Chris Brown: Welcome to My Life | In His Own Words | Jennifer Lopez | Usher | FULL DOCUMENTARY

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[rumbling] [echoing tones] [synth chord] [echoing crowd chattering] [interviewer] You ever get nervous before the shows? [chuckles] Nervous before the shows? I don't think it's nervous, it's just like anxiety, so to speak, but not in a stressful way. It's like me getting ready, prepared, so it's just like, I'm thinking about every moment, every step, and every second, so it's just like, okay, cool, let's go out there and do our thing. Some nights are stronger than other nights, some nights I'm just confident and just having fun, but some nights, it's like, I got a point to prove, show them why I need to be doing this. You know, it's disappointing for me in certain ways, because I feel like, you know, certain aspects of my career sometimes are overshadowed by the negative stuff. So, it's like, it kind of like, fucks with my head a lot. Now, how I transition my creativity, it's basically all I wanna kind of show, you know, 'cause I'm tired of giving people something to talk about, you know. They should be talking about how I'm the baddest motherfucker on the stage instead of-- [chuckles] You know, I'm the baddest motherfucker in the courtroom. You know what I'm saying? I just try to keep a level head, whether whatever problems going on, like, everybody goes through their shit, I go through my shit most of the time. You know, I got a problem everyday, but it's like, I try to just keep my head on straight, and I kind of channel some of that energy, if I'm angry, if I'm upset about something, I take it out on the stage. [booming] <i> ♪ Swear to God I'm moving on ♪</i> [interviewer]<i> Standing here with a guy right now</i> <i> that knows everyone on the red carpet,</i> <i> and everybody wants to work with him.</i> <i> It's been a blessing, I just,</i> <i> I just can't do nothing but thank all of my fans,</i> <i> I just appreciate all the support, it's been incredible.</i> <i> ♪ I ain't goin' back no more, I ain't goin' back no more ♪</i> [vocalizing] <i> ♪ I ain't goin' back no more ♪</i> <i> And the winner is, Chris Brown.</i> [Chris]<i> I just wanna say,</i> <i> thank all the fans,</i> <i> I love you with all my heart.</i> [interviewer]<i> You're 23 years old, I mentioned you came out</i> <i> with your first music</i> <i> when you were 16, you</i> <i> were discovered at 13.</i> [Oprah]<i> Chris Brown riding high,</i> <i> brand new CD out,</i> F.A.M.E.,<i> it's out today,</i> <i> already has three number one hits,</i> <i> a fourth one climbing the charts.</i> [reporter]<i> He's been</i> <i> labeled hip hop's bad boy.</i> [male reporter]<i> Chris Brown is accused of assault and battery.</i> [female reporter]<i> The alleged fight broke out</i> <i> inside a Lamborghini</i> <i> that was located...</i> [interviewer]<i> I'm gonna tell you something, let me be honest.</i> <i> I was disappointed, almost felt let down,</i> <i> because I said, this kid could be</i> <i> the great superstar.</i> <i> He was sentenced to</i> <i> five years of probation,</i> <i> and 180 days of community labor.</i> [Rihanna]<i> I lost my best friend,</i> <i> everything I knew switched.</i> [female reporter]<i> Brown reportedly used a chair to smash a window</i> <i> -in his dressing room.</i> <i> -I guess he's not</i> <i> a morning person.</i> -[interviewer]<i> How are you different?</i> -[Chris]<i> I've been humbled</i> <i> by the whole experience, from me losing everything,</i> <i> most importantly, knowing that what I did was totally wrong.</i> [interviewer]<i> It's also been said people like comeback stories.</i> <i> For me, it's about proving myself to my fans.</i> <i> ♪ You put me on layaway ♪</i> <i>♪ You just like to heart shop ♪</i> <i> ♪ I think that it's over ♪</i> <i> ♪ I think that it's over ♪</i> <i> ♪ I swear to God</i> <i> I'm moving on ♪</i> I come from a small town, Tappahannock, Virginia. As you see me throughout my journey, I was about 15 when I started. <i> ♪ Oh, tell me fellas</i> <i> have you seen her ♪</i> <i> ♪ It was about five minutes ago ♪</i> It was a good start for me as a, as a kid, to be able to kind of start off green, in a way. Chris was very, very active at a very early age, probably one, before he was walking. <i> He started out in child care,</i> 'cause I run a child care center, and he was probably one of the most active child in the facility itself. <i> Since he was, like, two,</i> he wanted to look at Michael Jackson videos and dance, I mean, he could come to my house and get in between the doorways and actually climb them and do backflips, you know, so, he was always full of energy, all the time. He would go over to relatives' houses, <i> and when that happened nobody</i> <i> wanted him to spend the night,</i> <i> 'cause Chris was jumping from bed to bed.</i> <i> I was a fan of Michael Jackson's all my life, of course,</i> so he would sit in front of the TV, he would try to mimic his moves. Being able to see stuff on TV, whether it be my idol, Michael Jackson, <i> or anybody that I looked up to at the time, you know,</i> I'd be able to try to put myself in that world. I just tried to always look at it like, "okay, I could do that," you know, being from a small town where there's not too many opportunities, but have that mentality to try to push forward and be something bigger and greater. In school, he liked to be the center of attraction. [laughs] You know, it was a cool upbringing, <i> real country, high school of about maybe 500 kids,</i> <i> my graduating class</i> <i> was probably about 30.</i> <i> Chris was a happy go lucky type of kid,</i> was always smiling, always moving around, dancing. Every now and then, you might catch him over there singing, even on the basketball court he was somewhat, <i>I guess you could say creative,</i> <i> and always moving and had different moves</i> <i> than the other kids.</i> [Joyce]<i> I used to go to</i> <i> all of his games,</i> <i> he used to show off a lot.</i> He's like, doing his moves on the court, and I'm like, are we playing ball here or what? He was really artistic, he loved to draw. <i> They were mostly drawing assignments,</i> and he was very good with the drawing, shading, and detail, and also with the coloring. He missed some time basically because his, I guess the routines he was going through. With my mom, she was a supporter from day one with my music, and my dad, you know, he was there too, he actually first taught me how to moonwalk. He used to just do it on gravel one day, and I was like, man, how did he do that. [Joyce]<i> He was a kid, just acting out what he saw.</i> <i> But he actually sung on church choirs at a early age.</i> [Christine]<i> He was good at everything,</i> <i> whether he played basketball or football.</i> <i> He had his own style.</i> <i> He might not have always had the means to have,</i> like, the best of everything, because, you know, times are hard. But he would take older clothes, rip them up, tie them back a certain way, adjust them and make his own style. He would dye his hair red. And then he would go to school, then he'd sing, <i> like at basketball games or football games,</i> <i> and all the girls would crowd around him,</i> <i> so, he really enjoyed that.</i> I hate performing when there ain't no girls! When there ain't no girls it just takes the life out the performance, 'cause you can't just-- [inhaling sharply] [girls screaming] Well, my success, I would have to give it all to my family, you know, I think our values as family members, and whether it be your mom or your dad, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma and grandpa, I think everybody had a real warm and humble approach at life. See, see, how she, you know she, you know she's really feeling what you're saying when she laugh like that. [mimicing wheezy laughter] Listen, listen, listen, look at her! Caught her! [Christine]<i> Chris's mom, she's</i> <i> very supportive of his career.</i> <i> From the beginning she always believed in him.</i> She's actually the one that said, you can sing! <i> Well, his father worked at the gas station, there was a guy came by</i> <i> and he said he was looking for some talent, and his father said,</i> well, you know, my son sings. It was something that I knew that he was just interested in, so I just went with the flow. She pretty much dropped it and went to New York to be with him. [Joyce]<i> From there, they did a little video,</i> <i> and the video got into the hands of L.A. Reid,</i> and L.A. Reid saw it and fell in love with him. [Usher]<i> When I heard</i> <i> about Chris, L.A. Reid wanted my influence,</i> and he said, you know, I really wish that you could have a conversation with Chris. I mean, you tell him what you wanna tell him, as long as you tell him to come with me. [interviewer]<i> Tell me about the phone call from Usher,</i> <i> that was a little crazy.</i> <i> Yeah, I mean, it was exciting,</i> <i> because, like, I never talked to a celebrity before.</i> [interviewer]<i> Yeah?</i> <i> But, like, it</i> <i> was my first time,</i> <i> he called me, and he was like, what's up?</i> <i> And I was like, who is this?</i> <i> He's like, oh, Usher, I was like, oh, word?</i> I told him to make his decision where he goes based off of what's real more than anything. You gotta rock with family. <i> So he was like, "Yeah, man,</i> <i> I hear you about to get signed</i> <i> with a different label.</i> <i> I was just asking him, like, who should I go with?</i> <i> And he was like, just make sure it's the best decision for you,</i> <i> whatever decision you pick,</i> <i> and whatever decision you make</i> <i> is the best for you.</i> That was our first conversation, across the board. It started from there. ["Run It" by Chris Brown] His fame came instant, you know, it came all at once. <i> He was discovered at the age of 13 at a gas station</i> <i> where his father worked,</i> <i> now he is a platinum</i> <i> recording artist.