Chopping Corn in Iowa : JOHN DEERE 7250 Forage Harvester

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[Music] [Music] hi big tractor power fans this video comes to you from a northeast Iowa dairy farm what we're gonna watch the farm use their John Deere 7250 self-propelled forge harvester to chop the 2019 corn crop will see this 380 horsepower machine utilize a 15 foot wide 676 Kemper head harvesting six rows of corn per pass will see the forge Harvester filling badger 1250 forged wagons and will see the farms New Holland TG 215 tractor bringing empty wagons out to the chopper and hauling the full wagons back to the farm where we'll see an Oliver 1855 tractor and white workhorse 125 tractor wrapping up the silage to produce feed for the dairy cows so I hope that you'll enjoy seeing and hearing all this forage harvesting action and now let's head out to the field where the work is already in progress [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as the New Holland tg2 15 tractor delivers another badger wagon let's take a look at how the John Deere 7250 backs up and automatically hooks onto the wagon and continues harvesting [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] now let's take a look at the operators perspective of backing up this 175 pto horsepower new holland tractor hooking on to the 1250 badger wagon and hauling it back to the farm to unload back of the farm the corn silage is wrapped in a plastic bag this allows the corn to ferment with almost zero percent spoilage and produces a healthy feed for the dairy cows on the farm the farm uses their 92 pto horse power oliver 1855 tractor to power the Badger 1250 wagons unloading into a Kelly Ryan big bagger and that's powered by a white workhorse 125 tractor let's take a look at these machines at work [Music] typically dairy farms will let the silage ferment in the bags anywhere from 45 to 90 days before they start feeding the silage out to their cows these bags represent one year's worth of feed for the farm and they have to last until the next crop is ready the following season to be harvested and wrapped up and begin the cycle all over again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the John Deere 7250 self-propelled Forge harvester is off to harvest another round of corn and I hope you've enjoyed spending some time on this Northeast Iowa dairy farm seeing their Forge harvesting operations if you'd like to see another video like this one I hope you'll consider subscribing a big tractor power YouTube with its over 1,000 videos of farm machines in action make sure to click on the notifications bell as well so you'll know when the next big tractor power video is released new videos are coming out almost every day from the channel if you have any questions or thoughts about this video please leave them in the comment section below as I try to respond to you every post that is made if you would like to get a preview of what is coming up next on big tractor power YouTube make sure to check out big tractor power Instagram where I share pictures and short video clips of what is currently being filmed in the field as always thank you for watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 114,874
Rating: 4.9122686 out of 5
Keywords: bigtractorpower, INTERNATIONAL 4786 Tractor Headed to a Plow Day, tractor video, tractor, fs19, farming simulator, john deere 6030 tractor, JOHN DEERE S790 Combine in a 1000 Acre Corn Field, tractors plows and harvesters, Big Class 9 Combines On The Move, 2800 acre corn field, JOHN DEERE 4420 Combine Harvesting Corn, Big Iron Tractors from the 60s and 70s, Cool Corn Chopping, NEW HOLLAND 1880 Crop Cruiser, Iowa Corn Harvest with Big Tractor Power
Id: 5Si-VwB1oOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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