Choosing the Right Fly Fishing Reel?

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today we're talking choosing the right fly reel on this episode of q and a friday on fly fish university tv hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of q a friday on fly fish university tv my name is jordan ulrich and i'm super excited about today's question it comes from curtis in seattle washington and he asks i'm looking at getting a new fly reel but there's so many on the market that i literally don't know which one to choose could you shed some insight on this and the answer is absolutely so i'm out on the water right now and there's a couple things to really factor in when you're purchasing a fly reel okay the first one is the size of the reel right so how big of a reel do you need for the type of fishing that you're going to be doing what type of fishing are you going to be using this for okay so one thing that's important is if you need to know how much backing you're going to need on the reel you need to make sure that the capacity is sufficient for the type of fishing you're going to be doing and the size of the rod that you're going to be fishing okay that kind of brings us to the next point is the weight of the reel so you have to think is it going to balance itself properly right is it going to balance itself properly on the rod that i'm going to be fishing a rod that or a reel that's too light or a reel that's too heavy can lead to another set you know problems they can be especially a reel that's too heavy can be very cumbersome uh when it comes to casting the next thing to consider is the arbor size okay so this is the arbor right here uh let's see if i could just take this apart for a second so you can see the arbor on the inside of the reel here okay so that's where the line is actually going to get wrapped onto so typically a larger arbor reel is going to allow you to pick up it's going to it's going to make pickup and retrieve a little bit easier you're going to just get more line in per crank the next couple things are do you want a click paul or a disc drag reel i'm a fan of disc drag reels because i can adjust the tension okay at which that line is going to be coming off the reel uh click paul rails are nice they are very applicable in many scenarios i know lots of people that don't like disc drag rails they actually like to fish the click pull uh it's a lot of personal preference as well depending on the type of fishing the type of species that you're going after okay it's important to note too in trout fishing a lot of times your reel is simply a place to hold the line whereas something like tarpon fishing salmon steelhead the reel becomes very important because you need to have the stopping power to put the brakes on some of those bigger fish that are going to end up taking big long runs that are sometimes you know 1 2 300 yards at a time the last two things for me to factor in would be auditory and visual right so i have to have nice visuals on the reels that i fish i need they need to look good to me they need to look nice to me and the last thing is the auditory okay i like to know that the reel that i'm fishing when i've got a nice fish on the other end and it's pulling line off the reel uh i just need to know that that it's gonna sound nice for me so i hope that this answers a few questions when it comes to picking out the right fly reel because uh there's again there's so many on the market you can it's easy to get kind of decision paralysis a little bit but curtis i hope that this answers your question when it comes to choosing a new fly reel and i look forward to seeing you on next week's episode of fly fish university tv you
Channel: Fly Fish University
Views: 4,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aQenqLS9XBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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