</i> <i> Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Brown.</i> Being able to maneuver at 15 and try to, you know, and having the success that I did have at the time, I was like, man, this is crazy. When "Run It" came out, I heard him screaming all the way out, Mom, Mom, my song is on the radio! ["Run It" by Chris Brown] [DJ Khaled] I remember meeting Chris Brown for the first time in Miami, we just got done recording "Run It," and as soon as it got done out the studio, it got in my hands and I went on the radio and broke it, helped break that record, it was a record I believed in, I knew he was gonna be the next superstar the day I met him. <i> I remember the first time Chris Brown came on 106 & Park.</i> I saw people lined up all the way down the block, <i> and I didn't know, I thought some kind of fire drill was taking place</i> <i> or something like that,</i> <i> and as I got closer,</i> <i> I just, you know,</i> <i> and I saw all those kids, and then I looked,</i> <i> and I saw they had spray paint on the t-shirts and,</i> you know, the signs that said marry me, Breezy, I love you, Breezy, Chris Brown for life, and I was like, what is going on! It was fun, but also I'm sure it was very stressful, because he couldn't just walk into the store and go shopping and just go play basketball at the gym like he used to. It wasn't the same anymore. He didn't understand that, because he figured he could just go, and he'd be fine. I'm a normal kid, I'm just Chris, I'm like, no, it doesn't work that way anymore. Well, you know, being 14 and 15 with a record deal, you know, it's the best feeling in the world, but it also comes with complications, you know. [Jamie]<i> I think it's tough for anybody to start out at 14, 15,</i> 'cause you ain't went to high school, you ain't had a chance to like, just live a regular life, you've already been a star, so a lot of that's overwhelming. [Chris]<i> Being that, most of your family have</i> <i> dealt with poverty,</i> <i> and under minimum wage kind</i> <i> of living most of your life,</i> $10,000 to me was like, dang, I'm rich, you know? My son calls me, I'm at work, and he goes, Mom, like, you know, there's people outside our door recording and taking pictures, from paparazzi to, even people you knew just made it different and difficult having a normal life. I just was more overwhelmed by-- but just not letting it shape me like, not letting the money kind of shape what I wanna do as an artist, like with every family you had problems and complications, you know. Sometimes jealousy and envy plays a big role. It's kind of new to them, it's not really something that even myself really could comprehend at the time. His mom and dad, they had a great relationship, and one day I guess they were all together home as a family and then it, you know, it fell apart. Chris not having a father in the house made him to grow up faster than what he actually had to. <i> It was a lot, it was more than I knew that he could handle.</i> [Jamie]<i> What I always called it is, is I'd tell Chris, it's God's balance,</i> <i> God is gonna give you</i> <i> that great opportunity</i> to be something fantastic, and then at the same time, he's gonna level darkness around you that's gonna keep you balanced. So, with a person that's 14, 15, <i> hopefully they have</i> <i> someone there to recognize</i> <i> the dark patches, and say, "okay, yeah, we can do this,</i> <i> but you just gotta be mindful of that."</i> [Joyce]<i> Yeah, it was a</i> <i> challenge, and this growing up</i> <i> thinking that he was in this adult world,</i> <i> and thinking that he could deal with the adults, too,</i> but no, just because it's there for you, you're not gonna do that, that is not what you do. For me, having my mother there created a balance, and I think it was a bit difficult, period, for him. [interviewer]<i> You sound very driven.</i> <i> -Yeah, definitely. -Yeah.</i> <i>-You live with your mom, right? -Yeah.</i> I think he felt that he had to take care of me. I gotta take care of my mom because my dad is not there, I'm the dad of the house, or he felt that he was the man of the house, that's how he thought, and that's actually what he said. Your family you expect to be your family. So, even family sometimes, you know, change, and. At that point, it was kind of hard, 'cause Chris was back and forth with me and his father. Um... and it was hard for his father because I had left. He grew up so fast he didn't really get to have a childhood or a teenage life of a normal person. I actually wanted him to actually speak to a psychiatrist <i> to just prepare him</i> <i> for what was about to happen,</i> because he blew up so fast, knowing that he would not know how to handle it, so that he could talk about it, and how it made him feel, but we never could get him to do that. <i> I wanna be at the pinnacle, like,</i> <i> the highest point to where I'm known as like,</i> a legend, almost. Two years ago, this artist was just another kid in high school. Now, two years later, he's one of the biggest stars in the world. Tonight, performing at the VMAs for the very first time, Chris Brown. [audience screaming] [rap music beat] [Chris]<i> I was backstage and my,</i> <i> my dancer, he ran in, Moody, he was like,</i> "yo, you gotta see him, he's on stage right now, he's crazy," and I was like, "I'm coming, I'm coming." And out of nowhere, I heard this groundswell of, like, hysteria, you know what I'm saying, like, these, it was just loud, it was loud as it was when I was on stage. [audience screaming] <i> So I ran out there, and there he was, killing it.</i> Then I realized, "oh my God, he is truly gifted, he's talented, man," in a way that we haven't seen in a long, long time, you know. <i> He has a gift of, a gift like Michael Jackson had,</i> that makes you scratch your head and say, what else is he doing, because I've seen these steps before, I've seen these moves before, <i> but what else is Chris Brown doing?</i> <i> ♪ Coming from wall to wall ♪</i> When I got in the game, I kind of was like, I wouldn't say alone, but I was, like, to myself I had to prove myself. People wanted to be like, "okay, well, cool, what is this kid about, or what can he do?" [man]<i> Christ Brown is in the building.</i> <i> I remember Chris's first</i> <i> BET Awards performance.</i> [Terrence]<i> I remember he came</i> <i> out with that white jacket,</i> <i> I think I was</i> <i> backstage at the time,</i> <i>I had to present shortly after,</i> and I just remembered hearing the rumbling, and so we went, we're looking at the monitor, <i> and we're just watching this kid,</i> we're watching him kill it. This dude is really, really special. I knew he was special, but I didn't realize how incredible the dancing was until that day. And I feel blessed to have him. Really showed the best of Chris's ability to sing and dance and win over a crowd. Only person having star power like that is Michael Jackson. There's Michael Jackson, and there's Chris Brown. And that's just facts. Just like Michael Jackson opened the door for Usher, I believe that Usher opened the door for Chris. For any person, African-American artists period, to have come up in that time and be successful, and have that very delicate mixture of being a singer, dancer, performer, entertainer, man, it was hard. [Terrence] <i> He was a trailblazer,</i> <i> he was setting a tone.</i> You know, there was a shift in how things were sounding, and there was this shift that was happening from, you know, the grungey street sound to how rap was just so hard, to how hip-hop and R&B and everything was like, turning into more dance, and more fun. <i> When I first heard Chris's sound,</i> I was definitely, I just remember, it was like, kids just getting always down, like on the streets, and doing all these beatbox dances, and, like, <i> I'm not a dancer, but I definitely was dancing,</i> and I think what Chris started was kind of like that confidence boost in, not only males, but I think in females too, and I think he paid a lot of respect to the dancer community. I just remember seeing this young, fresh face, a kid, like he was about to take over the world in so many ways. [interviewer]<i> 'Cause it seems like this whole thing</i> <i> just happened so quickly, like, how does it seem for you?</i> <i> It just, it's just a blessing,</i> <i> it's been going real, real fast,</i> <i> everything's happening</i> <i> just so fast.</i> I was excited for him, he was so excited. But after that, I guess he blew up instantly, we was on a tour, we went here, we went there, everything was-- and he was so excited and so happy in the music industry at that time. -[woman]<i> Chris Brown?</i> <i> -What's up?</i> -[woman]<i> Chris Brown?</i> <i> -Yeah.</i> -[woman]<i> Hi.</i> <i> -Hey!</i> -[group laughing] -It's your boy Chris Brown, man, you gotta run a siren on it, man, you gonna have to drop it, you gonna have to do the dang thing on it, man, you ought to know how you do it, on Power 106, where hip-hop lives. <i> ♪ I gotta give her game proper ♪</i> <i> ♪ Spit it so she get it ♪</i> <i> ♪ There she is,</i> <i> I gotta stop her ♪</i> Yo. [laughs] ["Yo (Excuse Me Miss)" by Chris Brown] <i> ♪ Or what about her style? ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm outta time, she's at the door ♪</i> <i> ♪ I gotta go for mine... ♪</i> Once I got an opportunity to continuously make music, and be creative, and dance, and show people my talents, I think that overpowered everything as a whole, I think, people kind of saw it, and kind of took it for what it was worth, and it was like, "oh you know what, this guy is, is really talented, I think he has potential, I think he can do his thing." [Usher]<i> What he was able to</i> <i> do as a performer was</i> <i> kind of effortless in the way that he performed.