard Noble come to my college and give us an hour long talk on the Bloodhound.

As an apprentice it's really inspirational stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DavidJeffers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been thinking recently, if one of the Top Gear UK hosts decides to retire, Chris would be my choice for the replacement. He has great commentary, knowledge, and a pretty good sense of humor. Just a thought I had come to my head today.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blueberry_Yum_Yum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

This made me want a plane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you OP for that - it was the best ~45 minutes I've spent online.

At 168cm tall, I really chuckled at the short-guy joke at the very end. :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vijjer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

So it uses a Jag V8 to run a hybrid rocket in conjunction with a typhoon fighter jet engine? Thats just insane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PHOClON πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know it's chris harris, but I'm going to have to see a car first...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoP-Demon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies


I'm so pumped to see this thing in action. And now it is going to have my name on the fin too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Edalol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
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