</i> I don't know if it was just his passion for it, or the fact that he was well-studied, <i> or just the simple fact that he just knew where</i> to put every move, it was just perfectly placed, he knew his choreography, he was well prepared, man. But greater than just understanding choreography, <i> he understood the magic of singing and dancing,</i> <i> and that right there is a technique that not</i> <i> every artist understands,</i> it takes a lot of hard work and focus, and as a teenager, for him to be able to do that, I just knew that this kid definitely is headed for major success. Performing a fun new anthem, Chris Brown! I think he definitely helped take kind of R&B and hip-hop and make it more popular, for sure, make it more pop, and more radio, and just more Top 40. <i> He definitely has his kind of finger on the pulse</i> <i> of the sound of the streets.</i> There's lots of great singers, there's amazing, great artists out there, but not everybody sings and dances and performs on a level like a Chris Brown does. [Terrence] <i> Team Breezy, they go hard.</i> <i> You know, they were crazy.</i> <i> Any time we had like a, any time you had a video,</i> it was always voted number one, any time there was like, any type of competition between him and other artists, he would kind of always blow people out of the water. I just try to put 100% into everything I do, my music, you know, what I'm doing as an everyday person, so, you know, I just wanna influence and inspire the world just to be better, you know. Hopefully be better with my music. He had this energy about him that was unreal. Like, he was nonstop, every song he played, he had a different idea for it, he had the video for it. ["Gimme That" by Chris Brown] What I loved the most about Chris is his presence. His presence really stands out. You know, I mean, you know that thing when people are like, they're just superstars? Chris is just a superstar. <i> Standing here with a guy right now that knows everyone</i> <i>on the red carpet and everybody wants to work with him.</i> <i> He's got three nominations tonight,</i> <i> of course, Chris Brown, how you doing, buddy?</i> <i> I'm good, man, how about yourself, you good?</i> <i> Are you kidding me,</i> <i> hanging out with you guys?</i> <i> A great year for you.</i> <i> Yeah, it's been a blessing,</i> <i> I just can't do nothing but thank all my fans,</i> <i> I just appreciate all the</i> <i> support, it's been incredible.</i> <i> And the winner is Chris Brown.</i> [audience screaming] [inspirational piano music] <i> I'm gonna try to keep it short,</i> <i> they got the countdown on the prompter, so,</i> <i> I'm kind of, totally, I would have given it to Coldplay,</i> <i> but, I'm really, I'm lost for words,</i> <i> I just wanna say, thank all the fans,</i> <i> 'cause I love you with all my heart, I just--</i> <i> Thank you.</i> You know, I went from being on top of the world, <i> number one songs, and, you know,</i> being kind of like America's sweetheart, you know, to being public enemy number one. [booming] [creaking] [high-pitched tone reverberating] [female reporter]<i> Prosecutors have charged singer Chris Brown</i> <i> with two felonies, including assault...</i> [female reporter 2]<i> Allegations</i> <i> of domestic violence.</i> [female reporter 3]<i> Has damaged his squeaky clean image.</i> [male reporter]<i> Allegations turned more serious, much more violent.</i> <i> Grammy Award nominee has just posted bail</i> <i> on criminal threat charges.</i> [Chris]<i> I think I was about 15 the first time we actually met.</i> It was a at show, I think a Z100 show, in New York, and we were, I'd been hearing her, like, her music and stuff, from, you know, the radio, it was a big number one hit. And I was just sitting there, I was like, man, <i> okay, cool, I wanna see what she look like, I wanna meet her,</i> <i> I seen her videos, I know she cute.</i> So, you know, I saw her at the showing, and she was like, hey, what's up, how are you doing? She had an accent, I was like, never heard that before, that kind of sound good, you know what I'm saying, so I said, you know what, let me talk to her, and see what she talking about, just to be cool with her, we exchanged information and stuff like that, and through passing we would be on the same shows. <i> She would always,</i> <i> like, would perform,</i> <i> and then would go sit in the crowd.</i> She watched my show, so I was, like, nervous, I was like, did she like me, I didn't know if she'd like me or not, but I was just like, she really watching the shows, so she actually must like my music. So, from then on we just became friends, and friends kick it more, we'll kick it, nothing too serious, but we just had, you know, a good understanding of each other. What's all these dating rumors, Chris, yes, no? I would just keep it as just, we just doing our thing, just having fun. And just one day I remember, it was like, right before our VMA performance, me and her did the VMA performance, my first ever one, and it was a couple months before that, and I remember staying over at her house, and I was just looking, like, "Man, what are we doing?" She was just like, "What you mean?" I was like, "I'm always over here, like, we like each other, obviously. Let's just, let's just do it," I said, "Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend." She's talking like, "You ain't serious. I don't think you wanna do that." I was like, "Why?" She said, "No, no, you ain't ready." And I was like, "No, I am, I think I'm ready, for real." And so then I was like, I remember, I was like, I think I love you. She was like, she was looking at me like, "What?" Like, did I say the word? You know, so. <i> You know, at that time</i> <i> when we did the VMAs,</i> <i> it was more like we kept our relationship secret,</i> <i> so we had been together for maybe like,</i> <i>I wanna say eight months prior.</i> <i> So, we just kept it to ourselves.</i> We didn't want everybody to know, we just wanted to, you know, just to be like, if they guess it, they guess it, but right now, we love each other, so, I really don't care about everybody else. So, we did the show, and it was like that moment when you got a chance to say, okay, yeah, they're dating, they're talking. <i> At that moment, she had, like,</i> <i> the biggest records out, like, was going crazy,</i> <i> and me, I still was going</i> <i> strong with all my records</i> and new stuff, and we got a chance to do that show, it was kind of like both of us being able to show the world, like, hey, <i> we both are dual talented artists,</i> <i> and we both are gonna</i> <i> make a mark in this world.</i> It was like a fairytale. [laughs] [Terrence]<i> To see Rihanna and Chris when they first started dating,</i> it was magical, you know, and those two, they were kind of inseparable, you know, you would hear about them being in the studio, you would hear them coming into the club together, <i> and it was just, it was just an energy.</i> <i> At that time in our career, being that young,</i> being naive, gullible, but also just happy, just wanting to be everywhere, I mean, there was no other feeling like it. But what hurt with my Rih, it was just like, our power that we had at that age, it was just, it's dangerous, man, like you couldn't go anywhere, like, we couldn't go to a hotel <i> and not have 100,000 fans outside waiting.</i> <i> You know what I'm saying, we couldn't go to any restaurant and just eat.</i> Like real life rock stars at 16 and 17 years old, that's dangerous, because you could do whatever you want. I just think we were like the perfect, like, and bad combination, like, it was just good and bad together, just, ah! <i> I wanna say maybe a year and a half into the relationship</i> with Rihanna I just, I really was serious about it, like, you know, I was always goofy about everything else being a young kid, but, the maturity level I had, and my beliefs of what I wanted and my girlfriend, you know, I wanna marry you, but I want, before we go any further, I just want to be able to be honest and be completely real with you about everything you've ever had a question about or a doubt about. She had asked me, like, when we first started dating, "Have you ever messed with this person?" And this person, she worked for me at the time, and I said, "Nah, nah, nah, man, you know how it is, they just..." I brushed it to the side. One, I didn't want her knowing my business, two, I just didn't know who she would tell if I tell her what I'm doing, you know what I'm saying, so, around the eighth month or maybe like a little bit after that VMA performance, I just broke it to her, I said, "Hey, I wanna marry you, but I wanna be real with you, I wanna be honest with you and tell you, you know, everything, this is what it is. Before we were together, me and this other girl did have sex." My trust totally was lost with her, you know what I'm saying, she hated me after that, I tried everything, like, she didn't care. She just didn't trust me after that. From there, it just went downhill, because, you know, there would be fights, there would be verbal fights, physical fights as well, mutual sides, and this is the first time I get to say anything, and, like I said, I still love Rihanna, but it's, I'm just gonna be honest. We would fight each other, she would hit me, I would hit her. And it never was okay, it was always a point to where we'd talk about it, like, "Yo, what the fuck are we doing? Like, I don't like that, I don't like you slapping me." If I go onstage, I got a scratch on my face, and I gotta explain it, like, "oh no, I fell," or, like, "Or you, if you got a scar or a bruise, you gotta put makeup on it, I feel like shit." I'm not, like, I'm not ever trying to put my hands on any female. Anger or whatever, you have to walk away from the situation. Never, ever, put your hands on anyone. Yeah, that was his girl, you know what I'm saying, so, I feel like, you know, what he went through, it was like a test, and it wasn't so much of the situation, I think it was just a test in life. [Mike]<i> I was just like Chris,</i> <i> I was very successful</i> <i> at a young age,</i> <i> and when you're</i> <i> really successful,</i> I was taught that can't should be a foreign language to you. A no should be a foreign language to you, you shouldn't be able to understand the language of "No," or "You can't." Like, me, I felt like a fucking monster. [female reporter]<i> 20 year old pop star Rihanna is the woman</i> <i> involved in the alleged domestic violence assault case.</i> [Rihanna]<i> I lost my best friend,</i> <i> like, everything I knew switched,</i> <i> and I couldn't control that.</i> <i> So, I had to deal with</i> <i> that, and that's not,</i> <i> that's not easy for me to understand.</i> [Chris]<i> Several years ago when I was about 17, 18,</i> <i> you know, the whole</i> <i> Rihanna incident happened,</i> <i> and a lot of that, that changed my life.</i> <i> That night at that Clive Davis party,</i> <i>and I made sure the person that I was involved with before,</i> <i> I said, "Hey, you can't come around to these places,"</i> and the person comes in. Comes right to the table, say, hey, what's up y'all, and I already knew it's an issue, so I say, "Hey, cool, and they keep it moving and leave," I look over to Rihanna, and she's bawling, she's just crying in the middle, the ceremony's about to start and she's just crying, and I'm like, "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, please, please babe, don't do this, like, don't do this in here, like, I didn't know what her problem is, I swear to God, I didn't know." So, she got over it, she started drinking a little bit, we both were drinking a little bit. We was tipsy, laughing, joking, you know, and then we left. [female reporter]<i> And while</i> <i> just a few hours ago,</i> <i> we saw Chris Brown drive off.</i> <i> According to sources, the alleged fight broke out</i> <i> inside a Lamborghini that</i> <i> was located at Hancock Park.</i> [Chris]<i> As you know,</i> <i> young relationships,</i> any relationships, it's based on trust, but because I told her that, she didn't trust me with any of that. So, I would give her the option that, "Oh, you can look at my phone." So I gave her the phone, she looks at the phone, and there's a message, and it says, "Kill the Grammys, do your thing," and I didn't read the rest of the message, I didn't open it. So she opened the message, and the rest of the message said, "I'll see you at the Clive party." So, all the time she thought I was lying. She starts going off, she throws the phone, "I hate you, whatever, whatever," starts hitting me, we're in a little Lamborghini. You know, she's fighting me, and I'm like, "Look, I'm telling you the truth, I swear to God, you know, I'm telling you the truth, stop it." So then she hits me a couple more times, and I just, kind of just, it doesn't go from translation to, "Let's sit down, I'm telling you the truth," it goes to now I'm fixing to be mean, and be evil, arguing and arguing and arguing. So then, like, I remember she tried to kick me, 'cause like, just her just being upset, but then, I really hit her. Like, with a closed fist, like, I punched her. You know, and it busted her lip, and when I saw it, I was in shock, I was like, "Fuck, why the hell did I hit her?" So, from there, she just spit in my face, like, spit the blood on my face, and I'm like, "Yo," so it enraged me even more, like, it's a real on fight in a car, we driving in the street. So I'm like, "Yo, hey, we tripping, what the fuck, like, what are we doing?" She's trying to grab for my phone, and I'm not giving her my phone to throw it out of the window. So, she grabs my nuts, and when she do that, I actually, I bite her arm, I think, as I'm driving, 'cause I'm still trying to drive. It's just like a petty, stupid fight going on, like, and I'm just realizing it, I'm like, "What the hell am I doing, bro? Like, are you honestly doing this in a car right now? Like, what are we doing?" So I pull over in Hancock Park, maybe less than two, three miles from her house, and I'm just trying to resolve the situation, I'm not trying to fight any further, I don't wanna, like, I love her, I don't wanna hurt my girlfriend. And so, I pull over, and I said, "Look, like, I'm telling you the truth," like, I'm crying, she's crying. I'm like, "I'm telling you the truth, I swear to God, I didn't do it, I didn't know she was fucking coming, I didn't know, I promise." She just didn't believe me, like, she, I just know you lying to me, lying to me. So she takes the keys out of the car, I'm in park, she takes the keys out of the car and fakes like she throws them out the window. I'm like, "What are you doing?" And I get out the car. When I got out the car, I'm looking for the keys, in somebody's yard, and she yells out, out her door, "Help, he's trying to kill me." I said "Stop, like, we're gonna get in trouble." So, I'm looking for the keys, she's sitting on the keys. So I'm like, "You know what, I can't play this game with you." I'm getting my bags out of the car, she takes my CDs, this is back when I would record on CDs, you couldn't put on your phone when you're in the studio. So I had new music, and she was just scratching it up, I just seen her scratching it up with the keys. So, I saw her, I just snatched the bag, and I was like, "You know what, you got the keys, you can drive home." By this time her lip was busted, she had a knot 'cause I pushed her head up against the window. And, and... you know, a lot of the times, like, <i> I look back at the picture, and I'm just like, "Yo, bro, like,</i> that's not me, bro, that's not, that's not me," like... I just, I hate it to this day, you know what I'm saying, that's gonna haunt me forever. [Rihanna]<i> I was hurt the most.</i> <i> Nobody felt what I felt, it happened, it happened to me.</i> <i> And it happened to me</i> <i> in front of the world,</i> <i> it was embarrassing, it was</i> <i> humiliating, it was hurtful,</i> <i> you know, it's not easy.</i> [male reporter]<i> Chris Brown is accused of assault and battery.</i> [Larry King]<i> You're a great dancer, a great singer,</i> <i> you're popular and known</i> <i> all over the world,</i> <i> do you ever say to yourself,</i> <i> "I screwed up"?</i> Can remember the night when he called me and was in L.A., the incident had happened, and he said, Mom, please come, I just did something really bad. Like, oh my God, what is it? And this was the Grammys, the Clive Davis party we had just left, <i> with him and Rihanna at</i> <i> the table, and I'm like,</i> <i> my heart just dropped, but I had no idea what he was going to tell me,</i> and I get to the hotel, and he's laying in the bed crying and crying, and he was hiding, of course, crying, like, "Mom, Mom," I was like, "What did you do?" and then he told me, I was like... that was the worst day of my life, and probably of his life, because he, I just saw that he was just a broken person. [Usher]<i> There are these</i> <i> moments, right,</i> in every artist's career that they say, "What the fuck was I thinking?" He was laying in bed, he was crying, and he was devastated about what happened, but his main concern was how was she and was she okay. Of course, legal went down and he was arrested, <i>or, well, he turned himself in. So he was just devastated,</i> <i> and just seeing him in that state was the worst ever,</i> <i> and I felt like I was gonna lose my child.</i> I hated myself, you know, I was thinking about suicide and everything else. So, it was just like, fuck. But, from there, I said, "You know what, I'm just gonna take everything that could come, my consequences for my actions have to be dealt with." I turned myself in the next day. [man]<i> When I first met him, he was 18.</i> <i> The male's brain doesn't fully form</i> in impulse control until you're 25. About six years ago last month I got a call from a buddy in New York who said, was the morning of the Grammys, it was a Sunday, <i> it was about 6:30, and my</i> <i> buddy says there's this guy,</i> <i> there's an arrest warrant for him,</i> L.A. P.D.'s looking for him, his name is Chris Brown, and the complaining witness's name is Rihanna. He called me, I think it was maybe an hour or two after it happened, and he was, he was scared, um, like in disbelief, like he couldn't even believe this was even going on. I couldn't believe that. But he was, you know, he was scared. I have been through a lot in my life, but that was the most devastating thing I've ever had to experience, to see the hurt and the pain on his face, and not knowing what was gonna happen to him. [Chris]<i> I look at it in this,</i> in this really, like, how could I be that person? Well, the case, originally, was, an assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threats, <i> various charges like that involving strike offenses</i> <i> for the serious felonies.</i> He wanted to, immediately, take responsibility, wanted to plead guilty. Pled guilty, didn't, didn't argue, didn't say, "Hey, let me fight this case and take it to trial," and just say "Hey, she fought me back," no, I'm not, that's not where my head was at, and that's not where it is now, you know, I loved her, I wanted to protect her because I did too much stuff to her. Like, I did what I did, so, it was wrong. <i> Explain quickly, Mark, what he pled guilty to.</i> <i> Assault, basically, is what it is,</i> <i> a felony assault charge.</i> The hardest person to see, or talk about it to would be... I would say probably my father, you know what I'm saying, my father and my, my real father. I don't want to disappoint my father, because he actually was there for me. For my mom, it was a little bit more closer to heart, because I seen my mom deal with that, you know, firsthand, not from my father, my biological father Clinton Maurice Brown is a great man. But her significant other at the time, my mother's significant other, he was a monster, animal, pure hatred, evil, I've never hated somebody in my life like, if I could kill him, I would. So, I promised my mom one day, I said, "Look, Ma, you know, I know you tell me not to do like crazy shit and hang with these niggas and do what I do," I said, "but when I get 15, I'm gonna kill him. Like, I'm not playing, I'm not not joking, I'm serious. I wanna take his life." So, that's the kind of hatred this guy brings from me, and fear, and stuff like that. So, I'm terrified of this man. I would be at home, you know, he blew his brains out when I was six, but he didn't die, he shot himself in the head, and then he went blind and shit. I was six years old, bro, like, fuck, how does a kid deal with that shit? And then, being that he's physically impaired now, it frustrates him more, so he's in a depression, so, but he takes it out on his girl. His girl happens to be my mom. This is what I had to deal with, like, I had to hear my mom get beat up every night. I had to pee on myself, like, I'm scared, scared to even get up and walk in the hallway, 'cause I didn't wanna see nothing. You know what I'm saying, so nobody knows the fear that they had to deal with, and then it transcends sometimes, it's learned behavior. So, me having to see my mom look at me through that light, I just saw him, that's what I saw, I saw him, I didn't see Chris, I seen that motherfucker. And so, that's what ate at me, and like, that's what killed my soul, because I was the one thing I was running from. Sometimes you try to run away from the one thing that you don't wanna become, and you become it. [Rihanna]<i> The only person I hate right now is him.</i> [comedian]<i> The only thing Chris Brown is guilty of,</i> <i> -a felony.</i> <i> -[crowd laughing]</i> <i> We don't know everything</i> <i> that went down,</i> <i> this is a tough one.</i> <i> You know, he is</i> <i> in huge trouble.</i> [woman]<i> We're not gonna put up with</i> <i> domestic violence as business as usual,</i> <i> and I think we</i> <i> should just take this</i> <i> and keep moving with it.</i> [woman 2]<i> We're not saying I think he should be</i> <i> thrown in jail, we're saying he should get treatment.</i> [Rihanna]<i> It was a weird, confusing space to be in,</i> <i> 'cause as angry as I was,</i> <i> angry and hurt and betrayed,</i> <i> I just felt like...</i> <i> he made that mistake because he needed help.</i> The label, the name woman-beater, is something I would say to somebody. You know what I'm saying, it scares me because that, I would place that judgment on somebody. So, when people say it, I don't get mad at them, I'm more mad at myself, because I feel like I am the reflection of what they're saying. To have that type of success that music brings, <i> people really look at you and look to you</i> <i> for inspiration, for hope, for light,</i> for all of these things, and that pressure can sometimes be so tremendous. You are a rock star, you live in a world where they want every piece of you, because they need to sell a story. [female reporter]<i> He has said that he feels really bad</i> <i> about what transpired,</i> <i> that he's gonna</i> <i> meet with his pastor, and hope to become</i> <i> a better person, there are reports he's gone</i> <i> to anger management classes.</i> [Mike]<i> Beside that incident, you know,</i> <i> it's like</i> <i> a domino effect,</i> <i> it brings other things that happened,</i> <i> it brings up rage and anger,</i> <i> and we don't understand why we angry,</i> because we're angry because we think people think about us in a certain way. I'm gonna tell you something, let me be honest. I was disappointed, almost felt let down, because I said, this kid could be the great superstar. You say how could I be the best in the world and people still talk about me? And that's just what life is about, overcoming emotional quagmires, adversity, becoming stronger in life, you know. If you didn't experience any kind of emotional conflict with yourself or with anyone else, under the light of this struggle, you just crumble. <i> Sentenced to five years of probation as you said,</i> <i> 180 days of what Judge Schnegg calls community labor,</i> <i> and he has to undergo a domestic violence program</i> <i> for one year.</i> [Chris]<i> The first time</i> <i> I walked in the courtroom,</i> <i> I was super nervous, you know.</i> I never even did jury duty, so I was like, "Man, I don't know what's gonna happen here, I'm not used to this environment." This is a guy who's gotten kind of everything he wanted since he was 16 years old. But once you step into a courtroom, you lose all control. They wanted me to do jail time, there was a lot of women's rights groups that were calling in and demanding that I had jail time. You know, I was terrified, man, I was only 17, I think, about to turn 18, and I was like, man, like, I'm about to go to jail, and just have my life turned out, I got out of my situation in Virginia, and made something of my life, and I'm going right back? -Like, that's how I felt.<i> -This is where</i> <i> the process begins.</i> <i> And there has been speculation already by some</i> <i> that this really will end Chris Brown's career.</i> His drive, his enthusiasm, his excitement about everything was gone. It's hard to go from that admiration from the world, to all of a sudden that judgment from the world, and being able to balance that, and understand how to maneuver through that, that shit is not easy. [DJ Khaled]<i> Being on probation is like the hardest thing ever.</i> <i> I know that was a tough time.</i> Any little thing can be a violation. I did go into a deep depression, like I said, for almost, like, three months. Stayed in my room, didn't come out, they would bring my food to the door, my homies would be like, "Come on man, what's up?" And I'd just sleep in bed, stay in bed all day. Some of the greatest artists in the world fell, you know, from that, and they fall to substances and things <i> that just really cloud their judgment,</i> <i> cloud their ability to kind</i> <i> of see their way through it.</i> [Chris]<i> I wasn't sleeping, I barely ate,</i> <i> I just was getting high, I would pop a couple Xanaxes,</i> <i> drink some lean, then just be like, "I'm good,"</i> <i> and be a zombie for</i> <i> the rest of the day.</i> <i> I remember being on video sets and falling asleep,</i> <i> cussing people out, not knowing where I'm at, like,</i> <i> and then I'd wake up</i> <i> the next day, like, "Hey,</i> <i> we gotta shoot the video."</i> <i> They'd be like, "Dude, we shot it yesterday."</i> <i> I'm like, "dang." So, that's when I knew it went bad.</i> And I said, "Hey, man, I'm not telling you nothing that ain't nobody told me, I'm not telling you nothing that Quincey Jones didn't tell me or Oprah Winfrey didn't tell me, I'm just telling you gotta fly away, like, you know, do your thing, have fun, but just always remember that if the people that are around you don't have a risk like you do, it's probably not, it's probably, probably not cool." The more light we get, the more we have to hide our demons. <i> That's pretty much a deterrent to see who we truly are,</i> <i> the light, the light is the demon,</i> <i> it's blinding you from seeing him.</i> The elephant in the room is the fact that there's been some very tumultuous things that Chris has experienced in his career, right? Well, I'll talk about it. Everybody has shit that they go through, but not everybody has to deal with it in front of the world. ["Don't Judge Me" by Chris Brown] [overlapping reporter chatter] <i> A loss in fans, or a loss in revenue.</i> <i>Chris Brown doesn't see either,</i> <i> so likely he'll</i> <i> continue on this path.</i> [Chris]<i> One day I just started thinking about it.</i> Well, if they all hate me, I want them to hate me 'cause they can't beat me. ["Deuces" by Chris Brown] <i> ♪ All that bullshit... ♪</i> That next week I went into the studio, and I said, "I don't care even if I don't know how to write, if they don't like my song, I'm just gonna say whatever I feel." Let me just talk about what I'm rocking with. Then you got songs like "Deuces" that will come out. <i> ♪ Girl, yeah ♪</i> <i>♪ That knows just what I need ♪</i> <i> ♪ She knows just what I mean ♪</i> No bullshit. <i> ♪ Three in the morning ♪</i> <i> ♪ You know I'm horny ♪</i> And even throughout that process, I tried to get Rihanna back. I would try to call, and try to, like, "Hey, what's up, man," just like... One time she's like, "Hey, I got a boyfriend, stop talking to me." I was like, "Woah." So I said, you know what, "Cool, let me just be me then." <i>I'm putting all my records out,</i> <i> the pain records, the ones that,</i> when I'm at my lowest point, and it's like, back against the wall, nobody thinks I'm gonna come out the underdog status. And, you know, I got a Grammy off of those records. <i>I don't know, man, I'm nervous, I don't know what to say.</i> <i> Team Breezy, man,</i> <i> it's all for you, man,</i> <i> all my fans back home,</i> <i> I love y'all, so.</i> [audience screaming] <i> We got one. Thank you.</i> About that time, I was able to meet somebody else. <i> Her name's Karrueche, I met her,</i> <i> you know, and she kind of got me through the times.</i> <i> I was like,</i> <i> "You know what, cool,"</i> <i> I'm really cool with not turning up as much.</i> I still, I mean, I still did, you know, I would only do that only because I didn't know how to cope with dealing with being in love with her <i> and Rihanna at the same time.</i> What would the Chris Brown sitting next to me right now tell the Chris Brown one year ago? Um... Make some wise decisions, brother. I would definitely look at myself a year ago and be like, "Man, like, really, really, like, don't take this for granted. Don't take anything for granted, and don't think you untouchable, you're invincible, because you're not." He has to make that decision to choose who he is, we have to look in the mirror sometimes of life, and decide, do we like who we looking at? And I sometimes don't like who I'm still looking at, but I like him more than I used to like him. At that time, I just was trying to mask my real feelings. My life was just slowly going downhill because of my fear, you know what I'm saying, and my insecurities, and me not being, me not really manning up. So it's 2010, we've decided that we're going to have Chris Brown do... the year after, the year anniversary, Jackson tribute. But there's one tribute, one tribute performance we've yet to see. And the crowd knew exactly who it was, and there was this murmur that built, <i> and the lights drop out, and,</i> Chris hit the stage. ["Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson] It was so surreal, man. I was hosting BET, that for everyone was just a moment in time where it was just, Chris was going through a thing. <i> And so, therefore, it really hurt him.</i> [sobbing lyrics] <i>It was lot of things happening,</i> <i> first of all, we were giving</i> <i> Michael Jackson a real,</i> <i> great sendoff, a passing of the torch, if you will.</i> <i> And then he poured his heart into it, man.</i> <i> ♪ I'm starting with the man in the mirror ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm asking him to change his ways ♪</i> <i> ♪ No message could have been any clearer ♪</i> <i> ♪ If you wanna make the world a better place ♪</i> <i> ♪ Take a look at yourself and then make that ♪</i> <i> ♪ Change ♪</i> <i> ♪ Change ♪</i> [Stephen]<i> Chris Brown was there to prove something</i> <i> that night, that he</i> <i> belonged on this planet,</i> <i> that he belonged on stages.</i> [Jamie]<i> No matter what you think about Chris Brown,</i> <i> when he starts to dance and sing,</i> <i> he has that light, he has that fire that,</i> that lightning rod-ness of a career. So, I think that sobered a lot of people up, like, you know, you can only do so much, you can only give so much, sometimes you gotta step back a little bit and just decompress. Everybody's human, and everybody makes mistakes, and if God can give us mercy, why can't we have mercy on each other? <i> You may have heard about Chris Brown's appearance here</i> <i> on GMA on Tuesday, he and I had a brief interview,</i> <i> and then he performed a</i> <i> single from his hit new album,</i> <i> and it's what happened after that performance that unfortunately made headlines.</i> <i> Chris Brown did become very angry backstage here in our studios,</i> <i> talking about his past clearly touched a nerve,</i> <i> and his behavior now has everyone talking.</i> The<i> Good Morning America incident, man.</i> Chris Brown, riding high, brand new CD out,<i> F.A.M.E.,</i> <i> it's out today, already</i> <i> has three number one hits,</i> <i> a fourth one climbing the charts,</i> and the album is number one on iTunes today. It's a far cry from the last time the two of us sat down, just months after he pled guilty to felony assault. He took responsibility for hitting his then girlfriend, <i> Rihanna, and has spent the</i> <i> last two years rebuilding</i> <i> his life, Chris Brown, how are you?</i> I'm pretty good, yeah, everything's good, yeah. That morning, I remember my album had just came out that day, was supposed to be a big promotion 'cause, you know, all of the songs were doing great, "Deuces," "Look At Me Now," all these big records, "Yeah 3x," it was so many records that, that were kind of just elevating and transcending life instead of the negative that was in my life. So, that morning I remember, and I always do this on prep before any interview, I would say, "Hey, look, these are the terms and conditions of the interview, you cannot ask this question, you cannot ask this question, and we need you to sign off just so we can take legal action if you do." And thank you for sitting down for just a moment for, it's all about the music, your fans are here, but you have been very good about talking with me a little bit about this because we've gone through it and talked about it when I went to your home. What's going on now is that recently the restraining order against you that Rihanna had issued has been relaxed. I always danced around the topic, I always would dance around it, and I didn't know how to deal with it, my self esteem was a big insecurity within myself. [interviewer] Have you all seen each other, been around each other? I mean, not really, I mean, it's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation, I think I'm past that in my life, and I think today's the album day, so that's what I'm focused on, so everybody go get that album. That was so intense to me, and I felt like it was a slap in the face, like, you want me to be this person on TV, you want me to be that person, you still want me to be the monster. <i> -F.A.M.E.,</i> F-A-M-E. -Yeah. What does that stand for? F.A.M.E., forgiving all my enemies, and definitely, fans are my everything, and that meaning, like, you know, being able to go through everything I went through and show my fans that I love them, you know, that's what it is, and fans are my everything. You could see me getting agitated. You could see me in there kind of getting frustrated. [interviewer] Well, you said forgive all my enemies, who do you consider your enemies? Just anybody, naysayers, haters, I just think, you know, being positive and promoting that is what I'm about now, and that's what I wanna do. I was like, clenching my jaws, and, trying to play it off. Yeah, but you could understand how some people you know, that was very serious, what you went through. It just was killing me because she was depicting the monster that I thought I was. Have you been able to, how have you been able to, -put that-- -I've been focusing on this album, you know, I think this album is what, you know, I want people to hear, and I want people to really get into, so, definitely this album is what I want them to talk about, and not that stuff that happened two years ago. I understand that, I understand that. So I lash out, and it's like an unconscious, like, impulsive, like, demon. <i> I just walked off stage, and when I walked off stage,</i> in the back room, I broke down. I took my shirt off, I was crying in the middle of the floor, like, I was mad, punching the wall, like, so enraged. I remember one of the security guards that worked there ran up, I said, "Bro, if you come in, it's gonna go bad for you." [male reporter]<i> Shattered window which Chris allegedly</i> <i> destroyed after he stormed off the GMA stage.</i> And they think I threw a chair through the window. I punched the window. Through my anger, I didn't know how hard I hit the window, and it actually shattered, and I was like, fuck. I just remember just leaving the building, I said, I gotta leave the building before I do something else. <i> And I just remember</i> <i> running outside. Me hopping in a van,</i> you got pictures of me with my shirt off in the middle of the street, and, like, I was crazy, man, that's like psycho behavior. I think Chris has gone to the bottom at some point in his career, or at least he's felt that way. When you're Chris Brown and you're that big, -you know, it's the biggest camera on you at all times. -[Chris] Fuck $10, -give me my key. -[security] Let's go, let's go, You gonna turn this whole spot up. -Promise you. -We got it right here, we got it right here. [female reporter]<i> Fighting with singer Frank Ocean,</i> <i>reportedly over a parking spot.</i> [female reporter 2]<i> According to reports,</i> <i> both Chris and Drake were hanging out in the V.I.P.</i> <i> section one minute, the next,</i> <i> fists and bottles were flying,</i> <i> leaving the club completely trashed, several people hurt.</i> I definitely think it's extremely important to walk away from a situation before anger gets the best of you because everything after that is a consequence. You have to focus on the choices you make, and me, I was a fuck it kind of dude. So it was like, I didn't give a fuck, so I'm like, "Fuck it, I don't care. Fuck it." That mentality though only lasts for so long, then you go to jail. <i> Chris Brown, he's in a Washington, D.C. jail this morning,</i> <i> charged with assaulting a man early Sunday morning</i> <i> outside his hotel.</i> <i> Paula, this is a serious charge,</i> <i> and Brown already on probation</i> <i> on domestic violence charge.</i> Karrueche broke up with me, and I was like-- and I didn't know how to deal with it at the time. And I just was angry, so when I got to D.C., that's when I caught that case, I broke one of the guy's nose. <i> Chris Brown in jail this morning,</i> <i> and could face the reality of prison time</i> <i> after this latest incident, his third run-in of the year.</i> <i> The victim says in the police incident report</i> <i> he attempted to get</i> <i> into a photo with Brown,</i> <i> and the rapper said, quote, "I'm not down with that</i> <i> "gay expletive,</i> <i> I feel like boxing."</i> Brown then punched Parker in the face. That caused me to check myself into rehab, you know, I checked myself into rehab for anger management. [female reporter]<i> Hopefully</i> <i> rehab will be a new start</i> <i> for the singer, he seemed to be hinting at that</i> <i> in this recent tweet.</i> <i> In order to go where you have never gone,</i> <i> you have to be willing to go where you have never been.</i> I tried to figure out what makes me tick, what makes me this aggressive, why do I have to be this impulsive, why am I this person? [male reporter]<i> I think that this being his third violation,</i> <i> the judge is probably</i> <i> gonna throw the book at him.</i> [ominous music] [Usher]<i> Everybody has some tumultuous thing</i> <i> that happens in their career.</i> <i> The way you rebound from that</i> <i> is what makes you who you are.</i> If you didn't have something to go through, it wouldn't be worth it when you got to it. [female reporter]<i> Chris Brown</i> <i> has checked into rehab.</i> <i> The singer's rep announced Tuesday night</i> <i> he's chosen to enter</i> <i> a facility.</i> <i> His goal is to gain focus and insight</i> <i> into his past and recent behavior,</i> <i> enabling him to continue</i> <i> the pursuit of his life</i> <i> and his career from a</i> <i> healthier vantage point.</i> [Chris]<i> During that time, I had to do community service,</i> <i> and go to the rehab.</i> Rehab helped me, to a degree. Not to discredit anybody or everybody, you know, I think because of my lifestyle and who I was, I was envied a lot by even some of the staff and some of the people that worked there. [male reporter]<i> Chris was thrown out today</i> <i> for breaking internal rules, and sources are telling us</i> <i> that Chris had an inappropriate,</i> <i> is how we're being told, a relationship with a worker there.</i> So, I get a call up to the office, they said, somebody wants to speak to you, so I walk up to the office like, okay, cool. Seven cops just come out, drawing guns, drawing, get down, get on the ground. I'm like, "What the fuck did I do?" So, the woman, I guess, she lied and said that I talk about, I talked about threatening with knives and guns, and I like to hurt people for fun, or whatever it is. If you look at any of the reports in the whole time I've been there, there's never been no incident of me saying anything like that. I said, "Why would I even randomly joke about that?" You know what I'm saying, so, I could see that it was, somebody set me up, so, automatically, they called my P.O. and said, we kicked him out of rehab. And then the judge said, "Well, go pick him up." County jail, here I come. <i> I don't think that</i> <i> there's any doubt</i> <i>that Chris Brown is not guilty,</i> <i> and we want him to be found not guilty.</i> <i> He'd been there for 90 days,</i> <i> he was making</i> <i> tremendous progress,</i> <i> you know, do you have a bad day?</i> <i> I have bad days sometimes.</i> <i> Do you say things</i> <i> you'd like to take back?</i> <i> I certainly do, so, I don't know that</i> <i>being in a therapeutic session,</i> <i> and you're talking about your reflections,</i> <i> and you say one sentence, means you go to jail?</i> <i> Seems to me to be counterproductive to therapy.</i> [ominous tones] [Chris]<i> Jail was like</i> <i> an eye opener, man,</i> <i> once you get in there with real killers,</i> <i> once you get in there with real murderers</i> <i> and real rapists, child molesters, and, you know,</i> all of the worst, you get a chance to understand what it is, and how blessed you are. [Joyce]<i> It feels like you're hopeless,</i> <i> although when he was in jail, I was there every other day.</i> The judge gave me permission to go in with his attorneys, and that was uplifting for me, 'cause everyday I'm calling the attorney, could you please go with me today, could you please go with me, I just wanna see him, because I said, just to get him out of the cell. You get out on, like, the end of the week for an hour, you go to the roof and they will put you in a cage, like, you wouldn't be out with the regular people and playing ball, you would be in a cage with a dip bar and a phone. You understand, I mean, couldn't sit down, there was piss, shit, like, people would shit right on the floor. It wasn't sanitary, you know, it was jail, at the end of the day. But you had to either adapt, and kind of learn how to mentally be content with being in a stationary one spot, that was horrible. But, seeing him chained to the table was one of the most devastating things, to chain his arms up to the table, and, you know, I just, like, it broke my heart, but I couldn't cry. I was like, "He can't see me crying," because I see him, he come in there like, "I'm so happy to see you, glad to get out of the cell." Even with them extraditing me, I had to go to court in D.C. and get on Con Air. I mean, they shackle you from your hands to your feet around your waist and you walk, and you walk right in a line, and you know, marshals with real pistols and tasers. The idea that somebody would be bused by the feds cross country for a misdemeanor case, was probably unparalleled, I mean, it wouldn't be done absent being Chris Brown. For me, certain jails that I went in didn't have isolation for, you know, high class or whatever it is, so you go into solitary, you go in the hole. So, I would be in the hole most of the time. So, people don't understand what the hole is. You're in a room with a metal door and no windows, like, metal door, and you is in the room. You can touch both sides of the wall, and the bed's metal. You get a cot, but it's like, it's nothing, it's like, thinner than your sock. They'll bring you your food, slide it through the door, and that's it. I would draw mirrors on the wall, just anything, that I was being creative, just keeping my mind going. I got a chance to really read the Bible at that time, I never read the Bible in my life. I was amazed at the way he dealt with the custody time, going to jail. For me, that was a real big learning experience for me. What I respect about him, that he weathered the storm. [Chris]<i> Just calling all my fans, y'all know I love y'all,</i> <i> I thank y'all</i> <i> for all the support.</i> <i> Thank you for everything, you know,</i> <i> the video just came out, so I hope y'all enjoy that.</i> <i> And most importantly, Kae, Karrueche, I love you.</i> I've looked at that experience again, but it goes to that old adage, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. Throughout that time, it just, it just was an eye opener, and I just looked at myself like, this ain't my life, this is not what I do. <i> I think pain is our strength, struggle is our victory.</i> <i> Even me being</i> <i> a young black man,</i> or anybody that's oppressed or, or been looked less of, or kind of like, you know, thrown out to the wolves, I just think our pain makes us fearless, you know? Because it's not, you don't have a choice. Well, when they say you at the bottom, right, there's nowhere to go but up, always. <i> ♪ Thought it was over Let me see ♪</i> [female reporter]<i> The controversial singer was released</i> <i> early Monday in Los Angeles,</i> <i> according to authorities.</i> <i> As a refresher, he's been in lockup since March,</i> <i> when he was arrested for violating the rules</i> <i> of a court order to rehab center.</i> I was released from jail I think July 6th, and it was a Sunday, I just remembered, I was like, "Woah, they came and got me," I kissed the ground when I got out and everything, <i> went to Burger King, went, I like, I got every, I was like,</i> eating every burger you could name, and then I went to my girlfriend at the time's house, Kae, 'cause my house was actually, I just didn't want to go to it, so I was staying at Karrueche's house. [DJ Khaled]<i> While Chris Brown was locked up,</i> <i> them fans was fighting.</i> And when he came home, he came home with a celebration, <i> and that's what it's about</i> <i> when you in jail,</i> <i> you have a number one record, and the people got love,</i> <i> they love Chris Brown.</i> ["Loyal" by Chris Brown] [indistinct lyrics] <i> ♪ These girls ain't loyal ♪</i> <i> ♪ Whoa ♪</i> <i> ♪ These girls ain't loyal ♪</i> <i> He did his jail time, came home like nothing.</i> Went straight in the studio, <i> and he come home and put massive hit records,</i> <i>you gotta be strong to do that.</i> <i> ♪ You can tell by the way I walk that I got 'em ♪</i> <i> ♪ Bail any girl that I wanna ♪</i> <i> ♪ Got bitches and marijuana ♪</i> You know, Chris is a one in a million type artist, you know what I mean, you don't meet a lot of people with that type of blessing and that type of gift. <i> He's like, really, he's figured out how to, like,</i> <i> really explain what he's goin' through in life,</i> <i> and not just like</i> <i> write a catchy song,</i> but make something that really is what he's going through. [female reporter]<i> Chris Brown is climbing the charts</i> <i> with his newest album.</i> X<i> was delayed through court dates and rehab</i> <i> following Brown's arrest from</i> <i> beating ex-girlfriend Rihanna.</i> <i> He spent three months in jail and says he learned from the experience.</i> <i> For me and my spirit, I just wanted to be able to kind of like,</i> <i> you know, have some peace,</i> <i> and be able to chill</i> <i> and do what I love,</i> <i>because I was blessed with this opportunity and this talent.</i> <i> So, I don't want to waste it.</i> Once I really changed my life and mentally started making cognitive decisions, that would better my living and better my standards, you know, a lot of things started opening up for me, you know what I'm saying, even with just me being just happy, you know? Me being internally happy. And everything was good, you know, and I didn't even know about my daughter. [tinkling music] [baby cooing] <i> During me and Karrueche's break up,</i> like August or September is when my child was conceived. As the time goes on, I'm on this tour, <i> this big tour we doing,</i> <i> I get a phone call from a girl crying,</i> and I'm like, "What's up?" And I'm like, "What's wrong with you?" And she's like, "Yo, he's not the father, you the father of the baby." At this time, I'm in a relationship, <i> trying to get my girl pregnant at the time,</i> I'm trying to do the right thing as a boyfriend and not cheat, not mess with no girls, none of that stuff. So, I'm like, "Woah." [baby yelling] She came, I looked at the baby, as soon as I saw her, I was like, "She looks just like me, that's my kid." Say, what's up? Oooooh. So, once I found out, I guess somebody leaked, like, the story to TMZ, or whoever they leaked it to, and say, "Hey, boom, Chris has got a secret baby," and my lawyers called me 30 minutes before the story, the story dropped, like, "Yo, they're about to run this story, they already caught us, told us they're running it, you got anything you wanna say?" I'm like, "What, no, I ain't even around my girlfriend," like, I'm trying to, I need her here so I can sit her down and have a real face to face conversation, and really be honest with her and let her know. 30 minutes, boom, it's on everything. [female reporter]<i> So, reports have been swirling</i> <i> that Chris Brown is secretly the father</i> <i> of a nine month baby girl.</i> I'm calling her, I'm like, "Look, listen..." She's looking at it as I'm calling her. She's screaming at me, "What the hell is this shit, boy, you ain't shit, I'm tired, it's over with..." Done. [female reporter]<i> Karrueche Tran has confirmed this whole thing</i> <i> on Twitter and dumped Chris Brown in one swoop.</i> <i> One can only take so much,</i> <i> the best of luck to Chris and his family.</i> <i> No baby mama drama for me.</i> Ended that relationship, you know what I'm saying? And, like, I love my daughter unconditionally, like, nobody come before her, you know what I'm saying, God made her, you know, for me, I think. What you see? It's a top. Don't eat the top! <i> Nobody coming in between me and her. I love her with all my heart,</i> I wouldn't trade her for nothing. Chris is just a really caring guy. <i> He's always been that person,</i> <i> and he looks after everyone,</i> and before he had a baby, before Royalty was Royalty, <i> it's about time people see that Chris is who Chris is,</i> which is a loving, caring, gorgeous person. Being a father now has caused-- even made me grow up, it made me grow up way more now. [DJ Khaled]<i> Life is,</i> <i> it's a special thing, man, 'cause,</i> you know, it's going hurricane, <i> somebody else would have gave up,</i> <i> you know,</i> <i> he ain't allowed that.</i> My daughter, she shaped me to be like a real... man. That's what it's all about, 'cause we can only be entertainers, fighters, for a short duration of time, and after that's over, we're still human beings. <i> We have to improve on being better human beings</i> <i> in order to succeed in life.</i> You know, this is the hardest game we, you know, and hardest goal that we're trying to accomplish, is life. Whatever that is he wants, that's up to him. It's a life lesson, for all of us, because it's affected all of us. If you truly do love Chris Brown, then you felt everything that has gone on with him. The end of the day, it is what it is, it was a, you know, an 18 year old guy who made a horrible decision, <i> and was struggling</i> <i> to learn from it.</i> But, you know, at the end of the day, the amount of scrutiny that he's been under, the amount of haters out there, I think is dwarfed by the number of people that really are supportive of him. [Chris]<i> Today, I am nervous, but,</i> a little bit happier than sad, you know, 'cause usually when I come in and do the whole lawyer thing, go to court, it's always, well, you know, we gonna have some trouble, and Mark always gives me a speech like, I cannot keep saving your ass. So, you know, it's really a better day, now that the probation report isn't horrible, it's actually good, you know, so I'm... nervous but trying to keep it together. You know, I'm gonna get in there and be respectful, polite, and if I get off probation today, it will be a miracle, it would be amazing. [Mark]<i> Well, today I'm hopeful, we'll see.</i> <i> We've got a good report, he just finished his tour,</i> he has completed his community service, all of the things that the judge had asked the probation department to investigate, <i> the law enforcement has given a clean bill of health,</i> <i> he's tested repeatedly clean,</i> his psychiatrist gives him kind of great marks, and I can echo that with the psychiatrist. The breadth and depth of his understanding and self-awareness is light years from where it was six years ago. Right now, this is always nerves, man, 'cause you just never know. Especially in my case and my situation. It's always something, I'm just waiting, hopefully that day is today when all that ceases. Okay, wish me luck. [crowds chattering] [Judge]<i> On the matter of People versus Christopher Brown,</i> case number VA353571, the defendant is present. At this time the court does not find any willful violation of probation. Probation is ordered terminated at this point. Anything further? Nothing further, thank you very much. [Judge] Thank you, council, we're in recess. [Chris] Thank you, Your Honor. [Judge] You're welcome. [crowd chattering excitedly] <i> Anything to say, Chris?</i> I'm off fucking probation! [excited quiet yelling] They terminated my probation, I'm a free man, no more problems, no issues, nothing. I feel great, I don't even know what to say right now. Probably just gonna go to the house, play with my daughter, and, figure it out from there. He is in a spot right now and in a place right now that I couldn't be prouder of him. The court terminated his probation today, which is a monumental feat for him. He's completed everything that he was ordered to do. <i> I think he learned quite a bit</i> <i> while being on probation,</i> <i> I think it was instructive for him,</i> <i> and I think helpful for him, I couldn't be happier,</i> <i> and I'm delighted for him,</i> <i> and we're gonna go celebrate right now.</i> I think my music is gonna be my legacy. But what I want the people to remember me for is my... determination, <i> and I think when my daughter gets older,</i> <i> you know, she'll look at this, and be like,</i> <i> "Man, my daddy crazy, you know?"</i> <i> But, she'll be proud of the man I've become.</i> [Usher]<i> You've experienced the travesty and the,</i> <i> and this traumatic journey back to just being</i> <i> a conversation about music,</i> <i> a conversation about artistry.</i> <i> You know, the fact that he's chosen art</i> <i> as another expressive tool</i> <i> I think is great.</i> [Rita]<i> There's so many opinions in this world,</i> <i> and he is one strong guy to kind of carry it through,</i> <i> and like, take that</i> <i> weight on his shoulders,</i> <i> and still roll with it.</i> [Terrance]<i> This generation, I don't see nobody coming out</i> <i>like him for the next 10 years.</i> <i> Of this century, he's the</i> <i> Michael Jackson, you know?</i> We thank you for this opportunity to be here, to allow us to bless these people with amazing talents and fun, and happy spirits, <i> and all that, thank</i> <i> everybody that's here,</i> <i> I'm glad to see each and everybody in good health,</i> everybody in one piece, now let's do what we came here to do, and give them one hell of a night, without the hell, but you know what I'm talking about. In Your name I pray, amen! [All] Amen! [Jamie]<i> When you're on stage with him,</i> <i> or you're in the crowd with him, and he smiles,</i> <i> to see that kid in him,</i> <i> man, it's, it's amazing.</i> [Jennifer]<i> Chris, right now, is,</i> <i> and probably for the past couple of years,</i> <i> has been so prominent, as far as his influence,</i> <i> and what music is right now.</i> <i> I mean, as it is, he's already one of the greatest of all time.</i> [Stephen]<i> The smile that he lost in those middle years</i> <i> is back in earnest now.</i> [Rita]<i> And what I love and</i> <i> respect the most about him</i> <i> is that he didn't let it</i> <i> mess up his creativity.</i> <i> He didn't let it affect his music.</i> <i> And no matter what people say,</i> <i> he keeps giving us</i> <i> them bangers.</i> [DJ Khaled]<i> That's an icon, I promise you.</i> [Mary]<i> Chris Brown</i> <i> is a special person,</i> <i> when you're that special, your trials are gonna be great.</i> [Mike]<i> Time is the greatest teacher of them all.</i> [Usher]<i> When you see</i> <i> him now, he's just,</i> <i> he's just more of a man.</i> [Joyce]<i> I hope he becomes</i> <i> the biggest superstar</i> <i> in the world, I really do.</i> [inspirational music] [Chris]<i> My legacy is based on...</i> my choice, you know. I choose to be a great father. <i> I choose to be a great artist.</i> I choose to never get in trouble, [laughs] you know. I'm trying, but I'm still human. And for all my love that I get from my fans, and the love that I get from my daughter alone, <i> it's shaping me</i> <i> to become legendary.</i> <i> If there was ever a doubt in your mind,</i> Chris Brown was done, he was finished... I wouldn't bet on it. <i> ♪ Every dream in my head ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's like a mountain that I just keep climbing ♪</i> <i> ♪ And when I get to the edge ♪</i> <i> ♪ I turn around and put that dream behind me ♪</i> <i> ♪ And it never feels the way I want ♪</i> <i> ♪ But I keep on trying ♪</i> <i> ♪ I just keep on trying ♪</i> <i> ♪ Have you been there ♪</i> <i> ♪ Have you seen it all ♪</i> <i> ♪ Have you done this</i> <i> once before ♪</i> <i> ♪ Did they tell you you'll love this life ♪</i> <i> ♪ And all these lights ♪</i> <i> ♪ Now you're lying on the floor ♪</i> <i> ♪ And they know what doesn't kill you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Makes you want it more ♪</i> <i> ♪ And this is your life ♪</i> <i> ♪ Your life, your life ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome to my life ♪</i> ["Welcome to My Life" by Chris Brown] [song continues] [song ends]
Channel: Gravitas Documentaries
Views: 928,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Brown, Chris Brown Welcome to my Life, Chris Brown film, Chris Brown movie, Chris Brown documentary, Usher, Jennifer Lopez, DJ Khaled, Mary J. Blige, Mike Tyson, Rita Ora, Jamie Foxx, Terrence Jenkins, Tyga, chris brown, Chris Brown full movie, Chris Brown free movie, Chris brown Breezy, Breezy, Young Breezy, Chris Brown fame, chris brown documentary, chris brown welcome to my life, chris brown interview, chris brown documentary full, welcome to my life chris brown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 49sec (4789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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